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tv   DNK  NTV  June 11, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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now this is my first time, maybe you have some words for mom, your chosen one, maybe you want to ask for her blessing, not really, it seems to me that she doesn’t love me either, firstly, i’m older, i think that’s what she wanted i wish i had a guy like that, a young one, preferably.
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marina, you are happy for your daughter, you will bless her for this marriage, of course, i am happy for her, i always wanted only the best for her, the main thing is that she feels good, the main thing is that she is happy, this is the most important thing, so now i i can’t restrain myself anymore, but i want to express, unfortunately, yes, dad is not here, now that means she has one, twice as much, words of sincere gratitude, we’ll figure it all out, i think, but just to say, even now i have too many words in everything what’s going on in my head, now in general there’s too much of everything, but i just i she read this verse, i think she always, i think she felt the way i treat her, i always yes, maybe i don’t talk about it that often i say, i’m basically a person who doesn’t do it that often. what is it i love you, such words
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i, i, to be honest, probably didn’t say it, i think she always saw it, she, she knows it, i won’t even say very much right now, i mostly say little, i always get to the point, now it was my long-time dream to do this, but it still didn’t work out, god. remember that with any problem you can turn to our program for help, there is a new dna test right now. when her daughter gave birth
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to her eldest son, her mother, a new grandmother, stunned her with the confession that she had left her eldest son in the maternity hospital. in our studio yulia rybakova. hello, yulia, hello. how old were you when you first became a mother? and this was in 2009, i was 21 years old. i gave birth to a son. was the baby long-awaited? yes, of course, we were expecting this child, he was the first in the family. i understand that it was during this period that you and your mother had a very serious conversation. yes, when i was discharged from the maternity hospital with the child, my mother was on discharge, we arrived home, sitting together at the table, she told me, you became a mother, i want to tell you something secret, at the age of 21 i gave birth to a child in... my
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hometown of kirovochepetsk, i wrote a refusal letter from him, and you didn’t ask why she did that? i was of course shocked, but i didn’t ask the reason for the refusal, so as not to hurt her feelings, that is, it was hard for her to confess this to you. well, yes, when she told the story, she cried, said yes, that she regrets this act, i would never have thought that my mother could have done such a thing, because she had... a very loving , caring mother, but what do you think, in general, why does she need a mother ? then i told you all this history? well, i thought, she was prompted to tell this story by the same age at which the child was born and - also, that a boy was born, and the mother told what she named her son? my mother said that she named him denis, she didn’t say in what year she gave birth, but according to my honors it was about the eighty-third
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year and his last name is varanchikhin, since my mother’s maiden name is varanchikhin, that is, he should be denis varanchikhin, so has it? since i don’t know specific data, perhaps he has already been adopted, perhaps his name is even it’s already different, but my mother generally knew about your search, yes, my mother knew that i was trying to look for my brother, she supported me in this. because she often thought about him, besides you, besides denis, this eldest brother, does your mother have any other children? yes, i have an older sister, katya, she was born in eighty-seven, then i come in eighty- eight, and a younger brother mikhail, he
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was born in ninety, all children have the same father, and katya, i and mikhail, we were born from m from... another, as the mother of an older child she gave birth before she met my father, but who did she give birth to? i don’t know, i didn’t ask such questions, specifically, who is the father of my eldest son, i don’t know, your dad, he knew that my mother once abandoned her first child, when she met my father, my mother immediately told him that she has a child, whom she abandoned, well, so that there is no secret on... in their relationship, how did your father react to this? didn't that bother him? well, apparently not, since they got married and gave birth to three more children. tell us about your childhood, what was it like with your parents? well, our childhood was happy, we
