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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 25, 2024 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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connected by one goal, sergei pikulin saw how crews of d-20 howitzers help assault brigades clear enemy strongholds and move forward into the eu. negotiations on the accession of ukraine and moldova begin, is everyone in favor and what is the european press writing about the path of integration. inspired by freedom, the founder of wikileaks, julian asansh , left a british prison on bail and flew to australia, as well as the voices of lost ships, nikolai bulkin plunged into the history of soviet ships that sank during the great patriotic war. this is the program today. in studio dmitry zavoisty, hello.
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we start with the work of our military in the special operation zone in the kherson region, on the right bank of the dnieper, the firing points of ukrainian militants were destroyed by our paratroopers, and during aerial reconnaissance they identified several targets, including a drone control center, which was camouflaged in a dilapidated house. russian units carried out a precise strike from the t-72 tank. the crews worked from a closed position, then quickly moved to the rear area, from the enemy air. work according to the coordinates of the aircraft gunner, who is located on the front line. we hit targets with s-8 unguided aircraft missiles, these are powerful ammunition, they were nicknamed armor-piercing missiles. in different sectors, we continue to advance deeper into the enemy’s defenses and our infantry operates under reliable artillery cover. fighters from the weistok group are firing at the ukrainian armed forces' defenders, disrupting one rotation.
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2999 and a gun shot here to the position of the ukrainian armed forces less than 10 km, the task of these calculations is to disrupt the enemy’s rotation and not allow them to be delivered fresh ammunition per day d-20 fires 70-80 rounds , firing at equipment and at enemy positions. the guys are working quickly, six shots per minute into cover, we are leaving the position before the return fire begins, now we are leaving the position ; machine, the comedian informs the accompanying radio... worked not far from
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the position of our d-20s, the whole drone hit a specially placed false target. sergey pikulin and yaley aribzhanov yuzhnodonetsk direction of the special operation. the united states is directly involved in the terrorist attack in sevastopol using atacoms missiles, since all flight missions were developed by american experts based on us satellite intelligence data. and besides this, the american strategic reconnaissance drone is still on sunday. patrolled the airspace over the crimean peninsula, this statement was made by russia's permanent representative to the un vasily nebendze. as a result of cluster munitions and debris falling onto the beach in sevastopol, four people were killed, more than 150 were injured, many children; the day before, 22 were injured, including 12 minors. the ministry of emergency situations plane took him to moscow. from the airport they were immediately taken to hospitals, and several people were taken. to a medical institution by helicopter,
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four young patients were transported to the intensive care unit of the children's clinical hospital of the ministry of health of russia, all of them, according to doctors, are in serious condition, which is due to... i noticed that the western media are silent about this tragedy, there is no significant response from the un secretariat, no condemnation, no regret, not even sympathy. the diplomat called this a clear example of double standards by the department's secretariat. there is no doubt that the united states is directly involved in this crime. washington and its allies support the neo-nazi regime. the russian federation will continue to protect its
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people and ensure its national security until the threat from the neo-nazi regime in kiev, raised and financed by the west, no longer exists. the frigate of the northern fleet, admiral gorshkov, equipped with zircon hypersonic missiles, practiced searching for submarines in the atlantic ocean. to do this, russian sailors used a k-27 helicopter equipped with a special hydroacoustic station. with the help of a winch, the pilots lower it into the water and conditionally see both their own and others. all this happens at a distance of more than 50 km from the ship, where the reconnaissance arrives. the helicopter crew showed high skill and how... may, one of the main tasks is to ensure a naval presence in operational important areas of the atlantic.
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negotiations on the accession of ukraine and moldova to the european union begin today in luxembourg. according to representatives of the european commission, both countries have completed everything in advance. conditions for opening formal consultations. in kiev and chisinau , today's meeting of their delegations with eu representatives is called historic, but the european press treats this event with a great deal of skepticism. elizaveta gerson, more details. ukraine submitted an application to the european union along with moldova and georgia at the end of february, beginning march twenty-second. 2 years in the brussels dressing room is not a long time. with candidate membership status, eight countries are stomping around there.
