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tv   Zakhar Prilepin  NTV  June 16, 2024 12:20am-1:01am MSK

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a standard for the majority of russian priests until the day of judgment, one of the brightest figures in the history of the country, the most interesting , truly miraculous paradox in the life of the orthodox church - this is, if i may say so, the mechanics of holiness, how one becomes a saint in general, this is not the title of honored artist of russia, but who himself needs to collect the documents correctly, in the church everything works a little differently, from the priests, strange as it may seem, no one is sacred. and doesn’t wait, it’s hard, monotonous work, often a whole village is concentrated around each priest, and he is an assistant there, a psychologist, an interlocutor, and a healer of sorts; christina’s birth, death, wedding, the most important stages of a person’s journey pass through him. so, genius, more precisely, excuse me, it’s probably more appropriate that the phenomenon of st. john of kronshtat is that the standard means for a priest to acquire the holy spirit is the cross. from the gospel of the blessed
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water, the trebnik was sprinkled, he managed to turn into ways of the strongest, determining influence on the human soul, moreover, the influence on the life of the whole, huge, passionate, wise people, the russian people, and many other peoples where his word reached. he not only pulled the souls of the lost out of hell, he also raised the dead while they were alive. then another blogger from youtube will grin at this point and ask the proofs, where? how to prove that this is the truth, and not the fabrications of those touched by orthodoxy, we are not in the prosecutor’s office, and this is not a matter of arguments and facts at all, we are talking about faith, a thing, in general, that is above the truth, above physiology, above verification, video recordings and i even have to disappoint , alas, there are no photographs of the creation of the world by the lord, but all of us, believers, understand and know that we did not descend from monkeys; everyone else can think whatever they want, about anything.
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we cannot prohibit it in any way, but we will only note that often grief from the mind is really grief, you don’t always need to look for confirmation and evidence, either you are god or not, decide for yourself, love without thinking, love is simple, love is never wrong, also without thinking, believe and trust, for faith and hope are also simple, or better, god...
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football event. the game is close. who will you bet on? register in the application. life, or rather the life of john of kronshtat , is a direct confirmation of the saying patience, work , all overwork, of course, with the participation of faith, often neither his relatives nor even the church could understand john ilyech; at home, his salary for work at the school, distributed along the way to those in need, then he will be greeted with a bass voice, because he gave the last one. shoes, tramps, all-russian saint, that’s also his name, ivan sergiev was born on october 19, 1829 in the arkhangelsk province in the village of suura , penezh district, into a christian family. the 195th anniversary of his birth is this fall.
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there were many priests in his family; the family was not rich, but extremely church-going. father ilya sergiev served as a pilgrim in a local church. theodora's mother was at the house and distinguished herself simplicity of morals. graphic book of 1908 , father ion ilyevich sergiev of kronshtat, read: father ion khilym was born, sick to such an extent that the parents did not hope that the boy would live to see the next day, and baptized him on the night of his birth, giving him the name ioann in honor of ioann of rylsky. however, after christine, the child’s health began to gradually improve. they write that john witnessed a miracle at a young age; he saw a luminous angel in the upper room, who calmed the child and told him who he was. from childhood my father began take his son to church, at the age of 6 vanya began to learn to read and he liked church work. to enter the arkhangelsk parish school, funds were needed, which the boy’s parents managed to collect with some difficulty. he entered there at almost 10 years old in 1839. sergiev graduated from the school with
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honors, then graduated from the arkhanel theological seminary and was admitted to the st. petersburg theological academy on public account in 1851 . then his father left the world. what. to help his old mother with money, ion began to look for service in the temple, he wanted to follow the path father, or a deacon or a psalm worker, but the mother understands that her son has abilities, dissuaded him, then he got a job as a clerk. received up to 10 rubles monthly, but when he sent money to his mother, he was sincerely happy, he also graduated from the academy in 1855 with a candidate of theology degree, then married elizaveta nesvitskaya, the daughter of the party priest konstantin nesvitsky, who served in the kronshtat st. andrew’s cathedral, after which young john was asked to take a position in in the same temple is the place of the clergyman. on december 10 , 1855, he was ordained a deacon, and already on december 12 of the same year he was ordained a priest. having visited the first one. he recognized the cathedral in it as the same one that he had once seen in a dream, when he saw himself as a minister of the temple in kranstat. the dream
