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tv   Leningrad 46  NTV  June 5, 2024 2:30am-4:06am MSK

2:30 am
are all the cossacks in the circle? that's it, greetings to the ataman, great, there were cossack brothers, great, let's honor the memory of an honest cossack. porola akimova, accept him, lord, gates of heaven, little girl, and you me... frola akimova, on behalf of all
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the honest cossacks of your family, cossack semyon kuzmenko, i accuse you of getting involved with dashing people, deceiving the trust of all honest people cossacks, betrayed his homeland and his family. do you agree with this accusation? i agree, antonina, come here, will you share the fate of your husband if the cossack brothers decide to expel him from communities. i will not divide, i have a son,
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god protect yourself, go to your place, the community will not leave you, i am atoman pyotr lazarev, i propose to expel the cossack semyon kuzmenok from the community. do you like this decision of your ataman , cossack brothers? hats off for prayer! in the name of father and son and the holy spirit. already to his disciples. they walk, it would have been hard for him,
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vaselsky, he would have been thrown into the sea, even if he would seduce one from the little ones, amen, who? my own, hello, solomon, i greet you, plato, where is the teacher, there is no teacher, but grisha where, i’m here, something happened, happened, happened, grisha, we have big problems, where is the teacher, he’s not there, at the funeral, his relative died, what? pasha didn’t make it to tikhvid with the counterfeit money; he was cut right at the station. who did it?
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did you find out? it's getting late already. our man from the crosses said that they took this bastard from the garbage, and, accordingly, the fake with him, this is already bad, very bad, if they start digging for garbage? so that’s why we came, krisha, something needs to be decided, but... it’s necessary, it ’s necessary, that’s it, anya, she’s fighting, that’s it, that’s it, i probably need it. tell you, no,
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there’s no need for anything, dear. how about us, oh, well, semyonich, come on, that’s not what i meant at all, but what i wanted to say was that it would be easier this way, oh, no, darling, you’ve been at least a year in live in the monastery, get used to it, and then we’ll see.
2:36 am
do you know him? this is a killer bandit, we have been looking for him for 2 years. stay here, why, just stay here, petya. let's go, van, wait, don't rush, what do you need, old man, they not only carry wood, but also chop it,
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with an ax, what, they chop wood with an axe, get out of the way, get away with an axe, let's go, ivan, with a hatchet, with a hatchet, remember, with a hatchet, with a hatchet, and where are you dragging me, wait, wait, wait, wait, i’m tired of moving in, solomon, plato, yes, he will stay here so that the equipment, all the papers, everything is put away, so that it is clean, yes let's remove everything, remove everything,
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what is it? what's happening? what's the matter? i won't go, i won't go anywhere. what is it, what do you need, comrades, what is happening? i don’t want to, i won’t go, explain to me, where is the absurdity? this is what i would like to know myself, i actually gave him the task of checking all the employees dismissed from the state sign, but he was not at work in the morning. i didn’t tell the duty officer anything either, so i don’t know, my comrade, how you dealt with him, allow me, comrade major, easy to remember, come in, where do you even go, lieutenant? here’s the thing, i was now in the crosses, and what took you there? i found out
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something about our evdakimov, he has a younger brother who was recently detained for rape, they took him almost immediately.
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so, captain, you take the ridiculous one and go to evdakimova’s state sign. cars to his brother urgent, yes, yes, yes, good afternoon, hello, thank you for coming, thank you for finding time for me, did you want to tell me something, yes, i wanted to tell you. but i don’t know where to start, well , start with something, yes, but i just
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ask you, please be honest with me, i’ll try, please tell me, what do you think, i’m a good person, well, no i know, i think so, since such a colossus has been restored, you’re rooting for your cause, right? probably, probably, but you know, i do all this not only because i like it, but because every new object like this is a challenge for me, the more complex the task, the better, a challenge, right? you know, a long time ago in my youth
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i was a member of the emergency district commission, but it dealt with issues related to the execution of counter-revolutionaries, but you understand what they were. no, of course, there was such a time, the civil war and so on, and many still believe that this was necessary, you know, i still can’t get rid of the feeling of guilt, i’ll tell you this, everything that i ’ve done in recent years 25. grandfather, all these restored factories, factories, all this is not
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just my enthusiasm, this is my attempt to somehow, at least somehow justify myself to these people, so that life in our country becomes better than it was then, if this does not happen, i simply will not i know how i feel. that's why you're smiling, you seem to have decided that i'm god? “i have to disappoint you, there is no god, i don’t even understand
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why you’re telling me all this, or do you want your conscience to stop tormenting you, i’m not your help here, sorry, sorry, i was wrong, i shouldn’t have this for you tell, that's it." "this is your life, and i'm not your biographer, forgive me, i, and you will come to the opening of the gas, of course, yesterday lening was in captivity, discussed the question of lenin's next tasks."
