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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 4, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] the vice speaker of the federation council received an offer that could not be refused. vladimir putin asked andrei turchak to return to the executive authorities to take the position of acting head of the altai republic. in any case, this is not turchak’s first gubernatorial chair, recalls nikita. an advanced economy in a medieval setting, the heads of government of the five eac discussed the results of the first ten years and operational tasks from belarus sergei savin. in the northern capital, everything is ready to open st. petersburg international economic forum, the main event in the business political life of the country. his work will be monitored by
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an ntv field studio. it sounds beautiful and menacing about how crews of self-propelled artillery guns work in the southern donetsk direction of the special operation and thanks to what cunning they manage to escape from return fire, evgeniy golovanov will tell. sergei lavrov flew to the congo and held negotiations with the president, as well as with the republic’s minister of foreign affairs. the head of the russian foreign ministry edmund zhalbunov accompanies his working trip to the african continent. an exhibition has opened in memory of the great artist in moscow. hello, you are greeted by the information service of the television company, this is the program today,
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its presenter is ava and igor politaev. invited one of the most prominent representatives of the united russia party to lead the region. first deputy chairman of the federation council and secretary of the general council of united russia andrei turchak will take the position of acting head of the altai republic. the president made this proposal during a working meetings. putin noted turchak’s rich experience in the executive authorities, as well as in the federation council, and set the task, in the time remaining before the elections, to work actively in the republic itself. nikita korzun. read more altai, how much there is in this word, breathtaking flora, mountains of incomprehensible beauty, blue katunya, ultramarine lakes, thousand-year-old legends, the cradle of several civilizations, andrei turchak will now have to deal with all this on a professional basis, i wanted to ask you to return to the executive authorities lead one of the regions, a promising region, especially today, taking into account the rapid development
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and our plans. development of the tourism area, bearing in mind the altai republic. working in the federation council, you perfectly understand the situation in the regions of the russian federation and this too, how do you feel about such a proposal? dear vladimir vladimirovich, i want to say thank you for the trust you have shown, of course, i will do everything not to let you down. a native of altai, oleg kharakhordin, whose gubernatorial powers expire this year ahead of schedule. left the post of head of the republic due to a move to a new job, it is stated in his personal telegram channel. the farewell post points to the main value of the most beautiful place on earth, the people who managed to preserve altai. a good tip for andrei turchak, born in leningrad, especially since he regularly visited the republic before, inspecting the implementation of civil initiatives, the core, social gasification in particular. the altai republic is truly a unique land with great potential, wonderful people live there
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and... on that score, i wish you luck. the work of a governor is not new for turchak; since 2009, he has headed the pskov region, gaining fame as the youngest head of the region. after 8 years he took the post of secretary. general council of the united russia party. in the seventeenth year, he was delegated to the federation council, where he became the first deputy chairman of the upper house. since 2022 , andrei turchak has been closely involved in supporting participants in the special military operation, heading the parliamentary coordination group on military defense issues. among its tasks is social support for fighters of their families, the a wide range of providing objective information from the front line. observers recommend looking at the turkish move to altai from the perspective of a large eurasian partnership. this project is vladimir putin. calls it civilizational, since it is capable of changing the dilapidated political and economic architecture of world relations, it will allow the countries of the eurasian continent to come into harmony, it is altai that is the heart of eurasia and its beating is heard more than ever.
