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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 12, 2024 4:00pm-4:21pm MSK

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the main holiday of the country, today is russia day. for outstanding achievements , vladimir putin presented state prizes to heroes of labor. five-year-old anton suffers from a nervous disease; he will be able to develop normally. we will help him together. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev. hello. folk festivals, patriotic events, of course, city streets are painted in the colors of the tricolor. today our country celebrates russia day. this is one of the youngest, but at the same time the most significant holidays in recent history. his widely celebrated in all regions on a special scale. a traditional sailing regatta was held in primorye on russia day. more than a hundred entered the amur bay. mariners.
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cloudy weather was no obstacle. the athletes covered more than 15 nautical miles. the baton is now being picked up by other regions where yachting is being developed. in kazan, on the eve of russia day, the largest tricolor in the country was deployed. five hundred activists raised a flag the size of a football field. the location chosen for the action was iconic. the area of ​​the main wedding palace. thus, activists recalled that this year has been declared the year of the family in the country. the holiday turned out to be especially bright in the homeland of russian statehood in veliky novgorod, where a combined choir of 400 citizens performed the country's hymn. this happened at the rurik settlement, on the site of the ancient residence of the novgorod princes. well, after that, novgorodians expressed their love for russia with another large-scale action: thousands of people, holding hands, lined up in a human ribbon around the novgorod kremlin. tricalor was deployed in crimea, the largest lavender plant in the country field, on the peninsula. it was just the flowering season
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of this plant; the spectacle was, of course, impressive, as participants in youth associations demonstrated their unity in love for their homeland. in kirov, russia day is doubly solemn; this year it coincided with the 65th anniversary of the city, so a symbolic start to the festive events was announced at exactly 6:50 am. at this time , mass morning exercises were held in the main city square, more than 4,000 people took part in it. townspeople in moscow, a grandiose event was dedicated to russia day festive concert. tens of thousands of people from different regions gathered on red square. on stage are nikolai baskov, grigory leps, rina allegrova and others. after each performance, words of congratulations and declarations of love for their native country were heard. the cosmonauts conveyed their congratulations on the main national holiday. they addressed the russians from aboard the international space station. we sincerely
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congratulate you on russia day, the most important holiday of our state, this is a holiday of those who love their country and experience pride for it, for those who love the great history of russia. love for our homeland is what unites us all. we are happy to represent our country in space and work for the benefit of russia. love for one's country must be active, and it depends on each of us. will our russia be successful, comfortable to live in and prosperous? the holiday of june 12 is associated with the adoption of the declaration of state sovereignty of russia. this happened in 1990 . the document proclaimed the principles of separation of powers and the primacy of the constitution. it was then that our country received its modern name, the russian federation. vladimir putin today presented awards to heroes of labor and state prize laureates. 2023
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the ceremony on russia day, according to tradition, took place in the large kremlin palace. the head of state presented the award in the field of science and technology, literature, art, as well as for outstanding achievements in human rights and charitable activities. dear friends, colleagues, i congratulate you on russia day. this. a holiday in honor of our homeland, we celebrate it with respect for our country, with honoring its centuries-old history of the behests of our ancestors, their achievements of victories, the traditions of cohesion, work for the common good , the outstanding citizens of russia are faithful, who today will be awarded gold medals, hero of labor and signs of state award laureates. i heartily congratulate you, dear friends.
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awards were awarded for research in the field of nuclear energy, approaches to the treatment of ophthalmic diseases, organ transplantation technology, in the field of art, prizes were awarded to memorials in memory of the great patriotic war and restoration work in the tsarskoe selo museum reserve in the field of human rights protection, support for the families of northern military district soldiers. immediately after the ceremony , vladimir putin talked with the awardees in an informal setting; the president said that he could not stop reading materials about the achievements of the state prize winners. so you read, i honestly say, about each of you, you have such an interesting, beautiful life, so interesting filled with all sorts of events and emotions, activities, you are directly immersed, you can’t
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tear yourself away, just with interest, and in various areas, the president approved the new composition of the commission on military-technical cooperation with foreign states... the chairman is vladimir putin himself, his deputy in this position is deputy prime minister denis manturov , the secretary of the security council sergei shaigu. it also follows from the document that the commission included the new head of the ministry of industry and trade anton alikhanov, defense minister andrei belousov, presidential assistant alexei dyumin. they are included in the coordination council under the cabinet of ministers to meet the needs of the armed forces russia. on russia day. at the combat post are those who protect the borders of our country. military exercises and wars continue the exercise of non- strategic nuclear forces. today , formations of the leningrad military district have joined the maneuvers; they are practicing receiving ammunition for the iskander m operational-tactical missile system, as well as secretly advancing to
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the puskov area. well, these are already parts of the war navy: sailors equip ships with cruise missiles with training nuclear warheads. to carry out crew firing move forward to the appointed place. patrol area. the maneuvers are carried out jointly with belarus. as our ministry of defense reported, the second stage is aimed at maintaining the readiness of military personnel and equipment in the event of the use of tactical nuclear weapons. the exercise is carried out on behalf of the president. today , five-year-old anton from the lipetsk region really needs our help. due to damage to the central nervous system, the child lags behind his peers in development. the rehabilitation center in yaroslavl promises after several courses recovery for school. the boy will catch up with his classmates, but the family has no money to pay. svetlana gordeeva on how to help. what other children love to do with pleasure, drum as hard as they can, is
