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tv   Visshaya mera  NTV  June 25, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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burdasov with all his gang went down to the basement, it’s bad there, the basement is bad, how many exits can there be, they’ll instantly scatter like cockroaches, comrade khlynin, the main thing here is surprise, we put the whole gang to death. stop fooling around with them, there
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are children there, wolf cubs, there are no children there, shur, come on, die with you, vanka, there is someone, yes, son. yeah, man, yesterday evening he hit the frog hard, right, right in the ear, he didn’t even have time to utter a word, he managed, well, not loudly, anyway, train, vanka, get your hand to knock down anyone, quietly, you understand, man. or
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a woman or a little boy, so that not a sound comes from anyone, like killing a fly, but can you do this liver with a knife? i tried it with my fist, even if you want to, you won’t make a peep, pankrat with a knife, doka, and you’ll be with a shilam, so everyone will know burdasov, vanka, know and be afraid.
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this is me in the forty-first, twenty-first division of the people's militia, my son is now a lieutenant colonel, he died 12 years ago while arresting armed robbers, condolences to svyatoslav petrovich. and this wife, evgenia, died 2 years after the death of seryozha, and suffered, and since then you so you live alone? yes, i abandoned the institute, i am a candidate of historical sciences, i transferred to the archives of the ministry of internal affairs, one might say, to the police, in serious footsteps. yegor matveevich, please
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sit down. maybe a little bit? no, not now. svyatoslav petrovich, what if we assume that burdasov survived? as a historian, i will say that it is possible. a certificate is a certificate, but they might not have shot him at all, they didn’t have time. or they buried half the dead, and he got out. he changed his guise and became a pilot. this is the twice hero of the soviet union. absurd. let's compare the facts. burdasov disappeared in june 1941. and in august of the same year, a certain kretov entered the baltic flight school. and then
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he fights honestly, without sparing himself. no. the burdasov we learned from the documents would have been within such a framework for a long time. didn’t hold out, so he didn’t last, alcoholism, prison, rowdy, that’s where his criminal gut got in, what’s wrong, no, i think, finally, tobolin, yes, comrade colonel, i’m listening, yes, so, i understand, thank you very much, all the best, i found a fellow student, kretovo, we studied together at osakhim in moscow, in the forties,
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georgy mikhailovich karpov, lives in dnepropetrovsk, so he definitely knows kretov. zuel, lord, what did they teach you in vocational school, look, if you break my adjustable wrench, i ’ll deduct it from your salary, keep in mind, well, why are you messing around, emelyanov, hurry up, come on, maybe try it yourself, just like that yourself and i'll take the bonus, hello. captain of debts, hello, what did zakharov do something again? again, what were the precedents? well, last month they took it apart, i went to the apartment to change the riser sinks, and there the owner climbed into his hand to teach him how to work, gave him a bitter one in
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the face, be quiet, work, look, lord, hot-tempered, that means, yes, and how often does this happen to him when he loses at cards, or dominoes, and keep it up seven, let's get to work. then you’ll get it from him too, because you talk a lot about what zakharov did on july 2, well , my dear, my head is also not a house of councils, there are 20 of them in the state like this , try to remember everything here, you have to look at the magazine, so we’ll pass, let's see, i have everything with me, so july 2, zakharov arranged with whom did he work and alone and what is there to do alone there is nothing to do at what time so he left at 13 returned at 16:50 how is everything exactly with you, otherwise
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i have everything written down here, so no one can confirm that he worked in the basement for us so well did someone fix the leak? what did he do? i can’t say, you know what? keep in mind that borka is violent, but he is a good and handy person, and i will write him an excellent review, okay? goodbye, goodbye, why are you up, work, come on, i'm already tired of looking at you. yes, yegor matveevich, one more thing, perhaps burdasov had a sister, in the twenty-first year he had an accomplice, the testimony noted that she and
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burdasov were on the same page. sister, what was your name? recorded varvara, that's all there is for now, i sent out additional requests. we'll wait, yeah, okay, we'll wait, yeah. and here is a commandment for you, ivan, to always stand up for your own people, for your family, and i tell you to especially take care of your sister, you are a man, your sister should be behind your back, like behind a wall, ivan, go ahead, defender.