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turned out to be prophetic. here is an approximate daily routine of father john, so that we understand how it was. imagine the city of kranstat, early in the morning. he is still immersed in a deep sleep, the streets are empty, at about 3:00 in the morning the priest rises, begins the day with prayer, father ian sleeps, the cassock-dressers, as if to keep themselves always ready. according to the key's memoirs st. andrew's cathedral, father. from 4:00 in the morning, not paying attention to the weather, he walks around the courtyard and garden, saying prayers, a little later, the gates of the house open, father iann heads to the cathedral, a large crowd is waiting for him at the gates, they rush to meet him, asking for blessings, at the cathedral new picture, along the bars of the cathedral garden in orderly rows stands the army of father john, the so -called, ragged of all genders and all ages, numbering up to 700 people, father ian divides the poor into dozens and gives each... tens a certain amount of money for division already among them. at six o'clock the bell rings. father ian, accompanied by
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people from all over russia, enters the temple and heads to altai. it starts in the morning. father iann invariably performs the reading , chant, stichera and canon himself. from the very beginning of his pastorate, father ann made a rule for himself to serve the liturgy daily, that is, he never missed them at all. the queue for confession and communion reached almost half a thousand. man, it was technically impossible to make everyone happy. there is a description of how standing in front of a crowd of three thousand holiday, father iann conducted a general prayer and absolved sins. having finished the prayers, father ian began to explain the essence of the meaning of the prayers read. it was a piercing spiritual work that infected people with faith. by the way, the synod allowed him to conduct general confession as a major exception. at peak times, according to various estimates, on common use. between 5 and 10 thousand people gathered, although st. andrew’s cathedral was designed for 1,500
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people, this is how metropolitan veniammin fetchenkov recalled father ioan’s highly emotional service. there was a general outcry in the temple repentance, everyone shouted out loud about their sins, no one thought about their neighbor, everyone looked only at the priest in their soul, cried, screamed, and sobbed, this went on for more than one minute, then the father... gave a sign with his hand for the believers to quiet down , pretty soon the noise died down. we have listed only what happened before 10 am. then another phase of his service to god, people and the world began, giving himself away, let’s call it that, everything he had too. at some point it got to the point where the colleagues obtained the blessing of the diocesan leadership, so that the salary does not come to john, but to his wife, so that he does not have time to give everything away and remains penniless again. well, in this situation, he found a loophole to help.
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he kept the payment he received for teaching the law of god at the local kronshtat real school to himself. and he already donated from it to those whom he considered necessary. yes, they did not believe his selflessness. people were confused. this is the otherworldliness of john. they made fun of his mercy, they say he’s showing off, father, he’s playing sainthood, he’s pandering tuniyans. they mocked and accused me of foolishness, they say. wants to go to heaven like this, only over time, after decades of daily, repeated fervent prayers, works of free, irrevocable help, the mentally blind began to understand the era with whom they were lucky enough to live at the same time. we must love every person even in his sin, in his shame, said father john. there is no need to confuse a person with this image.
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the liturgy is celebrated so that the new priest , sewn up with a particle of holy relics, at which he does not even think of serving alone in an empty church, in order to suppress everything unclean and bad in myself and to be always ready to turn to god, i always try to closely monitor my own. heart. one must constantly and very carefully watch over oneself, father ian insisted. he became a living, tangible conscience for millions. people during his lifetime, he was seen as a model of an orthodox christian. news of the spiritual lamp spread through word of mouth of orthodox radio throughout the great country. letters began to arrive in bags of up to a thousand a day. the kronshtat post office at some point did not stood up and allocated a special department to process the priest’s correspondence. he
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physically would never have had time to read all these letters; he put his hands on the stack of letters and prayed. he holds his little son in his arms and says something to him affectionately, the child listens seriously, it seems that the priest was like christ in the picture of blessing children, i wanted to swear, so they say they were wandering around, but the father’s eyes were gentle, serious, they stopped me, i felt ashamed, i lowered myself i'm the eyes, and he looks, looks straight into the soul, he began to speak, i don't dare to convey everything that he said, he talked about what
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it’s heaven for me in the closet, because where the children are, it’s always warm and good, about the fact that there’s no need to change this paradise for... chad kabatsky, he didn’t blame me, no, he justified everything, only i had no excuses, he left , and i sit and remain silent, i don’t cry, although in my soul it’s like before tears, my wife looks at me, and from then on i became a man. at a certain moment, father iann turned into what is now called a star of russian orthodoxy, however, the word star is precisely applicable to him, which is not surprising. they begged him so much to come home from service that his movements around the country turned into... literally on tour. the crowd of people numbered in the tens of thousands. during the ministry of father ian on july 15 , 1890, the kharkov cathedral was overcrowded and could not accommodate the worshipers. but even the square near the cathedral could not accommodate the people, who filled all the adjacent kharkov streets. in this cathedral , the singers were forced to sit in the altar.
