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tv   Stroika  NTV  June 26, 2024 2:40am-3:21am MSK

2:40 am
wait, the sun is spoiling the class, everything is going well for us, the tree is blooming, the son is growing, we are building a house, cancel, a bird's krel, maybe a friel, hey, neighbor, nekosti,
2:41 am
well, where are you, where are you, wait, petrovna, if you are a man, i give me one bottle for recording, that’s enough, i have half a notebook of your notes here, well, i’ll give it to you, you know me, petrovna, i’m always here, well, i give my word, put your word, you know where, you know where, that’s it, go away from here. bitch, i'm sorry, did you
2:42 am
choose something, there is plain water without gas, but it seems like there was, we'll find it now, katya, max, leave me alone, i i’ll find a company cheaper, you can find one more expensive, so that it’s even calmer, that’s it, 30 rubles from you. yes, you must understand, i don’t understand this, everything, even if i figure it out, who will dig, or what? max, please, calm down, there’s no need to scare people here, i’m sorry, please. nothing, we're used to it. are you looking for workers? we are not looking for anyone. that's it, let's go. we need to dig a kaplovan for the house, inexpensively. oh, i have a whole army of diggers in this notebook. yeah, we've already seen the diggers, no thanks. yes, we have normal men, hard workers, mishke has there's even an excavator. he's always digging for something. great. how can we find this bear of yours? yes, i’ll find everyone for you myself. and a bear to help him. tomorrow they will be at your site. i just have one condition. which? all
2:43 am
the calculations are done through me, oh, i see, that’s it, yes, the conditions have begun, that’s it, let’s go, come on, there’s no need for any, no mish there, no vasya, no need, i’ll figure it out myself, you have a phone number, well, here’s the office, approx. 800 will come out, so let’s order m2 right away, since it’s such a freebie, andrey, when we have our own house, i’ll be able to eat candy, of course not. then i don’t see the point in it at all, you’re not the only one, what? oh, we have guests, yes, grandma, where is mom, are you alone with such big bags? your mother sits at home, and let her go, maybe she likes it, but i’m sick of this concrete box. i was
2:44 am
hanging around, but where was my beloved great-grandson? grandma, i’m here, my dear grandson, where are you? hurray, grandma, candy, believe me, we don’t give candy, did you quarrel with your mother, but i didn’t quarrel with her, i just sent her to the distant forest, i’m burying everything, granny, that granny, there’s no life from her, i go to bed early, she she stays up until late, i get up early, she sleeps until lunch, still grumbles at me and feeds me foreign crap. just a little more and your grandmother will be poisoned, what are you saying, let her croak alone and eat her low-fat cottage cheese, ugh, that’s disgusting, it’s like an infection creeping into your throat, now my beloved boy will live with you, yes, mom, hello , hello nikolaevna, thank you very much for agreeing, i think this is very important.
2:45 am
mom, not mom, that’s it, let’s go home, give me orders, you’re still here for me, mom, well, you come on softer, or something, and you, grandma, come on too, what’s the problem anyway? problem, yes, she wanted to have a goat on the balcony, it’s normal for her to yell at passers-by and shit, that i forgot everything like that before i came to this damned city, why did she tell me to sell the house so that katyusha would have an extra a penny for a cottage, you yourself agreed, agreed, but anyway , it would be better for me to stay in the village, live in a barn, everything would be better, no one needs me here, what are you saying, mom, what do you hear, that’s it, let’s go, i won’t go, okay, mom, you should probably go, calm down, both of you, and then we’ll figure it out, andrey, what, dad, put a cot in your room for grandma and take the bike away from the balcony, why, here
2:46 am
a goat will live there, hurray, we will say, it’s definitely grandma, maybe it’s still grandfather, don’t laugh at old age, i’m not at old age, i’m at loudness, maybe she ’ll sleep well and calm down, it’s unlikely as touchy as you, as stubborn as you. it’s sad, it’s like she moved to the city, she's completely withdrawn, wilted, she feels bad here, max, she sold her house for us, let 's buy it back for her sake, come on, even if she didn't
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build her own, in silence and no offense, build it, max, we'll save on the foundation pit, then another something, but no, i won’t... i won’t get involved with these village drunks, but you haven’t seen them yet, but you’ve already made a diagnosis, everyone in the village drinks, why are we building a house there then, you don’t want it, as you want , the four of us will live here, okay, come on, i’ll give them one more chance, they are future neighbors after all. katya, it’s already 13, but you i definitely agreed with them on 11, but not with them with this saleswoman, what difference does it make, in general, it was a bad idea, let’s do it this way, i think.
