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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-15  NTV  June 15, 2024 5:35am-6:21am MSK

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come on, speak russian so that the children don’t listen. fine. you shouldn't have gotten yourself involved in all this. how else? they wouldn't have found him any time soon. fucking human this is. full of your own problems. your patent is about to expire. have you spoken to your boss?
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yes, there are a lot of their fellow countrymen everywhere, in housing and communal services, in construction, in repairs, well, you can see, you won’t meet them now, when you worked as a district police officer, well, yes, there was a thing, oops, what is it, look, quietly, wait, no touch, call lech, lech, look, what, here , hold it, hello, hello, i'm from the police, i'm i've seen you here before. but
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you work here, well, i’ve been working here for some time, for 5 years already, of course, but you know your fellow countrymen who work here, there used to be a lot of them, now most of them have gone home, of course, you don’t know this by chance, no, no, okay, it’s a pity. ah nazalnik, there are warehouses, a post office, there, ask, he worked there, i don’t know, i don’t know anything, thank you, yes, allow me, come in, oleg georgievich, yeah, thank you. yes,
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he can’t walk, he can’t sit, i mean, but i warned you a lot, oleg georgievich, and now what, now everything has happened, so tell me what happened, otherwise, comrade colonel, take over. your place, that is, you want to say that when, right now, i congratulate you, thank you, zarich, congratulations, take your position in your chair, thank you very much, well, what does that mean, oleg? yes, you are
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now a strict boss, and not a friend-operative, so be stricter with them, by the way, maybe call your eagles, i will introduce you to them. general, please, let us postpone both the presentation and the conversation, i just have a very urgent matter and i don’t want to distract, ok, i understand that, but little by little, let’s master it, master it, master it, little by little i’ll master it, okay, you’ve done it, you’ve done it. a factory cat grabber like this costs 40,000, okay, it’s a price, we agreed, it generally works, it works, i checked it, i checked it, but i’m warning you, with it you can use it for cool cars, don’t bother, i don’t
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need a cool one, yes, the old alarms click one, two, three, hey, let me show you, this, look, here he comes, you press this button, he goes into scanner mode, look, he comes out, presses, you see, i signed up, come on, click to open, wait, let him go, otherwise we’ll catch fire, that’s it. let's get fired up, i say, let's get fired up, go, go,
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idal, that's all, 20,000, did you agree on 10, but do you know what kind of processor is here, it costs normally, it costs normally, 15 postzin, okay, we have it here more than twenty transport companies are based, warehouses, sorting centers, today is a day off, and the bustle does not stop for a minute, it is clear that a lot of people are working, decently, loading, unloading, foreign labor, i see, present.
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idris, this is for you, who is from the police? this night, none of your people disappeared, no one disappeared, everyone is here, but this one is not yours, who is it? who did it?
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well, we tried to talk to our fellow countrymen, but they shook their heads, like they didn’t see anything, we don’t know anything, we won’t talk, so why are they afraid? well, they’re afraid, they’re not afraid, but they definitely don’t want to get involved with the police, it’s clear, what’s wrong with the foreman? the foremen brought it, pirogovsky is taking care of it, but he definitely won’t say anything, it’s immediately clear it was, so you will have to look for some other sources, tomorrow report this to krymov, let bulkin draw up an investigation plan, you will work according to it, okay, free, georgievich, is it true what they say? are they lying? go to work, uh-huh, uh-huh.
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wait, otherwise we'll burn ourselves.
