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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 21, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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yes, the capture of one more settlement in the southern direction of the special operation is not far away, a shot! how do the tankers of the southern group of troops liberate krasnogorovka , how do the formidable terminators help them? ilya will tell you about this. and ukraine is strengthening border controls to prevent deviants from escaping the country. there is less than a week left until the biden-trump election debate. what is the balance of power? and changes are coming to the british government. the outgoing rishi sunok is a lame duck or black sheep to whom british voters compare him. about it elizabeth gerson. and also the library. the business
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is experiencing a rebirth in russia. meeting point at the second rack. more and more libraries are becoming model libraries. what is it - svetlana gordeeva found out. and the capital is recovering from the disaster; 35 victims are known. hello, welcome to the information service of the television company.
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the complex allows you to destroy artillery in a targeted manner, so let’s say destroy it at long ranges. and su-34 fighters from the russian center group knocked out armored vehicles and infantry. the pilots dropped high-explosive bombs. with a universal planning module, which made it possible not to enter the enemy’s air defense zone. in the donetsk direction in krasnogorovka, our attack aircraft operated with the support of armored vehicles. the tankers not only covered the infantry, but also went through first to break the militants’ defenses. as a result , ukrainian nationalists suffered serious losses. ntv, together with the popular front , continues to collect assistance for our fighters to support those who'.
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the tank fires almost non-stop, essentially working like artillery, only with at a much closer distance, the vibration is such that even our camera mounted on the armor cannot withstand. the task of the tankers is not only to support the offensive, but also to directly cover infantry groups that enter the village in armored vehicles, essentially in front of a steel fist that pushes through the enemy’s defenses. it feels like the enemy is ready to surrender soon. ready to give up soon. we feel, we
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get into the tank, do the work, we turn off feelings, emotions, just carry out the task itself. it is clear that during in such raids, tanks are subjected to the most severe shelling, they are repaired right in the forest, in parking lots, not far from the front line, it looks, of course, not always aesthetically pleasing, but there is no time for beauty. the tanks that operate in krasnogorovka are so often attacked by enemy beer drones that the tank crews have to urgently change these same barbecues. already from materials, as you can see, at hand, this one, for example, was made from an ordinary metal fence, but nevertheless, such protection is also effective, there are basically a lot of these mines scattered, here this is the most important problem, we have mines, anti-tank, magnetic, this is the problem, but the enemy is not a problem, we can deal with them, in the neighboring direction the attacking attack aircraft are helped by the already legendary tank support combat vehicles terminator sc for them, they are
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already a baptism of fire have managed to prove themselves, including to the enemy, who, upon learning of their approach, tries to immediately flee from the position, this is actually a very unique machine and a very... serious weapon in skillful hands, you can perform miracles on it, that's what proves the fear of opponents on the other side when they hear or see that the bmp t2 terminator is leaving, as they sometimes call it, the witch has come out, so, but i consider us not a witch, but witchers, most likely, who instill terror at any time of the day , footage taken in the cockpit by one of the terminator crew members, fire is fired from an aircraft cannon mounted on this vehicle, 900 rounds per minute, simply leaves no chance for anyone. together with the tanks, the terminators of the tenth tank regiment pushed through the enemy’s defenses so much that he had already begun to give up positions, as our fighters say, there is very little left before the capture of krasnogorovka.
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ilya usheninin, maxim belikov, ntv television company, southern direction, special military operation. the united states promised kiev that new shells for... will not affect the transfer of promised weapons to taiwan and israel, they will also receive them out of turn. kirby did not specify how long the deliveries to other countries would be delayed, or where the states would get so many missiles from. about 500 of them are produced per year. for example, switzerland placed an order for 50 missiles in
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last year and was supposed to receive them in 2031. now the pentagon will transfer them to ukraine, but also, apparently, only in seven years, and switzerland will have to. wait some more. the only way to supply missiles right now is to take them from countries where they are already in service. germany and romania agreed to share, but poland stated that it would not give up its patriot. in ukraine , control at the border has been strengthened to the maximum to prevent draft dodgers from escaping from the country amid mobilization. this was stated in the local state border service. we are talking about sections of the border with moldova and eu countries, for...