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didn’t need anything, we were a large family, we had a family tradition, we baked pies together, made dumplings, our mother taught us this. we went somewhere outdoors with the whole family, we had a trusting relationship, one might say, she was like a friend for me and my sister, she gave advice when we already had our own families, we could call my mother at any time, share something, she will always help with advice, business, sit with the children, like girlfriends, in general, she was the best, larisa, well, what could make a loving, caring mother abandon her first child, can you guess something? maybe there was just pressure on the person that he had to leave the child, why do you need him without a father, without anything, well, that is, you will put a stigma on yourself in this small
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town, so to speak, this is already happening for the rest of your life, maybe this option , or maybe option number two is when something happened to a woman, something bad happened, in this case it seems to me... it was difficult leave the child, but she will not be able to look at what is a constant memory of what happened to you. yulia, mom didn’t tell me anything like that, didn’t hint, maybe in a half-word, no, mom didn’t say the reason for the refusal, but i myself imagined what options a woman might have to give up her child, but i think maybe she she was scared, she was unmarried, she was afraid of responsibility. i was afraid that i wouldn’t be able to educate this child, give all the best, now your mother is alive, but your mother died in 2019,
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27th of december. she didn’t feel well during the day and went to lie down, well, her heart stopped, someone was next to her when this happened, yes, my daughter was there at that moment, she saw that my mother began to choke and called my father. they tried to bring her to her senses on their own, but unfortunately it didn’t work. how old was she then? she is 58, she has not yet even witnessed
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the birth of her youngest grandson. do you remember, julia, the last conversation with your mother? shortly before my death, we talked with my mother, she said: that she would really like, at least take a look at your eldest child and find out how his life turned out. ask for forgiveness for acting like this, that is, if time were turned back, she would not have acted like that, i think, yes, she would not have acted like that, and if you had a chance to meet, what would you say to your older brother when you meet, well i would say that we have been looking for you for a long time and are very glad that you have been found, and we would like our further communication to work out. and it didn’t stop, yulia, and your cousin thinks that searching for
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her brother is a big mistake. in the nadezhda studio ivanichenko. hello, hello, nadezhda. why do you think your sister shouldn't look for her brother? well, i think because a person may not know that he is adopted. and no matter how much time has passed since then, to bring pain to his family, to open such secrets in the family, for the parents it will probably be painful. julia, what if your sister is right and you really invade someone else’s life, perhaps reveal someone else’s secret, i may understand it somewhere, yes, but this is very important for me, for my family, for my mother, and you could say this the last request to my...
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tatyana immediately told my uncle that she had a son, whom i had to give up, that is, to my future husband, it turns out, hope, and you know, initially, like your uncle... yes, my uncle served in kirov chepetsk in 1985, and there he met tatyana, then for some time they married there, and he took her to the city of balako, they moved, but there was no such moment that your uncle after all, at some point he somehow condemned his wife, yulia’s mother, he never, never condemned her, on the contrary, she supported her and definitely wanted to raise this child, and they took her away. him, but at all levels they were told that don’t
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look for him, he was adopted by a good, prosperous family in the same city, and that is , there is no point in looking, i know that this was very important for her, she never i forgot about him and cried often all the time. i, i just, she constantly remembered him and wanted to find forgiveness to ask, as if, well, it was her pain, julia, her lover grew up in a foster family and in the archives of zaks, the city in kirovo-chepetsk, where he was born, she managed to find out that... his mother’s name was tatyana varanchikhina. in the studio zoya elkina.
