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tv   Zolotoi zapas  NTV  June 23, 2024 3:20am-4:06am MSK

3:20 am
lamp, not only is it made by hand, it was also made by your designer, really, yes, yes, sasha and her friends made it for you, but they found the refrigerator, no, here it is, and i’m also like that, i’m like that about the refrigerator, it’s amazing, listen, and the shelves above the refrigerator, how cool, no one... i can’t tell that this is a refrigerator, doors, girls, doors, yes, very beautiful, you know, like in the front door, like old ones, so old houses, and even a mirror, you see it, and it too, yes, it’s real, yes, it’s like an old restored one, the doors of the whole room they changed it, but here we actually have a built-in door, a cool mirror too. storey,
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like some kind of portal, it was cool, when the mirror grew all the way, very cool, very, i thought it would be like a hunting lodge, and this is a family nest, i couldn’t imagine many fantasies, but to arrange everything like this, and the place where i want to hide like this, to protect myself, it was found, and now i’m just sitting on it, i really like it. i even think girl, i really liked the solution with the kitchen, the fact that it is fully equipped, storage system, the fact that everything is done right under the ceiling, that there is no space upstairs, because something is constantly being put there unnecessary, but here you put everything, closed it, it’s clean, beautiful, when we bought this house, there were a lot of doubts,
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it was only thanks to your program that these doubts not only disappeared, but simply understood that this was a cool, right choice, turn in our life, i love this house, thanks to you, even more. we are glad that you liked the interior, i hope you will like the gifts, a compact grill will not take up much places on your site. oho, here are briquettes for ignition, coal, long -burning matches in order to quickly start a fire, with the help of a grate, a grill set for a barbecue, you will prepare a delicious juicy shish kebab, glad, glad, a boy scout will help you organize both a picnic in nature and a comfortable one holiday at the dacha, wonderful, thank you.
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will be, come out, but how do they say on this occasion, with light steam, yes, exactly, with light steam, but there is one problem, i’m afraid where we’re going, they won’t let you through in this form, that
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new uniform, our front uniform, see how much we value you, all sizes are yours. and change your clothes, i’m waiting to go out, now i’m completely in line, oh, well, this is a different look, now even your wife won’t recognize you, bid, and you’ll soon
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be able to afford such pleasant little things, as many souls as you want, these are rags, great cars , a spacious house somewhere on the ocean, relaxation in real... paradises under the protection of our brothers, and if you are indifferent to all this, think about your wife, no, i mean it in a good way, wouldn’t emeralds suit her or a diamond necklace, it suits all women, how nice it is to see a real gentleman, but how to hold on? at the table, i hope you know, since childhood i wouldn’t have been accepted as a pioneer without this, the journey is long, i suppose, the journey will take all night, the suit won’t get wrinkled, good fabric won’t spoil it, a long journey is another opportunity to discuss everything in detail , yeah, i
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’d rather watch a couple of sweet dreams, there will be a dream, there will be, but a short one, first... about business, i want sverkachev to be absolutely calm about the deal, get in the car, let's go, let's go, the circumstances were such that there was a connection.
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it is very difficult to deceive him, has a contact been prepared for him? he indicated that the contact had taken place after all, yeah, he was expecting an invitation in the very near future. well, we can only wait.
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so, we're there, don't worry, here we go, journalist. “i’m glad to see you at home, just call me “nurali”, my name is hines dels, how did we get there, hines dels, i didn’t even notice, your people took care of it, any guest is from the almighty, but
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when a guest has a sense of humor , it's doubly it’s nice, you are the first journalist who sees us in person, it’s a great honor for me, nurali. write the truth about our struggle, show that we are people, patriots of our country, do us honor while you are with us. “i’ll take your phone navigator, your camera will be returned to you tomorrow morning, do a favor, write the password for your laptop, we must trust you, you understand, of course.” "we have prepared a place for you to
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rest, they will take you there, tomorrow you will have an interpreter and two guides, they will tell you everything, show you everything, you will be with them everywhere they’ll let you in, now good dreams, hines dels, good night,
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well, you won’t undermine it, but it’s well done, only you raised me in rank by a couple of stars, you see how we... priceless, not like your commanders in russia, you’ll do the thing is, whatever kind of stars you want, they will be for you, gold, diamonds, officer stars are not women’s tchotchkes, they are made of a different metal, that’s what i mean, let’s screw up the case, it will be a different metal, we won’t screw up, i have a strong motivation,
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we’ll do it faster, faster i’ll return to my wife, you’ve always served us so well,
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you connect the electric wire, turn the knob, everyone understands everything, and it makes no difference who is asked, indian, chinese, african, moment, ah... hello, hines, i will be your translator.