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problems with him, drinks like shoemaker, i tried to get him a job as a loader, but he didn’t last a week, i’m telling you, poor thing, don’t rush, sergeant
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, the day has begun, let’s see, i see,
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forgive me! ,
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vera, pyotr andreevich, is everything okay?
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so, it turns out that they are ahead of us in everything. fronts, but with evdokimov nothing is clear yet, we will put him on the wanted list, and everything else will be found that you at least understand that you were not acting alone here. man, but a whole gang, they have their own people, not only in the police, but it turns out that in the crosses, are you asking me to wait, captain, how much paper
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was in the car, 10 packs of a thousand sheets each, which means these bills are somewhere- then they will float up. it is necessary to strengthen surveillance in all places of retail trade, in restaurants, at train stations, all cases with counterfeits are under special control, i obey, comrade major, freely, well, that’s it all's well that ends well, but that's not all, i wanted to talk to you. that’s why i called, well, say, since i called, i lied to you as a teacher. about a relative, about a funeral, so what? the teacher had a girl, her name was vera, his wife,
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or something, more than a wife, they cut her, 16 knife possessions, i went to her, or rather to protect her, i didn’t understand something. and that we don’t know anything, but i’ll explain to you, remember, white man, you and i gathered people for the factory, the teacher said that money was hidden there, we didn’t find any money, and you know why, yes, don’t delay, say, yes, because there was no money there at all, wait, wait, it wasn’t like that, that’s how the teacher took us there out of... his girls, like a lesson from that stray circus performer, remember? well, he stole the girl from the teacher, hid it, and set the conditions: if
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the teacher helps him, he will return her to him, you say, i’m sorry, but everything is doubtful. solomon? yes, that’s how it was, that’s all, so he didn’t give a damn about which of us would return from this factory, about you, root, plato, about everyone, we were lucky that we returned from there alive, that’s it, vovchik, yasha was unlucky he wasn’t thinking about us, but about his woman, you know, with this fake, we decided everything ourselves when the problems started, without him. and what was he doing? my grandmother, just now
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i went to her funeral, well, well, in general, everything is wrong, so i told him about it all the time, but to no avail, he was never a thief, like you, root, he was a teacher, so he is stayed and... despised us all, how is this attitude towards you, plato? and you, white man, remember what he said, we need our people everywhere, why build our own state within a state, and this fake, if we hadn’t made it on time today, everyone would have ended up on the bunks.
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the guy can't stand in the yards. and i have a right thing to do with you, tell me, i know one little man who has more gold than we can carry together, who is he? last name gubarev, head of ges. where did the chief of ges get so much gold?
2:55 am
solomon, give me the box. please, i was with this gubarev. and he took the box out of this office of his, so much so that he didn’t notice, during the revolution he shot rich noblemen, not without benefit for himself, from him these boxes are worth five million, how many, why am i white, empty of you? i will, but there is one problem, i can’t handle this whole thing alone, i need your help, what do you say?
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there is a knock, please, comrade colonel, they called, listen here, major, i decided that you shouldn’t go to the crosses, i talked to the co-investigator, in general, tomorrow at 3:00 they will bring lucy here for interrogation. thank you, thank you, comrade colonel, well, i hope you understand that no one should know about this, of course, yes, here’s another thing, tell me what you have there are some conflicts with the neighbors, but it seems like there aren’t, but what am i sure about, but goryaev fyodor aleksandrovich wrote a complaint against you, you want
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to read it, but no, i... what’s yuri, of course, no one takes his words seriously he won’t, but you yourself understand that when fools need to be listened to, if you find a common language with him, in the end, neighbors, i’ll do it, let me go, comrade colonel, go, eat, well, let’s, it’s a bit late, you so the road was washed out, we had to take a detour. pyotr andreevich.
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we have a conversation with you, but tell me, teacher, how much money is in the plant was it, why did the boys lay our heads down? isa, vovchik. and remember, tell us what this sweet little thing is, because of which you set us all up.
2:59 am
do you know that because of your fake , they almost took us, but where are the bolts? what do you say, pyotr andreevich?