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nikita korzun, ntv. at these moments , final preparations are underway in the northern capital for st. petersburg international economic forum. this is the main event in
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the country's business life. and the forum will be held from the fifth to the seventh. from this word, the multi-modern ntv studio, but i want you to note that at these moments the final preparations for the forum are underway, because tomorrow it will open its doors to several thousand participants from all over the world. yes, this year the main theme of the forum is formulated as follows: the basis of a multipolar world, the formation of new growth points. and the main business program is divided
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four thematically: experts from india, indonesia, south africa, they will be invited to discuss views on the world order that differ from western ones and ways of harmonious development without conflict. the forum in st. petersburg will welcome more than 17 thousand guests, including from abroad, the sultanate of aman will be the guest country, planned business dialogues with foreign partners from brazil, india, china, cis countries, africa, latin america, but in particular the presidents of bolivia and zimbabwe will arrive, with whom, as reported today in the kremlin, vladimir putin is scheduled to have bilateral meetings, but in total, representatives of more than 130 states will visit st. petersburg. well, indeed, a lot of guests will arrive at
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this forum, but unfortunately, not all guests manage to get to the forum, some are simply not allowed in, as, for example, the american authorities did not allow a former us marine corps reconnaissance officer
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and inspector to fly to russia today ritter. the us state department did not want to comment on this incident, but this is how what happened with rieter was assessed in moscow. he a former intelligence officer, so he may be subject to certain restrictions on traveling abroad, especially to an enemy country, and we are now an enemy country for them. just like they are for us, but if he is not subject to any personal restrictions on movement around the world, then, of course, this is another manifestation of such a rabid company to prevent in every possible way us citizens from establishing at least some contacts with the russian federation. well, the head of the russian foreign ministry, sergei lavrov, by the way on this topic spoke even more harshly. he said that what happened with ritter is another confirmation of this. quote that the united states, which calls itself the leader of democracy throughout
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the world, has long become a police state. well, by the way, the forum is not only about economics and politics, there is also an extensive cultural program, for example, competitions in eighteen sports are planned, and just business people, business partners from all over the world will be able to calmly in comfortable conditions communicate. details of the forum coverage will be to cover our tv channel, which is its information partner, at the forum site our tv channel deployed a two-story high-tech studio, in which we are actually now, aina igor, you probably noticed that in appearance it is different from the studio that was there, for example, last year , because well, it is made in a completely new design, augmented reality technologies are used here. thanks to multimedia screens, the image became more voluminous on
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the main days of the forum from june 5 to 7 from the on-site studio will broadcast live episodes of the program today. yes, we, elmira fendeev and vladimir chernyshov, will conduct them for you. well , of course, our large team will help us with this, these include reporters, directors, and technical specialists. by the way, you can follow the events in st. petersburg online on a 24-hour internet channel, which will be... available on our main digital resources and also in applications on the website for example in ntv applications today on the official channel cut on the official also on the accounts of our tv channel in all social networks, where you can see exclusive materials, interviews with speakers, and comments from participants. yes, in general, colleagues, keep your finger on the pulse and we will
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tell you. well, colleagues, we are preparing to follow the news from st. petersburg with you, elmira, vladimir, thank you, from the northern capital, where the st. petersburg international economic forum will begin its work tomorrow, our colleagues, elmira effendieva and vladimir chernyshov , have been in touch with us . and continuing the topic, one news directly related to the economy turkey today expressed a desire to join brix, and its readiness to join. turkish foreign minister hakan fidan told the bloc. he clarified that he was going to discuss this issue with the heads of foreign affairs departments of the brix countries, who will hold a meeting in nizhny novgorod next week. according to the organizers, a dozen ministers from countries friendly to russia have already been invited there. the kremlin said it welcomes turkey's interest in brix and expects to maintain contacts with potential members of this association. development of the eurasian
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economic economy. russia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and armenia show positive dynamics in all main indicators, but there are tasks that still need to be solved; it is noteworthy that the extended meeting. 10 years after the creation of the union,
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the numbers and economic indicators say. since the creation of the union, the volume of mutual trade has almost doubled; agricultural production has increased by more than a quarter, and industrial production by 20 s. extra percent. in the current quarter, these two indicators added about another one and a half and 5.5%. accordingly, and according to the results of last year, the domestic product of the five, you know everything well, these figures increased by 3.8%, overtaking. world rates, average world growth rates. historical allusions are everywhere; the castle, if it ever received such distinguished guests, was perhaps only in the distant past. the owners of the castle are the magnat family. radzevilov was once the richest in eastern europe, and according to belarusian historians, in her time was even richer than catherine ii. he made money from his numerous lands and manufactories, in this sense, the scale and list of issues being discussed here now by the eu prime minister, observers and guests of the union is a fitting place. the day before, until late, the heads of government of the five communicated in a narrow
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format, discussing the most bottleneck, sensitive areas, taxes, customs duties and logistics, these are the big three ya issues. further improvement of customs regulation is also a priority; we spoke about this in detail yesterday in a limited meeting, but primarily to optimize procedures for both sellers and buyers, including through the use of single window mechanisms and green corridors and electronic methods of customs declaration. we are faced with the task of agreeing on an international agreement on a unified customs transit system so that other states can join the already formed union system. this will facilitate the transportation of goods, make it possible to apply a general transit declaration, and of course, track the movement of goods using navigation seals, as well as guarantee payment of customs duties. in essence, we are talking about a free trade zone with third countries. yaas is primarily pure economics.