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comrade major, the blood on the screwdriver is not zakharov, the group does not match, i’m interviewing his colleagues, neighbors, checking his alibi, i understand, wait for me, no one cares, i’ll be there tomorrow, we’ll figure it out, there is, yes, here’s another captain, yes, yegor is answering , surrounded by a kostet there is someone finger, gray-haired. 70 fingers on pegs, find out who, where, where he was during the war,
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yegor matveevich, that’s it, see you tomorrow, girl, i have another call booked in yaroslavl, please connect. tribute, like vadim, honestly, it’s bad, i don’t understand, he’s still angry time threatens, growls at me, okay, i’ll come back, i’ll talk to him, okay, thank you, bye, maxim petrovich, that’s it, leave us, yes, yes, tanyusha, another page of life has been turned, communal. “i’m so happy for you, i wish you a good life in your new place, i wish you a good neighbor, kind,
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calm, invisible, oh, yes, it’s better to wish that he tolerates my music, i wish you with all my heart, thank you, happiness to you, mom, i want a moro, or you have already done it, i still want it, please, expert assessment, we are doing business here one personality, character, yeah, a certain
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burdasov ivan, a criminal, operated from the twenties to the forties, a daring type, talent in his own way, here is his biography from the words of his accomplices, you can make a psychological portrait of this person, but he is alive or, here is this a riddle? according to official data, he was shot in cherven in 1941, yes, well, there are also doubts here, that’s why we need a psychological portrait, to look for the living among the dead, the dead among the living, if he’s really alive, i wouldn’t want to meet him at one the path, oh, you kindled it my curiosity, having been helping organs for half a century, such a case has never happened, well, this is wonderful. i have to leave you, excuse me, the bus, i hope you and svyatoslav
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petrovich will find a common language, if anything, he will add information about burdasav, if necessary, oh, these days he has become like family to me, egor matveevich, i’ll be back in a week to yaroslavl and i will provide you with a psychological portrait of this, this individual, very good, i will wait impatiently, well, i hope we will meet with you more than once, that’s it, sorry again, all the best, but that’s it. svyatoslav petrovich, i’m waiting for a story from you about the adventures of this burdasov, who is he, where is he from? “you have to start from childhood, all phobias and all habits come from there, from short pants, exactly.
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the dog ran away, varka, where, where is varka, where is your sister? i would have lost him to him, i already told him to look after her, good boy, good boy
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, escaped, will return. the shoulder garage, if these two had killed burelom, two killers in the zone, the third in the other world, ignatsievich, i’m coming to you without knocking, your secretary has gone somewhere, yes, yes, alexey , come in ! , sit down, we're here since the case is serious, captain, don’t take off the observation with brass knuckles and fingers, is there an examination of the blood on zakharov’s screwdriver ready? so, well , olga ivanovna, always on time, always does it, yes, the examination is ready, why are you silent, well, the blood on the screwdrivers is the first
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group, and the blood type of the locksmith zakharov?
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to the first secretary of the regional committee, comrade shulgei, banana-strawberry, you are in the mood, raspberry blueberry and lime mint, choose your mood, officers. can't get legal apartments, now we will act a little differently, sign, stand moaning, you got into a place where people like you are closed, i’m simply forced to remove you, i’m not used to it, the prime minister’s bailiffs, who are you, alexander semyonovich, without fsb officers
8:20 pm
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clothes and shoes. attention, samurai, oh, buys cheap air tickets on aviiales. does your business need acceleration? urgently! use instant transfers for business. vtb and the money will immediately go to any bank. open a current account at and your business will gain momentum. vtb. we help with action. magnet - the price is what you need. ice cream box from korinovka 649. bailiffs. premiere. today at 22:10 on ntv. hello. great, are you so happy? oh, yes, i spent the whole night again today, how i got to the hall, i don’t remember, i thought
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i wouldn’t get out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i’ve already started to forget how it happens, maybe i’ll also buy that there, as they call it, prostatricum, i remember, remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times what you think works, what, i don’t think, i know, dark, of course, i now your wife, you know how, and what’s there, how to take it, call, everything is simple, when you order, they will explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i drove off, keep it for yourself, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what’s going on here?