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hello zoya. hello. why was it important for you to find out the details of your lover’s biological mother? well, we were very interested, i was especially interested in who his mother was and who he looked like. alexey, we are also interested in whether he has brothers and sisters. how did you meet alexey? we met him, ah, very interesting, ah, i work in a store, a friend introduced me, she says: would you like to get acquainted with a young man, because i knew, i knew that i was single, so i’m like, i say, well... i don’t know somehow, she says, here’s your number, and take this, write to him, i’ll
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just tell him wrote: hi, how are you? he ignores me, i took it, wrote again, i say, well, this is the last time, if the boy doesn’t answer, that’s it, i wrote: you don’t want to communicate, okay, let’s do it for now, he writes to me, where did he get the number from, i say, well, just with a laugh, i say, i went and found this, he says, it happens, i say, it happens, then we correspond with they started with him, then he i just needed to go to chebaksar, he says: you don’t want me to take you? i say, how does it work? you say, you will come from the kirovskaya, i say here to shkarla, i tell you, it’s not difficult, he says, no, it’s not difficult, i work a shift, like in the summer, i keep working in the fall, now i’m currently resting, well, you we hadn’t seen each other until that moment, well, at least we saw a photograph, photographs, he was handsome, then he arrived, we went
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with him to cheboksary. there was still such ice, and i just right under his arm so as not to fall, that’s it, and somehow, you know, everything went like family, that’s it, then we arrived, talked to him all the way there, back, that’s it , where are you from, where am i from, that’s it so we met, we spent about 5 months with him, we moved in with him, well, now you already understand for sure that... when you took your man’s girlfriend, well, yes, and you already gave him a ring, well , naturally, the wedding date has been set, soon here, i’m the happiest, this is the nicest man, well, before that my marriage wasn’t really like that, but this one is just right mine, you are planning children, but at the moment
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you don’t have children, i have children, yes, i have them from my first marriage, and alexey? no, how did you find out that alexey is not related to your family? one fine evening we sat down, i came home from work, he says: i need to talk to you seriously, i say something happened, he says: no, everything is fine, he just says, i’m telling you, i want the truth tell me, you just know that i had a mother and a father, they are not my family, i say, how did it happen that they are not your family, but he says something like me... when i was a child , my mother left the baby in the house, i say, and what, i say, well, he says, mom, he says, with dad, he says, the people took me from home, i say, okay , i say, it probably doesn’t matter who gave birth, but the one who raised him, he has parents, of course, well, now my mother is no longer there, worthy parents, they
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raised a worthy guy, and he’s generally deep for them. you managed to meet your parents, i didn’t manage to meet you, it’s as if my mother died in an accident quite a long time ago, but my father he’s here, well, since i can’t yet for work, he’s already an old man, that is, he knows that his son has chosen ones, that everything is fine in his personal life, and he just came home and said: “dad, i have this situation, i found myself a girl, i would like to start a family, and he said , just go ahead, your beloved, he actually wants to find his own family by blood, does he need me to take the birth certificate from him and submit it to him ? kirovochepetsk to the legislative office, and i received an answer that tatyana varanchikhina, mother
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him, biological, nothing more, i... her mother’s name was tatyana varanchikhina. in her youth , she wrote a waiver for her son denis in the maternity hospital in the city of kirovo-chepetsk. this is actually yulia, can you say if there is any similarity between your alexei and yulia? no, he’s fair, blue-eyed, i don’t know, well, he’s a beautiful girl. julia, tell zoya why it is so important for you
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to find your brother? well, mom before her death. asked to find it, but my mother gave birth at the age of 21 and refused, well, shortly before her death we had a conversation in which she said that she would very much like i wanted to know, excuse me, but how did it turn out? his life, that she regrets, and would like to apologize to him for this, he doesn’t harbor any grudges, he’s about... they just wanted to find out if she’s alive, i say, lesh, we need to find out, well, how would
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other parents raise, i you still need to know the biological grudge for yourself, but you say you don’t hold grudges, he doesn’t hold grudges, he doesn’t hold grudges, he knows how simple i am, but in order not to hold grudges, you need to find some kind of justification for the act of a woman who... and he will never say anything bad about people, he will help whether it will take place in our studio yulia's long-awaited meeting with her close brother, or today she will not fulfill
