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tv   10 dnei do vesni  NTV  June 12, 2024 4:20pm-7:00pm MSK

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well, everything is clear, all i can do is warn you that everyone who put the rapport on the table will be fired without severance pay and other additional payments, i also want to warn you that all your data, the data of your family and friends, are available to the sbu ,
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and if i were you, i would think twice before exposing them to attack. i’m not joking now, guys, if you have any doubts, i can remind you of the situation with the lviv berkut, it’s up to you to decide. well, can i throw it away? everything, nothing happened, everything is free.
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you see, boy, how simple it is.
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kohl, is there anything you want to tell me? serge, i have nothing to tell you.
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good morning, how are you? yes, for now... i don’t know, your wife called you every 5 minutes, she was worried about something, and you answered her, someone should have told her that you were alive, hush, hush, hush, lie down, you need to lie down. we will place people in the right places and coordinate the crowd, and cognitive signs, just like on the maidan in red jackets, the gene will bring, for reinforcement, i will send you guys from the ultra, i have one problem, you are talking
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about your guy who sits in the sbu, i'm talking about that why is he sitting there, for dad? “some are eating porridge for dad, others are sitting, in the sense that dad behaved well, and most importantly behaved correctly, are you ready, okay, now we’ll record the summary, and then we’ll go to prepare for the live broadcast.” you look gorgeous, ready, ready, started, today there should be a meeting of the supreme council of crimea, at which deputies are going to decide on holding a referendum on
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crimea’s secession from ukraine. this fact of separatism, impossible in modern europe, will be stopped by the berkut special forces, who realized his guilt.
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there are strong fighting guys, and we all have strong fighting guys, okay, they must be ready and not go anywhere without a team, my guys in red jackets will be in the crowd, they will coordinate people, warn your people where the rest are, now there are 10 more people they are catching up, so listen to the courts, boys.
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report attention, well, why is it imposing, a lot of people are expected at the rally, at least 10 thousand, everyone is serious, it’s good that it’s serious, not too old, the golden eagle is with us, so the deputies today will never... poke, we’ll disrupt they don't give a damn, that's how it was here, the golden eagle is the hero, the golden eagle is with us, well, today they will get their golden eagle, or rather from the golden eagle,
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motherfucker, this is the second maidan, the bergot will trample on people, but it's bad, they pulled it off cleverly, right ? blood will be shed. if it spills, it must be brought to the attention of management. our task is to blow up crimea from the inside at any cost, at any cost, it’s easy for you to say, you came and left, but i still have to live here, you once told me, you have a daughter in moscow studying law, what does my daughter have to do with it? and besides,
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kostya, what if the medzhelis is with berkut today it will work as it should, everything will be fine not only for you, but for your daughter, wait for orders, give me a car, any one. get prizes in the new game mega tower from megamarket. explore the floors of the mega tower to find out what awaits you at the top. look for the game in the application and on the megamarket website. superhero from popular tv series. don't be afraid, everything will be fine, that's how it should be. he dropped everything, took the camera and went to the front. they are covering us from all sides. disco. such as to record a crime, this artist right here
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hatred and anger towards everything russian, so that the escaped traitors would see this and stop lying, these rats, their masks immediately fell off and so that, to spite them all, we would quickly defeat them, definitely, but what about without victory? an uninvented movie about freaks and people in... say discounts, discounts, ozone's birthday sale. geltek cream for 529.
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goods for 1 ruble. choose what is beneficial for you, millions of goods on ozone for 1 ruble or cashback up to 25% in rubles for any purchases with an ozonbank card. what will your summer be like? now let's look at the megamarket. everything for your summer at the megamarket, for example, benefits up to 70% on equipment and electronics. alex is fierce, the case of orphans, premieres monday at 20:00 on... tv. sometimes a habitual way of life can be ruined by one small detail. papillomas and other unsightly growths on the skin are familiar to many. appearing locally, they quickly spread throughout the body, creating a lot of inconvenience and depriving us of the opportunity to do the things we love. clariol gel is ready to resist them. its special formula is aimed against papillomas, warts and when i use it
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will stop. katya lel and her million-dollar secret. and they coded him many times with his mother, i drink. i don’t drink on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. and that there will also be a live broadcast from zhilina square? while she does, what about you doing some work? maybe you put me in charge of weather forecasting back then? if necessary, i'll deliver it. yes, leonid markovich. well, what do you have there? i have everything according to plan. yes, vitaly goncharenko got through, zilina will be working, wait for the live broadcast. i hope everything goes smoothly. of course, we are working, i’m waiting for broadcasts and communications. “hello, hello, kitty, are you offended or something, this is politics, for now we need her on camera, and as soon as this is all over, we’ll throw her to hell, all the airtime will be yours, you promise, let’s work”?
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that sevastopol is about to arrive, my people are already here, the people are pulling up, and berkut is standing, letting us in, yes, hello, hello, kolya.
