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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-14  NTV  June 19, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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you see, the fact is that our hotel specializes in just such clients, yeah, they are omnipresent, lovers, well, of course, you don’t have video cameras here, i see, but of course, our clients don’t like to leave traces behind themselves, especially video where they are in the lead roles, uh-huh, by the way, if you need it yourself, no, they’re shooting at you, and this is distracting, there’s a door behind the bars,
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a service exit, only it’s closed, the bars are open here, now we’ll see, it’s closed , say, it’s open, everything is clear, the lock is broken, lena, there’s definitely nothing in your room touch, no, as soon as the policeman arrived, he immediately said that nothing should be touched, like the policeman who had been sitting in the hallway since the morning, probably in ambush. here, by the way, is him. tumanov. there are four used condoms under the bed. confiscate? well, what do you think? and the bottle, everything else is on the print. listen, what were you looking for here, interesting? for example, horns. what ragas? well, both locals are married, but not to each other. this can be seen from passports.
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when the maid stopped by, of course he reacted, i think the killer came in and left through the back door. okay, i’ll sort this out here, andryukha, ask the guards downstairs, let’s go, tell me, if it’s not a secret, what was the economics specialist doing here? yes, it’s no longer a secret, i’m catching one counterfeit coin, a chemist by distinction, yes, it’s passed down that he ’s been to this hotel a couple of times, so i’m working, as they say, in the place of attraction, of course. and the dead are not familiar to you? i thought about this too, but i don’t know them, the chemist is not a chemist, i think it’s pure coincidence. so where is everyone else? well, wolves after duty, crimea should be, but probably got delayed in a traffic jam, and i sent radanovo to my husband, killed, that’s the custom, report it, that means killed by the frosts. ignat semenovich and solovyova
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valentina yurievna. we had no previous convictions, this was not the first time the room was rented, always for 3 hours, this time too. no weapon found? the barrel is not dropped, my fingers are working, but i’m afraid there will be no results. the room was heavily soiled, everything was turned over, apparently, the killer was looking for something there. i believe the murder was out of jealousy. i don’t agree, margarita, there is every reason that it was simulated murder due to jealousy. excuse me, but are you by any chance a nightingale? yes, what happened? you guessed it, sometimes i succeed. the profession, so to speak, obliges. listen, friend,
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young man, how can i find your neighbor? marinka, a carotist, or something, she trains all day at the club, trains, women's self-defense, and what kind of club, dragon, is here by the metro, thank you, friend, and you are in good health, i can’t believe it, this cannot be, i hate to talk about it, but... "i am forced to inform you that that your wife was not alone in the hotel, ignat morozov was with her, he was also killed, what are you hinting at, that my wife had a lover, i ’m not hinting at anything, i’m reporting bare facts, do you know anything about the relationship your wife and morozov, no, of course, but i knew morozov, and his wife too, we
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were friends as families, and where were you today at around 10 am, at home, can anyone confirm this, do you think that i killed his own?" "our child is not such a freak as to kill his son's mother, think that say, ok, ok, ok, maybe there is an idea who could have done this, no, i don’t know, in any case, you will have to go to our department, you will be interrogated by an investigator, yeah, well, the body needs to be identified in mork, yes , i’m ready, but first i need to see my wife’s parents, i don’t want yours to get ahead of me with such news, i’ll be there in an hour and a half, denis sergeevich, sorry, a couple more questions, yes, what did your wife do, where did she work? you didn’t work anywhere, you stayed at home with your child, so you supported your family? no, i’m not working right now either, so what did you live on? listen, do you need a bank statement, my wife was killed, and you ’re asking stupid questions? okay, excuse me,
