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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-15  NTV  June 16, 2024 5:35am-6:31am MSK

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slavka, slavka, slavka, he’s dead, but it seems to me that you didn’t kill him, god, in general, we need to call the police. let's go, uh, well, stop, stop, stop, i said, woman, your wallet was stolen, stay here, don't go anywhere, stand, police, stop! listen, lyokha,
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couldn’t you kill him with a laptop? 100% that no, the laptop didn’t even hit him, something like a baseball bat fell on him, and with a flourish and several times. they opened it in 5 minutes. well, yes, oh, did you really visit us? hello, you're late again, the young man even drove through the whole city, and so did i. hello, well, there are no witnesses, in short, it’s bad, bad, of course, listen, there’s still an apple, otherwise i didn’t have time to have breakfast, now i’m hungry and angry, of course, it’s always for you, horror, i can’t watch you eat right next to a corpse, and don’t look, you eat, and in general, remember, there are three professions, opera, surgeon, crime journalist, their professionalism, write, write, is checked by only one point, if they can eat next to a corpse, then that means they are pros, and if no, tony, tony, leva
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pirogovsky, ha ha, very funny, yes, i know all this, only with the living, somehow it’s more pleasant, so, go explore the surroundings and garbage dumps, maybe you’ll find a murder weapon, listen, the commanders are divorced, go, well, rita, what, let’s go talk to those who discovered it, let’s go.
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oh you orangotank, well, primate, come down, it’s time to go to the cage, don’t cry, come down, i ’m telling you, i didn’t do anything, didn’t do anything, if you didn’t do anything, why did you climb so high into the tree, but ran and ran climbed up, i tell you to jump, well, jump, i'm afraid. well, are you tired of throwing snowballs at you or something , well, down, well, i’m really afraid that i’m really are you afraid, well, you give me, father , i need your help, let’s help a man get down from a tree, so it’s not scary, but you think i’ll break all my legs , you’ve already got me, and why is the ministry of emergency situations calling for you now?
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yes, the whole house here knows him, him, him, he’s a local landmark here, and why is he so famous? but because baghema, he graduated from theater, was an artist, then he was kicked out of the theater, i don’t know why, you ask others, but i think it was for drinking, and a week ago he told me that he got a job as a toastmaster, of course, that he drank heavily, anyway, no, okay, a person wants to drink, let him drink, but why fry all night, these two will come to him. and so they
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scream all night. wait, let's be clear, who are these two you're talking about? is this vyacheslav voronov and igor kumarin? yeah, who did they work for? he’s a photographer, he takes pictures of all sorts of stars, and then he paints on the photos so that they’re not as scary as they seem in real life, and coumarin, he’s a musician, and where were you last night and this morning? i, no, i, you, of course, but i was at home, can anyone confirm this? i can, that's okay ok, tell me, these two you told us about, when was the last time you saw them? yesterday i saw it, i was walking out of the store, and they were just getting ready for... the sviev, screaming all night again? well, okay? while we 're letting you go, thank you, if necessary, we 'll call you, but in general, keep in mind that if you throw anything else out of the window, we can prosecute you for hooliganism, okay? yes, listen, i have another question, so i can
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pick up my laptop later, right? lech, yeah, got it, thanks, what? look, there was pita with blood on it in the trash container in the neighboring yard, well done, i found the keys in his jacket, they go to the door, but we didn’t poke around without you, we’re waiting , waiting for the investigator to give us orders , i have orders for me, for which i was arrested, and you you don’t know, for stealing a wallet, what kind of theft, i’ve been on the tree since morning, but
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the fact that you recently got down from the tree, i don’t doubt it at all, the tail has already fallen off or you’re hiding it, woman, so i don’t understand, where is the victim, well, no, the victim, boss, as always, i’m dear to you even without i’ll close the victim, go, what nonsense, where’s the car, you’re in the tree, look, you have a gun, well, shut up, boss, not the cars, you’re impatient, you’re imagining everything, let go, you’re being a fool, shut up. please, this has not been enough for me yet, bochkin, great, listen, i think my car was stolen, give me the number, please, but i don’t have time to do this now, i’ll be at the department soon, let’s look there, that’s it, let’s go, and kefir , let's go,
