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tv   Sledstvie veli  NTV  June 8, 2024 5:00pm-7:01pm MSK

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in a foreign state, of course, she feels extremely comfortable, despite the criminal case being opened, but one of the options is that she will fly somewhere on vacation, stop in the country with which there is a cooperation agreement, she will be detained on the territory of this state and extradited to the russian federation, but the relaxants themselves continue to beat their chests and sing the same song about the fact that russia is left without talent. you know, i wouldn't say the journalistic community.
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the west is waging a full-scale war against russia. information war and significant cash flows are used to finance the fighters of this war, among whom there were many russian bloggers and journalists who did not support their homeland in difficult times and fled abroad. it is clear that these feather sharks are not expressing their own point of view, they are currying favor with western sponsors, working off their stay in a foreign land. but will it be just as wonderful for them over the hill and beyond and how long will the fugitive journalists be needed by their western masters and...
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but there is no love. and a mysterious cemetery leningrad. this strange monument appeared here in sixty-six. dark forces killed komsomolskaya pravda. and her death became surrounded by legends. for the first time on screen: a case of boundless love, both together and evil spirits. can't be. in the mystical detective series the investigation. led, and now, give me a plaintive book, the girl from the monument, look right now, again the beautiful niva, snowy. st. petersburg, in
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the soviet years leningrad, one of the most mystical cities in the world, regal, incredibly beautiful, but gloomy in it there are a lot of cursed houses and evil places, many legends about them are well studied and described, but one place on the map of current... st. petersburg has remained a secret to everyone for too long, the time has come to reveal it. kinoveevskoe cemetery on the right bank of the neva, ancient graves of monks, nearby graves of residents.
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leningrad, who died during the terrible military siege. this white block stands out among all the monuments. a naked man supports a beautiful girl with her eyes closed. this strange monument appeared here in sixty-six.
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both day and night, someone even claimed that sometimes a girl in red appeared with her eyes closed, but she was silent. this case became
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known to us in all its details thanks to daria lebedeva. it was she who was able to unearth the true history of the mysterious monument in the archives. we have a project. we publish with the press service of the courts of st. petersburg, we look for interesting cases in the archives, and after going by the victim’s patronymic surname, we managed to find a criminal case. daria lebedeva, head of the joint press service of the courts of st. petersburg. this the confusing story began in february of sixty-six. that day , a frightened girl came running to the local police officer: i came from work, there was a body in the room, everything was covered in blood. the district police officer called an ambulance and immediately went to the scene of the emergency in the dormitory
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of the car repair plant. but medical help was not required. a dead girl was lying, her head was badly damaged, soon a task force was already working on the scene, there was blood and chaos everywhere in the room and several strange details: the chandelier was broken, as if objects were flying around the room. and a mirror split, who was bothered by the mirror, or are these signs? in occult sciences, for example, it is believed that dark forces enter the house through a broken mirror. in
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the sixties there was no crime news, neither on tv nor in the newspapers, but rumors about incidents literally spread at the speed of sound. i saw everything myself, if it were true, then the girl would have been interrogated by operatives a long time ago. there are only komsomol members in the hostel, but many come from villages. therefore, fantastic versions appeared. literally on the fly, the ax was flying around the room, this is an evil spirit, but this is too much, although many strange details in the picture of the crime really suggested such thoughts.
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girls, don’t create panic, but the operatives didn’t believe in evil spirits, they were looking for traces of the real killer. experts counted traces of 42 blows on the body, unprecedented cruelty, two murder weapons, an ax and a knife, it turns out that there were two criminals, there were too many mysteries in this unusual case, and soon there were even more of them. the identity of the victim was quickly established. katerina ivantsova, 25 years. she shared a room with two other girls. she was an active komsomol member, even, in my opinion, she was elected head of the komsomol organization of the workshop.
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so, i studied at a technical school. andrey antonov, veteran of the leningrad criminal investigation department, writer, publicist. a bag of groceries was found in the room. apparently the girl returned from the store and then someone attacked her. the dormitory of the carriage repair plant on karl marx street was atypical: a communal apartment of three rooms, in total 10 girls lived in it; could one of them be a murderer? 42 blow - this may be too much, because the blows do not... hit the vital organs, there is no force in the blow. vitaly lesov, in
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the late sixties, deputy head of the first department of the criminal investigation department of the main internal affairs directorate, leningrad region city executive committees. the watch on the victim’s wrist stopped due to a strong blow at 11:30, but at that time all the girls were at work.
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he was katya’s first man, he also explains the investigation that he has no relationship with his wife, maybe there was a conflict between the lovers? one of operatives went to the architect timokhin. henrik began to fuss. why are the police interested in katya? the operative understood that the architect did not know about the girl’s death.
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she was killed. it was as if a knife had been stabbed into heinrich. can't be. it's some kind of mistake. such confusion and pain cannot be played. most likely, this person is not guilty of anything, but who then? in the room at the scene of the terrible murder was a book lying, a self-published edition of the master and margarita by mikhailo afanasvich bulgakov with traces of blood? maybe this is a kind of sinister signature criminal? it could be, well, that is , how...
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and we were very worried about this monument all the time, it was different from all the others. the strange mention of dark forces excited everyone. people have their own assumptions about the reasons for the murder. that she’s here again, that she’s just a cowgirl athlete and just a beauty, she ended up in a sect. in addition to the inscription, it is dedicated to those who fell in...