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we are waiting for you in the department, hello, hello! yes, oleg georgievich, sit, sit, i’m at the main office, you’re at the farm, that’s one more thing, listen, what are we going to do with the paraphernalia, in the sense, you know, his detection rate is sinking, and meanwhile merzlyakin is changing the rebate for him, well, two days until the end of the quarter, well, we'll figure out something, comrade colonel, i was already thinking that if any disclosure is not his, record it on paranya. and will he give it back later? i didn’t expect it from you, comrade colonel? well, well, well, if you allow me, i’ll talk with rodanov and krymov, they just have a reschedule for two bodies, but what can i persuade, well, very good, very
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good, wonderful, thank you, yeah, all the best, on the farm , i understand. “good afternoon, i need marina morozova, we’ll work it out, then the legs, the arms are tougher, the police are the homicide department, unfortunately, i have bad news for you, well, tell me, tell me, my nerves are strong, your husband was today he was shot in the hotel malachite, like that, shot"? in the hotel? who killed him? we are trying to find out, but i noticed that somehow i didn’t upset you very much. you’re wrong, i’m very sorry, ignata, but the last 2 years , our
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marriage, if it existed, was only on paper. we were going to get a divorce, i can show you the summons, yes, no, why, thank you, i believe you knew about their relationship with valentina solovyova, “i haven’t cared about him for a long time. affairs, ask solovyova about their relationship, unfortunately, this is impossible, her they killed him with him, just like she was killed, yeah, i ’m sorry, we were once friends, i see, tell me, today around ten, you were already here, and there are many witnesses to that, if that’s what you’re talking about, and before you suspect me, find at least one motive for murder." with ignat, we have no love for a long time, which means there is no jealousy either, besides, he has no job, no money, you kill him, but what do you take? cynical, logical, but for a murderer did you find a motive? well, i don’t understand who killed ignat like
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this, what are your next steps? began to go with you to the department for an official interrogation by the investigator. no problem, just me... yes, of course, girls, that's all for today, thank you, bon appetit, yeah. oh, you already, well, yes, so, what are there on the shell casings from the hotel, hopelessly, fingers, fingerprints left, nine people, besides ours, this is a hotel, a former guest, of course, a cleaning lady, but they must be there after every check-in to clean, don’t make me laugh, i’ll go over it a couple of times with a rag, that’s all the cleaning. also here, sign here, please, i can go, go, great,
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all the best, that’s the woman’s psyche, a man would be jealous, yes, hello everyone, andrei, where is your nightingale, and you promised that he would be in an hour, but three have already passed, but i don’t understand what’s happening, i’m calling, i’m calling, he doesn’t answer, but what does it matter to me, if the cook is here all night, wait, yes, he doesn’t answer the coins, so i’ll run back there again, you never know, let me go with you just in case, he killed him, i probably managed to get away while you were warming your ass in the office, i should have detained you right away, wow, i see you’re there too, where, i heard about the new trend of the prosecutor's office, police officers for inappropriate behavior with victims, their relatives and witnesses, now you are completely crazy, police officer, let's vacate the office, let's go. knock, knock, are you deaf, is it all there, oh,
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hello, don’t worry, police, hello, oh, you’ve finally arrived, i’ve been waiting for you for an hour, what happened, i called you, we’re here there was such a nightmare in the next apartment, someone screamed as if they were cutting him, and something rumbled, fell, just horror, i was so scared and waiting, i’m waiting, you’re still not there, you were waiting for the locals, and we’re from the criminal investigation department, do you have something like a crowbar on your farm? well , i’ll take a look now, please, but igor, it’s a shame i didn’t immediately drag solovyov to the department, well, you didn’t have grounds for detention, where would you drag him? thank you, come over, thank you, that’s it, you can be free, go, then we’ll return you, come on, let’s pull yourself together, yeah. it’s still warm, but what’s the point, solovyov,