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ship, all of it. stretching, and there all over the window spacesuit, katya lel's million-dollar secret, where those teeth were, open, on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. this is the dna program. a resident of the saratov region grew up in a large, friendly family and couldn’t even think that her mother was capable of leaving her child in the maternity hospital, when her mother herself confessed to her and decided to find her. yulia rybakova learned that her mother left her first-born child in the maternity hospital only when she herself became a mother. tatyana rybakova admitted that at the age of 21 she gave birth to a boy in her hometown of kirovochepetsk and wrote a refusal letter. well, i know that she gave birth to him approximately in the year eighty-three, and that denis named him. well, since devich’s mother’s last name is varanchikhin, it turns out his
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last name is also varanchikhin. yulia’s mother very much regretted her decision; she wanted to see her son and find out how his fate turned out. thoughts about the child left in the maternity hospital did not leave her until the end of her life. mom died in 2019, on december 27, well, she died unexpectedly, she was not sick, she just felt bad, she went to bed, my daughter was with her, she lay down next to her grandmother and ran out, says grandfather: elkina, it is important for her fiancé alexei to know the secret of his birth, and the woman helps him with this. in the zaks archive of the city of kirovochepetsk, where he was born, she managed to find out that his mother’s name was tatyana varanchikhina. this is what my husband thinks, i want to see his mom, i want
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to see his dad, i want relatives in general. see, sister, brother, no one at all, it doesn’t matter, two, three there and so on, but i really want to see who he looks like, dad, mom, there, it’s very interesting. zoya hopes that the dna test will help alexey find the sister he is not with i've never seen you in my life. zoya, your lover was afraid of offending his adoptive mother with questions about his biological family. our guest is alexey bakhtin. hello, hello, alexey, tell me how you found out that you are not your parents’ relative? in general, i found out this when i was 13 years old, i worked on a state farm, one of my friends, a man said that in general, they took me, did you believe this man, no, of course, i generally didn’t
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pay attention to this, well, well it was all forgotten, then a year later a... a classmate told me this, you, he says, here they took me and sent me home, well, i was already starting to think, and you, probably, alexey, immediately asked your parents questions, no, yes, i didn’t go anywhere, uh, no, hello, in general, don’t upset your mother, nothing , and i thought it was them, well, where did they hear it, confused it, that is, not enough. what is anyone saying? yes, when did you finally decide to find out the truth? and he made up his mind, in general, i’m 25 years old, i came home from work in the evening, so in general i found out everything , what did my mother tell me? in general, she finally
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said that you were really adopted, they took you you from kirov chayapetskaya from home and... in general, your birth date was changed from march 23 to august 20 and i knew that i had a biological mother, she was generally young, about 18, 19, or 20 years old , here... she said in this conversation of yours, yes yes , then she said in general that if you basically want to find out everything from me, but she says there is all the data, all the data, where it comes from, what,
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i’ll like it for you, but i’ll tell you that’s it, i didn’t need it anymore, i learned the essence, that they really took me.
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appeared, how is your relationship with your sister, i have an excellent relationship, we communicate, write to each other, well, we were always friends in childhood too, yes, yes, well, well, in general, there were scandals of all kinds, not without this, after your own daughter appeared, the attitude towards you did not change in the family, no, no, no, they, they actually loved him even more, me, even... than their own daughter, did you feel that? well, i felt, yes, that’s when my mother died, alexey, you didn’t regret that in that frank conversation you had about your biological relationship, you didn’t find out any details,
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come on, alel, i would like to find out later , that’s all, now it’s important for you to find your blood relatives, well, yes, although... i would like to know who, where, i would like my mother and or barat’s sisters. alexey, a woman named yulia has arrived at our studio. yulia dreams of meeting with her older brother, denis varanchikhin, to ask forgiveness for her mother, who left the boy in a maternity hospital in the city of kirovo-chepetsk. you can do it, alexey. i don’t even know the girl i’m talking about, i’m a little shocked, that ’s it, why did you pay attention
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specifically for her? well, well, somehow my eyes fell, and immediately, you think, maybe your sister, well, yes, alexey, in fact, you really weren’t mistaken, it’s... she’s looking for her older brother, whose name is denis. do you think there are any similarities? could alexey be your older brother? there are similarities with your mother, the shape of the eyes, lips, gaze, your mother probably looked like that too, was your mother fair or just like you? mom was russian, that is, her hair color might be quite similar to your mother? yes, maybe, well, look, alexey immediately drew yuli’s attention to you, but you, seeing alexey, could admit that this man could be your brother? but i would really like it. yuli, what do you