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the cemetery, his grandmother is buried there, but on the way to her, he always turned to a mysterious grave with a marble block, many people watched a... aged man who went to this monument, pricked flowers there, there were red carnations there, as if it were blood. suspicions against the architect genrikh timokhin were not unfounded, it seems to me that in the sixties it was quite developmental, 15 years is practically the difference, yes, she is young, beautiful and magical and so on, and he has already had two marriages. leningrad
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detectives also decided to take a fresh look. to katya's fiance. 66, leningrad. that day , one of the operatives came to the architect home. and i found an unexpected scene. henry was sitting naked to the waist, and some woman was sewing a button on his shirt. meet me. this is my wife, ex. it turned out that the architect divorced his wife marina 2 years ago, but the former spouses continued to live together. perhaps divorce is a fiction? it was the second wife who ensured that she confirmed that he was at that moment, at home. this is also such an important point. a new version has emerged. from
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henry's wife. soon the detectives had information that confirmed these suspicions. in the sixties , synthetics came into fashion. everyone believes that these are the fabrics of the future, they do not wrinkle, do not lose light, and are durable. fantastic! beautiful and cheap fabrics made from synthetic materials are an inexhaustible reserve for the production of consumer goods. many new words appear in the vocabulary of soviet people. nylon shirts were
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very popular in the sixties, although they did not breathe well. but what a beauty! lavsan. this fabric was invented in the ussr. lavsan is a derivative from the laboratory of high molecular weight connections of the academy of sciences. lavsan. the bologna raincoat is a symbol of fashion of the sixties in the ussr. bologna is a type of nylon. and this is a coat with a neutron, acrylic. women of the sixties sincerely believed that it was much warmer than wool. and even if they were frozen, they would never admit it. fashion, a terrible force. netron is similar to real wool, but it is lighter, and also
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superior in strength and ability to retain heat. our history includes coats and synthetics. became the most important clue for detectives. detectives have found an important witness. the man lived in the same house where the brutal murder happened. and on the fateful day i saw katya on the staircase with some woman in a green coat. help! katya shouts: people, people, help, that is, she is somehow trying to call for help from those around her. a neighbor heard screams and hurried to the call for help, but at that time both women went into the apartment. this happened at 11:20, and 10 minutes later katya was already dead. the killer comes out, it is this stranger in the green coat. all that remained was
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to find her. but the detectives didn’t know yet, the investigation was just beginning. not miss central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. europe has swung to the right, how will elections to the european parliament change the political map of the european union, why can kiev lose several european allies at once after these elections? living without getting out of bed sounds like a death sentence for the elderly and seriously ill, but for modern people. this is a new fashion trend, what is bed rot, why this strange ridiculous fashion has taken over the whole world, and will this incomprehensible absurdity really reach and before russia, how to spend your vacation? usefully, without spending a penny on it, on the contrary, make money. 10 relatively easy and accessible ways for everyone to spend this summer to their advantage, which we will definitely
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tell you about. this will be your central television, today at 19:00 on ntv. via superstar premieres tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. i promise to accept everything in you, even the ransom amount. enter the point. delivery, even if it’s not on my way, to be nearby and in fitting, in choosing, until the return separates us, hello, take it, yes, tell me, the most important thing, yes to summer discounts, sales even on wildberries, the best deposit in save up to 18% per annum, have time to open before the end of june. a great choice is when you buy clothes on amazon and get wow, 99% cashback to pay for new orders. choose, start construction with a quick search for a master using filters, ratings and reviews, aviation services, who else to build with, our new
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more profitable and cashback up to 25% with an ozonbank card. what will your summer be like? with increased cashback, summer will be active. everything for your summer megamarket, for example, free t-shirts for 699 rubles. results of the week, tomorrow at 19:00. on ntv. sometimes a habitual way of life can be ruined by one small detail. papillomas and other unsightly growths on the skin are familiar to many. appearing locally, they quickly spread throughout the body, creating a lot of inconvenience and depriving us of the opportunity to do the things we love. clariol gel is ready to resist them. its special formula is aimed against papillomas. warts and dry calluses, with it you can forget about the problem of ugly growths. i found a way out for myself. this is a gel clariol. i use it at home, my
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convenient, now even a gym, even a swimming pool, attention, a special promotion for the fastest, call right now 800 200 exactly 7 5 6 7 and get clareol for only 1 ruble, 800 200 exactly 7 567 call within russia free 10 days until spring june 12 all day on ntv. women of socialist countries send words of love to their sisters all over the world. they welcome women from europe, asia and africa. 606 is a significant year for soviet women, on march 8 it becomes official...
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all sorts of things are important, men give flowers or perfume, it’s hard to get, they’re a little disingenuous, perfume from the northern oseya factory was sold everywhere in leningrad, local perfumers preferred the smells of white flowers, lily of the valley, white siren of daffodils. well, turn on the tv.
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in sixty-six, even a special blue light appeared, dedicated to women. in honor of our women, a festive zaruk. from now on, the whole country has a day off on march 8, but not the leningrad detectives, they were investigating a mysterious murder. the main suspect was the ex-wife of the architect timokhin. besides, she had a motive.
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a man lives with his ex-wife, meets with a young girl, that is, in principle, that is , there was something, so to speak, that led to a conflict. marina, the woman worked in the accounting department and did not make an impression a jealous avenger, but she did not have an alibi at the time of the tragedy. for some reason , marina hid where she was on the day of the murder. this is my secret. what's the secret? i managed to find out about this from a friend. she said: marina went to the fortune teller’s grandmother to buy herbs for a love spell and sprinkled them on her husband. it turns out that she dreamed of bringing henry back. but he only wanted this one. marina hated her young mistress, but she hated murder.
