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tv   DNK  NTV  June 14, 2024 4:50pm-5:56pm MSK

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the father of four children is sure that 10 years ago he could not become the father of a fifth child after a fleeting affair; to prove this, the man needs a dna test. in our studio denis molotov. hello, denis, you are the oldest father of many children. 27, who is younger, 25, 22, 20, here is the child i doubt, he is 10. why do you doubt the youngest child? well, because our fleeting meeting, i believe, could not lead to pregnancy. are all your children from the same woman? no, it's all from different people. i was married several times. why couldn’t i build a relationship with any of these women? well, with the first wives, my reasons, with the last. it turned out that
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this situation with irina just became critical, and this relationship ended, because her pregnancy became the sticking point that destroyed this relationship. we had a big fight, so much so that i decided to leave the city for another city to work and live. well, the day before there was kind of a party. there we met irina, whom i have known for a long time, as if we knew each other for a long time, but did not maintain any relationship, nothing there, or any. correspondence, calls, it just so happened that that evening we ended up in the same apartment and what happened happened, i kind of cheated on my current woman that evening. what's your woman's name? alexandra. did your relationship with irina continue or not? no, our relationship didn’t have anything to continue. what about alexandra? with alexandra, after some time, of course, we made peace there, almost a year later, but this relationship also did not last long. because irina was already there
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she was pregnant and, as it were, she told me about it and i didn’t hide it and told my girlfriend that i had another child, because the city was small and i didn’t see the point in hiding obvious facts. irina began to call, as it were, to write that i now have another son, which of the women would like this, when - she reminds her man that he had another child as a result of betrayal, in the end, no matter how she couldn’t handle it in the end we came to terms, and we finally parted ways, but how did you react to such news? well i'm being honest speaking, i didn’t believe it at first, because i thought that such a fleeting connection could not immediately lead to pregnancy, so i didn’t believe her that this was my child, out of 100% - this is 1%, but for 1% i admit it , and 99 is doubt, you had intimacy. no,
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ordinary, that is, after all, you could become a father as a result of this intimacy, well, it’s not quite the traditional way, how would all this end, so i think that no, the probability is small, too small, the child was born, you were on statement, no, i wasn't, i'm in at this time i was in another city and she told me about this only about three months after she became pregnant, and why is that? well, i don’t know, maybe she had some kind of conflicts in her life there and at that moment there was no time for me, and then over time she decided that i was a better candidate for a father than those she had at that moment, and you and irina actually talked about this, yes you talked, at first i categorically denied that i could be the father of this child, but she continued to write to me anyway on social networks that no, this is your child, this is... your child,
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this went on for a very long time, and you asked her why she didn’t tell you about the pregnancy earlier, why only after 3 months, actually no, i didn’t even ask because i was not interested in it at that moment, i was so sure that it was not me, the father of this child, so i didn’t even worry, at that moment i was pursuing a career and was very far from the city where she lived, where i used to live myself , as it were, where all this happened, i went to yekaterinburg, i was busy with... my career, my personal life, and as if for the first time i saw a child when he was already two years old, it’s still like a person has an interest, you know, if the seed is sown, then his interest begins to slowly no, no, yes, appear , and you decided, yes i decided, that just at this age it will be more clear who the child is like, because my previous children, let’s say, are all girls and boys, they all look like me, but this child doesn’t... doesn’t look like the fact that
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she sent me photos that i had arrived, i saw, there was no resemblance at all at that time, well, he didn’t necessarily leave quietly either, no, well, you know, this is a question of genetics, i guess i... i don’t know why this is so, this is already an indicator that if all children are similar me, then essentially this case is, well, not particularly different from the others. after you were convinced that irina’s son was not like you, you left and no longer appeared in irina’s life and were not interested in the child’s life, well, he didn’t appear, rare visits when i came to the city for some reason about my business there, say once every six months, but sometimes i would come in and check on him. and no more, then over time i thought, why not try, because irina did not give up trying, as if, well, to be with me, motivating with this child and so on, well, in the fifteenth year i decided that okay, i can
