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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  June 6, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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in different directions, meanwhile, dressed all in black and armed with a machine gun, the killer calmly pursued a man who was trying to hide from him near a construction site, where the killer overtook him, fired a control shot and calmly left, the street where this man could be hiding is now cordoned off, the police are looking for the killer, ivan gubin is working at the scene, he is in direct contact with us, vanya, as for the picture of the crime, there are no secrets for the detectives, everything was filmed by surveillance cameras from different...
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right from the entrance, i now ask the director show these footage, he fired the first shot near the playground, hit his victim in the back, the wounded man tried to run away from his killer, but one way or another he continued to pursue him, the sounds of the shots scared many eyewitnesses of that event, they fled, which allowed the killer literally just follow your victim and overtake him just near the business under construction. center, there he found his victim, made several control aimed shots, and here he shot his victim, once shot, apparently somewhere in the leg, and then saw that the victim was moving and shot him twice in the head, we have a fairly peaceful yard, that is, some of the dead, you knew before, i saw him, if that’s how they describe him how really, that this is a red-haired man, but not... who is of average height,
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konstantin, yes, he studied at our school, right here, and we did not see him having any strife or any disputes during courtyard, an ordinary calm young man. based on the identity of the murdered man, the motives for the massacre are still not entirely clear, the victim the killer became an ordinary system administrator, konstantin balishansky, in his youth he was professionally involved in skateboarding and entered. the composition of the russian national team in this sport, it is known that he did not run a business, he did not have any large income, so investigators will probably look primarily at the motives of personal hatred, although there may be pitfalls, about all this, all this will be investigated by prosecutors and investigators. the progress and results of the criminal investigation have been opened. on the facts of murder
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and illegal trafficking in firearms and ammunition, as well as identifying the person who committed the crime under control at the moscow prosecutor's office. in addition to the motive for the murder, investigators will have to find out where the killer got the weapon from. according to preliminary data, the attacker fired from an aks assault rifle. forensic experts have already seized the shell casings. now they are working exactly at the murder scene, what the ballistic examination will show, i think we will find out in the near future, thank you, ivan, i will remind you that in direct ntv correspondent ivan gubin was on the air , there were 108 people on the tram, unfortunately, one of the trains was killed, according to the preliminary version, the brakes failed, the car was driven by a twenty-three-year-old...
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the girl tried to prevent a collision until the last moment, well, the tram was picking up speed, now the driver is in intensive care with numerous injuries, eyewitnesses of the incident, meanwhile, say: it’s not difficult to imagine what the passengers of this tram had to feel during the trip, which turned into... hell: at some point, the train of the tenth city route began to pick up speed, flew past the stop, at one of the turns its doors fell off, several passengers fell onto the roadway, but the tram did not stop, it caught up with the train in front at full speed and crashed into it, the first
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eyewitnesses provided assistance to the passengers until rescuers arrived at the scene, and only thanks to them was it possible to get the driver out of the cabin. twenty-three-year-old alexandra marieva, who has been working at the depot since last fall and was driving an out-of-control tram, with with fractures she was taken to the hospital, according to her mother, the daughter complained more than once about the technical condition of the trains, there is information that the day before her tram had already broken down, then it all ended with her leaving the route, this time , according to the woman, the brakes failed, alexandra lost power.
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june 2, no problems were identified then, before the incident he managed to make one trip without any complaints, he was released on the line serviceable today, and not just serviceable, no entries, no comments, not in the train book in the logbook contained. however, several dozen passengers were taken to the hospital, one man died, others had various injuries, some were in serious condition and were in intensive care, others were a little luckier.
