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tv   Pod zashchitoi  NTV  June 15, 2024 3:55am-4:51am MSK

3:55 am
so well, well, why are you sitting, light the candles, it’s a pity, but my favorite flowers are not on the table, roses, but if you want, i’ll go, no, orchids, white and delicate, but tell me the type, next time i’ll buy it, it won’t work, they too ed. even to russia they are delivered only by special order, with emphasis, and i... this is so touching for you,
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thank you, i love receiving flowers from people i like, i mean, flowers that i like are reciprocated, that i love giving flowers, so how did the story about bungalow end, nothing? drank wine they ate the fruit and went to bed.
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listen, i wish you good health, comrade colonel, perhaps this is important for your investigation, what happened? anatoly savelyev from the grachevskaya gang, killed in pre-trial detention. i see, where are your employees at the moment?
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allow me, i looked at the recordings from the season, shortly before savelyev’s death. nikitin met with the killer, he could convey the killer’s sharpening, absolutely right. hmm, gotcha, here,
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confirm the plan for transporting the eyelids, they killed everything, it’s a pity, he was a good guy, so the rook is insured. we have lost witnesses, this it’s bad, vika has already been taken to this salon, everything seems to be fine there, just in case, i went myself and checked everything, be careful, georgievich, don’t worry, everything will be fine with vika, after all, you like her, don’t talk nonsense.
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prince, well, he really went to the bottom, we just found his wife again, or maybe there’s no rat? how is it, maybe you just screwed up the deal with a sausage and now you decided to blame it on some rat, no, there is a rat, and he dug up dirt on you, then why doesn’t this dirt come up that you’re in this i’m sure, maybe it’s not time yet, in general it’s like that, i
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don’t have anything to do with you anymore, clean up this shit yourself, as you want, that’s what it means. well, okay, your six are already cooling off in the morgue, so keep in mind that i’ll get you, too, anywhere, even in the wild, even in the zone, but why did they kill talyan? sergey, let's hurry up, the cosmetologist has been waiting for vika for 10 minutes, good afternoon to you, he'll wait a little longer, i have to make sure it's safe, how else can i convince you, we're not some kind of gangster den, we're a decent establishment, i can still please look around, we are ready for
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procedures, we are waiting for vika, okay, now we will bring you. so, is everything okay? yes, everything is fine, one small nuance, flowers appeared there that were not there yesterday. i was the one who put the flowers. i know that these are vikina’s favorite flowers, and our company’s policy is to please the client. so rare and expensive. vika, our vip client. i beg you very much. can we start the procedure? we have a very tight record after vika. okay, we convinced you. dan, start vika, if today there is no result, i will hang you, your mother, yes, we understand, citizen, we understand, no
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don't worry, we'll do everything, don't worry. olga, can i have some candy? oh yes. otherwise i really wanted something sweet, but maybe a little red one, maybe, no, well, not this one, well, yes, you can, thank you, here’s verochka, as they say, for candy,
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hands, hands, moved away from her. chibes, love your bulldog. borya, lights out, so you are a chipis, we need to talk, about what? about the sleeper, about the wiki, do you have a word from the text message administrator? to me, don’t put too much pressure on the girls, they have the best intentions. but i still looked through the door. dan, take the object to the address, and you can go out. well, let's go. everything's absolutely fine yes, everything is fine. well, victoria, the procedure
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is over. can you explain to me why i am here? why did you go to the season last night? it was necessary. let's talk about your friendship with grachev, what kind of friend is he to me? okay, i'll ask the question differently. why did you hide the fact that you knew grachev since childhood? i didn’t hide it, they just didn’t ask me about it. and now i ask. who ratted out dmitry igrachuv? i'm nobody. handed over, strelnikov and i were friends, andreev
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was generally like a father to the whole department, but sometimes they hire fathers, if there is a benefit, they open for a leadership position, with great access to information on various issues, is very dangerous, a simple example, the materials on the grachev case have disappeared.