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orlov, hello, why didn’t you pick up the phone? kolya, kolya, the conversation didn’t work out, well, you already understood, do something that, of course, the guys from samovorona, the cossacks, are with us, but that they will trample against the golden eagles, they will trample if there is nothing else left, but it seems that no one is a victim needed, but when exactly no one, valer, you know, no one. attention, crimeans, we kindly ask you to disperse, your rally is not sanctioned, if you try to go to the building of the supreme council, we will be forced to use force, so come with us. you
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ready? come on, come on! dash, raise the scores! we see how the special forces berkut is blocking the separatists in the crowd, who...
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guys, that means, i won’t give the order to disperse people, i won’t give the order
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to block the supreme council, if any of you thinks otherwise, i understand, disperse . this is exactly what the representatives of the new kiev government, who found themselves at the helm as a result of a coup d'etat, want to hear from us, but berkut will not go against what she is saying, remove her quickly, remove her, go to the studio, hey, move away, step away, what are you doing, can’t you imagine what’s happening in court right now? lilya, lilya, you're on the air, read the text, read the text, you were asked once, you can do it at least once, without arguing with anyone, what you don't think about, you can think about me, you can at least once
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think about me, let's go, dasha, the influence of the anticyclone, which is moving from russia, is spreading across the entire territory of crimea, with an increase in altitude above sea level , climate changes are much greater than changes associated with movement across... what what’s happening, vest, what were you supposed to do, restrain the crowd, but we agreed, i’m fulfilling my part of the deal, you’re fulfilling yours, but there won’t be any deal, i won’t disperse the people, but you. crazy, do you really want to sacrifice your only son for the sake of people’s happiness, but at least explain to him like a mother, if he doesn’t understand, but you, you felt sorry for her
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? it’s clear, you will regret this, i promise you. well, how do you like your star, did it live up to expectations? dlyuka, creature, i’m with her like a person, i wanted to be with her like a human being, but i she said, it got there, otherwise everything was zhilino, zhilino,
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they were always moving like a spare, everything is in the wings, what do you need, what are you doing here, yes, leonid mankovich, i’m listening, oh, i can’t, what do you have there? listen, deaf-mute gerasim was too honest and couldn’t stand gossip or lies. he spoke only the truth, which rarely anyone heard from him. not only does goncharov and gerasim speak, but he also writes too separately, through the letter z, through chuh, chuh. what
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will you do with them? they are inventing some kind of new language. it’s amazing that your children are ignoramuses growing up, it’s funny to you, they don’t know their native language, what to say about russian? russians are their native language. you think so? but i’m not talking about that, although i’m talking about that too. today , majlis activists are holding a rally at the supreme council and i recommend that you join. have mercy!
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everything will work out for you with them, because as we teach , well, first you figure it out with yourself, then the children, by personal example, dear colleagues, by personal example, what could be more correct than to go out to defend the interests of your country. dog, dog, we have your dog, do you want it? return, the dog urgently needs reinforcements, the legendary detective is in a hurry to help, mukhtar, mukhtar, mukhtar, don’t miss the loudest return of the summer, the pilgrims already miss you, worry that you can’t catch them, mukhtar’s return from the very beginning is not
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easy. this is a weapon, tomorrow at 8:25, at 11:00 the dog is on ntv. via superstar, final on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. only at alfabank. spin the reel in the app and get a superkick up to 100% every month. and up to 30% in categories is guaranteed. if you don't have a card, order a free debit card alpha map. not just profitable, alpha profitable. in the summer, you can do a lot with yandex food: try all the flavors of ice cream, relax in the fresh air and get new experiences. have time to try more this
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premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv. i don’t understand how one can rise to the rank of colonel here? although under jaanak everything is possible. but no one canceled the people between the faces. don't you look what a crowd has gathered. this is my crowd. bear in mind. i will report there in all circumstances, i am not used to writing left-wing reports, unlike your department, although i was thinking, say, if a russian guy, and
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even the son of major berkut, was stabbed to death in a crowd of tatars, how would our russian citizens look at it. listen, let the boy out, i understand. you go home, i’ll sort it out,
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yes, kolya, hi, guyv, is that you?
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grisha, grisha, grisha, if he’s not there, i ’m telling you, he’d be waiting on the stairs, he won’t come, you know, we’ll have to look for him again, ok, ok, i'll wait.
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you can’t be trusted with anything, what kind of person is zhilin? andrey, what is my name?
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russia, you have chosen the wrong side, colleagues,
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the wrong side, hello, hello, ukraine and crimea are indivisible, russia. grinya, grinya, come here, well, you're like with us, let's put on
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some material, don't get lost, i understand, ukraine, ukraine, i hear where is it, i'm on the square , it's a little bit dirty, who is major gorovchenko wise , let me go where?
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i want to tell you that there were provocateurs on the maidan, there were hired killers who shot at the police so that they would advance, right there protesters were shooting,
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yes, andryukh, since i saw grisha, he’s in the square, where? on the square, i say, near the supreme council. what are you doing there? yes , mitin ended up here by chance. clear. yes, what will you do? what's happened? grisha on the square. so. do you have some kind of disguise in your civilian clothes? i'll find it. so, let's change my clothes, i'm going there. i'm here in connection. right major, let's go to the square, there, comrade colonel,
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i'm on the square, oh, well, there's a column on the left, closer to the entrance, i understand, i understand, now. let me raise my hand, you see, no, my, i don’t hear, andry, where is he, where do you see him, listen, he was literally right here, he’s in a red jacket, there are several of them here, all wearing the same jackets like his, andryukh, are you here, i ’ll find him.
