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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  June 21, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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more news on our website in the cpntv telegram channel. that's all for today, thank you for your attention. today in our program.
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russian federation, we really didn’t do this for several programs, but last night the enemy concentrated and launched one of the largest attacks on our regions, in general, according to the report of our military department, more than a hundred drones were destroyed over the airspace over several subjects of the federation; they were used during attacks and sea.
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pilots, let's get some shots first let's see without my comment: at the beginning of four in the morning there was a huge explosion, here is our village, here is the dam, and something was blown up here. this is the kind of footage that was published at night by residents of the southern regions, i mean crimea , krasnodar territory. over the peninsula, air defense forces shot down 70 drones overnight, and six unmanned boats were destroyed in the black sea. the air defense worked perfectly. and with such a large-scale attack there are no casualties, no damage. in the krasnodar territory, explosions were heard in the temryuk, yeisk, and seversky regions, 43 drones were destroyed. in krasnodar itself as a result of falling debris near the yuzhny bus station, there were, unfortunately, casualties: a boiler room employee died and, as the governor of the region, venyamin kondratyev, says, several more people were injured. it was reported that drones were destroyed on approach to the village of afipsky; there was oil spillage there.
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well, let’s move to south korea, where they were so impressed by vladimir putin’s trip to vietnam and the dprk that today our ambassador georgy zenovyev was summoned to the foreign ministry in seoul. this was reported by the south korean agency ryunhab. what was the reason? and the reason was the same strategic partnership agreement concluded between.
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un security council, and this causes great harm to the security environment surrounding japan, and therefore the government is seriously concerned. the topic of cooperation with the dprk became one of the central ones at vladimir putin’s press conference in kanoi and, in fact, after the end of this chain of trips, the president said that this in itself is an agreement. is not a new product, it is essentially a continuation of the agreement between moscow and pyongyang on mutual protection, but the reason for providing assistance, according to putin, could be military aggression against one of the countries, while the president expressed the hope that for the situation on the korean peninsula, this agreement will become a kind of stabilizing factor, a deterrent, as regards ukraine , that’s where, according to putin, russia doesn’t need it. supplies of its weapons to other
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regions of the world, here putin directly said that maybe the dprk, too, is provoking the west in another way, lowering the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons, and therefore moscow, according to putin, is thinking about a possible change in its nuclear strategy. let's listen to the president. in particular , they are being developed for ultra-low power explosive nuclear devices, and we know that in expert circles. in the west there is an idea that such weapons could be used, and there is nothing particularly terrible in this, it may not be terrible, but we are obliged to pay attention to this, and we are paying attention to this, this is connected my statement that we are thinking about possible changes in our
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strategies, but a preemptive strike? a preventive strike, we don’t need it yet, because in response to a counter strike the enemy will be guaranteed to be destroyed, well, to confirm... the words of vladimir putin, the non-profit international organization for the elimination of nuclear weapons published a message that washington has already begun to modernize nuclear arsenal in five european countries, here we are talking about germany, italy and belgium, including, well , britain stands out separately, because they are preparing to send missiles there, where great britain stopped disclosing information in advance about the quantity and quality of the nuclear arsenal located on the territory of foggy albion, but...
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these days this mournful date is being celebrated, so we want to talk about how it turns out that was clearly accepted and designated several decades ago as an absolute evil, now it is not, and there are several different options, let’s start with this one: formally in the west, of course, in the united states, probably in europe in to a greater extent, but... no one supports nazism, it seems like they don’t even justify it, there are serious articles of the law for violating these rules, but nevertheless, if we take ukrainian examples, where, well, at least nazi
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symbols it’s just rushing out of all the cracks, including on the territory of europe, because all sorts of ukrainian refugees and partners are being brought there.
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according to the french press, among the military personnel of the armed forces of ukraine sent to france for training, there are many outright nazis. on social networks these people hang out, post photos against the backdrop of portraits of hitler, many have tattoos with ss symbols. according to journalists, western politicians are deliberately trying not to notice this. in ukraine. there is a lot going on that we don’t talk about, this concerns the history of ukraine of the azov battalion, which is financed by the united states and nato. in the photographs they are holding nato and swastika flags at the same time. they use the nazi ss emblem. everywhere in the ukrainian army you can see this emblem of their cult.
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nazi symbols with ukraine are increasingly being demonstrated in european cities. here footage of a recent concert by an escapee from russia for agent homs in valencia, spain. in the crowd of spectators there is a flag of the prohibited azov with nazi slogans, the artist himself, who supposedly stands for peace, jumps around the stage in a t-shirt with terrorist symbols. another well-known fan of the ukranazis is former british prime minister boris johnson. at the end of may , he met with azov terrorists in london, proudly posed with them, holding their flag in his hands, and later gave a fiery speech. azov brigade, heroes fighting for their hearts and their homes. you are fighting for the very idea of ​​democracy.