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the union figure is hanging up a bit, expectations are high, but implementation must be accelerated, both russia and belarus insist on this. is overripe, delay in resolving it will mean the possibility of erosion of integration processes in the union. in the near future, a grain exchange platform and a high-quality logistics breakthrough. modernization reports union transport infrastructure will receive premiers at every meeting of the intergovernmental council, especially on the branch of the
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north-south corridor. yaas is carving out a wide window into south asia, iran and pakistan, respectively. russia supports this one. project, and we understand that if it is implemented in russia, there will also be better opportunities to enter the market of such a densely populated country as pakistan, of course india and of course afghanistan. at the end of may , iran submitted an official note to join the union as an observer if the deadlines provided for by the charter will be met, this could happen as early as december
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of this year. in addition, the asset. during the assault, the fighters were controlled by drones and artillery crews. the assault troops used the proven tactics of moving covertly in small groups. this made it possible to approach the enemy almost unnoticed. as a result, it was possible to liberate the settlements of nitailov and pervomaisk from the nationalists. and in the kharkov region, the russian military evacuated
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civilians who found themselves under shelling from the ukrainian armed forces. every day their houses were destroyed by artillery shells and kamikaze drones launched from ukrainian positions. in the area of ​​the village of urozhaina in the southern donetsk direction. russian artillery strikes the enemy, crews of powerful geotsin b guns destroy strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces, thus supporting the actions of
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assault units. the guns are capable of accurately hitting targets at a distance of over 30 km, which causes serious problems for the enemy. evgeny golovanov talked with the artillerymen. here's proof that how important is camouflage behind me at the front , well, it seems like just some kind of vegetation, bushes and trees. but for camouflage he uses not only such branches, natural vegetation, but also camouflage nets and, by the way, they poured in the rear especially for this unit, the crew for battle, the crew of the hyacinth act quickly in a coordinated manner, they have worked together for a long time, they have been fighting together for many years on this self-propelled gun , everything in place
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in seconds. the gun is universal, there are self-propelled guns and towed guns, they have proven themselves excellent in defense during holding back the enemy's onslaught and during an offensive, they are equally good at dismantling, fortifying and burning armored vehicles. in his vest , the gun commander with the call sign kwoka wears several talismans at once, a toy bear , a trippy doll, a gift from krasnodar schoolchildren, my sister sent this to me, who also found out that i was coming here, she gave it to me on the road so that he would protect me, there is even a small automatic, always with me, always on the go, saves, helps, she is illuminated by the priest in the krasnodar region. before the special operation kwoka was a welder-blacksmith in krasnodar, now forging victory at the front. his colleagues gave him his nickname because of his cheerful disposition. kwoka is
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an australian animal that knows how to smile; now there are more and more reasons for artillerymen to be in a good mood. of course, we are moving forward, of course, everything is moving as it should be, at first we went slowly, now, as far as i know, our comrades are almost approaching kharkov, so, well, naturally. it is joy when we move, when we win. ukrainian counter-batteries are constantly trying to break up the geocinth positions from long-range nato systems, but having opened up, they themselves more often fall under its fire. 15 heel - these are three axes, there are very few of them left now, they are not being kicked out here, because we are hammering them, we are smashing them and they have no options to fight us. when a self-propelled gun is detected by a reconnaissance drone during rolls. all hope is in the driver, he has already learned to deceive the ukrainian artillerymen, when the drone flies, we never go in one direction, we
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maneuver, we go one 300 meters, then immediately turn back so that the enemy the artillery did not focus us and did not tell us where to avoid being hit, after the combat departure everything is in the reverse order, cover the gun, camouflage it again and you can do it for a couple
