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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 21, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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words of congratulations on vladimir putin's statement on the security of our country. details of the president's meeting with graduates of military universities. in the report by pavel rybalchenko. ilya usheninin will tell you about how the tankers of the southern group of troops liberate krasnogorovka, in which they are helped by the formidable terminators. a vigil of memory at the legendary terbunsky border in the lipetsk region gave the last military honors to the fallen heroes of the great patriotic war. report by olga chernova. russia is preparing a new national project to develop funds production and automation. head of government mikhail mishustin spoke about this during a visit to moscow state technological university. what else
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did the example with students and teachers in inna osipova’s report talk about? sergei lavrov in kazakhstan took part in the council of the csto foreign ministers. how the members of the association see the future of the alliance and what other topics the ministers managed to discuss. edmund zhelbunov followed the negotiations. outgoing sunk, lame duck or black sheep, to whom do the british compare him? voters. elizaveta gerson talks about this. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this is the program today and its presenters are elmira khindieva and vladimir chernyshov. russia will comprehensively improve. forces to develop the nuclear
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triad and increase the combat potential of all types and branches of the military. this was stated today by vladimir putin at a meeting with the best graduates of universities of the ministry of defense and other law enforcement agencies. according to tradition, they took part in the st. george hall of the kremlin. addressing young officers, vladimir putin emphasized that now the country’s defense capability directly depends on them. and the state will supply the army with high-tech weapons and the latest military equipment. the minister of defense also spoke and said that in the special operation zone, russian units have the initiative along the entire front line. pavel rabalchenko more details. officers' stars on ceremonial uniforms. surely each of the 350 invited military personnel prepared for this day with special trepidation. traditionally, graduates of military universities gather in the st. george hall of the kremlin. according to the president, one of the symbols and guardians of the military glory of the fatherland.
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the legendary traditions of our military school were tempered, and those qualities were formed that have always distinguished our soldiers from privates to marshals. this is love for the motherland, unparalleled perseverance and courage. it was they who decided the outcome of battles and wars that more than once determined the fate of our fatherland. like unity, consolidation of our people, true unity of the front and rear. addressing the officer corps, vladimir putin assured the military that they will have food what to work with, both in the rear and on the front line. as a matter of priority, we will increase the supply of various types of unmanned aircraft systems, armored vehicles and high-precision weapons, strike aircraft, enemy detection and counter-battery systems to the troops on the front line, we will have communication control systems, we will. work on other
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modern high-tech weapons and equipment, which are now being mass-produced. our plans include further development of the nuclear triad, as guarantees of strategic deterrence of maintaining the balance of power in the world. of course, we will strengthen the potential, increase the combat capabilities of all types of armed forces and branches of the military, put on combat duty the pride of our designers, engineers, and workers with the latest systems that have confirmed their qualities, truly unique characteristics, and work on promising models. speaking about the security and sovereignty of russia, the president noted that the country’s leadership is doing a lot for this, not only increasing its military potential, but also by conducting a peaceful open dialogue with everyone who is ready for it. we are ready for a broad international discussion of these key, vital issues.
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history of our fatherland and its armed forces. we really count on you. the people of russia are closely watching every step of our army on the line of combat contact.
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i just heard the report of the chief of the general staff, i want to convey words of congratulations on his behalf and on all your comrades in arms who are doing this. their duty to their homeland on the line of combat contact. after the meeting, memorable photographs on vasilivsky spusk and walks around the center of the capital. all officers and graduates invited to the kremlin today have one thing in common: they graduated from their military universities with honors. we are siberians, we remain in siberia, and that is where we will be useful. we finished successfully, we were lucky, lucky to finish successfully to be here. among the graduates. young men and women, some of whom arrived at the celebration in the kremlin hand in hand, their hearts united by love, first for their homeland, and then for each other. we met at school for the first time we saw each other, then somehow bypassed each other, and then common affairs brought us together and we realized that this was love, here are graduates
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of military academies, the military academy of the general staff, that is, there will still be an opportunity to visit here. graduation ceremonies from military universities in june took place across the country, many of the military were at higher levels. in rank, but most of the cadets, just starting their combat career, received their first officer stars. pavel rybalchenko, alexander viktorov, marina gusarova, ntv television company. in the special military zone operations, the vostok troop groupings occupied more advantageous positions and liberated the village of zagornoye in the zaporozhye region. as the ministry of defense reported today, over the past week kiev has lost almost 14 thousand people and dozens of units in all key directions.
