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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 9, 2024 4:00pm-4:21pm MSK

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in lugansk, search and rescue work was completed after the shelling of the city, as a result of which many houses were severely damaged, a fighter with the call sign dancer opened a ballroom dancing school for widows and... participants of the svo olga zenkova on how waltz and rumba help cope with experiences of pain . there is sik, and here are chery, these are four varnas. not just salmon. magadan scientists are conducting an experiment on the reproduction of freshwater fish of the whitefish family, the reserves of which have been depleted after large-scale development of the subsoil. about how science is helping to restore the kolyma river to its lost commercial status. report by sergei antsidin. hello, you are looking.
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egor kalyvanov. russian units in the special operation zone hit the deployment points of ssu attack drone operators. our ministry of defense reports this. air defense systems shot down a mi-8 helicopter of the ukrainian air force and intercepted over 60 drones. the forces of the missile forces, aviation and artillery carried out attacks on the accumulation of manpower and equipment in the ssu in 130 regions, in particular in places where foreign mercenaries were stationed. the total enemy losses per day amounted to about 1,500 soldiers. a total of seven people were rescued from the rubble after the ukrainian armed forces struck lugansk. a five-story team from the ministry of emergency situations worked at the site of the destroyed entrance for almost two days. and today the operation was completed. meanwhile, the headquarters for eliminating the consequences of the rocket attack continues to work. now the main task is to restore damaged buildings as quickly as possible and establish water and electricity supplies. let me remind you that on friday, june 8, sow was released in lugansk five american atacoms missiles, four were shot down by russian air defense. six people died.
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and more than 50 were injured. american businessmen vivek ramaswamy and elon musk exchanged views in absentia on the latest statements by the white house towards russia. ramaswamy, who was once a republican presidential candidate, wrote on his social media account: listen carefully to biden and the bipartisan faction of warmongers in ukraine. these crazy people start talking like they want a full blown attacks on russia. it's crazy what they 're doing. what they wanted from the very beginning, regime change in russia. elon musk, for his part, commented on this post with the words: “this is very alarming.” and just this week, vladimir putin, during a conversation with foreign journalists in st. petersburg , said that the peace treaty between moscow and kiev in 1922 was prevented by those who wanted to achieve destruction and strategic defeat by russia. veteran of the northern military district, sergei barmutov opened a dance school in chelyabinsk for the wives of widows of participants.
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special operations, the man himself is a children's choreographer by profession, like with dance lessons, he helps women take their minds off their worries, olga zenkova talks about this. they had not seen each other for almost a year, and this is how the children met their hero in the chelyabinsk house of creativity. and we wrote letters to him, he called via video conference, gave some advice, looked at our numbers. sergei bormotov is a dance teacher and veteran of a special military operation. he volunteered for the northern military district zone and returned to civilian life when he reached the age limit. he fought from lugansk to kherson, here on the citizen not only returned to his favorite work, the defenders of the fatherland at the foundation suggested that the veteran open a special school of sick dances for women who are still waiting for their heroes, do they need rumbas and cha-cha-cha now, in this team they answer unanimously, dancing helps very well , you come here, relax both soul and body, and get distracted by some things and no longer think about it all the time. catherine shows us her husband’s jacket, with awards for his exploits on it. in georgia in the caucasus for
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the liberation of crimea during the northern military district major glushkov received only one medal - posthumously. he died in the village of bogdanovka. on the same day that the start of a special military operation was announced. they came under fire from hail and hail. and we died. these lessons are not just dancing, they are an opportunity to share pain. sergei says that sometimes during rehearsals it doesn’t even get to choreography. they need to speak out, they tell their stories, i respond to these stories. thanks to him , dozens of wounded soldiers were rescued near kherson after a fierce battle with the ukrainian armed forces. while the battle was going on, there were many t, it was necessary to bandage it, and they didn’t shoot from the tanks, that is, they didn’t let me raise my head, i needed to provide help, i went 300 meters forward with a machine gun and took fire.