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i killed your father’s sleeper, but bite it, i’m 100 years old correctly, and i didn’t order the sleeper, but i already know how my father kept the evil for the sleeper for the sleeper, my father was such a bastard that he didn’t sleep, but someone another would have killed him, you agreed with the killer, okay, we needed a false attempt on the sleeper, do you understand why? that he got it through his attacks, otherwise everyone would have decided that he lawlessly tried to kill korish
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's partner, he was smaller, better steel, and if he had proven to yours that he had nothing to do with this assassination attempt, it's a reputation, dude, you can't wash it off like grandma, he would have stayed in the seat, whatever he was dissatisfied with, the , what? he put all his eggs in his basket, he took over the entire hostel, he transferred him over the hill through a front company, if only vika, as an heiress , can get it, let’s say you’re telling the truth, but why didn’t you leave after the real crash on the sleeper, you won’t understand, dude , y my sleeper was like a father, a real one, but for the sake of vicki i wouldn’t do such a thing. “these orchids of hers, yes, i got burned by them, you love her,
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you come to her again, i’ll turn you in to the police, i understand, i understand, i’ll get another infusion for a text message, that’s what the cosmetologist called me.” van, did you notice anything suspicious? yes, comrade colonel, i don’t understand why you closed nikitin, i don’t understand. i have good reason to suspect him of organizing a murder, reason? proof, do you have proof? no, you have no
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evidence either of his connections with grachev or his attitude towards the murder, you don’t have any evidence, not yet, i don’t believe in such coincidences, and i don’t believe in all this, because nikitin is an experienced professional, and he wouldn’t set himself up like that, why if he wanted to kill sovelyeva, he would start visiting the pre-trial detention center, i see you are so well informed. how to order a murder in a pre-trial detention center, what do you think, i spent my entire career just sitting in my office, getting my fill of everything, i understand, unlike you, that nikitin would not have been able to organize a transfer to sovelyev’s cell, but this was not necessary for him , yes, that is, you think that he recruited him during these 2 minutes of interrogation, and you, by the way, interrogated him, and he turns on the fool, he’s talking about someone else, supposedly the voices ordered him to kill savelyev, and the voices brought him to prison in the cell, you don’t
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mind, if i spend the actual. well , thank you, we can say, for the sake of the common good, please, bend down, i hit him, hammer, van, press on the gas, it looks clear from behind, eh... georgievich, we were attacked, but we jumped back, everyone is alive, everything is fine, i understand, well, where are we going, to the address, but i’m not at all i understand what you’re talking about, i wrote a message only to my husband and girlfriend, so
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show me these messages, but what right do you have to interfere with my privacy? life, and they will tell you this in court, when they pronounce a sentence for complicity in the murder of turovskaya, in the sense of murder, he said that he would feed him candy? olga, you are an adult, and you should understand perfectly well that if you cover up a murderer, you automatically become his accomplice, and you will be imprisoned for a long time. who did you tell about vic? i... “i don’t remember the name, this is our client, he’s the phone number, but you cancer me accept, you had another tube.
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che and b, were sitting on the pipe, i can assume that you don’t know his name, but you can force the second one, get ready, let’s go to the police, what is the fate within our walls, nikolai ivanovich, came to remind you of your debt, vasily, no way if you forget that businessman who committed suicide in his cell, that’s a long-standing matter. although it’s dark, i’m now interested in the murder of sovelyev, and what side is he towards you? well, one of my subordinates is in trouble, and how can i help? i need to know, second by second, where i crossed paths with whom. killer during yesterday. now
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about the recordings from the security cameras, i’ll arrange, uh, from the video recorders. all the guards on shift, will you have coffee or a drop of it stronger, coffee, for stronger coffee, the matter is too serious, you will show yourself again, you will be locked under guard, without going out, an excellent prospect, there is information on the motorcycle that was used in the attack, there is, a car found burned in a vacant lot, numbers left. the motorcycle was not found, it’s easier to hide, the license plates are also fake, saprykin’s only hope is the sketch she by the way, they sent me an identikit, but why are you silent, this face reminds me a lot of someone, i’ll send it to you as a souvenir, yeah, she
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covers someone close. they don’t try so hard for money, let’s hope the investigator even gets meat, the number she called for was punched, punched, corporate number, russian branch of the western law firm gris and sons, a reputable company, and also a lawyer, so get information about a specific subscriber it will be difficult and time-consuming, but you can get a list of employees, just ask. but why would an employee of a western law firm bribe hairdressers, why would he? chibis told me that shpal hid the money with the help of a foreign law firm, maybe this one? he can talk, but where is the logic? why kill
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the only person who can unblock the accounts, but they really wanted to kill her? i agree, it's a muddy story. okay, consult with the guys from the ob. but i can for now.
