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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 13, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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note to the hostess, if you confidently, without hesitation, loudly pronounce the name of any five products from the ikea store catalog, you can summon a demon, although he will appear in a disassembled state, this was a meeting place that cannot be changed, 14:00 weekday ntv, until dates. quickly and imperceptibly, as kuzbask scouts operate in the southern donetsk direction. vague prospects for how the berlin conference on ukraine ended. the moscow exchange stopped currency trading after american sanctions, what will this lead to? we'll tell you in business news. about the main thing for this minute.
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groupings north, south, west and center improved the tactical position of their forward detachments. air, artillery and missile strikes destroyed concentrations of manpower and equipment in 103 regions. air defense forces shot down four missiles and 33 drones. the successful advancement of our troops in the special operation zone is ensured, among other things, by reconnaissance units. using drones, they call artillery fire into the desired square. and sometimes they themselves move beyond the front lines to get necessary information about the enemy's location.
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evgeny golovanov met with representatives of one of the most difficult military specialties. the first rule of a scout is covert movement, the main ally of greenery, or as they say here, greenery. going out on reconnaissance in the bare forest in winter is much more dangerous. yes, the fact that the shelves are covered with greenery, well, this is a very big plus, of course, when you move along the shelf, that is, nature itself closes it for you, at most unnoticeable to the enemy, to their birds. having quietly gotten as close as possible to ukrainian
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i had two fragments and a concussion, after which i was sent to the hospital, i underwent treatment there, and then i came back here. in this unit there are mainly volunteers from kusbas; today , having just returned from combat, the scouts greet guests from siberia and fellow countrymen with humanitarian aid. we finally got to you, it was very nice, we really wanted to get to you. we brought you a car, i think it will serve you faithfully. this uaz , popularly known as bukhanka, drove almost half of the country, about 5.00 km. from kusbass to donbass and
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i brought here, closer to the front line, all the essentials especially for the reconnaissance unit. camouflage nets, medicines, food. accept with all your heart. thanks a lot. this humanitarian aid was collected not only by kuzbass entrepreneurs, but also by ordinary residents of a small mining town. even pensioners brought what they could share to help their fellow countrymen at the front. homemade pickles, pine nuts, jam, lard. one of them handed over harmon to the fighters. emotional impulse, it’s impossible to convey here, it’s impossible to explain how it is possible to remain indifferent today, when this is happening in russia, people responded, carried medicines, and sheets, everything they could, people carried, low bow to them, of course, for the fact that they are carrying out such a mission, we help in the rear as much as we can, this is not the first car that a siberian entrepreneur, having driven under his own power to the donbass, is handed over to the soldiers participating in a special operation, it was decided at the family council, now this...
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the loaf will travel around the military field roads, the scouts intend to use it to evacuate the wounded from the front line. evgeny golovanov and andrey tkachenko, ntv, yuzhnodonetsk direction of the special military operation. troops taking part in exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces conducted electronic missile launches as part of the second stage of the maneuvers. combat training missions were carried out by personnel of the missile formation of the leningrad military district. the launchers secretly arrived at the designated position area and carried out firing, hitting the enemy target. in the exercises, which are jointly conducted by russia and belarus, ships and airplanes are also involved. crews at sea in the air are in... specified areas on combat duty with special training ammunition. the delivery of the missiles was ensured by the formation of the twelfth main directorate of the ministry of defense. they are responsible for storing and issuing nuclear weapons. together with belarusian colleagues. the preparation and delivery of missiles in
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special equipment and the suspension of aviation weapons under the carrier aircraft were carried out. currently, issues of ensuring combat duty with training are being worked out nuclear. the ministry of defense stated that based on the results of the exercise , directions for further training of non- strategic nuclear forces will be determined in order to guarantee the completion of tasks in various scenarios for the development of the military-political situation. nato secretary general jens stulter said that the alliance does not consider the use of western weapons on russian territory to be an escalation of the conflict. the day before, the blog announced that it intends to coordinate the supply of weapons to the kiev regime. new weapons almost on a permanent basis, according to stoltenberg, thanks to this will make supplies more reliable on a larger scale, and he recalled how the states spent six months agreeing on additional assistance to ukraine, but many nato countries still have not sent anything to the ssu. even the person responsible for supplies has been appointed: american general
