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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  June 28, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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today in our program you and the loser show must go on. trump and biden met in the first round of the battle for the presidency. which one of them will reach the goal? crooked joe will get a shot in the ass.
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hello, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i am andrei norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live, today we will start with information received from our ministry of defense, well, firstly, the ministry reports on that that 25 ukrainian drones were destroyed over different regions of the country at night, there are no destruction, there were no casualties, that is... the air defense systems worked very, very well, then there are such important, well, i would say, clarifications, the fact is that andrei belousov, the minister of defense of our country, instructed the general staff to make a proposal , i quote, according to the measures of rapid response to the increasing provocations of the united states over the black sea, well, you remember, we periodically, this is what he called the global holk, that’s what it’s called, who flies there over the black sea, we remembered him, yes . now the ministry
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defense, actually explains what needs to be understood by this order of andrei belousov, by us provocations, as the ministry of defense explains, they mean the increased activity of american drones near crimea, they are conducting reconnaissance, checking coordinates for striking our territory with western weapons, which, supplied to kiev, the department was warned that, again, i quote, such steps are fraught with a direct clash between russia and the united states.
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then we got to the topic of ukraine, but there were no surprises it wasn't here. trump repeated the old theses that biden was to blame, and at the same time recalled the shameful withdrawal of troops from afghanistan, he said.
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joe could have been a convicted felon considering everything he's done, this man is a felon, my son is not a loser, you are, you're a loser, how many billions of dollars do you have to pay in civil fines for groping a woman in public, for sex with a porn star when your wife was pregnant, trump couldn’t stand that kind of thing, he came up trump card. "i took two intelligence tests, he didn’t pass a single test, i would look at it, the audience during the show was very worried about why joe biden didn’t blink, the president again talked about how his eldest son beau died in iraq, although he died of cancer.
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the final two-minute speech performed by joe biden was extremely confusing; the lost, tired president was led away from the stage by his wife, which only worsened the pitiful impression. the former president received twice as many votes in a cnn poll, as newspapers write. the democratic party is furious, we were just fucked, this is how cnn commented, results debate, unnamed democrat. the new york times believes the party's elite should show up at the white house and send biden into retirement instead. nominate at least michel obama or the young governor of california gevinam for him. there is a very aggressive panic in the democratic party. it started a few minutes after the debate and is continuing right now. they discuss the president's actions, which they thought
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were disheartening. the best thing about this story is that in my voice fifty-six-year-old geven was called young, and he is older than me year, that means me. everyone can see, if you remember this speech , state of the union, yes, the state of the nation, which he spoke in the winter, this was clearly a person who was under the influence of very strong drugs, which means that there are problems, why did the democrats notice only now, i explain this by one thing, this is what i would call
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the politburo trap, remember lindyvich brezhny, everyone saw the state, but at the same time everyone pretended that nothing was happening, the democrats did the same, until this happened that didn't happen this. a disaster that, strictly speaking, happened to biden, but in fact he, and this is a disaster, because what i read, there is another opinion, it was necessary to specifically bring the situation, the development of the situation to this yesterday night event, so that change to show that everyone has come to it, so how about this version, this is a very risky step, why, well, for a number of reasons, firstly, there is little time left, so in order to change.
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during his presidency, major changes occurred in american life, desegregation, which caused rage, the democrats were the party of the south, accordingly the white southerners turned away from him, he had a rival, george wallace.
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present this as a victory, that is, how do you say that the democrats can’t turn it around anymore, it’s clear that this is a failure, one problem is joe biden himself, joe biden doesn’t want, doesn’t want to leave, joe biden wants to be elected second term, if we judge by the new york times publication, the only person who can convince him is his wife, but you see how his wife behaves, you did great, you're great.
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the case of lyndon johnson, who independently decided, in general , to resign, or rather, not to be re-elected as
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president in 1968, but there is another example, the example of richard nixon, who himself did not want to resign, did not want, but when his situation became catastrophic, and the republican party, the leadership, of his own party realized that he would drag the party itself to the bottom at that moment if he failed.