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contact the migration service, let them know if one of these guys suddenly decides to leave russia, okay, i’m telling you, they tampered with my terminal, calm down, calm down, you wrote a statement, right? we accepted it, we will sort it out, nowhere else they couldn’t, i got it, i got it, i loaded everything straight into the store, i went, i got it, that’s it, we’ll look, okay, you’ll find it, yes, go, go , great, great, what happened, i received the goods at the postal terminal, loaded the car , arrived, but there was no box, and who does he think about, the terminal workers, although he swears that he didn’t take his eyes off the box, and what was the box, he’s the owner of adult stores, so what? a whole box, it turns out,
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i don’t know who needed these things in such quantities, listen, but it’s true what they say the sylovets are lying, you might get lost, just walk around, turn around a little, maybe i spent my last money on this instrument maker, you shouldn’t have scolded me yesterday, now it’s already bringing in money, but what? you’re saying, you stole it, everyone there does it like that, i’m not taking it from people, she’s insured, reinsured, i don’t know what it is, but i know that it’s something needed, consumer goods ordered from china , kurmanka, you’re working, zamurna
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is burning, you put it out yourself or call the firemen, i’m going now, i need to clean it up, we’ll see in the evening, yeah, here, if it’s sports, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one. we love traditions, honor our history, value family and strong relationships, admire how the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the exhibition. russia, hello, i’m
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from the police, inter-district homicide department, yeah, come in, thank you, and you’re from the police, yes, that ’s right, captain krymov, vasiliev, and you’re the boss here, yes, the boss, well, not everything, of course, only with sixth station, the same one where the murdered man worked. yes, to the comrade who came from you then, i it’s just that i was on shift for 24 hours, but it’s clear, what did your fellow countrymen tell you about this, something, after all, it looks like you interviewed them all, we interviewed them, but they just started talking, no one knows anything, didn’t see, didn’t hear , they are silent like partisans, of course, a circle of couples, you’ll get everything from them, thank you, so you were on duty here that night, but i’m done.
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then they looked at the painting on the papers, everything came together, but they couldn’t calm down for a long time, what kind of people could they see, of course, of course, let’s go, so... a list of everyone who received it at our site, and print this list out for me too, please, okay, here ’s the company with which we had an incident, it’s called o, ant guarantor, ant, well, yes, and what names you won’t see here, as they say, who cares what,
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and i would also like to get recordings from surveillance cameras, you have them, of course, of course, we only work under cameras, by the way, thanks to them the claims were dropped, i mean, well, took these crackers to security, showed them how they made their boxes they get it, everything is counted, it was clearly visible, yeah, that means, especially since i need these records , we’ll make these, here it is, yeah, what’s the box? “well, judging by the invoices and customs declarations, all sorts of small things, household items mainly, kitchen utensils, small tools, some clothes, even toys, so what is it, and this, as i was told, two cars kissed on the corner of the warehouse , it’s clear, so, look, you see, uh-huh, what you
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’re telling me is that this is the very box that was missing, yes, i wonder where he took it, well?” "can you try to look at other cameras, will you do it? of course. come on, let me try to find out who owns this company. wow, how do you do this? good evening, valentina, good evening, kurmanka, you are, you are just nobody don’t say that i, well, that i can do that, yes, well, listen, it’s none of my business, you yourself help the guys from the post office, i know my fellow countrymen work there, yeah, that’s none of your business, not mine, i just understand, you were scared, yes, a little, well, yes, i have
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something to do with you, i’m a commodity here. got it, like, like the guys at the post office offer you, what with the help of this thing? well, yes, help me sell, what do you have? i don’t know, i mean, well, they didn’t watch it, what are you giving, but what? don’t look, look, it’s not harmful, look, then say, let’s talk, 25% is mine, hop, uh-huh, okay, valentine, come on, okay.
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well then, you can, well, open it already, shaitan, here you go.
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they bring all sorts of small things from china, then they deliver it all to flea markets and small retail outlets, household goods, all kinds of tripeaux, toys, that is, to present, as i understand it, he has nothing, tell me, but he filed a report for the loss of goods, i asked the donkey from the theft department, there were no reports, well, on the other hand, why would he, judging by his condition , be killed, i think he returned everything, no, pash, here not everything is so simple, lesh, but they could get nothing from him, as you said that he was alive? but he could have died without regaining consciousness, he received a strong blow to the head, which caused cerebral edema, and then hemorrhage, from which, by the way, he died, signs of torture, well, maybe they tried that. lyosha, well, as always, oleg georgievich, the guys here told me, well, lyosha, don’t even start, i didn’t say anything,
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oh, hello, kurmankul, hello, valentin, the goods need to be sold, oh, i haven’t looked yet , look, so what, nothing, nothing, empty or something, yes, there’s all kinds of garbage there, the janitor stole a box of garbage, but you’re quiet, okay, what a joke, lord, right away, woman, one language, but wait you mumbled, you didn’t see your fellow countryman’s school with the post office today? why are you looking at me like that? you really don't know, do you? what? they killed him, 2
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day, how are the settings, how? how to kill? to death? who? for what? well, why, i know, am i talking about karor or something? oh, listen, what about me? you know, his goods remained, he brought them to me 2 days ago at night, but what’s there? soft toys, what to do with her now? keep everything for yourself, consider it his last gift, hello, hello, good afternoon, at your place, did you make an agreement in advance?
