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tv   Pod zashchitoi  NTV  June 13, 2024 4:05am-4:51am MSK

4:05 am
who is he? i told you, the opera is from the region. i’ve been working with you for 100 years, why are you making a fool out of me? listen, igor, don’t you have anything to do? and i just have something to do. i suspect koltsov. your job now is to look for mikheev together with the operas. are looking for. but i won’t remove my suspicions from koltsovo. go to work. there are also those who work, comrade lieutenant colonel, colleagues, good afternoon, hello, what did you come with, a summary of the last days, several armed attacks with weapons, in the region the picture is similar, in five cases, robberies with guns. do you think we
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are completely idiots, we already know, the kalash were just in the last batch that the kadyshevskys kidnapped, while mikhei was with us, the weapons did not surface, perhaps he is one of the elders in this gang, no, mikhei cannot be older , too stupid, stupid could not have planned such a competent escape from the hospital. well , let’s say, if he was the leader, he would carry weapons himself, but why not, we need to break through these robberies, perhaps through them we will get to the arms seller, listen, captain, you think we won’t figure it out without you, i think you will figure it out, but if i can help, it would be better if your assistants looked after their charges. yes,
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where are you going? urgently call belchenko and move to kirovsky. he has a new object, there may be problems with it. i'll be there in half an hour. well, are they calling? they won't let us help. you give it to michim, because you really can’t tell the difference, but how did you come up with the idea, it’s your head to eat in, yeah, eat and drink, as soon as this rat was about to betray us, i immediately decided that we had to go a different route, what’s the matter? i forgot what a serious thing, yes it’s serious, but first we need to put together the leftovers, we’re not chasing the price, they’re already looking. serb, organize transport,
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and you, colina, prepare the goods. and the screw and i will see what kind of eagles. all clear. listen, this car is glued to us. do they really come from a rifle? we seem to have a leak. where? don't know. what are our actions?
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hands, stand, stand still, great, you can relax, listen, robin hood, you are apparently a very popular person, we are tailed again, these are not lintels, they left the first car yours, and on the second he fought, who is it then, yes there are some there, pritula, trifle, side thing, this pretzel managed to hack
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hackers in foreign intelligence, thereby disrupting the operation of our special services, and now some want to kill him, and others put him in prison, we were given the command to hide him from everyone, cool, right? open the map, yes, try to break away at least for a little while, a block to the right there is an excellent passage yard, we will jump out and go through the metro, meet at my house, okay, let's go, let's go for the music.
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great bitcoin, where is micah, where are my money? micah is not there, i’m for him, so that means i need to go into the military base to take the fingerprints of one person, a grandmother, but for such a thing it’s not enough, then i’ll have to leave the country for six months. another thing is that all the information about him is here on a flash drive, then we can put these fingerprints on mikhei in the police database, and clean up something in the dossier, obviously, no problem,
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we’ll do it. yes, i understand, thanks for the information, great, you’re expecting guests, you never know, that’s right, in general.
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when they’ve already started, let’s wait, i have everything ready, then we’ll start. yes, i’m listening, nikitin, call first, i understand, well, fedorchuk, you are the most impatient, go first, yes, please. what kind of waste paper?