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there is someone whom we do not yet understand who to choose from, which one, that other, well, yes, that means, i think that now we need to look carefully at the biography of the governor of california, as... that is, they will still have time to somehow promote him to the required level , until necessary, we didn’t talk about this much, but newson in the last six months, even the last year or six months, has made various trips to the states, since he understood that such a situation could mature, could arise, so the republicans most likely
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will not abandon trump they can, although yesterday, that is, you think that the new one will win... undergo a medical examination and publish the results. according to us law, the state of health of the head of state is a medical secret, like the health of any american. the only one who published his midcard was richard nixon in 1971. doctors then said that his health was surprising for a man of 58 years old. the other presidents were in no hurry to share details. you are the oldest president in
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the history of the country. i am reminded of president kennedy, who during the days of the cuban missile crisis did not sleep for days. are you eating? in your ability to act in such circumstances? there is no doubt, and i have no doubts in my heart about whether i will focus on the problem of age, i do not intend to exploit the youth and inexperience of my opponent for political purposes. as for joe biden, many expected him to get sick at the debate. new york post columnist paul sperry joked that journalists were eagerly asking to come into the studio... so as not to miss this moment. biden's last medical examination took place in february. the white house doctor reported then that the president was healthy, energetic, and exercised at least 5 days a week. among the troubles, apnea syndrome, that is , biden may stop breathing in his sleep, discomfort in the left hip and arthritis, but this is not an obstacle to work, however, joe’s mental abilities were not tested then. doctors
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had to open my skull a couple of times to see if i had a brain. a group of congressmen demanded that he take a cognitive test, and biden has given plenty of reasons over the past year to say that he is old and very sick, then he falls or stumbles, then he is half-assed as if he is mentally retarded, and some attentive conspiracy theorists are convinced that biden wears diapers, and even uses them regularly. rumor has it that biden has a whole staff of doctors who are supporting the remnants of reason in the fading president with help.
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he was talking about the state of affairs in the country, he spoke too quickly, energetically and emotionally, sometimes eating up the end of his words. over the next 10 years, the income from the minimum tax for millionaires will bring the treasury $500 billion. i believe in america, i believe in you americans. the washington times suggested: biden was then given amphetamines. the drug aderal, based on this drug, can improve cognitive function in patients with alzheimer's disease and dementia, scientific authors found. articles, but it only treats symptoms and is quickly addictive. look, some things are said as a joke. of course, no one expects joe biden to do cocaine. people wonder. it’s clear why they have such thoughts, did he drink any energy drinks or something like that. natalya valerievna, if biden has been such a tumbler all his career,
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maybe now the doctors will do something magical with him, everything will go in the other direction. maybe we're writing him off too early? that he is as convenient as possible, and is probably the only one today, and a politician in the democratic party capable of speaking out against trump, no matter how his cognitive functions are ridiculed.
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sick idiot, or existential threat who wins loser, convicted criminal, usa, worst president of the country, sleepy fool, u we were like after the debate, but it turned out 165 to 35, which means what i want to say is, apparently. a colleague said, it’s a difficult task, they don’t change horses at the crossing, but in america there is another saying: driven horses are shot, isn’t it true, which means that all we saw today was the shooting of biden, biden was not ready, he did not name there wasn’t a single figure, there wasn’t a single convincing thesis, which means that cnn, which is a publication, however, no less, well, gostelero, let’s call it, shows a frail old man who.
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roosevelt also moved in a wheelchair, although his head was better; they will also take him in a wheelchair to the elections, he will win them, work there for a while, then the same system will calmly replace him with another person.
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bookmakers, that is, how the bets have changed , maybe, but now there are results of a victory, if you look at these results, there is a severe dive for biden down from 35. trump won in 2020 not because of a forged postal vote this is really a fix idea for him to defeat trump now, and for his wife, by the way, i also don’t know what she has personally, well, by the way, she’s...
