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tv   Osnovano na realnikh sobitiyakh  NTV  June 23, 2024 10:00pm-1:36am MSK

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this house is just a stone's throw from the main street of moscow, tverskaya, from the upper floors you can see the kremlin, the house is prestigious, noticeable in every sense, the apartments here are very expensive, every second neighbor is a celebrity. i met borey in the early nineties, when our so-called show business was just emerging, and there was still a concert hall in russia at that time, there was some kind of group concert. fooled around more behind the scenes, he generally always behaved in such a hypocritical way, and it always seemed to me that he probably really is like that, outrageous, stupid, to me so it seemed, until the moment he and i became neighbors, until we moved into the same house with him, he became my neighbor, he lived on the second floor, i on the fifth, and even i remember they wrote all sorts of yellow publications in large letters bo... moiseev and
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yulian live together, then in small letters in the same house, well, so in general it was, these were wonderful years, then i realized that boris is a completely different person, i saw him in a completely different person appearance, i saw him in a dressing gown, in slippers without makeup, and where he could talk about what book he read yesterday, or saw some good movie, or talk about some generally serious things, that is... a completely different story, that’s how few people knew him, this is how very close people knew him, who were closely acquainted with him, were close friends, as is usually the case in such cases, immediately after the death of a star , illegitimate children are announced who claim their rights to the inheritance, but it is truly known that boris moiseev does not have his own children it was, but with my relatives it was dark complicated story, he didn’t have particularly close relations with his relatives, as we know, he didn’t have any family, we don’t know about his...
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this, that inheritance of the spirit, books, some small diamond rings, well, some... then such, you know, nonsense, this apartment, i remember it, and i will never forgive them for this, and after what happened, this happened, i stopped in 1989... you can’t respond with anger to anger,
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you can’t respond with this hatred, you can’t develop aggression in people, you can’t respond to aggression, you can’t respond to scum with this, this is my rule of life, which my mother left me as an inheritance, this is how he describes the death of his mother, and the experiences that he will bring, and until the end of his days. a lot of time has passed since i found out how she died, i didn’t learn this from relatives, unfortunately, unfortunately, they were then engaged in disbursing her poor inheritance, and in my opinion she still had a room in a communal apartment. after this tragedy, i still don’t communicate, i still don’t communicate with any of my brothers, they are different, they have a different father. was if only there was an apartment, there would always be heirs; right on the day of the star’s death , his brother loudly announced himself.
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do you think it was out of great love or out of envy and, therefore, hatred, he did it only out of envy and hatred, he isolated bores completely, this accusation
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turned into a scandal, his friends, show business stars, came to the defense of sergei gorokhov, nadezhda babkina to moiseev’s neighbor, singer julian. bori always said that i have a brother far away in canada, but this is not the case. brother, this is such a cut piece, that’s just me personally i heard this phrase many times, he says, i don’t have any brother, he didn’t want to see him, they didn’t communicate, the surprising thing is that even his brother and his wife didn’t even know about bor’s first stroke, when there was a program on ntv , only literally a few days have passed since bori’s death, brother... he’s walking, it means they’re talking on skype on the air, they’re just starting to tell this to the chariot, it absolutely means he was isolated, he was isolated somewhere, somewhere he was sheltered, closed, nothing other than this so,
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sometimes they show very elderly people there sick artists, celebrities and so on, but he was never shown anywhere at any festival. at no concert, at any fun, that is, zero, there was absolutely no information about him, they only showed information that was a year, one and a half to two years ago, they showed him in the apartment, how he congratulated and gave arbakaity’s apartment, this is there, this is an old filming, and these new filmings, here he is , here he is, he’s so sick,
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this is his complete so that there is something to cling to, i didn’t extort any bribes, you you know this very well, anna popova, sign up to quit, you think, if you didn’t work there and didn’t f*ck me up, andrey chadov, call our special forces, they’re blowing up this damn door, and anastasia zavorotnyuk in her last role, you’ll never live they will give it, bailiffs, premiere, tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv. the highest measure. premiere tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. troxivazin experts know everything about varicose veins. troxaktiv tablets and troxyvosin gels against heaviness and pain in the legs. tablets help strengthen the capillary veins from the inside, and gels fight varicose veins from the outside. troxactiv
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strive to be first. tested under racing conditions. gdr, be the first. what do you think? cool, but save up your vtb savings account for the subscription. open a vtb savings account with a rate of 18%. vtb, together everything will work out. in the summer you can get a lot done with yandex food. try all the ice cream flavors. relax in the fresh air and get new experiences, have time to try more this summer with discounts of up to 60% in yandex food, the choice of a professional, exactly amyllatex gay works as if in a place of pain with concern for those closest to you. the exact solution is free movement. moiseev, no one can argue with this, was a very noticeable artist in his every appearance. was definitely of a provocative nature and was accompanied by a scandalous flair, but in the last years of his life
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little was heard about the singer, and at social events, where people could never do without him, he appeared less and less often, he generally had difficulty speaking, had difficulty moving, but when he saw that cameras were pointed at him, he always smiled and always said his signature, good, you know, he said it like that, pain... how good you are, at that moment borya decided that he would no longer appear in public, and it’s hard, you know, in fact, yes, here you are already you can’t sign up, his articulation has disappeared, yes, strokes are affecting his speech, he can barely connect words to speak, that is, his speech is gone, it’s impossible to write down, it’s impossible to sing, it’s impossible to dance, yes, that’s all that’s left... but that’s it, absolutely this puppet program, yes, going on stage, approaching the microphone, but
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an attempt to depict with his face the movement of his lips, that’s it, that’s all, that is, boris moiseev as an artist, as an element of show business, a superstar, after the second stroke he completely left the stage, lost as an artist, but he realized this quite quickly, but he’s a sane person , yes, a man - having already felt this glory, understanding how it must be, it became a shame to go on this stage, so class.
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to give nothing to the viewer, by the way, many accused him of this, even i know, many colleagues were offended because they called him, they said to borya, come to the premiere with us, we have a new show, you’ll watch it, you’ll perk up, but borya refused everyone, and he didn’t go out at all, that’s what he wanted, he didn’t want to be seen in the state he was in , because, after all, the illness made him weak, unfortunately, and he allowed only those closest to him, mainly sergei gorok, who was really next to him every single day. from time to time information appeared in the newspapers that the singer was very bad, did not speak, and almost did not walk. and i can say that precisely at that moment when bori was already, bori was not so needed as an artist, he was not in demand, he no longer had so much money, he did not receive as before, and the peas
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actually generally supported him, and.. . i bought something there with my money and so on, that is, because when an artist is in demand, there are always a lot of people around him, a lot of people who always want to be around and participate in the life of this artist, that means when, when a person is sick, when a person is sick. is no longer as needed by the audience as before, then there are few people around, and peas and how was in the best times of boris, and... the end of his days was always next to him, the last time information about the plight of atist appeared in the tabloid press a few weeks before moiseev’s death, during this time of his lying down, and during his illness, this well, it was as if all the funds had been spent, that is , there was no way that moiseev had anything left in his accounts , zeros, zeros, zeros without a unit,
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and just as many as there were, at least a million zeros. reads, laughs at similar articles about himself, and in general is ready to speak at corporate event for a good fee. in the last years of his life, bore really followed what was happening in the world, he was very much killed by all these events that were happening, the news channels in his house were never turned off , that is, almost 24 hours a day, and he
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followed the news , at this moment, in the last years of my life. he was interested in the events taking place in the world, so he actively followed, he was aware of everything, during breaks he communicated on the internet, his fans did not forget him, they wrote, not so actively, it is clear that he was no longer such a star, but he always answered everyone, but he felt a little bad, but he looked after himself, until his very last days he tried to look after himself, and many artists called him, he answered those... with whom he wanted to talk, he picked up the phone, whoever he didn’t want to talk to, he didn’t pick up the phone, he really loved talk shows, i know, when he saw me on tv, or maryana, and he was always very happy about it, he always said, these are my favorites, you know, well, mori, he was a great man, i’m very sorry that he’s gone, there are people, yes,
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for whom the stage is their life, this, you see, this is their life, the life of boris moiseev, when he sat, sat in a chair, looked at the tv, nothing more, you know, for a person like moiseev, for him life was this stage.
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but he received, in principle, he tried to get pleasure from life, but he always dreamed of the scene, borya, you know, he even told it himself, in the morning i wake up and says: i see a dream, i’m hurrying to the exit of the stage, i understand that music is already playing , but i don’t have time, i’m late for the stage, that is, like this dreams tormented him constantly, he wanted a stage, but he was aware that this would never happen again, the phone number of the director of the artist was sad...
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of the ensemble russian song from nadezhda babkina, he came from there to boris, when boris was already, as it were, well, there are no more concerts, no work, yes, nadezhda babkina said again, seryozha, come back, come back to me and we’ll continue to work. and sergei said, he says: nadya, i love you very much, i’m ready to return, but only with one single condition: i won’t give up the fight, i won’t leave the fight, like this many do, as soon as an artist stops working, as soon as his tours don’t end, as soon as his financial history ends, they immediately turn around for another artist. this was not the case with sergei. he went to babkina, but he remained, he remained the director of moiseev, he was a brother, and a father, and a mother, and
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anyone else, that is, in general, he was a nanny, in fact, not just a director, in general such a director, about such a director probably any artist can dream, so i think that, probably, even extended the life of the pea borya, because he... was very seriously ill for a long time, and if not for seryozha, then perhaps death would have come much earlier, for moiseev he was, well, the closest person, we see, yes, that even the family, well, his brother was much further from him than pea, and why, because pea fulfilled every day, satisfied all the needs of a person, the singer’s brother was really far away in canada, but... even there there is the internet, and you can find out what is happening to your loved one person, we knew absolutely nothing about boris’s illness, because the pea, he had already, as
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they say, long ago conceived a plan that he carried out, that is, the pea never, not once in 30 years, he never called us, he never i never said, but how... to some problem of boris, if, if we knew that there was such and such a problem, that boris needed help, what it was, we would definitely come, we would help, but the peas our presence there was completely unnecessary, because he had plans that he carried out, that is, i i don’t know that google was turned off in canada or what, just what, our whole country knew that at...