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bozhkin, great, register the person. what is this phenomenon? have a seat, pickpocket. what, is there anything about my car? so, i don’t understand, why are you grinning? i would look at you if your car was stolen, and he laughs at humanity. you have to drive according to the rules, then no one will steal anything from anyone. you are rydanov, a persistent traffic violator. they evacuated, well, thank god, but i thought they hijacked it. you have a parking ticket on your phone, call me. thank you, check it out, this is the wallet he stole, oh, damn, okay, let's go for a walk, so, there were three, one was killed, where to look for two more, i don't think they ran to our duty room, to write the truth, so where is the expert , i need to roll my fingers, i need it, vanya, i need it, everything will be done now, i’m looking for an expert, so, i
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know how it happened, they ran out of vodka, they went to the store, had an argument on the way, they gave us a criminal corpse, yes, it’s very similar to the truth , will they not understand something? it’s blowing like that , yes, vanya, oh, there’s a bedroom and the windows are on the other side, the windows are wide open on the windowsill , there’s a trail of shoes, that means someone left in a hurry and through the window, i don’t understand why, well, what can i tell you, we’ll catch you, let's ask, well, let's go see, let's go, they don't answer the phone, you bastards, and you call me, and you shut up, it would be better for you to shut up and it’s true, but the fact that you’re so impudent will cause misfortune, andrey, i think you need to go there yourself, pay a fine, take the car, for which i i have to pay a fine, i was on duty, i caught a criminal, by the way,
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who is the criminal, where is the victim, without her there is no criminal case, this means that i am not a criminal, look how literate, you dream, dream, my friend, i have a gift for you, take it, read it and refresh it memory, lesh, i see you’ve already upset everyone around andel, but it’s funny to everyone, it’s fun, but no one cares that a comrade-in-arms has lost his faithful horse, you know, come, save your horse, only then come back, no one has canceled the job yet. captain igor, for your information, i don’t have a horse, but a war horse, a zoo, wow, great, andryukh, i feel it, thank you, great, great, we heard you were evacuated, it wasn’t me who was evacuated, but my car was evacuated, you just have to follow the traffic rules , the solovets is already waiting for you all for a meeting, the crimeans are there, here you go, go work, let's go, let's go, let's go. so i rushed, wait for me, and i’ll come back, just wait a lot, and in
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his dungeon, yes. yes, allow me, oleg georgievich, the office suits you , leave it, rydanov won’t be there, i know, so that with the last murder, well , guess what, we only have one so far, the murdered man was drinking at home with his friends, in the morning they needed more, they went to the store, walked away ten meters, and two of them killed the owner, well, in general, at first glance, an ordinary drunken household crime. so further, who move, there are no witnesses, there are no witnesses, we
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we don’t yet know where the bat came from, either it was on them, or they found it, walked, found the bat and decided to kill themselves from the bottle, by the way, i didn’t hear the version, georgich, three left the house and two of them killed the third, and then, for some reason, they returned home, then someone found a corpse and they had to go out not through the door, but through the window that faces the opposite side of the house, they left the window, took a bat with blood with them, walked around the house, walked next to they threw it into the trash as a corpse, right in the neighboring yard, it’s strange why they they didn’t run the other way, stop, guys, this is all some kind of nonsense, georgivich, don’t worry, we’ll find our drinking buddies, we’ll find out where you’re going to look for them, we have their last names, first names, and nikita is already getting through them, in in general, whether they are murderers or not, well , the fact that they went out through the window means that they saw something or know something, what else, the keys, the keys, well, the front door to the apartment.