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think of alexey’s story? well, are you glad that alexey was happy in his adoptive family? yes, sure. i’m glad that he was raised as a worthy person, according to zoya. and i’m glad that everything worked out in his life. we must give credit to his parents who raised him. tell alexey why your mother is not in our studio? mom died. in 2019 her heart stopped, she was 58 years old, she had a very loving mother, caring, devoted her whole life to our children, then her grandson, my mother always thought about her eldest son, and shortly before her death she said that... she would really like to find, find out , how her
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child’s life turned out, to say that she regrets this act, to ask for forgiveness, in general i don’t hold a grudge, i forgive no one, if yulia’s mother and your mother too, you would be interested to see how... she looked , yes, it was very interesting, we have a photo, let's see what yours was like supposed mother, it was her last birthday, well, there’s something, but i can’t understand, something like that, a nose, something , a little cut in the eyes, well, there’s something. something similar, i’m saying this, you have
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this, this is the part, yeah, why didn’t she look for it before, she raised you, she babysat her grandchildren, why didn’t she somehow have , in order to somehow find her earlier, well, she gave birth in kirovech petsk, yeah, in eighty-five or eighty-six she got married. for my father, yeah, and he took her home, well, tell me the most important thing is that your father and your mother, they were looking for this boy together, they were looking, they were simply not given any information, they were also looking, yes, they were refused, they said that they had adopted a good family child, and don’t try to find it, they won’t tell you any data anyway, we have never forgotten. we always knew that denis was there, as if we constantly
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remembered, my aunt cried. alexey, do you believe me? i believe this. would you be interested to know how yulia’s fate turned out, if yulia is really your sister? yes, of course, yes. i i live in the saratov region, the city of balakovo. i have an older sister, a younger brother, who has now been serving in nasvo for almost 2 years. i have three children. dog, cat, you can’t tell, well, in general, everything is fine in my life. julia raises her children following the example of her mother, in loving care. let's see the plot. in yulia rybakova’s family, everyone has their own interests and hobbies. the youngest son seryozha dreams of becoming a football player. he likes to kick the ball, chase it in the yard, and i think that at the age of five he plays football. let's go, son, will you go to football? yes,
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fine. daughter nastya wants to perform on the big stage. my daughter went, performed dances, was given a diploma, a medal, she likes it, and the eldest son alexey achieves success in the ring, and the son goes to martial arts, the eldest. meanwhile, the mother makes sure that the children are healthy. well-groomed, deliciously fed, we love pies with cabbage, sausages in dough, children love charlotte, homemade dumplings, cutlets. we fry, steam, bake, at the table seryozha’s company is made up of his four-legged pets, his name is tyson, this is the favorite of his youngest son, the dog’s name is masya, she’s generally affectionate, little fox, well, they play with the dog, run after each other, and he’s affectionate, sleeps
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on the pillow with us, in yulia’s life there is also a place for quiet rest, for example, she loves to knit. well, i just like it, yes, it calms me down, you can sit down in the evening and knit it calmly, as a child, yulia often spent time in nature with her parents, and now she continues this tradition with her children, we try to go somewhere, go out somewhere as often as possible river, we go with tents overnight, we relax on the volga, 5 years after... mom can’t be brought back, but she hopes that after a dna test she will have a brother, whom
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tatyana rybakova did not manage to find during her lifetime, while mommy, i hope that... what you have always wanted to find your child will come true. alexey, what do you think of the plot? good, i liked everything. that is, if such a sister was yours, you would not mind. yes, would you like to visit your mother’s grave if today a dna test confirms your relationship with yulia? yes, of course, you probably have a question that still worries you, why did she leave here? me, well, this is the reason, the most important thing, yes, the reason for this, why yulia’s mother left her first-born in the maternity hospital and how she was given a decision that she regretted until the last day, will a dna test confirm the relationship between yulia and alexey, answers to all questions we will find out after
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a short advertisement what we have at the moment, we have another assassination attempt... who is behind you, whose orders are you carrying out? run, hands behind your head, come on, where are you going? dolphin, final episodes, today 20:00, well, you guys, let me i have never seen anything like this on ntv. days until spring, tomorrow all day on ntv. the best deposit in sberi up to 18% per annum, have time to open it before the end of june. what did you do 3 days ago? if the question seems difficult, appet may help. it helps restore memory and attention. let's get the head working. it's ozone's birthday. tell me the discounts.