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solovyov, georgievich, hello, listen, here ’s the thing, solovyov was killed, well, we didn’t have time, in short, let bulkin’s experts go to the address, that’s it, lights out, igor, look, here. this is gardening in the priozersky region, most likely the killer of the nightingale was experimenting, knocking this address out of him. yes. let's go and check it out. it’s not a fact, of course, that this is a trace, but it’s necessary to check, it’s a bit far away, of course, calm, calm, quiet, quiet, criminal investigation, what’s taking so long, guys, the application was submitted an hour ago, the tire was punctured, yeah, the tire was punctured, everything is clear. we’ll write a report on you, you won’t puncture anything, workers,
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write whatever you want, wait for the group, yes it’s clear, and we’re just now approaching this at home, well, of course we’ll call you back, all hang up until the call, andryukha, georgievich broke through the dacha, he says this is solovyov’s dacha, well, everything is clear, so it’s not in vain that you and i came here. yes, it looks like the killer is now in the house, perhaps, if anything, we’ll take it hard, otherwise there’s a gun and three corpses on it, standing still, the police, where to stand. andrukha, you go around, i ’ll follow him, the police, into the house, come back,
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let me shoot you, that’s it, relax, man, your mopet has left. oh, what are you doing, i woke up at home, i’m sitting. well, yes, you're right, but with us there's a lot of fun here, why the hell take it, in solovyov's dacha house the guys met a man, they shot at him, they wounded him, but the man still left, i have no doubt that this is the killer of morozova and solovyov, at the dacha he apparently tried pick up the bag with the money, but the guys took the money back,
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again the money, yes, but now where to look for this wounded beast, listen, what kind of chemist were they waiting for at the hotel? yes, some fake manik, he was herded there, tumanov from abep, i know this tumanov, don’t you think it’s strange that there is so much crime in one place in one time, yes, listen, thank you, go to this friend of yours tumanov tomorrow and ask him about the chemist, in our country, if it’s a sport, then with records. if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national holiday, we love traditions, honor our history, value family and strong relationships, admire how
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the country is blossoming, even more awaits us ahead. achievements, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition, what are your goals, fighter? so i, moonshine, and he wears a little crazy, moonshine on june 22 at 17:00. uh, come on, stand still, stop, i said, don’t move, where did you run, let’s go get your purse, no
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damn it. hello, get up, where is the arsenal from, pick it up, siguret, where is the arsenal from, i say, taxi, in short, here is your taxi, let's take it, drag it to the department, drag it to the department, go ahead. volkov will be in abepi in about two hours, and the guy called and said that he had detained the killer, he was taking him to the department, there was a machine gun and two wasted bombs, that’s it, yes, well done, i didn’t expect from him, report on yesterday’s murder, that’s what the expert said, that
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the shell casings we picked up from the pistol that this freak shot at the solovyovs’ dacha coincide with cartridges from the pistol from which... morozov and solovyova were killed in the malokhit hotel, that is, unfortunately, we missed the real killer, but most importantly, we understand that jealousy was not the motive for the murder, it was all about money, and the husband was killed at the hotel he was also in the know, yes, the killer dropped solovyov’s bag of money when they scared him off, there’s a million, given that the murdered husband is in the know, we will develop his connections, i ask you, oleg georgievich, not to relax, he’s a villain we are harsh, so... "if anything happens, immediately shoot, i understand, margarita will help parakhna, there is work with the detained hitman, after all, he spent machine guns, this is serious, further georgievich, the machine gunner urgently in the report, this is a strong disclosure, disclosure, what, well, how what, interrogate him, you will find out what, hello .
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well, i’ll help you in any way i can, post it. listen, you were working yesterday morning in malachite regarding a certain counterfeiting chemist. well, yes, it was only after this heap at the hotel that he disappeared somewhere. where do you not know? no, well, according to our opera data, there are a couple of places to which he tied. why do you need a chemist? this is not your topic. maybe ours. what are the options? slav, did you waste anyukha? fraudulent chemist. if the chemist had shown up at the hotel, i would have let him through, but what should i do if the addressee had come? .