3:00 am
bitch, bitch, finished, bitch, complete creature, why are you sitting there, why are you going to let him go, no one has done this to me yet, i’ll kill the bitch, sit down, everything
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has its time, excuse me, please, you don’t have one, well, how on work? i don’t know, i left the hospital as if in i've entered a new world, sorry, but it's not killer, i still can't make contact with new people, you know, they treat me like i'm some green kid, they've moved all the furniture, i don't know, maybe it'll transfer, kolya, i want i have to tell you something, you see, every woman wants to meet a strong man. a strong man, he, he will not back down, this is just a luxury for him, this is firstly, and secondly, it seems to me that i have already met such a man, thirdly, let’s
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not go to the cinema today, let’s come to me, comrade? good morning, neighbor, what the hell, i wanted to talk, listen, i was thinking, i live alone now, why do i need three rooms, take one for yourself, why take it, well, take one room, do you want natasha? do you want a living room? didn't understand. ksanka, come here. hello, uncle yuri, what did you play yesterday? petkhovina is a charm of joy. play it. come here. move in, live, rejoice.
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what did you want, go ahead and move in, anyone, yes a room, what kind, but any one, you want this one, you want natashka’s, come on ksanka, ah, mom, go to the room, here you go again, the trouble has come to our house, what happened, pack your things, things, things.
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comfortable drawers, but the place is mine, why pick up the sandwiches, otherwise they get caught and don’t mind you sitting at the table right away,
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igor afanasyevich, but it’s true that natalya nikolaevna goncharova had shoe size forty-four, the great pushkin loved her, and what are you asking? it’s interesting to know why he loved her, because she’s with dantes, what with dantes, that you’re a komsovo member, shut up timofeeva, your gancherova didn’t even know how to cook, wow, she’s perfect non-proletarian woman, i would visit the gun , i would break up with her on the second day, if life
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deceives you, don’t be sad, don’t be angry, on the day of despondency, humble yourself, on the day of joy everything will come, the heart lives in the future, the present is sad, everything is instantaneous, everything it will pass, whatever will pass will be nice. l'academia vivan professores viva l'academia
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vivant sores vivant membro uncondiver vivant senzare senzare. let's go, what time do we have? 20 minutes, comrade?
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how is natasha? okay, she’s at klava’s now, i come to them all the time, how are you, how are you? lots of work. i don’t care about work, i
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brought you warm clothes and food here, how are you feeling? i beg you, do something, please, do something, i really beg you, i beg you, please, be on your guard, it’s going to be cold, it’s going to be winter, and tie her shoes with very little white bows. she loves little white ones, forgive me,
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bandits, little white one, little white one, forgive me, dear, forgive me, forgive me, dear, forgive me, forgive me. igor, hello, klava, how are you, haven’t seen you for a long time? i'm fine, okay, you
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've changed, let me in, come in. natasha, she lives with me now, i know, yura, lyusin’s husband, asked her to live with me until she is released, she is, i
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know everything, klava. tell me natasha. from whom, go away, they will come now.
3:13 am
stop, take it, keep it, take it. you're so confused!
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3:15 am
i haven’t seen danilov, no, well, comrade captain, let’s get ready, get ready, get ready, we haven’t seen danilo, no, comrade captain, i haven’t seen, wow, semyonov,
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you’re already bursting with tears, well done, i’ve always wondered how they get here without breaking up , but i’m interested in how they do it they bring you here without singing, well done guys, get ready, wow, let me hold on, danilo saw, there he is, there you are, and where are you danilov, what’s the time, comrades? no, but soon.
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believe me, danilov, now i am your god and king, look what i have for you, and this is for you, for glebovka, there are award documents too, so take it, take it and you can go, like this, like this, consider , you atoned for your guilt before your homeland. brave fight with the enemy in difficult areas of hostilities, take it, well , hurry up, in about 10 minutes the attack will begin, maybe
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then in front of the formation, in front of which formation, there will be no formation, after the attack there will be no one left at all, haven’t you seen how many of us are here, so take it, take it and leave, go to the obba quickly danilov, no, no, comrade captain, i won't go, i'm with you. no, no, well, okay, if you're lucky, together.
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for me, for the homeland, for the camp, ah!
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3:23 am
who on the roads stands a tall oak coffin. there is a tobar in the coffin, and a new one behind the coffin. grisha spoke about faith and about the plant. in general, he sat in your place on a grand scale, today, for example, the hydroelectric station is storming, we will take, yes, volkhovskaya, the director is there
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rat, but that's not what you came for. not for this,
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what are you waiting for? watch that your watch leave town. ivan, yes, why are you doing this, what is it?