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analyzing. and, look, after mikheev escaped, in the leningrad region, two cars with weapons were detained at checkpoints. so. in one they found two bullets with cartridges, uh, in the other, three bullets and 10 grenades. and what? both detainees have no connection with each other. they don’t even know each other, but they both give the same testimony, i didn’t see the seller, i took the weapon in a designated place, i transferred the money through a crypto exchange in several tranches to different accounts, accounts were broken, yes, cashed and closed, yeah, well, how do they
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reach the seller, through the darknet, which, in more detail, well, darknet, encrypted internet. ordinary search engines don’t see it, you can only get there through a minimizer, this is understandable, we know that drugs are sold through the darknet, but weapons are a completely different matter, you need to feel their barrel. before you buy, dude, offline is a relic of the past, and if the seller cheats, he won’t cheat, because if it’s really necessary, the pros will figure him out, and he knows about it, yeah, and you’re with us too professional, that means you can easily calculate it too, well, theoretically i can, but for this you need a normal laptop, but no calculator, okay, i see, smart guy, come on, take me with me, what is it, what, you asked for information on
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andreev’s charges, just no action , no contacts, georgievich understood, of course. listen, captain, come, we found mikhei, he is now in the morgue, we are waiting for you, what happened to him, he fell from a bridge right under a truck, but experts say that death occurred as a result of a point-blank shot in the face, i think the counterfeiters found out that we had, well just in case, be treated like traitors? we knew from our fingers, yes, his face is a mess, his fingers are intact and his coat is on his right hand,
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you don’t want to do a dna test for reliability, no one to compare with, mikhev has no relatives, we checked, the case is closed, i ’ll take a photo of the tattoo, why as a reminder, it’s interesting that the issue with weapons is still open. we are working, yes, yeah, let's start, please, inhale, exhale, breathe evenly, don't hold your breath, don't think about anything extraneous, let's do a test, listen to the questions and answer everything clearly, no, your name is ivan ivanov? no, pyotr petrov, no, catherine
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the great, no, alexander sergeevich pushkin, no, that’s enough, now answer all the questions, yes, you are single, yes, you work in a store, yes, you are a man, yes, you are an old man, yes? i’m determined they killed him, or he really got hit by a car, in any case, this is our fault, in fact, he escaped and killed two people, which means he should have been tried according to the law, and not killed in a gang war, in general everything is somehow smooth with this death. are you out? what happened to you? i don't i understand, but i’d like to dig deeper into this matter,
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can you provide me with a working laptop? okay, did you cheat on your wife? no. do you have debts? no. do you abuse alcohol? no. do you smoke? yes. you are using your official position for personal gain. no, do you personally know alexey nikolaevich gorachev? no, do you have undeclared income? no, has a criminal ever escaped responsibility for your actions? no. did you inform grachev about the undercover agent? no. you stole materials on the gang case from the strelnikovo safe grachova? no, you warned grachev about the special operation, no, you are grachev’s informant,
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there’s a lot of stuff here, you can’t say anything, you bastard, rats. okay, done, this is good, stop!
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he also had a prince, it sucks, in short, we need to find out who this informant is, he will lead us to this dmitriev, but how to find out who this informant is? i don’t know, we have his account number in complexbank. so marat is the manager there, he owes us, he will refuse me.
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stas, i have a proposal for you, move to st. petersburg, i need a person with your experience, and what to do, you will go to museums, the same as usual, undercover infiltration, in our northern capital, no one knows you, this is good for our business, i will personally supervise so that no...
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i don’t know why, well, i feel guilty before them, although i wasn’t even there. we didn’t have anyone there, okay, i’m in the office,
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you can’t imagine what a loss this is for medicine, dmitry vladimirovich, he was a god-given surgeon. marina ivanovna was also a wonderful specialist, such wonderful people have left us, there are still the highest justice is that this bandit was hit by a car, do you happen to have mikheev’s biological materials left in your clinic? no, alas, we do not store biological samples or patient tissues, why would you? yes, i wanted to check one version, well... “excuse me, what, thank you, goodbye, vlad, hello, i brought you some food, i’ve already rolled some cherries for myself, well, thanks anyway, i add,
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bon appetit. captain izevekova. biography, nothing special. school, ministry of internal affairs academy, placement, service. lives with parents, not.