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of hours... edmund zhalbunov is following the minister’s visit. the arrival of the head of the russian foreign ministry in the congo caused a stir among both local journalists
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and officials. at the allomba airport, oyo city, sergei lavrov was met by a whole. the delegation led by the minister of foreign affairs of the republic, jean-claude gkaso, received a warm welcome in every sense. immediately after arriving from guinea sergei lavrov had a short conversation with his congolese colleague, as they say, on the fly, that is, without leaving the airport without an interpreter. jean-claude gokasso, a graduate of the faculty of journalism, then still leningrad university, and today at the presidential residence in the same oyu, sergei lavrov met with the head of the republic. the negotiations turned out to be intense and were initially held in the tatot-tet format. and then in an expanded format. congolese president denis assoun gueso is an experienced politician. last year, he not only attended the summit in st. petersburg russia-africa, by the way, this was his fourth visit to our country, but after the end of the forum he also held bilateral negotiations with vladimir putin. the russian leader then noted that the ties between the two countries are strong , based on the traditions of friendship, mutual understanding and support. what is this mutual support? first of all, the two countries actively interact at
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the un and other international platforms. republic of congo supports. most russian draft resolutions, including the fight against the glorification of nazism, as well as information security and the non-placement of weapons in space. in addition, branches of leading russian companies and state corporations have been operating in the congo for several years now, the countries are jointly developing peaceful atoms and technologies, but still the basis of the congolese economy is the production and export of oil, and although the population of the entire country is comparable in size to the population of a well-known local minister of st. petersburg, nevertheless, the republic has already become the fourth largest oil producer in the world
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western... french armed forces or simply mercenaries, they represent an absolutely legitimate target for our armed forces. regarding bilateral relations between russia and congo, sergei lavrov and denis sungiso once again assessed the common efforts to strengthen the political dialogue, while the parties noted that trade and economic cooperation between russia and congo has the potential for further growth, as mutual trade turnover indicators are increasing year after year only ... the participants in the negotiations did not forget about cultural connections. congolese students study at leading russian universities, while our country annually provides more than 200 government scholarships for guests from central africa. congo got rid of the status of a french colony in the middle of the last century and, having chosen an ally in our country almost immediately after gaining independence, the republic has not changed its global foreign policy course since then. it is symbolic that just this year, 3
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months before the official visit of sergei lavov
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, the bilateral relations between russia and the congo. the burger is a real sea of ​​​​taste, only delicious , period, on the one hand it is an ozonbank card with which you can receive cashback, on the other hand you can pay. anything and get goods for it for 1 rub. millions of products are even more profitable and cashback up to 25% with an ozonbank card. i promise to accept everything in you, even the ransom amount. go to the pick-up point, even if it’s not on my way, be there and try on the choice until the return separates us. hello, are you picking it up? yes, tell me, the most important thing is, yes, summer discounts, sales on wildberries. i'm going for a walk in 2024, why are you always flying into the past, for my combo, dasha vereshchagina's star combo for 355 rubles. and
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, period. dolphin, new season. today at 20:00 on ntv. moscow coffee shop at the top, a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, the taste is a pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. tex. great choice if everything at home can be painted to protect it! biotex two in one for wood, rust-stop for metal, washable tex for the interior. biotex is ready for the summer season in a new design. fill your summer with bright looks. nazam, swimsuits up to 1,499 rubles. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation. interest-free. the period starts every month, and service notifications are free forever. apply for a credit card and withdraw