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let's go, yeah, in short, marin doesn't have one, he doesn't answer his phone, his neighbors haven't seen him since yesterday, i put in a request to track him mobile phone, you know that you are a gadget addict, have you at least heard anything, no, by the way, i interviewed people here in the yard, they say that this coumarin likes to drink, like a company, hangs out here... in one shop, they say he can sit there until the morning and talk with one seller, well, let's go, you're doing great here, maybe he
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'll tell us where to look for coumarin, hello, good day, we're from the police, hello, how can we help, we're looking for igor, coumarin, who, igor kumarina, i don’t ask for documents at the checkout, you should know him. he lives in the thirty -sixth house - around the corner, the neighbors say that he often hangs out at your store and drinks until the morning, unless with his own, i don’t sell them after 10, if they hang out, it’s not in the store, but nearby, i i tried to speed it up, but it’s no good, or dear, give the little guy some sense, well, fix something, i ’ll work it out, get out of here, go, well , go, go, get out of here, go, well... what’s going on, excuse me, leave your business card, if i see anything suspicious, i
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will definitely call you, yes, yes, please, well, thank you, goodbye, uh-huh, twitchy, yes, you’re somehow nervous, yes, excuse me, you can’t give everyone away with the consequences, a disabled person, no, father, dear, just a second. “look, i ’ll remember something interesting about the one you’re looking for, i heard everything, just, you know, until i drank.”
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you also returned, where is your brother, i won’t tell you anything, you’ll say, just like with ...
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and then drive according to the rules, what do you think, if you are a criminal investigation officer, everything is allowed to you, no, ugh, well, first of all, it was a special case, i was on duty? duties, so i had to leave the car in the wrong place, but what do you want from me, how can i help you, wait andrey rydanov, i didn’t understand, but we know each other, we know each other, yes, remember, i don’t remember, i kostya ivanov, kostya ivanov, tanya zlodeeva, you remember, my ex-girlfriend. here’s the thing, well, anything can happen in life, brother, i’m sorry, he’s not my brother, okay, i understand everything, if i offended you with something in a past life, i offer my most sincere apologies, this will never happen again, i give my word as an officer, you are better to me tell me where to find this guy, listen, i have no idea, call the department, i’m obligated,
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tanya zlodeeva, well, i remember. we had every reason to detain him and inject him in the department and waste a lot of time. kumarin is still his brother. so what now? and they weren’t the ones who were injected? i have no doubt, it just takes a long time. he would still resist. for what? we will always have time to grab him and bring him to our department. well, what do you propose? let's see what he will do. if he is worried about his brother, he will lead us straight to him. oh and we'll just go get him, early you’re happy, it’s not a fact that he ’s gone to see his brother yet, so we’ll check, let’s
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meet for 6 hours, hello, the session is starting there. 6:20, as you say the name of the inspector who was involved in the evacuation of your car, but how do i know, i didn’t see him, well, check the documents, come on, captain, let’s see, wow, how quickly you work on the keyboard, i’m still here i haven’t learned yet, well, you haven’t learned, i learned, and you know why, because you’re on the street, i’m here in the office, you run fast, i can’t, yes, but i’m here... “here, look, you need lieutenant khlopin, he has your documents, khlopin, they were, what do you mean they were, and this is a question for you to the criminal investigation department, why they were, listen, don’t be in the dark, what happened, you were out of luck, lieutenant khlopin was robbed, unknown, folder with documents , including yours, kidnapped, oh, i’m having a hard time today, they robbed me of this guy, what
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should i do now, what should i do, what should i do, what should i do, wait, wait until the robbers find the opera, and what should i do, i don’t have time"? wait, in what area was this slammed, why do you want this? i’ll find these slivers quickly, i’ll find them, now i’ll find them too, so, write it down, lermontovsky prospekt, house number nine, yeah, i remember, pasha, great, listen, move along the fast track to lermontovsky prospekt, house 9, i’ll tell you everything when we meet , come on, come on, come on, no questions asked, i’m waiting, well, thank you, come on, come on, bye, come on, be careful there, there’s a step, look, there’s a car, i see they’re not visible, nothing, we’ll find them now . and here's a little bit.
