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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-15  NTV  June 13, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

5:40 am
allow me, comrade colonel, i hope no one was killed, no, sergei igorich, everyone is alive, thank you, i wanted to ask you, the coins are fake, what should i do with them, let’s give them to the police museum, great idea, comrade colonel, comrade colonel, can i have one, i’ll hang it on the medallion,
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that’s why the battalion commander put us in the most remote place, there are only squirrels, a good hunter, should be able to find game anywhere, yeah, anywhere, in the forest, yes, listen, stop wailing, everything is wrong for him, it’s 8 in the morning, you know what’s going to happen, nothing good, you shouldn’t think so, in 5 minutes we’ll get there, get to the point, and there’s a village and two holiday villages nearby, so what? you
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’re not very smart, what were people doing at their dachas yesterday? they were walking, which means this morning they need what they need, to get over their hangover, that’s right, it was all over overnight, and the stores aren’t selling in the morning, which means they’ll get behind the wheel drunk and go to the village for moonshine, dialectics, do you know what dialectics is? keep quiet, oh, broken car. it’s not bad, but the morning is gone, i said nothing good, i wonder where the driver is? apparently he disappeared,
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maybe he took the victim to the hospital, let's see what's in the trunk, maybe our bonus is there, it's not a bonus. it’s a firearm, what are you standing there, call the duty officer, yeah, yeah, that’s it, niki, it’s police work. at least
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they ordered that they sprinkle sand on the street, good, i collected everything like a hand, but it’s fine, but why there are so few things, yes, bah, i collected almost everything, now i’ll move all the things to a new apartment before work, it’s better i used to get you ready in the evening, honestly, you ate, so now i’ll wrap it up for you, so bah, wait, i said that we have a good canteen at work, we’ll eat there, well, i’ll go and see if i forgot anything, but i’m not going to africa, to a new apartment, if i forgot anything, i’ll come back and pick it up, you i forgot the tv, why do i need it, i haven’t turned it on for five years, why, it costs money, by the way, my grandfather and i stood in line for it for 3 years, well, don’t do it yourself, give it to friends in the end, friends, they really don’t need it, how could they give it to a second-hand shop, but they won’t give more than 500 rubles for it, and 500 rubles won’t money, so come on tomorrow, tomorrow tomorrow is not today, so lazy people say, well ba, what ba, grandfather 3 years? there was a queue behind him, okay, i
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’ll take him now, take him, well done! hello, hello, oh, oh, come in, thank you, oh, oh, oh, oh-oh, leva, what are you doing? you’re doing artificial respiration too late, i’m already sniffing and what am i sniffing, well , it doesn’t smell like alcohol and there are no personal documents or documents for transport, look at your sense of smell , just like a dog’s, come on, come here, come on, sniff, you can smell a criminal, you can smell it maybe you'll take andryukh, you're funny, gentlemen
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, detectives, you should be interested in these fragments of a headlight from another car, this is the one that the other one drove into, a bmw five, and the color is supposedly gray, wow leva , come on, smell it, that's for sure, and that you don't need an examination? the examination will say the same thing, only in two days. gentlemen, officers, did you notice that there was a video recorder in the car, but now it is gone. lyova, did you send data to nikita’s car? yes. well done, there is a video camera about 500 meters away, you can see what kind of bmw was passing here. where can i have a look? we are in control. we'll definitely take a look. thanks lieutenant for the information. thank you. i'm taking it for examination. for examination, you are an expert, what kind of playful mood are you in today? so the weather is beautiful, leva, you keep sniffing, go ahead, yes, niki, i’m listening to you, i rang the car number, the owner viktor anatolyevich markov, born in fifty-eight, in the early 2000s, was sentenced to 2
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years probation for failure to report a crime , wait, that’s not all, markov is a surgeon, he operated on wounded bandits at his home, so... nikito, thanks for the information, if anything happens, call me right away.
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not rubber, captain, yeah, but we have to go, okay, get in mine, let's go, okay, come on, see you, catch up, i'll call, i'll let you know, that 's it, 300, seriously, 300 rubles.