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huge, which means that the german columns in shiny helmets will draw an eagle, they will draw a swastika, they will draw hitler, they think that this will give them some kind of strength, they say, as they beat, it means they are soviets, so we will be, well, wait, there seemed to be an ending not at all, not if they need, wait, if they need some kind of role model. well, they would have taken some i don’t know vikings there, too, they’re fighting there, you know , any of this ideology is a set, it’s literally a salad, it’s the zaporozhye sich, it’s petliura, it’s bandera, these are the nazis, this is who, plus they also see how popular on our side, for example, soviet symbols, yes, they understand that this annoys us, it literally infuriates us, it infuriates us, that’s why they are ready to paint swasikas, crosses and so on , and the second important aspect concerns the west.
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and over time, this memory becomes less and less alive, as you understand, now no one in the monuments in the museum, in the exhibition, in the library causes horror, for example, the busts of napoleon, which many russians even have officials, napoleon is considered a respected figure, and those people whose relatives died from napoleonic soldiers, i think, of course, would not have approved of this, he himself...
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so he drew a swastika in a notebook and they summon me to the principal at school, as if something to say that he did such and such, in
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general, that is, people really don’t always understand how disastrous and evil this one, this legacy, evil really is, and given that we are approaching this horizon of memory, indeed , we see how these symbols are legalized, now glory to ukraine to us - this is not the slogan of the nazis, but of some heroic fighters, the swastika is also now the slogan of these heroic so-called fighters, in general, not with us, with them, well, in the sense that we have humanity. and they will not ban openly neo-nazi organizations in the united states, because
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they supposedly have freedom of speech there, so as long as they are not committing some kind of crime, please, yes. so, let’s understand what ’s going on, exactly the following is happening, and it didn’t start today, for the west, support for this fascism, neo-nazism, ukrainian bottling is instrumental in nature, yes, we understand this perfectly well, that is, they do not promote the ideas of fascism, nazism, it’s just for the people, they are now who are western western leaders, western leaders, it didn’t start today, if we look at history, then forgive me, all these gunka and other comrades are not easy. this is how they ended up in canada, great britain and other european countries because they are the backbone of these ukrainian diasporas, which are very firmly they work with political circles in everything in western countries, they have representation, they lobby, for example, in congress they have their own, their own representatives, that is, this whole system, like countering the ussr after there, that means forty-five, accordingly, it
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was built and was in the west, just when the conflict began in ukraine, all these people. the memory of the war is of great value and it is being promoted, and these generations have passed there, moreover, guys, colleagues, we have some european leaders, they have ancestors they fought on the other side, not because they support them, but because it’s just unpleasant for them, they need all this, so now we won’t talk about our ancestors, we ’ve already talked about our ancestors, now we ’ll look in a slightly different, slightly different direction,
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it was difficult to imagine these european leaders even there 20-30 years ago...
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miloni’s fighting spirit scares many people, she opposes abortion, immigration, lgbt and gender ideology, and her subordinate, deputy minister for infrastructure, echoes her grandfather’s covenant not only in word, but and business. for several years now , a photograph has been circulating in which he poses in a black shirt with a nazi swastika on his arm. and the head of the italian senate once proudly showed journalists a collection of busts of benito mussolini. however, amilonia herself is an ally of such people who have forgotten about decency. distances herself and even sued the musicians from the group “plassiba” for calling her a nazi at a concert. georgia mironi. accusations of nazism against the german right will no longer surprise anyone. the alternative for germany party is constantly
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check. recently they were looking for connections with right-wing extremists; politicians allegedly secretly discussed plans with them. islam is destroying us, the islamization of the netherlands is not an improvement, it is a regression in every possible area. we have brought this islamic
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culture into the streets, on the beach, in the cinema, during evening shopping, on trams everywhere. we suffer from this everywhere in the netherlands. stop this politically correct talk, wake up and free us from islam. in such an environment , even those who are considered begin to speak like nazis. gevorevich, what happened in the world that all these people stopped being shy? base, the war has begun in ukraine, and it has become possible to support
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the nazis if these nazis are at war with russia and are ready to kill russians. wilders, this is the funniest story, if the word funny is appropriate here, that is, when there is, well , just overt nazism, no one sees anything, that’s when something like this begins.
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because if you release, others will come there. there should be left and right center in the political spectrum. in the same germany, throughout europe the situation turned out to be moronic. all the right
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began to move to the center. and there, when you read the program of the cdu, the sdp and the sdp there is practically no difference. and therefore , the emergence of the same adh is logical. who made up more than 50% of the adc functionaries? ex-fdu, yes, whoever votes for them is the one who previously voted for the cdu, and the same for everyone else, there, through persistent democratization, liberalization, all the parties were brought together to the centrist ones, as a result it turned out that there is no one except the centrists, but there is a request for a right-wing conservative idea, there is one, and the adg, they simply became, occupied this flank, which was previously occupied by the cdu, he said that he had certain ones, there too, mother , i’m not upset, everything was fine, but it is clear that conservatives are needed and needed the left, that’s why the cdu arises, the fact that they are declared fascists
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is an absolutely normal situation, because... their political opponents call them names, but nevertheless, this is how i imagine it, it means those people who, well, sincerely want both - to show, well, yes, yes, yes, these are the ones who are climbing to the right flank, it’s just that when giorgia miloni says that we must, as she once said, there is self-identity, this is climbing to the right flank, if there is also an empty place there.