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cash without commission. moscow coffee shop on the floors, taste, pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. central television. saturdays at 19:00 on ntv. this is the program today, we continue our release. today in moscow they said goodbye to the outstanding polar explorer, hero of the soviet union and hero of russia, artur chelyangarov. the funeral service took place in the transfiguration church of the cathedral of christ the savior. there were a lot of people there, close friends, scientific athletes, cherlengarov’s colleagues on scientific expeditions, members of the government, speakers of the federation council and state duma valentina matvienko and vyacheslav volodin came. everyone who knew chelingarov personally spoke. he was an example of how to live and how to love your country. arthur nikolaevich, a treasure of the whole world, a man of planetary scale, always
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sought to go to his voters, to provide them with support and to do everything possible. for the state duma, it was not just a deputy, it was part of his life, he invested part of his soul. development of our russian parliamentarism. patriarch of moscow all russia kirill called chelinggarov a hero whose exploits will go down in the history of the country. he really visited the most dangerous places on the globe not out of some idle curiosity, being scientists, researchers who gave all their strength, and, one might say, their lives, to their favorite work. we will remember, we are, i think, not just some group of specialists, scientists, people who are able to appreciate the achievements of the deceased, but our people.
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because the accomplished feats will undoubtedly go down in the history of our fatherland. chelengarov was buried at the novodevichy cemetery. he died last saturday after a serious illness. he was 84. his biography includes many scientific and technical management achievements. he more than once led risky expeditions to the arctic and antarctic, and did what no one had managed before. he received the title hero of the soviet union for his rescue.
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search engines, for him it was a personal tragedy, since during one of the german attacks his mother was killed, svyatoslav gordin spoke with audible by sound, when there is a stone, iron or even a bone you can identify, veshinskaya on the right bank of the don a search expedition is working, personal items . those that can be identified, most of all shell casings, long rusted, solid sand, trenches made of it, small ravines, trenches, the remains of soldiers are found among the trees, the forest was here during the war, this is the level at which the bone remains were located, that is, it is literally up to 30 cm, the maximum, this has already passed 80 years, the war comes here in july forty-two , hitler is rushing to stalingrad, units of the red army defeated near kharkov are retreating to the don, you need to cross to the left. river bank,
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german planes appear in the sky, first reconnaissance aircraft, the north of the rostov region was not occupied, but the village of vershinskaya remained a front-line zone for almost six months, there were battles here, the village was bombed, and during one of the air raids, mikhail sholokhov’s mother, anastasia danilovna, was killed. they fought for their homeland. sholokhov began writing the novel back in forty-two; the second episode of the film of the same name
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by sergei bondarchuk begins with the scene of the bombing of the crossing. one of the officers who reached berlin will write in his memoirs after the war that he didn’t see anything worse than that bombing, all these dots are standing cars that were already burnt out. they were unable to evacuate them. search engine andrey popov shows the museum, exhibits of which were collected during the expedition over several years. every year , searchers from all over the country come here to participate in the memorial. weapons, photographs, documents, the central part of the exhibition, a picture about the events of july 12. those who died at the crossing were buried in a hurry, in ravines and trenches. search engines are now finding the remains of red army soldiers, sometimes personal belongings and documents. the fighters who managed... hide
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names were considered missing, several dozen dead were found, the remains of 40 people were reburied this year, documents that would record losses during the bombing have not been found, not yet, maybe somewhere deep in the archives they can be found in the future. near vyoshinskaya there were three enemy armies, germans, italians and romanians, not far from here was the village of yalandskaya, in the same summer of 1942 several