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yes, earrings, i haven’t found it yet, let me tell you, hello, where is kolya, he called me, said that... it’s bad, very bad, that’s it, let’s hang up, wait for instructions, let’s go, let’s go, what, the trick didn’t work, yes, the guy ran away, but the shuvket is in place, ready to work, let him begin the capture. let's start, forward, forward, forward,
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forward, come on, come on, two steps back, two take a step back, citizens, let's go back,
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orlov told you to call if anything happens? listen, it’s a complete mess, if they enter the building , the deputies will be finished. valery alekseevich, if the guys and i get closer. the massacre will begin, they won’t just let us through, there is a service entrance on the back side of the building, drive up there, i’ll meet you, accepted.
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i once again propose to come to an agreement, but animals do not know how to conduct a dialogue. can always find a common language with a person,
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let's leave, leave, quickly! where did i get it? well, tomorrow there will be twice as many of them, right? tell yours, we won’t back down, let’s talk, but we have nothing to talk to you about, tell me, how many deputies have gathered for the session? will the session take place today? no, the session will not take place today, the session will be postponed, please leave,
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leave. “please, thank you, please, your tea, it’s a pity that the shofket gave up so quickly, well , be that as it may, they postponed the session, among the tatars, two dead, we can play on this, we can, it’s time to start jailing for
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separatism, we have such an article, act and convey this to the deputies, you need to work with people more effectively, come on, come on, this is your russia, crimea is a victim, the victims, the decree of the minister of the supreme council of the autonomous republic of internal affairs avakova berkhut is outlawed. i signed order number 144 about the liquidation of special squads of the berkut security police. police officers of berkut are strictly assigned to the authorized personnel
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service. clerks of regional departments have been entrusted with the task of printing out the certificate. all special stock of large special supplies, for as a result of the attestation and the conduct of service investigations, we will make decisions about who is ready and who is not ready to serve in the departments of the ministry of internal affairs of the people. he's really missed right now, it's true. it really seemed to me all the time that i would have time, that we would see each other, sit down, talk, but there’s no talking, no justification, no hugging, but if you and kolya
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had made peace, then i wouldn’t come to make excuses. because if siblings act like dogs like that, you won’t understand what to expect from others, who belongs, who doesn’t, who’s brother, who’s not brother, everyone lived at the gathering, come on in. you're probably hungry, let's have some plates. a mother of many children, deprived of parental rights , was sentenced to seven months in a penal colony for failure to pay child support. there was no work in the village, i could not find a job. but she believes that it is not too late to fix everything. i
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filed an appeal, that is, you have corrected yourself and... do you want to get your children back? yes, i will do everything to be a good mother. only the mother of her late lover is sure that her grandchildren should grow up with her. your son is on i didn't expect oksana. no, the children told me, grandma, please take us away, like my husband died, you are throwing mud at me like that. and when your husband died, you didn’t even come to the funeral. who will the children end up with, their convicted mother or grandmother? under no circumstances should the mother return the children. i need them. and i love them, or maybe the point is that you just want to avoid the colony settlement, i just sincerely want my children home, this is beyond the bounds, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. alex lyuty, the orphan case, premieres monday at 20:00 on ntv. our new name is t-bank. oh,
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guaranteed, if there is no card, order free alpha debit card, not just profitable, alpha profitable. via superstar, final on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. our homeland is
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a country of great victories and achievements. from early childhood, each of us knows that we live in a country of heroes and champions. today, despite all the difficulties and restrictions, russian athletes continue to train to the limit. our capabilities to lead our country to new victories. in support of russian athletes, the imperial mint issued a commemorative medal. the medal is plated with 999 pure silver. on the obverse depicts a bear. this symbol, which we remember and love, was in every home. the medal is absolutely free for every russian. you only pay the delivery cost - 349 rubles. call for. 05 or on the website let's support our people. alex
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the fierce, the case of the orphans, premieres monday at 20:00 on ntv. you look at us like animals in a zoo. in fact, we are no worse than you. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv.
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maybe it’s good that dad didn’t live to see this day of all this horror, he would definitely have received a blow, i’m listening, just a minute, uh-huh, yes, i accepted it, we’re working.
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yes, in 20 minutes, broadcast the report, no, do it yourself, yes, definitely release it, sorry, but you work on radio, almost on television. and you are the main thing here, yeah, i have a big request to you, i’m listening to you, please tell everyone, a second, yes, i’m writing it down, i’m russian, i don’t... eat, and i don’t smoke,
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i propose to drink to gregory andreevich. “land mopuho, dad, somehow after mom’s death everything went wrong, the collapse of the country, then the division of the fleet, they put him under the knife, remember, uh-huh, he had his first heart attack earned it, how they pressed him here, how..."