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she did not commit, at the time of the crime, the grandmother was just visiting a fortune teller, again a lady of fortune, suspicion was removed from marina and they began to look for the killer in the green coat again. it’s unlikely that it was the only one in the city; you can’t interrogate all the girls in a green coat who are walking around. in leningrad, then the detectives did not know that all the women in this story had their own love sufferings. 2 years ago, matriona. she was flying as if on wings, of course, two excellent guys from the repair car were seeking her attention at once. let's go to the cinema, no, it's better to go dancing. she was flirting. and couldn’t
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choose just one, today to dance, and tomorrow to the cinema, the guys tried to act friendly in front of her, but in reality they were each other they hated each other. sixty-six, leningrad, detectives checked all the acquaintances of katya ivantsova, soon a new one appeared... tatyana, that night katya and her neighbor nina were already sleeping, suddenly tanya entered the room, she looked at the sleeping people and waved her hand: come in, he slipped into the room guy, the couple quickly undressed and ducked under the blanket. and then katya
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jumped up, shame on you, and also komsomol members, she was a very principled girl, always with someone. conflicted with girls who were younger than her and did not look at life that way, katya kicked out the uninvited guest from the room, but did not calm down, she spoke at the next komsomol meeting condemning minakova’s moral character. tanya repented, but it didn’t help; she was evicted from the hostel. “i’ll also remind you, apparently, this girl could harbor a grudge and could be considered as one of the suspects, is she the same killer in
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the green coat? the girl was found in the kalinin region, she worked.” alibi at the time of the murder in leningrad. so, again a false trail. the detectives got to work again. and soon discovered another enemy of the murdered girl. the life of director dmitry ostrakhan is like in a movie. the main director has no right to sleep with the artist. what did he share with leonid germolnik? he's not exactly capricious.
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saved the whole family during a terrible robbery, we are worried and you are worried, let's calm down, what do you need, take it and go, dmitry ostrakhan and his million-dollar secret, today at 21:20 on ntv. via superstar, premiere, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. on the one hand, this is an ozon bank card, with which you can pay for anything and receive cashback, on the other. on the other hand, this is an ozonbank card with which you can pay for anything and receive goods for it for 1 ruble. you are so multifaceted, just like me, millions of goods on ozone for 1 ruble or cashback up to 25%
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even where there are a lot of people. beline is the safest operator. mixit body care set for rub 769. and a hair set - 849 rubles. attacking credit card debt? i i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts into one loan and conveniently repay them within 24 months. and don’t forget about purchases in installments. kholva - simple. the two components phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation, phosphoglyph, now in an economical package of 96 capsules, soon the russian special forces will be here to protect the borders, and if you find the source of the leak, it will be at least some then a thread, we need to pull additional forces into this sector to stay alive, shall we listen?
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anatoly! “anatoly fedortsov worked next to katya at the car repair plant and was a notorious slob, he was constantly late, sometimes skipped, sometimes drank right at the workplace, but he got away with everything, only the principled katya could not stand such looseness, and one day she raised the issue at the next komsomol meeting, what example does he set for others? there was an analysis,
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a disciplinary sanction was taken against this guy, fedortsov was fired, the girl again heard threats against her, you’ll also remember that those around her didn’t seem to like her very much, perhaps she was domineering, perhaps she was in a rut, because several people said that we will show you the pussy’s mother there, an enraged guy.
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murders, when it’s time for lunch, no one is in a hurry to get in line at the serving counter, there’s simply no line, this is how the traditional buffet has been transformed, excuse me, where is the seller, citizen, can’t you read, a buffet without a seller, citizens, take it, pay for it yourself the cost of the product, that is, i can pay for it myself, absolutely that's right, put the money here on this saucer. wait, wait, where are the scores? how can i count without counting? well, you are capricious, here are your bills, and demons, i need scales, i need to check the weight of food, you are a bore! here are the scales for you. now, give me the complaint book.
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for what? because a buffet without a salesperson should have no staff. and you get in my way and prevent me from caring for myself. buffets without sellers lasted only a few years; not all soviet people could take a sandwich and honestly leave the money. in our story with... something similar happened. anatoly fedortsov, after being fired for a disgraceful article, was unable to immediately find a new job. therefore, i was in poverty for some time and was caught stealing food from a buffet without a seller. this happened exactly at the time when katya ivantsova was killed. this means that he is not the criminal, but who then hacked the girl
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to death with an ax? detectives have already checked dozens of people, everyone who knew the murdered woman. people who quarrel, seriously quarrel with others, we called these people after appropriate checks to ourselves, but after thorough checks, all versions crumbled to dust, several months passed and the investigation was suspended, and rumors spread around the city again, the killer could not be found, because it was dark forces. a reminder of them was the mysterious monument on katya’s grave, it was precisely the words “dark forces”, in general, we were drawn here simply like a magnet, be sure to come up and look, somehow there was some kind of compassion for this dead girl, some kind of secret. no one knew that dark forces often
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take on the guise of real people. a year ago, matriona. her husband did not meet her from home. she i convinced myself that i was busy at work, but suddenly i heard a woman’s laughter. half-naked peter jumped out of the room and was not happy. oh, it has appeared. a satisfied woman appeared after him. peter introduced, this is lyuda, she will live with us. how so, together? peter said abruptly: “you think i don’t know whose baby this is.” this means that he is still sure that the child is not his, he cannot forgive that before the wedding she had an affair with his friend, today to the dance, and tomorrow to the cinema. she chose the more homely and
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economical peter, without suspecting, in a quiet there are jealous and lustful devils in the pool. sixty-sixth year, leningrad. the investigation into the murder of katya ivantsova lay in the archives, but soon an event occurred that was directly related to this story. on that day, a man came to the police station, a certain pyotr davidov wrote a statement. i found it in my wife's pocket.
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the theft was committed from exactly the same hostel where katya lived. the detectives became wary if this was the coat they were looking for. pyotr davidov reported that his wife and child disappeared. detectives urgently we went out to search and didn’t find the green coat, but we did find sleeves from it. matriona turned out to be such a cunning lady, after tearing off the sleeves, she takes the coat to the invader for raw materials. but the sleeves were enough. forensic experts found small drops of blood on them. according to the group, it coincided with the blood of the murdered katya ivantsova.