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red army detachments. great artist, an exhibition dedicated to alexander vertinsky opened in moscow, what did you do 3 days ago, if the question seems difficult, advice can help, it helps restore memory and attention, to make your head work, on the one hand, this is an ozonbank card with which you can receive cashback, on the other hand, you can pay for anything and receive goods for it for 1 ruble. millions of products are even more profitable and cashback up to 25% with an ozonbank card. say yes to summer discounts on wildberries. take care of yourself and your beauty. create bold and expressive
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looks by choosing hair care cosmetics at competitive prices at wildberries. i'm walking in 2024. why are you? all the time you fly into the past, for my combo, star combo by dareshchagina for 355 rubles. and this will continue for a long time until june 16 at a delicious point, dad, thank you for inviting me, and i want to invite you too, apply for a black calf card, i will receive 1500 rubles, and you will receive great banking service and 500 rubles. daughter, you! invite a friend to get a tinkov black debit card before june 30 and receive 1,500 rubles, and the friend will receive a 500 ruble bill, and drink me like tenkov invited, of course, mom, tinkov, he’s the only one, this is the ecology
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waffle bar 399, only in alfabank, spin the drum in the application and get a supercake up to 100%. repair on the one hand, this is an ozon bank card, with which you can pay for anything and receive cashback, on the other hand, this is an azon bank card, with which you can pay for anything and receive goods for 1 ruble, it’s so multifaceted, choose what
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is beneficial to you , millions of goods on ozone for 1 ruble or cashback up to 25% in rubles for any purchases with an azonbank card. this is the program today, we continue our release. in kazan named the most popular sports at the brix games among fans. these are badminton, boxing, table tennis, diving, synchronized swimming, as well as artistic and rhythmic gymnastics. tickets for the finals of these competitions have already been sold out, although there are still a little more weeks left before the start. the first brix games will open on june 11 and... 2 minutes after this coaching instruction , gymnast lala kromarenko will again force young
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fans to follow her every move with wide open eyes. she will win in one day three finals of the competition of the strongest in the luzhniki stadium, taming the ball and hoop of the mace like a champion, and then he will worry whether brix will get into the national team for the games. now we'll see if i make it there or not. these games are always important because they are something new and interesting. well, i can’t say for sure, i don’t
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know how it will be. that’s why tickets at the box office are flying out very quickly. 97 countries have already confirmed their participation in the kazan sports forum. russia will be represented by the strongest. table tennis is no exception. from the idea of ​​sending to kazan decided to give up the second numbers. only the elite are welcome at the brix games. kirill skachkov has been with the national team for almost 20 years, training and playing with the fourth generation of athletes. i haven't lost my motivation. the pressure of
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young people is not yet controlled. for a two-time... i have no doubt that china will bring a very strong squad, because china comes to any tournament in table tennis, they have one goal - only gold, there will be three national equestrian disciplines at once... maybe he won, at full gallop in half cutting a hanging orange is a fascination
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attempts are a dream, well, before, just last year it would have been considered, to pierce and lift a peg located on the ground with a spear or saber, an art on the verge of sport and circus, it is passionate about in dozens of countries around the world, we have our own masters who are ready for the ultimate dispute in kazan with magicians from bahrain, india, iran. the difficulty lies in the concentration of the rider, at full speed of the horse to hit the peg. on the ground, which reaches up to 2 cm, and of course, in training we also use two-centimeter pegs for games in order to to lift them with a spear and cold steel, almost 500 athletes, over 380 sets of medals and a new chance for russian sports stars to show themselves to the world, june in kazan will be hot. kiril kiknatsi, natalya levchenko, stanislav skripnik, konstantin korgin, tv broadcaster. sochi, kazan, moscow. and now the latest news:
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vladimir putin is holding a meeting with... minister of agriculture oksana lut reported that today 90% of the planned areas have been sown, despite unfavorable weather conditions, the forecast for the grain harvest has been preserved, exports are estimated at 60 million, and our own production. in moscow, where cultural life does not stop even in summer, an exhibition dedicated to alexander vertinsky opens. it so happened that the artist who personified more than one era.