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oh, you're an infection. are you a fool? they told you the criminal investigation department. or shoot at you? i repeat, where is your third? i don’t know, it’s coumarin, it won’t work, i really don’t know anything, do you want to say that you didn’t kill matveev either? slavka was killed, what are you saying? calm down, sit down, i said, sit down, there’s no need to make a theater here, this, this, this, what’s happening? i’m next, i knew about the raven, but i didn’t know about the warbler, the raven is a raven, yes, but what about him being killed too? and you, you didn’t know, wait,
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matveev was found dead today near his house, in the yard, this is a raven, this is a raven, we sat, we ran out of cards, we played cards they threw it out, who should run, a crow fell out, and... he grabbed slavka’s jacket. ah, that's it. so. and what did you do immediately after the murder? they gave it to them. we waited a long time for the raven. he was absent. we are going. he sometimes hung out with the stall seller as a carpenter. let's see, and there. did you see the corpses and run away? no. they returned to the hut to get their clothes. the police are already in the yard. i had to go through the window. why did you have to, but you didn’t kill anyone, the means would have helped, what if you grabbed us too, the police are different, in general it’s like that, or you
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tell me where to find matveev, or i ’ll come up with a way to catch you, yes, comrade colonel, all the phones in your office are ringing off the hook, damn, bochkin, look after him, yes, there’s a lot of interesting things here, oh, andryukh, no boots needed , that's enough for you, you're giggling to your heart's content, but i need to help out the car, but because we 're doing nonsense, we're already going through the fifth garbage dump, maybe they even took the folder with them, but they couldn't take it with them, they had to throw it off so as not to get burned, okay. let's go to the department, i have it there one korendelek on this topic, maybe it will help, let's go, let's go with that, that's enough, oh well,
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you, wow, what's serious, mm, interesting, uh-huh, good, yes. i understood everything, well, the coumarin split, he’s a killer, no, but he said where you can find matveev, i mean, we know where in the morgue, yeah, that’s not so simple, okay david, let’s go to his girlfriend, i i'll explain everything on the way, yeah, come on, come on, thank you, superhero from popular tv series, don't be afraid, everything will be fine, that's how it should be, he dropped everything, took the camera and went
6:00 am
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back. this is the beginning. point zero premieres tomorrow at 22:20 on ntv. so you haven't seen it? no, i have not seen. haven't seen it for a long time? well, i haven't seen slava for 3 days. haven't seen glory for 3 days. yes. are you sure about that? certainly. what a stupid question? well, really. what a stupid question? in general, you know, lyubochka, i’m very glad, i’m so glad that you’re doing well, you know, our people are legally unsavvy, they think, well, i’ll lie to the police, what ’s wrong, and then they’re imprisoned for complicity and concealment, and then in court they repent, they say, forgive me, i didn’t know, but ignorance of the law does not exempt them from responsibility, in the hallway behind the bedside table
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there are men’s shoes, in the sink there is a glass. for beer, there is no balcony here, maybe we should cover it? well, what about three, shoot in the closet? one, two, no need to shoot, commander, well, you have no patience, let go, and you have no right at all, well, according to the law, we have the right to detain you for 48'.