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it cost me 250 to bring him here. they would have brought it on foot, they would have earned, okay, 300, so 300, good, and another minus 20% for the store, a rip-off. sergei igorevich, maybe you can sit in the car? and why is that? you’re just wearing a uniform, why hurt people again? yes, nonsense, he is a suspect, not a victim, and in general, stop teaching me, gentlemen, officers, you're
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like an old man, it's normal, what's going on? three! markov handed it out, rat, you can go, i don’t know, probably, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, we must, let’s go, come on, come on, masters, hands! calm down, criminal investigation, i’m killing myself, i’ll kill you, i said with my hands, calm down, your smoking is about to stop, that’s enough, hat, it ’s all over for me, at least you’ll live, put down the gun, drop the gun, by the way, he’s saying the point, it’s true, we are from the criminal investigation department, look here, criminal investigation department, homicide department, markov sent you, markov killed this morning, how was he killed? but be careful,
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how is he doing, don’t worry, don’t worry, he’ll live, your buddy, and he’ll also have time to serve time, they must have killed markov, and who ’s going to give a damn now, guys, you knew markov well, yes, he he often helped us, when was the last time you saw him? well , two months ago , when my eldest nephew was baptized, he was there too, okay, we had a walk, tell us, did he have any obvious enemies? no, it seems, but it wasn’t, he only didn’t mess with scumbags, but normal guys always darned, and you called him today, well , before you came here, well, yes, he said to be here, he’ll be here soon, that was a long time ago, two or three hours ago, okay, to the department, let’s continue the conversation, we’ll figure it out, we’ll figure it out, before
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goodbye, all the best, forest fires are a dangerous and formidable element, stop defeating the fire, the calling of the strong, pilots, observers, parachutists, firefighters, paratroopers, firefighters, air forest protection has grown. a reliable shield of russian forests. you look at us like animals in a zoo, because in fact, we are no worse than you. gossip. today at 20:00 on ntv. well, pashka? someone should control the yard, and someone should go up to the apartment? well, as the eldest, i’ll give in to you; i’ll be on duty in the yard myself. why are you in the yard? because you missed it last time. i didn’t miss anything, andryukha, admit it, i missed it, yes i missed it, i missed it, why is everyone criticizing me today,
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who else? solovets, says that the new bosses don’t like me, well, if i were the boss, then i wouldn’t like you very much either, to be honest, oh, how is this a classic, let all the sorrows pass us by lordly anger and lordly love, go already, and don’t repeat my mistakes. hello, andryukh, there is his bmw in the yard, yes, it’s broken, just if it’s him, he has a gun, maybe we won’t risk it, we’ll call emon, no, pashka, nothing is needed, i’ve already entered, dude, you’re a taxi driver. don’t hang up, yes, girl, i’m a taxi driver, take me home, i’ll take you, i
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feel bad, of course i’ll take you, while you’re getting ready, i ’ll go while i wake up masha, wake up masha, wake up, well, it’s time for stoned girls, yeah, get up. usachov rise, well, clearly, what have you got here, there is a lifeless body that is completely cut off, good morning! who are you, who let you in here? you are looking for this, criminal investigation, don’t
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touch me, i don’t want to go to jail, i’m ready, hello, so we’re going or we’re not going, of course we’re going. yes, ba, did you take the tv to nikiten? yes, i did, they said they would call me in the evening. okay, i'll come in the evening and help you unpack your things. no, no, no, no need to help me with things, i haven’t chosen both yet. what are you doing? well, i'll do everything after work. that's it, calm down, don't call me, i'm working. what else
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set a reminder on your phone for today to go get wallpaper, otherwise it will drag on for six months again, i told you, don’t call, i’m working, i won’t tell you anything. look how brave you are, you spoke differently an hour ago, but i don’t remember anything, but it’s clear, i fell asleep at home, woke up here and i don’t know any markov, you behave confidently, dear, i’ve seen this not for the first time during interrogation, yes, in short, you won’t take me for a show-off, and there’s no need to scare me either, now
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my lawyer will arrive, we’ll keep quiet for the record. in any case, the examination will show that he was in state of drug addiction, taras, we removed cocaine from your apartment for 10 years, that’s two, and you, and you try, prove that it’s mine, or maybe one of the chicks brought it, how do i know, let’s keep quiet for the record, you say, and you know, it’s even better, i mean, you can remain silent, it’s your right. your girlfriend will tell us everything with great pleasure, especially after we pin all the drugs from your house on her, she still doesn’t know anything, i’m not a moron, it’s clear, i don’t chat with chicks about my affairs, yes, but you're so sure of it, she's in she’s giving evidence in the next office right now, maybe you’re stoned and telling her everything,
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you’re saying it yourself, you don’t remember anything, but just be quiet.