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at the referendum in 1991, he voted for this at all rallies against nato ships, went around bending. a real russian officer, if we go and have a smoke, a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation. the interest-free period begins every month, and service notifications, free
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forever, get a credit card , withdraw cash without commission, thank you. what is this, i don’t know, dash, dasha, i’m coming,
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what is this, who is this ukraine, russian technology
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, guys, respect, russians.
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why are they silent, silent, sleeping, bastards, so you can sleep through the crimea on... finally, vasil arkaevich, yes, hello to you, from moscow, we should meet, talk about how you look at it, on the subject, cooperation, what
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also, it’s not today, tomorrow the leadership will change, so it’s time to decide. who are you with, thank you, i’ll think about it, well, who called? do you have any matches? final show! superstar, our superstars
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prepared premieres especially for the finals. the band comes out on stage and you realize that they are legends. new brand belarusian legends, now yours. chushechka, such frantic emotions, i received them, of course, but not in such a dosage, yes, it’s just an overdose, viia superstar, grand finale. on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. alex
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the fierce case of orphans, premieres monday at 20:00 on ntv. on the one hand, this is an azonbank card, which you can pay for anything and receive cashback. on the other hand, this is an azonbank card with which you can pay for anything and receive goods for 1 ruble. you are so multifaceted, just like me! millions of products on ozone for 1 ruble or cashback up to 25% in rubles for any purchases using an ozonbank card! try more this summer! free delivery from a delicious point in yandex food! hello! tishkina on yes, we are relaxing to the fullest! unlimited table, persistent animators! every evening a new program! and competitions with prizes! summer for a million in a magnet! buy virtual cards from the magnet app, game!
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natives of the sverdlovsk region who do not know each other want to know their biological relatives. i want them to explained. unfortunately, i don’t remember anything about my mother. only her last name is zernovaya, zerovaya. natalya found out that her adoptive parents gave her this name, and she was born dasha. zerova daria vladimirovna. i’m opening the dna envelope tomorrow at 17:50 on ntv.
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what is this, vadim? where are you going? to the part. this should be enough for you at first. what are you talking about? have the russians come? this is a war with the russians, for whom will you fight, for you, for the children, but nothing threatens me, and now the children too,
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please don’t do this. wow, my aunt is late today. "don't tell me i’ll leave the cake in your refrigerator until tomorrow, for the girls for tea, oh, you’re taking a risk, tyotnin, it’s a long night, you never know what could happen, don’t even think about it, he ’s not sitting down at your party soon.
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a large rally took place on the eve, but the main question is not who was rallying against what, what technologies were used here in crimea and how many people suffered from them; at the moment it is known that the victims of the rally were publications of the supreme council there were at least two people. on whose conscience these victims? i ask you to carefully watch the report and pay attention to the young men in red jackets. it is quite obvious that they were the ones who organized and coordinated the crowd. there is no doubt that we are dealing with provocateurs. we can only state the fact that these people
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have nothing sacred left. they are ready to sacrifice even their friends, relatives, and neighbors. all these people should be identified and punished to the fullest extent of the law, absolutely everything that we have a rest? there the barricade is already in full force, where is there? it’s there at the supreme council, so let’s get the lads on the horses, and the rest are probably already in place, so where’s the hell? i don’t know, it seemed like it was there, then it disappeared,
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the crucian carp somehow disappeared, okay, we’ll figure it out, so what? let's go, oh! arion amru, we are working!
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i don’t understand, the snipers are up, the rest are behind me. calm, good evening, who are you, well, now we’ve met, that’s it, dear, changing of the guard, keys to the exit to the roof, where? at the supply manager, okay, but where is the supply manager? the house is in disarray,
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you can’t tell me the address of the caretaker, carefully, come in, you just fell from the sky, be careful. you are definitely russian, now, i’ll open it now, yeah, that’s it, we’ve arrived. that's it, look, this is it, that's it, fucked up,
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blame the whole thing, let's go, big family. with this talent he became the master of the wind. my eldest daughter starred in this series.
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iri prize 2024. award ceremony. thank you very much ira. i want to thank iri, without you this picture could not have been made. three four. today, midnight on ntv. via superstar. the final. sunday at 20:20 on ntv. our new name is t-bank. dad, thanks for inviting me. and i also want to invite you, get a black card from t-bank. i will receive 1,500 rubles. and you are 500. daughter, you are a genius. invite a friend to get a black debit card from tank before june 30 and get 1,500 rubles. and the friend will receive 500 rubles. on account. which of my friends are still oil banks? don't forget me. t bank is the only one. you can't understand russia with your mind. and artificial intelligence. gigachat, can
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you understand russia? we are difficult to understand because sometimes we do inexplicable things. artificial intelligence sees danger magnetic storms, and we, on the contrary, strive to be even closer to them. he recommends. we should immediately leave the room with a high temperature, but we are only turning up the heat. instead of quickly entering a new apartment, we... let a cat into it, and even when we are late for a flight, we do not forget to sit down on the path, when we find an animal on the street, we do not hesitate to take it in our arms, because each of us knows, sometimes you have to act as you feel? to understand russia, you need
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to feel it. happy russia day. on the one hand, this is an ozone bank card that can be used pay for anything and get cashback. on the other hand, this is an ozon bank card, with which you can pay for anything and receive goods for 1 ruble. choose what benefits you from millions of goods on azon for 1 ruble or cashback up to 25% in rubles for any purchases with the card. one of my friends came into the wrong area, but i ’m just getting used to it, i’ll be there soon, uh, boy, to call, but i myself have zero account, and if i find him, and he will find him, you have a megaphone, you can call in messengers, even without money, the megapower of communication is already at zero is included in the tariff for free, our subscribers will not be left without communication, remember, he is on a megaphone, he has megapower, if you need anything, call,
5:50 pm
5:51 pm
the show companion is returning with a new exciting season, so i am announcing a nationwide casting from may 17 to june 17, send your applications to address in the show, a fellow traveler will say goodbye, see you later.