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good afternoon, mr. koltsov, you are olga saprykina’s husband, yes, what happened? uh, your wife is in the police, that's who she is. it's okay, she passes as a witness. what a fool, forgive me, lord, i’ll go get her now. no, no need, she will come back herself. you better look at the photos, maybe someone you know ? no, i don’t have such friends, maybe it’s your wife’s friend? yes, hardly , some sleek, rich, no, maybe svetkins, well, a friend, there is an address and telephone number, uh, yes, the address and telephone number, i’ll give it to you now, i was returning from the store, i saw her, she and her child were walking on the embankment , i'll give it to you now, yeah. thank you, i understand, svetlana, look, maybe you know someone? what handsome guys? oh,
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i know this, yurasik. olga and i met him at the club. do you still have time for clubs? well, we need to somehow arrange our personal life and brighten up the loneliness. his friend, however, left immediately last time. and yurasik turns out to have fallen for olga. how can he and saprykina have such an affair? or maybe you know where he lives? tolga spoke somewhere here in the center. did you say anything else? well, that he’s going to divorce his husband, go to london with this yurasik, well, in the area, maybe. by the way, i know his last name, if that interests you, of course? well, of course. i remember, do you know why? she's so creepy, i think she'll be. should i change my last name or not? baranov. baranov. not a good last name. well, how can you say it if you change a woman’s last name?
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well, if you had a crush on the sheep, would you change it? me, of course. here. can you do it faster? well, you press it faster. yeah, what? slowly it doesn’t matter, well, let’s do it again, so slowly, it doesn’t matter, then run, one way or another, well, maybe that’s enough, no, let’s do it again, let’s do it tens, come on, come on, maybe 10 is enough for you already, that’s enough, you won’t get home on this, i understand.
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why didn't you say that you were meeting? well then this meeting would not have taken place, it did not take place anyway, but it could have ended much worse, we could have shot each other there. i didn't think about it. please think next time.
4:22 am
well, what is baba dmitrievskaya here? no, it looks like he lives here, damn it, we’ve been following this idiot all day, i’m a bummer, we’ll go as long as necessary, who ordered you to kill sovelev? grachev, rook, who is this anyway, a small bird, uh-huh, well, if not a rook, then who then, no one, myself, why, out of a feeling of revenge and the desire to punish the killer of police officers.
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sleeper deals, that’s all, listen, georgievich, maybe we’re in vain in rushing to conclusions, and it ’s not them at all, there are other suspects, no, in short, there’s only one option, provoke, give him information about where vika is, arrange an ambush and take him in public , good idea, but you can’t use soprykino again, listen, maybe to the club? a man
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who was almost killed does not walk around the club, where he goes, there is one idea, koltsev, i’m afraid, don’t worry, he won’t touch you, we’re close, well, i’m not afraid of baranov, i’m just not an actress, what if he suspects something, everything will work out. just be with yourself, no need to play anything, comforted.
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what issue are you talking about? i'm victoria andreevna. victoria andreevna, i apologize, i did not recognize you right away, on behalf of the gris sons company, i want to express my deepest condolences on the death of your father, and since you are his beneficiary, i am happy to welcome you within our walls law company. thank you, let's skip these pleasantries and get straight to the point, time, money, you don't need to know about it.