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representative of estonia. i am happy about the adoption of the fourteenth sanctions package. estonia, for its part, proposed many new measures. but tomorrow is a great day, because we are starting official negotiations on ukraine and moldova. ukraine is the engine of the eu enlargement process. but where there is happiness for an estonian, there is a groan for a pole. ukrainian fields are, in fact, almost the size of estonia, where you can see giant farms, the size of farms in texas, on very fertile land, this will be a challenge for the entire common agricultural policy of the european union. poland has already posed this challenge when the european union in 2022, in order to
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support kiev, abolished customs duties on ukrainian grain. polish farmers opposed such dumping of uncontrolled imports and slowed down the ukrainian truck. poured their grain into a ditch, from winter until the end of april this year a number of checkpoints on the border with ukraine. the poles said that they were inundated with someone else's cheap and low-quality grain; they could not sell their own at an adequate price. farmers in hungary and slovakia were in solidarity with them. without asking brussels, they banned ukrainian bread on their domestic markets. european commissioner for agriculture wojciechowski calculated that over 2 years the losses of european agriculture from duty-free agriculture. harvest imports from ukraine amounted to 19 billion euros. compared to all other eu spending on ukraine, these losses are, however, the size of a grain. to end this year, kiev was promised a loan of another 50 billion from the income of frozen russian assets. the first tranche - one billion 400 million euros -
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was approved for the european peace fund for military assistance to kiev. hungary, which disagreed with this decision, was simply not invited to the discussion, it was asked. the decision regarding the use of this money has already been made, we are not going to revise it, we will implement it, the money will arrive next week.
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obviously, the time will not come today. in britain, nigil farage, who left the european union and one of the ideologists of brexit, used the theme of ukraine's zeal for the european union in its own election campaign. farage recalled that the reason for the current conflict in ukraine is the uncontrolled and provocative for russia, the spread of nato and... is participating in local parliamentary elections, and he would not say this without hoping for the support of his voters, eurosceptics, who are like in britain , so on the continent the european union is viewed skeptically as those who so persistently ask to go there. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin, alexander gusev and anastasia vishnikova. ntv television company, london. the founder of wikileaks, juliana asanche, is free. the whistleblowing journalist has left london's belmersh prison, it has emerged today. footage has appeared online where
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asansh, for the first time in many years, without an escort, goes to the plane and climbs on board. the day before, a london court decided to release the journalist on bail. the assistant spent more than 5 years in a maximum security prison, in a 2x3 m cell. all this time, the british authorities were considering the issue of his extradition to the united states. there he was charged with a whole list of charges and faces life imprisonment. according to information. press lawyers agreed to a deal with the american prosecutor's office on a partial admission of guilt by their client in exchange for punishment in the form of time already served. such an agreement must be legally formalized in the court of the northern mariana islands, this is the jurisdiction of the united states. asansh is scheduled to be there on wednesday. according to agence france-presse, the plane with journalists is now flying to bangkok, where in about half an hour it will refuel and fly to the maryan archipelago. while assange's exit on freedom was welcomed by his family and many politicians around the world, including the leaders of cuba,
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mexico, and colombia. the case against the australian was opened in the united states in 2010 after the wikileaks website published a huge number of files with information sensitive to washington. asansh was then working in sweden, then went to the uk, but when in 2012 there was a threat of his extradition to the states, he requested political asylum at the ecuadorian embassy in london and found himself in a trap to leave. the fire quickly engulfed the fifth to eighth floors, trapping everyone inside
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inside. eyewitnesses filmed heartbreaking footage of people breaking windows and calling for help. everything around was shrouded in black smoke. at some point , the structures collapsed. more than 130 specialists and 50 pieces of equipment worked on site, and two helicopters were involved. the building is currently being watered. officially, there are two dead on the list, the fate of six people is unknown. one employee. work, they are carried out by members of the expedition, the voices of dead ships, scuba divers examine the remains of soviet ships that sank during the great patriotic war. on on the maps of the expeditionary headquarters there are dozens of marks, behind each tragic story, one of them, connected with the feat of the sailors of the minesweeper raduga, was recognized by nikolai bulkin. a large training ship, together with the participants