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he added that kiev is now negotiating with the eec countries on the return of illegal immigrants, but for now the european states. odessa disguised himself as an elderly woman in order to leave the country unnoticed. the man was detained and now faces trial. another unknown person crossed the checkpoint in a car and did not stop at the request of the military commissars. as a result, he carried military personnel on the hood, causing one of them to suffer a head injury. the cloner was put on the wanted list. and in the lviv region a spontaneous protest took place. local residents blocked the lviv-ternopil highway in response to the actions of military registration and enlistment office employees. they tried to mobilize the driver of the regular bus, who was carrying passengers at that moment. they eventually recaptured the man from
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the military. also recently , cases of arson and damage to vehicles belonging to the military have become more frequent. remains until one of the main events in american political life, the televised debate between joe biden and donald trump. the upcoming discussion will be the first in the history of the country where the former and the current presidents, and for the first time in half a century without spectators, so that the public would not interfere with the candidates with their comments. the headquarters are now intensively preparing for the one and a half hour meeting; candidates can only take a pen, a notepad and a bottle of water with them. even on paper are prohibited, and this can create certain difficulties for biden, who during public speeches cannot always read, even a prepared speech, so the political scientists of the current president are betting on the fight against trump on social networks, and are ready spend tens of millions of dollars on it.
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according to american newspapers, a commercial is planned where trump will be exposed as criminals and scammers, as well as work with authoritative bloggers who will help... distribute new content. now biden is significantly losing to trump on social networks, on the popular tiktok, the current president has gained less than 400 thousand subscribers since february, and trump. biden went to rest, to which trump said that the current president would probably be pumped with drugs so that he was able to hold out in public. donald trump will have the final say in the upcoming televised debates. as a result of the draw, the democratic candidate had the opportunity to choose a place on the podium, and the republican was able to determine the order of the final speeches. and in the uk, investigations have begun over the conservatives' bets on the election date.
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several politicians have already become defendants in the case, as well as rishi sunak’s assistant and personal security guard. all of them sought to make money on the prime minister’s slowness. he delayed announcing the voting day, and now threatens to expel from the party everyone who is carried away by such gambling. in the meantime, there is nothing left until the voting date; fate will be decided on july 4th. during a meeting with voters, which was broadcast by a local channel, the public shouted one word to the current head of the cabinet of ministers: shame. elizabeth gerson on why ordinary britons turned their backs on the tories. rishisonok will become the first british leader to lose not only the prime minister's seat, but probably also the seat of an ordinary mp in the house of commons. his party will tolerate defeat.
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most likely, everything is not in order; at the pre-election television debates, the sunok was covered in every place where you didn’t poke it, it hurt everywhere. our affairs are bad on all fronts: healthcare, social support, housing, mortgages, etc. all this hits normal people. at the debate, sunok, an anti -migrant activist, did not know how many migrants arrived on his island in the last three years, it turned out to be twice as many as in the previous 3 years, he lost the war to inflatable boats. well, i don't have these numbers in front of me. don't have these numbers? so i will say, this is 1,900 people. the independent offers its recipe for tory candidate survival in their constituencies. get involved in local affairs and don't... find sunak. among the members of the tory party there are successful ones, but there are those who are lucky not in politics,
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but in gambling. they put money on the election date, which sunok, without hesitation, determines himself and does not even seem to be obliged to coordinate it overseas, where july 4 is a public holiday. according to the results of recent opinion polls, the state of the ruling party in britain is somewhere between critical and catastrophic. telegraph newspaper publishes map of the country to the new one. the skin of the predominantly conservative-blue country turned red as if scalded, leaving the conservatives with only small spots resembling a rash. therefore, according to the forecast, the tories will lose 300 seats and risk becoming not the second, but the third party in parliament, and the laborites - the first. member of parliament from the british labor party, george galloway, assures that the laborists, having come to power, will start a war in six months. they are also not free from the united states in foreign policy, just as...
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as it turned out in the recent elections in the european parliament to the right, president macron is a big fan of boxing, especially on social networks, in the upcoming elections to the national assembly he is preparing to receive a hook from the right, but perhaps he will receive it from the left, it seems that european voters are ready to vote for anyone, just not for the current leaders, they seem to be saying them with anyone, just not with you. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin, andrey zubkevich and anastasia konorovskaya, ntv television company. london. as a result of the hurricane in moscow, 35 people were injured and
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two died. this is reported by three news from link to emergency services. according to the capital's health department, 18 people were hospitalized. three of them are in serious condition, and six children are among the injured. a ten-force storm hit moscow the day before. wind gusts reached 25 m/s. in an hour, a third of the monthly norm fell. police, two months of precipitation fell, this june may be one of the three wettest in the last 145 years, but today the city will be sunny without precipitation. law enforcement officers detained the director of the world skills agency rush robert urazov. further business news with us marina pemenova. marina, what is he suspected of? well, we are talking about
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fraud on an especially large scale. the court in moscow arrested him.