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try , and i kind of immediately told her honestly, i say, i won’t take you, i don’t love you, well, let’s try, if i say, something in my relationship with you will change, i’ll tell you, yes, you tried to create family, after all? yes, i tried after some time, i would even begin to insist that let’s do a dna examination, i, just like my children, will register this child, marry you, so that all these doubts and conversations of others will stop once and for all. first of all, of course, i was worried about my personal peace of mind. well, why did you then decide to build a relationship with a woman who, in your opinion, from the very beginning. deceived, well, people, you know, are different and the situations are different, there are worse things, i kind of decided why not, that’s how the person is, she good, all people lie, the question is, why, she is sure that 10 years ago she gave birth to a son, it was from you, in the studio your ex-lover
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irina koroleva, hello, hello, over the years you have never managed to prove to denis that he is the father your... son, yes, i couldn’t prove it to him, because he was internally influenced by his relatives, he was influenced for 10 years and he didn’t listen to anyone except them, he supported them, he believed them, he was confused , he had doubts, he looked closely at the child, he was embarrassed that the child does not look like him, the child was small enough to draw conclusions, the closeness between you did not deny. we had intimacy, but denis believes that we had, we had unconventional intimate sex, but you don’t think so, no, i don’t think so, i think that i controlled the process, irina, as i understand it, denis’s position is he cannot be a father precisely for this reason, he doubts,
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but i am very confident in myself, i know for sure that maxim is his son, you and denis were planning a serious relationship, you were planning children, with denis... i didn’t plan a serious relationship, but i pursued my goal, to give birth to a second child, because i was reaching the end of my childbearing years, i was already running out of time, i was pursuing my goals, that is, you were looking for a candidate all the time, yes, i was, i liked him, how you met, we met in our youth, he was very interesting, we talked in a group, he went in for sports, our relationship continued with...
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he didn’t know, we didn’t talk about it, there were no hints, and in general, somehow this topic wasn’t even raised, irina, it didn’t bother you such a prospect of raising a child alone? no at all, because this is my second child, i am wealthy, i have a place to live, a permanent, constantly stable salary, in principle everything is in abundance, why not, your eldest child was born in marriage? my eldest child was born in... in marriage, i gave birth to him very early, he was born in my marriage, that is, his father is not missing in the column, but he doesn’t, he doesn’t have a dash, denis’s help to put your second child on his feet, you don't need, no, but why are you here today in the studio of the dna program, time passes, we people
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are growing up, yes, i believe that a child should have a father, a mother, a father, and this is important, i’m already tired of this... national swing, mine, not mine, constant doubts from his relatives, constant doubts, constant swearing, his constant, constant insults towards me and just already... it has become, why? how long did you live with denis? 7 years. did you often have quarrels? every day. maybe i annoyed him because this ambiguity yes, in connection with the child, naturally, he had these emotional outbursts, well, just like me, he probably had a red rag, yes, like a bull. you can live ideally with him, if you exclude his insults, obscene language, that kind of thing. well , these are the words, he is very rude, because due to his character, he could constantly
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insult, maybe he did it so emotionally in order to hurt me, but this was the only thing that bothered him, which caused discord in our family, but nevertheless, he never gave up on me in life, because i told him i was needed, and he treated me generally well, but in connection with his character, well, this is simply beyond good. why didn’t you agree, irena, when all this happened, i thought so, i will
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prove something to him, he doubted it, yes, no, oh, i believe it, i don’t believe it, of course, it hurts my pride, why should i to prove something to someone, who is he, just a producer, i have to prove it to him, he doubts there, and he doesn’t believe me, he doesn’t just make an adult decision, why do i just need it, i need this...