2:48 am
katya, i’ll call you back, well , you ordered a grave to be dug, but i understand, humor doesn’t count, humor is canceled, we are serious people, we even work. seriously, we also seriously carry out all the assigned tasks, so - quietly, quietly, pasha, i warned you, uh, here, uh, mikhail, mikhail, and you were half an hour late, that, oh, it’s our fault,
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these degenerates were just looking for shovels, well, please excuse me for the elements, this is with childhood. i’m suffering from this, but don’t worry about being late, we’ll catch up with everything, everything will be on time, so, well, there’s a site plan, yes, i ’ll bring it now, yeah, it’s just for us, so that it’s more convenient for us where to dig the pit, yes, guys, eh so, it’s okay, you chose a good, good plot, here the collective farm cows escaped earlier, so they baked this whole field... with their flat cakes, what a joy, wow, i don’t want to plant, so, this, oh, who painted it , uh-huh, uh,
2:50 am
pasha, here, well, everything is clear, eight by nine, that’s where the pegs went from there we mark, in general, as usual, here we are, working, and no smoking breaks, we’re tired of it, image rigs are generally not a hairdryer for the core. well, i think we’ll get it done in two days, great, well, i won’t bother you, yes, no, don’t bother me, just one small question, i beg your pardon, uh, to seal this relationship somehow with money, wait, well , we agreed through the saleswoman from your grocery store. carry out all cash transactions, zinka, yes, zinka, zinka,
2:51 am
zinka, there is a big mark of gum on her butt, zinka, yes, i apologize, yes, friends, we finish working, and they don’t trust us here, that’s it, guys, well, well, good, mikhail, and mikhail, mikhail, well, i’ll pay, stop, you agreed with dinka, so let her dig for you, like this, eh we don’t work for free, yes, uh, we tried, it’s unprofitable, it turns out that how much is needed, well, another conversation, 5,000, uh, in advance, for starters, how do they still draw it beautifully? so, dear friends, trust has been restored, now all that remains
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is to justify it, let's go, hands to feet and that's enough, slackers, we work, we work, we work, we’re working, listen, maybe, katya, i told you on the phone that the house is not for sale, but i really need it, really, maybe you ’ll think again, no, katya, i bought this house especially for my father. moved him closer to me, so excuse me, it’s him, yes, dad, they want to buy your house, what do you think, well , you see, he doesn’t like this idea either, but maybe i’ll come another time, when he ’s more cheerful , otherwise he’s kind of sad, well , now he’s always like that, like his mother died 5 years ago, so he’s basically, sorry, he’s not doing anything
2:53 am
i could please you, i’m sleeping, i’m sleeping, of course, don’t hear me snoring. oh, it’s much better, don’t clean it up, my husband is with you, andrey, go to your room, mom, can i come with you, i can’t do it there anymore, max, just move.
2:54 am
faith in people in cheap pits cost us only 5.00 rubles. in my opinion, in a divine way, how is this possible, huh? we met them halfway in everything, okay, let’s go home, i’ll find a normal company, we’ll do everything wisely. max, we can’t leave it like this, we have to live among these people, and you want them to think that they can treat us like this, and that you now you’re suggesting to me, should they declare war or burn their tractor? there’s no need to do anything, i’ll figure it out myself, let’s go to the store, why, katya, why go to the store, i’ll buy some water, i told you that all the money is only through me, now what questions do you have for me?
2:55 am
in the neighboring village there is the same grocery store, the same vodka is sold, so here is the address, figure it out for yourself.
2:56 am
he took our advance for the katlovan and disappeared, well, try, talk, your eyes wouldn’t see mine, hey! hey, get up, move away, get up, bastard, naked, he’s not sane at all, okay, well let's go, i'll come to him later and talk to him, you're lucky, mikhail, the cart, where is the cart.
2:57 am
listen, why is it so cold? well, you get up, and well, people have come to you for the advance payment that you drank away, you bastard, i’ll take your tractor now, i’ll give it to you so that it doesn’t get dirty, it’s not a tractor, it’s an excavator, tomorrow we’ll dig everything up, yeah, that’s it, that’s enough, for now. ..
