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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 26, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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the deeper one digs, the greater the chance of survival, as ilya ushenin will tell you how the artillery of the southern group of troops equipped themselves with positions deep underground. a military paramedic from crimea lost his leg during a special operation, but got it back a year and a half later.
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residents of the european part of russia tonight can see the first summer starfall of the year, the baatids. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this is the program today, its host. and igor politaev. three launchers were destroyed in the special operation zone installation of the american hymers multiple launch rocket system together with foreign specialists. the ministry of defense reported this today. operational-tactical aviation by unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation, three combat ones, one himars transport-loading vehicle were destroyed by foreign specialists providing their support. the assembly shop
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, the preparation sites for the launch of unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as the accumulation of manpower and enemy military equipment in 109 regions. the total losses of the ukrainian army per day amounted to about 1,800 people. the russian military occupied more advantageous positions on the approaches to konstantinovka on the territory of the dpr; the capture of this settlement makes it possible to establish fire control over the strategic route along which the ukrainian garrison in aglidar is supplied. the capture of ukrainian armed forces strongholds near konstantinovka was carried out by attack aircraft and sakhalin troops from the vostok group of forces. the path for the armored group with the landing party was paved by a tank with roller mine trawl. on the approaches to enemy positions, the fighters dismounted and went on the attack, supported by heavy fire from tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. we work separately with assault groups, a small number of people, when there is a large crowd of people, a lot of drones work on us, so there is a small number of people.
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walks, storms, gains a foothold, now there are basically a lot of cases where the enemy surrenders, they give up, hand over their weapons, that’s it, people surrender, they don’t want to die, as if everyone understands this, we take them prisoner, that’s it, we bring them, according to the defense, on the border with konstantinovka there remain only pockets of enemy resistance, several targets at once with sniper precision, the crew of the rapier anti-tank gun was hit in the donbass, a long-term artillery firing point was equipped with their own...
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this is a long-term firing point, it was built on its own, all by hand, well for cover, well, for us, we have an anti-tank battery, respectively, there is damaged equipment, there are successes in the war, we cover the infantry, accordingly, the infantry was always covered by us, we must work under return fire, for example, well, thank god there was no response, they didn’t realize that we were here, these artillery positions were equipped over the course of several months, all this time they needed to stay. invisible, now it is a shelter at a depth of about 5 m, absolutely indistinguishable from the air. the artillery dugout is not even a real bunker, but a full-fledged underground fortress. right now there are three rolls of logs above us, concrete slabs of probably four meters of earth, to be honest, in all this time i have not yet had such fortified positions i saw that they would withstand almost any hit from enemy artillery. this is where they sleep, train, and where they fire their guns. loudly
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, there is even a door in the fighting compartment, and after a shot, the powder gases slowly seep through the cracks in the logs and also remain invisible, as the soldiers say, they are perfectly camouflaged, well , we think it’s very good, as if , well, for now, a place like us they didn’t copy it, it’s already good, which means it’s very well camouflaged, that is, there weren’t even any arrivals here, and of course there weren’t, as without this no way, but this is not for you, but just maybe they tried for us, as if they don’t know where yet. like corridors several tens of meters long, it seems that everything is provided here, even the so -called fox holes, this is a special shelter in the trenches in case it gets really hard, well, in case of shelling, so that you can sit out, climb in there, yes, and if you fall asleep , well, that means he’ll fall asleep, there