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of the commemorative event, goes to sea. we are sailing calmly, confidently, at an average of 14 knots. in 1943 , this forwarder was stuffed with mines, there were a thousand of them, and in order to die, one was enough, the same surface of the sea near the island of seskar, but at the depth of a mass grave, at 43 m the divers of the search group are leaving, there at the bottom deceased soviet minesweeper raduga, he was liberating the water area near leningrad from the mines, but he and his crew were blown up in the cold december of 1943, when there was already... slush made of ice on the water, its bow part was torn off to the bridge, small field debris, the body part, there a forty-five-millimeter cannon is clearly visible on the bow, and on the wings of the bridge there are two dshk machine guns, i think that with such damage it sank literally in a matter of minutes, considering that
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it was still winter, very cold weather and already ... the ice stood up, naturally, with this it is explained that practically no one survived. the project to bow to the ships of the great victory helped find the minesweeper decades later. the next search square and sonar showed the object, and the rays of deep-sea searchlights snatched out the bow of the ship, guns and bell. thus , the light on one of the secrets of the war continued; more than 50 people who died here have now been found. we set ourselves tasks so that people. not just listed as missing or buried at sea somewhere, but so that every family, like in this case, has an exact coordinate with longitude and latitude, your uncle, and then all his colleagues and passengers. a plaque with a list of the dead will take place on board the ship. the first name is kamil abtikaev, the minesweeper commander. his photo today is in the hands of his nephew; felix flaadovich
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remembers his uncle very well. my uncle was 26 years old when he did not return from that trip to sea. and today. a little weak, emotions, of course, are overwhelming. a minute of silence and military salutes, the st. andrew's flag is lowered, an important symbolic moment: a relative of the deceased commander strikes the bell raised from the bottom,
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covered with rust, oxidized, but in fact still the same ringing voice of a sunken ship, a voice... should be heard decades later in memory of the dead sailors. names are spoken today in prayers. hegumen and nakenty, a priest, and an underwater operator, help in the search for ships with prayer and deed. the moriks knew the voice of their ship well, they perceived it by hearing, they could distinguish in the fog where exactly their ship was in the parking lot. and so we want to make a monument where these raised bells are they will hang, it will be with the name of the ship, with the name, with the names of the crew, anyone who remembers can... come up and ring this very bell. 10 years of underwater searches in the baltic, and this is, in fact, the last large ship that disappeared during the war years has now been found, the specific places of death have become known, more than ten submarines and another three dozen different surface ships, so that they remember and so that the relatives of the victims can honor them like this memory of their relatives who brought victory closer. nikolay bulkin, victor
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kudi, sergei preobrazhensky, ekaterina irokhova, ntv. the gulf of finland. baltic sea. this concludes the program for spectators in the central part of russia. thank you for being with us. the best deposit in sberi up to 18% per annum. hurry up to open before the end of june. seryozha, just eat. roman burger with fragrant arugula. mozzarella rings, capri lemonade and ice deluxe papa mango. italian, delicious. and period! real hunting is when the prey is almost in your hands, when the main trophy is right in front of you from 20 million, every 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunting!
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and the fire danger is growing. short thunderstorms rains don't help the situation. but closer to the urals, while it’s cool there are prolonged rains. in tyumen, goroz, in yekaterinburg it will rain all day. and the temperature will not rise above +17. and the north and northwest european territory are experiencing sunny, warm weather. and there are all the conditions for this, but if in arkhangelsk the temperature is only approaching +20, then in kaliningrad it is already 25, sunny. in the center the weather is moderate with light rain, ideal for the work week and just in time for the weekend it is expected to warm up like summer plan. there are short rains in chernozem. the rains will come in the lower don to the kuban, in the stavropol region and in the mountains they will be strong, thunderous, and after them the less hot air in krasnodar after 31 tomorrow will be 27. all this will not affect the black sea coast. in yalta in sochi the same +28 without precipitation, in st. petersburg without precipitation and +23 in moscow also 23, but light rain is possible.


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