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christopher kavali, commander of the alliance forces in europe. stoldenberg’s words were commented on by the official representative of our foreign ministry, maria zakharova. she asked a reasonable question: does the european union understand that washington is dragging it into a direct clash with russia under the nato flag. that it's white the house pushing the idea of ​​russian aggression against western countries actually solves its own domestic political problems, republican senators were convinced. they studied the documents of a certain ukrainian ngo. this organization has compiled a list of politicians who do not support ukraine enough. there are almost 400 influential americans in it, including donald trump, ron disantes. takira carlol, elon musk. all of them are declared enemies of kiev and called trumpists and communists. the npo is funded by grants from the us state department. congressmen demanded secretary of state blinken for clarification. but for now, the biden administration is persistently involving everyone over whom it has
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influence in solving its problems. thus, the leaders of the group of seven countries, meeting today for a summit in italy, according to press reports, have already agreed to promise kiev $50 billion by the end of this year. ... the union does not have that kind of money, but the financial times wrote that biden sold the europeans by convincing them that the money should be given in the form of a loan, secured by frozen russian assets and income from their use. the decision must be announced based on the results meeting of the seven. most of the leaders in italy came from germany. a two-day conference on the restoration of ukraine ended in berlin the day before. alexander kanevich knows its results and what is hidden behind the seemingly peaceful topic. the conference on the restoration of ukraine seemed to be only in form, the content corresponded to the stated topic, it became clear after the first day it was completely different, there were a lot of pretentious speeches and discussions of vague prospects, which have been talked about in europe for many years, but talking does not mean doing. today is not important
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only for ukraine, but also for the whole of europe. at this conference to rebuild ukraine, we are not only confronting russian aggression, we are also building a path to the european union. germany is second after the united states in terms of the volume of military assistance provided to kiev at the conference, german chancellor olaf scholz again promised weapons to ukraine and called on everyone present to help the armed forces of ukraine; the day before, he essentially admitted the failure of the event even before it began. germany provides the greatest support to ukraine among all european countries, and we will do so as long as necessary. tomorrow there will be a conference on the restoration of ukraine, which will bring together representatives of more...
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we are sending the third calculation of the patriot, as well as iris tipard. rocket artillery shells will arrive in ukraine in the coming weeks. i urge everyone present to support with all their might the initiative to strengthen ukrainian air defense. many representatives of defense enterprises came to the conference. this also clearly contradicts the stated goals of the event, where, it would seem, they were supposed to talk mainly about investments in the reconstruction of the country. but no specific ones measures were not discussed during the conference, but there were many words about intentions.
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during the cold war we had to spend 5% of gdp on defense alone, so spending this money now will save us money in the future. the head of the british foreign office in a statement. using profits from russian frozen assets for the military needs of ukraine, not for reconstruction at all. the president of the european commission, ursula fondelaien, also stated this. at the last recovery conference, i stated that we must transfer frozen russian assets to ukraine, and that is what we are doing now in accordance with international law. about one and a half billion euros. annual income from russian assets will be transferred to ukraine, 90% of these funds will go to defense, 10% to
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restoration. also this week at the g7 summit we will discuss how to increase the amount of money received from russian assets and how to speed up their sending to ukraine. during the 2 days that the conference lasted, many loud statements were made, but nothing what exactly its participants could not agree on, except to continue to pump ukraine up with weapons as much as possible.