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it was necessary to immediately apprehend the killer, but where was she hiding? capture is a tough word, it implies violence, but when the target of the capture is a woman, the leningrad detectives had no such experience. break a window or door, a grief-stricken mother may deal with the child, wait until
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the woman falls asleep from fatigue and then act, but she can carry out the threat at any moment, most likely the baby will want to eat, and this can be used to establish contacts with his mother. the operatives promised, we won’t go in, just take food for the child, there was silence, whether she would come out or not, and then the mother opened the door and took the food from them, half an hour later the woman voluntarily surrendered to the police. the capture of the criminal was very peaceful, all that remained was to find out why she committed a brutal murder. “i see that you are not a frequent guest here, you yourself came a long time ago,
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and he was waiting for you, all the talk was only about his eldest son, he was sick, dying, and you were in moscow, and where were you, chasing brats around the maidan, i’m andrei an officer and my job is to carry out the order, in the soviet union they took the oath, are you crazy, you didn’t have time to meet, you’ve already grabbed each other.” 10 days before spring, he was there, burning our buses, that the russians had come, june 12, all day on ntv. via superstar, premiere tomorrow. at 20:20 on ntv. credit card beneficial in any situation. the interest-free
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, strong molecular bonds, which allows it to remain stable under all operating conditions. how comfortable does that sound? the boil diamond - the engine purrs with pleasure. on the one hand, this is an ozonbank card with which you can receive cashback, on the other hand, you can pay for anything. and receive goods for 1 rub. millions goods are even more profitable and cashback up to 25% with an ozonbank card. i’ll eat some ass, what should i do? in case of enterum poisoning. a new generation enterosorbent removes toxins while preserving beneficial substances. a smart solution against poisoning. what will your summer be like? with increased cashback, the summer will be active. everything for your summer at the megamarket, for example, discounts up to 70% on children's antelope shoes. the best contribution in savings up to 18%. our homeland is a country of great victories
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television today... the legendary detective mukhtar mukhtar mukhtar is in a hurry to help, don't miss the loudest return of the summer. the criminals are already missing you, they are worried that... you won’t catch, mukhtar’s return from the very beginning, this is not just a dog, this is a weapon, from thursday at 8:25, at 11:00 the dog is on ntv. matriona was born in latvia, her childhood was very sad, her parents died, or her parents died at the age of 10, or
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something else and... there matchiho is not a stepmother they beat me and pounded me with a hammer as well. the girl grew up, went to leningrad, got a job first as a painter, then as a worker at a new repair plant and believed that a new wonderful life was beginning. let's go to the cinema, no, it's better to go to the dance. but after marriage, evil violence suddenly returned, her husband beat her, abused her in every possible way when he was born.
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i got caught there, you bastard! that day, her husband beat her half to death and threw her out into the street with the child. be thankful that you didn't kill him. at first we were hanging around friends, then someone invited her to live in a dilapidated village house. that day she came to the accounting department wearing a green coat that she had stolen earlier. and i heard. an unexpected verdict, she was fired, and money for maternity leave would be given later, now the cash register was empty, what to do, there was no money, and the child needed to be fed, she was in a state of shock, there was complete hopelessness, just complete hopelessness, the decision came quickly, she went to the locker room car repair plant and pulled out the keys to the dorm room
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from the pocket of her friend’s coat. since she visited the girls, accordingly, she she saw what she could take and steal there, and this thought occurred to her. matryona knew that everyone was at work at that time and was about to calmly rummage through closets and bags, but suddenly katya appeared on the threshold, returning from the store. what are you doing here? matryona honestly admitted that i am for the child, and i haven’t taken anything yet. please don’t betray me, but principled katya could not forgive the theft. she jumped out onto the stairwell and began calling for help. help! what follows is known only from the words. the girls return to the room, then katya pulls out axe. katya always kept her ax under her
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bed. she bragged about this to her friends. but the medical examiner came to the conclusion: matriona herself was the first to attack. she delivered the initial blows. katerina, when she had her back to her, was hit with a chair and subsequent blows with a knife and an ax. one blow fell exactly on the clock, then the mirror was hit, the matryono smashed it with rage, but soon she was dumbfounded and stopped and hurriedly left the room. 42 blows, the detectives couldn’t believe that a young woman had done something like this, matriona made excuses, i just wanted to get food for the child, but the court did not believe her,
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the sentence was capital punishment, execution, despite even having a child. materyona submitted a request for pardon, she was refused, she applied a second time, the answer was the same, capital punishment. the death penalty for women is a unique sentence. during all this time , only three women were executed in the ussr. in our history.
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nothing justifies the killer, not even his own miserable life. after her death, katya ivantsova became a mystical legend, all thanks to the talent of her lover. passes, even after death you give strength on the monument he wrote: “my friend, not everything is for me, a person can be killed, but love cannot.” this is exactly what our story is about today,
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right now a new detective story from leonid konevsky. an armed attack on police officers almost in the center of the city, for the first time on the screen declassified documents and facts: it was already nonsense, a case that shook the ancient city, stolen to kill, shershel fi, look for the girl, the bird has already flown away, sex, fear and dirty evidence , took a photograph, that’s it. in such poses, who turned the child into a concubine, he psychic, killed an afghan warrior, parents' house, wife, child, scream, noise, concubine,
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an action-packed detective from a series of investigations conducted, in our history such a camera became a tool of blackmail, watch it right now. grand duke yuri vsevaldovich founded a city on ustyaki, calling it novgorod-nizhny. so says the chronicle. 89, gorky city. three officers were on patrol that evening. turgenev's station. suddenly a girl approached them and asked: how to get to the police services; they were slowly walking along ovarazhnaya street? sergeant oleg baryshnikov has stopped. walking far away, his two companions
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continued on their way. oleg, catch up! baryshnikov was enthusiastically explaining the way, when suddenly shots rang out. the sergeant pulled out his pistol and rushed forward. his two comrades were lying on the ground. they were dead, an armed attack on... policemen almost in the center of the city, unheard of insolence. authorities from all over the region gathered at the scene of the incident. in those years, murder of a policeman was sentenced to death. the best detectives in the city were involved in solving this crime. investigations were taken under control at the very top. there was self-interest involved in this case. envy and
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hatred and fear of an innocent child. former investigator alexander shimak remembers this case in great detail: the criminals stole the service pistol of one of the killed policemen and fled in the same direction from where they came.