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sat down, she wanted to give birth to a child for herself, and then decided to honestly tell her father at 3 months, because when a full-fledged child develops, everything is in order, so as not to experience probably some kind of emotional, well, some kind of emotional stress, because denis’s reaction, well, this is what she probably expected, so well, in fairness, she really should have informed the child’s father, but i think why not, first irina says that i actually went to work, that is, i have somewhere gender... age was ending, i needed a man, i came across denis, why not, she
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decided everything for him, she went to work, roughly speaking, to get pregnant with the child she planned, she decided everything herself, denis, she doesn’t know anything irina’s plans, you had some kind of connection, and irina, when she found out that she was pregnant, thought, what, in fact, should i do only for myself, when denis is here, let him... also bear this responsibility, although denis did not want to take on this responsibility at all; he was not aware at all that irina has such plans - this is some kind of whole plan of action, after all, you need to be completely honest in the situation with yourself, but i want a child for myself, and then suddenly not for myself, i want to raise a child myself, and then suddenly i want to go, invade another family, introduce my own dissonance, and force...
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it’s good that i get the fuck out of him , if now the dna shows that this is your child, you will receive child support, for example, then he will still be be an heir. 10 years, i at least once in my life invaded his personal life, he himself made conclusions, he himself
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came to that opinion and came to me, came to you to try. we always talked openly with him and i always told him that a child should always have a father and mother, and this is very important, and such a family is the strongest, because i grew up with my stepfather, he always listened to me, we we discussed any issues with him, but also between us... irina, tell us how it happened that you and denis began to live together, by chance, gradually, just gradually, men love independent, self-confident women who allow them to have space and not to be bullied, he periodically
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appeared, indicated himself and was nearby, but was at arm's length, then he... to my home, he was in my apartment, he was confident in me, he saw this hope, he saw the support that he could be supported in life, and accordingly, a man would choose this position when a person, and a child, as denis treated the child, well, at first warily, he looked closely at him , well, i said that it’s time it will show, i didn’t touch him well in this, time will tell, he took care of the child, denis. he cared, but it didn’t happen right away, time passed, he began to care, very well, they now have a very good relationship at the moment, he never raised a hand to him, this time, he always said, you should never beat a child, you should explain to him, this is very important, then he knew how to explain,
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showed by his actions, took care of him and also... demanded this from him, read, told, explained everything before doing anything, always spent time with spent time with him, talked, read books there , anything, walked, and the son responded, how he treated denis, well, of course, great, the child doesn’t know any other father besides me, so i’m the only father for him, accordingly, he he treats me like that, calls you dad, yes, he is not aware of this whole situation, so... this is how this many-year-old really is a swing, even i’m tired of it, i want to eventually find out how it really is and put an end to this issue. irina, who is listed as the father on your son’s birth certificate? no one is there with a dash, because denis is constantly either yes or no,
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i’m just tired of this emotional swing, i was against dna testing, then i... time passed, i said, of course, yes, we ’ll do dna, because well, we need to dot everything and come to the conclusion that nothing torments you, and me, i am not guilty of anything in front of you, find out whether you are the father or not , he is maxim’s father, nothing else, or maybe not long before denis, you had a relationship with someone , but i didn’t, because i take this issue seriously, denis. did you give irina, do you have any reason to doubt her fidelity? well , yes, she did, we repeatedly had quarrels about this, because she has too many so-called male friends. i don’t believe in male friendship between a man and a woman, i believe that friendship between a man and a woman is sex postponed for later. and do you think irina has many such friends? yes, i think that she has too many
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males around her who are supposedly friends. did you personally have to convince yourself? that between irina and her men, just the last there was a scandal about this, because i was convinced that perhaps my woman was not only with me. irina, do you understand what denis is talking about? yes, i understand. i have friends, my work just involves this, that i communicate with many people, there are enough men in my environment from whom i can hear compliments, i can, and i have to communicate with everyone, but he confuses the communication a little. there are friendships, some intimate connections, some misunderstandings, this simply cannot happen. then i found out, well, after a long time, that she wanted to have child to herself. i know that she had assistants from work, let’s say, to solve her problem with pregnancy, then i didn’t have intimacy with anyone except