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sergei tells schoolchildren during courage lessons what svo is and why soldiers perform heroic deeds; he takes with him a trophy helmet and body armor that allows the kids to try on. the most important thing for me is that she has this more. i’ve never seen it in my life, i’ll play with it here and i’ll never have to wear it again in my life. all talismans, drawings and letters, which he received from schoolchildren while at the front, he now keeps, considering them his amulets. olga zenkova, artemy epifanov, valeria proskurikova, ntv television company. an attack, resuscitation, discharge and a new attack, the life of thirteen-year-old vlad flows in a terrible vicious circle. maltik has severe epilepsy, medications do not help. exacerbation. sometimes turns into an induced coma, the family continues to fight and tries to ease the child’s suffering, but to get to a clinic or rehabilitation center you need a new stroller to replace the old broken one; a family exhausted by illness does not have the money to buy it; alexey evliev will tell you how to help. looking at the thirteen-year-old lords,
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it is difficult to imagine that until almost two years old he was an absolutely healthy child, who did not even walk, but was already running and starting to speak, but now he is already 10 years old. and not in one day, speech disappeared, in socialization, he simply closed himself off, for 10 years we have been on the run in search of a doctor’s magic pill. specialists of the pediatric palliative service of the marfomariinsky medical center often vlad is visited, psychologists and physical therapy instructors come, it is necessary
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to prevent further regression of the boy’s physical and mental state. he needs activities, he needs movement, and life within four walls is very difficult. that is, he likes zoos, he loves animals, he loves looking at nature, everyone needs air, and this is the stroller, it will help him, after the daily massage procedure, the intricacies of which yulia’s mother is taught by a professional instructor, the next attempt turns into torture to seat vlad in a tiny stroller, but the boy really loves walks in the alley near the house and is ready to endure, all his own... vlad’s family spends money on four very expensive imported drugs, without which rehabilitation is impossible, to buy a comfortable folding stroller in which the mother could take the boy to classes in a special school, they cannot do it on their own. charitable services mercy appeals to viewers of the ntv channel with a request
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to collect 750,000 rubles. naturally, she doesn’t hold it, no belts, we won’t secure it here so that it sits straight. i want to believe that together we can help this family. her fight against a terrible illness: alexey ivliev, andrey tikhanov, anastasia altukhova, alexey markin, ntv television company, moscow. the fishing society is being restored in kolyma, the kolyma river was once rich and full-flowing, but the barbaric fishing of the construction of a hydroelectric power station and water pollution during gold mining almost destroyed some populations, for example whitefish. previously, many subspecies were commercial, but from... sergey will tell you about methods of divorce in the good sense of the word antsigin. what's a bag and we'll have more? yes. videos about the easiest fishing in the magadan region are shot almost every year. the spawning waters of the volsky estuary are literally
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sea-herring. and then it doesn’t have time to go back into the ocean with the ebb tide. local residents collect them like potatoes from the fields in buckets. i want more zhatzhasti. here are the supporters of classic fishing who go out into the open spaces of the kalyma river , on the contrary, they have not seen such generosity for a long time. the region shares this large water artery with neighboring yakutia and until the mid-eighties magadan residents caught a dozen species of fish on their river half. there was plenty of it for both amateurs and fishermen, the latter mined up to 250 tons in one season. kalyma was also famous for its especially valuable freshwater fish of the whitefish family, but large-scale development of subsoil in the northeast of the country. turned into the same large-scale depletion of fish stocks, well, again, the kolyma reservoir, the serednigan reservoir , during their formation , the spawning grounds were flooded, there is a fik, and there are blacks, these are four baths. replenish what was once lost
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magadan fish farmers are now trying to establish a population of segos, eggs for incubation are imported from siberia, where rayfingers have not yet disappeared in the wild, when the fry appear in the light, they begin to intensively under... these are not only representatives of the hydroelectric power station, but also gold mining enterprises. industry per pool, we can grow more fish than is supposed to be provided by the traditional method, and the fish feel quite good. breeding freshwater fish remains an experimental area of ​​magadan aquaculture. her the main task is the reproduction of pacific salmon, primarily whales and coho salmon. these species, unlike pink salmon, which is more popular on the russian market , swim into magadan rivers less and less in order to increase the survival rate of red fish fry. grown under artificial conditions, technologists also use experimental methods. the higher the temperature at the initial
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stage of feeding, the better it is for her, and this year we tried to increase the temperature to 7°, well, such a good result turned out. this year everything fish hatcheries in the magadan region will send 19 million lasasi fry into free swimming. the fish farmer-raised sego will graduate later in mid- july. unlike salmon fry, this stream. will not be so widespread, but everything will change when their own plant for the reproduction of freshwater fish is built in the magadan region, thus scientists will help restore the kolyma river to the commercial status that it lost almost 40 years ago. sergey antsydin, maxim mintsev, ntv far eastern bureau. from roar motors are shaking the moscow luzhniki today, there is a festival dedicated to the silk road rally, the next start is in july and despite the name silk road the road will not be blocked by dirt. the pit juice is more than 5,000 km from siberia through altai to mongolia, but for now the cars are clean and shiny and in the background of one of
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them is alina repina, alina says each car has its own story, what kind of trouble exactly the one behind you, next to you, got into you. yes, egor, i ’ll tell you the plot in complexity and just invite you to listen to it. so, this kamaz is in the air. in order for the operator to be able to take spectacular shots at that moment, the kamaz jumped on a bump, as a result, thank god, no one was hurt, but a joke immediately appeared on the internet that helicopter insurance is now being imitated, because they will add a clause about a collision with kamaz, this car also took part in the silk road rally, it was piloted.