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more than 300 such attacks, as a result, 193 police officers died at the hands of criminals while on duty. fresh flowers were brought to the scene of death; many knew these policemen personally, who stole weapons and why? people built their versions, stole to kill, who will be next? do the detectives understand? there will be new victims, but
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we were in no hurry to dwell on only one version. the policemen who were killed were alexander gerasyuk and alexey kornilov, excellent guys who came to serve at the call of their hearts, young, full of plans. experts established that they were killed with a smooth-bore hunting weapon, most likely with sawn-off shotguns, shot with buckshot. there were several versions, motives, therefore, together regarding their official activities. gennady ivanov, at eighty ninth year, investigator for especially important cases of the prosecutor's office of the gorky region. no one knew then that the story of an ordinary gorky schoolgirl played a vital role in this unusual case. masha, that evening,
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masha made herself beautiful, dad, i’ll go for a walk , i did my homework, well, again, when he lags behind, i did it, but the father didn’t even think about calming down, she smeared herself like a doll, go wash, the cat roughly grabbed the girl by the neck dragged me to the bathroom when i said i had to do it. tears covered masha's mascara-painted eyes, the girl suddenly realized that dad had already not the same as before, first he kicked out my mother, now he set about masha, 1989, bitter city, all night, miraculously surviving sergeant oleg baryshnikov gave evidence, detectives tried to figure out who this girl was. asked for directions, i saw her for the first time,
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a random passer-by or an accomplice of criminals who played the show well, what if sergeant baryshnikov, an accomplice of the killer, a series of mysterious murders that shocked even the investigators. there are a number of interesting crimes, but there was one: for the first time, the case of a killer unlike everyone else the rest. unintelligible sounds were heard all night. sounds like blows with an ax, walks with a stick, looks like an old man, behaves like an animal, in fact it is... the story of a maniac woman tomorrow at 6 pm on ntv. via
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superstar premieres tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. and a smile will make everyone brighter. smiles in the sky , your radula will wake up, your smile is unique, pay with a smile safely and conveniently with sberpay, select payment with a smile on the terminal screen and just look at the camera, receive cashback as with a regular payment, pay with a smile its own with sberpaay, sales even on varis, intensive recovery and nutrition, antioxidant. megapolis atolin professional hair protection from the negative effects of the urban environment, pleasant discounts on brand products at wildberries. you are silent, like a fish, shirimprol, shrimp, fishburger, a real sea of ​​​​taste, only delicious,
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on the second household appliance product. built-in dishwasher burning for only 26,000 rubles. in mvidio and eldorado. i feel like there are so many people, the connection may be interrupted, here is dedenka mostopolis for the signal, there is something more convenient than the stalba, the beeline smart network, with it you remain connected even where there are a lot of people. beline is the safest operator. knee pain, back pain, neck pain, maybe. pintalgin extragel contains the maximum dose of a substance for pain and inflammation. pentalgin extragel. i'm going for a walk in 2024. why do you always fly into the past? for my combo star combo by dasha vereshchagina for 355 rubles. and this will continue for a long time until june 16 at a delicious point. what will your summer be like? with free shipping, summer will be carefree.
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everything for your summer at the megamarket, for example, a hanging chair for 1,699 rubles. you won't believe how kirkorov celebrated his ninety-second birthday. i got up, i got up. my legs are gone, i’m walking like this, i’m specially demonstrating this for television, why the world doesn’t accept my sisters olga and maria shupshin, just like that, you know, they threw them away like that, since with this door, i just took after my dad, i was lucky, what secrets gosha kutsenko will reveal, be prepared for shock, how a horse fell on the daughter of askold the reserve, when a four-hundred-kilogram horse falls, then... the injuries could have been much more serious. you won't believe it, today at 20:20 on ntv. oleg baryshnikov 20. 5 years old, excellent in combat and physical training, not married,
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detectives did not find any clues in baryshnikov’s biography or lifestyle, an identikit of the girl, compiled from his words, was sent to all police departments of the ussr and posted around town. judging by the description, she was a girl of about 16, with a completely typical appearance, there are thousands of them in gorky. at the same time , the operatives were clearing out the residential area, that evening dozens of people heard shots, no significant information was received, witnesses who simply saw three men running away, what these men looked like in the winter in the dark, try to see it, but soon the first one appeared in the case serious clue. felt boots, felt boots, not hemmed, although they are old. the production of
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felt boots in the ussr was put on a wide scale leg. russian felt boots are shoes that have long been tested by time, but improvements are needed here too. with such a sole you won't be afraid of a thaw. what could be warmer and more reliable? are you warm, maiden? especially for children in cold weather, it is an old custom, with the help of felt boots, girls used to guess in which direction the felt boots fell, from there the groom will come, mine will come from there, and mine from there, and even in the ussr they made wads for cartridges from voylak. in our story, they became evidence, not far from the scene
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of the murder of the police, detectives found a felt puff, it probably fell out of a pocket criminal, it became obvious that the bandits had carefully prepared for this crime, they had chosen this place in advance , they had tracked the patrol route of the police officers in advance, someone could have seen the criminals close, the search for witnesses continued, soon luck smiled on the operatives, a tenant of one of the apartments on the ground floor reported the most important information: on the day of the murder. that evening, having heard shots, ivan zotov went to the window, saw three men run up to... a light-colored lada car, ivan did not see what happened next, he was distracted, the number
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i couldn’t see the car, i noticed only one number, seven. naturally, of course, they immediately, immediately grabbed this information and began to implement it, but how many light-colored lada cars with a seven on their license plate are there in a big city, and how to find the girl who distracted one of the policemen? masha! masha was sure that her father would not be home until late in the evening, but he unexpectedly walked out of the room into the hallway and stared at the girl’s friend. who is this? this is misha. the father flew into a rage, grabbed the young man and pushed him onto the stairs. he was leaving here, puppy! it’s not too early to hang around men, the father grabbed the girl by the neck and pulled her towards him, glaring
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with a fierce gaze. once again i see you together, i’ll bury both of you. masha cowered, expecting the blow. throw the room. masha trudged towards her. she didn't understand why dad hated her so much. it seemed almost impossible to find the owner of the car that was seen near the crime scene. accomplished the impossible, the owner of the light-colored lada turned out to be a certain leonid petrenko, an engineer at one of the gorky factories, it turned out that he was an avid hunter, are the detectives on the right track, at home petrenko had not appeared for 2 days, he told his wife that he had gone hunting, escaped, detectives set up surveillance of the apartment, people continued to discuss the daring murder,
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the dead policemen were well-known personalities in the city. participated in lightweight competitions.