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and hit something or someone there? well, i don't know, i wasn't there. georgivich, can i see you for a minute? pash, uh, what, bad news for you, i didn’t understand, the car is not the same, it’s not the same, hold your conclusion, the damage on markov’s car does not coincide with the damage on sachev’s car, well, the details are also not the same, but it can’t be , yes exactly. is it really a coincidence, well, it’s a coincidence, damn, thank you, you’re always welcome, here, yes, i’m warm dressed, thank you very much, i’m indoors,
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take a walk, please, yes, hodgepodge, i’ll buy it, allow me, young man, thank you, yes? why is it so tense, you seem to be happy, a new apartment, uh-huh, but i have the feeling that i won’t live in it normally, but what happened, my grandmother happened, well , she has no one else in st. petersburg except me, nikita, you have no one in st. petersburg except your grandmother, and you left your parents at the age of 15, so as not to listen to this, put on a cap, nikitochka, aptannechki, old man, well, it’s an everyday matter, this after all, it’s a grandmother, only he behaves with me. as if i were 15 years old, nikitos, i ’ll tell you this, many grandmothers almost always behave this way, at 40 years old, believe me, did you put on a warm cap, did you go to the doctor with a fever, this is a family, and as a person with. .. family, i tell you with full responsibility, it’s better to care too much than no care at all, i don’t know, yes, of course it depends on the person, the fact of the matter
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is that it depends on the person, come on, yes , grandma, yes, lord, well, why, what why? you i would never have chosen it myself, i know you like crazy, you’ve already been planning for a week, bah, but you wasted money, nonsense, i chose the cheaper one, i see, i don’t like it, i would have chosen it myself, honestly, and now what can i say, let’s change clothes , let’s say that now, now, no, i came home from work, i’m very tired, and that i’m tired, you work as a loader or something, but at your age i only did repairs, i’ll come back from my shift. i'll rush ahead, quickly change your clothes, okay, stop, grandma, let's do it tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, not today, okay lazy people say, well, i’m going to bed, and you’re going
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home, wonderful wallpaper, let’s begin, comrade officers. why not in full force, where are the rest? so, as you asked, potapenko is resting after duty, krymov went to the region, why? well, bulkin asked to bring him a witness in an old case. pirogovsky, unfortunately, is late, called and said that he would be there any minute. how long has he had this? yes, discipline in the department is lame. let's put it on, well, what's wrong with usach? unfortunately, the version with usachev turned out to be untenable. well, i was right this is not a traffic conflict. but the fact that usachev is not involved does not exclude the fact that this is a low-priority topic. so what you're saying,
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captain, is that there was another gray bmw with a beat-up bottom. quite possible. unlikely. andryukh, i looked at all the cctv cameras, there is no more bmw there, neither gray, nor white, no, sorry. thanks for support. not surprising. yes, allow me. come in. i'm sorry i'm late, but i have a good reason, please report, just before leaving the house i decided to look at the crime scene from a satellite, into space flew, comrade rydanov, stop your shallow jokes, it’s my fault, comrade colonel, it’s my fault, and what did you see there? i looked to see if there were any other exits from the highway between the murder scene and the video cameras? well , according to the traffic police, there aren’t any, there shouldn’t be any, so you see, there is one asphalt road leading to this village, and there is also a small... road that the drivers made on their own, well, that is, so to speak, they trampled it with wheels for in order not to make an extra 5 km before turning off the highway, traffic police do not take such exits into account in their maps
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are not indicated, but what kind of village is this, plus, we need to go there and talk to the locals, maybe someone saw something, someone, what else, the fact is that krymov left in an official car and will not return soon, well and if rydanov’s car is in the car, i’ll order gasoline, unfortunately, my car is still under repair, i reported that i got into a small accident. so, what were you doing last night during the murder? not funny. well, stop it, like a little boy, we ’ll talk about this later. about discipline. so you don't have a car. no. you can use the uaz from the duty room. what are you talking about do you really want to break it? he 's already on his last legs. okay, i 'll take you myself. what do you mean by yourself? myself. at the same time , i’ll see how you work. living people, and we, comrade colonel, mainly work with the dead, what a positive person you are, sob, well, let's go, wait for me at the car, i'll change clothes,
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well, there are 20 houses, no more, let's go here. carefully! well, knock again. "hello, good afternoon, police,
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again, well, today you need it, what do you mean again, tell me, did a foreign car, a gray bmw, appear here yesterday by chance if you haven’t seen it, let ’s go to my neighbor, ivan, he ’ll explain everything to you there, well, let’s go.” he’ll explain to you, he’s kind of strange, hello, colonel kukushkin, we’re from the police, van , this is about yesterday, yesterday,
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just one second, also to the neighbor, or what? from the police, i know which police from which to stand on the spot, he said, we’re standing, calm down, that’s it, we’ve already had enough...