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there was an accident with two trams, especially since they received serious injuries, they left the mangled cars in a state of shock, helping each other, they drove almost onto the overpass onto the bridge, i didn’t feel the impact itself, i didn’t understand that it was a blow, just sharp braking , all the people fell, the doors were opened almost immediately, everyone began to leave from the tram, i thought that my legs had simply fallen out, i crossed the bridge, i felt that i could not go further, all the passengers had already been examined by doctors, some patients were discharged home, others remain in the hospital under the supervision of doctors. the investigation committee took up the case, where they have already opened a criminal case under the provision of services that do not meet safety requirements. eyewitnesses of the events, passengers, officials and employees
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of organizations providing transportation services are questioned, and the necessary forensic examinations are ordered. regulatory documentation will be confiscated and studied in the relevant departments of the administration in the near future. provision of services for the transportation of passengers and the technical condition of vehicles. investigators will evaluate all versions of what happened, whether it was a driver error or a technical malfunction of the train. in any case, those responsible cannot avoid punishment. tamara simonova valentin lyubimov, alexey birulev, natalya popova, erica ovagen and dmitry salnikov, ntv television company. just a few minutes ago, alena polyn, the head of the empire of the strongest witches, they were carried out on... but the witch is now being taken from the avanteevsky court to the hospital, and she calls herself that, she fainted right in the courtroom when they were choosing a preventive measure, let me remind you that elena sulikova, real name, alena polyn, is accused in extremism, insulting the religious feelings of believers, diana kavando is now working in court, she is in
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direct contact with us, diana, how events unfolded in court today, what happened to salty wormwood, did the judge manage to determine a preventive measure for her. no, morat, preventive measure alena wormwood was never voiced, because, by some interesting coincidence, she fainted immediately after she... finished voicing her, listing the list of her illnesses, by the way, panic attacks were on this list , claustrophobia, and, well, epilepsy of an unknown nature, right after this, wormwood first began to hit its head against the metal bars, the cage in which it was placed, and then fell, losing consciousness, naturally the bailiffs called the doctors, for a very long time wormwood was in brought into ... states in an ambulance, now it’s not clear how to feel about this, whether the media
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sorceress, the witch, as she calls herself, was really so worried about the upcoming arrest, or, well, or just suddenly in her, in addition to magical acting talents have also awakened, well, in any case, the defense will insist on house arrest, naturally this excess, which disrupted the meeting, will also indicate that the witches alena polyn are accused of extremism and insulting religious feelings believers, according to investigators, she, well, she
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wrote her books, created literature in which she called for violence against the priests of the russian orthodox church, she also published relevant statements on the internet, well, she created a closed chat on telegram, which included only a select few, her long-time fans and students, and there according to them...
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naturally, many former students of alena polyn were afraid that because of these calls they themselves might end up under criminal charges, and so they quickly refused to complete these tasks, left the closed telegram channel, but nevertheless, as it turned out, she still had a lot of fans, because alena polyn herself was a psychologist by training and knew perfectly well how to attract an audience. and, let’s just say, what keys to the hearts of her students to choose, she organized various three-day intensive courses for a lot of money, where she taught her followers the gift of clairvoyance, as paradoxical as it sounds, and of course, well-known social activists in russia announced a hunt for a media witch a long time ago , just now investigators, having spent a lot of effort studying the entire evidence base, were able to initiate a criminal case. investigators and operational officers conducted four searches at the place of residence of the accused and her
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relatives. literature, computer equipment and other items relevant to the investigation were confiscated. computer technical and linguistic examinations have been scheduled. interrogations of witnesses continue. and so, as my colleagues from the conference room are now telling me, wormwood woke up, with her own feet, and returned to the court hearing to elect a measure suppression. the consequences of a fight in a village near novosibirsk will certainly form the basis of a phd thesis; doctors will figure out how the victim managed to survive with such injuries. if you are talking about murder, then i don’t know anything, but we... thought that you would tell us about the murderer, where is she going in such a hurry, i hope we are going where we need to go, i need
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honest, clear and as detailed answers as possible to my questions, flock, this is a series, weapons on the floor on your knees, quickly, today at 22:10 on ntv. credit sbercard beneficial in any situation. the interest-free period begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. apply for a credit card and withdraw cash without commission. the cycle calendar is useless. it grabs you so much that your eyes go dark. such is our female lot. these symptoms may be caused by adhesions, i.e. fibrosis. langidase promotes the breakdown of foci of fibrosis, reducing pain in the lower abdomen and
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gather our people, our homeland needs us. there is another emergency on the air , we continue our broadcast. american soldier gordon black, who beat and robbed russian woman alexandra vashchuk, is starting to be tried in vladivostok. the couple met in south korea and began a relationship. at some point, black began to start drunken fights in bars, then... throw himself on his beloved, the south korean police could not help and the girl had to return back to russia, but soldier black followed her, already in vladivostok he was detained for another attack... this process is being watched very closely not only by journalists, but by american diplomats. this pair of high-ranking us citizens in business suits traveled 6,500 km from moscow to
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vladivostok for the sake of a seemingly banal criminal trial. meet michael darbinyan and emma marie browning, vice consuls of the american embassy in russia, arrived the day before and they were very interested in the court hearings in the gordon black case. the military personnel of the most determined and freedom-loving army in the world did not act only. undemocratic, but also somehow unmanly, he beat and robbed his beloved citizen of our country. of course, the journalists present at the meeting had a reasonable question: why are you here? you can also clarify what your function as listeners is, so you observe without comment, we can’t say anything, we met alexander vashchuk and gordon black in siuli, he is a serviceman at one of the american bases in south korea, she lived and worked nearby, black captured the heart of a russian woman, alexandra even began to call him her husband, but in some way the moment is the keeper of the protector of everything.