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that evening leonid was returning from work when his car suddenly stalled, literally hundreds of meters from his house. crap! the man quickly sorted out the minor problem and got behind the wheel when he suddenly heard shots. three people ran up to the car and began to pull the door handles. boss, open it! in the hands of one of petrenko noticed the men with a sawn-off shotgun. in fright , he pressed the gas pedal and sped off, he didn’t dare go home, in case these bandits found him, he went to visit his relatives, and later called his wife and lied that he had gone hunting. for 2 days petrenko lived in fear and only when rumors about the shooting of police officers spread throughout the city, he decided to return to
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report where he should go, but they were already waiting for him near the house. petrenko! let's go, the detectives checked petrenko's alibi, searched his apartment, gave his gun to the experts, and soon became convinced that this was not a suspect, but a witness. masha, remembering due to her father's stern disposition, masha learned to lie and secretly met with her chosen one. that day the guys approached the house. the boy tenderly hugged the girl, but did not have time to kiss her; the father suddenly jumped out of the car entrance. i told you clearly not to approach her. he grabbed misha and began to shake him. don't touch me, my father is a policeman. you're a cop's son. he suddenly retreated and hissed, you will appear again, he will not help you. the dad
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slapped his daughter. you will sit at home and do everything i say, otherwise i will kill him, from then on, masha only left the house to go to school and did not dare disobey her father, and in 1989, the city was bitter, detectives continued to work on acquaintances of the murdered policemen, fear settled in the city, newspapers were abandoned. for 252 days she protected alexei kornilov from the dushman’s bullets, she did not save him from bandits in his native land, there was anxiety, if they began to kill policemen, then how could we
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ordinary people save ourselves. valentina abramova, newspaper correspondent in 1989. not to let go of their wives alone, and parents were especially worried about their children. in those days in gorky they discussed not only the murder of policemen. one very important event happened in the life of the country. our guys have finally returned from afghanistan, to their homeland, completely. who knew then in 1979 that
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this war would turn into almost 10 years of pain and grief. in february 1989 , the withdrawal of soviet troops from afghanistan was completed, and twenty-year-old war veterans returned home in peacetime. the combat officers were a little older, many were under thirty. anya, it's me, dad! my daughter doesn’t remember her father, she’ll have to get acquainted again, alive, the grandmother did not hope to see her grandson back from the war. how did you get there, guys? fine. missed you at home, who's waiting? mother, brothers, sisters, and there is a girl, there is a girl, people
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returned to a calm, peaceful life and were surprised to understand that the country had changed beyond recognition, and some people also became different, hello, bro, what?
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two weeks before the murder. that day , kornilov visited an old friend and received an offer from him. “lech, why do you need this mintour, come to me.” but alexey categorically refused. both understood that at that moment, life separated them on opposite sides of future barricades. and then a half-dressed girl entered the waiting room. boys, hello.
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it didn’t come to a fight, but there was no trace left of the former friendship. having received this information, the detectives began to think that if... he organized the murder of a former friend, maybe he was afraid that he would inform his fellow police officers about the stash, and the girl from the bathhouse, an accomplice of the murderers, who diverted the attention of the policeman baryshnikov, boys, hello, vaferentv, viya superstar, our superstars will perform today your favorite song,
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ntv. 10 days until spring. 12 june. all day on ntv. what did you do 3 days ago. if the question seems difficult, napept can help. it
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calls. dmitry astrakhan, million-dollar secret, today at 21:20 on ntv. witch against the church, biomass people, and not worth it nothing. why did alena polyn call for the murder of priests? whose life did the hereditary witch ruin and whose health was undermined? i must swear on my life and voluntarily accept death, the revelation of the disciples of the empress's clients of magic and deception. everything i could. borrow all the money that came in, everyone went to her, and how she dealt with those who dared to open their mouths and tell the truth about her secret room. wormwood clearly manipulated the human psyche. witch hunt in the author's project of andrei kunitsin, a man in the right. tomorrow at 16:20 on ntv. detectives found the young lady
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literally within a day. it was a small matter to present it for identification to the miraculously surviving sergeant. almost no one doubted it, and there was very little left to solve the brutal crime, but the policeman looked carefully at the girl and decisively declared: no, it was not she who asked for directions. masha. for the third day in a row, masha felt sick, and her father was seriously worried. are you pregnant? an hour later , a man looked into masha’s room. hello, i'm nikolay. father firmly stated that now he will cure you. nikolai commanded. stand up back straight, close your eyes, relax. the man moved his hands around her for several minutes and finally made a diagnosis. he has
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gastritis. the father gave masha several tablets, and soon the girl fell asleep. and she woke up with the feeling that while she was sleeping, something terrible had happened. suddenly she heard a conversation in the corridor. well, measles, it's yours now. the father added, it’s better for him to be with you than with the nasty son of a cop. and 89, the city is bitter. the search for the killers of the two policemen continued. operatives established the location residence of the suspect volkov. someone didn’t think about hiding, well, yes, we quarreled, but to kill because of this friend, even an ex, volkov was at home on the day of the massacre, this was confirmed by family members and neighbors, but then volkov asked a question, they were killed with homemade sawn-off
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shotguns ? andrei said that he knows one craftsman who remakes weapons to order, a certain oleg mikhailov, there was absolutely... insignificant information about him, here are literally some signs, approximate age, height, the fact that he is a family man, that he worked at some factory, soon operatives they identified this man, oleg mikhailov, 31 years old, a worker from a tank construction plant, no previous convictions, mikhailov gave the impression of a student with glasses.