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i emphasize the word extremist radical extremists, that is, a fascist movement of its own ideology, it is extremist, no problems, everything is clear, accordingly, if any party begins to come out with fascist ideas, then it immediately falls into the category of extremist, it is prohibited, but hits eastern europe, in eastern europe everything is completely different, because in eastern europe there is one small feature, our allies, whom we saw very well at the d-day landing celebration, who did they defeat? nazi germany. they defeated the vichy government in france, so no one will revive the vichy government, no one will revive the national samlang from norway or the national unity from holland, no one will. but, for example, they did not defeat the croatian ustasha party.
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and they didn't win. and they didn’t defeat bandera, they are, it’s the soviet union there, it was he who won there, and the baltic republics, they have nothing to do with them, in the baltic republic there are not only cabartionists, in the baltic republic there are also fascist regimes of the interwar period, in poland there are also pelsudsky’s regime, oh so fascist, that’s why it’s theirs, no one defeated them, the soviet union fought with them, so what’s this, this is national identity, just to your question,
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actually didn’t object to them, but accepted them warnings are not serious. moreover, i called it populism, and then no one has been saying for a long time that the right turn, let’s call it that, is absolutely inevitable, well, first of all, because history does not have many options, and after left domination, leftism, let's call it,
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separate overton windows, in 1912 , in spanish, catalan, by the way, in barcelona and valencia, antique shops, souvenir shops, i saw a lot of symbols of the blue division and hitler and
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whatever, well, no one it's not particularly worried, so we stand objectively before the european turn to the right. when in what forms it will take place, no one knows, but the fact that it began - the last elections, so, bogdanich, after a pause, so that we do not stop you mid-sentence, now we will take a short break. this story is compiled from many testimonies of real people. tomorrow, the day of remembrance and sorrow. after 80 years of silence, they themselves talk about what happened here. instead of karl marx street, perlin schrass, instead of peace, war. before there were 560 of us in the camp, only
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six survived. the germans kept the hairdresser for fun, put him against the wall, and shot him around the head with a pistol. they amused themselves by harnessing prisoners to a wheelbarrow and driving them along the fence. the german hit his left shoulder and spoke. “take me away from here, i have no more blood, and they are taking everything. silence of sylvia, gatchina, premiere of the documentary film. in the picturesque palace park of sylvie, where lilacs bloomed several months ago, corpses were dumped in mass graves. tomorrow at 23:00 on ntv. capital punishment, premiere,
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the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. we continue, and this part, let's start with ukrainian oddities. the head of terrorist zelensky's office, andriy ermak, gave an interview to the agency, bloomberg. yes, sorry, i'm looking at you in the wrong place. one interview with bloomberg. after the failure of the conference in switzerland, the official said that kiev. ready to begin negotiations with russia, moreover, to invite moscow to the next peace conference, but all this looks extremely strange. let's take a closer look at all this. the new meeting, as yermak says, will be held to develop proposals for future peace negotiations. they want to call a russian representative for her. the new plan will supposedly be developed taking into account the wishes of all parties. it’s very strange that iermac says this. he assures that the next summit will become more representative and even... will put an end to the war, however,
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the official does not specify the time or place of future negotiations. on the strangeness does not end there, because the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, mr. kuleba, has also begun to stir, to such an extent that he is already proposing to hold a meeting in the russia-ukraine-turkey format, remember, there was such a black sea initiative, that is, at least with intermediaries, but kuleba says that kiev can talk to us, we have very successful negotiation experience. russia, the agreement looked like a document signed between un turkey and ukraine, as well as un turkey and russia. however, it is necessary understand what all this talk about readiness to start some conversations is worth. the head of the ukrainian ministry of internal affairs, igor klimenko, says that no demobilization in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine can be expected...
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several years ago, about six years there at the dawn of the program, if you have been watching all this time, then remember, here sometimes it came to fights there and in general everything is somehow very years of training you answer, not really, i’m just in...