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by the way, let me introduce you, sergei petrovich, a businessman. good afternoon, very nice. the will will come into force only in six months, but there is a person. who can lend it to me right now, please confirm that i have the money. i need assurances that victoria has sufficient funds in her accounts to cover the debt. sergei petrovich has come into my position, he knows that i cannot leave now border to activate deposits, so the hope is only for you. well, i'll see what i can do for you. “unfortunately, i can’t help you with anything, the asset is foreign, that is, it is registered through our company, but in a branch with a different jurisdiction, simply put, offshore. i just need
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fiscal confirmation signed by an official, i know that this can be obtained in any branch, respectively, in yours too, yes, of course, but this is not within my competence, it must be signed by the director.” i think that i can promise you that i will solve your problem within two days, but to do this you must fill out this form, this is an application to the head office, so, last name, first name,
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address, no, we do not give the address, the client is under state protection , without filling out all the fields, the application will be invalid, this is secret information, listen. we have a reputable company, believe me, we know how to keep a secret, this is a really reputable company, my father trusted it, but i need money, okay, under your responsibility, yes, no problem, write the address, a pen, georgivich, where are you have you picked up such economic words? fiscal confirmation, debt security, i took a master class from the obep people, but i completely fell for it, well, yes, it seems to me that it turned out organically, wow, what the hell hangs there, this
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nikifarov grazes competently, but why does he need to follow us, we gave the address , but to check if there is a provocation, in order to competently eliminate a person, serious preparation is needed, oh, come on... for these details, otherwise i’ll soon be able to write a manual on assassination attempts, you did a great job with your role, damn it, we’re almost there and the tail is on great location, turn around, security guard sezo lukyanov insisted that he himself ordered anatoly savelyev, well , because... he killed police officers, but we checked his billing, on the day of the murder he called a certain ryabtsev, that is, you want to tell the crime boss rebom, absolutely right, that’s exactly what i want to say, that is, he ordered the murder of the blacks,
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so nikitin has absolutely nothing to do with it, nikitin must be released, comrade colonel, he’s that pretzel over there. he’s kind of muddy, it’s a bummer again, you see, some baby is getting ready, well, we’ll see, well, the day after tomorrow we’ll go back to the sheep, huh? what did you like about provoking criminals? otherwise, this is more interesting than beauty salons, yeah, the adventures aren’t over yet, so don’t lose your activities, don’t approach the cockpit, yes, you know how to ruin the mood,
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georgievich, if we’re right, vika will be free tomorrow, our criminal duo is behind bars , probably one of them, not kiforov, will come to kill vika, we’ll take him with spolicino, but it will be more difficult to attract baranov, the company is for him. may intervene in order to protect his reputation, but how can that be, well, he’s in charge, he came up with everything, we will put pressure on him, his machinations will be revealed as soon as it comes to payments. this means they will try to eliminate you as soon as possible, and that’s good. when time is pressed, people are more likely to make mistakes. well? we’ve already arrived at dmitrieva’s, but
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why the cake with flowers, what sticks to her, i don’t know, he’s a fucking conspirator, so what are we going to do, we’re sitting, waiting for something to be dug up, you can be free, i... i said , but this is for now, you are suspended from your position, you cannot leave the city, here is the resolution, your management is already aware.
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stand there, don’t move, hands, arms, and don’t twitch, it won’t help you, it won’t help them, whoever the dolls you shot at are like a spoon. well, barano, we will remain silent. i said that without lawyers i will talk, except about the weather. so, where are your lawyers on this beautiful sunny morning? when they arrive, your morning will be much less wonderful. in grisa's company, the sons are the best lawyers, they will not leave a stone unturned against these guys of yours. dirty insinuations, you will simply lose your job, but you are already yours
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lost, your reputable company doesn’t need employees who do such things, your employer sent this half an hour ago, it’s fake, i gave this company 10 years of my life, listen, baranov, it’s time to confess, aren’t you and your friend in advance? it’s obvious that you are the organizer of a criminal group, simply no one will believe him in time, you ’ll get more than the executor nekiferov. baranov. it’s in your interests to cooperate with
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the investigation, okay, i provided legal support for all of spala’s transactions on his offshore accounts and knew what kind of money was there, and you decided to steal it, am i crazy, no, i temporarily borrowed it, so to speak, for profitable investments, invested in bitcoins or something, it would be better if i invested in bitcoins, now i would be a billionaire, no, we took shares, then the stock exchange collapsed, and we had a leverage of one to ten, in short, we went bankrupt, in a word, we were not able to return that kind of money, we thought that the sleeper would not soon run out of its money, and we would manage to do something come up with, but the other day he showed up and decided to arrange a complete audit, here’s nikifrov and... then he blew it up, but my daughter missed, so
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we had to run after the young lady, even against common sense, somehow you do it all so easily, you blow things up, you hunt, they’re just real killers, and what were we supposed to do, the sleeper would have killed us, without even blinking an eye, we had no choice. it's all over, the criminals are arrested, and the non -criminals can be free, congratulations, great, this should be celebrated in the best restaurant, sorry, i can't, i still have things to do, well, i'm treating you, i don't mind, what are you doing,
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vika, don't refuse, good company. those you two love organic products more, do n’t you understand, your father’s money is gone, you’ll have to get used to a modest life. seryozha, it’s you who don’t understand, i’m a free person, i can now do whatever i want, go where i want, communicate with whoever i want, i have a new life, okay, that means lunch with danilov, dinner with me , send me the address, have a nice time. thank you. sorry, i'm late. you're glad you came at all. yes. you look good. thank you.