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alina repina will tell you what kind of history the current exhibition tells and what artifacts can be seen. your fingers. what is worth just the passage about his parents’ house, he writes that this house was located between floriculture and the anatomical theater, that’s why the street smelled alternately of flowers and corpses. alexander vertinsky was born in kiev in 1913 during the famine. moved to moscow, wandered along the boulevards and actively used now prohibited substances. i really like the story of how vertinsky decided to quit. one day he left his apartment on tverskaya 12, got on the tram and saw alexander, sergeevich, pushkin, the same one who was the monument, getting on the tram after him. pushkin began to hand the conductor old money, and vertinsky said to him: alexander sergeevich,
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they won’t take them from you, they’re old, but pushkin tells him: don’t worry, they’ll take them from me. after this, vertinsky decided to quit. there are old posters and photos, records, letters, and medical instruments. vertinsky went to world war i as a medic voluntarily. and in 1920, with the remnants of baron wrangel’s army , he sailed to constantinople on a ship. this began his twenty-five year immigration. where were poland and romania, palestine and turkey, the united states and china. vertensky sang in taverns and for princes; for example, he loved the tanga magnolia. in emigration, vertinsky missed his homeland and many times asked for permission to enter the union; in
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1943 he received consent. in the forties, vertinsky returned from emigration to the soviet union and... they were given an apartment again at tverskaya 12, but a different one, the address sounded pompous, but the apartment itself was modest, three rubles a little more than 60 m, and one of the rooms was occupied by this chic office, the furniture here is antique, vertinsky’s wife lydia recalled that her husband was very fond of beautiful things and made a special trip to leningrad, to go to thrift stores and look for all this beauty, because it was
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cheaper in leningrad than in moscow. there is still no monument to vertinsky in moscow or his museum, the apartment on tverskaya 12 has been sold and is in someone else’s private property, the museum of literature hopes that the situation will change in the future, the exhibition
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is called vertinsky. not always painless, but rains are very necessary now, to quell the fire danger, firstly, and the plants are exhausted from a lack of moisture, besides, the warmth remains with us in a good, calm summer option, already without temperature excesses, and just to restore this temperature justice, cyclones began, they cannot live without rain, and cyclonic activity on the russian plain does not subside, the atmosphere is seething, from the northern regions to the black soil, tomorrow again short-term rains of a focal nature with thunderstorms , black soil in the north in some places. persistent hail is possible with the temperature distribution, everything has fallen into place, that is, the further south, the warmer it is in our case. average lane, now good average values, mostly +23-28, are higher in the volga region, in the south already up to 36, even up to forty, these serious values ​​​​are in the lower volga in kalmykia, the level of fire danger in the south
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is the most critical. i will continue after a break. in summer weather, swelling may occur. lymphatic transit helps to reduce. swelling due to the acceleration of lymph movement, take lymphotransit from the evalar company. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphatic transit helps reduce swelling due to... accelerated movement of lymph. lymphotransit evalar - summer without swelling. it's raining in the capital refreshed and washed, tomorrow in st. petersburg it will be +25, there should be no precipitation, in moscow it will be fine, +28 will return for a day, then a little fresher with the usual summer thunderstorms. in general, nothing unusual, everything is traditional. colleagues. thank you, thank you, irina. irina plikova with weather forecast. these are the main news at this hour. we, aina nikolaeva and igor politaev. thank you for your attention,
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see you, goodbye! it's ready, put the rest in the cache, maybe it will come in handy, it's time to move out, you said, no one will die, listen, don't talk,
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if he said it, it means he won’t die. but don’t worry about the first time, yeah, come on, nothing has happened yet, but your mind is already
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blown away, but you’ll give me some space, yes, of course, jump, zhen, you will have a separate assignment, check all the cameras in the area of ​​​​lazarev’s house, i understand, this is according to murder is buried, yes, but what to look for, not what, who, we are looking for a killer, he couldn’t help but show up on at least one of the cameras, check all the cameras, atms, cameras on houses, video recorders in cars, in stores, we are looking for someone anyone, anyone, yes, problem, residents of yuzhnomorsk, construction waste processing plant is a crime against our entire region, against our unique flora and fauna, and it is strange that it was not carried out by the city authorities. neither the law enforcement agencies understand this, i will say more, this is a crime against all humanity, what


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