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the iron bars were broken due to the crush. july 20 of the same year on the cathedral square in kharkov, father ian. 2/3 of luzhniki, similar scenes were observed in polozhsk cities during the priest's pilgrimage, in samara, saratov, kazan, nizhny novgorod. the artist sergei zhivotinsky, who had the opportunity to accompany jaan of kronshtatsky's father on his annual trip to the north, wrote travel essays for the petersburg leaflet newspaper. everyone was just amazed at the energy of this wonderful man, to get up before everyone else and serve.
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harsh scholasticism and dead formulas brought a living word to fragile souls and minds. we quote: the kingdom of god is not in words, but in power - father john reminded, good is obedience in to all the mothers of the church, but with prudence, and if possible, accommodate those who can, that is, those who can accommodate, let them accommodate prolonged prayer, but not everyone can accommodate this word, that is, not everyone can accommodate this word. if a long prayer is incompatible with the ardor of the spirit, it is better to make a short one, but...
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“si in heaven, hallowed be your name in russia, may your kingdom come in russia, may your will be done in russia, plant the true faith in it, life-giving, may she be reigning and dominant in russia, and not equalized with other faiths and confessions false confessions. let there not be a whole equation with unequals who do not have the true confession. truth cannot be compared with lies and the truth of faith. wrong confessions. the truth of the lord endures forever. we quote the prayer appeal of the holy righteous father ian of kronshtat. this is exactly the form in which the well-known prayer is written down. 1907, that is, already before leaving for christ, perhaps it was then that he understood the most important thing for himself, perhaps it was then that he was ready for this
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understanding, to some it all may seem with boldness, he took and rewrote the prayer about his country, about our russia, and to some it will seem like a clear and logical application of divine wisdom. father ioan saw that very prayer like this, he repeated it personally for himself, for us, for everyone, praying with all zeal and desire for everyone. and especially passionately for our native state, for our fatherland. is this prohibited? of course, he understood that our country has its own path. seeing the scale of the problem, the priest decided to help the inhabitants of the social bottom in kranstat, what is called systematically, so back in 1868 made the first attempt to create a home of industriousness, where the poor could not only receive help, but also earn money on their own. in fact, he proposed what was proposed and then began to successfully organize those same ones. in the first house of industriousness, they set up production for processing hemp, then they opened a workshop there, where envelopes, boxes and other cardboard packaging were made. for a working day you could earn about
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19 kopecks. while in the dining room at the house of industriousness a portion still cost a kopeck 2 kopecks. behind here you could buy a bar of tea or three lumps of sugar for a penny. caps were given free of charge, of course, and a place in a shelter cost 3 kopecks. that is, the person got the opportunity to earn his own living. why did no one do this before? didn’t think of it, so ion of kronshtat skillfully combined hard ascetic work, and church service, management and what is today called a social project, using cutting-edge schemes, in fact, recreating the revolutionary workshop of vera pavlovna described by nikolai chernyshevsky. if it helped people, what kind of ideological hostility can we talk about, the priest was extremely modern and patriotic, of course, that’s why... october 3, 1908, shortly before his death. next: do not grieve inconsolably over the misfortune of the fatherland. the earthly fatherland suffers for the sins of the king of the people, for the lack of faith and
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short-sightedness of the king. pray to god with tears of blood for the general lack of faith and corruption of russia. this is how he saw the time and era around him in the last months of his life. well, let's say one more thing. will ask why he didn’t have children? until the end of his days he remained chastely pure, his wife supported him in this, they were monks in the world. there are a lot of happy families, lisa, without us, and you and i, let’s devote ourselves to serving god,” he suggested, and so we lived, to love the lord and our country so much as to give up biological nature, just to have more strength and energy, a resource, like now they say that there is only service left for prayer, only during the championship...