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august 13, for example, is the deadline for registering a candidacy in the state of california, later than august 13 , i don’t know about other states, ohio, august 7, 40 days left, the thirteenth for california, for other ohio states, maybe the seventh, california 10%, with a guaranteed democratic 10%, during which time you should make newsam a left-wing politician , centrist, this is the problem, the only centrist of the democratic party is sane. but it cannot
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happen that the american voter, what he saw now, well, in general, will not care how he saw biden, he saw biden speaking, in approximately the same state in which he saw him a couple of weeks ago, and for people who were ready to vote if only not for trump, essentially nothing has changed; moreover, he stood up for these 90 minutes. for this category of people, yes, but this is about a third of the american electorate, these same zero debates, they were not made for democrats, and not for republicans, but for the hesitant, the hesitant, what they saw, they saw a terrible picture, and the worst thing was never biden said, the worst thing was when biden was silent, and i saw what well, i saw some polls where the numbers changed, biden went down,
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trump went up, and... he began his career as a senator in the state of ilina, then as a senator from the state of ilina, then president very quickly, moreover, he made a career around him, and michelle bam straight from chicago, she’s from the city, and that’s not the point, it means there hasn’t been a republican mayor since 1931, who was alcopona’s right-hand man, by the way, this is thompson, always drunk, your town is good, so that’s there democrats, i talked to many people, that is, they are political functionaries, i say, well, why are democrats all the time, all the time for biden, they tell me directly, we don’t like biden, he says,
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no, no, no, we says, but... for us biden is the lesser of two evils, that’s what i’m talking about, now just a second, what am i talking about? this is a phenomenon that has now arisen in america, it was even designated by the word double haters, that is, this is the part of the electorate that is active people, they want to vote, but they hate it and there is no other candidate, this is a debate, you know, they are these people, so they could have moved them somehow or could not, we will do this issue, because we... concentrated the entire first part , yes, on biden, and trump can do it there too what to discuss, because this does not mean at all that if he looked better, then he has any higher chances of winning. so, let's take a short break and continue. don't miss the central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week.
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clear. we continue, and this part, let's start with news that is unpleasant for the terrorist zelensky. to nato. it has been officially announced that at the upcoming summit in washington, ukraine will not will be invited to the alliance, although everyone continues to be assured that work. what we are trying to do is build a bridge to its membership. ukraine will not receive an invitation to join nato this july, but we are moving them closer by focusing on interoperability and modernization. what kind of bridge to membership is this? the united states sees it this way: a nato mission will be created in germany, which will coordinate all military aid supplied to the armed forces of ukraine, as well as the training of the ukrainian military. new york times publication. clarifies: this structure will be created regardless of the outcome of the american elections, that is , there is no need to fear trump’s election; ukrainians will not be left in the country. the creation of the mission, as the publication writes, should appease the terrorist zelensky a little, maybe he will not even be indignant, as he was indignant at
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the previous summit in vilnius. in the meantime , the terrorist zelensky is content, as they say, with little; in brussels, he organized such a get-together with his baltic friends, an experienced fascist, kai kallos. who will soon head european diplomacy and lithuanian president getanos nausėdiy. all three signed a security agreement and agreed that ukraine's membership in the nato summit should...
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trump was unpleasant because he looked so angry in the photo. i want you to remember what they did to me. they tortured me in the fulton county jail and took my mug shot. so guess what? i transferred it to a mug for the whole world to see. trump, however, did not say that the torture took only 20 minutes, after which he was released on bail in 2000 dollars, from the sale of goods with this evil frame... trump collected a record 4 million. and
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the army of his fans grew. together with president trump, we are going to clean up the mess joe biden has created because the american people are desperate for change. however, donald trump faces a very long prison term - 136 years. the ex-president was accused of 34 episodes of financial fraud, and the court will pronounce the verdict on july 11. just a few days before the national congress of republics. permission, may be awarded to trump and
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community service, they write in the american press, which will also prevent him from conducting a full-fledged election campaign. experts believe that all this greatly weakens trump’s chances. the verdict is of enormous historical significance because trump's base is too small, he is attracting moderate and independent voters, and a conviction on 34 felonies is likely to turn them away from trump. so, well, biden's prospects have been sorted out, now with trump's prospects, donald trump today has the main thing is this baseball cap with his presidential campaign, and the main thing is the ideology: let's make america great again. in fact, today donald trump is one of the few american, and especially republican, politicians who has a formalized idea of ​​what he wants to do with the country, and i absolutely, are you sure of this, of course, i completely disagree with here is the expert whom you showed that he has a very small one.
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but i was saying that today american politics is like a race, you vote for your favorite candidate, as you you vote for your favorite team, no matter what he says, you look, this is my elephant, our man.
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firstly, and the sentence that we will pass is not a fact, that there will be a trial term, a prison term in reality, it is unlikely, they said that it is probable, because he did not admit the wine, every time, that’s how long i can remember, but fate the american elections were decided in these very undecided states, i sometimes think so, i don’t even understand why,
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well, the undecided ones, what difference does it make, why do we have to hold elections, and even with this moronic systems there, electoral votes and so on, everywhere in the united states, democracy.