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8:24 pm
how about a cleanser? certainly. come on, come on carefully. vaentina pereshkova will be given a cosmic one, give the masians a chemical pencil, oh guests, dear, something like this is needed, bitter, bitter, bitter, golka, golka, golka, golka. bitterly, two, three, four, five, six, my police,
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by the way, boris aleksandrovich zakharov, you are under arrest, here is a warrant, like arrest, a joke or something, the police are not joking, come with us. we’ll get into his car, i promise, get in the car, don’t add more time to yourself, boris. well, where are you
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taking him? dear passengers, the veliky novgarod bus departs from the fifth platform at 15:30. hello, valentin, i wish you good health. the heart, strange for a pickpocket, not killing them, by sharpening them either in the eye or in the profile, but the finger, as if it were not involved in the deaths, either the men or the six took the murder, but the fact itself, where the finger is, someone will definitely be penned down, yeah, where
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was he before the war? unknown, but in the forty -second year he appeared in leningrad, then disappeared again for 5 years, snorkeled in a camp in the dark, pickpocketing, we assigned our guys to him, they were watching, that’s right, what else happened, he called for a report, i was forced to report about the plumber zakharov, and there was also this comrade from the regional committee gordeev, he heard about the examination and ordered the arrest, have you gone crazy, let's get in the car, let's go?
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open it. yes, start the car, sit down, zakharov, free! hello zakharov, i'm junior counselor of justice, tabolin egor matveevich, i am leading the case of the murder of sovely lukin, nicknamed boriloma. and i told everything to the police captain. okay, let's talk to me now. but the point is, you’ve already decided everything, you’ve found the killer. boris alexandrovich, let's look at the facts. you and lukin had a conflict.
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dolgov said. that you wanted to beat him, this is confirmed by witnesses, well, you yourself, and you for this, no, on the day of the murder you were working in a house not far from the old house, so i confirm, there was a job there for an hour, and you are in jail i was gone for almost four, i was in the basement. how can i not trust the examination? well, of course.
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you can trust the examination, yes, but not the worker zakharov, boris, i want to believe you, i really do. i want, but emotions alone are not enough, i won’t say another word, you will turn everything against me, that’s what they told me in the cell, now everything is enough, all hopes are on the judge, but... i’ll have to upset the blacksmith, captain of debts,
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city of police affairs, but i remember what wedding they ruined, well, forgive me. pavel grigorievich, i’m talking about zakharov, on the report card indicated, you often work together, i ’ll blurt out something to you now, and then you ’ll add more time to him, there’s evidence against zakharov, there’s blood on the screwdrivers, you can help him. well , ask, he often leaves work, twice a week regularly, on the day of the murder , too, but i don’t keep an eye on him, so he doesn’t
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speak, and he’s threatened with an article, maybe he has a mistress, but whatever, he’s ardent as hell blows away. pavel grigorievich, i see you are hiding something, you say boarding school, borka goes to sverdlov, his half-sister there on his father’s side, much younger, years 12, so why is he silent? anna, he was not entirely healthy from birth, so he got it into his head that this is inherited,
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if marinka finds out that he has such a sister, she will leave him, she will be afraid that bolkina’s children will be the same, kanki runs quietly so that no one knows, and then curses himself for it. he calls him a creature, this is the tragedy in his life, you know, everyone would like a brother like anya, boris comes to her every other day, july 2 was also, from two to four, this is our time for visits. i brought you new sandals, you see, he’s still admiring them, i need to use your phone, of course,
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of course, please. tobulina, what will your summer be like? now let's look at the megamarket, everything for your summer at the megamarket, for example, a car compressor for 899 rubles. roman shilov has not a job but a resort. the resort is just shooting a little. it's hot all around. a sea of ​​problems, why do you have three corpses here, they know how to work, the bosses are driving the wave, it’s time to stop, this is
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already a political question, but colleagues fruit, i want to make a statement, go to kathmandu, cop wars. well, will you stay for dinner? i won't stay today. why? we need to save the world.