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difficult for antoshka. he has spasticity in his right arm, hand, flexors, extensors, and right leg. after birth, anton looked like a healthy baby, but when he was one year old, his parents noticed. yes, he seems to fall out of reality, freezes and does not react to anything. the examination showed that the boy had a threshold for the development of the cerebral cortex, sudden freezing are epileptic seizures. was surgery required? before the operation , we tried to treat him with medications, but since this disease is difficult to respond to medications, that is, at first the body gets used to it, at first the body does not get used to it, that is, the result lasts for about a week or two, and then it gets used to all the attacks. epileptic continues. the consequences of the disease were severe. at 4 years old , anton still did not speak and could not move his right arm and leg. the state clinics could not help the baby, but in total one course in a private center in yaroslavl suddenly brought results. the child has just begun to develop syllables, says mother, uncle,
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give it. and kar-kar, what they say, that is, the child is 2 years behind in development, but speech began to appear. there is hope that the child will... speak and live a full life. antoshka loves massage, and during classes he runs, plays, learns to draw, and with small but confident steps he is catching up with his age. anton really likes to play ball, and i think that later we will give him to football, we are now preparing him for school so that the child can fully recover, as the neurologist told us, if you work out, try to do everything with the child, use hardware, the child will recover. to make these dreams come true. a few more courses are needed, it is undesirable to take even a short break in classes, a setback in development may occur, and these skills, which have already been formed, can be lost, so they need to be developed, maintained, improved, everything depends on the family budget, the courses cost
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about 340 thousand rubles, and we also need money for travel, the family lives in yelets, and classes are held in yaroslavl, far from them. oksana herself is not working now, she is raising her three-year-old daughter antoshka. receives a small salary, which is why we are not able to simply pay this amount, and the child needs rehabilitation every two to three months, we can barely manage to collect money for travel expenses, but in the meantime, parents are racking their brains about where to get money for his son’s treatment, antoshka utters another new word for himself: give, give, it’s easy to help anton, you need send an sms with the text and amount to the short number 3434. svetlana gordeeva, anastasia altukhova and oleg gorkov, the presidential fund for cultural initiatives sums up the results of the large-scale. and for the first time in the history of the foundation
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, the list of winners included representatives of all regions of the country without exception. ksenia ignatova talked to some of them. the little violinist igor is only 11, but after playing a solo concert in a hospital for the wounded in his native lugansk, he decided to run away from home to defend the donbass.
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igor and other finalists have a unique chance, visit cherished creative universities and get mentors. we just, let’s say, carefully help them, compensate for expenses on the way to the cities where they want to go, in the future, if the guys get admitted, if there are no dormitories in educational institutions, then we will also take this care ourselves, but for this, the philanthropists themselves cannot do without financial support from the state, and this was brought by victory in the second competition of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives, the results of which were summed up the day before in moscow. for the first time, applications for participation came from all 89 regions of the country, and out of 11 thousand projects, the organizers selected more than a thousand of the most promising ones today, all of them will receive grants for implementation. in this
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competition, record co-financing was achieved for approximately the same amount that was allocated for project support, and co-financing was provided for the same amount by project teams. traditionally, the presidential fund for cultural initiatives supports not only federal projects, but also local ones. among them, for example, the youth forum angara-jazz, who came up with it. a team from irkutsk, this is not the first year they have been doing another, already famous throughout russia, jazz festival on lake baikal, and of course, in the year of the media, special support for initiatives for family audiences, for example, among the winners of the grant competition, the young moscow museum of cotton toys, interest in it has begun to rapidly revive in recent years. initially, we had an online project to train mothers and special children; here is our manufactory, which we grew up, so to speak. more than 2 thousand masters, many of them stayed with us, further work to cooperate, and of course, this is not
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free, that is, it is targeted assistance to these families, these mothers, now the team is preparing to scale their project, organize exhibitions and conduct master classes throughout the country for adult children. ksenia ignatova, dmitry benedichuk, alexey ivliev, alexander viktorov, stepan lesakovich, ulyana talpa, olga afonina and sergey usachov, television company. that's all for now, go to, see you, in the store and with delivery, favorite promotions magnet cosmetics. june 15th 20% discount on everything, even the yellow price tags in magnet cosmetics stores and the magnet app. the cycle calendar is useless, it grabs you so much that it becomes dark in your eyes. such is our female lot, these symptoms can be caused by adhesions, that is, fibrosis. longidaza
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the abnormal heat in the volga region in the south. and first about the rains, they will come tomorrow, these are downpours with thunderstorms combined with... gusty winds. in the very center there is already a little residual rainfall, but in general, in three days from tuesday to thursday from bryansk koluga to yaroslavl and vladimir, up to 70% of the norm for the entire june will fall. only, of course, we must take into account that such a powerful watering is not a continuous carpet, but then the volga region, tomorrow it will reach the west - tatarstan and udmurtia, but the heat does not go away. in the northwest the weather is calmer, around 20° there. it rains more in the north. and if in arkhangelsk it is +22, then in mormansk it is +10. it will get warmer there the day after tomorrow. in the south there are showers with thunderstorms and wind, and as for the temperature, it tends to 35 and even 37°. the volga region is also on the hot list, the volgograd region for sure, there will be a slight retreat there only after tomorrow because of the rains. well, the hottest plans for kalmykia are 37. in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be +20, rain in places, in moscow 22 again there is a storm warning about thunderstorms.
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