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so i'm announcing a nationwide casting from may 17 to june 17, all you need to do is fill out an application and get a chance to become my travel companion to see the world, send your applications to in the show a fellow traveler is calling the guard, see you, on the air dna program. a woman dreams of fulfilling her mother’s last wish and asking forgiveness for her from her older brother, whom her mother left in the maternity hospital. alexey, your supposed mother’s aunt knows what made her give up her first-born. in our studio nina bezgacheva. hello. tell me, how did you find out that your niece abandoned the child? so, once again, when i arrived in the kirov region, my homeland,
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i naturally visited the guests and came to sister, there were three of us sisters, and during the conversation she told me that - tanya voronchikhina gave birth to a boy and left him in the maternity hospital. that is, you knew nothing about your niece’s pregnancy, nothing at all, i corresponded with my dad and with my older brother, none of them wrote to me about what happened in our family, and why they hid the pregnancy, maybe because before in those years it was so that if a pregnancy occurred outside of marriage, it was a shame for us, relatively speaking... yes, your niece had that the same thing, the same thing, that her pregnancy was a shame in the family, yes, it was known who the father
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of the child was, i asked a question, she told me, a military man came to work, she met him, they did not live together, but when i found out that she was pregnant, tatyana, and told him about it, he... said that he was already married, he had a family, and he didn’t need this child, and their relationship was not serious, his name was yuri, they named him a boy , since my mother’s last name is varanchikhin, denis yuryevich varanchikhin, so that’s where he is, when are you have you arrived? where was the child? i was told that he was adopted, but by that time he was already adopted? yes, well, in order to adopt
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a child, you need, firstly, to abandon him, and secondly, so that he probably ends up in an orphanage, here, of course, the mother insisted, because she was the head of the family, your sister , yes, but why did her grandson bother her like that ? life was such a hard life, apparently, yes, tatyana, somehow, somehow justifies this? there was nothing, and the girl was absolutely in such a hopeless situation, because if her mother tells her not to let this happen, where should she go?
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where, it was very difficult at that time with... and there was no support there at all, and of course, it was lost in this situation. nina, have you ever tried to raise this topic with your niece? yes, about six months before the end of her life, i tried to ask her a question about the baby. she started crying and i immediately left the topic. so you understand that to
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this day, tell her about it? did she talk to her mother after all this? communicated, that is, she did not hold any grudge or grudge against her mother, who forced her like this enroll? yes, i even know that yulia’s older sister lived with her grandparents for a whole year, did you communicate with your grandparents , with your mother’s parents? no, we never kept in touch, never. from the words of my mother, i know that my grandfather was a very good person, my grandmother, i didn’t hear any special stories about my grandmother, i left there when i was a year old, and accordingly i only know her from photographs, well, you might think that your mother was offended to my mother, i think so, because when my father moved her to his homeland, for some reason the communication between
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them - with relatives... nina, you would be glad if tatyana’s daughter yulia found that same abandoned boy, of course, i would be very happy. yulia, then tell nina who you met today? this is alexey, this is his future wife zoya. alexey, was born in kirov chepetsk, his mother’s name was tatyana varanchikhina. what do you think? well, in theory, my nephew, well, he looks like yours, he looks like his niece, he looks like his nose, he looks like his facial features. zoya, if your alexey finds a sister today, you will invite yulia to your wedding? i think yes. alexei? yes, we will definitely invite you, of course. julia, will you mind? of course not. it would be interesting
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for you to learn a little more about how they live. the water just came, and arrived, met me at work, a pot, packed, everything is chic, beautiful, it comes to me with a flower. zoya proudly shows off the gold ring on her ring finger. she and alexei recently celebrated their engagement. so, he proposed to me , gave me a ring with diamonds and this mishunya. alexey is not only