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in 1940, the comedian released a two-hour film called the great dictator. the film made a splash in the usa and europe, but was banned in countries that were nazi sympathizers. if chaplin during filming did not yet know what monstrous crimes the fuhrer was capable of, today it is written about in all history books. nevertheless, in the west, hitler... turned into a comic character. social networks are littered with various memes about hitler. tiktok users, for example, organize dances in a recognizable image with a mustache in a military uniform. exploits the image of hitler in modern animation. several years ago,
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the animated comedy “love, death, robots." in one of the episodes, the viewer was shown alternative options for the death of the fuhrer. he died in a brawl near the academy of fine arts. more than once, the nazi leader was ridiculed in the famous south park. in several episodes , hitler appeared as a historical figure, terrifying the residents of the town. but, for example, in the image of the fuhrer, one of the main characters of the cartoon, hitler seemed to possess him. drawn by marker musami. but here are american comics about hitler in the form of a so -called hipster who loves to ride a bicycle and eat cashew nuts. along with the fuhrer, his faithful friends,
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goebbels, himmler and gerring, appeared in the comic. they fight and party in drinking establishments. i desaturated my photo on the cover a little more. this is ridiculing fascism so that everyone can see its negative sides, on the other hand, maybe on the contrary, all these funny hitlers are so that, listen, there’s nothing wrong with blurring the idea, you know, that’s how to treat it,
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i agree with that, you just took it out of the language, in principle, what happened during the war is satire, it’s an attempt to figure out the enemy, to make him not so scary, after all, in reality, for many this is hitler. they were just trembling, really, they were dying, you say there is satire and so on, you know, i ’ll tell you a funny historical incident, unexpectedly, a german march passed through one of the canadian cities, german stormtroopers are coming, everyone says that now it’s captured germany, this is part, this is part of the reich, now this is with a certain name there, i don’t remember the duchy of such and such there and so on, then a few hours later, by the end of the day they explained that you know, it was just like that here is a re-enactment so that... you understand how scary it is, here is germany, hitler and so on, but during these hours, it turned out that local residents, many had already started scribbling denunciations to this actor, where the jews live there and so on, here this one, yes, he is bad, yes.
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seasons, they are all kinds of dystopias this is an animated series, they show several of them, that is, in different animated ways they raise all sorts of different problems, some more successful cartoons, less successful cartoons, so a person watches, anyway, hitler is a scoundrel here, but he ridicules him, he no, but he is a scoundrel, he is bad. the west produces a sufficient number of serious films, and even recently relatively about the second world war, then there are in parallel such, well, listen, a famous group, the kukryniyets, yes yes, but here their cartoons,
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we thank them and change the subject. don't miss
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central television, the first information show about events. people of the week. the west has named the new secretary general of nato. what is jenz stoltenberg's successor known for, besides the fact that he likes to wear high heels. who does the western military alliance want to scare with its bare ass and how this castling can affect the course of the ukrainian conflict. paranormal investigation, how magic really works, what real abilities clairvoyant psychics have, why scientists don’t they are always ready to tell the truth about this, and the carriers of paranormal abilities themselves do not burn. desire to know this truth, it will be on your central television, tomorrow at 19:00 on ntv. point zero. the final. today at 22:20 on ntv. pentalgin - remedies against different types of pain. pintalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentelgin, we can do without pain.
2:53 pm
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the main feature of modern youth is flexibility, yes, uncle dim, you didn’t forget about the casting that i arranged for you, in any case, if i’m brushing my teeth, i’m already dressed, it means i forgot about the casting, i’m late, and if i ’m late, it means i take a scooter, and if i took a scooter, it means i transferred unused communication minutes to this trip, if everyone leaves there upset, it means no one has been given the role yet, artyom, well, let’s finally, sincerely... cool tariff, there ’s music, but what will you do if they don’t give the role? well, i’ll rehearse more, and i’ll transfer the remaining gigabytes to the next month; if they give him the role, he’ll still transfer the gigabytes, because he’ll be rehearsing. the new tariff 24 is as much as 30 gigabytes of internet that can be carried over to the next month, communication minutes that can be
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strategic partnership agreement. nato countries have begun consultations. from russia for the sake of establishing peace. data from a kiev sociological survey: should they be trusted ? will the us allow kiev to make such a compromise? watch today on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything it becomes clear. we continue. i want to remind you, dear friends, that next friday.