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hello said, i'm akhmet, what about conspiracy? thank you. “i heard that the best cooks are men, but since you cook, and you studied somewhere, but where not...” i studied, it’s a gift from the almighty, i practiced in the best casing of swara, i was the chef there -cook, then tashkent, i was an artist in my field, the most respected people came to my pilaf, secretary of the regional committee, the central committee, that was life. i
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then took first place in a competition in moscow. bovarov. this was in eighty -six. why are you here then? we have no control over our destiny. zakira kal, zakiraka, would you like to come back?
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sorry! you can’t return the past, you can’t guess the future, well, zakirak, what do you mean, throw it away , i haven’t had a cyst here since yesterday. i think you like it here, it was nuraliza who wanted you to rest, it’s nothing like this, it’s a picturesque, secluded place, it’s safe here and no one
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will bother us, just like that, as you see, our work. for pleasant moments, you can feel like a shah, why not, but order kolyan for you, no, thank you, a warrior has the right to rest after hard work, but we are not after work yet, and where is your friend, he didn’t change his mind, he changed his mind to take his... mountain of money, oh, i just remembered, and he’s already here, we say, it’s easy to remember, assalom alaikum,
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dear, please sit down, you’re tired from the road, and like a dog, i could use a drink during the night on the road, yes even on these roads, you don’t spare yourself at all, valery ilyich, champagne, i don’t drink champagne, but of course, you’re russian, waiter, bring russian vodka, well... these are lyrics, which means, as i understand it, this is your russian, sergei, and what’s wrong, he still hasn’t accepted your faith, here my name is isa, well, let’s agree right away so that you don’t get confused later, for you i’m sergei, well, okay, believe my
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word, sergei is our trusted friend, trust him like me, and from him... in our business , very, very much depends, that’s it, that’s it, well, let’s start with the most pleasant thing, and the pleasant thing, open up, well, i hope there will be a delay with the rest of the bag - there will be no delay, sergey, after the end of the case, everything will be returned to you, the head of the warehouse there. a ram of rams, at least he is corrosive, but everything will go smoothly if you act naturally and don’t screw up with any nonsense, will you master the role of a military expert convincingly, or do you need
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additional instructions? don’t worry about that, i’m a border guard captain, although i’m retired, that’s fine. oh wow!
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oh, another one, wow, they're shooting!
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something strange is happening today, maybe you can tell me what’s wrong? where did you get the idea? well and journalist, you looked at him like that, maybe you know him? yes, simple. a new person in the camp, you’re just so worried today, especially, yes, i’m always worried, you know,
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seryozha was taken somewhere again, when he returns, i want to see him, so you can see your seryozha, but rali trusts him, it’s not worth it you worry so much, so don't worry, don't worry. “it’s easy for you to say, maksud and his damn sister still don’t give me a pass, they definitely want to kill me, here’s one more time, one more time, if she tries to get me, i’ll kill her, i’m not responsible for myself, i’ll kill her and i’ll kill him, and i don’t care what happens next, but that’s it, calm down, pull yourself together, quickly, calm down!” i hope you remembered everything,
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don’t let me down, well, this concerns us all here, everyone, well, well, it’s a good watch, the position is obliged. tell me honestly, do you like to drink? i like a lot of things, but i don’t know how to relax at work and retrain myself. it’s a bit late, and it’s strict, even very strict, but we’ll stick with it, although i think you’re right, we’ll have fun later.
