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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 18, 2024 8:00am-8:25am MSK

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gun, shot! russian artillerymen destroyed camouflaged firing positions in the ssu in the kherson direction. the political fate of the head of the european commission, ursula fondelaien, hangs in the air. why not in the eu? agreement on her reappointment and whether a similar fate could befall joe biden on the eve of the us presidential election. there were hawks, now there are birds. about how the pentagon tweeted all sorts of lies about vaccines. elizaveta hertsin. dima's car. the mother of a sniper killed by an ied spent all her insurance payments on the purchase car. and now he carries humanitarian aid to the front. hello, you
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are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the studio of yulia bekhsereva. the united states is trying to impose an order on the world based on double standards, and sees other countries' aspirations for independence as a threat to its dominance. vladimir putin stated this in an article for the north korean newspaper, which is the main official publication in the country. it was published in...
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one of the targets hit was a temporary deployment point set up in an abandoned building on the right bank of the dnieper. the k-52m helicopter of the north group of forces destroyed ukrainian armored vehicles and infantry. after the attack , the crew released heat traps and successfully returned to the departure airfield. and in the svatovo sector, the crew of the fagot anti-tank complex knocked out an american m-113 armored personnel carrier, which was trying to deliver militants to our positions. reconnaissance means revealed the advance of the equipment and these opponents were hit by a direct hit, after which the assaults took place, let’s say, more calmly, and the equipment was destroyed they no longer had sufficient means of delivering troops; in the ovdeevsky direction , the tor m2 anti-aircraft complex was intercepted and destroyed. ukrainian missiles, as
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the military said, with only one round of ammunition, they are capable of eliminating up to eight air targets. and in the southern donetsk direction , enemy drone attacks were repelled by electronic warfare units of the vostok group of troops. with the help of anti-drone weapons and special mobile stations, they protected our troops from air strikes within a radius of more than 2 km. on a mission sergei pikulin went with the fighters. a few years ago it was exclusively peaceful equipment; weddings and corporate birthdays were filmed; now drones are the main striking force on both sides. within the last year, after probably hundreds of kamikazes planted, we have already stopped counting them. work is carried out every day, enemy attack weapons are landed or destroyed every day. this is the electronic warfare unit of the pacific fleet in the east. military
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district is now helping the infantry advance forward, they come to where the enemy is using fpv drones, essentially it is a jammer, the detection radius of drones is 2 km, which means they work on the front line. on the left is clear, suppressing signals and frequencies, enemy drones simply do not reach our positions, one of them loses control and falls, such a suppression system can be installed on any equipment, and the arsenal also includes anti-drone guns, detectors warning of the approach of a drone, there is a means detecting a cellular signal, the enemy decided to stick to the phone in good time... the dugout immediately gave out its location, this is a frequency spectrum detector, that is, it can also be used to detect a wi-fi signal there, and this is the t-90, here the tank is already equipped with a suppression system from the factory. we can fire on the move, inflict fire damage on the enemy,
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and accordingly , special installations work that allow us to jam them, these drones cannot reach us, the operator loses control over his drones. oddly enough, but now both attack aircraft and artillerymen prefer to work in bad weather, the worse the better. listen, the rain is dripping, the best weather for work, both ours and the tank crews, they still don’t get shot at at any time of the day and in any weather, we still have a calmer overcast sky, which means enemy birds don't fly. our radioactive warfare system is constantly being improved, now engineers are working on a universal individual suppression system, one that any attack aircraft can take with them . experienced
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samples are already being tested. sergey pikulin and ole rebzhanov yuzhnodonetsk direction of the special operation. the conference on ukraine in switzerland turned out to be a complete one. this was stated by the official representative of the russian foreign ministry. maria zakharova believes that the failure was predictable. the kiev regime and its western patrons initially did not intend to look for ways to resolve the conflict. this is evidenced by the fact that the head of zelensky’s office at the so-called peace negotiations agreed with foreign delegations to increase arms supplies for apu. the bet on maximizing the involvement of the global south did not work, almost half of the 160 invited countries. did not come to switzerland; many of them, according to zakharov , were blackmailed, but they showed resilience and did not succumb to western pressure. meanwhile, the list of countries that signed the final communication is decreasing; rwanda withdrew its signature; iraq and jordan previously disappeared, which, according to the swiss foreign ministry, were initially added there by
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mistake. zakharova called on the west and kiev to stop swapping cause and effect ukrainian crisis, to realize that there are reasonable alternatives to the peace plan that the president presented.
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recent polls show that macron's supporters have little chance in the parliamentary elections. the leader is marine lepin's party, which is 15% ahead of the political force represented by the current president. european drama is followed all over the world and is not shy in its assessments. in fact, most eu leaders are downed pilots. a politically battered and broken group of world leaders recently met in italy at the g7 summit. leaders, six of the seven members are under political threat at home, including france's emmanuel macron and germany's olaf scholz, who are reeling from the last
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european parliament elections, where angry voters made clear their frustrations over immigration and climate policy. i think the message of the election results. is that voters are clearly unhappy with many of these politicians who weren't even the best choice to begin with. many of these people became presidents or prime ministers in elections where voters are not...