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it worked, let's go. ready, they're coming, they're coming, i say, they'll soon be on mitrofanovskaya, wait, wait, what are you doing, boy, a day's policeman, speak louder, a day's policeman, what are you muttering there, snap!
8:41 pm
where's your daddy brother? where else do they have a den? i'll crush you! i’ll hit you, i’ll hit you, get up, and here, right here, horse, forgive me, dad, go, bitch, shura, corridor,
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corridor, dad, dad,
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no matter how much, i’m training, if they catch trash like that, from eight to chervonets, i teach you, idiot, i’m teaching you, this is how you need to work. egor matveevich, catch up. yes. great, guys. why are you here with us? the educational process is complete code. whom does he teach? anatoly sevtsov. cage
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horse. it might be spotted. on the cheek, a birthmark . we don’t have a criminal record, but we’re already in sight, i see, i see, yegor matvech, the duty officer from the prosecutor’s office called, olga vana asked me to tell you that zakharov has some kind of rare chronic kidney disease. that's right, in general, it can falsely influence blood testing. show another group, i don’t even knew about this, and that now, everything coincided, zakharov’s blood type for the screwdrivers, well done, olba ivanovna, so, come on, valentin, go, let zakharov out on a subscription, guys,
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come on, too. snack, there is, good, and i’m here, i’ll observe that, yes, on what basis, well, wait, the examination proved, yes, why the hell drank this jade, listen, this is real arbitrariness, action, unacceptable, that’s it, i i'll report to shulga tomorrow.
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what's happened? where did you get the idea? i can see. lyosh, well, lyosh, you’re sick, he let the killer go. you see, the examination was wrong, not lesh, but if she really made a mistake and the person is not guilty, no, otherwise he’s out of spite for me, pilanephritis, well, maybe we agreed with you, otherwise don’t tell me anymore, yes, forgive me, of course, let’s organize some tea savvy. smart,
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are we going back to our nest again, yes, but what are we celebrating? i cut the first wallet, but you’re my eagle! let's go, whatever, calmly, go, warm the bed.
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i remembered, i remembered, petya, petya, i remembered, where, what did i remember? i remembered everything, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, i'm a killer, i'm i i remembered, i remembered, i remembered, i, i remembered everything, i understood, i’m a murderer, i, now i won’t be able to eat for a week, that’s the kind of work you do, no, here... nothing, timofey danilovich, you’re definitely they threw it here, you can help me, lux said, here, that means here,
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here it is, i found it, infection, igor, there is hope for prints, what prints, did you see where he got it from, this is crap, aggressive environment,... scientific, but there is no 12 cm, maybe he hit with such force. that he punched 12 cm, after all, he pointed out the exact location, you can trust him, kretov, man strong, where he threw it, only he could know the awl, that’s it, take him to the prosecutor’s office, there is, come on, guys, don’t miss it, central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week, juliana sanche, the long way home, how.. . the odyssey of the most famous whistleblowing journalist has ended, why did washington decide to replace the prosecution with a deal? why does biden need it? trump
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so what about the awl, where did the shilovs keep it with them? timofey danilovich, what kind of awl is in your pocket? and then in the bag, probably, the witnesses in the pub claim that you were empty -handed, but god, i don’t remember, i was on my eyebrows, you said in the morning that you remembered everything, well... so that there was no bag but an awl damn , i probably picked you up on the way, yes, what's the difference, it all came together that you 're shaking my soul, that's enough, major,
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i understand, you... want to help me, but just who to help, who am i, in your opinion , front-line soldier, hero. it was in the forty-fifth that kretov was a hero, i would have been helped then, grabbed by the shiva and not allowed to slide, but today it’s over hero, he drank himself. i would have gotten out of there from the forty-five and shot myself to hell,