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my head hits, dmitry, along with other brutal athletes from 23 countries, will take part in this silk road, there is about a month left before the start, the rally, this year marks its 15th anniversary, the route is different every year, for the past 2 years it passed exclusively through the territory of russia and now the silk road is triumphant. is growing in mongolia, the start is in tomsk, the finish is in ulanbatter, and this means
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that very soon we will be able to watch how trucks, buggies, atvs and other vehicles will jump from five-hundred-meter dunes in the gobi desert, cross the rivers of the altai mountains and get involved in other adventures are on the verge of possibility, but now in moscow they wish athletes a good road and... wormwood, arrested a few days ago by accused of extremism, the so-called hereditary witch alena received a magical blow in the back from her former students. after her arrest, her followers saw the light and demanded that another criminal case be opened for fraud. that is, i lived in progorod, there was no money for food. everything i could borrow, everything - the money that came in, everything went to her, kudesachu’s website, how
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a moscow region leader managed to deceive thousands of people for many years, look in the program man in law immediately after our graduation, and that’s all for me, and i'm with you i say goodbye, see you soon, in sberbusiness - the best solution for online trading, free training, help with choosing a niche and launching sales, analyzing the profitability of your business, transferring proceeds to a card without commission, open an account and grow your business. sberbusiness. our new name is the bank: dad, thank you for inviting me, and i want to invite you too, get a black card from the debank, i’ll get 1,500 rubles, and you 500, daughter, you’re a genius, invite a friend, get a black debit card from t- bank until june 30, receive 1,500 rubles, and a friend will receive a 500 ruble account. which one of mine
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ozone’s birthday, women’s seltex suit for 959, redmi smartphone for 5.4 wood still rack for 3,099. sberbusiness has the best solution for online trading. free training, assistance with choosing a niche and launching sales, analysis of the profitability of your business. transfer of proceeds to a card without commission. open an account and grow your business. sberbusiness. meeting point, tomorrow at 14:00 on ntv. stagnation of lymph. maybe cause swelling. lymphotransit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphotransit evalar summer without swelling. in summer weather, swelling may occur. lymphotransit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. take lymphotransit from valar. well, now the weather. hello, the european territory
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of russia has begun the second summer week. overall , it promises to be warm for almost everyone. it even seems to be forever behind the northern calendar. the east will approach to its norm. in the central regions this week it will be 3-4° warmer than expected. at the same time, there are also refreshing rains in the forecasts, they are already available for tomorrow, mainly in the western half. showers, thunderstorms with steamy winds - this is how another scandinavian cyclone has already begun its attack today. in the northwestern regions tomorrow there will be a little less rain, but the temperature will not rush to rise yet, during the day about +20, in the black earth region in the volga region, the probability of precipitation will be minimal, the heat will not interfere. warm up a little in the north and if in mormanskaya, in in the arkhangelsk regions it rains from time to time, then the eastern temperature will react with an increase when the sun comes out. the south is heating up again +29:34 on the coast. in st. petersburg tomorrow with rain and only +18 in moscow on monday 25
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a good thunderstorm is very likely.


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