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karina, bring me the documents for the latest delivery. listen, ant, i see that somehow i wasn’t surprised by all the stuff about the murder, so in
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in our city, someone is killed every day, please, here is the customs declaration, here is the invoice, here is the explanatory note from those pretzels, come on, whose goods were taken away. there were 20 of these toys in the box, yeah, the wholesale price is 12 yuan, that is, we multiply them at today’s exchange rate, in short, we give them away for 200 rubles apiece, why all this arithmetic, and besides, no one kills for 400 rubles won’t, it still turns out to be some kind of bullshit, you saw how tense he was when they started talking about the box, yes, of course you saw it, but in general you you know... there is logic in his words, an ant won’t kill for 400, that means the boxes were something else, igor, well, you’re freezing,
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the metro is there, maybe it’ll give you a ride, there’s no room, but that’s an impudent face. well, what do you think, if you sell this chinese crap, you can have an office like this in the city center? well, no, of course, but what was he caught for the last time? yes, they took him, we just took him for murder, which, although we couldn’t prove it in court later, but during a search in his apartment we found almost a kilogram of heroin, that’s how the ant went 228 to 6 years, we need to understand now what he breathes, pull the agents, i know for sure that he has sales points near the metro, what’s that, i have my own man there. pash, well, what are we grinding, act, oh, carefully, don’t slip.
6:01 am
hey, hey, hey, the knife is broken, you can’t look, come on in, the ant interests me, what have you heard about him, that everyone here is selling his goods, well, me. i know this very well, 2 days ago i set up a starazhok, he is looking for some kind of toys, i warned everyone here, if anyone offers for sale, so that they immediately called his people, but what kind of toys, why do he need them, i don’t know, they say he wants to punish the swindler, that’s what it really is, only he knows, and what else is he doing besides this crap, well, he didn’t tell me, rumors? i’ll tell you one thing, here at
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night his people hang notices on the walls, and no one takes them down, not yours, not the market administration, okay, what to do with the knife, you don’t need anything. hundreds of executed red army soldiers and civilians, all victims of a nazi criminal according to the criticism of the executioner. these are orphans, they disappeared in 1941, we we suspect that the executioner was also involved in their disappearance, he was killed in a concentration camp in poland, are you sure of this, apparently someone
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really wanted how it looked. exactly like that, we want to find out, there will be food, what will happen in that mansion, they died, but you didn’t know, he doesn’t know why and about what, but he takes it, i feel it, something bad has started, someone is hunting on former punishers, and we don’t want to allow new victims, i think we missed something, emilia spivak, i can’t sleep, i can’t think about anything else, i’m afraid, vladimir yaro, andrey’s situation for us worthless. to say the least, ekaterina olkina, i’m from the state security committee, open up, anton khabarov, if everything doesn’t go according to plan, i’ll take full responsibility. alex lyuty, the case of orphans, the premiere, also cleans everyone up, from monday at 20:00 on ntv.
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tell me who i can sell it to, and if you take it, i’ll give it away, in stock, even cheaper, and what will i do with this product, you suggested to valentina, how can i, she’s a woman, if i offer her this, what can she think about me, listen, you do you want me to offer her something, no,
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52 67, and hello, this is a store selling goods for adults, yeah. i want to offer him to you, i brought you the criminal myself on a plate, thank you, donkeys, great, great, we need you like air, yes, wait, see what’s here, what happened, think about it, what impudence , he’s calling me and he’s offering me a product
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that he himself stole from me, he’s taking me for a sucker, or something, you recorded the conversation, you recorded it, of course, just not at first, you turned on the recording when you realized what was going on, now, oh, in short, there are these things, they... a big box, well, bring them, let's see, i pressed the stop button by accident, come on, come on, turn them on again, now, in short, there are such things, they are crazy slow, and if they are fast , then how many of them do you have, the voice is similar to the one who reported the murder, i think so too, so what did you agree on, we agreed that we would meet on gagarinskaya street, i will be on the bench, opposite the cafe with a newspaper, what time ? at 12. well , should we take it? well, of course, it’s necessary, well, he’s a thief, a call was made to the store director
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from the same pay phone as the one on duty. it’s even more interesting, but in general, you know, i thought that payphones were only left in the villages. are you scared? le, you’re like a child, motherfucker, you should have had some ice from your daughter.