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i believe someone swore loudly, you won’t dare, the detectives barely had time to hide when a tear-stained woman jumped out of the apartment. cattle! she ran down the stairs, the operatives caught up with her and asked her to pay attention for a minute. the conversation dragged on for several hours; the woman’s story was difficult to believe. ulyana. a year ago ulyana also worked, zadorozhnaya met a certain nikolai moiseev, fell in love like a girl. the man
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is quite tall, yes, he has a tongue , thank you, although nikolai officially did not work anywhere, but at the same time he was not in poverty, he is a psychic. ulyana held a serious position in the regional executive committee; she found herself working with people. agree, showing the world around you the way you see it yourself to another person is not easy, but for an amateur photographer it is possible if
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you combine the sensitivity of an artist and technical skill, you say. i won’t tell you, please, a bird will fly out of here now, from here, from here, hop, bird where, the bird has already flown away, i apologize for interrupting, i’ve long wanted to ask why in your photo all the clients are with wide eyes, it’s very simple, a second before pressing the button, i say , the photo will cost 100 rubles. there are so many pictures, but at the end of the eighties there was
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a breakthrough, a joint soviet-american enterprise began producing paloroid cameras, attention, let’s shoot, once and done, instant photography, the miracle of our century, ready to receive.
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"you don't want these pictures to end up on your work, she would have to fork out money, there were not many photographs, but even one such photograph could ruin her whole life. the next day , ulyana gave the blackmailer a thousand rubles. damn you , you bastard. and soon he called again, demanded money, and said that he had hidden a couple more photographs.
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the detectives were contacted by their colleague from the neighboring police department. the man said that his daughter’s classmate masha krylova told a strange and suspicious story. about the fact that she and her dad’s friends had to transport a gun in their underwear, precisely in their panties. weapon, the girl was taken to the city of kstovo. krylov, this was the name given by the victim ulyana.
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the man hid the weapon in the bag and commanded. take your pants off. the girl put the gun under her jacket. take a walk. masha took a couple of steps, the package fell. hide your panties. the girl was very ashamed, but she did not dare to overcome tirana. let's go, no one will search her for sure. they left the apartment together to go to the city of kstovo.
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a simple hard worker, he was distinguished only by his passion for weapons, but who is igor krylov, what is his role in this whole story? hello, borisoch, hi, dear, when will you ship the metal to me, he said metal, you were better than the moon. i demanded the sky, well, dear, i will demand,
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i will demand, i have a business, but what can i do, they haven’t delivered metal to me for a month, i know that i’d rather organize the moon from the sky, huh? in the ussr there was such a profession, supply, to extract, by hook or by crook, scarce materials, parts, raw materials for one’s enterprise. so, let’s do it this way, i have some connections in the city food trade, i can organize scarce goods for friends enterprises, and sprats in jars, finnish servila, and instant coffee in indian?
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worked as a supplier for the food department of the gorky city executive committee, what connected him with mikhailov and moiseev? they were no match for him at all. the detention began with the weakest link, oleg mikhailov. we arrived at the address, rang the doorbell, mikhailov himself opened it, they detained him harshly, the house was parents, wife, child, screaming, noise. mikhailov’s wife seemed furious. the tigress defended her beloved husband, she shouted: this is a mistake, but she had to shut up when the detectives looked into the closet and found a sports bag with three sawn-off shotguns and ammunition loaded with buckshot, it became clear that the efforts were not in vain, well, everything
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was easier, they realized that they had hit the mark, it immediately means that the information was passed on, the second two groups were there. aimed at apprehending the remaining participants in the crime. moiseev was taken without incident. it was from him that the stolen policeman was found with a makarov pistol. both gang members spoke. brigade. it all started 2 years ago, when the city executive committee supplier krylov appealed to the psychic moiseev. the official suffered from excess weight, he was simply as fat as a barrel, he experienced, well, problems in communicating with the female sex, yes, and moiseev chose a diet for him, on which he acquired the normal appearance of a forty-year-old man. on this basis, the men became friends,
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krylov trusted his friend so much that he once asked him to treat his daughter, and that same evening he gave her to a friend as a toy. to work, he put together a gang with the sole purpose of robbing and killing. to do this, he compiled a huge list of potential victims. there was a plan such, let’s say, they break into an apartment where a rich family lives;
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it was planned to kill persons who could offer or were offering resistance. in case there were no valuables in the apartment, the bandits had a backup plan. if there was money. at a bank there or at a savings bank, one of the bandits had to go with this man to withdraw this money, while the other two remained holding the family hostage there under the threat of reprisals. the leader’s cynicism was amazing; it was obvious that he was capable of anything. do not miss, central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. german minister of war boris pistorius began to prepare the country for war with russia, has he really forgotten how... previous wars ended for berlin, the russian response to nato, we did not attack, we defended ourselves, so that everyone would understand. putin promised that there will definitely be consequences for western countries supplying weapons to kiev for attacks on russia, and we will definitely tell you what they are. this will be your
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central television. today at 19:00 on ntv. via superstar. premiere tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. together we can do a lot. together we can change the world for the better. it's easier for us to tackle things together. for the cause and turn it into the work of our whole life, together we become stronger, ready, all systems are ready, and we can reach the stars. vtb opening together to be closer to you, switch to profitable products and take advantage of all the advantages of vtb. vtb and opening together with you, together for you. the best deposit in sberi up to 18% per annum. hurry up to open before the end of june. what did you do 3 days ago? if the question seems difficult. can help on appetit, he helps restore memory and attention to the appetizer so that the head works ikador our opinion on what ketchup should be,
