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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  June 13, 2024 1:25pm-2:00pm MSK

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a crime scene, a woman who was wounded by an employee of an art school, and her offender, as it turned out, had previously been convicted and was even on the federal wanted list. diana kovando has all the details. evening in the vicinity of optina pustyn at half past nine, recording a video recorder. the woman, judging by the pilgrim's headscarf, is making gestures to the passengers of the other car to move away. the shots that were previously heard from the forest are becoming louder and clearer. oh, my god, sy... injury or what? a couple of seconds later in the frame a man in camouflage appears with a machine gun at his advantage. he points the gun at one of the pilgrims, orders her to move away from the car and give him the keys. they need to be saved, they need to be taken away. father, call security. plant it, plant it. judging by the conversations behind the scenes , the monastery servants are watching what is happening in panic from a nearby car, and are not passing by.
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at this point the recording ends, it is not clear how, but eyewitnesses managed to stop the robbers under the promise that they would not call the police, persuade him, lower the weapon, perhaps thanks to this, everyone remained alive, only one of the... pilgrims was wounded, a bullet ricocheted off the ground into her leg, now she is in the hospital, the man with the machine gun disappeared into the forest again, they searched for him all night, by the morning it became known that this was a previously convicted a resident of the neighboring city of sosinsky, andrei dymovskikh, in the region and for him a siren plan was announced, motorists were warned about the danger, for a long, long time, look carefully, a person will walk in camouflage, especially if with a gun, spotted camouflage, no no well not like us not like the national guard, respectively call. go straight to the police, they detained
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the dymovskys in the morning, he was holed up on the bank of the zhizdra river, this is near kazelsk, about 7-8 km from the territory of the monastery, he walked, apparently on foot all night, with him, in addition to a kalashnikov assault rifle, he had ammunition, a cache of stores for weapons were also found in the forest near the monastery, what were his plans, while it is being clarified, it is known that after the attack on the pilgrims’ car, he broke into the kozelsk hospital in the dead of night demanding that they give him syringes, the staff did not open it. than possible saved the lives of themselves and their patients. currently, the man has been detained and taken to the territorial police department. an automatic weapon was confiscated from him. based on this fact , investigator kazelsky of the interdistrict department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime provided for in part 2 of article 162 of the criminal code. it is known that dymovskikh was put on the wanted list throughout the country in 2013. for theft committed by a group of persons. then he also didn’t manage to hide for long. the judge was detained. received 3
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years, probation, then seemed to return to normal life, found a job, got married, and then the law began again. it is already known that before the attack on the pilgrims, he looked for a victim for a long time, several people saw him not far from the monastery territory, they turned to the guards, reported a large man with a machine gun, who walks from side to side looking for something, but every time an armed man, as if he was evaporating in the forest. i saw cars stopped on the road behind the monastery, and immediately all the people looked en masse towards the bridge. leading to the source and quickly ran, they heard strong bangs, a woman ran up in fear and said that she saw a man with a gun, i immediately informed the security, 20 minutes later the monastery security called me back and said that this was a crazy woman, and after 2 hours shots were heard in the forest near the monastery, now with andrei dymovskikh investigators are working, first of all they will check whether the detainee was in an altered state at the time of the attack, will order a psychiatric examination by a psychologist to determine his sanity, and will be armed. the court
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chose a preventive measure for the director of chelyabinsk electrometallurgical plant pavel khodorovsky is accused of crimes against the sexual integrity of minors. what, or rather who was interested in a seventy-two-year-old man, a well-known businessman in the city, shocked everyone, the youngest victim. his friend, who supplied pensioners to schoolgirls and, as it turns out, was not just a pimp, a report by our correspondent yulia obletsova. the news about the detention of the general director of the chelyabinsk electrometallurgical plant hit the top news headlines and made me shudder, because a seventy-two-year-old businessman is accused of a serious crime. suspected of pedophilia in this
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footage, one of the largest businessmen in the region is put in a paddy wagon. he himself did not comment on what was happening and tried in every possible way to close himself off from uncomfortable questions. pavel yakovlevich, are you sorry? pavel khodorovsky was accused of sexual relations with minors; according to some reports, investigators were able to establish his involvement in the molestation of schoolgirls. so far, the case involves two girls, 15 and 16 years old, at the time of their acquaintance with an elderly pervert and there were even fewer. disgusting details of the personal life of a quite successful influential man surfaced after the arrest of one of his accomplices. in this footage, security forces take daria filichkina out of the apartment. there is information that it was she who provided the so-called... services of a pimp and supplied live goods to clients, one of whom was pavel khodorovsky. a number of criminal cases have been initiated regarding the commission of crimes against the sexual integrity of minors and public morality in relation to director of a commercial organization and other persons. the director was detained and charged
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. according to some information , the investigation obtained video recordings of pavel khodorovsky having fun with children. intimate filming was found during searches of daria filichkina, except. it seems that compromising photographs with minors were also found in the top manager’s phone. not much is known about filichkino herself; she has a five-year-old son with whom she regularly posted photos on the internet. according to some according to information, she had a long-term relationship with pavel khodorowsky. once upon a time she herself had close ties with him, but then she grew up and agreed to look for younger girls for a chelyabinsk businessman for a fee. on her page everything is about a beautiful life, expensive cars, restaurants like that.