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him, and there was a long period of time, i ’m sure of it, i know it, denis, irina herself personally told you that someone else could be the dad, well, this happened once, we quarreled once again, she told me that i can relax, i don’t need dna. it’s not you, but i told him in anger, because when he is aggressive and angry, so that he sit down a little, because this is a question that is too sensitive for him, i shouted like that, it happened, yes, that’s right, the man already has doubts, this whole story is so ambiguous, and even in a fit of anger, i understand, irochka, that you are an emotionally impulsive woman, and you can say this, especially since you don’t deny it, but this leads to even more doubt. your man, really, i just don’t understand how you can put out a fire with gasoline, trust is a very fragile thing that takes years to build, it can be destroyed with one phrase when
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relationships, the whole story began even with a small, although this is far from small, lie, then of course, then it is much more difficult to earn trust, especially since there are factors that do not help strengthen this trust, this is the refusal of a dna test and many other things , and the same phrase was said. that irina constantly reminded, called and one way or another brought denis back to the thought of this child, so of course there is this distrust inside, this doubt, i’m sure it lives on, i didn’t call him all the time, i didn’t tell him, i only called once and i don't think it's necessary anymore remind myself, that’s it, this is the end of the story, i won’t call 10 times and talk about it. i’m confident in myself, why do i have to call him 10 times, who is he? i said that's it. irina, why didn’t they agree to a dna test when denis proposed, but now
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they decided to do it. half the city already knows, relatives know everything, everyone is in doubt, pointing fingers, he listens to everyone there, what is this, he still doesn’t have his own opinion, where is it, a decision, if they say so, it means he allows people to talk like that, i also . at the very first time he proposed to land it all at once, so that this just doesn’t happen, so that there aren’t these conversations, pointing fingers and so on, so that you can stop at this, and why didn’t you break up with irina when she refused the dna test? to put it in a very simple way, we are still like people, social beings, she is, well, a normal woman, seemingly reliable, calm, in those matters that i need, despite the periodic ones. .. the aggression that spills out of her there, well, i’m not a gift myself, so it’s like, well, not really obliged, but i can tolerate it, because she also has to endure the same from me, my
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emotional outbursts, we even went to the tax office three times, filed a fee, paid a fee, but these days she constantly had reasons not to go there , then swearing, then some other bullshit, it’s this rudeness, rudeness that bothers me, it’s simple for me, that’s all, it seems that in general everything is fine. everything is permissible, everything is so whole and good, bang, these explosions, insults and swearing, that’s it, i immediately turn around, i went, that’s it, i’m his i can’t stand it, i hate him when he communicates like that, talks, when this happens, i just don’t want to prove anything to him, who is he to talk to me like that and prove something to him, i have something to drink, eat, clothes, shoes, a place to live, why would he need me? i hurt him and
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keep him at a distance, because he does it, he leads everything to this with his aggressions, rudeness, calling me a creature, for what, why, why, what, why did he suddenly decide this, if this she's actually right. well i would admit mine mistake, i know how to lose. irina, or could it be that you have been waiting for some other man all this time? no, i never expected it, everything suited me. from whom irina actually gave birth to a son 10 years ago, a dna test will show very soon. be careful. our new name is t-bank. we change our name without changing ourselves. t-bank. he is such a. coffee, oh, i’ve successfully entered, this is not just a kitchen, this is also a living and dining room for sure, i would
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she said that she was pregnant, well, actually, that’s where the whole story began, denis did not believe in his paternity, at that moment the man was already in another city, the fate of irina and her unborn child did not interest him at all, irina gave birth to a son and raised him alone, only 2 years later denis wanted to see little maxim in order to understand whether the boy looked like him or not, he was not at all like me or my children.
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repeatedly proposed marriage, we even we submitted an application three times, paid the fee, but each time it turned out that we didn’t get to the point of sex, now ten-year-old maxim calls denis dad, but the man himself is still sure that irina gave birth to another, they have plenty of applicants for paternity in azersk, he says denis. to this day, in my opinion, she has too many friends, men, about how i feel about this, well, i... i think that friendship between a man and a woman is sex postponed for later, so it’s kind of like i don't believe in friendship like that. irina does not hide, she i used denis. he appeared in my life when i was 33 years old, at that time
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i already had my own plans, since i was reaching the end of my childbearing age, and he clearly suited my plan to give birth to a second child. and then she declared it herself. denis that after that random night he did not become a father. i personally told denis in a fit of anger that this was not his child, in order to stop him in his anger, so that he would calm down a little. yes, in a fit of anger i told him once that maxim was not his son. in response, denis suggested that irina take a dna test, but she refused, because it offended and humiliated her. even if all her relatives pointed fingers at her.