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i have a conversation with you. let me order something first. no need. please yours menu. maybe you'd like to order some drinks? no need. yes, well, i’m giving you a treat, we need to celebrate, young man, sorry, we don’t need anything, i came to say goodbye, why? i understand perfectly well what ’s going on, i’m not a fool, we can’t be together, because you’re in charge of this whole situation. there’s only one thing, i’m no longer under your protection, i’m a free man, alyonka, he told me that he would shoot someone like that, how should i live, what should i do,
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you understand that if they hadn’t stopped him, he would have killed him, killed a man, you know, ah, the saint was found, but before that... it means you didn’t know that he was in your father’s gang, you knew, you never thought about it, now that you’ve been under bullets you look at the world differently, but at lyonka, at you, at us well, thirdly, i’ll still come to an agreement with you, i’m married, what? i’m not going to marry you, you know, koltsev, i realized one very important thing, life can end at any second, at any moment, well, that means you need to enjoy this moment, you are drawn to me, me to you, in what's the problem, i'll be there soon
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i'll leave and you'll never see me again.
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officers on duty, i see armed people chasing a man, send a squad, urgently. stas, what? how are you here? fewer questions, follow me. come on with us quickly. police, bitch, let's leave, the police have arrived,
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come here, how did you end up here, just don't say it was an accident, and you, i work here as a security guard, for a couple of days, like. stash, what 's going on? you know? long story. why did you light up the apartment? at least warned you that you were going to klini, such a good place would now have to be changed. it's not me flashed if they were herding me, they would have attacked immediately, so what were they waiting for? logically, who is the doctor then? and this poppy, it means,
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is no longer with leni, and we will change our location. georgievich, is it worth it? but he said it himself, the place is good. plus the vadik is on guard, if anything happens, they’ll back you up. do you trust fedorchuk? forgot that he is from your department? actually he me today. chevsky rescues, this does not remove suspicion from him.
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racers, i don’t understand!
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guys, you have confused me with someone, shut your mouth, why? no, no, you didn't understand me, the joint came out, sorry, it’s a joint, it means that the demand for the joint will be like crazy, continue, continue, well, i’ve arrived, i came to put the car in the garage, well , that means i drove the car, turned off the engine and... i hear someone is moaning behind him and what, he was alive when you arrived, yes he was alive, he asked me for water, i rushed to
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the garage for water, yeah, i bring water, ah... but he still died, it’s clear, well, i called you, uh-huh, obana, that, look, oh well, police captain vitaly petrovich terentyev, senior investigator of the kirov vvd, what’s this, the real thing, it looks like the real thing, but we need to do an examination, happy, oh, great, great, how was the duty, we have one corpse, and, it seems, an employee. who? terentsev from kirovsky. i contacted the police from there, they are now bringing in relatives and will carry out identification. what happened to him? they beat me up, abandoned me, and didn’t come soon. and since the employee wants to take their business for themselves. that's right. let's support. ok, have a rest. happily. yes yes. allow me. yes, come in, oleg georgievich. good morning. kind
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morning. but as i understand it, you called me about the corpse at night, captainatyev, but the fact of the matter is that he is no captain, fortunately, although i don’t know if it’s appropriate to say fortunately here in such a situation, that is, the certificate it’s still fake, that’s right, this is good news, but the bad news is that since captain terentyev is alive and well, the murder case is transferred to us. well, well, the kirov primary investigation has already been completed, even the identity has been established, so accept it. well, our colleagues have established that the murdered man was not was a police officer, in the database his finger is listed as mikhail stepanovich kornyakov. nickname misha zub. why is mr. zub known to the general public?
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well, as i understand it, with a penchant for kidalov. was charged four times under article 159, a fine, forced labor, and ended up with 3 years in a general regime correctional colony, in a word, a very honored figure, that is, the underworld suffered a heavy loss, well, judging by this chronicle, irreparable, you and i have to write into its last chapter, and sit and andrey will be our chronicler, i’m always on the edge.
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why are you swearing, oslikov? now you find out, will you allow me? yes, yes, oleg georgievich from the main directorate called me. yeah, from ours? yes. aim from moscow. so. tell me, do you know what a selfie is? selfie.


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