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the fence of moses, bring him food, my brother lives in canada, well, what’s keeping you there in canada if you’re sick sick brother, especially if you think that you are being protected from him, are being discouraged, then come, sit next to borya, say: borya, we don’t need any strangers, we will live here with you, borya has a big apartment, she allowed several, several people to live there and live with her brother. but he didn't do it, you see, when such relatives arise, i just find it all discouraging, how is this possible, how dare you even? 12
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years ago with boris moiseev... who practically did not divide his life into before and after to return to his former life, a terrible stroke, then another and another, there were still chances, but the doctors and fans believed that moiseev could not be easily broken, he would recover and the scene will return, and unexpectedly for everyone, a miracle happened. unique footage of boris moiseev, taken the day before the stroke. which of the artists then snatched the singer from the lab of death? what are mine? admitted, as soon as he regained consciousness, who emptied the artist’s bank accounts, why he sold off his apartments in recent years and how moiseev’s brother and his director died under mysterious circumstances in the center of moscow, their battle for the artist’s inheritance in just a couple of minutes: a blow with an awl in your ear, like a fingerprint, you can create a psychological
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portrait of this person, but he is alive and... this is a mystery, the ultimate measure, a series based on real events, premiere, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. bailiffs premier, tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv. on the one hand, this is an ozon bank card, with which you can pay for anything and receive cashback, on the other hand, this is an azon bank card, with which you can pay for anything and receive goods for it in one.
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or fluky. everyone has their own way of getting rid of thrush, on the one hand, this is an azonbank card, with which you can receive cashback, on the other hand, you can pay for anything and receive goods for it for 1 ruble. it was sad, it was sad, i didn’t believe that i would come back to work, unique archival footage, this is the first interview of boris moiseev, which he gave to ntv after the stroke, i remember.
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in a duet with nikolai trubach, in a cramped recording studio, a completely overwhelmed moiseev does not immediately find the notes and confuses the words. what the hell am i i do not know why. it turned out that on the way he lost consciousness while driving, but no one pays attention to this, they say, can you imagine, i stopped at a red light and fell asleep while driving, for the first time in my life. colleagues chalked it up to fatigue from the endless pre-new year scratching.
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just how old are you, right now, it means 1900, doctors don’t immediately make the correct diagnosis, stating just banal overwork, he says: i’m so tired, i’m so tired, i’m weak, that’s it, that’s it, we gave him antispasmodics, he gave us more done, thank you said, and we left and that’s it, the next call soon rushed off, and boris mikhailovich was getting worse, then we found out that one... she arrived soon, did nothing, left, and the man was paralyzed, moiseev, white as death, feels bad, alone ambulance, second, third, i tried to refuse to go to the hospital, my friends, the forces
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took me to the hospital, the doctors are already clear that this is a stroke, they offer urgent hospitalization, boris moiseev refuses to go to the hospital, tomorrow he has a presentation of a new video. they said that urgent hospitalization was needed, well, boris didn’t even want to hear about it. he says: guys, i can’t, i have a video presentation tomorrow, i can’t, i’m not going anywhere. he was worried, overworked, plus some personal emotional experiences, creative, well, in general, stroke loves such things very much, he looks for such people, yes, he sneaks up on them from behind.
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like a father, his words, like commandments, a little more and it would have been too late, the minutes were already counting. an unexpected decision comes to mind: give moiseev a relaxing injection
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and lead his little white hands straight into the carriage. ambulance. and the plan worked, then a private clinic, intensive care, coma, artificial ventilation. it was the most terrible day of his life, when he came face to face with his friends coming together, a famous patient in serious condition, there was a scandal in the emergency room, we have such an order, grandmothers in the evening, in the morning in the chair everything, at once he could not catch a single one words, it hurt, it hurt. between life and death, but doctors
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refuse to help him without advance payment, the price was announced such that even a bank account could not save moiseev, there is no money, well, lie down, die then, boris moiseev will find out what was going on around him much later, to everyone’s evil, his organism was clinging to life with all his might, while the hospital urgently held a press conference, they were fighting for 2 days his life, we are together with him, few people know, while people in white coats were reporting to journalists, friends suddenly transported moiseev.
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recovery, the real moiseev really returns, having broken through the entrance with a scandal, boris mikhailovich seals the vigilant guards with unprintable in words, he goes upstairs in the freight elevator in which six months ago he was taken to intensive care, the same floor, a familiar corridor that has become familiar to the faces of the staff, hello, hello, how are you, my fish. here he is ready to kiss everyone who shared
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the most difficult days with him, then chat about life in the staff room. class, class, the same tits, and of course, bow deeply to the doctors, and i thank them, this is the best clinic where i am... shy for the tv camera, doctors and nurses modestly stand aside, and he tries to list by name everyone who brought him back to life. this is my hope. lilla, remember, this is hope, this is our boy, dima. now this, allah, and this, only scattered fragments of painful things remain in the patient’s memory. days of horror, fear, nightmare,
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a state of fire in me, it seemed to me that i was not alive, then boris moiseev was literally pulled out from the other world. it was very difficult for borya to return to life, because some limbs did not move, the difficulties were very great, but borya did everything in order... to return to life, he understood that it was unlikely that he would be able to be the same as before, so, but he wanted, he wanted to return at least to that state so that he could live and not cause trouble to anyone, and he worked a lot on his speech, he performed special exercises, he did not spare, he repeated these exercises from morning to evening, you know, only so that he could speak as before, all his efforts, so...
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he appears on stage, he works, he is absolutely normal, but he said peas, you need to do concerts, you need to do performances, everyone told him, borya, what are you doing? crazy, you need to undergo treatment, you need to do intensive rehabilitation, where, what stage, well borya, you know, he is an artist at heart, he said, i won’t listen to anyone, my audience will cure me, and indeed after a short time he presented a new program, and many did not believe how
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borya could resurrect himself like that, you know, because yes, he sang to a soundtrack back then, he couldn’t sing live, but he could see that he was... getting tired, but he i worked from start to finish to the limit of my capabilities, and he said: no, the stage will cure me, and he did everything in order to somehow return, and he returned, and the whole secular moscow was gossiping about the recovery technique developed specifically for boris moiseev, which means that our sound engineer was, a friend, was in tattoo group, and he calls, says lena, says how to talk to seryozha gorokh, says i... dad, dad had a stroke, and i need to figure out how to deal with his recovery, what should i do? i called seryozha, seryozha said, give me my phone, let him call me, it just happens somewhere also about 7 or 8 months, zhenya calls me and says: lenya, thank you very much for introducing me to seryozha, my dad stood up to
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the microphone, and he’s like that, not a wide range of singers, yes, well, that’s how he is from... he rules over me, that not long before his death boris moiseev talked about his director, who he is, the singer’s faithful friend or a calculating gray cardinal, what moiseev’s brother accuses sergei gorokh of, why
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he calls sergei gorokh a scumbag, and who will ultimately get the multi-million dollar the singer's legacy. we'll continue in a couple of minutes. well, what's going on, who has it? i have a malicious little boy named kolodin. malicious shoemakers, they came to seize your property, and they literally drive you out onto the street; they don’t like and are afraid of bailiffs. but this pester always acts according to his conscience. i will try to pull it off with joy, but you must fight for the inheritance. you can’t save the whole world, you spend too much energy on things you shouldn’t do. andrey chadov, our job is to help people, bailiffs, premiere, tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv. capital punishment, premiere, tomorrow at 20:00
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women’s seltex suit for 959, a redmi smartphone for 5.499, a rack here stal for 3.099. bailiffs, premiere, tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv. everyone who surrounded boris moiseev in recent years. one voice repeats that sergei gorokh was the singer’s supporter of protection, closer than any brother, but what the singer himself thought, about the director, about his relatives, he outlined his thoughts in detail in his autobiography entitled “bird, living sound.” and he describes the peas as follows: now, it just seems to me that there is no need to build up a vain person, but it seems to me that if moiseev himself can talk about his attitude towards the peas himself, what is he actually doing, peas? this is the eminence grise of my life in the full sense of the word: if i am depicted in the picture, then somewhere off to the side, outside the frames of the canvas , there are definitely peas, and a gray cardinal in
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the good sense of the word, because he often reminds me of the formula of my existence: live for people, even when i feel bad or something happened, some kind of resentment , he restores this balance, neutralizes my confusion, grief, tragedy, or can shake me up, bring me out of stagnation, in my personal life too, on both the stage and my personal life, this is sergei gorokh, he practically rules over me, over my brains. there are people who have complete information, vital, financial, mental, spiritual. i think peas are the biggest bank of knowledge about beiseev. he has a good imagination, he is very careful in his profession. and the basis of our friendship is our devotion, complete mutual trust. we will never let each other down, we will not crap behind our backs, we will not push each other out, we will not throw each other out of our lives. i don’t have such a relationship with anyone else. maybe even this is some kind of zombie.
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knows this all, he knows this to me too, he disgusts me, because i’m telling you that i know why he lived side by side with me for 30 years brother, he is a scumbag, he is a scumbag, he is not a man, he is a beast, a beast, these statements. designed for the public, for readers, for some kind of possible trial, if there is a trial, then these are the words, but these words need
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to be proven somehow, in general you need, as they say, to be responsible for the market, therefore - what says the brother, it’s just monstrous, just generally, generally disgusting, when after the death of one or another artist relatives suddenly pop up who haven’t been there for 30-40 years, they weren’t around, suddenly they start saying, oh, how we love - our relative, oh, how wonderful, good he was, and how bad everyone was, who was next to him all these years, well , it doesn’t happen, it’s not, it’s, it’s, it’s... what a blasphemy - of course, bori sees all this, and i am sure that he feels all this, because he was such a person, he always believed very much in the afterlife, so he believed that everything does not end in our worldly life, and i think that he is there watching all this obscurantism that is happening here, and he is horrified. boris moiseev, like any creative person, had the gift of premonition, believed in god,
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the devil and mysticism. plus, again, moiseev was... a very superstitious person, that is , there was magic in his place, that is, he wore all sorts of pins, he wore all sorts of things , he cleaned psychic fortune-tellers, and he also believed, here again, when we we take his biography, when we read his interview, when we listen to himself, he always said that everything comes back to a person, both good and bad, especially bad, we decided to involve all possible forces in the investigation, including magical ones and get to the bottom of... at any cost left a little strange and incomprehensible, i would like to understand this, the sacred tarot system can help us, there were mistakes, i
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admit them, and i still suffer and... i repent and repent of mistakes. an attentive viewer, listening to the singer now, will notice that boris moiseev formulates his answers quite simply, pauses between sentences, and pronounces each word carefully. be patient, you will hear the truth firsthand. now there is no point in hiding, then we wrote in advance questions to the singer, he and his team prepared answers in a letter a few days before the recording. quite difficult, the answers had to be answered , but even under such conditions the singer had to re-shoot again until he got an option more or less suitable for broadcast. i
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apologize to my country. the heavy fellow did not spare the star, he was unconscious for almost a month, when he came to his senses, he was horrified by everything that was happening around, i was all in tubes, an intupation tube was installed through the nose, whose lower tip is in the trophy and artificial ventilation of the lungs was carried out, i don’t remember exactly now, but for about a week, endless days dragged on when the bedridden artist could not even move. for a very long time, i couldn’t get up, i was constantly in bed, why bother getting up, he couldn’t even breathe on his own, i couldn’t eat or drink on my own, i couldn’t breathe on my own, that’s why
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artificial nutrition was also carried out through zones. the most terrible discovery for him in those days was that he was an artist who could not speak and doomed to silence. it seemed to me that no one understood me or heard me. only then did he realize what had happened to him. my heart sank with fear, is this really all, he won’t go on stage again. this is my worst feeling.