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orders must be followed, yes, lenin’s city did not accept us, but i say that you?
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hatchets 77, you recognize me, 77, hatchets, topoliks. 77 hatchets, hatchets,
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hatchets, hatchets, hatchets. hatchets, hatchets, grandfather, hurry up, 77, 77.
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occupy the control panel, it’s here on the inside, white, you and your people are on the third floor, there’s also security there, i don’t know how long, we’ll figure it out safely, what will please you, ivan?
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it's a good watch, they don't make them like that anymore, may he rest in heaven. let's move on, well , then solomon and i go up to the boss's office on the second floor, here, while you deal with the security, we take all the gold, like this, well, it's a smart idea, it'll work, then gather your people, we'll leave in an hour, yeah , root! since the car is on you, and make sure that you have it filled to capacity, how far to go, water, water,
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ivan, what, he’s alive. who? teacher, is he alive? alive i don't know about you, but i'm leaving.
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solomon, you were worried that you had betrayed the teacher, this is real betrayal, you can’t stay in this apartment anymore, if... i told him everything, which means there could be garbage here at any moment. let's go, solomon, let's go. this is all. yes, sokolov,
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come out! i’ll tell you off the record, danilov, until some time i still had hope that everything that was happening to you was...
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only due to the course of circumstances, but you yourself killed this hope with your own hands, you crossed the line , after which a person turns into a beast, you know very well how much in our country innocent victims? and that everyone covered their troubles with corpses, so if you are waiting for sympathy or understanding, don’t wait, i don’t expect either. your understanding will not
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save me, i want to ask you for one thing, ribs, it’s useless, for one thing, i’m a beast, a beast, but you, no? make sure my daughter never finds out that i was, i ask you, ribs. do it in this way.
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write, write everything you said.
3:37 am
allow me, comrade major, come in, kolya, i’m not on time, what do you have, here’s a paper from the twenty- seventh department, they arrived a week ago the body was found, gypsies, zlata lyubimova, but what do we have to do with it? i remembered the yutkevich case, it’s painfully similar to him. the same numerous live puncture wounds and also into the corpse. yutkevich, free, yutkevich. yutkevich, yutkevich, yutkevich, show me
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who this is? show me. yutkevich, alexander venyaminovich, born in 1900 , killer, do you know him, no, show him, show him.
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so do you know him? danilov, it's him! who is he, do you know where he is? danilov, danilov, volkhovskaya ges. today.
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and why is he storing gold right at the station? in any case, this is what danilov claims, and almost a month ago this gubarev’s apartment was robbed. yes, this is nonsense. guborev was just appointed to this station 2 months ago. the object is strategic, so it is under our supervision. zhukov. i personally spoke with him just before his appointment. what kind of gold, where from? to a person. he is passionate about the restoration of the mgu, in general one gets the impression that he is ready to work during the day and at night completely free of charge. well, yura, by the way, tomorrow this station is supposed to be officially launched, so after restoration, do they want
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to disrupt the launch? it looks like you're right, comrade colonel? so that's it. major, urgently send to all posts, stop and check all cars at the entrances to this gas station, all without exception, phone number of this gubarev, i’ll get here quickly, yes, yes, i’ll close. please, guberev is on the line, comrade guborev,
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state security colonel nikolaevsky, what happened? now a unit of internal troops will approach you. place people with the help of officers along the perimeter of the station every 100 m. yes, but for today we have a test run is planned, did you hear what i told you, kuborev, do it, i do it, well, that’s it, that’s it?
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hello, i won’t ask what happened, why you’re here, but if you need hot tea and an extra blanket, i’ll bring it, i’ll let you know right away. what's your name? michael? misha? so, misha, will you get me out of here right now? how? like this. not tonight, not tomorrow, not now. it's impossible, i can't, and i can't. can you get a cotton worker? so i do everything for you anyway, we
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agreed differently, listen to me, you take me out now, you leave with me, otherwise the lads will carry you out feet first tomorrow. forward to the wall, forward! okay, you can go, thank you, happy. the guards there check all the cars,
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i'm afraid they might stop them. well, what do you think? we'll take a detour, it's not far from here. by car, turn around. up to the right, foreman, where are you going to interrogate him to the investigator, yeah, what investigator, what interrogation, stop, foreman, run, faster, alarm, we have victories, up to the roof. stand,
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stand, stop, i tell you, run, run, run, weapons, drop them! and foreman, well, i wish you good health, there was no one suspicious, comrade lieutenant colonel, are you sure, they couldn’t let anyone through, no way, you see for yourself, we check every car. well, vasya, let’s do this, you and starley go to gas, yeah, and
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the guys and i take the bypass road, let’s go, where else, huh! hey, hey, man, hey, wait, wait, you're much, faster, faster, more alive, more alive, more alive! got excited.