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juicy, aromatic, really spicy, picador, unexpectedly piquant ketchup, one of my friends went into the wrong area, but i’m playing the role here i’m getting used to it, i’ll be there soon, uh, boy, i have a call, but i have zero things to say, but if i find it, and he will find it, don’t you? and remember, he is on a megaphone, he has megapower, if anything happens, call. megaphone word in emvidio and eldorado 50% discount on the second household product technology. built-in dishwasher cooperers for only 17,500 rubles. bambi and eldorado. on the one hand, this is an azonbank card with which you can receive cash. on the other hand, you can pay for anything and receive goods for 1 ruble. millions of products are even more profitable and cashback up to 25% with an
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ozonbank card. the choice of a professional, for sure. amylatek acts precisely at the source of pain with care for those closest to you. the exact solution is free movement. real hunting is when the prey is almost in your hands, when the main trophy of 20 million is right in front of you. every 15 minutes. for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. 100 lotto. magnet, price, what you need. milka ice cream, 999. our new name is t-bank. dad, thanks for inviting me. and i also want to invite you, get a black card from the bank. i will receive 1,500 rubles. and you are 500. daughter, you are a genius. invite a friend to get a debit card. from tank until june 30 you will receive 1500 rubles, and a friend will receive a 500 rubles bill, and i was invited by petbank, of course, tebank, he is the only one,
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anxiety can be treated, new, afabozole retard, gradual liberation active ingredient, just one tablet per day, afabazole anxiety can and should be treated. the operation to detain the gang leader igor krylov was developed all night. you wait here, your group will enter from here. they even brought in psychologists to figure out what the bandit leader was capable of. to the point of committing suicide. the psyche of this non-human was on the brink; his daughter could also be under attack. he might take her hostage. but experienced detectives. they thought of everything, first they protected masha, for this they involved the girl’s classmate in the operation, with her help
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i managed to lure her out over the phone, when the girl came out, well, the command was given for the assault, the criminal did not have time to look back, as in his hands they snapped onto... his accomplices and daughter, she did not defend the person who ruined her life, a terrible act in i couldn’t wrap my head around my own daughter, so what, kolya?... now she’s yours, well, how can it be, you gave your child, your daughter, to a grown man, for things like this, he said,
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you know, you don’t understand anything, a woman should be able to do everything, i’m preparing her for adulthood life, the criminal later admitted that he planned to use his own daughter for dirty deeds, she would not have dared to refuse him, she was too afraid of her own father, the detectives suspected that she... distracted sergeant baryshnikov seconds before the execution of the policemen, but the assumption was not confirmed, at that fateful evening, the sergeant was approached by... a random passer-by, while the trial was going on, thousands of people bombarded various authorities with letters demanding that the scoundrels be shot, they had no place in soviet society. at that time, a trade worker, party member and suddenly in the dock on charges of murder, this was already nonsense. tatyana
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chenyakova, head of the press service in the nineties. internal affairs directorate of the gorky regional executive committee. today , nizhny novgorod residents still bring wreaths and fresh flowers to the house near which the police died. in honor of the memory of the employees who died in the line of duty, a memorial plaque has now been installed on this house. the investigation has ended. indulgence. began to be brought to justice, because she was intimidated and completely suppressed by her own father. by the way, as soon as she became an adult, masha changed her last name and left the city. only one member of mikhailov’s gang was sentenced to 15 years in prison. for moiseev and krylov, the trial was merciless, the ultimate measure. the killers
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were shot 6 years later. all this time they did not write requests for pardon and shuddered at the creaking of the prison lock. fear for one's own skin, an ordeal before death, but completely deserved. this high-profile case of the late eighties became a kind of prehistory of subsequent tragic events. within a few years the whole country a wave of crime hit. then they kidnapped me. they blew up, they shot, however, the years of criminal madness are long over, but this was our story, it was an “investigation” program, well, right now there is live broadcast on central television, the first information show about the events that
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are being discussed and the people that are being discussed they say. that german defense minister boris pistorius began to prepare the country for war with russia, here, probably, many people at the same time had the same question: what, is it really germany forgot how all the previous wars with russia ended for her? yes, the question is completely logical, right now we will try to answer it, and of course, we will not only talk about the main events of this week, but will try to explain them. good evening, good evening, my name is vadim takminyo. today is saturday, june 8, in most cities where we are now watching the exact time: 18:57, and we begin. russia's response to nato. putin promised that the consequences of western countries supplying weapons to kiev for attacks on russia, there will definitely be some, we’ll tell you which ones. has europe swung to the right? how the elections to the european parliament will change the political map of the european union, why
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kiev may lose several at once after these elections. european allies, shooting in moscow, what or who two former skaters could not share and why one of them eventually grabbed a machine gun, living without getting out of bed, for the elderly and seriously ill this sounds like a death sentence, but for modern youth it is a new fashionable trend, what is bed rot, why is this strange ridiculous fashion has taken over the whole world, and will this incomprehensible absoluteness really reach russia, how to spend your vacation profitably and not waste it? it doesn’t cost a penny, on the contrary , you can earn money, 10 relatively easy and accessible ways for almost everyone to spend this summer profitably, which we will definitely tell you about, as well as special guests of the central television group balagan limited, for which sergei neighbors tried to peck them saved him?
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black sword.
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live on central television. so, this week's news once again emphasized the validity of the old truism. history repeats itself, repeating itself both as a tragedy and as a farce. kiev really hopes for the help of the western allies to beg for this help, zelensky went not just anywhere, to normandy, where on thursday, june 6, they celebrated the eightieth anniversary of the allied landings. only 80 years ago, on the shores of france, occupied by hitler’s germany, actually allies of moscow landed. but russian representatives , of course, were not invited to this anniversary, although rumors about this possibility shortly before the anniversary of the riot.


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