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hello, natalya, hello, how do you know about irina’s mysterious lover, the city is small, rumors, rumors, we have
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a saying, the whole forty people sleep under one blanket, what kind of man was irina’s lover, in parallel with denis? well, she said that she had a man, it was you personally who said that i... supposedly had a man and that denis didn’t believe me, only you brought discord into our house, only you, you constantly poisoned him on my side, that he tormented me, this is still butter... why suddenly? no, to say, it’s good that you got irka, live with her, what was wrong, answer why you constantly turned him against me, why did you suddenly decide that you?
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he complained, told what he considered necessary , everything, and i never turned him against her, especially against the child. you said that irina herself told you about her lover? yes, denis brought her to visit me and get acquainted. we were sitting, we were talking, maybe she said something, then she regretted it, freaked out, and ran away. was denis present? certainly. when i already entered the kitchen, they had already quarreled and were about to leave. i already left for her, i
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could never tell you this, only you could tell about it, never, it was only you who told him that she had a lover, it was you who cheated, i don’t know what interests you were pursuing, what for , even when he was trashing me, you didn’t even tell him anything, she said that she had an affair, that she had a man, a man from her work, that is , i just told you that. well, we just sat and talked openly, like normal people, like friends, she told me, then apparently regretted it, she herself personally said that irka had a lover, she said that maxim was not like him, she was just setting him up, she made up this story about this lover of some kind, she came up with it, she just said that she had an affair at work, that ’s all, how can i invent something about her if i saw her for the first time? i'm the opposite, the opposite i was glad that denis brought us,
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we met, you were not happy, you immediately turned him against me from the very first days, immediately turned everyone against me, turned your children against me, you didn’t want maxim to be his at all , it was gnawing at you, it infuriated you, just some kind of female jealousy, irina, denis doubts his fatherhood not only because of the words of his friend, well, i think that only... only from her words, but it’s easy to work over his brain 10 years, 10, buzzing like a bee, that's all, that's all, that's all who's in are surrounded by her, everyone doubts, everyone, but it can’t be the same, why on my side there are people who don’t doubt, they are sure, why only this woman is doing this, maybe she secretly loves him or what’s going on, who he secretly loves me, he loves me like an older sister, i love him. i’ll tell you more, this is
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my ex-wife’s sister, and you said, denis, friendship does not exist between a man and a woman, here it’s different, i lived with that wife for 7 years, and how our relationship developed over these years is exactly so, so natalia is also married, denis, but your doubts were not only because of natalia’s words, not at all, not because of my words, a large number of people doubted then, even our mutual friends. when this whole situation happened, no one believed that i was a father, yes, well, no one, over time, of course, many people just fell silent so as not to warm up this one of mine, but it didn’t go away, they just started keeping quiet about it , that’s all, maybe she’s ashamed to just admit something, we are all not without sin, that is, after all , there were parallel relationships, if she spoke about it herself, there’s no point in inventing it, but erina’s son... we saw him, yes, of course, denis took him, brought
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him to visit us, he looks like your friend, you know, in my opinion, there’s nothing in common, maxim has dimples, his physique is the same, then he has the same undercoat in his hair as his father, that’s all, they are generally similar, 100%. but he is more like his older brother, who is from the first. born than me, i’ll say this, all denis’s children are very gifted, uh, mathematically, they play chess, uh, physics, mathematics, their favorite subjects, but... maxim is not one of them, as far as i know, he has problems with this, so he is like a tutor, we studied with a tutor for a long time, we are now studying because he has there was a speech impairment, because the child suffered in nature, now he is studying in a regular school,
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corrective for vision, there is a small class there, the child is studying quite normally, not bad, i won’t say that he is... a student, but he has special abilities for mathematics abilities for mathematics, but not for russian, i i don’t know where this came from, he has difficulties in russian, because the russian language is quite complex, but not for mathematics, well, if you go to a tutor for almost 6 years, then in my opinion you can even teach a rabbit to read, or maybe do your son have any other abilities that denis has? well, just like dad, but he doesn’t draw beautifully like his father, why irina’s family didn’t fall in love with denis, whom she considers the father of her son, why her sister hoped to see another man next to her, we’ll find out right after the ad.