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all roads are open for americans, it would seem that he is an ordinary criminal, and what does high-ranking officials of the american diplomatic mission have to do with it, why would they fly from moscow for this, the fact that this case has nothing to do with the political aspect at all, but a banal theft, robbery , well , you don’t have to talk about it, though, to create an aura, the oppression of a freedom-loving american in our endless despotism. and this is a holy thing. now gordon black is getting used to season number one in vladivostok, it’s certainly more ascetic there, than at a us military base, the trial was postponed to june 17. pavel kuznetsov, valentin lyubimov and
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nikita zabrodin, ntv, vladivostok. the criminal case, the circumstances of which became the reason for the scientific publication, is being considered by a judge in novosibirsk. the fight between the two friends was unremarkable. everything changed when one of the participants decided to stab his opponent and let him go. entry of a pitchfork, it would seem that the injury was incompatible with life, but the victim survived, thanks to the skill of surgeons, rescuers, and, of course, a miracle. the shots that make it hurts, even through the screen , a man lying in the snow, the aggressor finishes off with a pitchfork, plunges huge teeth into the body, does it so calmly, as if there was a lifeless person in front of him, the last blow landed on the victim’s head, the tool remained in it. this photo was taken. already in the operating room, the doctors had to call the rescuers, they sawed the metal, then all hope was on the neurosurgeons, no one knew how the operation would end, sergei podgorny
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was saved, he can hardly see in his right eye, but in his case this is a small price to pay for life, the man reasons, they gathered after a day of work, took the meat, rolled out the kebab, well, while the kebab was fried, they started drinking, i have a facial nerve. disturbed, therefore , this muscle is constantly leaking in the eye, the cause of the quarrel, neither the victim nor the accused can’t name, everything was like a fog, andrei ermakov, who almost killed his friend, begged the doctors to save him, i had no intention of killing, i wanted only to defend our honor, so that... from the testimony of eyewitnesses it follows: podgornov was not dangerous that day, he was so to say, in a state of non-standing, this can be seen
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backwards. records included in the materials of the criminal case, as soon as the victim of the showdown fell, ermakov used a shovel, then took a pitchfork from the back. the defendant in the case sprayed the victim's face with the contents of a pepper spray, then struck him multiple times with his hands and feet, after which he continued to hit him with a shovel and pitchfork. he failed to complete his murderous intent. while the court is studying the evidence, the skill and jewelry work of the neurosurgeons of the first city hospital of novosibirsk is evidence. not needs, the doctors saw everything, but for the teeth to enter the patient’s head 11 cm, while somehow miraculously not touching the brain stem, which was only half a centimeter away, and what a punishment, he chose the path for himself, would stop at the shovel, nothing would have happened, but i would have had to lie down with broken ribs for a couple of weeks, that’s all, in the hospital they said after all the tests that...
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further: street extremism, detained members of the group who forced people to adhere to a certain dress code, they stopped and forced undress if they i wasn’t happy with the image of the passerby, more details a few minutes later: the older sister secretly told the younger one that mom and dad weren’t their relatives. olya told me that we
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are not related to our... parents, as proof she showed the found medical book, which indicated the real name, olga petrovna podkorytova, are these sisters also from a large family from the city of bodaibo, olya and i tried to find, well, that is, to no avail, and how many other people related by blood are looking for that family? she said: i have an older brother, his name is sergei, he lives in bodaibo, i came to the director. he showed me my personal file, where i am the sixth in a row, it was said that my mother left me in the maternity ward in the orphanage, she did not leave anyone at all, the stories are different, but the appearance is similar, i want to believe, i open the envelope, dna, today at 17 :50 on ntv.
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sea devils. new episodes. from monday at 22:10 on ntv. there is another emergency on ntv live and we continue our broadcast. seven members of an extremist group were detained in the capital. the operation was carried out under the supervision of employees of the fsb department for moscow and the moscow region. the radicals planned crimes against law enforcement officers and the military. in the apartments of intruders. they found pistols, knives, and extremist symbols; the group considered itself to be part of the antifa movement, which has a radical ideology at its core.
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groups, and now let's return to the main topic of the release, information appeared about the arrest of the killer and at these moments footage comes from the west of moscow, where a murder was committed today, which the ministry of internal affairs is already calling contracted, this video was filmed by eyewitnesses, presumably doctors are helping the criminal, the shooter was detained in the area ominevskoe highway, he fired back, it is reported that... there is also information that the reason for the crime was personal trouble, the killed killer worked in the same company, they had a conflict over a girl,
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news comes every minute and we will follow, inform you in our telegram channel chpntv, everything that we managed to find out, to subscribe and watch, look at the mobile camera, at the qr code that you see. today in our program there is an asymmetrical answer: russia will provide its weapons for...


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