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tv   Zolotoi zapas  NTV  June 19, 2024 1:30am-2:16am MSK

1:30 am
great, well, the tracks are clear, fresh, moving slowly, the direction is there, that’s it, forward. damn, we can’t leave like this, we have to do it any other way, now we’ll confuse the tracks, that’s what i heard, that’s what bears do, first they confuse the tracks, then they follow the hunter, so do it like i did in that direction. the tracks
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began to get confused, it looked like they had spotted the chase, they just waited, quietly, without breathing. “so, when we catch up with them, it’s a big expense, without talking, shoot to kill, so it seems that he should have been left alive, the mezentsev ordered, he’s tired of him, otherwise he’s all of us here put it, and you won’t hook the puppy, well, it looks like yes, everything, forward, carried it,
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why were you sure that they wouldn’t go in our direction, but i wasn’t sure, andryukha, 50/50, lottery, damn it, went. i’m on duty today, when everyone calms down, i’ll take you out and we’ll leave together, thank you, ali, give me a nugget, come on, give me a nugget. “here, look,
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this is the same nugget, hold it, i believe you, don’t let me down, come on, guys, no, they weren’t here, we need to go back to where the confusion began, i lowered it, i’m not a hunter, that’s how i read the tracks, ok, they won’t go far anyway, nothing. so
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, so, we will continue the search tomorrow, we will search square by square, set up camp, yeah, and i’m off to the mine, i wish you good health, comrade mayah, we have a murder, we have an old father, the first one is tearing up and rushing, the whole city is buzzing, a series based on real events, kill tanya, our tanya, maxim litovchenko.
1:35 am
bailiffs premieres from monday at 22:10 on ntv. our new name is t-bank, where else you can turn the dance. world heritage, sports, invincible machine, let's go, go into space send mom a star from the sky, be the best for your own people, and not for everyone in the world, turn a department into an application, knowledge into a vocation, into live communication, work into a dream, traditions into innovations, only here you can change your name without changing yourself, remaining yourself in a country
1:36 am
on which the sun never sets, tebank, he’s the only one, vkfest is the main event of the summer, meet in five cities with your favorite hits, popular speakers, bloggers, are waiting for you at vkfest, buy tickets to, your business need acceleration, use instant transfers for business from vtb and the money will immediately go to any bank, open a current account on and yours: business will gain momentum vtb we help matters expert in the treatment of thrush flucostat vac both answers are correct in the sense of flucostat - capsules, and flucostat - vaginal suppositories, both drugs are capable influence the cause of thrush and alleviate its symptoms after
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1:39 am
of june, make all payments on time and we will return 5% bet in cash. te-bank, he's the only one. forest fires are a dangerous and formidable element, stop defeat the fire, calling. strong pilots, observers, parachutists, firefighters, paratroopers, air forest fire fighters of ros leskhoz, a reliable shield of the russian forest.
1:40 am
oops. stanislav igorevich, maybe we can rest? no, we need to go, and if they won’t look for us, we need to break away, go as far as possible.
1:41 am
isn't this what you're looking for? well, well, well, well, where is the rest? nugget, where? what other nugget? don't take me for a fool, calm down, don't worry and tell us everything. pull, get up, rise, rise,
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said, get up, why weren’t you, who did i tell, rise, that deshi, to the top, that everything,
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you all know what happened, for an act of this kind, there is one measure of punishment. higher education, but we didn’t declare a moratorium, petrovich, yes!
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whoever steals will die, bury him!
1:45 am
live, live, don't sleep, well, in connection with the latest events. we will have to be tougher, much tougher, but there is no other way with them, let’s work, we heard, there is no other way with you. therefore, for each of your joints, we will now shoot one worker to awaken your conscience. max, this is probably a pity, a young handsome guy, i could still live and live. do you want to live?