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year, which we pay special attention to, first of all, this is just the opportunity to purchase a ticket, and here we have very positive indicators, almost 80% of tickets are sold electronically, according to the overall assessment, the current passenger satisfaction is 81%, we are trying to increase this percent, taking just certain actions to improve. interaction with passengers, already more than 20 million, as oleg velozerov noted
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that an electronic waiting list has already been developed, people can sign up there if they don’t currently have a ticket, the service will be launched before the end of june, according to the head of russian railways, this season an additional 95 pairs of trains have been assigned to connections with the resorts of the black sea coast. today there is no trading in dollars and euros on the moscow exchange, this is the result of new american sanctions. denis tala will talk about the long-term consequences of restrictive measures. denis, how did the course react? there’s probably no need to ask where in in general, take information about currency prices now? ilya, well, the central bank will continue to set the official exchange rates for the dollar and euro, but now it will look not at the exchange market, but at the outside exchange market. the moscow exchange has stopped trading in dollars and euros from today. these are all the consequences of the new sanctions that the us treasury announced yesterday. russian. the central bank reports that transactions in dollars and euros will continue to be carried out on the over-the-counter market,
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which is when banks and other participants in the foreign exchange market, agree on transactions directly among themselves, without intermediaries in the form of an exchange, although one must understand that the over-the-counter market, although it is less convenient and transparent, is still not trays near the metro, for example, the moscow exchange has its own over-the-counter platform. i will add that the exchange rates that you now see at the bottom of the screen are the official rates of the central bank, which... for the cessation of trading in dollars and euros on the moscow exchange , the central bank will have to set official exchange rates in a new way, because before it relied precisely on stock exchange data. the isb already knows how it will do this; back in the fall of twenty-two, it issued instructions on this matter, and now the time has come to apply it. the official dollar and euro exchange rates will now be set based on bank statements and information from
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off-exchange trading. the central bank will continue to publish official rates after 15:30 moscow time. the regulator says that official rates based on over-the-counter data over the past year and a half did not differ significantly from those rates that were set on basis of exchange trading, and the central bank considered it necessary to inform today that all funds in dollars and euros in the deposit accounts of citizens and companies remain safe, companies and citizens can still buy and sell dollars and euros through russian banks. for ordinary clients.
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we sharply raised the dollar and euro rates, but now the rates are calming down, for example, according to the website, if this morning primorye bank was selling dollars for 120 rubles. now it’s 98, bank st. petersburg has reduced the dollar exchange rate from 110 to 96 rubles. and in general in in most banks, according to bankru, the dollar exchange rate is now in the range of 93.97. chief economist - investments, sofia donets points out that exchange rates are determined not by the presence of exchange trading, but by how much currency there is. will come to the country from exports and what will be the demand from importers? the moscow exchange does not create the dollar and euro, it simply allows it, and is one of the platforms for exchanging dollars and euros. in general , the exchange rate of the ruble in the russian economy, including the circulation of the dollar and the euro, is a question to our foreign trade operations. these specific sanctions remind us that
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foreign trade operations for russia have been a story since 1922, not so easy to calculate, but still. there is no need to wait, there are some reports about the establishment, but on the contrary, we see that after the initial weakening, the ruble exchange rate has noticeably strengthened against world currencies in the last few hours, this suggests that there is rather a greater desire to get rid of dollars and euros, rather than
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buy them right now, let’s move on from the foreign exchange market to stock market, shares of the moscow stock exchange. after the news about american sanctions, today during trading they fell by 16%, but in these minutes they were still able to reduce losses to 6%. the shares of navatek, which is also affected by the new american sanctions, are now trying to recover; at this moment, the shares of the gas company are losing approximately 3.5%. yes, in general , the russian stock market is at least looking down, but it is obvious to everyone that this initial impulsive reaction of the market is gradually subsiding. ilya, i have everything. thank you, denis talalaev, for your economic review. what's happened patriotism for modern russian society in what forms does it manifest itself? participants in a round table at the expert institute for social research tried to answer these questions today. patriotism has become the ideological basis uniting russian society. love for the homeland, self-sacrifice, service to one’s neighbor, all these
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are inherent values ​​of russians, the cultural code of our country. this is the very idea that drives ours. warriors, heroes, volunteers and ordinary citizens, every day bringing victory closer, we have been asking for many years the question is, do you feel like a patriot of your country or not, well, these two curves, green and red, they just demonstrate the dynamics, in this case, the first cut is 2016 , even then a fairly high indicator, which means self-identification as a patriot of our homeland, 80% says. that yes, they feel like that, 18% didn’t feel like that, well, i won’t dwell further on all the sections, well, we see that the last one at the moment...