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come on, help, now, just hold it, hold it, nikhil, take your hands off, what are you doing, pain, eternal life, i don’t see any cartridges, i drank it, probably in a drunken stupor. so didn't he have any documents with him? no, no documents, no phone, nothing, it’s clear, fight, give me the keys to the monkey house, let’s go, so, well, wake him up, get up, man, do you hear, hear, wake up, wake up, what’s your last name, mad, what’s your last name? how's your passport, crazy kolyan? where is your door, i need to go out, but you won’t come out soon, most likely you’ll have to sit, don’t confuse me, first i’m filming the deputy, and then
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sitting, what does it mean you’re filming, i’m filming with a sniper shot at the entrance, attic of the house from the attic of the house on the contrary, what incomprehensible, sit and wait. and which deputy, who is the customer? customer, yashka, yashka, what is yashka, what is his last name, yashka, yashka everyone knows, they tell you what yashka’s last name is, hello, that means, wake him up every half hour and interrogate him, of course, well done, kirilka, consider that to the deputy saved, hold the storm. so, the main thing is to find this yasha, whom everyone knows, and when the expert comes, i spent the machine gun on him for an examination, maybe we’ll see for now, i ’ll look at it for you, borya, put it all in the safe and
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don’t give it to anyone, borya, don’t put the buttons press, i understand, i’ll do it, so who’s the second there, and this is, well, a thief who wanted to steal the bag from the killer, and you think that the killer will write a statement that they tried to steal his bag, and thereby admit that the bag is his, well, if he doesn’t write, that means he’ll have to let him go, then we’ll catch him, what’s the problem? so okay, well done, otherwise, well, that means, look, the phone number of your murdered morozov was in parglova for a week, well , more precisely, that means, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, possible houses, well, let’s print it out that’s all, and i ’ll call his wife. and sailed today, and don’t say well, what is there here, here, lying here, so, uh-huh, come on, walk around, walk around, you have
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to be careful, kiryusha, so, wow, the shipbuilders are pulsing. house 18, apartment 526, yasha, whom everyone knows, here’s yasha, now we know that we’ll go, let’s go, with you anywhere, thank you for coming, we ’ll have a few questions for you, what questions, i have work , according to our operational data, your husband repeatedly appeared outside the city, a few days before his death, we are interested in what kind of place this is, where he could appear, and most importantly, why, well, i i say...
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by way, well, yes, but do you have any other questions for me , no, that’s it, thank you, you can be free, thank you, why, i don’t like this morozova, how did you find out about the address, are you worried about something? he calls someone, but it’s clear, i checked the addresses that tumanov gave me, they’re all left, it’s time to deal with this lady, i’m on her tail , let’s agree.
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yes, morozova met with tumanov, then with a man who, judging by signs, left you yesterday, yes, they are going to the north of the city, very quickly, wait, wait, as soon as you appear, urgently send this to you for examination. so, what's going on here? wow, well, does it look like home? i'm walking,
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listening to mozart. this is bithod. what difference does it make, you’re a wild cyrillic, but you have no sense of humor at all? listen, i’ll go to the neighbors and find out about this as i ask around, let’s go and have a drink, lyosh, what are you doing, what are you doing, but you’re tired of life, or what? props! georgich, this is a dummy, wait, wait, like a dummy, well, it’s a dummy, a machine gun, a real machine gun, but you can’t shoot from it, it’s one of those that we examined at lessons on speed, so that means it’s not, i can’t recognize it as a weapon, bye, bye, well , don’t you understand, i’m an artist, i’m ki, i understand,
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well, but our opera, they put packs of such actors in jail, listen, you, you, you check my documents, how you do this, you run this through the database for me, and where are your documents, where is your passport, now, where is the phone, that’s her girl, i probably left it on yash’s table, but what? for yasha, well, we did everything, the field is cleared, the main thing is that our killer doesn’t let us down, i can’t get through to him, but everything will be fine, come on, come on, lie down, muzzle halyard, lie down, i said, who are you? own conscience, which deputy they decided to smear, which deputy they decided to smear, in the project or in life, during life, and what? margarita, listen
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to me carefully, the weapon is not real, just like in a movie, but the detainee, this is an actor who plays a killer, i understand, and yash is his friend, drinking companion and director, he came from moscow to rent an apartment in st. petersburg, hear, kirilka, this is the case here. this is an artist, go away, everything is fine, fine, next time on people don’t need to rush out the door, look, yash, what was it, so igor, how