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’s some way out, no, there’s a pipe that , if necessary, falls asleep so that you can breathe air, and that is, for now... it digs up, you can still breathe calmly, yes, check, along with a native of novocherkassk is fighting against the indigenous inhabitants of donbass, this is in the rostov region, with the call sign boxer, firstly, he is really a boxer in the past, and secondly, he says, he could not calmly watch how his closest neighbors were suffering, his family supported his decision unconditionally, they are worried, of course, well, everything is fine, in principle, well, they support, they support, of course, we keep in touch, they worry. well, what can you do, i have to serve, i’ll go on vacation soon, in six months. objective monitoring personnel confirmed that all assigned targets the artillerymen managed to hit this time; their positions again went unnoticed. ilya usheninin, maxim belikov, ntv television company. southern direction of the special military
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operation. a military medic from crimea who was seriously wounded during a special operation and is again sent on a combat mission. a year and a half of treatment in the hospital and rehabilitation courses in the zones are behind us. svo, he came under a missile attack, miraculously survived, lost his leg as a result of the wound, and now walks with a prosthesis. he says that he never lost heart, but to overcome difficulties and life trials, he is helped by his family, his wife and daughter. the story of a fighter with the call sign sandal in a report by arstislav skidan. after the injury, doctors advise him to take no more than 7.00 steps a day. the norm is feasible, but , as usual, there is not enough time for walks, service during the day, training in the evening. here's a military felcher for the shoot. call sign sandal came from the unit's location, in october 22 , a military medic came under a missile attack, this is what the warehouse looked like before the shelling, and so after, the enemy released a package of hymers, sandal, the concrete ceiling collapsed, well there are seconds, the second shot, the arrival of this second one just overwhelmed me, after the operation
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the call from my wife is alive, without my right leg, she accepts me as i am, she knows that i would have gone there without a leg, for me... it was just the word disabled, but it’s so, well, unpleasant, i didn’t want to accept myself as a disabled person. six months of rehabilitation in a military hospital, daily training for 6 hours on a treadmill, horizontal bars, tatama. a year and a half later, after the amputation, sandal again goes on a combat mission. i can not go into battle as before, but i can go slowly but confidently, with a backpack, in armor, well, full equipment, with weapons. most importantly, i learned that i can, at least to a small extent, fulfill my duties. to the question of where to get the strength to return to duty so quickly, sandal briefly answers in army style, at home, the main thing for me is that my daughter does not go with her disabled father, yes, and no one thought, but they knew that her father was a special forces soldier ,
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her dad is handsome, well done, not half-heartedly, he sat down for the role as soon as he got used to the prosthesis, now you have to press the pedals with your left foot if necessary. 500 g of effort, here it is very very light, very soft, and if you take the same pm, if you take the same pm, there is another one, there, as far as i know, 2 kg, the commander of his unit suggested trying himself in paralympic shooting, now he has been training for six months,
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his results are already quite good, if this result is transferred to the youth, then this young person will have to go a year and a half to get this result. during the six months i spent in the hospital, i rethought a lot, i now i’m not in a hurry at all, before i wouldn’t have sat here, for me it always seemed boring, now on the contrary, i’m here...
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after the october revolution, the icon was transferred to the tretvik gallery, and now the trio has returned to its historical place, to the right of the royal gate a special icon case was made for the icon, which will automatically maintain the required humidity temperature for safety purposes. it is under armored glass. vladimir putin ordered the return of the shrine to the temple a year ago, in the same place on territory of the lavra. the president, together with the clergy and leadership of sergiev posad , discussed the development of the city as a spiritual center of orthodoxy. the countries of eurasia are now joining forces to jointly resist us claims to world dominance and western interference in other people's affairs. sergei lavrov stated this in his speech at the tenth primakov readings. the minister noted that yevgeny primakov formulated the concept of the transition to multipolarity back in the early nineties, the current situation, according to lavrov, confirm. edmunov listened to the speech of the head of russian diplomacy. during
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all 10 years of their existence, sergei lavrov never missed the primakov readings, and speaking at the anniversary forum, the head of the russian foreign ministry paid great attention to the formation of a new world order. according to the ministers, more and more countries in asia, africa and latin america are seeking to pursue an independent foreign policy, freeing themselves from the influence of the western minority, which defends its interests and seeks to live at the expense of others, as was the case in colonial era. however.