2:58 am
9 a.m. if you don’t start, i’ll put a number on it, it’s clear you won’t have five pieces, you should, but seven pieces , i understand, and so they’ve already looked for half a tank of gasoline for you, do you believe him, where will it go? i saw how he pressed him just now, yes, my lion, well , tomorrow you won’t be there , well, i’ll ask my father to look at the cops, i dealt with such people, okay, that’s it, let’s go home, i’m already ready to sleep, be quiet, you’ll wake andryusha, oh well, if he fell asleep to such a sound, then our light rustling will definitely not wake him up, the light rustling doesn’t sound very depressing, but
2:59 am
what do you want from an exhausted, exhausted husband, falling asleep, listen, maybe introduce her to her grandfather, make friends, we in her own house a room with him, well, he’s some kind of gloomy, weakened, of course, he ’s lonely, i imagine how he misses a woman’s affection, warmth, okay, go, koshuzhi, i’m not sleeping, oh, well, it’s stuffy, now i would like a cold beer, but what didn’t you
3:00 am
allow me to buy, no i know, i didn’t actually bring you here on vacation. and these drunks too, not only alcohol, but they can’t be bothered with it, he’s harsh, son, he’s harsh, but what can you do, dad, you can definitely handle it, son, but i couldn’t cope with such a contingent, you go to work, don’t worry about anything don’t think, okay, that’s it, i went then, come on, if anything happens, right away call me, okay, come on, come on, don’t worry, everything will be fine, come on, great, guys, what’s not fun? we’re working, but it’s impossible, do you want me to cohabit with a stranger, i’m completely stunned, why did i cohabit, you ’ll just live in the same house, but you’ll have...
3:01 am
no, that’s it, i’m not going anywhere, we’re done with the conversation, for sure , grandma, let’s go shopping with you, what kind of shopping, shopping, grandma, shopping, oh, this medicine helps with everything.
3:02 am
granny, you don’t like anything at all, but you like everything, you make me look like an old woman you dress up, but not like an old woman, like a beloved, unique granny, but i don’t want to be a granny, i want to be a queen, well then, let’s choose for yourself, okay, girls, well, a queen, yes, well, let’s go see my grandfather, we’ll see .
3:03 am
he left me to look after them, i look after them, i look after them, i just wanted a hot beer, the guys called, stasik came, he brought beer, give me crab, stasik, what kind of beer, you drink vodka, well, well, well, we decided that often don’t ride, don’t ride often, take it a little tighter for a little while, so that work doesn’t get worse, yes, i understand, thank you, dad, so much, what not? maksimka, maksimka, wait, don’t fuss, don’t worry, everything will be done, as promised, everything will
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be done, yes, as promised, yes, are you freaks, are you crazy here, or something, whoever you called a freak, i’m you i called you a freak, i called you a freak, you are all freaks, you all are not good. it’s not good to say that, you just understand, maxim, everything will be done by saturday, you see, you know what to do with your saturday, i need to build a house by january , my pregnant wife is spending the winter in the dugout will be because of you, but you didn’t give up in hell, it’s clear, i’ll find a normal company, and you move on, get drunk until you throw your hooves away, you drunks, wait, what, your wife, is really in trouble, huh? what you
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didn’t say before, we are understanding people here, we can speed up the process if necessary, we understand everything, yes, but men, of course. look, oh, uh, vodka, the last ones, tomorrow, tomorrow morning, right at 6:00, get up and go to work, just as it starts to get light. so we went out in the cold and took care of business, right?
3:06 am
lada, boss, okay, okay, why are you staring, but the suit is painfully beautiful, i’m staring at it, the suit is just like a suit, dad, did you at least invite me into the house, well, some tea? lie, that you, yeah, dear vera petrovna, please, so to speak, in our mansions, you, i’ll go away myself, i won’t spill the tea, somehow he keeps his back straight, he stands out, it’s important, our granny is like that, she’ll correct anyone, what are you you did it, you old dog, who asked you to get involved, yes i did, what did you do,
3:07 am
how is it here? think about it, why didn’t you like my chef, he ruined the whole house, broke all the furniture, he’s a pest, my house, i do what i want, and there’s no point in giving orders here, and you still show me, show me, you’ve scattered his dress socks all over the house, the dishes are dirty, the aroma is a walking one, and not a man, grandma, what are you doing, let's go from here away from this old stump, look at yourself, it's frosty, it's okay, katya, let's go, i say, "excuse me, please, well, this is necessary, but in a month such a house will be spoiled, well, you should have seen what kind of cups he poured tea for us, you know that this is also not a gift, it would have been washed, the crown would not have fallen, that’s all, but what is he like so that i give him cups soap, if you like him, leave
3:08 am
your maxim? “the idea is to wash the plots, and most importantly, cut them out like a fool and put them in like a prodigal cat, hello, yes, hello, hello, how did it all go for you, i’ll tell you at home, and for you, i’ll tell you the same thing at home, i don’t know when i’m old, but i’m scared, i’ll become old, useless to anyone , andryushka will also suffer and won’t know what to do with me, don’t worry, he’s a creative guy, he’ll come up with something, but here we don’t it worked out, well, well, i hope
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it doesn’t work out for him either, his conscience won’t get in the way. worry so much, yes, we are building a house, everyone will fit there, even a goat, i love you so much, come to me, andryusha, we will wake up, we will not wake up, we will wake up, we will wake up, but what else? like, katya, katya, come here, go crazy, andryusha, climb on the closet, look there, my mother doesn’t allow me to climb on the closets, but i allow it, because i’m your mother’s mother’s mother, andryusha, don’t even think about climbing on closet, what 's going on here, oh, you're already up, help me find my passbook, i shoved it somewhere, i don't remember where, grandma, your sclerosis has...