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so no need, we’re sending me to the slammer. i’m tired, i understood everything, i understood, do it, and peregudov, let him find me, ignat sovelich, and kretov confessed, so the motive is clear, they found the awl, well, everything fits, confession, awl, well done, egor, you can take the case to court, although , you know, it gives me goosebumps, such a person,
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a hero, is a skinhead himself, and it’s simply terrifying, so ignacy velich, yes, but in this case there is another version, what other version? we are all versions they worked and the thief is a plumber, i have a suspicion that kretov is not kretov, another person is hiding under this name, who is this, and presumably this is ivan burdasov, an old criminal, his handwriting is murder with an awl in the ear, he was officially shot in the forty-first year, in belarus in the town of cherven, something. mudrino, there is a possibility that he survived, survived and then lived under the name kritov, namely, i need to go to those parts, talk to the participants in the events, i need to, well
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, i need to, of course, go, of course, yes, but that's not all, through the archives i'm looking for those who knew kretov before the war, that's right, so, i am now. i’ll call levtsov to get planes to minsk, the worm is not far from kilometer 60. first you need to check the minsk archive of guetu, establish the names of the performers, where they live, come on, egor, come on, swarm, dig, if under the guise of a creto there is a criminal, this is for all of us right up your alley, there’s still time before the trial. pavel artemyevich, hello, hello,
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professor, but you don’t need to be ashamed of this title, you deserve it, wear it with pride, yes, and youth, it passes quickly, yes, yes, yes, i, what... i have a most curious task before me, a most curious one, i need to draw up a psychological portrait at the request of our comrades from the prosecutor's office, yes, yes, yes, a villain, ver, but what a villain, frankly speaking, i already doubt the correctness of my formulations, their accuracy, i would be happy to consult with you. ah, tomorrow at 2:00 in the afternoon, i’ll be with you, i’ll be with you, thank you, anton sergeevich, i have a request to you, we had a patient with a complete
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lack of empathy, and this is lisetsky, lisetsky, that’s right, so bring me his medical record, all the materials, everything, everything, everything, everything, i have similar cases that are very interesting. yes, okay, yes, please connect me to leningrad, to the central psychiatric hospital. results of the week on sunday at 19:00 on ntv. moscow coffee shop on the floors, taste, pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. millions of people choose fitolax, fruit-based laxative chewable tablets. try something new. phytolax marmalade berries. just one at night for comfortable relief in the morning, does not cause cramping bloating. phytolax from evalar. i enjoy it. fill the summer
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with bright images of nazon. fashion weekend on amazon, discounts up to 80% on clothes and shoes. bailiffs, premiere. today at 22:10 on ntv. ignat sovelich, i was right. do you know who burdasov was sitting with near mintsk? with lukin? yes, both are on the hit list too. both, on the same day. only lukin, as we know, was shot in quotes, and then he smoked the sky for more than 30 years. 30 years of heaven, yes, yes, no, no, yeah, yes, well, if one survived, it is quite possible that the other one, burdasov, also survived. yes, one of the performers lives here in cherven. retired, so now i
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’ll find out to him how they shot like that? well done, egor, just look, be careful, be careful, egor, the trial of kritov is beginning, hurry up, hurry up, that’s it! oh, we lost 3:1 to spartak, can you imagine, let’s see how it goes in volleyball, maybe we’ll win there, vasily, and we’re going to cherven to see akhrameev, stepan makarych, he lives in baranovka, this is the chervinsky district, he moved, you know him, still would? makarovich,
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a legend, they should erect a monument to him, for what? for mass shootings? and i’ll tell you, he hasn’t shot enough of these scum. yes, those who escaped the bullet then went to the germans, and they created such a war here, although he was worth nothing, and after the twentieth congress he was like a dog on the street. let's see what to watch here, i 'll tell you what, the kids are constantly hovering around stepan makarovich, and the child can sense if a person is bad, just like that, let's go,


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