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let's tell us what happened here, who came to you yesterday? i don’t trust anyone after yesterday, semiranch, come here and report, yeah, that yesterday, as per the spirit, come on, well, there were three of them, gangster faces, and their police ids were definitely fake, sure as hell , they burst into me, with gazelles, mine demanded that you with your... they put the tires in mine and drove away, but one remained, first fiddling around near his car, and then he entered the house, oh, he was so impudent, he opened the refrigerator, took the cheese, butter, sausage, i sliced ​​bread and started making sandwiches, and then these came back, ate everything, left, that’s it, there is no more semyonich, no cheese, no sausage,
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but this is an automatic machine, an automatic machine, where is the knife, but here it is with a brown handle, pirogov’s.
6:10 am
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6:11 am
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6:14 am
this is your deepest desires, you are far away they were abandoned, but it’s ozone’s birthday, i want perfume and shoes and a bigger wardrobe, but you can always be in ozone advertising, you can. tell, discounts, discounts, oh, ozone birthday sale. geltech cream for 529. appetite pans for 1.599. neppy club diapers for 799. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphotransit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphotransit evalar - summer without swelling. in summer weather, swelling may occur. lymphotransit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. take lymphotransit from valar. and now about the weather for today in the far east, the cyclones
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are trying to provide everyone with rain. showers from thunderstorms near lake baikal and local rains in other southern regions. there is little heat, from vladivostok to chita about 20. on the islands in kamchatka it is even less. it's also raining in places , and finally the center is also affected by rain. yakutia, where it is warmest up to +25. siberia, the anticyclone shifts to the sunny warm side, rains only on its outskirts, this is the north, altai, baikal. in general, in the south there is no precipitation and up to +28. the urals are hit by intense heat, over 30 degrees, and it’s also dry, and natural fires are about to break out. in the center of the european territory of russia the third according to forecasts final day with rain and thunderstorms. under their pressure, the temperature will still drop. during the day it’s not far from +20. in the black earth region there are neva rivers.
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my wife baked, wow, thank you, oleg georgievich, i want you to write a report against the district police officer who detained us in the village today, well, he didn’t do anything illegal, he... thought that you were bandits and even more so his actions need to be reported to the top, but he didn’t know that you were a police colonel, why are you interrupting me all the time, excuse me, the idea of ​​​​encouragement, he was not afraid alone to deal with three suspicious individuals, the individuals are us, let them give him a bonus or something, okay, i’ll do it, yes, allow me, oh, sorry for interrupting, but i have a good reason, report, the prints came from a knife from the village. wow, whose, german nikolaevich kapustin,
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born in 7, registered in st. petersburg, uh-huh, convictions, one for murder and two others for arms trafficking, this suits us, yes, a complete gentleman's set for a real kid, sergei igorevich, sorry, it was a joke, a bad joke, i agree, now it’s clear that they were transporting semyonich in a van, that’s right, i think you don’t need to think, you need to go and take this kapustin, by the way, don’t forget to write me a report on his arrest later without mistakes. comrade colonel, i think it’s too early to take him, we need to keep an eye on the client, check his connections, and our operatives have enough experience so that this so -called client does not notice them, offend, comrade colonel, they will handle it, don’t worry, well then i authorize your actions, but at your responsibility, ok, under mine, then i take pirogovsky's old man and go to him, go ahead, i need a car, no, i already took mine from repair, but take the pie. thank you, but you and this
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district police officer, yes, our gray bmw, yes, it’s strange why they didn’t immediately eliminate the trace of the accident, maybe they just didn’t have time, maybe they didn’t have time, lyova, look around, yeah, here it is.
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pirogovsky, why did you sit in my seat, i didn’t understand that it suddenly became yours, there’s a sign here, i generally always sit there, respect the chain of command, comrade lieutenant, no, not subordination, but hazing, and we don’t do it let's encourage you, listen, kids, that's enough, next time you change seats, watch the jeep, but we'll miss you, don't tell your father, we won't miss you. well, let's take them, let's take them, everyone is ready, guys, i forgot the barrel, lion, well, this is no good , it all starts with insubordination. so, okay, pashka and i go ahead, you belay.