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married. however, in her private social network account, you can discover unexpected facets of her secret life. it turns out that captain izvekova is the happy owner of an suv worth 3 million rubles. so she's not driving. the car is registered in her name and often goes to the mall. sitting, and who is this, a lover, a certain somov, appeared in her life about six months ago, during the same period when dmitriev was introduced into grachev’s gang, that is, the young lady lives very directly, we checked her financial transactions, spends more than she earns the whole department, who are her parents? father is a physicist, mother beltersha is in the theater, you understand. it’s clear, well done, the holder is free, it’s time to go to
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misha, do you think he’ll let you go on vacation, where are you suddenly going, i ’m going to cuba, i’m tired of all this, good luck, i thought they’d sign. it’s unlikely, listen, guys, they call themselves friends, they’re trying to take me in somehow and support me, that yakovlev is there, i have no idea, there are results from yesterday’s interrogation, they don’t report to me, listen, somehow ryan is digging under our department, guys, who else should he dig for? by the way, he himself on the day of the murder of strelnikov, he persistently asked about the keys to his safe, yes, just like that, listen, maybe he stole the papers, he is setting us up in this way, what nonsense, but... i wish i hadn’t discounted this version, no, if someone likes to think that a rat is among us, please, okay, wish me good luck, good luck, well, you see,
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nikolai ivanovich, you didn’t even know that your employees were having an affair with criminals, as far as i know, somov’s conviction has long been expunged , but don’t you see why he was condemned? i see money laundering, that's right, received from the sale of drugs, but the drugs were never proven, unfortunately, the filly escaped with a slight fright, yes, in general, i think that external surveillance should be established for the age-old, and also a wiretap should be installed, well, communication with somovo with the rook is so good for him and it hasn’t been proven, but he has a regular investment fund, he trades in stocks and bonds, it’s legal, but i’m sure it’s just a cover. evgeniy sergeevich, i
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understand your dissatisfaction, but i am categorically against actions without a court order. there will be a decree for you. just keep in mind if she will run away and all the responsibility will fall on you. come here, what the hell, you decided to get a tattoo? one criminal, this is such a tattoo, yeah, well, it doesn’t seem to be criminal, well, i agree, nezonov’s, well, you want to find it, well, yes, i want to understand what it means, maybe some kind of
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community or something else, well, if you just scroll through the pictures, this will take you a year, okay, like then, give me your phone, first we’ll send the picture to the laptop, and then search by image, i’m not good at computers, it ’s obvious, it’s strange, the internet doesn’t know anything about tattoos, it’s a pity, but you can understand what the inscription means, it’s easy, we don’t sleep while others sleep, some kind of military-patriotic crap, this is an army tattoo, more likely a border tattoo, arabic script is farsi, so it must be some kind of thing...
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comrade colonel, let me ask you forever, here is the application for leave, who are you going on vacation with, alone and what? yes, otherwise, somehow i went abroad at the wrong time, nikolai ivanovich, they took all my testimony, what else?
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colonel, you were right, it is necessary to establish external surveillance for the age-old, about wiretapping, i also agree. well, almost it’s ready, i found out, temporarily a chat about the sale of kalash sweatshirts is created by a certain bitcoin, you know it, not but we ’ll find out now, no damn thing, it’s davodov seryoga, and he was killed, what when,
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we’ll find out now. twenty-eight-year-old sergei davidov is in the compartment, uh-huh, i can’t make it in time, georgievich, i found a weapons seller, only he was killed, in kolpino, do you want to take a ride, yes, come on, yes. find everything there is about this person, his relatives, everything there, come on, okay, at least some kind of entertainment, i’m glad to see you in full health, alexey alekseevich, and you’re not
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too sick, marad, how are the children? how are you at home? thank you, everything is fine, this is the most important thing, i have one request for you, whatever i can, alexey alekseevich, yes you can, you can, no request, little things, i need information about the account in your bank, who opened it, when, where the money is gone, but there will be a special thank you for the photo owner, just yes... well, that means kama will send the account number to the phone, i’m waiting.
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ilya, hello, what's going on? yes, i know, everyone was running around. what's going on, we decided to take the patient out coma, but the body can’t cope, the pressure has dropped, and now, we’re waiting, i hope you understand that moving is impossible in such conditions, excuse me, we’re driving along the embankment, turn left, accept, i understand, we’re working.