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they can pass such a verdict, but trump has a lot of money and many lawyers will do everything to ensure that he is free by the elections, the republican party will not hand him over, that’s right, look, i think that the analysis should never be based on personal sympathies, preferences or anything else , you understand who is for whom, it doesn’t matter in principle, well, if we proceed from the fact that this is a show, well, we have the right to choose there. we are right on anything, probably, but it has such an indirect relation to analysis. now, as for the speech of trump himself, it was not discussed at all, on the one hand, he , as usual, lied uncontrollably, that is, he, for example, stated that if biden wins again, then the killing of babies after their birth will be allowed in the united states, already of course
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, is complete nonsense, but moreover, he made one mistake, he also made a whole series of statements, but he had such a mistake, it was...
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namely biden, those who were against trump were ready to vote for him, but some behind he was not ready, was not ready
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to vote, because they see what condition he is in, but newsam has, he does not have this minus, because he is in normal condition, but at the same time, trump’s anti-rating will pass to him in the same way, that is, he there are advantages of biden, but there are no disadvantages of biden, another one is very good, he will certainly receive support. avoided answering questions on drug addiction, on the social status of children, and so on, he kept going off the rails, it was clear, trump was also
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unprepared, and it seems to me that in this sense trump did not present this elephant base to the extent that the republicans need, trump is good in the race with biden, there will be no biden, then trump is not needed, that’s all, we need another candidate, so this is necessary. one thing to understand that we have not touched on yet, what happened is what happened tonight, yes, the next important event will not even be july 11, when trump will be sentenced, literally the other day, we don’t know the exact date, but somewhere before independence day, the supreme court must rule on presidential immunity, this decision will have a very significant impact on the course of the presidential campaign in the sense that, firstly, if this... is sufficiently in favor of trump, it means that practically both federal cases against him will be forced to be closed immediately, if this
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is in his favor, a case that in georgia has practically collapsed, so to speak, because of the corruption of the prosecutor fanny got out, the only thing that remains is the case that he lost, then juan merchan, the judge who will pronounce the sentence, since he is clearly bright a strong democrat, his democratic party activist daughter is raising funds for them, his chances are that he will give... trump's actual sentence increases dramatically, because they still need to do something about it, given what happened at night , this and taking into account, if trump, if the supreme court decision is positive for trump, what he can get, he can be up to 4 years, because for each, for each of the charges, 4 years maximum, and there up to 4 years, but according to state law in new york they should be at the same time, but there it’s up to 4 years, he can give him up to 9 months or less, then he’ll have to go to rikers, that’s there to give trump a real sentence, even
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if they don’t give him a real sentence, again house arrest - this is so that he cannot be involved in, so to speak, the company, but on the other hand, we also know very well that trump is a genius of negative pr, he knows how to benefit from it, that is, now this topic is political persecution, he is will literally reproduce what i am now you... please, he will challenge it, even if he is put under house arrest somewhere or he, even if he suddenly serves some time in prison, this will only gain his rating,
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especially against the backdrop of the half-dead biden and even more so against a background like...
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on a different topic, it’s high time to change your provider, get married to tele2 three times, include your home internet in your tariff, there is no payment for it for 3 months, it’s easy to connect, and you don’t even need to go anywhere, connect your home internet tv-2, terrorist attack by ukraine and the united states on sevastopol, who bears the main blame in kiev or on washington and how much time is left before our nuclear... biden and trump are starting a debate, what could this change for us, will the west compromise or intensify the confrontation? another exchange of prisoners 90 to 90, why doesn’t zelensky exchange everyone for everyone, as we proposed? does he only need national battalions or is he afraid to let our professional military men go, or maybe he doesn’t want to
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the place where everything becomes clear. we continue. now, as i already said, the topic will be ours, ours, but first. another middle eastern news block, what is there and this part, let's start with the publication of the jerusalem post newspaper, they report that the international criminal court unexpectedly postponed the issuance of an arrest warrant for prime minister of israel benjamin netanyahu and the minister of defense of this country, mr. gallant. why did this happen? london intervened in the trial. britain has submitted a statement to the international criminal court that killing people in palestine is not at all it's the court's business, not his.