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hopelessly are already bringing the opposite effect to what was expected, the inadequate, i would say, embittered reaction of the west to russia’s action to protect its legitimate interests has cemented the understanding in the world community that ultimately no one is immune from the expropriation of assets in western jurisdictions and other cowboy actions. in general, the focus of the tenth anniversary pryamakov readings is the ukrainian crisis and the future of eurasian security. as well as the role of brix in the formation of a new world economic architecture. sergei lavrov recalled that
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the contours of the future multipolar world were outlined back in the mid-nineties by yevgeny pryamakov, who at that time held the post of minister of foreign affairs, but then not all foreigners listened to him. and the current situation, of course, on the world stage fully confirms the rightness of evgeniy maksimovich pryamakov. before our eyes , the contours of a more just, multipolar, polycentric world are being formed. architectures are spoken differently, and this objective process has accelerated noticeably accelerated with the start of a special military operation in ukraine in 2022, we can talk about this. countries of asia, africa and latin america, as has already been done in brix. concluding his speech at the pryamakov readings, the minister of foreign affairs emphasized that there are many conflicts in the world, but
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most were unleashed with the participation of western countries. russia, in turn, will continue to work to build an equal and...
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a us court in the northern mariana islands sentenced him to the time already served in a british prison and closed the case. leaving court hearing, asansh did not give any comments to journalists, he immediately headed to the airport to fly home to australia, this suggests that admitting guilt in exchange for freedom was not easy for him. elizaveta gers. noise and achieved his release, he was tired, conveyed gratitude through his wife. julian
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wanted me to sincerely thank everyone.
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sanju may need to pay off his debts. on his first day of freedom, he discovered a loan of half a million dollars, the cost of his flight from london to australia via the mariana islands on a private jet. perhaps he was afraid to fly on an american military plane. true, more than half of this amount has already been collected online by good people following the cry issued by wikileaks. from the fine and confiscation of asandzh's property, the us authorities have been very kind to him. was released, but england saw him off unkindly, where the journalist had been hiding from swedish, american and british lawsuits since 2010; he was taken out of belmarsh prison on monday night in handcuffs, like a criminal in the dark, so that no one filmed this event, just as they filmed his removal from the ecuadorian embassy in london in 2019,
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a convoy of six police cars and a helicopter escorted the prisoner to the english airport, as if he could... which was not in their competence to release him right here , the decision was made in the usa. the british simply gave asandzh support in prison for this time. the trial took place in the northern mariana islands, not far from the famous trench. now this place is also famous for the outcome of a case that will always be perceived ambiguously. what he
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did - it exposed the truth about our own government, which i believe needed to be exposed. you can clearly compare asandzh with controlled media, for example, the same new york times. they publish government secrets on a regular basis, but only those that the government itself leaks to them. under a deal between assange's lawyers and the us department of justice, the journalist was required to plead guilty to one of eighteen counts of conspiracy to obtain and disclose classified national defense documents. usa, he admitted the wine, so ideological fighters for freedom of speech do not think that asansh won, because he was forced to bend. this is not a complete victory for him or for journalism. the united states authorities stubbornly wanted to get their way and... sadly, i, like many others, consider asanja a political prisoner, and i think that america and britain look very bad in this story. well, sanch, admitting guilt, did not
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repent. he said that he acted in accordance with the first amendment of the us constitution on freedom of speech, which comes into force violation of the espionage act. his defense pressed on this point at the table. today he pleaded guilty to publishing information for the benefit of the public.
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on the one hand, this is an ozonbank card with which you can receive cashback, on the other hand, you can pay for anything and receive goods for it for 1 ruble. millions of products are even more profitable and cashback up to 25% with an ozonbank card, profitable again, not again, every day, profitable on the price tag, which means low.
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they talk about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not just that. methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer, the throwing engine works great. installation of equipment within the framework of the people's fuel project, i also converted my car to methane without investment. being practical is good for nature and good for you. choose ecogas, refuel at gazprom stations. enjoy your different self, fill your summer with bright images on ozone. fashion weekend on amazon, discounts up to 80% on clothes and shoes. alfabank is the best bank for business. send all payments and transfers without commission. open a business account.