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foreign mercenaries. in the kharkov direction, a unit of the north group of forces supported the advance of our forces in podolchansky. there are now fierce battles for this city, which only subside closer to night, but at this time the calculations of heavy flamethrower systems of the sunshine do not allow ukrainian militants to rest and regroup with the support of reconnaissance drone operators. and... they reveal the strengthening of ukrainian nationalists and burn them to the ground. russian assault units broke through the militants' defenses in krasnogorovka, this is the donetsk direction of the special operation. now there are urban battles, the enemy is suffering heavy losses and is retreating to the outskirts. this attack
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took place in several stages; minefields had to be cleared and tactical cunning was used. ilya ushenin talked to those who went to krasnogorovka in the vanguard. 10, short briefing. before the battle from the commander, strict instructions on the vehicles and a sound that makes the heart beat, perhaps, of every tanker. tanks of the fifth brigade of the southern group of troops from... this is support for the offensive, but also direct cover for infantry groups that enter the village in armored vehicles, in
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fact there is a steel fist ahead, which is pushing through the enemy’s defenses, it feels like the enemy is soon ready to surrender, soon ready to surrender , and we feel like we are getting into the tank, doing the work, we we turn off feelings, emotions, just carry out the task itself, that is, you have already seen that they retreat and have seen, and every time we go deeper and deeper.
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but it's very difficult. in the neighboring direction , the attacking attack aircraft are assisted by the already legendary terminator tank support combat vehicles. the svo became a baptism of fire for them and they have already managed to prove themselves, including to the enemy, who, upon learning of their approach, tries to immediately flee from the position. this is actually a very unique car, very serious a weapon in skillful hands, you can perform miracles with it. this is what fear proves. opponents on the other side, when they hear or see that the t-2
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terminator bmp is leaving, as they sometimes call it, the witch has come out, but i consider us not a witch, but witchers, most likely, who instill horror at any time days. the footage filmed in the cockpit by one of the terminator crew members, firing from an aircraft cannon mounted on this vehicle, 900 rounds per minute, simply leaves no chance.
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entered the special operation zone the first vehicles of the artillery fire control complex are tablet a, they are capable of controlling the fire of almost all artillery systems that we have in service, but thanks to their mobility and increased autonomy , they can quickly change positions, which saves the lives of soldiers. however, the military personnel themselves on the front line are often better at modernizing weapons. as, for example, it happened with the famous barbecues going into mass production. sergei pekulin saw what else unusual the fighters came up with. in during their working hours they repair military equipment; during their free time, they are engaged in their own developments; a car mechanic and an electrician from the repair units of the vostok group decided to improve a tank machine gun. such a weapon can be installed in any position, more powerful and faster-firing than ... infantrymen, the installation itself was constructed from improvised means, the frame was welded from the metal of damaged captured
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equipment, an electric motor from a bmp-1 from the assembly line, a second electric motor from the ejector hatch from a tank, seventy deuces, all this was hooked onto the remote control, wiring was done, it was thrown, the whole installation had to be redone several times, at first it turned out to be too heavy, the electric motors were replaced, a lighter one was installed from the wipers... the truck was powered by batteries, broken screwdrivers, to increase firepower they decided to add another machine gun , it turned out to be a formidable weapon. from the gun, so that the person does not stand, does not look at the position, does not sit in a trench somewhere, but simply sits in a dugout protected, from
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the same drops, from drones of all that kind, despite the fact that modern technology.