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supply to israel of high-explosive bombs weighing over 200 kg. deliveries stopped in april, then the operation in rafah began, and now it has been agreed that this shipment will resume 2 weeks after the end of hostilities in rafah. moreover, israel is persuading the united states to send a much more powerful weapon with a bomb weighing just under a thousand kg. it is assumed that israel will use all these weapons if the confrontation with hezbollah on the border turns into a full-scale war. from the point from a security standpoint, nothing is more important to israel's future than a partnership with the united states. we appreciate the support received, both obvious and hidden. and it seems that everything is heading towards a war with hezbollah, there are more and more
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indirect signals indicating this, the nbc news channel reports that the united states is preparing to evacuate its civilians from lebanon, without waiting for the official start of hostilities . in parallel, the states are expanding. landing ships in the mediterranean sea to monitor a stop in the armed zone conflict, in general, all this looks more and more threatening, i’m done, that’s it, yes, so, today we have a topic that periodically arose with us - on the air, but this is due to the fact that public discussion continues, it , i don’t even know how many years, she somehow periodically bangs, explodes with some kind of social intensity.
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stepan khalturin lived in the 19th century, was an activist of the radical party people's will and wanted to kill tsar alexander ii. in 1880 , khalturin detonated a bomb in the winter palace.
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and for terrorists. the main slogan is that the end justifies the means. nichaev was a radical figure of a new formation. he decided to become the leader of a revolutionary radical democratic movement. in some places, the controversial streets have already been renamed. thus, skard of yekaterinburg, perm, koluga, omsk and other cities the name of vera zasulich disappeared. this is a revolutionary. attempted to shoot the governor of st. petersburg fyodor trepov in 1877, in the city of staraya rusa, novgorod region, sofia perovskaya street was removed, she led the murder of emperor alexander ii. now the street bears the name of the russian aerologist mikhail pomortsev. ay-ay-ay, how did this happen? after all, you killed a man, sofya lvovna, you understand, a man, the father of a family.
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moreover, the father of all russia, and i’m not the father of the family, i executed despotism, when i watch such stories, it’s as if i absolutely understand the logic of those whom, i don’t know, don’t irritate, don’t upset, how jarring, yes those who cannot come to terms with the fact that there are some... not far from our hotel there was an establishment called kolchak, well, some kind of restaurant, and there was such like a niche, well, in this building, and on the street, and there is a sculpture of kolchak there, when i was in the city, i don’t know when this happened, apparently earlier, because now repair work has already begun there.
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well, i don’t know, except for the negative, i don’t see, that’s what, what is the result of this, what is the effect, i just think that the negative is that these streets remain, because the next generation, especially with left-wing beliefs, they think , that well, it’s like there’s just a short period of the russian federation, which somehow, from their point of view, is absolutely it is wrong and it is necessary to, as they say , overthrow the autocracy again, if you remember navalny went around with slogans given to the autocracy.
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trotsk, let's return it, and now let's return to trotsk, pushkin and other toponyms. my view is the following: if something was built during the time of the union of soviet socialist republics and named after the heroes of the union of soviet socialist republics, leave it, it’s like a sporulation of heroes among terrorists; if a street was built during the time of the ussr, leave it.
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i'm asking where you want to live this is where i appeal to the local residents and alexandrovskaya or on kholdorin street they will not want to change their passports. not about cities, but about our city toponymy, about streets, then what is the purpose of the name of the street? the goal of the street name now should be that it does not cause irritation, we have it endlessly.
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does anyone get irritated by general antonov street, academician yangel street, or by anyone at all, why do you want to say what, what needs to be knocked down.