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caffeine at the waist, caffeine at the waist i’ll tell you why, moscow unexpectedly piquant ketchup, i love the moscow combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, the taste is a pleasure. moscow coffee shop on the fields, i love it, i recommend it, elena vasilievna, dmitry, come in! come in, veda vasilievna, i feel great, but somehow i want to invest in health, what do you recommend, there is one company that will definitely work, thank you vasilievna, good health, invest in securities, it will work, on avito khvatamba, discounts people from people until july 7, buy with a virtual card from the magnet application, play and win summer prizes, buy daddy can, juicy sausages, summer for a million in
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a magnet. on the one hand, this is an azonbank card, with which you can pay for anything and receive cashback, on the other hand, this is an ozonbank card, with which you can pay for anything and receive goods for 1 ruble. you are so multifaceted, just like me, millions of goods on ozone for 1 ruble or cashback up to 25% in rubles for any purchases with an azonbank card. capital punishment, premiere today. at 20:00 on ntv, again profitable, not again, every day, profitable on the price tag, means low price, chocolate cookies 1199, five helps out, enjoy your different self, fill the summer with bright images on ozone, fashionable weekend on ozone, discounts up to 80% on clothes and shoes, the best contribution to save up to 18% per annum, hurry to open before the end of june, it’s
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ozone’s birthday, tell me the discount. oh, sale, ozone's birthday. palaris fan for 2.499. narzan mineral water for 349. suit children's mika yumi for 509. sportmaster, prices are half. licensed and sports brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. millions of people choose fitolax, fruit-based laxative chewable tablets. try something new. marmalade berries. just one at night for comfortable relief in the morning, does not cause.
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therefore, questions regarding the provision of future personnel are always faced by the customs service, as by any service in the country. what steps are being taken in this area, how do you train personnel? we have organized work on facilitating the participation of officials in the “time of heroes” program. to date , 32 people have already passed the final selection, who will soon begin training in advanced training programs and, based on the results of this training, based on their
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knowledge and experience, they will already be... business publications today are discussing information that concerns russian airlines, data are being reported about the aircraft fleet of domestic air carriers, is now not published in full, specifically we are talking about the number of aircraft, however, in the federal air transport agency this has already been refuted, denis talalaev joins us, denis, explain, government agencies will keep these statistics for themselves, but if they are widely available, they will disappear. so, there is an addition to the large list of classified statistics in russia. the federal air transport agency has stopped publishing information on its website about how many aircraft are in the fleet of each russian airline. the ato profile portal was the first to draw attention to this. the federal air transport agency indicates that
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the list of russian airlines and the types of aircraft they fly remain in the public domain. a the department explained the loss of information about the quantity, citing the need to optimize the published information. true, the airlines themselves continue to publish data on how many aircraft they have. of the five largest russian airlines, this data is not available only on the s7 website. and, for example, on the aeroflot website you can find out that at last in may its fleet included 171 aircraft, of which 59 boeings and 112 airbuses, and the victory fleet consists of 42 boeing 737800 aircraft . some interlocutors of kommersant newspapers believe that the federal air transport agency has closed data on the number of aircraft the airline has. companies in order to maintain their reputation and not show the reduction in the fleet of foreign aircraft, but other interlocutors are sure that this is more so that, under the conditions of sanctions, it would be more convenient for airlines to replenish their fleets with foreign aircraft from secondary
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markets, so-called friendly countries. such transactions, the newspaper’s interlocutors make it clear, are best carried out without attracting unnecessary attention from the drafters of the sanctions. the tagansky court of moscow arrested the former topman in absentia. the period of arrest of 2 months will begin to count from that the moment he is extradited to russia or detained here. lars eberhardson joined the gas group in 2005 as director of strategy and already in 2006 became the chairman of the board of gas, but stayed in this position for just over a year, and then moved to russian machines. in russia, in fraud on an especially large scale, according to the investigation, as described by the telegram channel of the press service of the capital courts, the accused decided to take possession of the funds of an unnamed victim, for which he reported the quote: knowingly false and