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active life, yes, we were dancing that day, when they brought me a finished song from the studio, and he wanted...
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painfully red, shoes, boots, boots, boots, yes, heels, that is, boots, dogs, the artist wanted to sing , and he was forced to read slug by slug, it took incredible effort to restrain himself and not tell everything to hell, cats they climb out of holes and catch fish in shallow waters. boris mukhalovich, we found a mistake in our place, let ’s fix it, let’s do it. a movie star, a people's artist, the famous fox
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cannot be changed from the meeting place, just like boris moiseev suffered a stroke, this happened in 2003, just a few months after bilyavsky, already in old age, had a daughter with... when did this happen with our dad, then she was 3 months old, here too, of course, everything is just everything, as if the world had collapsed, she called and said, bor, are you waiting for sasha at the performance, i say, of course, he’s not he will arrive, she said, and he has a stroke, like a bully, how did it happen, she says, he sat down like this before leaving, prepared a tuxedo, bow tie, shoes, everything that was required, we always went out, the gene pool always came out on stage.
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these are the last shots of him in the title role, not for the general public, but for a very personal family archive. here, the popularly beloved alexander belyavsky does not play, but simply lives, allowing us all to now see his real self. on a familiar face, tired eyes and deep wrinkles, traces of heavy dramas, pain and an ominous secret that he will very soon take with him. all. for 9 years, the people's artist tried to come to terms with the disease, with the fact that he couldn't do anything anymore and was becoming a burden, and on september 8, 2012, a tragedy happened, the news broadcasts were torn apart by lightning, alexander belyavsky fell out of the window of his own house, a popular and recognized
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master of the stage, a loving husband, a happy father, what or who could have pushed belyavsky to the cancerous line, maybe if there had been more care and attention around alexan borisovich, maybe then this would have happened would prolong his life, restoring it piece by piece.
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i think it was a shock for many people, just like for me, his departure, his funeral, his strange, strange death, like...
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emergency services arriving at the scene of the tragedy will confirm the worst thing, this is a confused woman in blue jacket, which the actor’s second wife briefly flashes in the frame. lyudmila, the wounded bird rushes around the yard in confusion, she cannot find a place for herself, the police officers will bring her to her senses, inviting her to a difficult conversation. she took her own pulse, it was her doctor, it’s impossible to imagine what the woman went through at that moment, torn between her beloved husband, whom she was holding by the hand an hour ago, and their little daughter sasha, with whom they were walking on the playground near the entrance. exhausted with professional medical composure, she will remain to watch as the ambulance takes her loved one away forever, and the utility workers remove the traces of the tragedy. the next day, the quiet courtyard will live its usual life, but without him. neighbours. and years later, their meeting place
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cannot be changed, once again they gathered to try to restore the missing details in the picture of the incident, they already knew what happened before, it turns out that he went up to the fifth floor, where i live between the flights, and he, of course, he didn’t, didn’t kill himself,
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fell, i go out, but he lies there while the personal drama of the national artist unfolds before their eyes, the investigators quickly assessed the situation and did not delay the version. we assume that there was a suicide. this phrase will sound in the mournful silence as a sentence, but many did not agree with it, those who demand an appeal whoever spent more than one year next to the legendary actor, what would he do , but he himself wanted to live, he felt it. shaya ’s daughter did not read the death certificate. nadezhda could not understand why no one took into account the health condition of her father, who was struggling to live after a stroke. his coordination was bad, and he walked poorly, and his head was spinning, he constantly complained of dizziness, it directly showed that he was dizzy, because he couldn’t tell. the neighbors echoed girls, they have witnessed more than once how, not long ago, the sporty, always cheerful belyavsky was now trying to keep in shape, yesterday evening. by chance, i looked, he
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stood on the crossbar, well, he held his hands, he started to cross the crossbar, he peed something on his head, and so, then i looked, he began to work with his legs a little, in the last days he could hardly walk around the yard and open the door without outside help, when he got sick, he had already become poor, he walks and walks, and there we have a rosehip, it’s a big bush, once he fell right into the rosehip, well, from what apparently my head was spinning, besides, it’s now in the entrance... modern double-glazed windows have been installed that can be opened with a slight movement of the hand, but the archival recordings clearly show that in 2012 there were old double frames with latches; in order to open the window on the landing, a lot of effort was required, this not easy for a physically strong person, not to mention an elderly artist broken down by illness, and the width of the window sill is approx.
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despite the high stature of the public's favorite, one can hardly talk about an absurd accident here, but perhaps the most important argument is their cheerful sasha loved his loved ones and would never allow himself to cause them suffering, the main thing was that milka and sashenka were walking downstairs, so they would throw him, throw themselves on their heads, this was not sashkin’s way, i can’t imagine that he could do such a thing, knowing that his loved ones are on... the worst version: what if someone helped the actor fall from a fatal height? who pushed alexander belyavsky to take a step into the mortal void and how the actor repeated the terrible fate of his son, with
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whom murat met on the day of his death nasyrov, why on the way home the singer threw his phone out of the car window, and what was on the flash drive that was found next to... ivan burdasov, he killed with a blow to the ear. i am sure that we will find all the answers to our questions in the past of the burdas. but now you don’t need to think about the past. after june '41, burdasov did not appear anywhere else. an elusive maniac from the past. and
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if we assume that burdasov did come out, look for the living among the dead, the dead among the living. hey, you've piqued my curiosity. in a series based on real events, damn, mommies, they are killing us one by one, something is wrong with this hospital, but yours is sick, it’s too bad for his morals, and if at the trial, he will express his special opinion, the highest measure, premiere, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. era tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv. since birth , little yulia has been fighting for the right to life. the girl was born with one of the most complex heart defects. in the first days after birth , yulia was operated on and this operation helped the girl survive. when yulia was 6 months old,
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doctors were supposed to carry out a radical correction of the defect, but during the operation it turned out that the threshold was much more difficult and it was not possible to cure yulia’s heart. the girl's parents found her. doctors, who are ready to perform a complex open-heart operation to save yulia’s life, need to raise 10 million rubles for the operation to take place. i love my daughter very much, i can’t imagine my life without her. i ask you to help save our little girl, please help save our daughter’s life. we ask each of you to help save the little girl’s life. send an sms to number 75.45 with any donation amount, i am something good, the best, and i am useful, oh yes, and you manage me, regularly, and i am the new vtb loyalty program, choose
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capri lemonade and ice deluxe steamed mango, in italian, delicious and full stop, book a car vacation without extra expenses on avito, with iota, your money won’t fly away, it remains gigantic minutes, we return rubles for them, you can yota, how do you like it, class, but it would save up a vtb savings account, open a vtb savings account with a rate of 18%. vtb, together everything will work out. alexander belyavsky’s apartment was on the third floor, the windows face the alley, and from the windows of the entrance you can clearly see the courtyard, where at that time a young wife and her little daughter were walking. the area between the floors is an excellent observation point, it even... undressed and had only one sock, she once told him that i
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would come soon, take a walk and come, so apparently she lingered on the site for a long time, and he, of course, got nervous, went out to call her, assuming that the tree crowns got in the way belyavsky to see his sasha, then why in on that fateful day, he decided to rise not to the fourth, not to the fifth, but precisely to the sixth floor. in search of an answer to this question , one will have to look into the artist’s distant past 40 years ago. 1973 fox's triumphant role is still 6 years away, but his star is already shining brightly in our cinema. this year , three films with belyavstvo’s participation are being released: there lived three bachelors, talent fans, and the collapse of the engineer garin. against the backdrop of professional success, happy news came from the personal front: his beloved wife valentina.
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i had to hire a nanny for the baby, this is the solution divided their lives into before and after. a little boy, borechka, who was 2 years old, he went to a pond at the dacha with another boy and he simply choked on the shore, the little world that they carried in their arms died without... there is also a dacha
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not far from here, by the way , i was there, we were filming, this is cherepkovo, i looked at him there, but this is of course an insane tragedy, the first child, later it will become known that the ill-fated nanny was distracted by some business of her own and missed it. were family friends, in 1975, when it happened connected not only by cinema, they had been in trouble for more than 60 years, the devastated and broken alexander belyavsky rushed to her for support, unable to cope on his own, when borechek died, he came to us and...
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agreed, and then we took the boy, of course , it was easier, he called him my crutch, little andryusha became his new meaning of life, belyavsky tried not to make past mistakes and did not part with his son for a minute, it was dad and andryusha who were filming the meeting place cannot be changed, he took him with him then, it seemed like heaven heard the prayers unfortunate parents, a year later a real miracle happened, there were four of them,
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one of the most wonderful people i saw in my life, i saw a lot of them, talented, good, bad of all sorts, and sasha, this is such a piece of the soul, he was an absolutely wonderful man, having withstood a monstrous blow, it was as if he had risen from the ashes, fate gave him a second chance and belyavsky grabbed him with both hands, he was sociable, with great humor, he really loved to tell jokes, in general he was such a positive person, not at all... .with with friends, with colleagues and so on. further, everyone loved him, caring parents kept the secret of their son’s birth a guarded secret, and over time they themselves forgot that the boy was not their own, she had a different name, and sasha gave him his last name, his first name, he grew up surrounded by care, which the belyavskys never had time to give to their first-born. sasha
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loved him very much, and i saw it, but there is a limit to everything. only a few people from among those closest to him knew the truth about andrei’s appearance in the family, but as you know, everything secret eventually becomes clear. it is too had an effect on sasha, this is also a scar on the heart, all in the same piggy bank of the heart. there were good people who decided to reveal to the boy the secret of his birth out of malicious intent, or perhaps without thinking about the consequences that would become monstrous, the good neighbors said.