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inspected the usuri and suvorov military schools. he checked the educational facilities and living conditions of the students. the deputy minister was shown an educational building with classes for studying exact sciences, classrooms for english and chinese, and suvorov students also learn to control drones in a new classroom, which is equipped with modern simulators. the school also has a workshop for weaving camouflage nets. their cadets are sent to the zone of a special military operation. together with the popular front, we also continue to collect for our fighters to support those who protect the population of donbass and novorosiya from the kiev regime. to join, just scan the qr code that you can see on your screens right now. in slovakia, a criminal case is being prepared against the country’s former leadership, prime minister heger and defense minister nagy, for providing military
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assistance to ukraine. they are accused of sabotage, abuse of power, violation of duties for... managing other people's property, we are talking about last year's delivery kiev and mig-29 fighters spare parts for them, which belonged to a russian company. the current slovak authorities claim that the shipment of this equipment was illegal, the government was already in resignation and had no right to make such important decisions. in addition, the then head of the defense department claimed that he had previously conducted a legal analysis confirming the legality of sending military equipment, but as it turned out.
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today in moscow, on the eve of the day of remembrance and sorrow, they launched an awareness-raising project about crimes of nazi germany against the population of the soviet union. at a press conference, the head of the national center for historical memory under the president , elena malysheva, said that during the war , the nazis and their accomplices killed 5 million prisoners of war and civilians in the occupied regions of russia, and this is not yet a complete figure; work under the project continues without a statute of limitations.
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a minute of silence at the terbunsky border memorial complex, the largest in the lipetsk region, erected in memory of the 3,000 red army soldiers who died a heroic death here. this legendary place was awarded the honorary title of frontier of military valor. today , search engines from several regions of russia and local residents of the young army, leaders of the region gathered at the memorial to solemnly bury the remains of twelve unknown heroes of the great patriotic war, found as part of the annual memorial watch. it is our sacred duty to make sure that there is no one left on the lists of missing persons whom we do not know how the person died, so that his relatives. descendants knew that we remember, this is especially important today when nazism is raising its head again when the so-called collective west is fighting against us,
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and we must remember our heroes. from july 6 to 7, 1942 , one of the largest tank battles took place in the krasnaya polyana ozerka region, 350 tanks entered the battle. historians call this battle the small prokhrovka. experts from the druzhin search team determined that he died.
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this numbness occurs that our grandfathers experienced. personal belongings of the soldiers were discovered during an expedition almost eight decades after the war. for the medal for military merits in the neunyvaki search party identified senior sergeant gennady vasilyevich boldarev, who died in battle at the terbunsky line. he was the commander of a machine gun company section of the 132nd infantry division. a native of the city of rubtsovsk, altai territory. his mother, evdokia nikifarovna, lived in kimerov, novosibirsk region, since april. three years ago, shooter bolderev was listed as missing, search engines are looking for the soldier’s relatives. it is necessary to preserve the memory of our ancestors who heroically defended
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our homeland, and i also come from nearby these places, semekh district, uh, where the battles also took place. the remains of four more dead soldiers were found near the village of vasilievko; based on the anthropological characteristics of the skull, search engines concluded that one of the dead was bashkir by nationality, according to the ministry of defense. among the four who went missing in the summer of forty-two after the battle for vasilyevka was a thirty-six-year-old red army soldier from ufa, khafizov. searchers hope to find his family. the number of soldier-officers reburied in the mass grave at the terbunsky memorial complex the milestone is growing every year. the names of most of them could not be established. exploration work at the legendary boundary is planned to continue. olga chernova, oleg zolotarev and andrey ostroverkhov, ntv television company, lipetsk region. now a short advertisement. next in our issue. russia is preparing a new national project for the development of means of production and automation. head of government mikhail mishustin spoke about this during a visit to the moscow state technological university stankin. what
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else did the example with students and teachers in inna osipova's report. sergei lavrov in kazakhstan took part in the council of the csto foreign ministers. how the members of the association see the future of the alliance and what other topics the ministers managed to discuss, edmund zelbunov followed the negotiations. on the one hand, this is an ozone bank card, with which you can receive cashback, on the other hand, you can pay for anything and receive goods for it for 1 ruble. millions of products are even more profitable and cashback up to 25% with an ozonbank card. real hunting is when the prey is almost in your hands, when the main one is right in front of you trophy from 20 million every 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win, 100 lotto.