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here i am, on june 29, waiting for you in st. petersburg at the troitsk cultural center, now we want to talk about health, i generally noted, i don’t know if my colleagues paid attention to this or not, that we are talking about several programs in general. the link to the operational services provides the latest reports: 37 victims, their number has increased, apparently people went to hospitals, among them six children, and two deaths are also reported. first
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the victim of the disaster is a muscovite who was crushed by a tree near dubki park, in the north of the capital, the second man was buried in the city center by fallen scaffolding, to take shelter from a ten-force storm, the city authorities asked in advance, parks and recreation areas were closed, in these frames... you can see how edgar is approaching moscow, a hailstorm hit the city, a squally wind gusted up to 23 m/s. the wind was so strong that it tore off metal shields, knocked down cars and even carried away people, because yes, moscow rescuers rescued sorison pond, a woman who was literally blown into the pond by gusts of wind, the woman was later hospitalized. according to the latest data, the hurricane knocked down more than a thousand trees in the capital and damaged 600 cars. well, let's look at the footage from saudi arabia,
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because the weather there is also fierce, due to the abnormal heat, more than a thousand people have died there, the french agency francepress shares this data, people wrapped in sheets, well, heavy footage is lying right on the street , the tragedy happened during hajj, this is an annual... so, well, now let’s try further about health and safety, as you say, from different sides, which side is today, we decided to remember the coronavirus, why is it, you ask, because it seems like according to official data there has been no epidemic in the world
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for more than a year, but mm, firstly, deaths continue, which seem to be related to the consequences of covid, but now western... doctors have begun to say that it’s probably not really covid after all, these are the deaths today causes, and the side effects from western vaccination, there was just such a wave of appeals to the courts, they are starting to sue two companies that had quite high-profile pr events to distribute their vaccines, these are astra-zeneca and fizer. the number of lawsuits is already in the hundreds, and there is a lot of money in different countries, that is, people suddenly show their dissatisfaction with the fact that they were once injected with these western
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vaccines, in general, some kind of incomprehensible wave is going on again . let's watch the first story: now in the high court of london more than fifty lawsuits for more than 100 million dollars are being considered against the pharmaceutical company astra-zeneca. british. she is accused of hiding side effects from the covid vaccine. amid numerous claims, astrazeneca last spring admitted for the first time that its coronavirus vaccine could actually cause tramperemia.
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according to the athlete, 2 years ago, after receiving the third vaccination, he suffered from pericarditis, an inflammation of the lining of the heart. after numerous examinations, doctors confirmed that the effect on bakina’s body provided vaccine components. due to health problems, the biathlete could not train fully for 2 years. a few days after the third dose, i felt increasing pain, as if someone had punched my heart. in the following months the situation worsened, i would.
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they kept silent about possible side effects and were not completely honest. and canadian doctor william mckees, having studied the side effects of the fiizer vaccine, claims that athletes around the world are developing testicular cancer as a side effect after vaccination. spiny the vaccine protein is localized in the testicles and the higher the physical activity, the faster the blood flow and, as a result, the development of the disease. late stage cancer with metastases was observed in athletes after 2 months.
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about side effects, this is guaranteed to accompany the use of any medicine, always no, no, well, in general, of course, with any medicine there are complications, this is understandable, but here we are talking about specific complications that we have not heard about before, i’ll start with cancer, cancer completely unusual, we didn’t know anything about them before, fast growing, just athletes - this is a certain group that apparently was well examined by young people.
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the question is, where do you get your confidence, connecting, listing a list of diseases, well, simply, just understand, there was some kind of life going on with the person besides the injection ; i had never seen such tumors, and oncologists had never seen them, they all say such things.
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once again, a tumor, it has always been and is, but tumors have changed their character, these are tumors that arise in the wrong groups, grow quickly, metastasize very quickly, so it has never happened before that in the space of a month a person who is absolutely healthy suddenly has the fourth stage with germination everywhere, but how has this not happened, well then you are somehow a question of making a statement. a little bit, probably more than yours, let’s not have experience, as they say, but global knowledge, yes, our experience, yours, my experience is nothing compared to evidence-based medicine, the experience of thousands, what you say, evidence-based medicine already, i’m wildly sorry ,
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now at the moment there are no new tumors, as far as i know, some periodicals are ours or foreign ones, more moreover, any tumor unfortunately. meets, here is what a respected colleague says, that the person was absolutely healthy, firstly, we don’t have people who undergo a full check-up every month, healthy or unhealthy, but the question is good, but i ’ll ask you differently then, and from your own experience, you can do something, maybe you noticed some changes in the condition of people who received these vaccinations, here is some kind of side effect, maybe unexpected during covid, if you remember when.. .research
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that would be some kind of cancer tied to the vaccine, something else, yeah, that is, yes, it is here, here are the footage that you showed. this is all from the field of evidence-based medicine, it is known, yes, i haven’t seen this about cancer, well, they showed you the group, if you remember, when this whole story, they recalled their vaccine, this is a few months after , in fact, they are now they are recalling it, that’s what they, what they are recalling is the understanding that they themselves saw that this would be a side effect, they understood that this would be a side effect, but the time was such, well, make money it was necessary, they released me. the vaccine is being tested, remember it was tested by 30,000 people, i’m sorry, a short remark, i’ll say a terrible thing, you know that
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aspirin is being recalled, literally 10 years ago they were recalling, it would seem that everyone knows everything about aspirin, the buyer recalled aspirin, it’s just normal, can you mix something there, georgy khristovich, please, you said, another reason was oxford. we just all concentrated on the onological direction, he says, no, no,
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wait a second, no, not only oncological direction, this question was just raised regarding thrombosis, there is a systematic review that analyzed the frequency of thrombosis on average in the population, the frequency of thrombosis after vaccination, the frequency of thrombosis after covid-19, depending on the vaccines used, generally none for some vaccines, in particular fizer. it was for pfizer that a slight increase in the frequency of thrombosis was observed, higher than the average in the population, but significantly less than compared to covid-19, where the frequency of thrombosis after the disease remained 50 weeks, and how can we do this, take it again , explain to me a fool, figure out, yes, that a person was vaccinated, after that he appeared, i know a person who appeared within a year, he experienced problems.
