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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-14  NTV  June 18, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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133 reply 145 145 listens we are chasing a dark blue bmw evgeniy three sixes anna olga is moving towards st. petersburg we are on our tail asking for help, i understand there will be help.
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get out of the car, hands on the car, young man, everything is fine with you, great, great, great! so, well, come on, eat, it’s easy
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to say, yeah, you ate, yes, yeah, and i, and i had a bite, okay, how did the night go, everything is fine, how did you do it, hello? i understand, on the primorsky highway they croaked a corpse in a car, come on, go out where your father is, you don’t even have a typewriter, you don’t have the right to kick him out, i need your main one, sleep and ask for mercy, but without this, so bori, if they ask, krymov and i went to kill on the seaside highway. he would
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have brought a crocodile here, well, that’s it, figure it out yourself, the people have no understanding, protect it! great, hello, good day, hello, lehr, great, again, yes, look, wow, winder trees, yes, the whole face was cut with a thin blade, i think they cut it with a scalpel, hold the documents, wallet and mobile phone, i i looked at the contacts, there was some garik calling him for the last week, and at night too he called, we need to scalper, and what else, but nothing, you know, pay attention, there is very little blood on his cuts. so what? well, this
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means that they had already cut up the corpse, there were no signs of a struggle. come here, look, wow, what? gunshot? yes, but there are no shell casings, they were shooting, apparently from the passenger seat, which means the shooter was someone they knew, well, yes, they don’t carry strangers in such cars, yes, please, yes, report the situation, please, the car is registered to viktorov andreevich, a violation . little, fines paid, is the owner of an aesthetic medicine clinic, clear, thank you, free, so, well, what's wrong with this guy, let's call, come on, what, he resets, okay, take care of this guy, find out all the circumstances, and most importantly, be sure to look at the cctv cameras in the shopping center, and i'll move out . to this
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plastic clinic, we agreed, that’s it, happy, bye, come on, happy. hello, what kind of zoo do you have here? what kind of jokes, i don’t understand, this crocodile won’t let him in, he won’t go out, he tries to cling to everyone, what an infection, his owner is an alcoholic, the bosses will always give him a hand, from the very it smells like it’s coming from a moonshine still,
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you can’t see him nearby, he’s lying there on the traps, maybe he’s already cold, he’s drunk, he’s going to freeze, how can you push him? let him untie his dog, but just go ahead, you can’t approach him at all, maybe you’ll shoot him, then you’ll be exhausted running around the courts, okay, go ahead, call the dog handlers, or something, i don’t know, maybe feed him for now, oh sure , get the meat from the canteen bori, uh-huh, let's go to the right, and there will be an office, thank you, please, hello, hello, police, what happened? i would like to ask a couple of questions for you about viktorov. yes, tell me, has he had any serious conflicts with anyone lately? for what purpose are you interested? are there any problems?
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can't answer? sorry, but i can’t answer questions for him, you’d better talk to him in person. you see, i would love to, but unfortunately i can’t. your boss is dead. oh, hold on, what are you doing, bor, oh my, collect, collect, quickly, damn, there are already gradovikov tearing up and the sword, such meat, he would have devoured such meat himself, he’s for a meeting, he’s late. do you want to eat?