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that’s something, if only the child felt it, he felt very lonely and not needed by anyone. alexander belyavsky again felt guilty, worried that he had not saved him from evil tongues, tried in every possible way to prove to andrey that he was not a stranger to them, they were his love. forgive me, please, because not every couple, husband and wife, well, in particular the husband, for example, will want to take a child from his grandfather, you see, this speaks of his very... great spiritual, heartfelt qualities, this is very important to understand. for the sake of his only son, the famous father was ready to do anything and even bought him a separate apartment in the house where vysotsky lived, for which he would then curse himself for the rest of his life. there was something wrong with the frog, there was no glass or something, he slipped from the sixth or seventh floor and
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broke. andrey will be found dead under the windows the same apartment that was located on the sixth.
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a stranger will save her from bad weather, and for her sake he decides to start all over again, he walked in one direction, and we, their friend, walked in the other, well
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, it was raining, raining, yes, it was raining, yes, and he followed us , asked for an umbrella, well, met, he knew almost nothing about her, luda lives in the capital, is studying to become a doctor, returning from st. petersburg to moscow, the artist will visit all the medical universities, in search of his muse he will meet her again, and for me it was a complete surprise when there at the end eighties we come with sasha, we had programs of creative evenings with him, we had such, such concert-creative evenings, then suddenly he appeared in kaliningrad , uh, with his affection. seeing lyudmila again, the actor suddenly realized that he could no longer resist. under her spell, a long-forgotten feeling engulfed him completely, and his old life faded into the background, he said for the first time, but we were always
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together with him and there and at the hotel we were going to celebrate something there, and here it means the key was turning in keyhole, that's it, and i was kind of there, well, why, just like that, then i realized that this was seriously deep. feelings in 2003, lyudmila will give belyavsky what he had dreamed of for 30 years, the chance to become a father again, the actor was already 71 years old by that time, his wife was 53. i am very proud that i was the first person to know about this, on one of the performances of the ensemble of our gene pool, he came up to me and said: “artistic director, this is the case, i don’t know who to tell, i decided to tell you, i trust you, this is the case.” milka is expecting a baby, i say, sashka, be so happy it’s necessary, he says, you understand, i’m 70, she’s 53, this is some kind of thing, what will it be, she won’t
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be able to live without me, i’m the only one working, in general, how can it be, i say, sasha, that’s it , as they say, god gives a child, gives for a child, and rejoice, this joyful moment will forever remain on film, in the maternity hospital the attentive husband does not leave a single step. wife, he gently strokes her every now and then, as if this time he does not want to miss a single moment of long-awaited happiness. he will allow lyudmila to stand up just for a second, to capture them with friends before the most important moment. with hands trembling with excitement, she will hand over the camera and, under the supervision of doctors, go to the maternity ward. mila came out to them and introduced herself. tummy and through the doctor said: wait, wait 3-4 hours, and after 3-4 hours they brought out this little sasha. 3 hours
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of waiting will seem like an eternity, but then in the first seconds of meeting his daughter he will feel that everything was not in vain. pelyavskaya, lyudmila, you’re in trouble, that’s right, my girl is 3.360, 48 cm. he will freeze silently, afraid of scaring away his happiness. little sasha will break the involuntary pause with a ringing voice. hello. in a couple of minutes he will try to examine and remember every feature, eye color, hair color. how big is the hair? what happened? oh, what's black? i don't know, but they will change again. and only after making sure that everything. what's really happening to him, he'll suddenly ask with alarm how his people are doing, and mom is still there, mom is still there, and how much longer,
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tomorrow, most likely, carefully holding the child's gurney, alexander borisovich seems to be stalling for time before a short separation , arranging an interrogation with the nurse, just to stay around longer and the operation is fine, fine, well, in any case, she screamed, she slayed the people. 8 9 points, she immediately screamed at us, immediately started breathing, smart girl. at parting, he will ask to film the two of them together with the baby, this is the first joint scene of their new life, he was worried about the camera, dad was very worried, of course, he was thinking about how he would raise, what he could give, up to what age, he came up at night, he changed diapers, he, he fed her milk, he held her in his arms, and there are photographs where he holds her very tiny, he glows with happiness, oh, he was so happy, i remember calls and says: oh, what a year, he got an apartment, gave birth to a daughter, but fate gave
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him... unfairly little time, very soon their cozy family nest will turn into a cage for the actor, from which he will no longer be able to get out alive, we were waiting for this 3 years, a great football event, who will ascend to the iron throne and become the champion of the entire continent, the game is close, who will you bet on, register in the betting league application and receive a free bet.
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moscow coffee shop on the waist, i love it, i recommend it, at sportmaster the prices are half the same, but global sports brands with a guarantee of product authenticity, enjoy your different self, fill your summer with bright looks on ozone. i traveled a lot with concerts, i worked very hard, the famous fox agreed to the smallest roles in advertising for dubious companies, this is how i look in life, and this is how i look in photos of a photo service? he even signed up for the propaganda brigade and worked hard on a tour of cities and towns. in 2003 there was such a powerful action authorities near moscow, which means that the artists traveled
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around the moscow region giving almost six concerts a week, in such agent teams, that is, they cultivated the moscow region with terrible force, he did not spare himself and none of his relatives could persuade the artists to take a short break, which could to save his life, a few months later he had this stroke, these are some concert performances, apparently something else, something else, i don’t even know where anymore, but the fact that he worked a lot, it was understandable because i'm young the wife, well, she wasn’t that young, but she was 20 years younger, and the child, and most importantly the child, the one who was born for the stage and was never afraid of the cameras, is now embarrassed even by his closest friends. the only role that the talented artist was never able to fully get used to. one thought came to my mind, i said, shurik,
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let’s do it this way. you're already moving well, come to the show. there are six of us on stage, well, we are such a team, aristarkh livanov, sasha goloborotika, lyosha buldakov, sashka poshutin, i, i say,
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all this is to realize that you cannot support your family, help a growing child, with these experiences he was often left alone, lyudmila, who essentially now had in her arms not only little sasha, but a helpless husband, mired in troubles, just sitting, waiting for his wife and daughter to come from the store or from school, the daughter would come, clean the apartment, feed him, he had nowhere to go, that’s the problem, the actor’s beloved women. will follow him. valentina's first wife in 2015. lyudmila will die from cancer in 2020. could helplessness and emptiness push alexander bilyavsky to the last step into eternity? a terrible
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scenario that he had kept in his head ever since his second son died, or was it just a fatal accident? these questions remained forever unanswered. in january 2007 there was news of the death of this singer. murat nasyrov fell from the fifth floor of house number 15/1. the ambulance doctors, who instantly arrived at the scene, could only pronounce death.
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a line appeared in the forensic report: which will later cause a lot of speculation. in nasyrov’s hands they found his own portrait; at first it was mistaken for an icon, and his favorite camera lay nearby. an artist to the last chord. he dressed in his best concert costume. it was in this jacket that nasyrov appeared on stage in his native kazakhstan a couple of months before the tragedy. i am you, you are me. and we don’t need anyone. these details led experts to a shocking conclusion. according to a preliminary version, the musician could have been under the influence of drugs before his death. the singer’s beloved natalya boyko appeared near the house within minutes of the alarm call. fighting off awkward questions, she kept repeating only one thing: her murat was not like that. they began to say that it was drugs, this is not true, not true, and that he
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was with the icon, this is also not true, because he was, he just had a portrait of him there, but at the fatal moment of the artist’s death the woman was not in the apartment, natalya i was visiting, you know, it happened stupidly, well, it somehow happened that he just went to fix something there or... i wasn’t there, my children’s grandmother, my mother, was there. only three people were the last to see nasyrov alive: small children akim ilia and the musician’s mother-in-law greta boyka. the man died, died tragically, but this was an accident. she told the investigation everything. why wasn't natalya nearby? some kind of quarrel occurred between them, as a result of which his fiancee went to a meeting of friends, alone. how nasyrov rushed around the apartment from corner to corner. according to his
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mother-in-law, the artist finally performed a few of his songs, after which he changed clothes, took the portrait and took the deadly step. newspapers they wrote that they managed to complete their plan only on the second attempt, allegedly before that he ran out into the entrance, tried to break through to the roof and wake up the neighbors. murat shouted that his dead friend and heaven were calling him to him. at that moment, the mother-in-law managed to stop him; she didn’t have time for the second time. natalya buiko kept repeating the same thing, it was a monstrous accident, her husband just wanted to fix the antenna, slipped and fell down, but the evidence said something completely different. why on the eve of his death. suddenly asked natalya to get married, that
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was on a flash drive that was found next to the singer’s body, why natalya buried this flash drive with her husband, as well as a female trace in the death of murat nasyrov, we will find out in a couple of minutes the affair with which singer he hid until his death. fans seem to have something to say, with the betting league app, discuss bets in a unique chat with other players, repeat bets. from the betting league, the highest measure, premiere tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, the choice of a professional, accurately, amylatek acts precisely in the center of pain with care for those closest to you, the exact solution - free movement, the ving series, i want everything to be beautiful, love, passion, how i want to try, it may end. bad, say that you don’t love him, i’m telling him to go
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climbed here, and i imagined that one day i will open this place to everyone. and i decided, a hotel. to be in the lighthouse, it’s good that friends helped with the repairs, with the opening of the sber business, sber supported me at the start in everything, an account was opened in one click, they helped with accounting and legal issues, the cash register was quickly connected, all this is free, with the support of sber starting a business is easier. and faster, we are opening the way to business, sberbusiness, one of my friends connected unlimited in a megaphone completely free of charge, and now she is on the internet all the time, have time to connect megapower to unlimited before the end of summer, so that the internet does not
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was ending, there will be jago-jago only in a megaphone, for me this is a departure from the old, fresh, bold, everything for large and small forms, save up electronic stickers, buy an italian brand towel from one ruble, collect the entire collection, pyaterochka helps out, these symptoms can be caused by adhesions, that is, fibrosis, langitis against adhesions and inflammation, an awl blow to the ear, it’s like a fingerprint, you can make a psychological portrait of this person, and he’s alive or, this is a mystery, the ultimate measure, a series based on real events. premiere tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. murat nasyrov! these shots were taken on the eve of the death of murat nasyrov. from the stage, the singer reports: on march 21, 2007, he and his bride will go to zachs. i will have