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studio, forty-three-year-old irina koroleva, who is tired of proving to her lover that she gave birth to a son from him. denis, irina’s sister is sure that you are not the best dad for maxim. but she has no doubt about your paternity. in our studio tatyana bagapova. hello. hello tatiana. do you have any doubts about denis’s absence, unlike himself? no. at that time, irina had it the only man she had a relationship with. maxim is very similar to him. no, i don't doubt it one bit. i'm 100% sure. do you doubt it? i doubted it. now, now i accept the situation as it is, and you know why we are here, to end it all, but i
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doubted it for a very long time, and you know about it, tatyana, but in general, tell us what denis is like, well, in general, of course , very hot-tempered, rude, boorish, they were arguing, constantly finding out something, well, his child there is not his, well, it wouldn’t be like that i would like to see you next to my sister, i would like to... kind, gentle, affectionate, reliable, caring, get a cat, but how did you know that denis appeared in your sister’s life? well, i found out too late, ira was probably five months pregnant, she said that she was pregnant, told her about denis, and that they had known each other for many years, they met again, and well , that’s what happened . irina, you have been trying to build a relationship for 7 years. did you just try or did you have feelings for denis? yes, sure, there were, but they did not appear right away,
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not even right away, at first i liked him, i took a closer look at him, he suited me quite well, how well-coordinated he was, intellectually, physically, he was not a fool, but i also hated him , this is what i have in him, this aggressiveness and anger, which i don’t have at all... i’m not enough of him every year, that’s how i flew away from him as if scalded, you can just love him, why not , he deserves to be loved, but he doesn’t can handle his anger some kind of aggression with obscenities, why and i also don’t want to put up with this , irina raised her hand at you, well, once he hit me on the cheek , that didn’t happen again and he... says something, he will definitely keep his word if he said that he will never touch me again, then he will never touch me, but there are a lot of things
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running inside him, we just can’t cope with this, i immediately said that there is no love, but then over time, yes, feelings began to develop there maybe in the fourth, fifth year i was already, well, it wasn’t like i wasn’t there no matter what happens to her. i also began to bear some responsibility for her, that is , she became my family, and you lived in irina’s apartment? well, yes, do you have your own place? at the moment, yes there is, at that moment there wasn’t, but i could still rent an apartment or go somewhere to work again, and the problem of housing was never a problem if she understands all these years what an explosive character i have, not you need to provoke me even more, i have such problems with other wives. it wasn’t, i asked only one thing from her all my life with her, i didn’t i set no such and such, well, some kind of impossible living conditions, i asked for
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only one thing. control your emotions too, irina, what is your communication like with denis now? we communicate, i don’t forbid him to communicate with the child, we communicate with each other accordingly, close? no, but denis helps, raise the child. i immediately told him from the beginning that i don’t need help personally, invest in the child, buy toys, pay for something, as if for the child. i personally don’t need it, it’s invested in the child. are you still in love with denis? i think yes. would you like to restore your family? i'm afraid of this relationship. denis, what if you have a child together? i think we can return to the issue of relationships once again. but
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irina’s aunt hopes that the father of the child will be anyone, but not. i would really like to hope that this is not the father, because he is an ill-mannered, rude, boorish person, i didn’t think that irinka would choose such a guy for herself, he is not worthy of irinka. "she is a beauty among us, she needed someone tall, handsome, stately, and not like that, i wouldn’t look at someone like that, when i i saw, i was, he can insult her, he can use obscene language at her, because he was brought up that way, and irinka is a good, kind, caring mother, even if
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he brought a flower to his wife, never, but how do you see it?" " ignoring , it’s her right to think so, and i no, there’s no conflict, i’m just completely not obliged to share her opinion, you see how rude, angry he is, men don’t behave like that... worthy, this is an unworthy man for such a woman, well, everyone sees the situation in my own way, let’s say i think that i yes, i i’m just overly hot-tempered, someone thinks that i’m a boor, i don’t think i’m doing anything special, you have nothing in common with irina, but you’re absolutely violet with me, denis, if a dna test confirms your paternity, what
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will change in his relationship with irina, i don’t know, maybe. still, we will look for some moments so that she can restrain her own aggressiveness, well, maybe i can do mine, firstly, i don’t have aggressiveness, but methods of influencing you out of defense, because it’s impossible to resist you, you you start constantly insulting me, you i just don’t feel the edge, how you insult me, i can only tolerate it for so long, how else can i influence you if you don’t flare up too...