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will refund. 5% rate in money t-bank - it’s the only one contracted military personnel receive regional support measures: the status of a combat veteran, exemption from land tax, compensation for housing and communal services, vouchers to a sanatorium, vacation twice a year, and other benefits from the state, i will honor everything here. serve under contract, they sentenced hundreds of people to death, this is mankiewicz, his punitive detachment operated in the forty-first century surroundings, 35 years later someone started hunting for them, we have two strange suicides, a suspicious taxi driver who has not yet been found is now a
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state security investigator. i don’t believe in such coincidences, but i know your intuition, okay, work, you have to find not only the former punishers, do you think that this executioner is me, but their executioner, tell me everything, and maybe i i still have time to help you, but help, help, criminal, very dangerous, possibly armed, hands, alex is fierce. the case of the orphans, premiere. from monday at 20:00 on ntv. we briefly mentioned the miracles that father ian performed, but a separate series of russian lessons could be devoted to this topic. and about the falsehood of gangrene, and about tumors of various stripes, and about the inability to give birth to a child, and about other ailments that receded after
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the people’s prayer, huge ones. the amount of documentary evidence exists with extracts, epicrisis and anamnesis, you can’t get away with it, bang and out of nowhere, what is it? you can call it an anomaly or unprofessionalism of doctors, but we orthodox consider this a miracle of faith. the most famous resurrection case the child in the womb, the wife of a certain official, this wife's name was elizabeth. the obstetricians made a disappointing diagnosis, but ian’s father was persuaded to come to the rescue when they were about to perform a caesarean section. according to the testimony of his family, the door opened , father ian shouted: “the lord god deigned to create a miracle, he deigned to resurrect a dead child in the womb. lisa will give birth to a son. the caesarian was canceled, so it turned out, she gave birth. the priest saved princess zinaida iusupova from death in the crimea, healing the infection blood. she, by the way, was the last of her kind. in levadia, which we will return to later, he raised
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a yalta tatar who had been paralyzed. gurzov brought back to life a young girl already sentenced to death by doctors. in the village of konchagskoye-suvorovskoye, novgorod region, an incident described by the suvorov commission of military academy professors happened. the woman, who had suffered from demonic possession for many years, was brought to father john and within a few moments was healed by him. the artist zhivotovsky described the miraculous shedding of rain in an area that suffered from drought and was threatened by a forest fire, after how father ian offered us his prayer. father ian healed with the power of his prayer not only russian orthodox people, but also muslims and jews, and foreigners of different faiths who turned to him from abroad. but who is to blame for the fact that our people love extremes. in this case, too, the worship of the gift and greatness of father john reached local sectarianism, a whole movement of johannites self-organized, a community that even during his lifetime affirmed john as a saint and composed akathists for him. some considered him
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a sinless god. to stop sectarian madness, father ian personally came to this community, ponomarev’s peasant, and severely reprimanded this peasant. even nikolai leskov cruelly ridiculed it in the story midnight occupants. the environment of father ian, but what can you do, russian people, sometimes carried away, but sergiev loved them even in this manifestation, while considering himself a complete sinner until the end of his days. i am envious, father ian honestly admitted in his diary, because i envy my brothers, seeing the honors given to them and the increased external well-being, that is, the wealth increased and preserved through saving and not giving to the poor, you understand what kind of struggle it was, i felt a sinful feeling inside myself, i fought with it, but until... i couldn’t win, i still distributed all the benefits from right to left, knowing that it was right, that it was so righteous, then he suffered from it, looking at the well-being of other priests, he repented again, and so on in a circle, therefore, like no one else,
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father ian sensed and felt human nature, sinful nature, in need of healing by faith, he reproached himself for that , that his voice stood out too much at the liturgy for the fact that he was angry with the beggars who were pursuing his carriage, literally... he caught himself in one sin or another, but this is the path of true orthodox christians. do not be discouraged, sinners like me, he wrote: but only believe in the son of god, respect each other, sinners, and do not despise any sinner, for we are all sinners, the son of god came to save, cleanse and lift everyone to heaven. along with strangers, even seemingly lost and dehumanized people , father ioan and the top officials of the state prayed and begged. and alexander ii and nicholas ii. to father ayanna they believed, respecting him, of course, for his unparalleled spiritual qualities. thanks to this, kronshtat received its main architectural landmark, the irresistible naval cathedral of st. nicholas the wonderworker. the construction of this cathedral