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not just a reflex from the west, to scold or ignore any russian product. these information attacks are planned in
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a military manner. reuters reports that the pentagon was behind the attacks on the chinese covid vaccine. the pentagon has waged a secret anti-vaccination campaign to undermine china's position during the pandemic. we have taken note of this report. this is further proof that the us is always manipulating social media to spread misinformation. separated by commas in this article. accounts, opened his page on the social network, collected a million subscribers, openly, with
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the help of scientists and research publications in the leading medical journals of the planet, fought against fakes, nonsense, memes, anonymous people. in response to 300 information attacks , more than 300,000 publications were published about the safety and effectiveness of the satellite, that is, 100 times more. in some countries, like hungary, it was possible to compare our vaccine with western ones , astrazenica, fizer, and moderna. the comparison was in favor of the satellite. in other countries and not experimented, chose only one companion, and lived with him. for example, san marina, surrounded on all sides by italy. at the beginning of twenty-one, they, being small, with a population of 30,000 people, did not receive ampoules from brussels. people there were seriously ill, the country's authorities turned to moscow for help. the satellite showed almost one hundred percent efficiency here. the covid hospital was closed as unnecessary. in december '20 . boris johnson that britain is the first in the world to vaccinate its population against
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coronavirus. the statement is loud, but not true. at that time, vaccinations were already being done in china and russia; in russia, sputnik vi was registered back in august of that year. and the british had nothing special to brag about, since the vaccine was not locally produced, but brought from brussels, an american-german one. but this is an example that suggests that there is misinformation.
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russian regions from the central part to siberia were covered by bad weather. in moscow on monday, half of the monthly rainfall fell, with the most powerful showers hitting the west and southwest of the capital. visibility in the rain fell to several meters, and the wind gusts in the capital region were so strong that the rain literally fell like a wall. in a matter of minutes, the roadway, sidewalks and junctions were flooded. almost 10 cars drowned in one of the car repair shops. drivers whose vehicles stalled in the water.
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the weather is promised to muscovites even today; if in the capital thunderstorms have been going on for several days, then in kazan. the city center was hit the hardest, cars got stuck in the middle of streams, and one had to walk through the streets knee-deep in water. some residents they overcame water obstacles on cheesecakes; due to bad weather , several planes were unable to land at the airport on time, and local residents complained about a sharp jump in taxi prices. the day before there was a thunderstorm after a week of heat. in the city, sidewalks, traffic intersections, and entrances to residential buildings are flooded; local flooding is being urgently eliminated by public utilities. every day
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, gifts and letters with words of support are sent to the svu zone from all over the country. for military personnel and residents of donbass and novorossiya. among those who don't stayed in the country, elena belyaeva from the perm region. her son died on the front line, and with the payments the family received, she bought a minibus to transport humanitarian aid. olga zenkova will continue. this is the pain that doesn't go away. even a year later , it’s not easy for elena to talk about the fatal wound of her only son. dmitry ilashev, combat veteran. he served under contract from the age of 19. we went through syria with him, we went through syria with him. to tajikistan, i thought, well, that’s it, while he rests at home, no, when they announced the start special operations, dmitry's contract ended, no summons came, but he himself went to the military registration and enlistment office, in the ural battalion he served as a senior sniper, died under a flint, returning to missions, a column of soldiers came under fire, a fragment flew right into the lung under the shoulder, that is without touching the bulletproof vest, and
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well, that’s how it happened, we looked for him for 10 days, every day we called the hospital. they reported that my son had died, and then elena received insurance payments, she understood that this money would not console and they will return my son, so i made an unconventional decision, spent part of the amount on a memorial plaque, it was hung in the school where dima studied, and also bought a minibus and went to the front line. we assembled the first flight to donbass ourselves, purchased everything we needed with the remainder of our payments, and then people in neighboring cities learned about the mother who was helping the front in memory of her son. parcels for fighters are delivered from morning to evening, camouflage.
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we also continue to live on it. people in donbass recognize this car from afar, with dima skolsky’s call sign on the hood. demino gazelle solid mileage, but never let me down. there are thousands of not the safest kilometers ahead, a family friend, alexander, is driving. you don’t know the whole route when you go for the first time. there are times when you can end up on a road that the military even bypasses. one wonderful moment we found ourselves on the road of advanced death. probably half an hour before , a car was blown up in front of us. her maternal warmth. and with this we say goodbye to the viewers
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until june 30. hurry up to open a brokerage account to receive three sberbank shares as a gift. deposit is the best percentage. good morning, in the studio. i'll tell you about the weather for today: in in the coastal regions of the far east, precipitation is becoming less, but in khabarovsk it is still damp and rainy, here in the south of primorye, summer has finally arrived, in vladivostok +21, along the ocean the rains are barely noticeable, in the amur region +20-25, temperatures are even higher in transbaikalia , but short thunder showers are not excluded in the afternoon. in the south of siberia it is also rainy, the temperature drops from krasnoyarsk to novosibirsk 22-23°. on tuesday. the north wind will add more coolness, but the closer to the urals, the more sun.


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