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yes, this issue needs to be resolved once and for all. i invite our forensic medicine expert, candidate of medical sciences, yulia severtseva, to the studio. is there a blood connection between denis molotov and irina’s ten-year-old son? the test will show you very soon. tnk. be careful. wait for me in the program, everyone can ask for help, everyone will be heard and understood. in early childhood svetlana's parents disowned her. i cried every day, looked out the window, but my mother was not there. every evening i thought why they
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left me, what i did that i was left alone. but all her life she dreams of finding her birth mother. i want my mother to see my daughter, that i could do it, that i didn’t break. my daughter is talking, as well as the continuation of the story of tatyana, who was looking for her sister for 30 years, for her he is dad, for me he is a father figure, he took my sister and went to kazakhstan, of course, i’m offended that you started me so late look, my dad inspired me with the fact that you are not there, you are not my family, there are two different stories, wait for me, today at 17:55 on ntv, point zero, premiere from monday at 22.20 on ntv. the pain can vary. there is only one mechanism for the development of pain. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if pintalgin is available. a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition,
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exactly 1985. the brain is responsible for memory, memory, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the work of each of our organ. however. with age, we all experience deterioration in memory and intelligence, disruption in the functioning of our organs. this year, a russian distributor purchased a batch of japanese brain therapy. it contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain therapy is produced in japan. brain aging can be reversed and it will serve you faithfully again . extend the youth of your brain. 8 800 100 exactly, 1980. 5 8 800 100 exactly 1985 learn more about the japanese product moskrapy via superstar final on sunday at 20:20 on
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ntv. this is the dna program. today , forty-five-year-old denis molotov intends to find out whether he is the father of the son of his former mistress, who destroyed his life. julia, you have the floor. today , forty-five-year-old denis molotov came to us for a dna test, who has been convincing his mistress for 10 years that he is the father. her son maxim. the father of many children admits that he was ready to accept irina’s child, as he had already accepted four children, if a dna test had confirmed his paternity. but irina in her own way time, she refused genetic testing. however, now she intends to prove to her former lover that she gave birth to him. denis, are you ready to find out if you have a ten-year-old son, maxim? here, i open the envelope,
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the alleged father is denis molotov, the alleged son is maxim korolev. the likelihood is that you, denis, have been doubting paternity in vain for 10 years, and irina actually gave birth to an heir to you . 99.9%. to drag on for so long, and denis, you’re dad, while there are emotions, well, i was hoping to hear the truth, i heard it, i don’t need more, but you've been doubting for 10 years, but it turns out that you were in vain. i won’t joke with this, well
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, i have a lot off my shoulders, the fact that everything happened so that natalya could hear all this and not say that i lied to him, i’m an adult, i can’t joke with this, just accept it, that this is his son, i don’t want to listen anymore, that... someone has the right to say so, but now no one else will say it, denis, you don’t want to apologize, i still had doubts, i had the right to them , because they didn’t come to meet me to refute them,
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irina, now in the father column, the name will appear denis? yes, of course, definitely. do you agree, denis? i insist. and maybe, indeed, everything will begin with a new page , irina. yes, it will begin, but... we need help with this, but i think we will help each other. denis, where do you start, first? well, if you don’t run away the fourth time, then maybe you’ll get married at least for the fourth time. ir, will you marry me, well, since you waited for the dna, that means you’re me.


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