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are we going to look for the house? do you have the license plate number of the car? there are license plates for a green suv, well , we’ll look for it by number, we’ll probably start with that, well, let’s start a survey with local residents, but who else are you? they came again, so comrade, calmly, no need to misbehave, i’ll shoot your head off, which one of you is a warbler, you’re a gun, put your gun down, the criminal investigation department is not a warbler, so that means it’s showing you... we’re from the police, what slavka? by the way, who is slavka? yes, a new pimple, my younger fool, walks here, hides, never saw his face, only the stern when he ran away from me, i’ll see, i’ll kill, if you kill, we’ll put you in jail, we
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’re on business with you, you haven’t seen a green jeep here in the vicinity, green, i’ve seen , goes to that house over there, but he’s been gone for two days, yeah. thank you, good-bye, good-bye, be careful with the gun, the guy got screwed, he rushes at people with a gun, it’s a pity for the warbler, please, be careful, hotter, well, well, in general, i remember that the studio drank all night. then, then i don’t remember anything, i took some movie props, i wanted to, i wanted to get into character, you caused problems for us, excuse me, it doesn’t happen to anyone, it doesn’t happen to me,
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i can go, go, thank you, wait, pass, yeah, thank you, here... here lie down, yeah, try to drink less, that's it, goodbye, goodbye, are you disgracing yourself, shalyapin, volochko, next to whom, mukhtar, or what? yes, zamat, then mukhtar, come urgently, grab your brilliant dog, the star is returning, mukhtar, something interesting, mukhtar’s return from... the very beginning, muktat forward, look for mukhtat, today at 8:25 on ntv. alex lyuty, the orphan case, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. pentalgin - remedies against different types of
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cyclones from siberia are penetrating the far east , promising changes in the weather. in buryat, the air will still have time to warm up to thirty, and tomorrow the cold will fall. and in siberia it will become sharply cold today. the north wind will lower the temperature in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory. irkutsk will have all this tomorrow, while it’s +27 there. but the western half is under control. anticyclone in novosibirsk in the omsk regions without precipitation +20-25, atmospheric fronts are approaching the urals, several at once, so the coming days here will be rainy, but it’s too early to expect cool weather, in yekaterinburg today up to 30, tomorrow 25. on european territory, the southern cyclone is already arrived to the north, and a new one is moving forward from scandinavia, ontai will determine the weather in the second half of the week. in the north, rains are already +22 today in arkhangelsk, in the north-west it’s still 20-25 and thunderstorms. and in the center. no precipitation, but the volzh will get
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an atmospheric front that will bring rain, thunderstorms and bring down the heat a little. in kazan it’s +26, samara - 28. and in the lower volga today it’s not 40, but 36, but it’s too hot. in prizovye it is still 30 and above, in sevastopol in sochi - 28-29 without precipitation, but in the mountains there are short thunderstorms. in st. petersburg - thunderstorm, short rain and + 21. in moscow 20. no precipitation, but then rains, thunderstorms, squalls, cold, not strong, just up to the june norm, yes, i understood what you said, and we are already there, so we will meet them, that's it, see you later, hang up, andryukh, that's it it's shaping up, frosty fogs are in the picture, yeah, it looks like they'll be here soon, so we have to hurry, there's someone in the house, most likely the one they're looking for, well, let's go visit, let's do it the old way scheme, uh-huh,
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calm down, give it up, i said water, woman water. i didn’t say here, i barked, who are you, it’s none of your business, if you know who i am, the police face the floor, what the hell? calm down, breathe, breathe, don’t turn off the engine, we’re going quickly, well, no, you’ve done a lot of things without me, i’m with you,
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follow the street, the chemist is nowhere to be found, he must be here, check in the basement, and if i find it, get out, yeah. there is no one in the yard. what are you doing? eh, what about you? and, igor, are you
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in order? the order is packed, and you? and i have order, but there weren’t enough bracelets for mrs. morozova. but it’s okay, i’ll hold on, be careful, clear sea, come on , everyone just lie down, don’t twitch, oh, you, you’re alive, you’ve come to your senses, you need to buckle up, citizen morozova, borya, call the group and the ambulance, well, that means so , you and i
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are both from the same system, so let's go. we'll fool each other, that's exactly what i have 15 years of experience, i have seen black and white and no color at all, show me what you have, but i will remain silent, i will not sign a single paper, clear, clear, as you wish, we have enough trump cards even without you, igor, take this away and bring the chemist here. yes, it’s good that i didn’t kill you then, i also like it very much, we’ll talk and talk, why not, but i have two conditions, oh, do we really want a lawyer, that’s with sledak later, and i have something else, there are two corpses on me in the hotel, one in the hut,