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just profitable. profitable: have fun from your different self, fill the summer with bright looks at ozone, up to 70% discount on riofiora summer shoes. a loan with cashback from sber is even more opportunities, because every month you will be returned 2% of the rate with sber thank you bonuses. hurry up to get a loan with cashback, it’s more profitable in sberbank with prime. bailiffs, premiere. from monday to... laxative chewable tablets based on fruit. try something new. marmalade berries. just one at night for comfortable relief in the morning, without causing bloating cramps. for 135 years, in georgia on every the table is invariably busy. borjomi is
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a symbol of hospitality and kindness. borjomi helps you enjoy your favorite dishes and gives you a feeling of lightness after eating. open borjomi. enjoy, feel the lightness. pay less. peas, corn, global village 6490. delivery with a 25% discount from 30 minutes using the code in the pyaterochka application. pyaterochka helps out. the highest measure. premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv. this is the program today. we continue our release. in russia, it is necessary to restore competencies in the field of construction machinery step by step industries, including those of the soviet scientific school. prime minister mikhail mishustin announced this today
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during a visit to moscow. stankin state technological university, well , this is a special place for mishustin, it was there that he received his higher education, graduating from university in 1989, and also postgraduate school in 1992. today, the prime minister also said that everything must be done to ensure that the capabilities of young specialists and scientists are in demand and realized in industry. inna osipov, more details. there were hangars there. hangars, no, there were two tanks here.
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because the education, if you like, the philosophy of engineering training that was given here, was useful not only to me, but to many of our classmates, fellow students, for example dmitry nikolaevich chernyshenko, who also graduated from stankin, in many applications in different fields and sectors of the economy. today, moscow state technological university stanken unites four institutes and 27 departments, and training begins from school, for example, high school students already from with your projects. there are a lot of guys, children who have a penchant for design, who love, you know, construction sets used to be assembled, then lego appeared, we had our own soviet-made iron construction sets with bolts, yes, but there were guys who loved to assemble and puzzles to solve, it is
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imperative, of course, not just to encourage, but to show children the possibilities of later enrolling, including in universities such as stankin, advanced engineering schools, because technological industrial sovereignty - this is the basis, if you like. statehood, and the president constantly talks about this, we must do everything so that the younger generation chooses, including the engineering path, and this is the department of information technologies and computer systems, which trains advanced specialists in the field of it technologies, today they study here, for example, artificial intelligence, but the foundations of this course were laid decades ago. the institute has preserved several rare weighing machines, in particular this computer, and it is in working order, he for more than 40 years, in the eighties, when mikhail studied here. shustin, it was an advanced device, listen, this is it, it’s native, well, it’s not native, it’s not native, but that is, even then our specialists could open the ivm operating system and translate it into russian. today the country faces
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large-scale tasks in developing means of production and automation, including machine tool building and robotics. this will be a new national project, everything is important here, from the training of highly qualified personnel to the production base. they will be preparing here technologies. which will then be scaled up in real production so that this technological sovereignty can be ensured. in fact, we are largely rebuilding the tank-tool industry from scratch, well, we will do it and we will not let you down, because indeed the aircraft industry, mechanical engineering in general , is critically dependent on this industry, if we do not have our own machine tool industry, well, talk about some kind of independence and real technological it is almost impossible, the learning conditions are no less important, so students we asked how to... we will put it in order, moreover, we will build a new one for 600 places before the twenty-seventh year, regarding the funds, they are all pledged,
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today the company is starting to renovate all the dormitories, i know them very well, i lived there myself in a hostel for 2 years, this is necessarily part of such a judicial, it seems to me, even worldview, if you like. communicate with friends in the hostels, with comrades, there are many interesting meetings taking place there, including discussions , studying together, celebrating holidays, supporting each other, all this will happen made. in total , 1,300 dormitories have been renovated throughout the country over the past 3 years, and 800 are in the pipeline; new buildings are also being built; this issue is under the control of the government. inna osipova natalya barshchevskaya, ntv television company. a forum of cities in the brics countries is taking place today in kazan. about 200 delegates from more than 20 countries gathered and agreed to create an association that would strengthen international relations at the level of city authorities. in addition, the all-russian association for the development of local self-government signed a separate