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we are grateful, i am not an informer, and that’s right, and you never will be, we just suggest that you take a firm path to correction, help the authorities, so to speak, of law enforcement, carry out their activities to protect citizens and their property, which can be done more slowly, who is the eldest over the chepachas in the area of ​​lermontovsky prospekt, so this is everyone knows the slipper, well not everyone, where to look for it, well, there on the avenue near the supermarket, in the courtyard. well, you see, the first steps towards correction, let’s quickly describe what he looks like, yeah, i’m telling you, but i know who the killer is, so tell me, finally, i don’t know his name, so you know or don’t know,
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listen, well, i didn’t bring him to us, so matveev, let’s tell him like a human being, because nothing is clear, in short, the guys and i love to play poker, and one day the crow had a good idea to invite people and beat them. we we figured out how to arrange everything beautifully so that we would not be accused of theft or cheating. do you think this is a good idea? well, yes, everything was fine until the last time. what happened? well, the greyhound guy got caught, in general, he lost, he started, he threatened, he yelled, he got into a fight, we kicked him out of the apartment, he was rowdy there too, then the raven calmed him down and we sat down to celebrate. did you strip him too much? uh, 300 tons. did he take that much cash with him to someone else’s apartment? no, no, no, he has. there were only 40, he didn’t want to give the rest, but the raven intimidated him specifically, his passport picked it up, and the man promised to drive the car to pay for the rest, he left, then he called a couple of times, like, i’m on my way, i’ll be there soon, we thought
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he’d bring the police or come with his friends, well, we were ready for anything, in short, but we we call him, he doesn’t answer, we thought he ran away and... raven went for the bottle, and you think that the killer is in your debt? yes, but who else? well, tell me, who did he call? voronov? i don't remember. do you remember? yes, yes, yes, raven. so, we need to check the billing of voronov’s phone to establish the location of the debtor and install it on it. go. and i, and you and i, will go to compile a composite photo of this unfortunate gambler. yes. oleg georgievich, let ’s finally hire a secretary, the head office there hasn’t been able to reach you by phone for three hours, damn, they won’t let you work, so, bochkin, take him to an expert, i’ll warn him now , there’s a man sewing up, let’s go, he, yeah,
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kinda out there. good evening, good, gentlemen , police officers, good evening, take a seat, no, thank you, it’s too cold, you should get up too, aren’t you afraid of freezing something off, well firstly, i froze everything i could in kolyma, and secondly, we don’t know each other very well, so let’s be polite. let's move on to you, okay, excuse me, well, young people, why did you need me, do you need advice? you guessed it, yes, we need some information, well, i’m listening to you carefully, the fact
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is that here in your area, a traffic police officer was recently attacked, they beat him up, they took away a folder with very important official documents, you have incorrect information, no one didn't hit anyone? and there was no robbery, so very curious, what happened? well, i’ll tell you, just don’t ask me how i know this, okay, it’s agreed. “here’s what, your traffic cop was cold, he went into a cafe to have a drink, put a folder with documents on the table, then he madly wanted to go to the toilet, and at the speed of a mustang he galloped to the closet, and left the folder on the chair, everything is clear, well, at that moment she and she left, who her..." left, well, i can’t tell you that, one thing i can say is that
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there was no robbery, it was a banal theft, but you can tell me which cafe it was in, i can, here around the corner, thank you, please, we really, really need this folder, you know, whoever stole it doesn’t need it. so your desires coincide, therefore, wait here for a few minutes, and i’ll be back soon, well , help me, thank you, young people, you are a very kind, interesting guy, a repeat offender who pretends to be an intellectual, but the fact is that he doesn’t squint, i i made inquiries about him, the son of an academician with two higher educations, that... he didn’t even swear in the zone, just like that, go to a cafe, check his information,
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these are the paradoxes of fate, pasha, while i’m waiting for him, this sucker was probably screaming when he discovered that his folder was stolen, okay, what’s his last name, whose, well, this unfortunate gambler, listen, it’s still strange, what exactly, well, matveev says that this sikorsky called voronovo twice, and billin showed that the third call was at the time of the murder, and then comes... can you help? yes, sure. thank you. tell me,