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and that’s what we’ll talk about further in our issue: russian federation. sports without politics brix games started in kazan, athletes from hundreds of countries participate. in a hot air balloon, fyodor is preparing for new world records. you know what i love most, when your gaze lights up with this special light, come, fall in love,
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be surprised, be inspired, your moscow, what did you do 3 days ago, if the question seems difficult, it can help with the appetite, it helps restore memory. rubles, and a friend 500 rubles. so, which of my friends is still in the oil bank? don’t forget to invite me, tebank, he’s the only one, we present the new, perfect taste of baltika 7 non-alcoholic, brewed from 100% malt and hops grown in altai. new baltika 7 is non-alcoholic, experience the perfection of taste. remember what they told you when you decided
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technologies of the highest class, taste - pleasure, moscow coffee shop on the waist, i love it, i recommend it, i’m not tired, i’m looking for you, there are so many people, the connection can be interrupted, here ’s guy nastopolis behind the signal, there’s something more convenient than a pole, smart network deline. you stay connected even where there are a lot of people - the safest operator, in sberbusiness - the best solution for online trading, free training, help with choosing a niche and launching sales, analyzing the profitability of your business, transferring proceeds to a card without commission, open an account and develop your business, sberbusiness, pay less, anniversary cookies 69.90, delivery with a 25% discount from 30 minutes using the code in the app pyaterochka, pyaterochka, help out! try more this summer with discounts up to 60% at yandex food. the best contribution to
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sberi up to 18% per annum. open until the end of june point zero premiere from monday at 22:20 on ntv. this is the program today, we continue our release. the brix games opened in kazan today, more than 3,000 athletes from almost 100 countries will compete for 387 sets of awards. the best will be determined in twenty-seven events, from acrobatic rock and roll to chess and athletics. became the mascot of the games leopard brixik, which symbolizes the quality of true champions, agility, strength, speed and strength of character. mikhail chernov, about the sports festival. before the opening ceremony , a spontaneous autograph session, athletes and representatives of foreign delegations, children line up for the coveted signatures, next to a miracle of technology, robotic hands waving the flag of the games. the
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opening ceremony itself. an hour and a half theatrical excursion into the history of russia and tatarstan began predictably with volga bulgaria, the concentration of trade clusters, first turn of the great silk. next is the russian empire, the ussr, our time. according to the authors, the audience takes a journey through a metaphorical starry universe. the finale is a search for new stars and athletes. games, like a telescope, should show the world new talents. the culmination is the opening ceremony, the presentation of all 97 teams from the stage under stormy cheers . russian federation, potential brix stars have already begun training in full swing on land and water, athletes from the united arab emirates are accustomed to the heat and are not wasting time, this great place, i’m very happy to be here, i don’t know who will win, there are many countries, all countries are vying for victory, everyone is training, it’s so hot on the pond.
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the russian table tennis team started training at the main arena earlier than everyone else, 2 hours of hard work in the morning and evening, so 3 days. the russian badminton team comes to kazan as if it were home; sports camps are held here twice a year. for probably the twentieth time now, i can say that i am already part of this city. the girls bring with them numerous mascots, toys from all over the world, more.