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cooperation agreement with brazil, south africa and ethiopia. this is an exchange of experience, this is scaling of best practices. this is a conversation between municipalities of different languages ​​around the world. four times more than last year, it could potentially increase to 20 million people, negotiations are currently underway to simplify the visa system, armenia has not sent documents on a possible withdrawal from the collective security treaty organization,
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russian foreign minister sergei lavrov said today , he accepted participation in the meeting of the council of foreign ministers of the uec member countries, the meeting was held in almaat, the most pressing problems were discussed, the main one being the participation of the countries of the eurasian continent without outside interference. edmund zhalbunov reports from kazakhstan. sergei lavrov flew to almaty from southeast asia, where, as part of the presidential delegation, he participated , among other things, in coordinating the defense alliance between russia and the dprk. issues related to repelling external threats, that is, issues of collective security, as follows from the name itself alliance, became a priority for the meeting of the council of foreign ministers of the csto. and there are topics for discussion in this regard among the heads of russian foreign affairs agencies. belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and tajikistan have accumulated quite a lot. first
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of all, the ministers talked about the future of the association. the question is relevant, given that nikol pashinyan recently stated that armenia, which has turned towards a strategic partnership with the states, will leave the csto. true, when and most importantly at what cost is still unclear, because the armenian side has some, including financial obligations to the alliance. however, the minister of foreign affairs of armenia did not take part in today's meeting. the issue of membership in an organization is sovereign.
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withdrawal from crimea, withdrawal from donbass, agreement to
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the creation of a tribunal where russia will be tried, agreement to pay reparations and many other absolutely unrealistic, i would say, even, well, schizophrenic demands, while nato, according to sergei lavov, constantly escalates the situation, creating regional military blocs in opposition to russia, china, north korea and iran, but the csto more productive... the ministers also discussed issues of information security, peaceful use of outer space and agreed to expand cooperation with other organizations, the cis, the sco and the un. the ministers are unanimous that the contours of eurasian security should be discussed primarily by the countries of the eurasian continent. the parties recorded this and other important statements on paper by signing the final documents at the end of the meeting. edmund zholbynov and vladislav dubovitsky, ntv television company, almaty, republic of kazakhstan. now a short advertisement, that's what we'll talk about after it. the outgoing rishi is a lame duck or
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black sheep to whom british voters compare him. elizaveta gerson talks about this. the best deposit in sberi up to 18% per annum. hurry up to open before the end of june. it's ozone's birthday. tell. discounts, discounts, oh, sale, ozone's birthday. polaris fan for 2.499. narzan mineral water for 349. children's costume mika yumi for 509. your business needs acceleration. use instant transfers for business from vtb and money immediately will go to any bank. open a current account at and your business will gain momentum. vtb: we help business! try more this
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starting from 2019 to this day, more than 21,000 sanctions have been announced to our country. and today the government announced that it is softening the requirements for russian exporting companies regarding the rules for the sale of foreign currency earnings. here to us denis talalaev joins. denis, how will this affect the ruble exchange rate? at the very least, this may discourage him from wanting to rise in price, which he has shown recently. today
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, the central bank increased the official rates of the dollar and euro by about 2.5 rubles each, now the central bank sets official rates not based on exchange trading, but based on events in the interbank market, and there the dollar and euro today accelerated their growth after the government announced in the morning that softens the requirements for exporters to sell foreign currency earnings within the country. if earlier on russian accounts exporters had to send 80% of their foreign currency earnings, now 60%. the central bank noted that easing requirements for exporters will make it easier for businesses to make payments. investment director of astro asset management dmitry polevoy believes that this is how the authorities reacted to the sharp fluctuations in the ruble exchange rate, which began just after the moscow exchange came under fire on june 12. new sanctions and trading in dollars and euros stopped there, and a little more than a week after these events, the dollar in russia cost either 90 or 82 cents
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half, such volatility in itself is an extremely negative factor for the operating activities of many companies, not only exporters, but also, above all , importers and companies that operate both there and in the russian market, in fact, this is increased volatility.