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grisha, goritsenko, me, sapozhnikov, me. panomarenko, i, everything, everything is in place, okay, take them out through the back entrance, policemen, stand up, that's it, guys, excuse me, if anything happens, the bus is waiting at street, we’ll take everyone home in the best possible way,
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you at least give us your personal weapons, then why don’t we start saying something, definitely, but later.
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unfortunately, the subscriber cannot receive the message. subscriber no, hello. she can still find the shit. you understood me?
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dash, stop it, you can’t do this, i’ll find him, i promise. if you find him, they'll put him in prison.
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it hurts, come on! i’ll just pick up the cake, oh, where’s the cake? we apologize for the damage caused, it was produced out of
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necessity, the expiration date had expired, well, boys, bring a fresh cake tomorrow. you can’t come here, you can’t come here, unit lock, glushko vadim olegovich. i have questions, i didn’t finish, i don’t remember, kolya,
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skip it. there are russians standing around the perimeter, standing there, so what about our actions, our actions, no actions. is silent, the command is silent, we are sitting, waiting for the order, but you will wait for everything, the gun cases need to be opened and weapons distributed to the personnel . leave them alone, they are just standing there, and you
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want to wait for them to start shooting? equip the stores, but do not distribute weapons, this is an order, carry out, eat. that's how things are, i can't give you orders i can, then everyone decides for themselves with whom to live and work, i made my choices back there on the maidan. you can’t give it away, i’m for russia,
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well, do you understand what we’re going to? yes, we understand, the boys are adults. hello, hello, how are you, how is vitalik, ry'? didn’t promote, didn’t promote, no, for some reason no one,
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your place is also a bit empty, yes, everyone fled, the director, cameraman and journalist are on their own, well, if you suddenly need help, i... listen, i understand, what it all looks like, but i definitely didn’t end up in this shit of my own free will, i thought i was saving grishka, from whom, i thought, that it was the sbu, but it turned out that it was necessary from him himself, but it will be more complicated.
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so what's new? from kiev, through the sbu, they gave the order to drive all vehicles to kherson and withdraw all cash from bank vaults. the mercenaries ran from the ship. okay, let them run. the car is good. good, completely new, that means we have to return it, yeah, and who am i doing all this to, i don’t see my daughter, there are no grandchildren, oh, mom, not about the grandchildren, and so the problems are through the roof, and whoever doesn’t have problems, everyone is full of worries mouth. and they give birth, over there at shevket, the third
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daughter-in-law, not twenty, already two are holding on to the hem, and she is waiting for the third, what a joy, isn’t it a joy, and as soon as your husband. dad, did something happen? russians entered crimea, do you know what it is? lord, not this, this wasn’t enough yet, can we talk? can you hear me,
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shefken? yes, i hear, yes, sorry, dear, it’s just that the grandson disappeared and doesn’t call, didn’t show up at home, and how old is he, 17, well, an adult, he’ll find somewhere to go, the main thing is for us not to stop, hello, ismail, hello, me name is tamara, i say shevket ismailovich, yes, your grandson, sasha, ismail, there is a hospital now, how can you come, one of the relatives needs to be there. i understand, shevken, we didn’t finish. the mayor of simferopol, viktor ogeev , asked drivers to refrain from traveling, especially to the central part of the city due to the difficult transport situation. and now news marked urgent.
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there are reports from all over crimea that military units are being blocked. it was suggested that i be given a weapon. i stated. according to the minister of internal affairs arsen avakov, the so-called little green men or polite people, are a group of terrorists, all their actions are a provocation to escalate possible tensions between the troops of the russian federation. well, what can you say now, free.
