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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  June 14, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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to increase capital to earn a lot of money in a matter of days, the operatives detained him, which the victims did not really count on, for whom evgenia azarov is a pseudonym, but that is why they know his name, he threw dust in the eyes. all his stories and settings in which he spoke about untold riches were fictitious. having received money from 45 people, azarov fled where he was found, our correspondent tamara simonova will tell. denis gorbanev, better known under his pseudonym, is taken out of the house with his belongings and in handcuffs. eugene azarov, and he understands perfectly why he was detained. do you understand why they came to you? yes, for what reason? the fact that people were robbed fraudulently? how much? i do not know exactly. apparently, i’ve already lost count, the numbers are seven figures. in the presence of operatives, azarov is quiet and modest, but his clients know him differently. on the internet, he broadcast the image of a very successful young crypto investor who will increase your wealth and almost...
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in his streams, azarov showed stock market reports with examples of successful investments, according to principle of a pyramid, he paid dividends to the first clients, then new ones came, they were put on the hook also with the help of very small payments, as soon as people began to trust they invested heavily, a financial advisor and... hastily left
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st. petersburg, deleted social networks, saying that the problem is with the exchange, which was blocked for him. it was at this moment that all the so-called partners went to the police and the scale of the deception became clear. illegal actions were documented against 45 residents of the country, who lost more than 3 million rubles. investigators establish the identities of all victims as a result of the sale. during the investigation , the entire image of a successful investor azarov melted before our eyes: the apartment and car that he showed on his own blog turned out to be rented only for the duration of the filming, videos with stock quotes, simulations and positive reviews, dividends paid with the money of other gullible investors. kristina and her husband gave azarov about 2 million rubles, part of which they took on credit when the investor disappeared, they were among the first to start searching for him, by this time, according to according to them, i... hid in vietnam, in
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vietnam they agreed to help me, and if it weren’t for them, then i think this denis, he would not have returned to russia, yes, because he realized that he was being followed, and apparently he needed to change documents there or something else, when he just crossed the border, we already realized that he was here, when azarov was detained, they found several passports, including in someone else’s name, hard drives and bank cards, the false investor was clearly planning to try a new job. finally escape abroad, now he will have to shine eloquence in front of another audience, investigators, prosecutors and a judge, who may well send denis gorbanev to a colony for 10 years for fraud on an especially large scale. tamara simonova, ivan gubin and dmitry salnikov, ntv television company. and now a monstrous story from the rostov region, where the inadequate reaction of a neighbor in the countryside cost the lives of two women, a mother and daughter. their dog.
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two elderly people, longtime acquaintances who had lived across the fence from each other for many years, had a fight while they were working in the garden. sixty-year-old elizaveta gromova was weeding the beds, seventy-five-year-old david kilinkarov approached her with complaints because her dog again ran through a hole in the fence and trampled the flowers in the flowerbed. it is unknown what the woman’s answer was, but after that the neighbor went to the garage and returned with a gun. the first shot hit an elderly woman.
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the second to her daughter, who ran out to help, came home, that’s it, hee-hee-ha-ha, everything was fine, he brought his wife from work, and then he said what happened, i didn’t go to the gardens, he says, he picked the cucumbers, brought them, and then i don’t know what happened there, some kind of obsession, nothing less, the neighbors say, there were never serious conflicts between the families, only minor quarrels, but purely in a neighborly way, without grandiose scandals , no one had an explosive character, including the killer, he worked all his life as a mason and helped many in this farm to build a house, they say that he is hard-working, hard-working, he had a very, very, very golden hand, his golden hand was a woman it was good too. the neighbors are also good and helpful the fact that it was either a temporary clouding, or the decision was made on emotions, the fact that after what he had done, the pensioner seemed to come to his senses and realized that he had done something irreparable, he could not live with it, when the police arrived on the scene, he had already cut off your life. in order to establish all
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the circumstances of what happened, the investigative department for the city of volgatonsk, the investigative department of the investigative committee of the russian federation for the rostov region, opened a criminal case on the grounds of the crime provided for in paragraph. parts second article 105 of the criminal code of the russian federation. the only witness who can fully reconstruct the picture of what happened is a thirteen-year-old girl, whose grandmother and mother were killed by an angry neighbor. at the time of the attack, she was at home, she saw the massacre and hid so that the pensioner would not kill her too, but psychologists recommended interrogating the girl a little later; her state of mind was cause for concern. ivan gubina vahagyan river, oksana goncharenko and nikita zabrodin, ntv television company. and then. toxic ecologists, what exactly do foreign experts study in russian protected areas near strategic sites, and as the head of the tiger and rhino foundation, he turned out to be an employee of the american intelligence services. our correspondents' investigation is coming in a couple of minutes, don't switch gears.