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strengthening of the ruble by one ruble against the dollar is approximately minus 100-120 billion rubles from the budget. instead, sinara banks expect that in the next 2 months the dollar will cost around 91-92 rubles. dmitry polevoy points out: on the one hand, easing requirements for exporters may weaken the ruble slightly, but on the other hand it can be supported by a decrease in imports and a decrease in the withdrawal of capital from the country. and taking into account this current volatility, come closer. the russian stock market ended on friday with a moderate decline;
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players this week have suffered from these sharp jumps in the ruble, and there are still more questions about what the russian central bank will do with the key rate at its meeting at the end of july. former president of the afk sistema holding evgeny novitsky was detained on suspicion of large-scale fraud size. the tas agency reported this, citing... sources. it is clarified that the businessman was detained last night at his home. evgeniy novitsky was the president of afk sistema until 2005; in recent years he worked as the first deputy general director of the fertilizer manufacturer phosagro. but as the company clarifies, in june 22, evgeniy navitsky left this position after being included in the sanctions lists. in russia they started talking about the fact that the problem with scammers who deliberately damage purchased equipment and then are seeking compensation. through the courts, this is also called consumer extremism. market participants say that hundreds of cases are being considered, and the total amount of claims over the past year exceeded a billion rubles. and one
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of the main problems is the large number of incompetent and unreliable experts. people quickly take money for nothing, yes, within an hour they form a research document, they say that yes, this, they, for this money, they will write anything, whatever. they said that in samara the number of claims for defective smartphones is greater than in moscow. well, for example, a court in saratov found five people guilty of 54 cases of fraud
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with deliberately damaged smartphones; in khakhasia, seven members of the so -called gang of lawyers were convicted. starting next year , the entire territory of russia may be declared one large resort. the ministry of economy proposes to give all regions the right to introduce a resort tax, although it will still be renamed a tourist tax. for 6 years now, the winter resort tax in russia has been called an experiment. it is in the altai, krasnodar and stavropol territories, and also in petersburg. crimea has not used its right to a resort fee for 6 years. now tourists pay it for every day they stay in a hotel or hostel. for example, in st. petersburg it is 100 rubles. from a person. now the ministry of economy proposes to take money not from the tourist, but from the hotel. 65 rubles per day for each room, regardless of whether someone lives in this room. they assure that money from
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the new tourist tax in the region will be able to be used exclusively. for design, construction, reconstruction and maintenance tourism infrastructure, but some representatives of the tourism industry, which has been going on for 6 years , do not support the experiment, and say: a resort fee is when a tourist pays for the comfort that already exists, and not what is promised in the future. everything about economics. thank you, denis. denis tolalayev with an economic review. the uk general election is less than two weeks away, and the chances of current prime minister rish sunak remaining in power... are fading, the latest polls have shown that support for his conservative party has plummeted to disgraceful levels, sunok himself is completely risks not getting into the house of commons due to a low rating in his constituency, well , the opposition will see a deafening triumph, or theists, according to experts , can take 516 of the 650 seats in the lower house of parliament, well, all because of the unpopular