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adults without chronic somatic diseases, there are adults with serious diseases who are at risk, in particular, pavel andreevich vorobev and his colleagues were the first in the world to show that the use of anticoagulants actually saves patients and began to actively use them, russia is one of was first used to treat patients with covid-19 because it was shown to trigger the virus.
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yes, acute and remote, as for coronavirus infection, vaccination, doctors usually don’t talk about themselves, but i’ll tell you about myself, i was sick, quite seriously, i was in intensive care, then i did it because i had to go to a conference, qr code , the light satellite had no problems at all, didn’t experience anything, time passed, march, april, in may i had to go to london for a conference that was pre-planned, well... there with they didn’t allow a companion, only fizer was required, i went to tbilisi, in georgia, had
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fizer there, and i’ve lived for a long time, and i’m a good doctor, sorry, i couldn’t describe the condition that i experienced for 5 days, i just can’t describe after vaccination with fizer and similar clinical situations, i observed a similar clinical picture after vaccination, i am a practicing doctor every day. here is the immune response at the heart of everything the immune
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response there are a lot of complications after vaccination and after the covid disease, primarily in women thyroid gland autoimmuterroid a lot of them have arisen, of course, forgive me , no such cancers, no, i don’t see them, your scientific. there are a lot of problems from the intestines, so why did you say 5 days, you can’t even describe how you feel, in your opinion, that the vaccine was of poor quality, or excuse me, some peculiarities of your body, there was such a reaction, i am, of course , special, but i didn’t have any reaction to the light satellite, which i’m good, well, it’s also not an easy, not an easy vaccine, in general, there are no simple vaccines, this, well, this was a tough vaccine.
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and accordingly, the group of developers of the satellite vaccine, they used vaccination on themselves before it was industrially scaled, did they take this risk? i come from that institute, i am also aware of some points, they did this precisely so that none of the developers would get sick and no one would get sick, moreover, if we were talking about pregnant women, well , just by the way, yeah.
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this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue more quietly, our medical discussion continued, here everything is paused. we will now try not to go deeper into the medical topic itself, but to look at... interesting organizational details of how this vaccination in the west with fizer and astrazeneca happened, a lot of interesting things come up there, how one vaccine was promoted and another was pushed, who negotiated with whom, what contracts, very interesting contracts were concluded, this is in our material. the reuters agency recently released a real sensation, allegedly in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, the pentagon launched a secret program to discredit the chinese vaccine sinovac, for this purpose the american one. used bots on social networks, which wrote on behalf of real people, gossip and negative comments, for example, that the chinese vaccine supposedly contains pork gelatin, and muslims
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should absolutely not be injected with it, or another thesis: the virus came from china, which means the vaccine should not be trusted. the united states spreads false information, poisons the environment of public opinion and spoils the image of other countries by manipulating social networks. this is their consistent practice. and here. on the contrary, the american vaccine has mastered the global market suspiciously quickly, and now a trial is beginning in belgium, in which the head of the european commission is involved ursula fonder and fizer ceo albert bourla. they are accused of violations when concluding a contract for the purchase of vaccines for the european union worth 35 billion euros. it turned out that the drug began to be purchased even before all the trials were completed, and the deal itself, as the new york times writes, was agreed upon via sms. was fizer's covid-19 vaccine tested to stop transmission of the virus before it came to market? no, we really had to move quickly
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to understand what was happening in the market with this point of view, we had to do everything at the risk of our lives. moreover, it turned out that the agreement was signed immediately until 2027, every european would have to inject themselves with five to 10 doses. due to an oversupply of vaccines, europeans have already destroyed more. 200 million doses, costing 4 billion euros, it is impossible to break the contract, the vaccine will continue to be purchased, and there are more and more questions for fondern, who approved such a scheme. this means that she bought 10 doses of vaccines for every eu citizen. these contracts are still not fully published for the public and members of the european parliament. and recently a portion of revelations was given by the former chief sanitary officer of the united states. he admitted that vaccinations are effective. at the beginning of covid, it was not fully studied, and the rules of conduct during a pandemic had no scientific basis. your science is shown perfectly in this photo: children, children at school
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are wearing plastic bubbles because of your disgusting evil science. we didn't know this from the very beginning; at the beginning it was thought that this actually prevented infection hence transmission of infection, but over time it has been proven that this effect is not long-lasting. contracts, yes, for a long time, no one understood, the answer to this will be that it is better to overdo it than to do something at least somehow, well, yes, the agreement was not to finish something, well , no one here will believe in the nobility of the pentagon, guys they work for big money, for big politics, look, on the one hand, of course we all remember those times, hysteria.