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five or five, of course, well, as if it were, because here they are, well, like a string, they have the ability to break, that’s why, so that there is some kind of reserve, it happens that you take a freshly restrung racket, it’s just that there is, as it were, weak points and there, from the first blow , it can break here, if you hit it hard, volunteers who came from all over the country have their own marathon, unique people, nadezhda mikhailovna avdyunina took kazan on the fourth attempt, before that she got here for sports championships. it didn't work out in any way for 76 years, volunteering has become the meaning of life, imagine when you had a big family, you had a husband, two children, how much you had to do, still work, still have time to go to all such events, and then suddenly your son dies, your husband dies, that is, you are left alone, and in order, oh, well, not to go crazy, well, i always say, come
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home, lie down, the first set. the medals will be awarded today, and very soon new brix stars will appear on the sports horizon. mikhail chernov, igor akimov, natalya levchenko, nikolay zatsun, ntv. kazan. in st. petersburg, preparations have begun for new expeditions. fyodor konikhov, an engineer at the polytechnic university school, is improving the equipment with which the famous traveler is going to set two records. what kind of flights these will be and how they contribute to solving problems in the field of import substitution, nakhit babaev knows. fedor. konekhov is preparing for new travels, and at the same time for new records. the first is a flight to the north pole. the expedition starts in murmansk in early july. icebreaker 50 years of victory will deliver crews to the north of rudolf island, from there fyodor konikhov and igor potapkin will begin their record flight to the north pole, a distance of almost 1.00 km. and what is unique and potentially record-breaking about this? a vehicle, a motorcycle paraglider or, as it is also called, a password. password of two.
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local, here he is, the pilot is expected to sit here, fyodor konikhov is in front, he will also be the co-pilot. this little bird can fly high. up to 3 km, accelerate to 100 km/h and flight range 15-200 km. last year fedor konikhov tested an unusual aircraft in field conditions. it turned out that the design had flaws, it was necessary to improve the performance at the flight range, lighten the design and at least slightly increase comfort, otherwise the feet would get cold. famous traveler. which allowed us to significantly increase the flight range, and thanks to optimization, we improved the aerodynamic quality. the carbon fiber used by the engineers made it possible to reduce the weight of
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the fairing structure to 25 kg, while the performance security has been improved. the design is designed to ensure that in the event of an emergency or rough landing on ice, our entire structure can withstand this impact. and accordingly the span remains intact. the design was upgraded by the advanced engineering school of peter the great polytechnic university. how pish differs from an ordinary department at a university is that they take on solving unique problems, essentially creating technology from scratch. and what does fyodor konikhov’s password have to do with it, how will it help? we apply to solve these problems, to create technology products that are applicable to the mass sector. this, for example, can be called the automotive industry, this is possible.
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the main criterion that we were guided by is that we will have two pilots flying here, accordingly, they should be comfortable with each other throughout the entire flight, they should not interfere with each other, and at the same time they should be able to land safely . fyodor kunikhov himself repeatedly came to the polytech to test the aircraft: let's estimate your hand, please place it in a way that is comfortable for you on the table, like this, this is how everything is accepted. everything has been thought out inside, from oxygen cylinders to toilets, that’s right, yes, that’s right, fyodor konekhov plans to go on a trip in a large hot air balloon next year, such inventions help solve several problems at once. the first task
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that we are solving is what we call the first leap of the frog of import substitution, because well, we must jump to a level that meets the world level, the second the frog's jump is, accordingly, an import. advance, indeed, at some point in the flight we achieve the goal of technological sovereignty, and the landing of the frog will become an indicator of a new economic reality, where the rest of the world is already in the role of catching up. on the hit babaev, alena antonova, anton molokoedov and nikolai molygin, ntv, st. petersburg. the ministry of emergency situations proposed increasing fines for small fleets for violating navigation rules. initial navigation on the water has already revealed hundreds of violations with penalties of several thousand.