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matvey, yes, do you happen to play poker? yes, but what is it? is your last name sekorsky by any chance? sekorsky? quiet. criminal investigation. everyone you owe was killed today, so it wasn't me, what were you doing this morning? i was here, well, now i’m working urgently from above out of a fucking debt, but there’s a camera here, check, we’ll check, you wanted to pay with a car, so it’s your wife’s car, i wanted to agree with the boys to give it in installments, so for a second job settled down, and love, we'll check yours, yeah, you called voronov, yes, how many times, three, yeah, what did you talk about last time? had time, someone called him, who called him? well, i don’t know, well,
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you could just hear on the phone that someone went up to him, said, glory, well, he’s like, yes, glory, and that’s it, he hung up, the call, sorry, can’t give you a discount, yes, of course, of course, now, they sentenced hundreds of people to death, this is mankiewicz, his punitive squad was operating. in the forty-first in the vicinity, 35 years later, someone opened a hunt for them, we have two strange suicides, a suspicious taxi driver who has not yet been found, now to the state security investigator, i don’t believe in such coincidences, according to your intuition, i i know, okay, work, you have to find not only your exes punishers, do you really think that this executioner is me, but also their executioner. tell me everything, and maybe i’ll still have time to help you, but
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help, help, the criminal is very dangerous, possibly armed, hands, alex the fierce, the case of the orphans, premiere, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. via superstar finale, today at 20:20 on ntv. knee pain, back pain, neck pain. pentalging extragel contains the maximum dose of a substance for pain and inflammation. pentalgin extragel. our new name is tebank. oh, the loan bonus has arrived, what’s that like? you contribute everything payments are on time and t-bank recalculates the rate. when you close a loan, it's like a holiday. and t-bank gives you a great gift. money. apply for a loan at tebank before the end of june. make all payments on time and we will return 5% of the interest rate in cash. t-bank. he's the only
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let's go, let's go into space, send mom a star from the sky, be the best for your own people, and not for everyone in the world, turn a department into an application, knowledge into a vocation, technology into live
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communication, work into a dream, in innovation, only here you can change your name without betraying yourself, remaining yourself, in a country on which the sun never sets. tb, he's the only one. what are the results of the interrogations? any understanding? to be honest, oleg georgievich, it’s very, very vague. tell us, we'll figure it out together. in general, the testimony of kumarin and matveev agree. and it fits so well that it just scares us, but we couldn’t catch them in a lie, so it turns out that he was killed it was not the owner of the apartment matveev, but vuronov, it was voronov who went for vodka, but accidentally put on someone else’s jacket, that is, matveev, well, yes, and the face of the corpse was disfigured, so there was confusion, it happens, further, further, one was called svyatoslav, the other vyacheslav ,
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respectively, both were called slavas, yes, we think that the killer did not know matveevo by sight, so by mistake he could have killed voronov instead, yeah, this means that the killer was hired. exactly, precisely, this is why they began to check matveev’s conflicts, but since he someone ordered it, which means there is a conflict, the conflict must be significant, and most likely financial, well, through nikita we already checked his phone, but did not find anything suspicious, in other areas there is also nothing, as you said, financial, hmm, one can be traced a very interesting connection with a certain alla baranova, well, either in sms, for example, and she’s married, hmm, her husband’s jealousy, why not, but check it out anyway. “comrade colonel, a woman came there, alla baranova, crying, screaming, saying that her husband killed voronov, she knows where he is, she’s asking arrest her quickly, she’s afraid he’ll kill her. that's it, and this happens, let's go, yes, pash, that's great, yes, i had no doubt that
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the traffic policeman was lying, no, he hasn't come yet, i'm waiting for him, well, run, i'm waiting for you too, that's it, now let's see, this is what it's like, thank you so much, i'm incredibly glad that i could be useful to you, if you have everything, let me digress, life is of course a strange thing, yes, just like that you run, you run, you catch the killer, then he comes some unknown wife of baranov and brings us her murderer husband on a platter, this is for you uh... a lesson, why is this for me, because there’s no point in playing checkers with married ladies, i won’t say anything, shut up, shut up, hold on, they found robbers, well
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, yes, they found robbers, listen, clap, but i know everything about how you lied in a cafe, when i went to the toilet, when i left a folder with documents, then i was afraid that my boss would fire you, i started lying about the robbery, yes i, no, yes, that’s not true, lie already, who ruined your face? did you hit your head against the wall yourself or did someone help? lighten your soul already, and don’t go bothering your superiors about why did you go through the documents? good man, but i asked him myself for authenticity, and he went a little overboard. i did the right thing, by the way, okay, let's get ready, let's go to the impound lot. well, repeat, who is to blame? you, you, don’t you understand, what kind of rotten market is this, and i