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growth, but the pace is much slower. the official exchange rates of the dollar and euro for today, which the central bank set without exchange trading, increased by about 2.5 rubles each, dollar 85.42, euro 91.45. a few minutes ago, the government announced that it was softening the requirements for exporters to sell foreign currency earnings within the country. if previously they were not supposed to send to russian accounts 80% in its foreign exchange earnings, then now 60. the government explained this. among other things, by the fact that the ruble exchange rate has stabilized. from july 29 in the usa it will be prohibited to sell, excuse me, from june 29 in the usa it will be prohibited to sell and use kaspersky lab products. the us department of commerce said in a notice that the decision was made for reasons of national security because kaspersky lab works with the russian military and intelligence.
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kaspersky lab has already answered that the decision is not explained by a technical assessment products. and the geopolitical situation and theoretical concerns will not affect work in other countries, and the company will use legal measures to maintain contacts with american partners. earlier, the head of the company, evgeny kaspersky, said that kaspersky lab does not have many clients in the usa, and this is far from the most important market. julia, that's all for me. thank you, this was marina pimenova with an economic overview. and we return to the situation in the northern military district zone, in the donetsk direction, the soldiers of one of the repair units produced special installation for heavy machine guns. thanks to it, our military will be able to fire remotely at a distance of up to hundreds of meters. the new development has already been tested at the test site and is ready to be transferred to assault units. and modernization is at
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the front. during working hours, they repair military equipment in their free time. are engaged in their own developments, a car mechanic and an electrician from the repair units of the vostok group decided to improve a tank machine gun. such a weapon can be installed at any position, more powerful and faster-firing than infantrymen. the installation itself was constructed from improvised materials, the frame was welded from the metal of damaged captured equipment. electric motor from bmp-1 from the assembly line, second. all this is hooked onto the remote control, the wiring is done. the entire installation had to be redone several times, at first it turned out to be too heavy, the electric motors were replaced, lighter ones were installed from truck wipers, powered by batteries, broken screwdrivers. to increase firepower, they decided to add
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another machine gun. the result was a formidable weapon. the main feature of this gun is that it is controlled and fired remotely. a camera was installed on the machine gun, and the control panel could be located 100 m from the gun, so that the person did not stand, did not look at the positions, did not sit in a trench somewhere, but simply sat in a dugout protected, from the same discharges, here fp drones of all that kind. despite the fact that modern technology regularly. enters the army, local craftsmen will always come up with something, here is the s60 anti-aircraft artillery complex, which usually works on the ground as air defense, put on a tractor, in terms of manpower, well... quite effective, many developments on the spot take root immediately, from anti-drone designs to the king-barbecue, which at first seemed to cause laughter from the enemy, and then horror,
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well , the same king of the barbecue directly on combat duty, such a body kit has shown its effectiveness, yes, perhaps not very aesthetically pleasing, perhaps limited visibility, but such a layer of armor increases the survivability of both the vehicle itself and the crew as a whole, all these seemingly... developments are aimed at one thing: save the lives of our soldiers, and much of this could very soon be put on the conveyor belt. sergey pikulin and aleibzhanov, yuzhnodonetsk direction of the special operation. in russia, librarianship is experiencing a rebirth. now, instead of ordinary book depositories, there are more and more places where you can not only read, but attend master classes and even relax. and in modern libraries. open both in large cities and in small towns. there are now more than a thousand similar institutions across the country. how to get to the library of the future, svetlana
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gordeeva found out. who said that there should be silence in the library? library police, those strict ladies with curly hair from our soviet childhood, have no place in a modern library. you can not only leaf through music books out loud, but also sing loudly with impunity. you can always come, take a book, you came, took it and left. here , get creative, engage in self-development, and then your soul will sing. libraries have an idea to turn boring book depositories into creative centers a few years ago, and officials liked it. the money was allocated as part of the national project culture, and the country’s main library became the curator. if someone had told me 10 years ago that they had taken it. years , approximately 9 billion rubles from the federal budget will be invested in the development of a network of municipal libraries, neither i nor my colleagues would believe it, but the facts
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remain a fact: they are renovating old premises, purchasing new books, shelving, equipment, sometimes they even create mini-museums. today we do not even have the right to restore this book, because the book is already a cultural heritage, it turns out that only a master can touch the restoration, but how much do you have in these? in our museum of rare books there are perhaps more than a hundred copies, among them such valuable copies as the dictionary of bragauz ifron, which has only one dictionary, has 80 volumes, the modernized libraries began to be called model, not because podiums appeared there, but from the words exemplary model for cultural and educational institutions, however, display in such a modern reading hut can easily be organized, this is an art hall, here they play the guitar, dance...