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and we’re also absolutely sure, you’re probably
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wondering if competitors could already do that? do you mean other plastic surgeons? but in your opinion, they are not people, or what? although i will disappoint you. this public solves issues differently. they can organize persecution in the press, trample on his mistakes and failures, persuade an offended client to go to trial, put pressure through influential people, the tax office, the leadership of the education committee, everyone wants beauty. i know this kitchen well. nothing passes without a trace, either for the soul or for the body. my husband and i we studied together, got married while still in medical school, and started a clinic together. and then sergei decided that i was more suitable for him as a housewife. and this, as far as
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i understand, depressed you. who will get the clinic now? you think it’s me, him, that one. yes, you have everything. it’s written on my face, i’m a psychologist by training, no, without my husband i can’t manage the clinic, the clientele. we need his skill, his talent, i understand, but you were talking about failures, about offended clients, we recently had such a case, so a bust of one lady they increased it, uh-huh, they ended up in intensive care, uh-huh, they got an infection, sepsis started, uh-huh, her husband threatened to pull out my legs and tear off my head, how interesting, what is the name of this offended husband? lillin, it seems, i just ask you very much, we are
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a commercial structure, and this information can put an end to our clinic, you said that it is not your fault, explain this to your husband, whose wife is in intensive care with blood poisoning, i think it’s his this is unlikely to be any consolation, although what difference does it make now, sergei andreevich is still gone, and our clinic will probably be closed, i wanted to call the police, but... he didn’t let me, he said that he understood lilin, but he couldn’t do anything, but how did this happen to the patient, i’m not a doctor, i don’t know everything for sure, but there were problems with the postoperative care, we discharge her on the third day, then bandages are done at home, there are certain recommendations that need to be followed during the recovery period and so on, she was in a hurry, took off the bandages, well , something got in, so stop, is that a knife? no, this is the scalpel that lillin left with. wait, victor held the tools in
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office? no, this is not an operating room, he only performed the first operation on them in the clinic, and then even made an engraving on it. want to? you know, i’ll refuse, i’m still in the service. don't want to praise your boss? no, why not, i just prefer it. it’s a rare man who will pass up such a chance, you are also well versed in psychology,
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that’s the kind of work, well, what about his mistress , no, he worked a lot, lately even at night, in the last week sergei andreevich was very tired, he said that works here at night, surgery, no, in that’s the whole point, we don’t have any clients in the hospital right now, the operation isn’t... no one does it, during the day people come for procedures, ultrasounds, at night there’s no one here, yeah, i was interested myself, i watched the video, from seven days, 4 days the cameras didn’t work at all, that’s not just one, yes, but the rest of the days there was no one in the clinic at all, wait, and the security, what do they say, victor showed up during these 4 days, we don’t have security, only an alarm system, of course , and which department of uvo serves you?
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stay here! hello hello, i’ll have to wait about 15 minutes, but i’m not for repairs, i need citizen lilin, this is his farm, lillin, but he’s not there now, and are you sure, well, yes, i’m sure, but i can find out, i’m done, let’s go faster, i need to go,
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well, and you said that no, hello, i’m from the police, nikolai lillin, you will have to travel with me, you were mistaken, i don’t know. what a lilin, wait, wait, wait, don’t make me use force, force, don’t make me laugh, stand, i’ll shoot, against the wall, phew, damn, the sleeve, dirty, turned. borya, why me, call the group, for everything good as an investigator in the murder of viktorov, igor, look for witnesses, okay, let’s go, i didn’t do it, so, write down the address,
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well... borya, oh, what’s there? it seems that georgich , together with krymov, took the killer of a plastic surgeon. we need to inspect his car. here is the address, listen, not the low beam. how will i get there? and bulkin, the investigator, will pick you up at the corner. let's. clearly, damn, it’s some kind of circus, maybe you can explain to me why i’m here, i still don’t understand, is it because of the doctor, because of which one? this is the one who almost killed my wife, what is it? you know that she is still in a coma, he
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wrote another statement against me, he would have written it if you hadn’t killed him, i didn’t kill him. i personally saw that you threatened him, everything is on the video recording from his office. then you definitely saw that i didn’t kill him. i came to him because of my wife. i wanted them to admit their guilt and return the money for the operation, otherwise i would sue them. but viktorov said that it was not their fault, so i lost my temper. the hospital says they have nothing to do with it. the rules for post-operative care were violated. what else do they need? say? they discharged her on the third day, supposedly everything was fine. and in the evening the temperature rose, she was sent to intensive care by ambulance. and blood poisoning, oops, medical scalpel, woah, weevils, comrade witnesses, you all see this, yes, yes,
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a brown substance similar to blood. what the hell is post-operative care, there is a medical report, in any case, you threatened viktorov with a scalpel in his office, then left with this scalpel, so what if viktorov is dead, and before that his face they mutilated him, and with a scalpel, or something, but this does not prove anything, yes, there really was a conflict, i lost my temper, threatened him, the scalpel simply ended up in my hand. i immediately threw him out near the entrance, he was probably still lying there, but i didn’t kill him, although i should have, they set up a circus, but rather a zoo,
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those who work in the police in the circus don’t laugh, so why did i go to court for ... why so? because viktorov’s murder was planned from beginning to end. look, first they shoot him in the chest, then they slash his face with a scalpel, as if they want us take away.