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they took me with a wet trunk and therefore you can prove it in any way, and i will be punished life sentence, but i don’t want to, and what does it have to do with us, well, you say, he gave himself up, like turning himself in, and it won’t hurt you, what difference does it make to you, and i’ll give you the whole deal, come on, come on, so, agreed, second , i know that all the apers in prison have a sidekick, so i want a camera with this official, who was locked up a week ago, i saw on tv on the news, and this is the one who is in prison for embezzling twenty million budget funds, yes, why do you need this, but i want sit on smoked sausage and... all that, they will warm him up so that he doesn’t give up, so i’ll give up, well, this is the first time i’ve encountered such a request, okay, when did you start working with tumanov? a year ago he offered to work together, he suggests, and i work, but there was no blood, i answer, in the hotel, for the first time,
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oh, why lie to me, you ’ll check anyway, continue to tell, uh-huh, well, in general, tumanov said that there would be two suckers at the hotel, a bunch. real money and a lot of real money, you need to overwhelm the suckers and take the loot, he himself said he’ll wait downstairs, and then he’ll control how you conduct the investigation , and why in this case it was necessary definitely kill, and there was a tip from this guy’s wife that if they had left the room alive, someone would have sent it in, come in. sit down, and why, what is needed, and what is needed, you still have a chance to tell everything yourself, who, why, where, and teach, we already know everything perfectly well, don’t even think about lying, if you lie, you’ll eat this, i understand, igor, calmly, but no need, i myself, kushnarev is my
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last name, was driven by a chemist, counterfeit money and a machine for producing it were found in your garage, yours is not, i found it, by god i found it, yes, yes, it will be the security officers to tell, this is their theme, you go ahead and sing about the hotel, everything you know, kushtarev, okay, i was false with morozov, so, and then i changed the present, frost, by the way, came up with a cool theme if you make an exchange at the hotel, then no one will burn anything, so solovyov rented a hotel for 3 hours, well, they are like lovers there, so, well, i came later with... and solovyov’s husband brought real money, they made an exchange, that’s all, and dispersed, here are the conspirators, and so, on that day, what happened, but i don’t know, i walked like usually, i see. all tumans stands there smoking, well , he thought that the cops were herding, he called solovyov and said, like, don’t come in, he dumped himself, and
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then i found out about the murderer, so, well, he dumped pargolov, we rented a house there, tumanov, how do you know, the boss, we in one system, he catches up, i run away, what a prepared criminal element must go, igor, be careful, okay, this is a very rare variety, yes i see, yes, allow me, yes, come on in. sit down, oleg georgievich, report, so, that means, scrap in the world lomakin and chemist in the world kushnarev have been interrogated, contact is good, tumanov refuses to talk, morozova is in the hospital, now potapinka is interrogating her, yeah, yes, allow me, yes, yes, sit down, how are you doing, yes wonderful, it means morozova admitted, she was tumanov’s mistress. she lived poorly with her husband, but she didn’t even really know what he was doing, but he once told her about the hotel while drunk, but she told
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tumanov, tumanov contracted the scrap, but there was a glitch, firstly, he came to the new early, and secondly, the chemist copied tumanov, well , what can i say, well done, well done, well done, i read everything from the report, it’s a shame, what luck, and they took the killer and the customer, the killer, yes, and with a machine gun, and they prevented the murder of a deputy, uh, they didn’t quite understand it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, i ran, i still have moscow needs to be reported about our successes, the whole department gets a bonus, everything, but what was that?
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yes, only you are with me, come on, come on, you, and you, now, we wish you the best morning,
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further in the program, we listen to the chronicle of the emergency, we will tell road stories in the first program, on ntv program. emergency in the studio marat seddikov, a resident of the orenburg village of sharlyk, suspected of a series of arson attacks, had to explain himself when the police found out the reason for his action. an eighteen-year-old student admitted that he had deprived his fellow villagers of their property, and they were left without sheds and towns only because he wanted to become a firefighter, but did not have enough experience, he did not wait for an opportunity, and decided to organize for himself... a kind of practice so that he could personally monitor the work of the ministry of emergency situations employees. as you can see from the surveillance footage, he's not just...


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