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u.s. army special forces, because damn, how he practiced hand-to-hand combat techniques on a russian bride. gordon beat me, i got it. concussion lessons on patriotism from gordon black. how an american army sergeant got caught stealing. you come at me like a rat and steal my money. and who else did you feel at home in russia because of the ocean guests? i'm an american, i can do everything, i want to too. why did william russell go to the children's library at night in his underpants? he was tired, he was drunk, he undressed and neatly folded his things. he could just be in a drug exchange and how much would an american court give robert gilman if he had attacked a policeman not in voronezh, but somewhere in chicago? do you remember approximately how much you drank? in the afternoon and also drank, i don’t speak russian well, american boy tomorrow at 16:20
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exactly 7567 and get clareol for only 1 ruble 800 200 exactly 7567 call within russia free viia superstar finale on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. sergei makhovikov, let's bury her from sin. marina alexandrova, we need to extend the uncoupling hundreds of kilometers, the infection could have gone further, point 0. premiere from monday at 22:20 on ntv. there is another emergency on the air, we continue broadcasting. in the high-profile case of the disappearance of nine-year-old masha in nizhny novgorod, the court put an end to it. spoke to life imprisonment of alexei manogoshev. he is considered involved in the kidnapping and murder
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of a girl. but they detained him for something else crimes. how it was possible to prove his guilt was discussed by diana kavando. there is deathly silence in the meeting room. none of the relatives of the brutally murdered masha lyulina shower the defendant with curses, cry, or become hysterical, they simply don’t exist. come to court and once again remember the events of six years ago, when the whole city was looking for the missing person for their death. likewise, alexey monagoshev listens to his second verdict in complete solitude, occasionally glancing to the right and then to the left, he has nothing to object to. in this court he was remembered for a long time, because once he had already appeared within these walls, in 2021 he received a sentence for the brutal reprisal of thirty-six-year-old social worker natalya yaruslanova. it was a loud and emotional process, the woman’s body was on... not only not his only
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victim, not even the first, the creature, alexei manogoshev was pathologically drawn to kill, and , apparently, even the age of the victim, her helplessness was not important to him , according to the maniac, blonde masha lyulina, a nine-year-old schoolgirl with developmental features, she became the first victim of the killer. august 2018 bogorodsk went for a walk and did not return, was listed in the directions, played on the playground, and then turned behind a garbage can, as if she had evaporated, we began a new combing, that is , combing all the squares again more thoroughly in the light of day. as is now known, alexey monagoshev tricked her into getting into his car, offered her a ride, the girl trusted her, since then, neither alive nor dead, no one has seen masha, at least some give it back to us. for god’s sake, we ask you everything, our whole family, but her body, despite
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manogoshev’s sincere confession to the murder, was never found. in august 2018, the defendant, having taken a nine-year-old girl suffering from a chronic disease to a playground in the city of bogorodsk, put her in a car and took her to a deserted area, next to one of the city’s gardening partnerships, then the man strangled the child and hid it. having made sure that no one saw him , monagoshev, as they say, would not point his finger at the confrontation if something happened. i relaxed, returned to my normal life, found a job at a soap production company, but after a couple of years. blood again pushed him to commit a crime, he killed natalya yaruslanova, he and masha are even somewhat similar in appearance, despite the almost 30-year age difference, the same eye shape, thin lips, blond hair, he also abused a woman and could no longer escape the investigation, he was caught and sentenced to 17 years in a maximum security colony, where a few years later he admitted to being a cellmate, on his
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conscience, another death of a child, criminologists, having learned about this, immediately brought up old cases, everything came together. investigation of a criminal case, experts identified hysterical personality traits in the criminal, mental instability, egocentrism and irritability; according to the expert opinion, the defendant is prone to sexual violence, which may indicate a predisposition to commit repeated crimes of this kind. only two murders with sexual overtones or more are being discussed in the city now, coincidentally, that almost at the same time as masha lyulina , another girl disappeared in bogorodsk, also masha lashkareva, she was 13, and her body. also it has not yet been discovered, yes, loshkareva’s killer was found, sentenced to prison before managoshev, but the fact of the similarity of the crimes is obvious, and therefore the residents of a small town do not stop gossiping, and what if the girls were killed by the same person, he simply did not admit it this, and if these maniacs have many more ruined lives on their conscience, it is possible that behind bars they are tired of the strict routine, each of them will make some other