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rymov describes, he’s smart, there’s less work for me, let them hurry up, i’m off to court. “hello, seryozha, i couldn’t answer right away, we were traveling from finland, you understand, my husband is nearby all the time, now he went to wash, i dialed you right away, this is not seryozha, this is captain krymov from
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the criminal investigation department, who is garik, from what other criminal investigation department search, where is seryozha, what’s wrong with him, but i’m afraid it’s nothing good, we need to meet you, okay, where, well, let’s at the intersection of the big one and the ninth line, they’ll arrange it in half an hour?” "okay, yeah, agreed, dear, two.
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found it, turn it over, this is just the beginning, yes, in the clinic he performed the first operation on them, made an engraving and kept it on his table, yeah, so he’s not lying, i came to him for a consultation, “i never liked my nose, i wanted to change him, but sergei dissuaded me, dissuaded me, uh-huh, strange, this is his bread, he said that he would not touch
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what was already normal, that’s how we met, and then a relationship somehow started on its own, who - knew about your relationship, no one, we’re sure, well, at least at least, i hope no one, your husband?" "my husband? no, he didn’t know, strange, the motive could be suitable for murder, i know him very well, we have been married for more than 15 years, he would not have been silent, he would have killed me sooner, people are capable of a lot, believe me, maybe , he was just waiting, here are the visas. after crossing the border, we were in finland for a week. i'm afraid that i still have to talk to your husband. please, i beg you, he
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doesn’t know anything. sergei was killed, our relationship is over, i think your phone is ringing, yes dear, i ran to viola for half an hour to give her finnish shampoo, but i’m already running, dear, i beg you, don’t break my family, look at everything. this week viktorov was neither at home nor in the clinic, uh-huh, if he was not with you, then with someone, look, a car accident, yes, we are now, listen, doggy, let me in, i want to eat, go to the toilet. i want
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you to be clear, let me through, well, be a man, let me go to the department, well, he won’t let me in, yes, the borders are locked. listen, did you take the cctv footage from the shopping center? i took the notes, but how to look, we can’t get there. you know what, the guys must have a laptop in their car somewhere. you can use it. well, of course, thank you, georgivich, let me at least rush for some pies, otherwise this beast will die of hunger, come on, yeah,
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damn, here you go, hot one, oh, wow, thank you, here you go! thank you, but what? well, the most disgusting thing is that the camera did not fully record where viktorov’s car stopped, you know, but in half an hour about seven cars drove past this place, but what’s most interesting is that one of them quickly rushed from the place where viktorov’s car was supposedly parked, in the direction
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of the highway. so, here you go. run through the databases, find out who the owners are, interview them, yeah, you eat, otherwise you'll be left behind, yeah, okay, thank you, thanks again for the hamburger, well, i'm watching everything as before, well, yes, the guys who own the cars are working off the wolves the vaudels are cuckooing, but there is no way out of the jam. i’ll move out now too, listen, what about that white range rover that rushed out of the parking lot? now, wait, here he is, right, rymarev nikolai petrovich, already born in the thirty-eighth year, wow, he’s a cheerful old man, and his income is probably quite good, judging by such a car, okay, let me visit him myself, what do you think, is he our plastic surgeon? i don’t know, yes, you broke the administrative approach to this car, well, who violated except the owners, sorry, okay, you’ll find out, call me back, stop everything, but shut up
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, hello, hello, this is captain krymev, the criminal investigation department is bothering you, yes, quiet, sorry , i’m not talking to you, there’s a question here, i need to highlight it, i was traveling from the sphinx, at the airport i didn’t see anyone in the lapirant, i didn’t pay attention to the black car in the parking lot, no, i didn’t see anyone, okay, thanks. i'm coming, hello, nikolai petrovich, rymarev, yeah, criminal. wanted, so are you from the police,