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a slide on march 21, but i can’t invite you, there are only 120 seats. why exactly then did the singer suddenly decide to publicly announce his wedding, which would force him to do so? and the fact that they didn’t formalize the relationship, i, you know, well, yes, they, they have a christian family, he has a muslim one, well, it seems to me that now in the 21st century this is not really like such barriers for people who love, well maybe there was some kind of friction in their family about this. natalya boyko was the first with whom we planned to record an interview about the difficult fate of the mysterious death of murat nasyrov, but unexpectedly she refused and even tried to persuade the rest of the heroes of this story to remain silent. many of those who at first willingly agreed to a frank
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conversation suddenly broke the agreement after the widow’s call, but we still managed to unearth a lot and emerged from the darkness. female trace in the death of murat nasyrov, vucheticha street 15 building 1 - that the very house where murat nasyrov lived and where he tragically died. here, tightly clutching his portrait in his hands, with a camera around his neck , the singer mysteriously committed suicide in january 2007. for all these years since the mysterious death of the famous artist , close colleagues have not found the answer to the main question: why did this tragedy happen? show business in russia, it’s a struggle for survival, they don’t like successful people,
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they don’t like people who came, strangers and... became successful, he made plans for the future, recorded a dozen new songs and i dreamed of going with one of them to an international music competition, but instead , in january 2007, in a nightclub, when exactly one day remained before the death of murat nasyrov. it was a place where the cream of society flocked every weekend; right behind the backs of harsh security guards , a world of glossy looking glass,
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compliant models, alcohol and even illegal substances opened up under the counter. in this evening , entry was only for our own people. at a closed event, a music award was presented. among other stars, the paparatians noticed a boy, who wants to go to tambov. the boy wants to go to tambov, you know, chiki-chiki-chiki-chiki. planes don’t fly there today and even trains don’t go there, but planes don’t fly there today and even trains don’t go there. the winner of the next nomination was supposed to be announced by tv presenter masha malinovskaya, but by a strange coincidence, instead of her , nasyrov suddenly stood up on stage for everyone. a man who was initially not included in our script at all, he just came up and said: “please, i want to go on this stage.” an awkward pause hung in the air. hall come to cold silence, the one who was used to playing the first violin tried with his last strength to restrain his emotions. you know, i wanted to say
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that i didn’t, i didn’t ask to come to the center, the information was a little distorted, i was asked to come here. later, nasyrov’s relatives will tell how hard it was for him to realize that the former glory for which he came to moscow was already in the past; the musician was burdened with the stigma of being a star of the nineties. he took it very hard, unfortunately, i didn’t see, didn’t... hear, well, after all, he’s an artist and he somehow knows how to hide his emotions, but the people with whom he communicated very closely at that moment, they say that this directly put a lot of pressure on him. the singer tried by any means to regain his finest hour to attract everyone's attention again. i will have a sweet party on march 21, but i can’t invite you, there are only 120 seats. no one knew yet that this was his last appearance on stage and his last address to the public. with a smile on his face, the host will cut the star off mid-sentence, reminding him of the main theme of the event. okay, let's not talk about the wedding, who
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it became, it will be a wonderful nomination, everyone should know about it. nasyrov’s bet worked, he again found himself in the top gossip column news. the article about their wedding with backing vocalist natalya boyko, after 15 years of civil marriage, sold out in large numbers. who am i for? but their romance was destined for a different ending. instead of the bride's white dress, the very next day she will be forced to wear mourning. cloudy morning, january 19 , 2007. another sleepless night is behind us, murat has been working for a week on creating his the latest love ballad romeo and juliet, an eloquent and honest story. the window was hiding snow, where are you now, my closest
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person, without betraying himself, he dedicated it to his juliet and dreamed of performing it with natalya abroad, the wind took away and carried away all the dreams, it’s cold without you, only you, tired but inspired murat sits down in... davletyarov will reproach himself for a long time that he was sleepy and did not hear this call; when he tries to contact murat, he will be forever in the out-of-access zone. still, in addition to this, we that we had a working relationship, we had friendly relations, it seemed to me that he always shared some of his personal issues with me. around 10:00 in the morning, nasyrov, returning from the station in anger, breaks his mobile phone, later his mother-in-law accidentally lets slip about it. he threw it right
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out of the car window. what happened between murat and natalya in the car? who else did he manage to talk to and whose words infuriated him so much? we can only guess. subsequently, the family did not hear about this incident. never say anything. one thing is certain, having delivered his wife home, murat quickly leaves for a restaurant, where he meets the owner of the establishment, his fellow countryman zhurad. we had an event planned for tomorrow saturday , we wanted to celebrate the new year with our... uighur company, because we never got together on holidays, he called my son several times in front of me and asked: “akimchik, do you remember that tomorrow we are we going to visit? could a man who planned to commit suicide in a few hours remind his son that tomorrow they go on a visit together, and generally make plans for the future.
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probably, such a tragic departure of baglan, it was probably the last straw in his consciousness, which may have influenced this, this tragedy. guitarist astudio baglans advocates or baga, as those closest to him called him, crashed to death in his suv in the center of moscow on august 3, 2006, his car
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flew into a kamaz truck at high speed. death, that influenced it the most, for sure, because he couldn't talk at all, he dreamed about my dad called him for help, and he was already starting to go crazy. to sodvokasov, nasyrov owed not only his long-term friendship, but also his success, it was the guitarist astudio who helped him in the first couple of days, introduced the singer to producer davletyarov, they are from the same city, both make music, and baga certainly always worried about him, here’s my appearance in life. murata too thanks to a bug. after his death with a lawyer in a terrible accident, murat nasyrov came home to his widow more than once and there they again and again resurrected precious moments in their memory, together they were it is easier to cope with grief. in their last meeting, it seems that everything was as always, but it only seems. on that fateful day,
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secluded at a table in a restaurant, they talked for several hours. until nasyrov unexpectedly abruptly gets ready to go home. an excessive emotional state, even for a person of fine mental organization, caused concern among those with whom the artist spent the evening. the owner of the establishment insists that murat not drive and sends him with his driver. the widow from the lawyer zhanna wanted to make sure that everything was ok with smurat after makes a follow-up call for a while. he answered the phone himself and said that... jean, don’t worry, i’ve already arrived and am going to bed. before leaving, he will have time to say that he urgently needs to tell natalia how much he loves her, and that it was in vain that he did not do this more often. but natalya never heard his last declaration of love; she met with her friends. some kind of quarrel occurred between them, as a result of which his fiancee went to a meeting of friends, alone, his
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general agitation was felt, some kind. internal experiences. he will start pacing nervously apartment from corner to corner. having waited for the moment when his mother-in-law goes to the kitchen, he jumps out of the apartment onto the staircase. there he will start calling and knocking on the doors of his neighbors, shouting that he saw god himself, his dead friend sadvokasov, who is calling him to his place. mother-in-law runs out after murat. she manages to find the right words to calm the singer and take him back home. he pretends that he understood her arguments, everything is fine, but this was just a trick to lull the woman’s vigilance. january 19, 2007, singer murat nasyrov rushes in panic across the floors of this five-story building, rings the neighbors' doors, the mother-in-law barely manages to calm the artist down and return him to the apartment. murat
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locks himself in his room, and there are no frames. behind his back, many discussed that the bride natalya did not want to formalize the relationship , why the hell do i need you, go earn money. he could dial his doctor's phone number and ask for help, but instead murat nasyrov takes out
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his favorite concert suit. he puts the camera around his neck, picks up his portrait and goes out onto the balcony for the last time. one of the witnesses to what happened next was neighbor and friend nasyrov. we communicated closely, i arrived at night. yeah, when all this happened, he says: calm down, please, commit suicide, this is the poet composer murat nasyrov. he was not able to realize that trouble had happened right away, they say that it was as if he had taken something and fell, this was not 100% the case, the man was just such a believer, i can say with confidence. that, of course, he did not, did not commit suicide, in general, this is not even discussed, i do not believe in his suicide, because i am unlikely to be so cheerful man, we have a lot of
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conspiracy theories, but nothing can be proven. when he died, his friends started talking about how he sought solace at the bottom of a glass and even in illegal substances. dangerous addiction quickly became one of the main versions of the tragic events.
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there are psychological breakdowns, i remember that boglan even went to the hospital with him once to sort out this matter. then no one was able to understand the artist’s experiences. they blamed it on alcohol, drug addiction and even participation nasyrov in a certain sect, where producer davletyarov allegedly brought him. it is quite possible, this could have had such a precedent for the kostekts, did they go somewhere in an organized manner, did they worship anything? i don’t know, but there were rumors. this version was presented by alexander tolmatsky, whose son detzel also died under strange circumstances. in one of the interviews , talmatsky defended that devletyarov more than once
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organized dubious indoctrination sessions with his artists. he sent all his employees to some sect there under the threat of dismissal. participation in some secret society was also attributed to director nasyrov alexander skurikhin. he refused to give us an interview afterwards. for those with whom the singer whiled away moments of despair, the reasons for his depressed state were clear to all, he was grieving the death of his close friend boglan sadvakasov, spent a lot of time with his family, constantly saw
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the deceased in dreams, and on that fateful day he met his friend’s widow , but what were they talking about, in what state the artist returned home, where no one was waiting for him, when murat was having a hard time, baga felt it on distance, that is, he even... murat could tell what he was hiding from others, and after his friend left, he began to share the most intimate things with his widow, what was in the artist’s soul that day, perhaps he was worried that his publicly announced wedding will not take place, fans, your bets are in the game, are you ready, stop, and the referee gives a green card, what is this application?
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i don’t know why you need this, there’s probably nothing to do, so help everyone, krachev, you can’t save the whole world, you spend too much energy on things you shouldn’t do must, andrey chadov, our job is to help people, bailiffs, premiere, tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv. capital punishment, premiere, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. expert in the treatment of thrush, fluco, start, vac. the answers are correct. in terms of?