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quiet, quiet, past, everything, everything is fine, you’re home, i’m nearby, daughter, and he only took your backpack, as if he didn’t do anything else to you, that’s it, let’s go home. i understand everything, but i can’t let you in, everything is clear, where are you going, wait, no, what is this, you
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can’t be here, you understand that the doctor now it will come out on its own, no, yes, this is what is being done, are you not telling me... tanya, thank you, everything is fine, the operation was successful, the operation was carried out by a moscow neurosurgeon, now we can only hope, the body is young, strong, it will cope, here is andrei grigorievich himself, and this is you, thank you, doctor. thank you very much, most sincerely, may allah help you, sorry, hello, i can’t talk now, sorry, i
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won’t send any more of my people, because my grandson almost died there. check, i collected everything of yours, what ’s going on? we are leaving for moscow, where we lived in moscow, well, when you grow up, we have nothing else in moscow, you know that very well, then where? to kiev, no, excuse me, of course, but i won’t go to kiev, it’s better here, are you serious, yes, absolutely, zhilin, you understand, excuse me now, this is work, it might be important, well, give me the phone, you’re from -if you don’t want to go for her, don’t talk nonsense, give me the phone, it might be important urgently, yes,
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i’m not going anywhere. of course, when she didn’t lay her eggs, she needed it, when she had problems, you can throw away an unnecessary thing, yes, andryush, well, what does it have to do with it? this, and besides, you don’t want to go, i can’t stay, get ready. an excellent game was played, without the noise of dust, our people were sleeping, i said,
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we need to gain time, a proposal, let’s kill zhiganov, disrupt the council meeting, isn’t it too radical. so that’s the point, to shy away because you didn’t have time to remember, no, such an action needs to be agreed upon, so agree, why did you freeze? leonid markovich, dear, you’ve gone crazy, but okay,
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stepan, he’s always been like this, pull him out suddenly, no, marketich, there was no kiev team, we’re waiting, yes, we were blocked, end of connection, well that, vasily arkadyevich, you will know a lot, you will sit down quickly, so come on, let’s hurry up, they can do it at any moment. come on, come on, come on, come on, you're with us, you still don't believe me, you think i wanted to drink your blood, if so, then get out. you want it right now, go ahead, go straight to dad, i’m not going anywhere, if this is the case, then we must trust
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each other, just remember, i’m not going to wipe anyone’s snot, the russians have come, not today, tomorrow the deputies will gather and announce a referendum , the sheep will vote, that's it, goodbye crimea, so excuse me, don’t be too quick, everyone is ready, but we are always ready. yes, we’re already there, i understand, that’s it, we’re moving forward, well, you ’ve made up your mind, today the parliament, by 52 votes , decided to appoint him as chairman of the council of ministers. i want to thank everyone
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for their support, i am absolutely sure that we can make crimea our common home, in which international peace and harmony determines our future, the future of our children, so we will build our crimea together, crimea, peace, together, together we will build our crimea , thank you. thank you, masha, like a walleye, it’s fine, archie has disappeared somewhere else, it’s work, i’ll open it. mash, who's there? no one? well, here’s valyushkin’s
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backpack. character alexander nosik, i will do everything possible to avoid the assault, but this already exists, and i know what is happening on the bus now. vladimir epifantsev, everyone is to blame for something, sergei ostakhov, i knew how to work, it just seemed to me that i could change something, alexander lazarev, you, you are to blame, because from the very beginning you do not consider us as people, but we are the same people,
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after all, they took us to court, but what do you think? wanted to figure it out, oh, oh, let's. it’s somehow dishonest to arrange gossip, gossip is tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. via superstar, final on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. invite a friend to get a black debit card from tank before june 30, you will receive 1,500 rubles. and a friend - 500 rubles. so, which of my friends is not yet in tebank? don't forget to invite me. te-bank. he's the only one. every master wants to know what kind of grout to use? cereside grouts: a wide range of colors, reliable protection against moisture and mold. cereside is the ideal solution for any tile. for best results, use ceresidit grout glue together. cosmically delicious. and this is
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cherkizov’s own farm, where selected meat for sausages appears. kizova vkfest is the main event of the summer, meet in five cities of the country, a powerful lineup of your favorite hits, popular speakers , bloggers, are waiting for you at vkfest, buy tickets at a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation. the interest-free period begins every month, and the service. notifications are free forever. apply for a credit card and withdraw cash without commissions. just an asterisk. such bells may indicate bad blood vessels. it is important to strengthen blood vessels. angionrm helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. angianm. keep your blood vessels normal.
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bres is number one in russia for maintaining cleanliness and...
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an animal, we don’t hesitate to take it in our arms, because each of us knows, sometimes you have to act as you feel, in order to understand russia, you need to feel it, happy russia day, closing a loan is like holiday, and t-bank
6:19 pm
gives you a great gift, money, get a loan from t-bank before the end of june. make all payments on time and we will return 5% of the interest rate in cash (t-bank) is the only one. they sentenced hundreds of people to death. this is mankiewicz, his punitive detachment operated in the vicinity in 1941. and 35 years later, someone started hunting for them. we have two strange suicides, a suspicious taxi driver who has not yet been found. now to the state security investigator. “i don’t believe in such coincidences, and i know your intuition, good, work, you have to find not only ex punishers, do you really think that this executioner is me, but also..." executioner, tell me everything, and maybe i will still have time to help you, but help, help, the criminal is very dangerous, possibly armed, hands, alex the fierce, the case
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of orphans, premiere, from monday at 20:00 on ntv so you’re already here, well, that means i’m at the address, guys, there’s everything, the guns are there, thanks to lenid markovich,
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the green is ready. to take the young fighter course, choose. it’s a good choice, i started with the same one, so if you want, go and hold the table. a little lower, like this, and the butt of the keys is tighter, again, not bad for the first time, but
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didn’t your dad teach you how to shoot? no, i didn’t ask somehow, i actually wanted to be like an uncle. but i always wanted to be like my dad, he served as an afghan for me, then in chechnya he was a khatab volunteer, he lived his whole life in the war, it turns out that he killed russians, he killed,
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yes, such things will last forever. we will ensure security, we can handle this, we can handle it, well, great, then i went, hold on, i’m making
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connections. attention come out, wait, my father, i see
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what, wait, but if your father had been there, if my father had been there, then i wouldn’t have missed, that’s it, wait, dad, go away, they’ll kill you, go away, dad, go away, you! they're beating you, grishka, go away!