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kill solomon. hello, what happened, now i’ll tell you everything, hello, well, yutkevich, no
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it's not. it can’t be, it can’t be, that’s why i always had the feeling that i knew him, maybe, mikhail leonidovich, in this life everything can be, so what now, it’s possible that the launch of the station will have to be postponed,
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big, big , big, run, run!
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well, everything’s calmed down, comrade major, great, sergeant major. how are you doing here? yes, everything seems to be in order, great. who are you, citizen? me, what? the operation is completed, the threat to the station has been eliminated. what about yutkevich?
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yutkevich and two more managed to escape. well, comrade gubarev, start the trial launch? okay, sergey, sorry! he walked away, stood up and walked away, walked away, towards the wall,
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for some reason i thought that you were a trash can. “listen, you scum, why do you need all this, and teacher, if after the death of your girl you ask such questions”? you will never understand me, but what i have to understand, yutkevich, bitch, scum, revenge, must be carried through to the end.
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what the hell? yes, in this bustle, i forgot to take my daughter, i wanted to show her this beauty,
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i will meet her myself and pick her up today, come on, come on, yura, doctor savelev has already examined him, said that there is practically no chance, he has there is internal bleeding, broken ribs, numerous hematomas, it’s generally unclear how he got to us, and he didn’t have any documents with him, so he needs to report it to the police, well, that’s the way it is, let’s go.
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we all listen to vladimir petrovich, he is the most important person here, he is a doctor, he will tell you everything, show you, that’s all. that you will behave well, no one will greet you, no one will say, if anyone has questions, we will then ask them to the doctor, please follow me. natasha, don’t get up, lord, forgive me,
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lord, forgive me! sinful. god, i'm sorry. dedenka, are you crying? no. don't cry,
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do you want me to tell you a poem? yes, little children, for no reason in the world, don’t go to africa, for a walk in africa, there are sharks in africa, gorillas in africa, big angry crocodiles in africa, they will bite you, beat you, offend you, don’t go, children go for a walk in africa, in africa robber, in africa a villain. in africa there is a terrible parmolay, he runs around africa, we doodle-shark for nothing, for nothing, we doodle-shark with fist-fist, doodle-shark with heel, heel. well done, you
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read very very well, ribs, sorry, please, you haven’t seen the girl, but you know how i draw, the teacher asked us to draw happiness, i succeeded, i drew it. mom, dad, at home and at home. but i didn’t succeed, what? i'm sorry, please, have you seen the girl with pigtails,
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no, no. what didn't work? natasha, where are you going? rebrova come here. why, why should i run all over the hospital looking for you? i forgive you, don’t you hear?
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well, today i ’ll take you to aunt klavena, today i’ll take you home, everyone is buttoned up, everyone is ready, they became pairs and come on ahead, follow me, dad, you know, dad klava taught me how to bake pancakes with jam, what do you mean, what do you make them from, well, you need to mix eggs, sugar, milk and flour, you get dough, yes dough, well, delicious it turns out, yes, very much... feed me, wait, natasha, i wish you good health, comrade colonel, the operation on gest was successful, i know everything. well, major, i promised you something, meet your wife, mom,
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mom, mom, mom, thank you, comrade colonel. come on, yura, i promised. my good, my beloved girl, maybe you give me a ride somewhere, there’s enough room for everyone in the car, but no, thanks, let’s take a walk, well, take care of your spouse, eat, thank you, good luck, thank you. well, let's go home? come on,
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have a look. tomorrow, bury it, here's the money, as soon as dolin takes the briefcase in his hands, we will accept it, and this is not my briefcase, this is my briefcase, you are disrupting our operation, it is you, disrupting my operation, dolin should remain free, come on, torik, tell me, sokolov has been digging for you for a long time, he’s a frostbitten guy, you can’t come to an agreement with him. are there other ways? in modern st. petersburg is in full swing with everyday life, people are rushing somewhere, cars are driving, it’s busy as always.


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