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flucostat are capsules, and flucovac are vaginal suppositories. both drugs are able to influence the causes of thrush and alleviate its symptoms after a single use. flucostat or flucovac. everyone has their own way of getting rid of thrush. vk fest is the main event of the summer. meet in five cities across the country. powerful lineup and your favorite hits are popular speakers and bloggers. they are waiting for you at vkfest, buy tickets at the main feature of modern youth is flexibility. yes, uncle dim. you didn’t forget about the casting i arranged for you. in no case. if i brush my teeth while already dressed, it means i forgot about the casting. i am late. and if i'm late, then i take a scooter. and if i took a scooter, it means i transferred unused communication minutes to this trip. if everyone leaves there once...
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responded warmly, he loved her, he left his old life in kazakhstan for the sake of his career, she took the creative pseudonym selena and left estonia. i love. selena, precisely because she sings, she has always sung, she has a beautiful voice. in moscow they quickly sang together, they were always so harmoniously together that we even have such questions in it didn’t even occur to me whether they were married or not; murat’s choice was greeted by his relatives in kazakhstan , to put it mildly, coolly; his nationality and religion were different; there were many rumors that the daughter-in-law was never able to become one of their own for the singer’s parents. quite a successful start to solo sailing, not without creative crises, downtime and depression, but all this time, faithful natalya was nearby,
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for a long time no one had any doubts, the heart of murat nasyrov and the heart of his common-law wife beat in unison, this is confirmed by close friends , whose widow i couldn’t do it as an artist. home feasts, everywhere in the frame they flash what you like, me too, travel, beautiful children akim ilia, in the rare breaks between tours he was truly happy with his family, murat adored his daughter and son and
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dedicated his most touching songs to them: my little boy, fluffy little cat. natal he wrote poems about love. someone will forgive, someone will understand. in this video, as in his life, she became the main character. they didn't have to play other people's roles. he is invariably with a camera in his hands, focusing his attention on darling. the days fly by. we should stop. murat and natalya performed on stage together, this is one of their joint compositions, and now it even looks like a confession. i was unable to say words of love to you, but you also understand me, and i was waiting for you, but for some reason you shattered
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my dreams, years later these lines will take on a special meaning when, after the death of the artist, one is on guard. his muse suddenly becomes another, his creative and, as it turns out, later personal life includes a guest from the future, the lead singer of the group eva polno, the following lines are the artist already dedicated to her, the shame will tell you, but that’s not the truth, loving you without succumbing to long dreams,
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i confess so anxiously and pleasantly, looking after the floating clouds, the chronicle, he tried with all his might to maintain the image of an exemplary family man, and coming to the talk show, spoke only about his wife. i have always adhered to the belief that the person with whom i will connect my life will not be with anyone before me, that is, he will be an innocent creature, that is, i fell in love
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with innocence. only a couple of people guessed about the tender friendship of murat and eva, becoming unwitting witnesses of their embrace. it was on the ship. zolotarev then organized this birthday party, already in the morning we were already swimming up to some shore to make, in my opinion, barbecue or something else, so we actually saw it on the roof.
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murat must have realized that he was walking on the edge, it’s incredible, but during the filming of this video , the singer literally almost fell from a great height. i almost fell down, because half a step was left before i fell from 100 m. who knew then that this incident while filming with eva polnaya would become the scenario of his death, and what does it look like now, an accident or an ominous sign of fate? his family life could have been on the verge of death, it would not have been difficult to be jealous of polna, it was kept secret for a long time, and now it turns out that the singer gave many reasons for jealousy, but as nasyrov himself admitted, in their family it is not customary to ask unnecessary questions to the husband , this was his last appearance on television, i try to build relationships in such a way that after all... my wife has some kind of framework for how she can control your husband or ask
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him ridiculous questions, where were you, for example, what really happened between them, and did natalya unquestioningly follow the strict rules, as he wanted to present it, or on the last day of his life she decided to remember past grievances to him ? there was some kind of quarrel between them, as a result of which his fiancee went to a meeting of friends alone. the lightning that illuminated eternity is kept secret in the death of the artist and the answer to the question of what or who pushed nasyrov to take the fatal step,
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along with the singer’s body , the camera that was on the artist’s neck at that dark moment was also lowered into the grave. on the memory card of the very camera that was buried here along with its owner, there were explanations intended only for the bride, but to get answers from...
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the famous father. akim is already 23. music college, saxophone and his own creative group. you can't go against gen. i have my own composition, very conceptual, from my original music and also my musicians, whether my daughters are 27 educated as an economist either was able to discourage the girl’s desire for art. i sing, but it’s not like a profession,
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because i have a lot of things that i would like to do, have done, plan to do, because it’s also... stagnation, death of a close friend, problems in my personal life, perhaps a singer i was never able to overcome the depression of internal demons that inexorably pulled the artist down. next, the last days of boris moiseev, why does the artist’s brother believe that the singer was killed, and what
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evidence does he have about who often emptied moiseev’s bank accounts? and why shortly before his departure, boris moiseev began to get rid of his real estate, we’ll find out in a couple of minutes. the championship is not just a spectacle, it is your winlay betting tournament. everything here depends only on you. the more you bet, the more you will take away from the prize pool of 150. this is only possible in the venline tournament. venline makes a difference. we have an urgent matter. some major from yaroslavl called the authorities. investigator of the prosecutor's office , major pogolem. they found some criminal killed with an awl in the ear. a blow to the ear with an awl? he's specific. it's like a fingerprint. and now
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they want us to dig through the entire archive in a week in search of similar crimes. and throughout the entire union. i heard right, it was shillos who was killed, a certain ivan burdasov, you can draw up a psychological portrait of this man, but is he alive or, this is a mystery, the leningrad archive burned down in forty -two, he can change his identities, exactly, this is scum, she should not live , do you hear, you won’t leave, creature, not today, the ultimate measure, a series based on real events, something? it's not like that in this hospital, i 'll destroy everything there, to hell, premiere, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. bailiffs, premiere, tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv. what did you do 3 days ago? if the question seems difficult, it can help at apppt. it helps restore memory and attention. let's get our head working.
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large and small shapes, save up electronic stickers, buy an italian towel brand from one ruble, collect the entire collection, pyaterochka helps out, millions of people choose phytolax, fruit-based laxative chewable tablets, try it. new phytalax marmalade berries, just one at night for comfortable relief in the morning, does not cause bloating spasms, fitolax from evalar beyond the new season with timur eremeev, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. the center of moscow, the imenezuev house of culture, a modest hall with 800 seats, almost packed, they didn’t sell tickets to outsiders, entry was prohibited, people gathered here that day. friends of boris moiseev, it was a closed free concert only for those who did not leave during its most terrible days.
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the applause does not stop for 2 hours. moiseev spends all this time on stage, proving to the grateful audience that even after a stroke you can give it your all. i’m ready for a new year. i'm coming back to live. helps him even more than the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor; somewhere in the darkness of the auditorium , his guardian angel, speech therapist elena semyonovna, is carefully watching him. of course, we still need to work, he knows boris mikhailovich. this, this is probably terrible, i remember how i interviewed him, he had difficulty speaking, it was about a year, probably 2014, he was still trying to do something on stage, it was very difficult for him, because he ... an amazing speaker, here’s moiseev, but he’s some interesting interviews, some jokes, tricks, he really loved losing the audience, of course it was very hard for him, it’s very hard
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to watch this material later, it’s very hard to see yourself, two hours the artist celebrates the concert with sparkling wine right on stage, but champagne from he doesn’t even try a glass, he pours it into the audience out of emotion, he is in a hurry to get on stage with all his might, few people know that apart from love for the audience... a desperate step, he was pushed by the prevailing circumstances, right there, during this lying down, yes, behind during his illness, it was as if all the funds had been spent, that is, moiseev had nothing left in his accounts , zeros, zeros, zeros, without a one, yes, solid, there are as many of them as possible, at least a million zeros, well, no one, nothing does not mean material.
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more than that, the trip costs 100 rubles, it’s necessary add another thousand, because he needs to earn money, it’s a problem for moses, his friends helped him, but moiseev didn’t want to remain in debt, his touring earnings were still far away, but the bills had to be paid here now, but what were the expenses when he you have tours, when you work, when you know what you have planned.
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accumulation, there was some additional real estate that brought some kind of income, but that’s all, he said, a person has nothing for a year, two, three, but it’s, you know, it’s, it’s invisible, but it was yesterday, but today it’s not, the newspapers didn’t write about it, after being discharged from the hospital, boris moiseev was forced to sell his beloved country house in barvikha, part of the money went for treatment, the rest for the salary of his temporarily unemployed musician. ballet, a huge group, asks for food, asks for drink, wants to live normally, yes, but they have a job, this is boris vaiseev, yes, they are not a factory, but here the factory is idle, well, what is it simple, simple okay, he’s just lying there, he’s sick on sick leave there, yes, no, under no circumstances should this have been allowed, but the selkies kicked him as
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they wanted. they pulled him out of this hospital bed, yes there, pumped him up with the necessary drugs, kisses, kisses, hugs and so on, in general, they put him on stage again so that they could dance and clap next to him on the left, on the right there, well, on the cliches, everything and there, on what they played with him, well, well, too, it helps on the other hand, you are needed, but this accumulates the internal energy of strength. well, paris got up, stood up, well, actually returned, in general, supposedly to a full and well , creative life, you understand, there are people, there are people, yes, for whom the stage is their life, this, this, you know, this is their life, this is
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andrey alesan. standing on the stage, if not the stage, i will die. boris moiseev lived on the stage; he needed rehearsals for performances to the delight of the audience like air. the artist could say goodbye to this world only in the light of the safits, but alas, he died alone in his apartment. there are people, yes, for
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whom the stage is. this is their life, this is you understand, this is their life, this is andrey aleksannovich mironov, this is vysotsky, you can list a lot, yes, who died on stage, his life ended there, for which he was born and lived, bori moiseev was the same, he could have been kept at home longer, and he could have gone through further rehabilitation. a little longer for the meaning in this life, moiseev always wanted the stage and him, that is, this is not the person who could so calmly refuse to perform and live happily, because if you read his memoirs or his interviews, the memories of acquaintances, you will listen to him himself, the scene was his main love, he realized that he
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could no longer give anything to the viewer. by the way, many people accused him of this, and even i know that many of his colleagues were offended, because they called him and said: “bory, come to the premiere with us, we have a new show, you’ll watch it, you’ll perk up, but fighting with everyone’s refusal ". can’t even speak, this is probably terrible, it sounds completely cynical now, but in fact, people are tired of other people’s grief, but he has been sitting there for 5 years 7 at home, doesn’t go anywhere, doesn’t call on the phone, and doesn’t
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text can't really answer because there, even your hands don’t listen to you, and communication through assistants, what he said there, what he conveyed, yes, how this happens is unclear, and moisev simply began to be forgotten, well, the public forgot him, and somehow the glue was twisted, but he it doesn’t work out, there’s no concert activity, and there’s nothing, his entire team has been disbanded, but people realized that everything was screwed up, what was the point in boris moiseev’s life when he sat, sat in a chair, looked at the tv , nothing else, you know, for this a man like moses, for him life was a stage, outside this scene, outside...... outside these frameworks, he could not live, he could not exist, for him it was incomprehensible to him what it was like to sit on a bench near the house with a stick, with a cane and see who passed, whoever is wearing what is not
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boris, this is not his life, he was not born for this. for 12 years, boris mikhailovich clung to life with all his might, trying to overcome the consequences of a stroke, but why... boris mikhailovich’s first stroke was shot in december 2010, he was preparing for the presentation of his video entitled “i can’t you” lose", the name is specific, because it is not clear who moiseev was addressing in this clip, he did not have particularly close relations with his relatives, as we know, there was no family, moiseev believed that...