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there may be much more victims of the depraved actions of a top manager; most likely, the victims were girls from disadvantaged families. yulia blitsova, radu gurdish, alina ilyukhina and sergey baganov, ntv television company. and then, we waited retribution, but were they satisfied with
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the verdict? will the victims in a high-profile criminal case of fraud be able to get their money back? the damage amounts to 300 million rubles. we'll tell you more about everything after the ad. alexander nose! the escape happened spontaneously due to circumstances! alexander lazarev! citizens-passengers, now you will be a jury! vladimir, is everyone guilty of something? gossip. today, 20:00 on ntv. couples, roman burger and roman burger. at a good price in italian delicious period pay less anniversary cookies 69,990 delivery with a 25% discount from 30 minutes using the code in the pyaterochka app pyaterochka helps out vacation is so good and
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we asked her, her husband said, don’t give up the boy. vasily grew up in an orphanage, and he knows for sure that he never had sisters, there are brothers there, i am the youngest, that if they were all born by one mother, who distributed her children to everyone, it seems that there are many similar ones, well, that's impossible, that i am there alone, i open the envelope, dna, today at 17:50 on ntv. there is another
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emergency on the air, we continue broadcasting. today is a long-awaited day for victims in a high-profile criminal case of fraud. 265 people were counting on retribution and finally heard the court's decision. among those who lost money, mostly pensioners, they were lured with beautiful stories about business and dividends, and also taught how to work with cryptocurrency. the case was really profitable for those... who were sentenced today, the total amount of damage was 300 million rubles. behind the process is being monitored by an ntv film crew and correspondent tamara simonova, who joins us live. tamara, we are waiting for details, but before you talk about what sentences the criminals received, we still want to find out what the deception scheme was. the defendants thought their scheme was ingenious; they even paid taxes on part of the money they received in order to avert suspicion from themselves, but on their own. he managed to conclude
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a pre-trial agreement with the investigation, and he was already sentenced to 5 years in prison, here are vachagan aeropityan and georgy zantimirov, today we just arrived in court, according to the investigation, they had one of the key roles in a fraudulent scheme that lasted more than two years, aeropitian came himself and we even managed to get by with him... found himself in a situation where not only you know how ashamed i am that i ruined my name, the name of my family, every day communicating with people, i feel, i can’t say, guilty, as victims,
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the participants in the fraudulent scheme chose mainly pensioners, called them on the phone, persuaded come to the office. real financial economic activity of the organization, about its success, and therefore they were ready to pay a higher interest rate if a loan agreement was concluded with them, they did not fulfill their obligations under the decree of the agreement, which caused damage to more than 200 victims in the amount of over 290 million rubles. at some point, the members of the organized group felt
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so confident that they began to pay bonuses to the best employees who attracted the most... clients, of course, it was all money from deceived people, no cream no one, of course, was going to produce it, and images of the product were simply found on the internet, and scammers told people that their savings were stored in digital currency, assuring that such an asset was long-term, it would only grow in the future, pensioner yulia naumenko believed this , she came to meet us with difficulty with our film crew, the woman very much...