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the car urgently, i think, after what happened, you will tie your husband up with a barn lock to close it, i really wanted to. but if they sense our fear, then they will be afraid of us all their lives, russia, hush, hush, hold on, krish, kanislav, hush, hush.
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kolya, dasha, you were there, you were with him, you were, well, i won’t, the situation is serious, an operation is needed urgently, andrei grigorievich did not replies, we can’t do without it.
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doesn’t take it, call mila, sberbank has increased the deposit rates, now the best interest rate is 18% per annum only until june 30, hurry up to open a deposit brokerage account to receive three sberbank shares as a gift, the deposit is the best interest rate, listen, maybe on it, this is kiev, this is europe, well, somehow andryush, we agreed, we decided everything, everything will be fine, do you hear, yes, kolya, hello, milya, this is kolya, and andrey is not next to you, he is very... needed , no, sorry, that's
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impossible, we're leaving right now, yeah, well you can give him the phone, that’s it, sorry, it’s hard to hear who called, we have to worry, let’s go, they’re leaving at the airport. so, i will follow him to the airport, besides there will be hundreds of fighters and weapons, we promise you, no more self-indulgence, if you are a problem, then i told you, he is the only one who can
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do at least something, and the result, the supreme council is meeting , deputies gathered, shield! russia russia russia. crimeans, simferopol residents, today at a meeting a decision was made to hold an all-crimean referendum on may 25. russia russia and let the new kiev authorities be against referendum sends its emissaries to us,
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such as people's deputy poroshenko, we guarantee that we will be able to give them a worthy rebuff, this time the referendum will take place, it will not be ignored, as before, the answer will follow the very fact of holding the referendum, in addition, if nothing indicates opportunity to move forward and resolve this issue, europe and the united states will take a number of very serious measures that are available to us, well, you see, there is nothing to do here,
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the point is that obama said that washington does not recognize.
6:33 pm
uh-huh, i heard, airport parking self-defense are already in control, you can handle it yourself, yes. there was a rhinoceros, today a unicorn, tomorrow taganrok, tomorrow in st. petersburg, xci7 is the hero of every day. are you embarrassing yourself? chaliapin, volochko, next who? mukhtar or what? yes, zamat. next is mukhtar. come urgently and grab your brilliant dog. the star is returning. mukhtar, something interesting?
6:34 pm
the return of mukhtar from the very beginning. mukhtar, go ahead, look for mukhtar. tomorrow at 8:25 on ntv. alex the fierce case of orphans premieres on monday at 20:00 on ntv. the best deposit in sberi up to 18% per annum. hurry up to open before end of june. i promise to accept everything in you, even the ransom amount. go to the pick-up point, even if it’s not on my way. to be close and in fitting in the choice. until the return do us part. are you picking it up? yes, tell me, the most important thing is, yes, summer discounts. yes, yes, even on wildbri. an excellent choice is when you buy clothes on ozone and receive wow 99% cashback to pay for new orders. choose. try more this summer. free delivery artful point in yandex food. these are good
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live life to the fullest, forget about these ugly growths once and for all. the special formula of clareol will help you cope with the problem yourself, at home; the depanthenol included in the gel will promote rapid recovery. i recommended clareol to my husband, and you know, it works. i can use it on my own, at home, it’s very convenient, now even a gym, even a swimming pool, attention, special promotion for the fastest, call right now 800, 200 exactly 7,567 and get clareol for only 1 ruble 800, 200 exactly 7567, call within russia free alex the fierce case of orphans premieres on monday at 20:00 on ntv. superhero from popular tv series. don't be afraid, everything will be fine, that's how it should be. he dropped everything, took the camera
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and went to the front. they are covering us from all sides. such a disco. to record the crimes of this artist. just hatred and anger towards everything russian. so that the escaped traitors see this and stop lying. these rats, they... their masks immediately fell off and it is imperative that we win as quickly as possible, but what about without victory? an unimaginative movie about freaks and people on sunday at 6 pm on ntv. they 'll put them all there now. andryukh, take a taxi, i’m going to the hospital, and i’ll follow, come on, i understand, yeah. yes, kolya, i’m listening to you. i got you.
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stay there, we're heading out now. that's it, hang up. at the airport, crimean alpha armored personnel carrier. nikolay, he can come to an agreement.