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was, of course, achieved by iaan. actually, alexander ii, who resurrected the dead father aan, almost returned from the other world when he was next to the sovereign in the levodia palace in the last minutes of the emperor’s life. it would be hard. the new sovereign met father iann with the words: i did not dare to invite you myself, i thank you for arriving, i ask you to pray for me, i really don’t care, it was october 12 , 1894, after the joint kneeling prayer of the tsar with father john, a significant improvement in the patient’s health followed and hopes arose for his complete recovery. this went on for 5 days. on october 17, the deterioration began again. in the last hours of his life, the sovereign. said to father john: “you are a holy man, you are a righteous man, that’s why the russian people love you.” yes, answered father ian, your people love me. dying after receiving the saints of christ of the mysteries and sacraments of the blessing of elias, the sovereign asked
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father john to lay his hands on his head, saying: “when you hold your hands on my head, i feel great relief, when you take them away, i suffer very much, do not take them away.” father aan continued to hold his hands on the head of the dying man. lord, he left at 7 am, of course, having managed to serve the liturgy, he left as poor as he came to this earth, he left behind neither orders nor property, except that such a message to all of us is very relevant, by the way, amazing the disease has appeared in the market, this is a passion for... this is a direct indicator that people have nothing to live with, that they have forgotten how to live a serious life, work for the benefit of those in need with an inner spiritual life, that they have begun to get bored and are changing the depth and content
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of spiritual life for entertainment, what madness, like children deprived of reason, this is where pastors should direct their energies, they should bring into life the lost... its content, return to people the meaning of life. shepherds must protect our people from these harmful entertainments. many believed that... should have occur in 1918, 10 years after his death, but two revolutions distracted the country from this. in 1964 he was canonized by a foreign church, and in 1990 by the moscow patriarchate in the soviet union. and ironically, it was this saint who, 7 years ago, by decision of the patriarch, became the heavenly patron of the financial and economic service of the russian army, so it is possible that what is happening now in this division of the military department. cleansing from sins is not accidental, because it was father john, as we
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remember, who called for selfless asceticism serving the homeland and lack of silver. you work at a bank as a security guard, you already have quite a bit of work experience, you think your boss is a cretin, you call him a teapot, you work at a school as a cleaner, your salary doesn’t hurt your pocket, this dirt will never end, you’ve been wanting to kill everyone for a long time. and i’m the happiest of you, i have my
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little business, small, bad, doesn’t it matter, size, the best mini boss, it’s me, because i work for me, never scold me, because i’m the best worker , it's me, the best boss, it's i, because i work for me, never hand me, i, because i am the best employee, this is me, today at the apartment building on ntv, vasilievsky, you are in some company, the manager is very boring, although financially, you think all the time , how did i get here, and your dad hired you, you are the president of a large corporation, shares, presentation, opposition, it’s time to drown yourself, the huge staff of personnel are all stupid, but i don’t bleed, i’ll wear out, i don’t have any business, i want to go , i want to lie, i... lead with you, hey, the best boss in the world, this is
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me, because i work for me, i never scold, i’m still the best, i’m the best boss, it’s me, because i work for me, i never scold, i’m my best employee, it’s me, me, me, i, e, i never scold me, because the best employee
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is me, the best boss is me, because i work for me, i never scold, i am me, the best employee, this is the best boss in the world, who am i, the best worker in the world, who am i, the best, in the whole world, in general it also turns out that i am, why, but because i work for everyone. vasiliysky, hello, hello, we finally got to you, the last time we filmed your performance was about 7 years ago, then you had only one button accordion from the team, now i see how you... have grown, he left and it was necessary to replace this emptiness with something, well
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, it’s clear, no, in any case, i grew up, i want to read it.


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