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or what? yes, i'm interested in your car, white range rover, k506xo, huh? wait, nikolay, here you go, figure it out, what is this, these are papers for a car, taxes for a car. 50,000, and i have a pension, you know what it is, wait, who drives a car? yes, some guy, i don’t know how i don’t remember him at all, so the car is yours, are you crazy, such a car, i don’t even have that much money, these two guys came,
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serious, asked to register the car in my name, asked me to write this, what’s her name, power of attorney, i wrote it, and that you don’t... they even asked who they were, why didn’t i ask, asked, they said that some managers or the devil knows who gave me 20,000, that’s huge money, yes, and then we went to the notary, drew up the papers, and then i i didn’t see them, they were good boys, they promised to come every month and pay for these papers, of course, please sort it out, okay, georgievich, i just made a request to the traffic police about this grandfather’s car, it looks like it’s not him, but i already
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understood, the car is driven by someone from an airplane, born in seventy-nine, he violated it a couple of times, but he always gets fines i paid, but the most interesting thing, you know what, is that we judge the planes twice. is part of the entourage of sergei bortnik, nicknamed bort. bort, anything familiar? well, he is wanted for organizing murders in moscow and st. petersburg. do you want some tea? come on borenko. this is the one that he killed the brother of some official. well, yes, lapina, but not an official, georgievich, but a deputy. what are we going to do? we'll talk. do you have an address for this plane? of course have. there on the lake the nights are so cool, listen, when we pulled into the parking lot, we didn’t see it there by chance, there wasn’t a black tuarek, there was, there was such a car there, there was a guy’s car stopping nearby to pick him up, a car stopped
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i mean, yes, yes, but what kind , well, such a white jeep, range rover, range rover, well, white, white, thank you, no problem, but what about others? cars, but nothing special, their owners are not familiar with viktorov, have no criminal connections, of course, but one of them remembered that he saw viktorov’s car, which was parked in the parking lot, and then another car stopped next to it, and he remembered it , well, he says, he didn’t see the license plate, but in general the dimensions of the range rover are white, just like the one in which he crashed the planes, by the way, and i think we’ve arrived here, slow down.
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there will be no home, yes, i don’t know, young people , what will we do if this airplane why don’t we sleep at night in the yard, please keep it quiet, what is this, and uh, listen, what is it? yeah, he’s not there, i told you, well, call again, yes, that’s it. it would be too simple, yes, san, you can do everything yourself, then we’ll drive it, you don’t need the best, you need the best, oh well, we’ll take it, it won’t get away from us, how can i say, there won’t be any small things, but a pretzel, no, but
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if you think about it, now he’ll put you in jail, join the boys for a beer, and igor, let’s go, come on, wait, it’s not too early for you to drink, how old are you, and why are you poking me, eh uncle? igor, stop, that's it, let's go, let's go, let's go, be brave, yes, when your friends are nearby, yes, i can do it for you without friends, but what, just try, come on, come on. “let’s do it again, come on, be quiet, stand , police, stand, police, stand, i said, you’ll break your arm, it hurts, you know the plane, well, i know, he’s my neighbor, so, the next question, he lives here, he happens often, well, sometimes he left now, he’s in his own car, what kind of car, he has a white range rover now, where, where, well, he went to the dacha in pargolovo, what street, address, kemerovo pargoloovo street? i’m free, i’ll tell the district police officer, he
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’ll take care of you, yes, yes, give it up, and tell your friends, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, pargolov, oh, look, it looks like the color and make of the car match. intentions, by the way, too, come on, slow down, well, everything fits together, let's go, let's go.
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how are we going to get in? well, oh, like decent people, you are under the window, and i am at the door, okay, off i go! owners, is anyone home? who else did the devil bring there? well, the police, who else is walking around at this time?