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where i absolutely, for example, understand the leadership of the european union if it purchases 10 vaccines for people, taking into account all the fairy tales that were circulating that the coronavirus had been with us there for almost a generation, there were such conversations, so they had to hedge their bets, but the problem is that initially this whole story with vaccination had a much larger , excuse me, the political and economic component, rather than the medical component, because there was a global vaccine race and... the americans had to push fizer not only to foreign markets, but to make sure that their market was filled exclusively with the correct democratic vaccine fizer, so that there is no place for either the russian vaccine or the chinese vaccine, because if it suddenly turns out that the russian vaccine is becoming more widespread or the chinese one than the american one, it means that democratic countries are scientifically lagging behind the evil regimes of xi and putin, this is unacceptable , there was
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no way to do that... therefore, pfizer, firstly, was in a hurry to occupy the market, which it actually did, and secondly, pfizer received complete, total absolute support from government authorities and propaganda the united states and, accordingly , the european union, which ultimately led to the massive distribution of an unfinished vaccine and now to massive lawsuits, because after all, the legal structure in the west, especially in the united states, is like the authorities who are so active.
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let me remind you that it was due to covid and the hysteria around covid that trump was brought down in 2020, and trump can naturally bring up that story, say that it was a politicized whole story, maybe because his adviser is now saying, yes, i just said that about 6 feet, this occurred to me, this is of his advisory significance, therefore, purely theoretically, and for political reasons, again only for political reasons, they can be held accountable,
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and well... one small remark, very often, i heard throughout the plot is that such bad pharmaceutical companies were not fully studied, they merged with officials, they poisoned everyone, otherwise everything would have been fine, maybe they wouldn’t have poisoned them, they just made good money, yes they made money, well, that’s not the point, but on fears, let's remember it wasn't effective medicine in general, everyone was really terrified, but this is not so, this is true, i just told you, 0.3% mortality from covid. with the timely use of anti-coagulant, i don’t know, our entire system was overwhelmed with patients, they came with 50%, that’s right, because this is a new disease, if the disease is unknown, where do i get the medicine from, the question is that then the vaccination really went wrong, maybe how it was necessary, based on the logic of these comrades, who said there, let us wait, wait 50 years, that’s right, if only they had studied it long ago, everything would have gone away by now, just
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one thing. it’s like they officially announced to us that the epidemic is over, yes, well , listen, this guy whose name is impossible to pronounce, and if, no matter for what reason, some mistakes were made, erroneous measures were taken there, right now in peacetime, we need to figure out where the mistake was, we need to find those to blame, if there are any. so as not to repeat this in the future, so as not to repeat it, i absolutely agree with you, look for the extreme ones now - this is extremely dangerous, because when such a situation happens again, looking at the fact that someone once tried to save him and then he was made extreme.
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it is immediately shown, remember, the north of italy, spain, great britain, sweden, everything was fine there in general, without the exception of the elderly in nursing homes, belgium, okay, ecuador, i can list and list, in some countries the mortality rate reached what current figures, it reached 10-12%, you immediately talked about this here every week.
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aspect, and you say that this is just economic and financial aspect, this is a phobia, there was a phobia, of course, because this is an unprecedented pandemic, which had no equal, the properties of a virus that was constantly mutating, which, accordingly, what happened in 2021 changed the general understanding of possible pandemic viruses, when all layers of society began to get sick, children who were not sick also began to get sick and became seriously ill, we are now...
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but i’m not, he says that there will be a new epidemic very soon, and that then everything will happen again, this is how from 19 to 20 the second year the twenty-third is almost, for some reason i don’t really want this, a short pause, nastya and zhanna, mystical coincidences, everything was so close, life was on the wall, you think.
3:37 pm
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popular theory was throughout all these years that this was all a man-made story, the only question was that it happened by accident, or it happened in violation, someone brought out this crap and therefore threw it into the masses , until we give an answer to this question, and there is no understanding of our further actions - with the next epidemic, some kind of garbage will definitely happen, of course, we don’t want it at all, but it won’t happen, some kind of epidemic will definitely break out , here in siberia the health care organization is already saying that we must prepare for it, but how to prepare if we don’t know what happened last time, well, let’s see the story, last year the us department of energy, which controls the work of all biological laboratories in the country, reported that the coronavirus still exists could have been artificial , he allegedly vomited. from the wuhan laboratory
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, the chinese are to blame for this, of course, this version was put forward by the fbi 2 years ago, accusing china of playing with viruses in the search for new biological weapons, in beijing all the accusations rejected. experts from china and the who have concluded that a leak from a laboratory in wuhan is extremely unlikely. it is necessary to stop discrediting beijing and politicizing the issue of the origin of the coronavirus. it is curious that before open accusations against beijing.