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policies of sunak and his conservative predecessors, which actually completed. his party will suffer a defeat the likes of which it has never seen in its 200 years. having lost, sunok will go to california to sunbathe, so the island press thinks. at the pre-election television debates, sonok and grabbed all the seats, no matter where you poke, it hurts. our affairs are bad in every way. front lines, healthcare, social support, housing, mortgages, all this hits ordinary people. sunok is an economist by training, and there’s a problem here. according to a report from the institute for public policy research, britain has the lowest level of business investment among the seven countries for the third year in a row. at the debate, sunok, an anti -migrant activist, did not know how many migrants had arrived on his island in the last 3 years. it turned out to be twice as much as in the previous 3
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years, he lost the war to inflatable boats. well, i don't have these numbers in front of me. don't have these numbers? so i will say, this is 1,900,000 people. the independent offers its recipe for survival of tory candidates in their constituencies. get involved with local affairs and don't mention sunak. among the members of the tory party there are successful ones, but there are those who are lucky not in politics, but in gambling. they bet money on the election date, which sunok, without hesitation, determines himself. three members of his party. seeing the chances of getting into big politics, they decided, perhaps knowing this date in advance, to make money from the bookmaker, even if not political points, so pounds, black sheep, even a tuft of wool. according to the results of recent opinion polls, the state of the ruling party in britain is somewhere between critical and catastrophic, the telegraph newspaper publishes a map of the country in a new skin, from predominantly conservative blue, the country
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has turned red as if scalded, so the tore forecast is losing 300 seats. europe, as it turned out in the recent elections to the european parliament, president macron, a big fan of boxing, especially on social networks, is preparing to get right hook, but will probably get it with a left. it seems that european voters are ready to vote for anyone, but not for the current leaders, they seem to be talking to anyone, but not you.
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in the entire history of instrumental weather observations in moscow, there has not been such a wet june, more than twice the norm, and the month is not over yet, it has a chance to increase the norm almost three times. well, today and tomorrow the calm in the center has cleared up along with an increase in atmospheric pressure, so in the north-west in the black earth region and no heat and normal june temperature background from +19 in vyaroslavl to 24 in lipetsk. well, the heavy rains with thunderstorms and stormy winds are now gone. to the volgograd region, tomorrow all this will go more to the left bank of the volga, and we are talking about a decrease in temperature by 5, or even 10 °, there, even in astrakhan tomorrow it will not be higher than 26, in the south of kuban, crimea, stavropol + 25-30, for now no higher without precipitation, local showers are possible in the foothills and mountainous areas, sea water temperature in the sochi area is +25, in crimea 22-23, and a little about autumn, and about
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cloudy, that is, about our northern regions, it’s not only autumn there... compared to sochi, but also objectively, the temperature is 5-8° behind the norm. in morbansk tomorrow it’s +8, but in arkhangelsk it’s only 11. in st. petersburg tomorrow it’s +21, no precipitation, in moscow there’s a maximum. 23 and also without precipitation, and today i often answer the question of frightened muscovites whether this is the calm before a new storm, the answer is no, rain is possible on sunday at the beginning of next week, but since we now have something to compare with, in general, against the background of yesterday , this very good weather, colleagues, indeed, thank you, irin, irina polyakova with the weather forecast, well, this is the news at this hour and we, elmira fendieva and vladimir chernashov, say goodbye to you, see you, goodbye.
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i told you not to take your eyes off him, where is my husband? i need money and documents, it’s all a pity then. you understand that this is just mean, mean and dishonest, mash, listen, i’m just trying to help, wait, don’t, my granddaughter
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went to the city apartment, i couldn’t get through, i went myself, but she’s not there, why the devil doesn't joke when god sleeps.
8:00 pm
what was she wearing? the dress is so pink and the sea green jacket and red shoes with a bow. this is your clone, no.


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