3:10 am
it would be with great pleasure, i have a very place, why are you standing there, help me find something, i didn’t hide it, i put it in a safe important urgent case at the station, so without me, grandma, i found it under the mattress, thank you, god, thank you my boy, thank you, oh, oh, and now for cleaning up. so, kaska, you clean up here, and i’ll be in the corridor. max, eh, do i need to go to the station with you? yes, we both need to see something there, what should we see? and, of course, you should definitely see it together. hey, young people, uh, this won’t work, i’m here alone i won’t stay in a mess, of course, i ’ll go with you, and andryushka will clean everything up, it’s time. his
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age, and i also want to go to the site, see something, don’t make things up, you ’ve already been there, why can you make things up? i can't. oh, now it’s clear that they did some work. where are they all? i have no idea. guys. and the mothers, maxim, are they dead, i don’t know what? oh, lord, take care of your heads, your heads,
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of course, are in trouble, you hired good workers. i’m like stakhanovites, we’re starting an operation code-named sramata, max, what are you doing? you do it, it didn’t work out well, let’s try it in a bad way, so that’s it, i’m laying it down, and you
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take pictures, max, they’ll kill us. to avoid rash actions, i want to immediately warn you that i’m not stupid, i left copies at home, if something happens to me, there’s a scratch or bruise, my wife will print out these photos and hang them all over your area, fuck off. well, yes, i’ve heard about the same ones, what do you want, but a beautiful one, why a perfect pit tomorrow, tomorrow, no tomorrow, it won’t work,
3:14 am
we’ve got the engine on the excavator, manually, five days, no less, yes, yeah, you have it. 3 days, well, we’re standing there, there’s not enough time, we’re working, working, working, working, working, let’s go.
3:15 am
3 4 5 so calm down, yes, well done, you can whenever you want, or we can whenever you want, what’s the matter, what’s the matter? with the right motivation, why hello, hello, hello, hello, what are you doing, why, why, let's go home, i brought you lunch, you brute, well, we'll eat this at home, yeah, you 'll see where you're going, where you're going you climb, well, oh, the guys and i are almost done, here as already, right? wow, i was also thinking to you about what you did to them, but onisha, you never worked so hard in your life, so go home, maxim, my guy, he stopped drinking completely,
3:16 am
so he won’t drink beer in the evening he sulked, this has never happened before, all the days here are like glass, he’s like a young horse, he even fixed the fence, she’s been asking for 3 years. well, i went home, but wait, so what, did they inject them with something, or was it some good pills that appeared? no, please tell me, i’m afraid you’ll be leaving now, and he’ll do it again playing around. will start, and we’ve healed so well, well , what’s the secret, well, there’s no secret, it’s all about trust, sincere care, yes, yes, mish, when you’ll be home, and in an hour, in an hour, then i ran, i’ll make stuffed cabbage rolls, m. you want, he wants, he wants,
3:17 am
he fell in love with me, that’s it, the concert on request is over, everyone is free, uh, zhin, what are you doing? free people, which means that life, of course,
3:18 am
zina, write down two bottles of vodka for me, that’s right, pasha, conscientious payers, i’m opening a new line of credit, that’s right, mish, and you write down what, beer or vodka, huh? don’t write anything down, yeah, the wife will come, then she’ll write down what she needs, well, i’ll go, guys, otherwise i need to go home, yes, and don’t drink too much. what’s wrong with him, he got sick or something, work brought him up, thank
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god, he didn’t get to us, and also his house is stupid, waiting for the fifth size, that it turned out to be a beautiful foundation pit, so neat, i also really like it if you cover it with something else on top , it will make an excellent dugout. you don’t even have to build a house, really , we’ll definitely build a house now, i can already see how it stands here, like this, and we live there are four of us here, try to imagine, you see how beautiful it is, and i not only see, but i hear some sound, you can’t hear what sound, close your eyes,
3:20 am
you understand, natasha, what’s causing all the fuss , but i understand , you don’t want to live with your grandmother, but your grandmother moved to the village a long time ago and everything is fine with her, unlike some, wait, where did she move? where, she sent this, how did he, well, robinson, away, robinsons don’t give up so easily, don’t you find it a bit hot here.


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