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i brought the second batch, as agreed, the money is with you, yes, show me the goods, show me, baboss, but there’s no question, look. ok, show me the product, no problem,
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look, everything works, and what i took yesterday worked, yes, no complaints, here too, then we close the deal, on this topic, yes, anything else you need, write a letter, okay, the criminal rose is standing still, don’t twitch, don’t twitch, guys. the fourth where fr. left alive, pasha, he can call an ambulance, in my opinion, he is in deep space, a lot of honor, it’s a pity that
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one left, didn’t leave, well done, leva, hofeiny, so maybe they won’t give you weapons at all, but quiet, quiet, quiet , look how restless you are, what is there? wow, wow, deputy chief of the main internal affairs directorate, colonel ivanov. yes, immodestly, it would be nice to at least write a major. and here is the barrel, it was probably used to kill markov. i came to my senses, wonderful. good morning. kalis, kapustin, the examination showed. that it was from your gun that markov was killed, sit, sit, sit, what are you looking at, boss, citizen, and what’s wrong with your face, that they used
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physical force on you, sobbing, what’s the matter, but no one used physical force on him, comrade colonel, it was his client who hit, with which he... pushed the trunks, you goat, so, who belongs to which order of fauna, then you will figure it out in prison, now from the case, it was you who killed markov, it is the one on the road, well, me, i was just defending myself, he attacked me, so tell us everything in more detail, yeah, we’re driving along the highway, we’re ahead, this bullshit is behind us, suddenly a dog is right under our wheels, but i hit the brakes, and this freak got out of my way, that’s fine fucked, well, we went out, talked, let’s yell that he’s cool, like an egg, that he knows some kind of flint, this flint like us is now going to tear us all here, but from the impact, the trunk door opened, and
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there were trunks, itself you see, boss, after something like this, it’s no longer possible not to blame, where did you get the idea, that it was self-defense, from what? it follows that he attacked you, so when i reached for the barrel, well, in order to bring him down, he attacked me, so i defended myself, wait, are you serious, and do i look a lot like a clown, well, to be honest, there is a little , uh, young, it’s good to be rude, boss, i also have my rights, you don’t have the right to insult detainees, even if it’s a criminal, you have a smart commander, why did they take a gazelle from a local resident in the village, the client was waiting for us, but how to drive a broken car? still our traffic cops would be there, but we took the gazelle for a couple of hours, yeah, so what, we returned it later, okay, sergeant, enter, congratulations, rydanov, you were
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right, this is really a traffic conflict, i’m glad to try, comrade colonel, it would be good for me in an extraordinary tribute to the major and four. in the center of st. petersburg. captain, are you serious? why not? captain, your behavior lately has alarmed me. i will insist that you be tested by a staff psychologist. lyova, where did our colonel’s sense of humor go? was it there?
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“i know, and rightly so, rydanov is a good operative, but very stubborn, but he doesn’t always stick to the theory, in this case i think it’s instinct, but i think it’s just too lazy to work out all the leads, but he turned out to be is right, and this is bad, in what sense, literally, please, i think that he just guessed, what else, there are a lot of cases when very good detectives, after such luck, begin to believe that..." by the way, very tasty povide pancakes, i recommend them. thank you, i brought my lunch from home, wife i’ve prepared it, thank you, it’s so convenient for me,
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please, bon appetit, thank you, georgivich, you don’t mind, of course, but what, kukushkin is still afraid of our canteen, but what can you get from him, a staff soul, he’s not accustomed to our food, well but i’m a simple opera, it’s delicious here, and for me. betrayed, thank you, cousin, have you come to rest again at government expense? nikito, great, by the way, can you congratulate me on revealing why you? but because it was my version that worked.
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apartment, what's there to be happy about? i actually have a feeling that soon the three of us will live together, so three of us are even better, you probably don’t have anything to sit on? why, two chairs and a bed were delivered yesterday, what else do you need? wait, where should we have breakfast? and tomorrow to bed, please, wait, come here, now i’m opening the door,
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bah, what are you doing here, like what? i'm waiting for you, hello! hi, ba, well, i said, i ’ll be with sasya today, that’s why i came, three hands, okay, better again, change clothes, we’ll glue the wallpaper, go ahead,
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we wish you the best morning, next in the program. we listen to the chronicle of the emergency. let's tell travel stories in first gear. on ntv, the program is an emergency in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya. the flight is abnormal in the omsk region, a video has appeared about the features of local shopping. one man willingly goes for groceries, he is in a helicopter. another such purchase was canceled by the villagers. personnel are now being inspected by the usc in transport under the provision of services that do not meet the requirements of safety, life and health of consumers. this is definitely a stray buyer with a full package of groceries, he was removed already at the exit from village store. the unknown person landed. i quickly stocked up on the necessities and took to the sky again to the exclamations of amazed teenagers on the ground.


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