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okay, you see, if, if there is something going on in our society, there will be a clash over
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regarding what the street will be called, kholturin street or admiralak street, then i will propose calling this street nikolskaya, that’s right, every time this clash happens when they say this street, which everyone is already used to and no one knows who khalturin is, no, let’s remove all this, wait, this clash is emerging anew, come on, alexandrovich, can we reconcile everyone? comrade stalin renamed a significant part of the streets of leningrad back giving them their old
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names, that is, comrade stalin encroached the names of uritsky and vladarsky, holy for the people, and crossed them out from the map of leningrad. it appeared, nevsky prospekt appeared, some bad old names appeared, for some reason no one has it. this is possible and normal, the question is, i absolutely agree, the question is whether it is expedient, there is no
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point in renaming everything, as our well-known comrades in ukraine do, well , everything that needs to be renamed, that is connected with the soviet union or the russian empire or something else with whom, rename some hashemina, hashemina area, it has no there is no point in renaming well... a singer or some kind of academician, well in the sense of a female academician, yes, that means
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such names that are simply white noise, there is no point in renaming them, well, at the moment i honestly don’t see, are we not then admitting to some kind of historical illiteracy, because i mean, what does it mean if we say that people in general don’t care? uh, no, they only know clara zetkin and rosa luxemburg, the rest, and then thank you,
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they may well have no idea who their street is named after, they don’t care, then why do social activists make a problem out of this? let's take specific examples: there is a street named after the revolutionary terrorist stepan khalturin, for example, in kemerovo, so a local blogger asked the residents whose name is written on their house? we are located on khalturina street. do you know who khalturin was? my dad, is your dad khalturin? yes, some kind of worker, probably, from a factory. controversial street names for modern russia
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appeared in soviet times; according to surveys, about half of citizens do not want these names to change, because they are used to it and consider it a waste of money, and little-known names on signs do not particularly bother anyone. well, let’s say, lada ketshaveli, in honor of lada ketshaveli, who is this? no, no idea, to be honest, i don’t even know if these are men or women, winbaum, no, i think it’s still a surname, a surname, or some kind of activity, person’s street, well, with something with the transfer it seems, probably, probably, maybe with this somehow, maybe one street was transferred from another somehow probably named after this, i believe, among residents of the city of sergiev passat, who were born before the ninety- first year, in the passport column place of birth is written zagorsk. in soviet times, the city was named after the revolutionary vladimir zagorsky, his real name was wolf lubotsky. he is called the leader of one of the groups of underground revolutionaries responsible for
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political murders, but few people talk about it remembers. do you know the story of our sergesad? no, i don’t know, we’re not local. honestly, no. nothing, so the material didn’t come across. in volgograd, local journalists decided to check how well residents know the heroic history of its streets. naumova street, for example, is located in the very in the center, next to lenin square, and bears the name of senior lieutenant ivan naumov, who commanded the defense of the famous pavlov's house. the townspeople seem to have known this from school, but that was not the case. director, here i am i just know, maybe it’s somehow connected, but i don’t know anything else, but it’s also connected with the war, it’s like his colonel, in my opinion, naumov, i don’t know, probably in honor of naumov. i looked at the plot in the middle and remembered zadorny’s immortal monologue about how our people confuse babel with shnobel, and sarah bernhardt with st. bernard, nevertheless, igor vladimirovich, well, that’s how it is now, we
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can’t do anything about it right away, so maybe then and what are we digging into, well , firstly, there is an option, there is a decision that has been made in dozens, or maybe even in hundreds of russian cities, write down all the names of the streets, all their former previous names and well...
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a schoolboy comes out of class, uh , i don’t know, there’s some kind of victory where they tell him about a special military operation , he looks at the lenin monument, i don’t understand and why in this city where lenin had never been in his life.
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on other topics, you know, i believe that the state, in principle, needs to stop this attack of some annoying frequency, and this is not the state, this is a public initiative, the state, at the very beginning of it mayorships they renamed absolutely everything in moscow, anyone present
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offhand, the democratic period we were just like that, let’s start with something else, but first i’ll finish the sentence: does anyone remember offhand who the butt is, anyone remembers offhand, what is the name of obukha street now, no, i’m on my way, i don’t know, i, too, being born in moscow, never confused kropotkinskaya and mitrostroevskaya, here’s a tidy up and forgive me, god, how it is, but i confuse it and don’t remember how...
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okay, khalturin, but why didn’t muscovites please? mickiewicz, herzon, agorev, these are not good, i will say, mickiewicz is the ideologist of polish racism and the chosen people. hercin and ogorev are people who rejoiced at the murders, and the brutal murder of russian soldiers, by the polish rebels, and also approved. terror, by the way, if we look, then in his texts gerson, for example, rejoices at the fact that in poland, in warsaw, even before any uprising, they killed a man and cut off his ear, and gerson applauds, prints this and says: “how this is great, that's what such is herzon." at the same time, no one fights with herzon. here, i constantly walk past the house of the hertzin museum. this means that i constantly see,
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which means that we can systematize what you said in this part in that part, that is, for you fighters against russian statehood in general hertsson, yes, they are more dangerous as street names at least than such performers like
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stepan khalturin, well, look who stepan khalturin is, people for the most part don’t know, khalturin and khalturin, he was messing around with something, in principle, everyone knows who hercin is. don’t be aware of this, who hercyn is, the decembrists are a complete mess now, since december, well, i have my own opinion about the decembrists, but i won’t have one, because that’s it, because you know, that’s what it’s like -that.