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information about investing money in the development of business activities that does not correspond to reality. in the eighteenth year, lars aberhardson became one of the investors, thanks to whom the autocrane company was able to restart. production of truck cranes under the ivanovets brand. vladimir putin appointed igor shuvalov as chairman of the state corporation vprf for another 5 years. he has held this post since may of '18. the powers of igor shuvalov were extended ahead of schedule, because the current term expired only in july twenty sixth year. before joining web, igor shuvalov worked as first deputy prime minister for 10 years. the history of the web dates back to 1922. at first it was a bank for foreign trade of the ussr, then of russia. in 2007, the web was declared a national development bank and received the status of a state corporation. the internet, together with commercial banks, implements those projects that the state considers particularly important. according to the press service, during the time that igor shuvalov has been leading the state corporation, the annual
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volume of issued loans and guarantees has tripled to more than 300 million rubles. it is reported that over the past 4 years the web has supported more than 450 projects worth about 12 trillion rubles. projects supported by the state corporation, construction of airports, highways, factories, development of electric transport in russia, supply of trains, construction of tankers. since 2020, when the reform of development institutions was announced in russia, the sub-management of the vprf was transferred, for example, to the corporation for the development of small medium enterprises, the russian export center, the industrial development fund, rusnano, skolkovo. now the total assets and the internet's guarantee portfolio is estimated at 7 trillion rubles. this is 2.5% of gdp. this year , the management of the state corporation has a plan to increase its share to 5% of gdp. the russian stock market today consolidated the positive result of yesterday's trading, but bcs world investments analysts note that everything will depend on
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the ruble exchange rate, to which investors are now paying special attention, practically ignoring the dynamics of oil prices. on the interbank market, the ruble is rising in price against the dollar and the euro today. on the moscow exchange, the ruble rose in price to the yuan. but here are the official rates that the central bank sets now without exchange trading, show completely different dynamics. the dollar rose by 53 kopecks today. rate 87.81. the euro added 38 kopecks and is worth 94.11 tomorrow. messenger icq stopped working today. a message about this appeared on his website, and earlier it was announced by the vk company, which owns icq since 2021. the story of icq began back in 1996 and not in russia, in israel, when four local students lost their jobs and in less than 2 months created an instant messaging service. in the days of piecemeal payments
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sms is unlimited communication, a breakthrough. there is also anonymity, there is no complicated verification, and most importantly, you can choose a nickname that is beautiful. icq from english icq. i'm looking for you. then it’s also a dating service, grandpa. by 2005 , iq’s audience reached 500 million people, but at the same moment its main competitors, social networks, and new messengers appeared. stick with it.
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believe, you never know what they add to their liquids. don’t legislators add to the honesty of manufacturers? the bill that was adopted introduces certain restrictions for certain products that have beautiful names, without any tobacco mixture, that are fashionable, that are in demand, are actually abused. they specifically call it that, but they add it to get the desired effect,
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so it’s all deception, it’s all involvement, it’s all a certain addiction, the formation of this very addiction, the formation of a certain culture, in the end the goal is one, this is to get as much money as possible by selling this products, however, the successful reading of this bill in the first hearing can hardly be called a victory, apparently, the initiative of the deputies was initially much more radical; they generally wanted to grow up in russia.
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well, it turned out that, in principle, even in comparison with tobacco, that is, if we talk about damage to the lungs, it approximately corresponded to what develops with tobacco smoking, that is, they developed foci of inflammation, and the formation of mucus in the bronchi increased there. infiltration by inflammatory
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cells has increased; inhalation of oxidation products of ethylene glycol; there are all sorts of components, that is, they create free radicals, which are one of the most damaging agents to the structures of the lungs, so whether there is nicotine in the aromatic liquid or not does not matter, the main thing is that there is harm to health, taking into account the possible rise in prices , there is reason to think about whether it is worth overpaying for damage to your ? urgent news is coming at this moment from the komi republic, there was an accident with the kutaros passenger train. this happened to the operational services, against the backdrop of an emergency braking of the train, when the driver saw that the embankment was damaged, according to tbc. preliminary data have sent the carriages to the derailment point; there are no fatalities; information about the number of injured
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passengers is being provided with assistance. traffic in the emergency area is currently suspended, we will monitor the development of the situation. this is the program today. on the one hand, this is an azonbank card with which you can pay for anything and receive cashback. on the other hand, this is an azonbank card with which you can pay for