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weapons, not morale, but what good is it if you hide behind your achievements in military science if you no longer feel safe in your cities. we get there and slip through our fingers like sand. and we don't need billions for this. money, ashes of isola, and we have something that you will never have again, our untold wealth, our will to win, it turned out fine, i seemed to stumble a few times, i’m not used to talking on camera, everything is fine, i’ll cut out all the unnecessary stuff , you are a warrior, not an artist, it will be
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a real information bomb, i will blow up the internet with this video, you know better, but may the almighty help you, but i have time to get busy, they will take you to lunch, thank you, farhad, take the guest to the dining room, they beat him all night, he didn’t say anything. his tummy is like a dog, he will say, he will say, if he didn’t know anything, he would lie so as not to suffer, he knows something, bring him to his senses, step aside, you are a strong person, i even
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respect you. “i don’t understand, you’re not a teahouse, you’re a real warrior, jamshit, but a warrior has weaknesses, now let’s see whose father you are would be a boy or a girl, who is this foreigner, no, don’t touch her, tell me about the foreigner, who is the foreigner, who is the foreigner? i'll tell you, i'll tell you everything, don't touch her, i'll tell you, give me some bread, thank you, here, what?
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maksud, he is good, but hot-tempered. akhmet, tell him not to be offended. he says don’t be offended by maqsood. he is a real warrior, but he has a complex character. complex nature? here is zafar, also an ideological fighter, but it is much easier for me to communicate with him. he respected you.
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eh, what are you talking about some trifles? let me i’d rather tell you how we once captured a government tank. turn on the camera, shoot. film me, film me. i 'll tell you about the tank. it was a good story, but the tank exploded a few days later. well, don't delay. commander, bad news. a jackal has broken into your house. sit down. what is its purpose?
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the teahouse didn't know anything. his task was to bring this jackal to us. he is from russia, from the fsb. shaitan, when you return, you will clean up after yourself. it’s a pity, but there was a fire in jamshed’s teahouse, everything burned down along with the owners. you understood me? yes, commander, i understand. well, hang in there, hines dels. i have many more stories.
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well, vitya, that’s it, a message has arrived that operation avalanche has begun.
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what it is? hyde. this piece of iron could have taken my life in peru; the partisans left me in a field hospital. a local craftsman set the fragment in gold washed with moragnon, and i will never part with it. murali my brother, what is this? are you abusing my patience? get out! tomorrow we have one operation planned, we will receive a shipment of the most modern weapons, you
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if you film this, let the west know that we can fight according to its rules, it will turn out to be a great story, can a real journalist dream of more? you are a real journalist, hines, yes, the most disgusting thing is to wait and catch up. let's hope that no one will pursue him, and stas won't have to wait long. notify the military otasha, let him meet you.
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dasha, seryoga is in the camp, he was taken from here just before your arrival, go away, find a secluded place to hide, i will get you out, dasha, soon there will be a meat grinder here, i ask you, get out of here, no, i'll get you out, yes, go away, don't waste time,
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it's time for us to find out how our guest is doing there, go!
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they gathered far away, dasha, go to the kitchen, let’s go, your place is in the cage, come on, come in, or help you, again you, how restless you are, go pray. “take the machine gun,
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dasha, come here, just take care of yourself , hide properly, carefully, hold on, listen, this is a secret entrance, you’ll run out into the street and hide there somewhere, okay, you’ll only come out when you see me, i’m behind the car ". well, let's see what kind of fsb journalists they are.
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well, journalist, come out to get some fresh air, raise your hands, raise them higher, even higher, throw the gun down, throw it away. staz da rul, maryam, what are you doing? step aside, open it!
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dasha, dasha, the base is reporting, the target has been destroyed. the air group returns without losses.
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report to square 07. and the situation immediately, thank you for your service. what is a ballistic missile they fooled, fooled, i found it in a cage, the rest mixed it up, i don’t care, where it was, i don’t know anything, i don’t know,
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here, you understand me, their brothers will take revenge, hey, can you hear me, i'm alive, we're all alive,


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