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he became a star, somehow he disappeared, and he was somewhat lost, apparently he was very worried about this, he made big bets on this video, he wanted, well, of course, for it to be - like a hit, yes, as they say, he was worried, overworked, plus some personal emotional experiences, creative ones, well, in general, a stroke he loves such things very much, he looks for such people, he doesn’t sneak up from behind and hit him on the head, well, boris moiseev suffered this stroke, as it turns out later, moiseev had serious health problems long before the first stroke. this book was written 3 years ago, yes, and before
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moiseev’s first stroke, that is, he is still vigorous, fresh, he is 52 years old here, so he seems to share his plans, describes everything that is happening in his life, he even describes it to him concerts in this... he constantly suppresses carvolol, that is so he comes to the rehearsal, he starts taking pills for his heart, and he is on nerves, he is worried, well, roughly speaking, his heart breaks before the performance, he is quite an authoritarian leader, but at the same time everyone understands that he has certain problems, and even the author of this book says: well, you should get treatment, he says, what if they find something there, that is, i don’t want to, they found stones in my kidney there at one time, they would crush them... it’s so scary, that is , he is very afraid that he will stop working, that concert activity will be checked, that they will find something wrong, that is, this seems like a red thread in the biography and fears of this person, in general, if we talk about
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the stars of the era of the nineties, they were very afraid of being unnecessary, they were very afraid of missing their chance, because they were just biting into their success, after the first blow moiseev made... superhuman efforts to return to work and his audience. for a long time, doctors could not say at all whether he would survive or not. bori was very difficult, and then many in... show business they said that that was it, bore would die. no one believed that after such a serious diagnosis, after an iv, after an induced coma, borya would be able to survive, but borya was always distinguished by the fact that he had enormous fortitude, you see, you can see this fortitude, it helped him survive , and despite such a difficult diagnosis, even the doctors at that moment, at the end of december 2010, they said that here we should only count
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on a miracle, because borya is very severe, and a miracle really happened, borya gradually came to his senses, he was taken out from a coma state, and he had already begun to return to life, it is clear that this was no longer the same borya that we all knew and loved, but on february 4, 2011 he was discharged from the hospital, his first stroke, well, usually when it happens to people, yes, if. .. how are these things, moiseev recovered, recovered, moreover, he recovered, but it would take a long time to get out, well, despite everything , he was there quite soon, well, quite quickly he came on stage, i know that seryozha is the director, in fact, in fact he he was brought back to life when bori had a stroke, he was there 7 or 8 months he did not appear at all. how, then suddenly he, he appears on stage, he
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works, he is absolutely in normal form, he organized huge tours for him after the first stroke, that is, borya did not become a vegetable then, he continued to work, and he, and he worked further, only during the championship, only winline gives free bets daily, both to new players and to those who have been with us for a long time. receive freebet every day. vinline makes a difference. the highest measure. premiere. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. what did you do 3 days ago? if the question seems difficult, haappept can help. it helps restore memory and attention. to keep your head working. another reason to open a sbermarket. order from your favorite restaurants and get a burger as a gift. sbermarket. anything and get
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your russia on the unknown russia tv channel. some limbs did not move, the difficulties were very great, but borya did everything in order to return to life, he understood that it was unlikely that he would be able to be the same as before, but he wanted to return to at least that state so that it was possible... and not cause trouble to anyone, and he worked very hard on his speech, he performed special exercises, he did not spare himself, but he repeated these exercises from morning to evening, you know, only so that he could speak as before, all the efforts that he made borya and the peas
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that were next to him , they were not in vain, in fact, and the improvements became noticeable literally immediately. that is, borya began to live, it is clear that the borya that was before is not discussed here, but borya has already become, at least he could get up, talk, walk, it seems that the singer has restored his speech, it seems his body listened to his stage, but customers of corporate events and television producers invited moiseev less and less, well , it’s hard to say, but more or less happily, because he is still... capable, he can co-star, he tries to give interviews, something to do in his life, he goes out and writes something down, yes, and again, moses himself was very grateful to the journalists, and the journalists tried to somehow write him down so that he could give some kind of speech normally,
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where -to speak, that is, to gather, to say, but still, if you look, you still feel that... here he is trying to do something, that is , in the fifties and fifteenth year, he is trying to tour, he is trying to give on, trying to record something, it’s bad, because that the defect is obvious, in the fifteenth year he ceases to engage in concert activities. in 2015, fate dealt the artist a second blow - a micro-stroke, suddenly he suddenly felt bad again, then no one paid attention to it, borya himself, you know, but borya doesn’t like him.
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then we need to take this whole thing more seriously to approach the question, so moiseev left, well , i won’t say to his second homeland, but he went to the states, but moiseev, oddly enough , didn’t really like america here, he believed that he was uncomfortable there, he still wanted to return to his homeland, they found a clinic in which, well, yes, american medicine here is not very good, why did he go there? most likely due to some kind of acquaintance because it is fashionable, she did not win anything in this regard over the russian one, she does not win now, but there, well , with such diseases, so he has in europe he does better, yes, even in israel, well , i went to the state, but unfortunately, the minus,
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a colossal minus, is the price of treatment, if it weren’t for 3 kopecks here. yes, but 7 kopecks, then there it is 80 rubles. yes, that is, dozens, why am i lying, what am i lying, i’m reducing this price tag, hundreds of thousands. dollars were spent on this treatment, this is a colossal blow to his budget, the singer spares nothing to restore his health, money, connections, opportunities, everything is put into action, but a miracle does not happen, treatment, travel, rehabilitation, all this well, it was a colossal effort, well, here you can’t buy health on the one hand, on the other hand.
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well, in general, he became so half-hearted, well, in his artistic potential, yes, as a person, and it’s hard for you to understand a stroke, but here you can no longer sign up, his articulation has disappeared, and strokes affect his speech, he could barely speak words, that is, speech has disappeared, we are talking about the fact that he is engaged in rehabilitation, that again, the pea and his loved one. they try to push people around them to come to bor moiseev and moiseev really don’t like that he
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didn’t like it when, for example, there were medicines placed around the house, that is, he didn’t want to feel sick, he tried to pretend that everything was fine, and he didn’t want to be lonely, he regularly they took him there on a trip, he went on a trip, he was in miami, for example, there every year, and... he asked his friends in the mountains to write something down for him, congratulate him, call him, he would like it better. i saw him, literally a year after that he came to the theater, to his friend nadezhda babkina, and of course, borya had already become completely different, he was fading away, and it was no longer even borya, like 2017 at the anniversary concert, he was already having difficulty speaking, with difficulty. he moved, but when he saw that the cameras were pointed at him, he always smiled and always said his
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trademark, okay, you know, he said that, fighting like you, okay, at that moment borya decided that he would not appear in public again it will be, this exit to babkina, it was one of his very last appearances, just here in public for the press, for everyone. he began to live a reclusive life, lead a reclusive lifestyle, that is, boris moiseev, as an artist, as an element of show business, a superstar, after the second stroke he completely left the stage, that is, lost as an artist, yes, he realized this quite quickly, but he is sane but a man, yes, a man, who had already felt this glory, who understood how it must be with... he became ashamed to go on that stage, so he was in colossal depression, locked himself at home,
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didn’t go out anywhere, he only allowed people to come to him those closest to him, mainly sergei gorokh, who was really with him every single day, and sergei does not hide the fact that borya received, in principle, he tried to enjoy life, but he always dreamed of the scene, borya, you understand. he even told it himself, i wake up in the morning and say: i see a dream, i’m in a hurry to exit the stage, i understand that the music is already playing, but i don’t have time, i’m late for the stage, that is, such dreams tormented him constantly, he wanted a stage, but he was aware that this would never happen again, if strokes began, then after the first, maybe the second, but after the second it’s always like a control shot in the head, it’s... a stroke is, well, ask any doctor 99% after the second everything control the third everything it happened question
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a little earlier he should have. death, it was already too late. boris moiseev died at 14:00. in 3 hours, sergei gorokh will tell the sad news to journalists and almost immediately receive a terrible accusation from the ocean. the main culprit in my brother's death is peas. klara novikova, nikolai
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baska, nadezhda babkina. see boris off it seems like the whole stage gathered for moiseev’s last journey. firstly, it was our teacher, that’s all ours, to which you all react, it’s thanks to him, because he looked like a snowman, he loved the holiday, he was a holiday, it’s a legend , we think it’s a legend, we think it’s a nugget, first of all, and never like that again.
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there was nowhere for an apple to fall in the second place here at the troikurovsky cemetery, colleagues, friends, fans all came to pay tribute to the talent of boris moiseev’s courage, only the singer’s only brother was not in the crowd of mourners, brother, it’s not that he wasn’t there, it ’s not that he didn’t even come there, let alone take care of the fence lately, when he was sick, he didn’t even deign to come to the funeral with him, he...