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my wife’s father fell ill with cancer at home, we didn’t have to pay a lot of money for lesin, we gave everything, absolutely everything, then the owner also says, i won’t pay for your patent, pay for it yourself, there was no way out at all, excuse me, that’s how it is for me there are no more questions, now we’ll sign the protocol and you can take it. did you save your father? no, he died, they said it’s impossible i was already able to save it, let’s write it down correctly from my words, you can write it, i can do it.
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when i return, i see tashkul walking down the street, so i followed him, then i hear screams from the construction site, i looked at the crack, and so did his tasha, but he didn’t
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move, who was dragging, did you see? no, there is no light there, everything is dark, you can find out, probably not, hey! not because i’m afraid or because i was far away, i couldn’t see anything, but you knew it well before school, no, well, not really , fellow countrymen. do you know who he usually dropped off stolen cargo to? that means, listen to me carefully, kurmankol, your fellow countryman was killed most likely because of the box that he stole that night, now they can kill the one who has this box now, i’m not lying, valentina, open the door, we need to talk. come in, what
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's going on, what's going on? tell me, i’m sitting here, i don’t see a white light, maybe there’s some kind of plague there or something worse, but it looks like it’s worse, i go around offering toys to everyone, no one takes them, i offer them cheaply, they say they don’t need them, what kind of toys, but these , 70 rubles in total, inexpensive. well, judge for yourself, val, whoever goes to metal repair shop will come in to buy toys, you i brought something from the cabana, i don’t know, we would have bargained, but i’m so desperate, i’ll have to do it myself, i’ll put it up for 50 rubles at the market at the entrance, they’ll sort it out, come on, you’re welcome.
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hello, bye, darling, isn’t her name valentina by any chance? where was she going to do this? i realized that if the information is confirmed, take it from me, she’s alive, so far, yes, no one has taken her for sale, she wants to go to the market to sell, your milk is boiling, are you with a weapon? no, well, call an expert, let him take a drug test, and i’ll... do you have 20 of them? listen, even if i
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buy everything from you wholesale, how much will you pay for? wholesale, 85, what are you talking about, listen, well, i’ll take one right away, hold it, you’re so pretty, let me show it to our merchandiser right away, i’ll come back right away, and you wait 10 minutes, i’ll wait 15, here you are soft, look, don’t go, but where i'll get away now, rock?
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well, wait, don’t rush, for some reason amon is delayed with us, georgich promised to catch up with everyone who is in the department. igor, what? lyosha, how long will it take, concentration, be healthy, almost clean. boys, yes i do! evil, well, like in a fairy tale, well then , welcome to the fairy tale, clean, now yes,
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guys, but it’s true that the word, now the head of the entire department will be, hello, georgivich, can you imagine, even the ants already know, lead him, well, get up , go ahead, well, how can i repay? you don't need anything, just don't steal anymore. i won't look. did he promise to help us with a patent? yes, i will
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clean the store for him. only these devilish things that she pulls out are in her hands. it won’t, okay, that’s what sellers are for, they’re not afraid of holes, holes, holes, that’s great, hello, hello, something happened, why are you silent, so what? happened, freak out, stop it, hello, general, hello, oleg georgievich, hold on!
6:18 am
thank you, vit tv presents. hello, good evening, the program “wait for me” is on air. it is impossible to count how many meetings took place thanks to our program. firstly, because we do not advertise all meetings, and secondly, because we ourselves do not know about all of them. and i strongly
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advise you, as soon as our program ends, go to the website and check if they are looking for you. perhaps you will be the one to increase it. starting a search is difficult, i have talked about this many times, i understand and do not blame those who are not ready for this. our editors, by the way, never start looking for anyone unless a request has been received on the program website. we help only those who really want it themselves. and i admire those who want it. who makes an effort to do this, despite all their traumas and resentments, especially when they are very young people, like sergey ryazantsev from novosibirsk, he is only 21 years old, and his story is very complicated, seryozha, please come to us, hello, come,
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come here, make yourself comfortable. seryozha, tell us a little about yourself. i am 21 years old, i was born on september 8, 2002. i now live in novosibirsk, work. here. where do you work? i work as a private digital equipment repairman, repairing computers and laptops. tell me, what brought you to our studio? who are you looking for? at 18 years old, i thought very hard. about who my parents are, because - i was raised from the age of 7 in a foster family and after 18 years he i became interested in who my parents are, whether they exist at all, and i want to find out, to solve some of my childhood problems, grievances, so that
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means you have been since you were 7 years old.


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