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i can, because i have a bad back. the victims came to court today not only to hear the verdicts, but to understand how and most importantly, when they will be returned give them money. during the trial, the defendants, of course, returned part of the sums, apparently counting on leniency, but even taking this into account for aeropetyan and dentimirov, the court sentenced them to nine and eight years in prison in total. thank you, ntv correspondent tamara simanova was live. a shocking episode in the courtyard of high-rise buildings in st. petersburg. there, a man with a screwdriver in his hands rushed at everyone who came across him in the way of passers-by ambulance felcher. it turned out that behind this inappropriate behavior there was even greater madness after the arrest
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the task force went up to the apartment and discovered that one person had become a victim. the criminal’s father died a terrible death, details from stanislav kostikov. residents of the high-rise building turned on their phone cameras when they saw an epic chase in the yard. employees of the national guard and a concerned citizen in krasnaya vetrovka tried to detain an aggressive man who was throwing himself at passers-by with a screwdriver and shouting something senseless. when he rushed to the official car, one of the law enforcement officers opened fire. after the second shot the attacker collapsed on the asphalt, while his wounded man was held at gunpoint, he continued to shower those around him with curses, waving a screwdriver, having waited for an opportune moment, the security forces began detaining him, look, oh, they grabbed him, they were hitting him with a baton, they hit him in the leg, they shot at him pistol, the squad was called by local residents who saw how a little earlier a man with a sharp object attacked
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an ambulance paramedic, eyewitnesses were afraid to go out into the yard and watched what was happening from the windows, i am watching from binoculars. the worst thing was ahead, when the operatives entered the detainee’s apartment, they saw a monstrous picture, everything was covered in blood, in one of the rooms they found a body tied with belts with a severed head, the deceased turned out to be the detainee’s father, he came to take home his son, who had been abusing drugs for a long time, in the moscow region his father brought him here, later his father came, wanted to transfer him, take him to his place, because he hoped to somehow help him with his problem, there was no noise, but yes, if there is something in the chat, it is always discussed, quietly always has been. the relatives did not have a calm conversation; according to investigators, during a half-argument, the forty-three-year-old son grabbed an ax and struck his father several blows, then... one-bloodedly began to wash the floor of blood and did it so zealously that he flooded the elderly neighbor from below, in the end she, too, almost became a victim, she knocked on her walls, he
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attacked her, because he was already in an inadequate state in that in which on video. shocked neighbors describe the suspect as a quiet and unsociable man who lived alone and had no previous did not cause any problems, now he is in the hospital under guard, what pushed him to take such a terrible step, they are looking into the matter. a criminal case has been initiated on the grounds of a crime under the first part of article 105 of murder and article 317 of the criminal code of russia, an attempt on the life of a law enforcement officer. the defendant in the criminal case has been assigned a complex of forensic examinations, including a psychiatric examination. after being wounded, doctors will not only have to revive him to carry out investigative actions, but also determine the degree of sanity. stanislav kostikov, oksana goncharenko and anton lukyanov, ntv television company. that's not all, see below. out of the blue, a scooter hit a mother and her infant right at the exit from the store.
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the baby is in the hospital, the drivers have not yet established the degree of guilt. we'll tell you why after the commercial. it's high time to change provider. marry tev2 three times, include home internet in your tariff, there is no payment for it for 3 months, it’s easy to connect, and you don’t even need to go anywhere, connect tele2 home internet, what are you doing, that they sentenced hundreds of people to death, this is mankiewicz, his punitive detachment operated in the 1941 area, 35 years later someone started hunting for them, we have two strange suicides, a suspicious taxi driver who... has not been found yet, now the state security investigator, i don’t believe in such coincidences, and i know your intuition, good, work, you have to find not only the former
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punishers, do you think that this executioner is me, but also their executioner, tell me everything, and maybe i’ll still have time to help you, but help, help, the criminal is very dangerous, possibly armed. hands, alex lyuty. the case of orphans. premiere. from monday at 20:00 on ntv. another reason to open sbermarket. order from your favorite restaurants and get a burger as a gift. sbermarket, delivery from 25 minutes. moscow coffee shop on the fields. technologies of the highest class, the taste is a pleasure, i love it, i recommend it, i’m ready for vacation,
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of magnetic storms. on the contrary, we strive to be even closer to them. he recommends that we immediately leave the room with a high temperature, but we only turn up the heat. instead of quickly entering a new apartment, we let the cat into it. and even when we are late for a flight, we do not forget to sit down on the path. and when we find an animal on the street, we don’t hesitate to pick it up, because each of us knows. sometimes you have to act like do you feel it? to understand russia, you need to love it. happy russia day. discounts on groceries,
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cosmetics, clothing, shoes and equipment, increased fuel bonuses, special conditions for medical services, full access to films, tv series and shows, subscription to the designer, gazprom bonus subscription - this is profitable, who are you? i'm a virus freak, we didn't call you, come back, this is the beginning, point zero, premiere, from monday at 22:20 on ntv. there is another emergency on ntv live . we are continuing production. what exactly will be the consequences of an accident in kaluga with the participation of a scooter driver and a mother with an eight-month-old baby is difficult to predict; doctors are now only interested in the baby’s health. he was seriously injured.