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statement in order to go to a pre-trial detention center during the investigation, where conditions are milder than, for example, in a special colony... the nature of espionage can be studied by the actions of foreign environmental activists. scientists from abroad, under the pretext of protecting the environment in russia, are engaged in completely different activities that are harmful to our country. and now visits of foreign ecologists to protected areas have become more frequent. it would seem that what is common between the pilgrimage of foreign ecologists to russian nature reserves for the study of flora and fauna, popular unrest that occurs in the same areas, immediately after
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the visits of foreign nature lovers. the usa, an employee of the now undesirable pacific center for environmental protection in our country, sounds loud and environmentally friendly, but in reality kasner, with grants from the state department in karman, approached the protection of nature very selectively, included only in those projects that were beneficial to the american economy and unprofitable to ours . the very ones where thousands and thousands of people work, this is a blow not only to industry, but an attempt to leave entire cities unemployed, all under the guise of ecology. this means that because this dump works there, there are constant exhaust gases
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that accumulate right here in the village. but stephen cole george, also a us citizen, over the past decades. repeatedly visited specially protected natural areas of our country, introduced himself either as the head of the tiger and rhino attention foundation, or as the head of a department of the american ministry of the interior, in fact a career employee of the american intelligence services, well i studied the russian language and even managed to earn a name for myself in the circles of some domestic scientists; for some reason i became very fond of the liberal crowd. i started working for the us fish and wildlife service. usa. it turned out that for many years stephen kohl had been establishing contacts not so much with the scientific community as with russian officers, exclusively with those who kept state secrets. he called them to meet them and even offered assistance in traveling abroad, and also impressed upon the scientists that it was necessary to carry out a thorough
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aerial photography with the creation of the most accurate maps of nature reserves, but not just any, but only those that border military areas.
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from journalists to ask a question, then, listen, what are all these amazing people doing here in general? it’s like there is a fight for preserving the environment, or it’s called something else, so immediately there followed a salvo from all guns, but in our country these two categories of citizens are saints, simply, i mean human rights activists and environmentalists, that is , you couldn’t even look in their direction, because you would immediately be hit with all the weapons struck. but perhaps the greatest secrecy in environmental espionage was achieved by the late laura lyn williams, a horse lover and founder of the russian cell of the unknown scandalous foreign agent
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of the world wildlife fund. it was she who came up with and launched a large-scale monitoring program for specially protected areas of the kamchatka territory, the stronghold of the russian nuclear deterrent system. williams convinced scientists that only with the help of american equipment can they observe animals and their surroundings in real time. environment, thus, satellite images and data from bacteriological, chemical and so on analyzes flowed to the servers of us services, in general, a complete picture of what was happening in the strategic region, because there is the defense capability of the russian federation, especially the far east, especially kamchatka is a nuclear outpost of the russian federations, and any such activities aimed at data such as leadership , are, in my opinion, a direct threat of interference. our domestic policy, especially the defensive one. hiding behind environmental agenda, foreigners gained access to gas and oil fields, they were freely transported to the main
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enterprises of the country, in fact revealing all the secrets, while it is not easy to prove the fact of espionage. now the ardor of western environmental activists has been tempered by the law on foreign agents. the number of environmental ngos in our country has sharply decreased. true, now foreign funds are looking for new loopholes. pavel kuzentsov and dmitry salnikov. ntv. an incredibly difficult court hearing for two women took place in the chelyabinsk region. accused a fifty-year-old mother, the victim is her daughter, a deceased three-year-old boy, their grandson and son. the baby was visiting his grandmother and died in a fire. the child was alone at home, in fact, under the article of leaving in danger, the woman is being tried. report by dinara usmanov. how does this elderly woman feel when she finds herself on trial for causing death. due to carelessness, her beloved three-year-old grandson is not given the opportunity to understand to anyone except herself, how impossible it is to understand why she left the baby alone late in the evening, even in