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anything and receive goods for 1 ruble. choose what benefits you, millions of products on azon for 1 ruble or cashback up to 25% in rubles for any purchases. the idea to start a business was born from a childhood dream of becoming a pioneer. i remember how the guys and i climbed here, and i imagined that one day i would open this place to everyone and decided to have a hotel in the lighthouse. it’s good that friends helped with the repairs and with the opening of the sber business. sbera supported me in everything at the start, opened an account in one click, helped me with accounting and legal issues, quickly connected the cash register, all this is free, start a business with sbera support
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burger with fragrant arugula, mozzarella rings, capri lemonade and ice deluxe mango steamer, delicious in italian, period 10% discount on a refrigerator using the promotional code cold, so from june 24 to july 3, a liran refrigerator with a total volume of 163 liters for only 20,691 rubles. rbt, we make comfort accessible. does your business need acceleration? open a current account at and transfer money to any bank instantly. vtb, we help with business. just an asterisk. such calls can indicate bad ones. it is important to strengthen blood vessels. angionrm helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. ange is fine, keep your blood vessels normal. i wanted to open a deposit at 18%. it turns out that you can under 20. have you thought about opening a deposit in one bank? it turns out that you can
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today. we continue our release. today the seventeen millionth guest visited the russian exhibition at vdnkh, it was cardiac surgeon from volgograd. egor morozov. he came to moscow with his wife olga and two children, six-year-old andrei and nine-year-old ivan. as a gift, the family received a certificate for a three-day trip around the nizhny novgorod region. they will visit there. beautiful, significant places, and also take a boat ride along the volga oka. it turned out that morozova really loves to travel, and just in order to make plans for their vacation, they stopped by vdnkh today. seeing all of russia at once is very interesting. i would i recommended everyone to come, have a look and really choose where to go on vacation. this is really, this is how the map of russia is, yes, i came, i chose, i went. thank you very much, we are , of course, very surprised by this gift, and of course we will go. novgorod, thank you very much. there are a little less than two weeks left before the closing of the international exhibition of the russia forum at vdnkh. monday, july 8th, is
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the last working day there. in russia, the demand for training in technical specialties is growing. this year has a record number of graduates received 100 points on the unified state exam in physics and mathematics. the university’s admissions campaign started a week ago, and more than 620 thousand budget places have been allocated for applicants. most of them are in priority areas. that is, many games seem to cosmically deviate from this realism and simplify the mechanics, but the museum specifically complained about
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the realistic representation of the earth of space. egor studies applied computer science in computer design. on the horizon he sees the post of technical director in a large company, but for now his interests include participation in development of computer games. well, now the newest game is called catch me if you can, cat, in short, it’s multiplayer. in a slavic setting, that is, like the turmoil, as it came out recently, where you play for those hiding as a hunter, at the far eastern federal university, it is not the first year that it has been cooperating with representatives of the industry and customers from the numbers at first glance, distant, trying to begin preparing students for practical work as early as possible, 29 educational programs, if we talk about the gaming industry in...
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the digital economy national project is coming to an end this year, but the decisions on personnel training that were included in it have justified themselves, although in 2018, when the national project just started, all that was left to do was talk . cabida began, the indicators of the first years were really not very encouraging, for example, to admit to higher education programs in mathematics, we in the field of information technology at first gathered no more than 50-60 thousand people a year, today the planned indicators tell us that universities should already train 120,000 such specialists. in addition, 800,000 competent graduates were promised to domestic business in 2024, in terms of the share of it specialists among... the number of employees, russia today is equal to europe, this figure is 3%, students feel confident. so what will
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digitalization students encounter when they leave almamat? a survey of 5,500 students from 133 universities was conducted at the digital economy institute, asking mostly specialists in such areas as information science and computer technology, computer science, information security, in general , to the battle for a place in the fatherland. it industry respondents were ready. the picture turned out like this: 82% of respondents plan to work in their specialty, 75% see themselves as employees of the company, 28 want to launch their own business that would be related to information technology. half of the respondents said that by the end of the training they had acquired practical experience, and positively their professional prospects in the field of information technology in russia were assessed by 62% of respondents, but students also saw... difficulties, naming among the main obstacles the lack of practical experience and the expectation of high competition. to overcome barriers, 42% of respondents plan