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lie down, come here, hands, don’t shoot, don’t shoot, i’m a hostage, is there anyone else in the house, i don’t know what, thank god, god, you are on time, these bastards kept me here, beat me, and i, i have business, i have a plane soon. yes, it looks like we’re really on time, mr. ryumin, everything is fine, normal, sit down, what is this, or are you going to risk it, mr. bortnik? i hope that further
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post-operative rehabilitation will take place in chamber conditions, the surgeon was killed from this trunk, of course, hold it, listen, but it turned out well, why would such a good specialist have... he gave you a new face, a new biography, and you, here after all, with mr. brother, whom you also brutally killed, you will soon have to meet.
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deputy of the legislative assembly lapin, head of the homicide department, lieutenant colonel solovets, lieutenant colonel, i think it would be fair if i myself take revenge on bortnik for my brother, give it to me. mr. deputy, i think it would be fair if the court deals with the criminal, especially since bortnik’s arrest has already been carried out according to reports. believe me, i will solve this issue. crossed out your beekeeper from the reports, just tell me how much it will cost, i serve the state, and do not engage in commerce, you will see him again in court, clear the way, let's go,
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let's go. well, beekeeper, let's talk, or should i have handed you over to mr. latin, did you think you would live long, or did you think what? who won’t know about your new face, but i’m going to worry until i die, right? well, with active repentance and active assistance to the investigation, the court can reduce the sentence, well, up to 20 years, in addition, we can hide you so that no lapin will get through, but that’s if we agree, well, let’s agree, well
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, come on, in short, i understood , which has already become familiar very much my physiognomy, in general, the time has come to part with it, something like this, such arrangements, the operation itself was sculpted in the clinic , i did the first dressings there, all at night, for which there are extra eyes, which means that’s why it’s not i set the alarm, that's for sure. and for the last 3 days he came to the dacha for the plane, yesterday he just removed the last stitches, but the flight attendant ordered it to be cleaned, did you call viktorov on the phone? well, don’t hold us by the spoons, boss, the first thing you would do is ring the bell on your mobile phone, well, which one of you
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played the role of a surgeon on an airplane, with him like a flight attendant paid off, he blindly asked for the city. shot the surgeon in the chest, well, the director slowed down the face, well, they say, out of necessity, and then corrected it, well, i came, took him to the dacha and delivered him, why did you throw a scalpel in lilina’s car, it was the beekeeper’s idea, the surgeon pierced his ears about i got scared of this idiot, after he started waving a scalpel in his office, he asked me to come up with something so that he wouldn’t pester him, well, the beekeeper... came up with it, you thought in lily at first, well, yes, that was the case.
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let's go out, where is it? sit, wow!
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well, finally, everyone should stay in the department. hello, general, i wish you health. excuse me, maybe we can go to my office? well, is it a mess again? well, georgievich, the circus is over. and you are welcome, a car.
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stop, stand here, who are you, what are you doing here? excuse me, i came to see a friend, probably the wrong house, don’t kill me, please. i was definitely mistaken, you, beauty, get out of here and look elsewhere for who you need.
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where are the others? is he there? two murders solved, two not, bad, comrades, it’s bad, but we handed over one of the unsolved ones to the district, it is now not ours, but one is hanging in your department, a wood grouse, comrade colonel, we’ll reveal it, there is already progress. you just need to agree on something with the investigative committee, yeah, first the orm plan for me, now next, rydanov, a month ago you
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swore to me that you would have two new characters in your agency, well, i’m waiting, there are personalities, two , as promised, everything is fine with one, but with the second, we would not like to carry it out according to the document, somehow bypassing it, why, well, this will be a valuable informant, teach something else, okay, let's do it, comrade colonel, i apologize, we have a murder, two corpses, here you go,
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excuse me, comrade colonel, fradanov, let's go, everyone is free, let's return to this conversation in the evening. what happened to you, did something happen? that's it, sis, they closed it, that they closed it, who was closed, well, stop crying, please, i came, he said, i'll ruin you, 100,000, and where can i get that sis, i closed the dining room, well, i have food for a week. he goes, oh, he disappears, he wants money,
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money, where is he, there's a cap, okay, calm down, please.


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