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everyone, attention, the object has stopped. what's wrong with the signal? very strong interference. yes, we chose a great place. turn on speakerphone . no, i can't do that, at least not anytime soon. you said you could, you know, so much has happened in the last few days, that's why we have to, wait, i'm scared, i used to i’ve never behaved like this, peace, you’re getting yourself
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worked up out of nowhere, you don’t understand, this can’t go on any longer, i have to tell you something, and i know everything you know, now you’re nowhere... away from me you share, that’s it, it’s time to take it, you know, i... i just couldn’t say that i serve in the police, why? i didn’t know about his past, i was afraid that it would destroy
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our relationship, i met him, today i, i’m tired, i’m tired of living in a lie, i wanted to tell him everything, confess everything, everything. irina, if not criminal past of your chosen one, none of this would have happened. it’s good, egory, that you came, i haven’t seen you for 100 years. well, little by little, lech, you
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haven’t seen mikhiya for a long time, it’s because you have business with him, and i called him the last time on the border guard’s day , why are you whining like that? passed through, where? so i have an excellent recipe, you need vodka with pepper, you can use pepper, now we’ll treat you, amichey, he’s a bastard, i forgot how i carried him 10 km on myself at the outpost.
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we’ll tear it up now, here’s the pepper, now we ’ll heal you, thanks for coming, brother, come in more often, i live here alone because i’m fed up. in general, from time to time you covered with your lover,
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carried out a whole special operation with a seizure, i saw that i saw her being conducted by surveillance, i told you, no actions, no contacts, i was careful. i saw the tail and dumped the flash drive, what are you talking about, well, i haven’t had time to read about everyone yet, who has the best flash drive here. i ’m not one step away from my ward, otherwise i’ll take him out under escort, where to saratov, your hacker is being transported tomorrow, you’ll also have to figure out the apartment, why, i’m just starting to get used to it, it looks like the apartment is under surveillance, i don’t i can take risks, what do you say?
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well, i don’t know what’s wrong, i don’t want to go. winter palace, petergov, you won’t be with me anyway, i promise you, everything will be different there.
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what's worrying you? i’m listening, yes, i’ll take a look now, did you find anything? found it, show me! egorov, alexey viktorovich, married,
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two children. and the tattoo is in place. can i look at something? please. yes. wait. lou john. what kind of list is this? colleagues of this urka. i don’t understand why lessons. he’s a major, that explains a lot, just wait, alexey senin lives in st. petersburg, thank you, please, have breakfast, i'm afraid i won't have time, get ready to move, can you take the laptop, no, of course. then i'm ready, first,
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you go out through the front door, we through the back door, let's go, let's go, quickly, quickly, got caught, oh! here he is in the red car, let's go after them, guys, now you, that's it, cut off, let's take it, it's not them. “block, we’ll take it, well, let’s break away, i hope,
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and you’ll live for a long time until the situation is resolved, which means i’m here forever, you can ask a question, what did you dig up that everyone is hunting for you, but maybe i won’t answer, the more? the egorovs got identical tattoos for themselves,
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we don’t sleep when others sleep, i wanted one for myself too, well, i picked up some kind of leather crap and never did it. when was the last time you saw egor? so yesterday evening i came in and sat with him, remembered the service, there was something unusual in his behavior, unusual, except that he was sallow, sallow, he had a cold, i treated him a little according to our old army, but i don’t know where egorov serves, yes, somewhere nearby, not far.
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letter from marat, bring it here.
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where is ostas, it means your husband will return from a business trip only in a week, well, yes, when there is a lot of work, seryozha stays at the training ground, so as not to rush back and forth every day, he
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has been there for 3 days, mom, let's go for a walk, yes, baby, let's go , sorry, nothing. marad, what kind of bullshit did you send me? all i knew, alexey alekseevich, the account was dormant, it was opened by some honurik 2 years ago, the money as soon as it arrived was immediately withdrawn, well, did you break it? yes, he died six months ago. where did the money go? fks bank, you understand, there i it was not possible to find out anything. we're glad, what? aren't you lying to me? i swear to god. marat, if i suddenly found out that you deceived me, i would never dare.


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