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investigators have opened. the case is being checked by a vehicle rental company , but ska employees want to go further and propose introducing maximum permissible speed limits on the sidewalk. for now , the fate of the young man who was driving the scooter is unknown, and what punishment he will suffer for what happened, dayana shlyubkina found out. this is everyone's worst nightmare pedestrian a young mother was leaving the shopping center with her eight-month-old son in her arms; she had just taken a step onto the asphalt when she immediately saw her. didn’t fly in to hold the baby, she tried, but couldn’t, the man on the scooter, the woman fell back, hit her head hard, the woman’s sister rushed to the rescue, grabbed the child, so the scooter driver, saying something, hurried away, although the victim tried to hold him by the hand, half of the body held the child, and half did not, he probably only stopped for 2 seconds to lift the scooter that's it, we tried to hold him back, yeah,
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we moved him with our hand, at least, well, hold his hand. an eight-month-old baby suffered a concussion, an injury at that age can have serious consequences, the doctors decided to monitor the baby in the hospital in order to quickly intervene at the right time. the law enforcement officers managed to quickly find the culprit of this sidewalk traffic accident ; as we now know, an eighteen-year-old cannot ride a scooter; he can’t sincerely apologize... also, apparently, it doesn’t work, i hit a pedestrian, disappeared from the scene of the incident, and i regret what i did. while the police are deciding the fate of the offender, investigators have joined the story; they have a more global approach; they are conducting an inspection of a company that rents out scooters and intend to achieve the introduction of separate standards for this type of transport at the city level. investigative committee employees propose to maintain maximum permissible speed limits on the sidewalk and consider restrictions for
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minors. investigative actions have already affected organizations providing services rental of electric scooters. their activities will be checked for the safety of the services they provide for the life and health of citizens. so far, a criminal case has been opened regarding the provision of services that do not meet safety requirements. in the meantime, an administrative protocol was drawn up against likhach. the victim expects that the punishment for reckless will not be limited to a fine and intends to recover from him monetary compensation for the damage to his health. daana shlyukina, radu gurdish, valentina makarova and dmitry salnikov, television company. we will keep an eye on with this story, how will the incident turn out for all its participants? will kaluga introduce additional restrictions for those who use electric scooters? we will inform you in our telegram channel, to subscribe to it, enter the name of chpntv or use the qr code that you see on the screen, just point
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your mobile camera at it and... you will be taken to our page. the ax became a weighty argument in the dispute between motorists in chelyabinsk. the conflict occurred due to the fault of a drunk driver. the conversation between the participants in the accident did not go well right away, two the young men approached the one who was considered the culprit of the accident, since he smelled strongly of alcohol, the conversation did not work out, and as a result , instead of words, a bat and an ax were used. at some point , the ax was knocked out of the hands of the drunk driver, and he was laid on the ground, at this time the son of the culprit of the accident came out of the entrance, assessed the situation, looked at the lying father , ran for help, mother, a few
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seconds later the son ran out again, but already with reinforcements in the form of a mother who ran screaming to fight off her husband, what are you doing, what are you doing, what are you doing, what are you doing? nikolai ryaskin doesn’t remember what happened next, only fragments: the hospital, the traumatologist, bandages. there is definitely a shaking, you know, i don’t know how much noise they made, i don’t know how to show you something, apparently the beginning of the conflict is also like a fog, he assures that completely unexpectedly, strangers in a car followed him on the road , chased him all the way to the house, supposedly i cut them off as a threat. we drove up here, i see they are carrying the beats knocked down, well, it’s clear that they didn’t come to say hello, well, that’s it, it started, i was skating, that’s it, how he crashed into a car, disappeared, and then
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grabbed an ax, there is no memory left, either memory loss was a consequence of the injuries received, or a painkiller taken in large quantities in advance, but tell me, they say they were intoxicated, well, then they drank, then when? when they beat me from pain, i climbed into the car and drank vodka. the second side of the conflict insists on the opposite: nikolai drank too much, got behind the wheel without a twinge of conscience; on the way home, he cut off their car several times, and then dented it, and saw by the side friction that he was we were flying into the side of the road, we were driving further down, i felt a blow from behind, i looked in the rear mirror and saw that he was driving very close to us, i went up to him, asked why are you doing this, like... you crashed, drove away, why are you drunkenly driving around, then i heard that the kids, get out of here on the pas, so they say they grabbed a bat, were going to defend themselves, by the way, their weapons went against them, the freed, but still furious nikolai, broke all the windows in
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the car with a bat offenders, and then sat down in his field to put an end to this conflict. about nikolai also decided to remain silent about this episode, since he considers only himself to be the victim in this story. the young people are sure that the driver of the niva was the first to take out the hatchet and bury it under the control of law enforcement officers. ivan gubin, valentina makarova and anton lukyanov, ntv television company. that's all for today, more news on our website in the emergency telegram channel, let me remind you that feedback works there, and if you witness something unusual.
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the prosecutor's office looked into magicians and psychics, like fortune tellers, and found themselves guilty of insult feelings of believers. beishka, i 'll beat your skin again.


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