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deposits, he probably showed it, take off your bracelets, i’ll hiss you in the ear, you shouldn’t be so-so, beat god in vain, you still have no choice, show mr. birth and
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go for a walk, and i’ll give you money, a lot. well , think, think, tell him about the new conditions of detention, work here, sleep here, eat here, no one ever leaves here, accept the replenishment, i hope you won’t do it again. kill my people, i 'll kill you, you bastard, let's go, technologist, let's report, of course, listen, you little guy, don’t make any noise, we don’t like noisy people, lech, give him luck, lech,
1:48 am
otherwise brother, they didn’t dress me like a child then, well , from the ship right here, for special distinction, that’s it i say, come on, finish the market, work, i’m outside the door, great, guys, good, listen, you shove your greyhound deeper, we don’t want to fuck for you, i don’t want to, my business, reshty?
1:49 am
well, what can you say, tracker, well, they passed here, where they went, there, there, there, well, well, probably there. “i’m looking at all the rangers,
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why are you staring, go put it on the table!” uh-huh, wait, where, open, open, open, bitch, but in general, thanks for. my car, come on, drive, drive, drive, drive, drive, okay? what kind of dancing is this? your mother! this story
1:51 am
is compiled from many testimonies of real people. june 22, the day of memory and mourning. after 80 years of silence, they themselves talk about what happened here. instead of karl marx street, burley is on the highway, instead of peace there is war, there were 560 people in the camp before us, only six survived, the germans kept the hairdresser for fun, put him against the wall, shot him around his head with a pistol, they amused themselves by harnessing prisoners to a wheelbarrow and driving them along the fence. the german hit his hollow shoulder and said, here, my sister told me, take me away from here, i’m already bleeding. no, but they take everything. the silence of sylvia, gadchina, premiere of the documentary film. in the picturesque sylvie palace park,
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where lilacs bloomed a few months ago, corpses were dumped in mass graves. june 22 at 23:00 on ntv. hold it a little, like that. how's the condition? i feel bad. okay, okay, it’s too bad to lie, where is my sister, everything’s fine, she’s currently resting outside the city, let me call her, call her, call her, then you let me go, of course, of course, really. i need to go to the toilet, take her, get up, it’s me, well, yes, i took blood for a test,
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checked the reactions, it works great. yes, there is a conclusion from the laboratory. the afghan brought an excellent thing, it’s instantly addictive, i even came up with a name, white peak, what? in general, it is worth our hardware. yes. yes. ok. in general, the pawn beats the queen, as always, for life. in general, the experiment is over, i don’t need the young lady anymore, so what? now, walk me to the car, don’t forget
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the camera, the tapes, you promised, don’t, i ask you, don’t, yes, no, we’ve already left. yeah, you hear,
1:55 am
petrovich’s woman ran away again, they’re gathering everyone there, i said that we’ve already left, let’s quickly, hear, we’ll have time to make sure that the armored people with this, what’s his name, ali, let alone communicate, see each other. his owner wants to deal with him himself, but i understand that they will tear off his skin. perhaps he didn’t
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specify this, but i think something terrible, wild people, uh-huh, well petrovich isn’t calling, yeah, goodbye, vadim ilyevich, happily ever after get there, daddy, city! live quickly for work, and there’s no way from here to the territory at all, just feet first, i see, you’re funny guys, what ’s the point of having fun, that we’ll die like this, what like that, we’ll see,
1:57 am
i’ll still get you, bitch, what happened, people , help! sirafima andreevna, call the police, we have bandits at the entrance, sasha, is that you? yes, i am, call the police! wait, i’m listening, comrade lieutenant colonel, urgently, gagarin street, i’ll send a message about shooting near house 34. for a group to check information and work it out on the spot, if it’s confirmed, there is, well, i heard, yes, they’re leaving from there at the pace of waltz, wounded, vadim ilyevich, idiots, leave from there immediately, leave your business, leave, leave, i said, and so that no one
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gets caught by the cops alive, nor dead. back to the apartment, let’s be quicker, listen, be quicker yourself. why are you talking, you goat, don’t take bribes, come on already, they dropped it, hands on the hood, weapons on the ground,
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there are bandits here, they are armed, weapons on the ground. you don’t understand, there are bandits on the hood, on the hood so i can see them, and on my sister and me attacked, they took me, took me to another place, she stayed here, the eighth entrance, but it’s not me who needs to be arrested, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, the bandits are in the entrance, they are armed, but there’s no one there, she’s fooling us, we’ll sort out the department there, beauty which. i wish i could throw this stuff over the fence and the road, i saw the guards on the tower, why did the ghanaians, and during the war, call the guards that way, why are you having fun? yes, i’m not having fun, i’m seething because i can’t do anything, so no one here can do anything, that’s right, we can’t alone, and if together, then we can do it very well.