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we were ordered to take control of the object, the object is under control, oh well, under what is it, under the people's, lesh, zhilin, i was ordered to move into position to avoid blocking the airport, in which case i i open fire to kill, it’s clear what kind of defeat, who are you going to shoot at, i have zhilin? an order, what you don’t understand, whose order, do you even understand what is happening here, who is giving you such orders there, kiev, you know who is sitting there now, do you need blood? glilin, i don’t discuss orders, my business is small, it’s in vain , lesh, sometimes it’s better to use your head, you answer the phone, maybe there’s something important there , yes, i, no, for now, but what should i do, well
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what? act according to the situation, well, you see, it’s still better to use your head sometimes, well that’s what this situation tells you, it offers resistance, revealing some kind of defeat, it’s not heard, it’s not heard, it didn’t pass, repeat again, i say with resistance, i open fire. let's go back, kostya, thank you, thank you, back to
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your places, brothers, back to your places. we can, we have everything ready, andrei grigorievich, the operation begins at 0:13, scalpel.
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why are you sitting? let's get ready. where? into the forest partisan? are you not catching up at all? they are now turning over the whole of crimea to find us. my head was knocked off. it's just a pity that things aren't going well
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finished. so, is it because of grisha, the little boy, or do you think the little boy will be torn out? i give you 2 minutes!
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we are sewing up. do you remember, when grishka was about five years old, he asked me to buy sankey, i was at the shooting at ayana then. i gave them to him through vanka morev, and i was on a business trip, 2 weeks later i was only able to pick them up, the snow had already melted, i didn’t know, but
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do you know what grisha said when i finally gave it to him? that i don’t need a sled, i need my mom and dad, i never rode them, that i will live, my back will not be affected, my motor functions will be preserved, but some time for... you'll need it, you can go see him, it's still early, we still need to do some procedures, it's okay, i'll wait, why, you
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're twitching, grisha is twitching, give yourself and him time to rest, dash, i'll get you up, andry, thank you thank you very much, in general, if you come in the morning, everything will be fine, thank you, let's go, what are you doing, what will you cook, for what? they sentenced hundreds of people to death. this is mankiewicz, his punitive detachment operated in the vicinity in 1941. and 35 years later, someone started hunting for them. we have two strange suicides. a suspicious taxi driver, who has not yet been found, is now a state security investigator, i don’t believe in such coincidences, and i know your intuition,
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good, work, you have to find not only former punishers, do you think that this executioner is me, but also their executioner, tell me everything, and maybe i’ll still have time to help you, but help, help, the criminal is very... hello, are you taking it? yes, tell me, the most important thing, yes, summer discounts, sale on wildbres,
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dareshchagin’s star combo for 355 rubles, and for a long time this will continue, until june 16, to a tasty point, a real hunt - this is when the prey is almost in your hands, when right in front of you is the main trophy from 20 million, like... clothes, shoes and equipment, increased bonuses on fuel, special conditions for medical services, full access to films, tv series and shows, subscription, construction set, gazprom
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bonus subscription - it’s profitable: how you? cool, but are you saving up a vtb savings account for a subscription? open a vtb savings account with a rate of 18%. everything will work out together at btb. magnet, price, what you need. wichi crab sticks 199.99. this breakfast is not included in my room rate, but with mts travel, it is free for me. zhanochka, this is the third croissant. you won't you get crunched? mixit body care set. 589 rub. hair set 849 rub. well, sit down from the victims, be kind, boys, oh, little carcass, how i love you.
6:52 pm
guy, pick him up, but somehow the hut guy ended up on the hook, tarasik, when they took you from the greenie, yes, and what about olena’s kolo, he kissed the very top of the head.
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it turns out you sang like a nightingale there, even a little fatty. so follow the order of your boss, bring the matter to an end, bogdash, go for a walk and go straight to the emergency room.
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thank you, maybe you should sleep, i still won’t fall asleep. now everything will be fine, of course.
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i understand, now, bye, bye. at least get some sleep, okay.
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not at home, if you’re worried about your son, then seryoga has already posted security in the ward, but maybe you’re right, it’s a busy time for them now, it’s not a matter of turning around, time is running out, you’re talking about the
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friendship train, and about him too, now there’s gunpowder we need to meet, there will be provocations, i have no doubt about that, are you screwed, styopa? and that it’s weak for bogdash to hang out with the russian cattle and no matter what you do with anyone, they will blame the russians for everything, you’re definitely not the one who fucked up, stupa, hello. sorry, please, you don't have there will be, well, yes, you don’t smoke, please, hello, what’s wrong with you? dash, dash, dash, dash,
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dash. idiot, during transportation and during the operation there was massive blood loss, the condition was close to hemorrhagic shock, blood transfusion is currently being carried out, he is on vasopressor support, so it was decided to continue medicated sleep, in general dash, you have nothing to do here in skol now , and, to be honest , i need to rest for another hour. yes, that 's good, that's it, i'll call you.
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and we have no barriers
7:00 pm
people who believe in the future of russia are in the kremlin today. until the big holiday, nikolai bulkin.


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