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a ticket for passing a technical inspection on the water - this is a serious violation, because it may be too late to send a distress signal. in samara, since the start of navigation , the gims crew has already patrolled the water area about 400 times and identified almost 170 violations. the statistics of deaths on water in the region , although decreasing, are still alarming; since the beginning of this year alone, there have been 12 serious incidents that claimed the lives of four people. in fact, this is the only way it seems that... the samara region lives like a river in the summer, it ranks only fiftieth in the country in terms of the number of water bodies, and the worst situation is on the non-navigable water bodies of the region ; incidents on the water are the same from year to year. these are the krasnoyarsk territory, kamchatka, komiy,
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yakutia, astrakhan, arkhangelsk and saratov regions. according to article 119, for driving a vessel while intoxicated, a sanction is provided in the form of a very small fine. in the amount of one to two thousand rubles and or deprivation of the right to operate a vessel for a period of one to two years, as a rule in law enforcement practice - the sanction for deprivation of rights is not immediately applied, for the first time, a penalty is applied, but what one or a thousand rubles is, you yourself understand, for the owner of a vessel that sometimes costs several hundred thousand rubles, and therefore we propose in this case to increase this sanction to 30,000 rubles. the path of motorboaters begins from here, in the center of the gymnasium of the capital region, while the future navigator fyodor sapozhnikov reports to the inspector. about the technical condition of the vessel, we have a small boat on the water,
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there is no water in the pit, the cylinders do not deflate, the practical part of the boat license exam, this is how they look, by the way, it includes 17 stages, the most difficult ones are leaving the pier, maneuvering, mooring, now they will save a drowning person, if you study with an instructor at least several times, joining the club of captains, small boats is not difficult, but after successfully passing the exam, many forget that a boat is a high-risk vehicle, that there are no brakes, only reverse gear, and this is a problem, and traffic on russian rivers is growing every year, the number of small boats is already close to one and a half million. successfully having passed the exam, fedor will take the helm of his father’s boat, on which the parent goes fishing once a week, the rest of the time the ship is laid up, which is why fedor decided to get a boat license. well, what do you think, should fines be increased in general? or it won’t change the situation, i think it’s necessary, it’s necessary, that
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’s what you brought up for, for driving without a license, well, without a shipping ticket or while drunk. knowing that fyodor has a boat, inspector dmitry matygin, who took the exam, is calm for him. dmitry says that he is causing more and more problems on the water new boat rental service without a captain and here's why. i’ve been working in gims for 5 years now and i confess everything. some kind of vessel is unfamiliar, perhaps i won’t perform those elements, maybe i won’t even fit somewhere, depending on what kind of vessel it is, but a person must understand that he doesn’t quite know how to control it yet, try to feel it, that is namely to direct your attention to the management of the ship, what dmitry talks about in moscow, has become a real headache for his colleagues in st. petersburg, behind the busy shipping neva and the rivers flowing into it, here, in addition to the gims , both the national guard and the police, and even amon, are watching , still such pictures...
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he was on earth for a month, taught to preach, on
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the fortieth day he appeared to his disciples for the last time, promising them a message soon the land of the holy spirit, then the savior led them out of jerusalem, blessed them and ascended into heaven, with this event ending the earthly ministry of christ. now about the weather, emergency warnings have been announced in moscow until the end of thursday due to flooding with thunderstorms. what awaits us next, irina polikova will tell you, connections with we have further forecasts from rin meteorological studio. wait there is almost no food, at least the weekend in the capital is dry. stagnation of lymph can cause edema; lymphotransit helps reduce edema by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphotransit evalar - summer without swelling. in summer weather, swelling may occur. lymphotransit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. take lymphotransit from valar. so, there is every reason to say that this rainy marathon is central. regions will end tomorrow, although new rains will soon be in
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the beginning of next week, but for now there is a respite, the atmospheric pressure is rising, the cloudy rainy weather is being replaced by sunnier , moderately warm weather, in tula the next few days will be +23-24, well, there are new rains from monday, but for now about the urgent ones, after the center there is a band of intense thunderstorms the rains are creeping further east; in the first half of friday , thunderstorms cannot yet be ruled out in the yaroslavl, kostroma, ivanovo regions, and most importantly , rain for the upper middle volga region. mostly no precipitation, no new cyclones in the south, thunderstorms in places, especially in mountains, but the balkan weather is already preparing, on saturday its main rainfall will hit the crimea and the capital, in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be +20, there is a slight chance of rain, in moscow it will be 24, there will be no precipitation during the day, powerful downpours will be behind us. thank you, this was the weather forecast from
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irina polyakova. that's all for now, go to, see you. in sberbusiness - the best solution for online trading, free training, help with choosing a niche and launching sales, analyzing the profitability of your business, transferring proceeds to a card without commission, open an account and grow your business. sberbusiness. sber has increased deposit rates, now the best interest rate is 18% per annum only until june 30. hurry up to open a deposit brokerage account to receive.
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