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a house that seemed safe to her, and in general the child was sleeping soundly, it seemed to be gone for a short time, but as a result, the tragedy, which she is now unable to utter a word about, why do you get into a person’s soul and force her to cry, the grandmother of the deceased baby probably really shed a lot of tears for her as a human being. the punishment cannot be worse than the fact that they lost one a grandson, and the other a son, but formally, from the point of view of the law, there is corpus delicti, the defendant olga zyablova
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could not help but understand that leaving a three-year-old child completely alone at home is dangerous, when in her absence a fire broke out in a private building, the child could not do anything, his body was found in a crib hugging a soft toy, he probably suffocated in his sleep with combustion products, he is a fireman standing, waiting, they cannot go outside. because it is dirty, well, covered with snow, they got stuck at the turn, was it possible to save the child, this is now a question purely from the subjunctive mood, it is possible that it would have been possible if there had been one of the adults in the house, or if firefighters did not lose valuable time making their way through the snow rubble along the uncleared street leading to the house, but the chairman of the village was asked more than once to clear the passage and even donated money for this purpose, maybe even a child could have been saved. and if all this had been cleaned on time, the chairman was asked to clean it, like how all this, how should he clean it, we pay money for for, well, for now... the question of
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the responsibility of the chairman of the garden society for what happened is still open, here ’s grandma a physician with many years of experience should have understood the danger that she went to the store without telling anyone, yes, if the neighbors had been warned, they could have come to the rescue, for relying on avoz, for not betraying the value, olga zyablova is now responsible before the law, having shown criminal negligence, violating. ..
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that's not all, see below. at the right time, in the right place, police officers rescued three children from a burning apartment. see how it happened after the ad. they sentenced hundreds of people to death. this is mankiewicz, his punitive squad was operating. v surroundings, after 35 years someone started hunting for them, we have two strange suicides, a suspicious taxi driver who has not yet been found, now to the state security investigator, i don’t believe in such coincidences, and i know your intuition is good, work, you have to find not only the former punishers, do you think that this executioner is me, but also their executioner. tell me everything,
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and maybe i’ll still have time to help you, the criminal is very dangerous, possibly armed, hands, alex the fierce, the case of the orphans, premiere, from monday at 20:00 on ntv. sber raised deposit rates now. cent with a rate of 18% per annum only until june 30, hurry to open a brokerage account to receive three sber shares as a gift, deposit - the best interest, sales even on wildbirds, intensive recovery and nutrition, antioxidant line megapolis atolin professional, hair protection from negative influence of the urban environment, pleasant discounts on brand products at wildberries. in the savings business, the best solution is online.
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from a smile radulka will wake up in the sky, a frank story about a personal relationship with an american soldier gordon black vladivostok resident alexander vashchuk decided. all evidence of abuse on the part of the ex-lover will have to be examined by the court. foreigners are accused of threatening to kill and stealing money from the deceased. the first meeting had already
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taken place, the arrested us army sergeant began to testify, the woman had to deal with outbursts of aggression from the terrorist, after which she ended up in the hospital. about how a relationship with a foreigner brought her only. the chosen one, who else, because of the overseas guests who came to russia, believes that they have everything allowed, including drunken brawls and resisting the police. watch the new episode of the emergency investigation program this saturday at 16:20 on mtv.
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today we received a recording that is very unusual for television, but we cannot help but share it in the frame of salvation. children of a house captured by fire, there are more emotions than the image, but it makes you feel more strongly than the most colorful picture. the poor quality of the video in this case makes it possible to understand the conditions in which the police performed a real feat, complete darkness and thick acrid smoke in a residential building, there is a strong fire in the apartment, there are three minors on the second floor, a mother runs out onto the stairs and begs for help in finding her children. we have children there, go to the second floor and go there. every second counts and nothing is visible, it’s already hard to breathe, the cough is choking, and it’s also very difficult to navigate in an unfamiliar building, they agreed that the children will be thrown out of the window, and they may not be able to carry them back through the entrance.
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a mother sobbing under the window begged to hurry up, fortunately they heard a child’s cry, they went to him, one child, just a baby, it’s good that...


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