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let's take a break for a short advertisement and in a couple of minutes we will talk about how our country is switching to domestic software, do not switch, what operating systems and programs can be are in demand by both business and citizens, and which projects users will pause - alexey prokin found out, on the one hand, this is an ozonbank card. which you can pay for anything and receive cashback, on the other hand, this is an azonbank card with which you can pay for anything and receive goods for 1
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the best percentage is the composition. 18% per annum only until june 30, hurry up to open a deposit brokerage account to receive three sberbank shares as a gift, the deposit is the best interest rate. kingfisher - new season from june 29 at 13:00 on ntv. this is the program today, we are continuing the release. by next year, domestic state-owned companies are required. must switch to operating systems from russian developers. this is necessary, among other things, for the stable operation of protection devices from cyber attacks. according to experts, there is now a large amount of domestic software on the market, and some of these solutions are even used abroad. alexey prokin found out what programs are offered to businesses. what a dentist in solihard needs to know when he sits down at a computer,
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and recently also how... the domestic operating system works, however, in this dental clinic , according to the manager, there were no issues with the digital transition, nor did the system administrators , neither have doctors. first, the technical department employees. they took our computers, worked with them, it was a short time, they returned them back and we continued our work in the design of our tables, our documents. the fifty-thousandth soliheart became the flagship of digital transformation and began to appear more and more often in news feeds a year ago, when the russian government started talking about the experience of the yamalo-ninets autonomous okrug’s transition to domestic software. the transition itself began here long before 2000.22 and looked at those leaving from the market of western manufacturers, in general, without fear of reproach. there was an electronic document management system that did not allow it to work fully in domestic software. after we
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import-substituted sef, the road for mass import substitution became clear. today in the autonomous okrug, 60% of government bodies operate using domestic technology, based on russian developments. are being massively implemented here at a more complex level in critical information infrastructure facilities. today all these measures are supported by relevant decrees president, in the order of the ministry of digital development on the approval of methodological recommendations for the transition to russian software, almost step-by-step instructions are given on how to carry out such a transition. despite all the similarities with foreign analogues , experts highlight the security of user data as the main thing. the second important criterion is ease of use, what about...
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for aircraft systems in smart homes, beautiful, not scary to fall, a corridor with a soft floor symbolizes the design of one of the domestic operating systems, which is designed to minimize digital noise, the system does not have pre-installed applications, they promise that it itself will
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fight intrusive advertising in order to surpass competitors, developers are trying to create operating systems for everything according to the principle of reader and reaper on a pipe and walnut, in the language of it specialists this is called seamless. integration into the lives of users, in order for such integration to take place, they set themselves several tasks, which ultimately boil down to control over technology so that no one from abroad could turn off the switch. give developers incentives the russian product, according to experts, is more than enough today, there are tax benefits and preferential conditions for investment; at the presentation of the mobile operating system, its creators invited users to take part in the work of the laboratory of ideas, where...
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the rains do not stop in kamchatka coast of chikotka. another hotbed of bad weather. in buryat in transbaikalia, there are also showers, thunderstorms, and very windy. but in the amur region and the south of the khabarovsk territory, this time we will be lucky with the weather, there is sunny warmth. in irkutsk the weather in the region is also gradually getting better, we are waiting for the temperature to rise. so far in irkutsk there are 23, in novosibirsk, tomsk, kemerovo. precipitation is possible, but very locally, but an atmospheric front from the volga region is already approaching the urals, with thunderstorms, hail, steamy wind, it will pass through the perym region, the sverdov region and bashkiria, but below.


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