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here imagine what else we can say, what else we can expect, listen, if you loved borya so much, and in general this is his own brother, well , how can you not, how can you not come to his funeral, but this is terrible, you know, this is some kind of obscurantism, on the part of my brother and his wife, who danced together in the trio express, i think that they are this the shalman was set up specifically to enrich himself
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and simply rob him in battle if it didn’t work out before his death. then at least after death, it’s very ugly on their part, they need to come to their senses. boris moiseev’s brother marx from the ocean responds to this accusation: the international situation is to blame for everything. there were only 3 days left until the funeral. what is 3 days? i didn’t have a visa, i didn’t have medical insurance, i didn’t have anything, as they say, i didn’t have any tickets.
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i am his opponent, i am his enemy, but how do i deal with an enemy? pea, this, he knows, this is all, he i know this too, he disgusts me, because
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i’m telling you that i know why he lived for 30 years, god is with my brother, he’s a scumbag. he is a scumbag, he is not a man, he is a beast, a beast, even the beast doesn’t act like that, when asked why he didn’t visit his sick brother earlier, the canadian cuts off, he didn’t know anything, the pea was in complete control, but imagine that the pea knew that i his brother, and what i find in canada, knew the phone number, knew everything, in 30 years he never called.
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he didn’t want to see him, they didn’t communicate, what’s surprising is that even the brother and his wife didn’t even know about borya’s first stroke when, uh , there was a program on ntv, only just a few days passed after borya’s death, and uh, my brother goes on air via skype and starts telling such nonsense that firstly, they didn’t know about the stroke, they didn’t even know about the first stroke, that is, i don’t know. that google was turned off in canada or that, just like that, our whole country knew that there was a stroke, which means they didn’t know, that is, we didn’t even know that he had a stroke, which means you didn’t communicate, you were not at all interested in the fate and life of your brother,
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peas, he systematically isolated and did not give us any contact, the only opportunity we had before was, we had a telephone, and we congratulated him on his birthday.
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he had plans that he carried out recently, i wish you good health, comrade may, we have a murder, the old father is the first to vomit and rush, the whole city is buzzing, a series based on
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history, value family and strong relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us ahead, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. moiseev’s brother claims that the artist’s director has long been planning some insidious plan. pea did everything so that he would go to the next world early. i don't doubt it at all. he began to hatch this idea when boris was ill, suffered a stroke, when he suffered the first stroke, then he suffered a second stroke, then, talk about the peas , he suffered a third stroke, so he helped him leave, stop, stop,
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stop, at this point in more detail and then, what boris was killed, and he did not die his own. death, i am 100% sure, 100% sure that he was helped to pass into the next world, these are very serious accusations and require irrefutable evidence, but does the canadian have it, so all my life i have been an honest, fair person, despite the fact that i am not an investigator or a detective is what i feel and say. that the main culprit in the death of my brother is the pea, how he killed him is difficult for me to say, because you can kill a person without necessarily giving him blows, but although it was
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said on television that he had blows to head, that is, he was beaten before his death, he can be poisoned with drugs, he can be poisoned with anything. that is, i have no doubt at all that it was the pea that did this, either because of him, which means he bought people, or this is the same thing, but i believe that he is guilty of the death of my brother, 100% guilty, a huge number of conspiracy theories - moments arose, yes, they killed, suffocated with a pillow there, i don’t know, poisoned there...
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not an ambulance, but a non-precinct one there, there are completely, well, objective circumstances of ours, ours today of the capitalist world, and this is with this, those who have encountered this, yes, those who have not encountered this, can imagine whatever they want, his thing is that peas, he... absolutely had what information, how much money boris has in his account, how much boris has, real estate, apartment, where they are, he absolutely knew in boris’s apartment what he had, what antiques he had, what
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paintings he had, what diamonds he had for it, he had it all knew perfectly well, he knew like... no one else knew or knows, he did it all knew, and he took it all into his own hands, everything, i say, he is a terrible beast, he is a beast, he is a murderer, as soon as an urgent call comes to the police that a person has died, then, yes, the police are soon called to to state that he died without no...
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that is, it was all taken over by boris’s neighbor, she said that as soon as boris
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died, he literally that night completely removed everything from the apartment, completely emptied everything, they said that it turns out , borya moiseev died 3 hours before it was announced throughout the country, and that before that , all his paintings, all more or less significant things, and a neighbor were taken out of the apartment. i saw it all and she says: i immediately realized that something bad would happen, but i don’t know whether to believe it or not, because you know, if it were true, well, seryozha gorokh, for example, he would have could have endured all this, but no one would have thought about it, the pea could too, so use such examples, either the nursing home should take him somewhere to lock him up, or somewhere in the forest.
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there's no one there to stop him, actually could, why hide moiseev somewhere so that the corpse could then be transported to his home, well, in some ways, then they hid him in order to kill him there, somehow secretly, yes, then bring this corpse, but if you killed him, yes, well, here under all the circumstances, yes, according to moiseev , a forensic examination was carried out, well, firstly, firstly, yes, this is... a mandatory procedure, and secondly, right after these calls, well, they started,
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well, it started a movement, then they killed, then poisoned, then hid, then transported, then something else, yes, appeals went to the police, the police, yes, appeals have been sent, marx swears that he started the war with sergei gorokh not for the sake of speed, solely to restore justice, i ... would like, and if there is a god in the world, let him do it so that he completely confiscates everything from the pea punished him, and what i got, i would put it all together, open a relief fund named after boris moiseev and i would help the children and so on, i would not give myself a single dollar, not a single penny from this fund. i wouldn't take it. according to the will of boris moiseev, everything that remained after 12
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years of fighting the disease should go to the director, with whom the artist spent 30 years of his life. sergei gorokh is, well, firstly, they were, he was moiseev’s assistant there for almost 30 years, well, a very, very, very long, very long time. so, uh, what function did it serve in his life? yes, you can also compose anything you want, but... look, boris mikhailovich lived without a family, right? artists, well, these are children, cross-armed, not remembering anything, this is all, confused, absolutely infantile in everything that does not relate to making money, because everyone is greedy and creativity, well , the production of a creative product, but...
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for moiseev, he was the closest person, i’m telling you again, peas, he
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’s worse than a beast, he’s worse than a beast, he’s generally... i can’t imagine, he has nothing human, and what he says, and what this is, it’s all a deception, it’s all a deception, this is completely untrue information, absolutely, it was very difficult for seryozha, you don’t wish your enemy to experience that moment, you know, a reclining man, and naturally, what sergei experienced is simple, well, you wouldn’t wish it on your enemy, get it right, huh? but he was always next to him, now i know, many people say: what a pea, a scoundrel, he profited from the sick moses, understand, in the last years of his life the collection had nothing to take, precisely because in order to somehow to support him, himself, in the forest he also needed medicine, and he lived practically on one pension, he had no other income, and sergei gorokh
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got a job, understand, yes, nadezhda babkina took him in, he became the right hand nadezhdy babkina. but even though that grandma also requires attention, understand the strength of attention, he did not forget the storm, and indeed he had it every single day. if i knew that boris didn’t have money for treatment and so on, wouldn’t i have transferred him 50,000 dollars or 50,000 euros, i would always have helped him, i would have always done so. pea didn’t have to prove that he was so good and the only one, because he really was.
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although this also doesn’t fit in my head at all, 2 days after death, i remember it very well, 2 days after death, this insistence, yes we want this too, yes we want copyrights, yes we want an apartment, we want everything, this is just a quote, lyudmila said it and said - marx. moiseev's brother intends to appeal the artist's last will, although he cannot yet choose a lawyer. i hired lawyers, i talked to lawyers, and... that means i received documents from lawyers, not only me, but also my wife, my friends were shocked by their documents that they sent me, this is incredible, this is incredible, they i was advised to contact
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to our lawyer here, so that they are a lawyer, so that they say it’s normal, it’s not normal. after signing the agreement, i had to, must transfer 5,500 dollars, that is, it is still unknown what they will achieve, it is still unknown what i will receive, and 5 days, and 5 days after signing the agreement and
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power of attorney, i must transfer mine. it doesn’t always happen that relatives are bad people, it happens that strangers are people, strangers are some acquaintances who over the years become very close and dear people, this happens, and this is normal, this we just need to get used to it, both marx and his active wife just need to get used to the fact that it just so happened that after 30 years
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the pea became a close and dear person for the fence, we will not be mistaken if we say that he himself... moiseev hardly wanted a battle to begin between his relatives after his death . the artist himself dreamed of something completely different. “i don’t want to die, the last will of boris moiseev. why did he bequeath his entire fortune to the director, and what sin did he pray for until the end of his days, as well as the mysterious deaths of artists in the prime of their lives. julia nachalova, pierre the narcissist, who brought them to death, what happened to the idol of millions , yura shatunov, and who ultimately got his millions." we’ll find out in a couple of minutes. bailiffs. premiere. tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv. the pain can be different. it doesn’t matter what caused
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where else can you go into space, send your mother a star from the sky, turn the department into an application, knowledge, a vocation, technology, into live communication. only here you can change your name without changing yourself. staying with yourself in a land where the sun never sets. t-bank. he's the only one.
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contract military personnel receive regional support measures. combat veteran status. exemption from land tax, compensation for housing and communal services, vouchers to a sanatorium, vacation twice a year and other benefits from the state. everything is fair here. serve under contract. there's a lot about him. wrote, even more was attributed to him, and as soon as he left the hospital after his first stroke, he decided to take a step that was not expected from him. the orthodox holy spirit monastery, moses secretly comes here almost incognito, only the abbot knows about the artist’s visit. hello, hello, boris mikhailovich, oh, well, nice, shame. fate.
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father eugene introduces the famous pilgrim to monastic life and invites him to the temple. servant of god boris stops with reverence at the icon of st. nicholas the wonderworker. this icon is true to everyone. does everyone want to believe in her? well, in principle, yes, yes, well, we pray in reverence before the icon. yes. in the father's voice evgeniya is good.
1:35 am
it’s just a work environment, renovations are going on here, well, that’s why it’s so modest here, everything, well, maybe we can at least read a prayer, yes, let’s read the our father, yes, let’s get up and read the our father in heaven, according to the monastery the charter after the meal requires a short rest, but the servant of god boris is in a hurry to pour out his soul, he has so much accumulated in his heart,


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