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i think i already talked about this, if kolchak somehow haunts me today, when the film admiral came out, you probably remember it, yes, i forgot now , who told this, a man comes out of the hall, and in front of him is a young couple, well, a boy and a girl, she’s just sobbing all over, and uh, through her tears, hears, i just felt that everything would end badly. now we will return the floor to mikhail borisovich, let’s look at the plot, we have numbers there, sociology there, because, well , i won’t chew on this now, it seems to me that everything is clear there without my comments. a survey in ziom once showed that approximately half of the citizens do not know the history of the country, even at the eighth grade level, and this applies to all age groups, not only young people. for example, 53% could not answer the question of who led the russians troops in the battle of poltava. who is considered to be the first russian tsar? i don’t know, well,
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the ruriks, rurikovich, are they kings? sociologists also found out that russians do not have an understanding of historical processes, and their knowledge is fragmentary; only 11% know that before the october revolution, the country was not ruled by a tsar, but by a provisional government. 9% can name the approximate years of the russo-japanese war; none of those asked could remember the date of russia’s withdrawal from the first world war. it seems to me that a person living in our country should know, say, the date of the battle of kulikovo, and should know, well, let’s say, the date of the battle of poltava, the battle of borodino, while in last year’s survey, as many as 90% of russians said that they were interested in history, only young people are indifferent to it, and those who at least somehow study it, as a rule they look only into the 20th century, while a third of russians believe that historical events are necessary...
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but 10-15 percent, maximum 20, only know something about it, therefore, therefore , the absence of these streets of monuments is important, because that people, they are not guided by what they really know, they are just about, listen, i want to become great, well, everyone
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wants to become great in childhood, in childhood, young people want to become great, well, they want to pretend to be something, so they say, here are the people, here i live on the street of such a person, stepan khalturina, who is this ? like, oh, he says, vera has screwed up, listen, on every corner, i don’t know who it is, who is faith, sue, oh, faith, sue, what needs to be done, yes, you just need to go shoot the governor, everything will be great, that is, glorification, yes, and this glorification is precisely based on ignorance of history, and not on knowledge. year, probably in 2008, i came across an article, i don’t remember in which polish publication, where alexander sergeevitch pushkin was trashed, our everything is in the polish publication, it’s not surprising, so, yes, they trashed him with the wording that he was almost the founder of russian fascism, in
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general , he supported the suppression of polish uprising, this is a whole disaster for the poles, except for literature too, by the way for him. it is impossible to end this cascade of renamings, it can only be stopped. it ’s just an effort of will, that’s the only way, because there is always a complaint against any historical character, here, or they really call everyone flowery, don’t you think that this can only be stopped when the state introduces a unified ideology, while ideology is prohibited in our constitution, if i’m correct
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i remember, and this ideology will presuppose who is good and worthy within the framework of this ideology stay on the street for centuries, who is listed as vladimir.
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so excuse me, that means we’re also going for a walk, that means we’re going for a walk with the guys before the concert, street g point star
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, i think that’s how it’s written, i broke my whole head , what is this newspaper newspapers star street newspapers star star, and what about the star without quotes in samara they didn’t like the crutcher yet didn’t like this newspaper people who write like that.
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disgusting character, russophobe, who led the uprising on the territory of lithuania and belarus in 863 and a neo-nazi formation that is now fighting against us in ukraine is named after him, everyone answered, konstantin alexandrovich answered, you know, i would like them to rename everything streets that have at least some relation to politics and ideology, so vladimir viktorich, i was born on television street. lived on boulevard of enthusiasts, the names were so neutral, well, that’s why i don’t have any ideosyncrasies about this, i would leave everything as it is, and i would rename lenin street in all russian cities, if, especially if it’s central, it’s a street in honor of that a figure of culture, art, literature, whatever, sports, who was born in this city, yeah, so alexander nikolaevich, i don’t remember exactly when lushkov became mayor of moscow,
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so i would return all moscow names.
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you know, maybe someone can give me one minute name 50 streets of st. petersburg, we know, sit capricious names and all decembers. the answer is simpler: 10 soviet, 13 krasnoarmeisky streets and 27 lines of vasilyevsky island, a total of 50, it was a meeting place that cannot be changed, we will meet on weekdays at 14:00 on
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ntv, goodbye. life schoolchildren are celebrating their graduation ceremonies today. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev. hello. graduation ceremonies will be held across the country today.


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