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generous, but also caring and sharing. after work he willingly runs the kitchen so that a delicious dinner is ready for her arrival. borscht, borscht, his borscht is excellent, he stews potatoes well, stews cabbage well, and he makes goulash, no matter what, rice, horns, spaghetti, it’s all very tasty, and zoya is responsible for the comfort in the apartment, she chose the wallpaper and closet. bed linen in the bedroom, recently they hung wallpaper, and changed the wallpaper, this particular side, and selected curtains to match them, specially went to chebaksary, changed the tulle, and in order to somehow combine, there are such inclinations as she is her own designer, so that peace and harmony reign in the family, zoya and alexey follow simple
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rules: take care of each other, don’t be lazy, always smile, tell the truth, always tell the truth, keep your word, give hugs and kisses, well, in this regard, he y... dna will confirm the relationship today, i think it will, i would like this, i would really like this, i myself was heading towards this, and i would like it. nadezhda, what do you think? i think that? yes, he looks very much like his aunt, well , even i can even look at aunt nina, well, they are very similar, they are very similar, very nina,
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do you think julia will find a brother today, yes, i think, yes, i see the facial features not only of tatyana, but of my nephews, i have nephews, there are kirochepetsk ones, here are related ones , tatyana, what are you doing? believe in your blood family, you met today, i’m ready. julia, do you think your mother’s wish will be fulfilled today? i really hope so. i invite
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professor, doctor of biological sciences, sergei kiselyov to the studio. is alexey bakhtin really the eldest? in the us congress they recently called it a disgusting nazi formation. a vaccine against cancer is being tested in russia. it is intended for those who are already ill and is expected to be effective against
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any type of cancer. how will a drug that could revolutionize the treatment of cancer work? the main news of the day at 19:00 on ntv. and on the website in the application now. dolphin. the final. today at 20:00 on ntv. another reason to open a zbermarket. order from your favorite restaurants and get a burger as a gift. we deliver to sbermarket in 25 minutes. try more this summer. free shipping. food. closing a loan is like a holiday. itbank gives you a great gift, money. apply for a loan from t-bank before the end of june. make all payments on time and we will return 5%.
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feel the pleasure of long intimacy with your loved one, if you want to know more, call 8 800 100 exactly 30 27 8 800 100 exactly 30-27 find out details about the emperor’s secret, call free anonymous, happiness to you and good luck in love 10 days before spring,
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bride zoya elkina. having learned that the parents of alexei bakhtin from yashkaraly, together with theirs , adopted alexei, zoya set out to find out the whole truth about the groom’s blood family. i sent a request to the zaks archive of alexey’s hometown, kirov-chepetsk. and i received the answer that his biological mother’s name was.
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a positive dna test result will mean that alexey bakhtin is yulia’s brother, denis varanchikhin. julia, are you ready to find out if you met your true brother in our studio today? yes, of course, alexey! ready to find out the truth about at your birth? yes, sure. attention, i am opening the envelope. on the one hand, the alleged sister yulia rybakova. on the other hand, her alleged brother, alexei bakhtin. the likelihood that you are related. by blood brother and sister is
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99.9%, did i say that you are ours? oh, thank you, i still have a sister, i’m big, yulia, i congratulate you, you fulfilled the request.
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do you think you can now become a real family? yes, i think, yes, well , tell your brother, sister that there are more of you, that an older one has been found, definitely, they will be happy, yes, they will be happy, alexey, but how do you like the news that you now have such a big, dear family, very good news, two sisters, a brother, your attention is enough for everyone, that’s enough, i’m very glad, we will communicate, thank you great help. if you require genetic testing, please contact us and we will definitely help you.
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children, children, hundreds of languages, cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers.
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long-range missile carriers and hypersonic missiles, russian, belarusian military began the second stage of nuclear exercises. two serious all -staffshire terriers, sonya and baron, are serving in the special operation zone about how they help our fighters fight the ukrainian nationalists of the northern direction, report by alexey ivliev. instead of ten states, 22 countries are conducting a dialogue on foreign policy issues in nizhny novgorod. andrei shamin found out what was agreed upon. guilty on all counts. the jury returned a verdict against the president's son.


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