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to use government measures. support of it specialists. the interaction between the state and the it industry helps to build projects such as digital departments, a numbers lesson, or the code of the future. and at the siberian university, digitalizers for metallurgy and energy are taught at the it academy. we have been implementing this project for the third year now, it is quite a large-scale project, about 100 people are currently studying on this project, there were two enrollments, now we are entering the third intake. evgeny golubev is one of 2,500 students. whom the university is preparing to continue the digital transformation of russia. now on the table of the future specialist in the automation of technological processes and production, a thick book of recipes for administration, this is where he should go, evgeniy understood when, as a child, he thought about how the street traffic light is working, now my main project is the design of a power supply system in order to power
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various wireless sensors that are located at a great distance. this project is not educational, we submitted this project, our scientific advisor and my classmates to the regional science and technology fund and won a grant. having become students , future it specialists devote a third of their schedule to practice and internship. during this time, evgeniy came up with a portable device that converts energy from thermal to electrical, a project with which a motivated student is going to enter , enter now, without waiting for graduation. alena antonova, residents of the european territory of russia will experience a rare and beautiful celestial phenomenon this coming night, the baotid meteor shower will reach its peak, this is the first summer starfall this year, the nights are very short, the sun sets late, rises early, literally the whole night is continuous twilight, so it’s better watch somewhere around
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midnight in an hour or two, especially on... starfall always watches when not moonlight interferes. the moon is very bright. our moon will set on the 27th and will rise from the horizon after midnight. therefore , the best viewing time is somewhere around an hour or two before midnight. in order to better see the meteor shower, astronomers advise choosing an area with a minimum number of artificial light sources. well, now we’ll find out whether the clouds will prevent time from seeing the starfall this night. the western anticyclone disperses the clouds in central russia, here are excellent chances to see a shooting star, have time to make a wish wish, but not about warming, it
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will be like that, another day, we are already +30, tomorrow it will not be higher. families due to the cool and harsh winds. this is due to the proximity to the atmospheric front, which separates the center from the volga region, where the weather is completely different. in the rear of the ural cyclone there is a strong north wind, there is not much rain yet, but in a day there will be showers. and the temperature, unlike the center, will decrease. the northeast will also be affected by the cyclone. it has the heaviest rainfall in the region. closer to arkhangelsk and murmansk there are already small and in the nearest warming is expected here in the future. in the south the temperature will increase noticeably. in the caucasus mountains, there are still quite strong thunderstorms at night, they will also weaken during the day, in other areas there is little precipitation and the temperature is at the same not very high, but still decent level of about 27°. in st. petersburg tomorrow 25-27 without precipitation, for fans of astanomas in moscow at night partly cloudy +11-13 during the day +25, rain is unlikely, but windy. by friday
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the wind will subside and during the day it will already be +28, on the weekend we expect 30 and even. 32 all this without precipitation, they will wait until monday. well, evgenia, thank you, this was the weather forecast from evgenia neronskaya. these are the main news, by this hour right now the premiere of the detective story of the highest measure. at 22:10 detective series bailiffs, well , we are igor politaev and aina nikolaeva, thank you for your attention. all the best. beautiful, but my mother is better, we have a murder, our father is old, lukina, he is a windfall, he found a guard during a patrol, they killed him with an awl, olga ivanovna, in the twenties there was such a thief, ivan burdasov, so he killed
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with a blow to the ear, and i was really. under do you know who you were sitting with in minsk? with lukin. so was burdasov shot or not? there was no one there to shoot. everything was scattered through the bushes. burdasop is truly unique. he is an organism, striving. comrade, i did everything right, he
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killed a woman, and wanted a pregnant woman, they won’t put me in jail, we’ll figure it out, comrade major, the killer survived, he’s in intensive care, four bullets were put into him, he’s alive. where is tanya? egor and tanya were moved to the next room, there. by law , identification must be provided. yes, olga ivanovna, of course. stay.
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yegor, tatyana didn’t suffer, he killed her , there was an abrasion on the back of her head, he first stunned her, and then killed her heart with a knife, from the crime scene from the apartment. tatyana didn’t even have time to get scared, taxi, taxi! horror, because everything was quiet, no screaming, no noise.


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