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and a modified version of a natural pathogen, but the us senate recently admitted that they knew about experiments with coronavirus. the americans even financed them themselves. from the very first day of the pandemic, the us chief infectious disease specialist fauci was in cahoots with virologists to hide his involvement in funding of the bukhane laboratory. he was the advocate and chief lobbyist for these experiments. and he knew that in the event of a leak, the blame for the pandemic would also be on him. against this background, there are more and more conspiracy theories that globalists are preparing a new artificial pandemic. british scientist bill maguire directly stated that a deadly infection that could sharply reduce the planet's population could successfully solve the problem of global warming. and the wall street journal argues that world war iii
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will be fought with the help of viruses like covid. the world health organization is preparing everyone for a new pandemic. the deep scars that covid-19 has left on our world should serve as a constant reminder of the possibility of new viruses emerging with devastating consequences. we have a responsibility to draw on and expand our experiences, learn lessons, and transform suffering into meaningful and lasting change for the sake of those we have lost. alexander nikhailovich, we haven’t made any progress in understanding what the reason for the appearance was, well, you you know, we haven’t given up at all and we won’t give up.
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you can find a repertoire of coronaviruses that will cover all this atypicality and possible overlap. alexander nikolovich, that is , knowing whether covid is man-made or covid is natural does not give us any advantages in preparing for the next pandemics at all. in any case, this is not a fundamental advantage, because it is not fundamental if you know the enemy by sight? is it easy to direct
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the bullet? i've said it many times in 2017.
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respectively, the vector that was studied and the situation was modeled with, respectively with coronavirus infection, it was compared with what is in wuhan, these are completely two different viruses, modeling, these experiments with viruses, they are carried out precisely in order to study the effectiveness of drugs, new vaccines, this is a normal situation, moreover, at sars covid-2, which is homologous since 2002, its genetic structure is shown.
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our symposium goes like this, as i imagine, it’s always as simple as the number of specialists.
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child, daughter yuri. i haven't dated anyone before. why did you remain silent about this for 5 years? because i didn’t want to communicate with you and not
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with your mother. even when she was born, she immediately said that she was yura, a hopian. i open the envelope. dna, today at 16:50 on ntv. the highest measure. premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv. remember what it says to you. when you decided to open a business, bionic prostheses, it’s very difficult, but you didn’t listen, because you ’re doing everything wrong, continue, send all payments and transfers without commission, open a business account in alfabank, alfabank is the best bank for business, in the application cashback is more than daily, we’ll find where to stay and close the loan. it's like a holiday and te-bank gives you a great gift, money. apply for a loan at tebank before the end of june, make all payments on time and we
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technology into live communication, only here you can change your name without betraying yourself, remaining yourself in a country on which the sun never sets. t-bank, he is the only one. the final. today at 22:20 on ntv. cutting a tree is long, exhausting and difficult, especially if you are far from home. the world of fair prices is presented to you. cordless chain saw forever, trimming boards, trimming branches, clearing bushes, this is not a complete list of the jobs it is capable of. the century minisaw is an indispensable assistant in construction, repair, work on personal plots, caring for trees and shrubs. the light weight and ergonomic shape of the handle allow you to use it for a long time without feeling tired or discomfort. a special casing provides additional
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protection when working in hard-to- reach places. space. the electric motor with copper winding has quite high power for such a small thing. this saw's chain has been designed to cut wood quickly, smoothly, and with the least amount of energy required. call to order a cordless chain saw of the century and receive reliable and faithful assistant. alex is a fierce business of orphans. the final is today at 20:00 on ntv. ntv is the meeting place, so is it possible to prepare, really prepare well for the next pandemic? german georgievich, i think that as far as russia is concerned, of course, we are always ready, because we have a very strong virological and pediatric school, yes, when it comes to vaccination, we
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have preserved all this, all our good things and virological ones. why did you argue for an hour then that’s it, you’re all just like that now, we’re ready, always ready, we argued about methods, we are methods, i recently moved, and since when you move, you need to shake up all things one way or another, i went with gauze masks, that’s okay, i found about 10 masks in different jackets, in different ones, why, how they , in my opinion, they will remain intact after washing, but the main discovery for me was, excuse me for this detail, the drawer where my panties
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are, there’s a whole one in the distance... it still happened to all of us several years ago, we’ll hope that if something like this happens again, it won’t be on such a scale, and that situation can be illustrated by an old short story, it means that a doctor is sitting in the office conducting... an appointment there , writing something like that, suddenly the door opens, bursts into the patient’s office and shouts: doctor, doctor, what is this, where? oh my god, what is this with you, it was a meeting place that cannot be changed, 14:00 weekday ntv, goodbye.
4:00 pm
we will strengthen the potential and increase the combat capabilities of all types of armed forces and branches of the military. the supreme commander-in-chief met with graduates of higher military educational institutions. like the tankers of the southern groups of troops liberate krasnogorovka , how do the formidable terminators help them? ilya ushenin will talk about this. to beat further the building , the politician claims that the condition set by washington for ukraine to use american weapons to a limited extent. territories trick new secretary general, why mark rutte, who should be confirmed as head of nato in july, is called the trump charmer, our affairs are bad on all fronts,
4:01 pm
the outgoing rishi sunok, a lame duck or a black sheep.


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