2:00 am
it’s okay, they won’t shoot everyone, we need to get ready and go up, what will we go up with, flashlights, what? i won’t raise it, somewhere the guards have a weapon, so we need to come up with something, what kind of bazaar is this, well, everyone shut up, get to work,
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right? if we sit like this, rotting to death, we’ll get scalded, understand? oh, if only she could still distinguish her stranger, petrovich, we need to sniff ours first, now we’ll sniff, quietly, what did you smell, come down, quietly, quietly, hold him, calmly, je, all yours come to me, forward, calmly, coolly, petrovich, early in the morning we followed those confused tracks, and
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we didn’t find anything, no, we shot them down again, you suck at trackers, well, that’s okay, but now we have a dog over there, and a jet, well done, we need some things to pick up the trail, there are things, but somehow we didn’t think, i have to think for everyone again, what are we going to do now, petrovich, or maybe we’ll go back there, to their camp, there’s a dog trail he’ll take it, so what are we standing for, that’s it, forward, forward, let’s go, let’s go, petrovich, he still smells something, maybe some kind of animal, but no, they don’t fools follow us, that's it, forward, forward, it's brought, i already thought that's it, yes, dog, this is bad, if this takes us, we can't leave, let's go,
2:03 am
we almost ruined dru's operation, there is one more problem, we were discussing now your discovery, a decision was made to limit access to archives, why is this all of a sudden? they are afraid that something else will come to light, i understand, your hands are tied, each of us has our own limitations, three people were killed, i will not back down, even if my investigation may be inconvenient for someone, and waste my time , alex the fierce, the case of the orphans, premiere, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv.
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2:05 am
sit down! we're leaving. so i don’t understand, where is this second, is he lost or what? everyone back, back, behind me.
2:06 am
ready, look, bitch, where are you, where are you, come out, i 'll give you time, stop the hysteria, look, jet, trail, trail, jet, look, trail, the whole trail, there, forward, i mean forward, everyone, who can hear me, who can hear me, reception, talk on...
2:07 am
looks like the battery is dead, he didn’t turn it off at all, damn, that’s what i was afraid of, what did i pick up, will be here soon, but what to do? you let’s continue to the mine, and i’ll try to detain them, no, i won’t leave you alone, especially since nothing threatens me, they’ll kill you, what do you think, i’ll hide behind you or something ? go to your fur farm, true ones, but you don’t have a single chance without me. get out of here,
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andrey said, i’m not joking, and don’t even think about coming back. i'm sorry, fire!
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you and you go ahead, let's go after him, he'll go the hell away.
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alive or dead, petrovich, understood me, alive or dead, i’m going where you, damn it, can’t get there, meet me at the old beam, turn me around, well, vadim, turn me around, i said.
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2:12 am
well, do you even understand what you did, you started shooting in the middle of the city, they captured me and my sister, you, i don’t see anything. so that you would be captured, detained, yes, well, i just ran away, ran away, boris mikhailovich, please, i beg you, check my sister’s apartment, why didn’t your employees do this right away and still, okay, okay, let’s check, i’ll send there 's an outfit there, and you, and you sit in the cell for now, why? calm down, the sniper also wants me, duty officer.
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we already have six sick people, please let us know through them proper conditions.
2:15 am
that means he has only one way left through the swamp, here, that's it, that's it, that's it, let's go, everyone let's go, vadim, calm down, where are you going for the night, looking into the taiga, in the morning i'll call the all-terrain vehicle, then we'll move, but andrey is there, but they are also not fools, they walk around the tag at night, sleep, sit out somewhere, as long as nothing happens to andryushka, everything will be fine, don’t worry, pasha, let’s go to the car.


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