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did everything as you said, you, you, it’s all because of you, so shut your mouth, listen, you owe me, as we agreed, i understood, and you’ll do it again to hand over the back, i, oh, opana, put the trunk on you, and you are even more carrion than i thought, not only do you not want to give me the money, so you still want to turn me in for trash, what do you think, carrion, am i trash or what? i messed up the dancing, i came to ask you for the raven , what are you talking about, what kind of raven, for the raven, do you even know who, stand, but i’ll knock him down, but i don’t care, get out, the broiler will still get you, wait, wait, wait, wait, let's talk, what does that broiler have to do with vasek, and he closed himself, a raven was walking under the broiler, do you even know what kind of person he was, but how did i know, i respect the broiler, so if you go with me to his feet, you'll fall at his feet, now , no question, come ride with me a broiler doesn’t need any misunderstandings, it’s all this bastard’s fault, if it’s true, he ’ll sort it out on his own, let’s go, quietly, quietly, quietly,
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lie down, well done lyuva, and i’m already a sagittarius , lie down, rams are like a neck, okay, neck , are you really cops, no, don’t worry, we came here, there was a plus, yes, sorry for interrupting your conversation, bone, how sad is this for... you will have to return the car, documents, come on, please, good evening, girl, hello, that's it, i can go, yes, go, lieutenant, don't sin anymore, there is, i see, no i really want to give you back the car to me, but really, like you, no, well, stop, stop, stop, let’s stop, i’m still on duty, you never know, and you’re some kind of big boss, well, yes, in your i’m like... a big boss, captain rdanov, criminal investigation department, very nice, andrey, nice, very nice, nice, and you also came
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to pick up the car, what difference does it make to you, take the car , leave, they don’t want to give it to you, yes, yes i just got confused, i need to go to another parking lot, honey, i told you that in 20 minutes my shift will end, i’ll take you personally, dear, why do you need to wait 20 minutes, i ’ll drive up the car this minute and take you wherever you need it, you agree, i agree, great, wait for me, i’ll be right back, andryusha, andryusha, and you promised that this won’t happen again , the officer gave his word, well , i’m sorry, but i didn’t order any murder, i just wanted to intimidate this matveev, yeah, yes, we talked to your wife, she said that you were furious when you found out about their affair and shot her down, yes , i know how it all looks from the outside, but god knows, i don’t i wanted someone to die, yeah, in that case there was no need to get involved with this criminal, but he is my neighbor in the country. we have known each other for several years, who would have thought that he, all this is stupid and ridiculous, so, well, that’s it, read it and
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sign it. he described him, small, in a dark blue jacket, a skull on his back, his name is slava, so how did i know that everyone there was like that, and two slavas, well, let’s say, let’s say you mixed up the target, but was there an order for murder, baranov is denies, of course, he wants to look clean , blame all the blame on me, he said, deal with him so that he couldn’t touch anyone else’s wife, i figured it out. and how much did baranov promise you for fulfilling the order? 150 tons. so, in short, boss, i will write everything, i will sign everything, but you will close baranov too, i want this nit to completely take a steam bath for his baptism. in what sense? he refused to pay me money, saying i screwed up the wrong guy. it should have been described better. i did my job as it should, conscientiously.
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conscientiously? how is your tongue able to pronounce such words? in general, write it down and don’t bargain, the investigation will sort it out and determine the extent of baranov’s responsibility, oleg georgievich, merzlyakin is there, he’s calling the duty room for the third time and your mother can’t find you in place, and you tell him that i’m in place, even if i’m not in place, so to speak, tell him like this, i’ll say this, write! mila, i’m really sorry, but i was urgently called to apprehend a very dangerous criminal, unfortunately, i can’t take you there, oh, what a pity, but my offer is still valid, thank you, kostya, can i have a second? captain
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rydanov. keeps his word, open the barrier, please, okay, goodbye, goodbye, even more money for kiev, even more weapons for the ukrainian armed forces, instead.
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how game hunters stalk on social networks, drive you crazy with phone calls, letters and sms messages, track, breathe in your back, look through keyholes in windows, this can last for years, but will end in death, why such stalkers are called stalkers and how it happened that even the law is powerless against them, psychics are predictors, clairvoyants alone.


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