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tv   Visshaya mera  NTV  June 29, 2024 12:00am-12:26am MSK

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without you we wouldn’t have caught him, people like him should be executed in public in the square, i’m a nazarev grigory, a fireman, i really wanted to live, you’re not a nazaryev, you’re burdasov, ivan, ivan mestorovich, who is this? who is this? you're crazy? for your sake, ivan mistarovich, i turned the whole of yaroslavel upside down, checked everyone who was of age, absolutely everyone, regardless of rank, here are vaganov and perst, and who is perst, perst? he, just like you, lived under someone else’s guise, a lieutenant of the red army, sergei gennadievich khmelevsky, was court-martialed and fled in leningrad, got involved with criminals. i even
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checked the shulga, i learned so many new things, but your biography is more exciting, mikhail il, mikhail ilch, mikhail ilyevich.
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your past turned out to be a complete blank spot. first of all, i couldn’t find your classmates at minsk medical university. yes, but i still found one. konstantin ivanovich markevich. however , you are in luck here. don't take mine into account. merits, regalia, awards, check me too, as an ordinary doctor. well, konstantin ivanovich, do you recognize? on the one hand, it doesn’t seem to be him, on the other, how many years have passed, the voice could have changed, then i started looking for
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fellow front-line soldiers mikhail nagorba, and so the secret of tatyana’s death was revealed. at the opening of the exhibition, she told you about living witnesses who could expose you, and you decided to kill them all, starting with tatyana. i killed tatyana, do you hear yourself, yegorich, you are crazy, you killed tatyana with the hands of koleny, oh'. set him up to kill through hypnosis, hypnosis? yes, to understand how you did it, i went to the hospital for you, verisov and i had to put on a whole performance, for you, for colleagues and even for my son, everyone believed in my state on the verge, but most importantly - you believed, left, right, you hate people, you... must kill tatyana pavlovna when you
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hear the melody of the program, time, take a chair, ask for the tv, you don’t like it when they play the piano, ask for a chair for the tv, you hate people, wait, do you know the name chopik igorev? no, who is it? you sat in a camp with chopik in the thirties, by chance met on the train and killed him.
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he died suddenly. lenya, is he alive? in 1964, like you, he came to a conference in minsk. leonid efimovich was happy when he saw the name of nagornykh on the list of participants. the unfortunate doctor was going to meet his friend, but when he came to you, you killed him too. you are insane. do you know, ivan nesterovich, when i finally began to suspect you? after ryutin jr. attacked me. but the son of a maniac is the perfect killer. very interesting, very much. well, let's go to the office, i 'll tell you the rest. so, coming back to hypnosis, so i understood how you drove your victims to suicide, noreen, it’s funny, it was important to outplay you, so we closed the case, the official deal was in the extreme voronets, and
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we wrote down our fingers to boordastvo, because it worked, and in the meantime i rushed to look maria novika, the last witness, you will see the burdas. and doesn’t leave, you recognized him, he won’t stop, he ’ll kill you anyway, you must...
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you planted a photograph signed in your own hand. crimea, june, 1916. ivan ivarvara. kochagar nazaryev has the same handwriting. here it is army ration cards. unfortunately, not all of the echelon's documents were burned. you have the same handwriting. head physician of the nagorny psychiatric hospital. at the institute of criminalistics of the prosecutor's office. on the lion, absolutely exactly, the slope of the letters, the knife to the piram, everything matches, oh, remember, you expressed the desire that if burdasov, or as you said, it’s alive, look at it, understand, look, right? atobolen, caught,
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caught, you can’t say anything here, just show me the fantasies of a schizophrenic, about hypnosis and so on, where is the evidence, from what since then we have switched to you, and this is sick, and the evidence is the murder of the nurse golovach and the driver fedototov. you confirmed it yourself, under pressure, they look like a fool to me, but i’m smart, he came from the nagorny ones, he came from dasha , he came off as a bigot, and sasha fedorov also swore, he didn’t
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recognize anyone, but he recognized me, well, plus the attempt on maria novikova. you could live out your life under a new surname, which is what you lacked, but no, the thieves’ nature came out, you couldn’t resist, sick people, easy money, no one cares about them,
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i deny what was said, so write it down, boss, i know other people’s secrets, you have entangled the whole city, the voronets became the first in your networks, the vain colonel asked to identify your neighbor’s hospital with the diagnosis. meshchersky helped you decorate the apartment. unfortunate mishchersky, you killed him under hypnosis, and it would be interesting to see the judge’s reaction to this, but mishchersky, okay, he’s a stranger, i didn’t feel sorry for him, here’s your daughter, she played the heiress, yulenka, yulenka, she’s weak-minded, you i saw her, boss, no, burdasov, i’m talking about your real daughter. what about nadil, you met lala after the wedding,
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i hate you, i despise you.
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something for myself, but i burdasov is alive, where? and you ordered her to kill ishchapov and his partner, guselnikov himself. burdasav, you made your daughter a murderer. come on, sit down, that’s enough, you can fantasize about me all you want, but don’t touch my daughter. i told you to sit down, shchapova, you poisoned,
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we found dmitruk’s body, you killed her in the same way as guselnikovo. hammer, on the hammer , your fingerprints, under guselnikov’s nails, a piece of skin, i’m sure of yours skin. nadya, you are facing capital punishment, he forced me to kill them, he ordered me,
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who? father, burdasov ivan, he lives in yaroslavl, under the name nagornykh. i ask you, guarantee that my life will be spared, then i will tell you about all his affairs and give you something that you will never find here. what will you give us? the evidence against burdasov is ironclad. your daughter passed this on. she's testifying now. and in apartment cases and murders, there are three executions. although i would be for one. kuselnikov strangled you and your daughter, do you have something sacred somewhere,
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holy, holy, yuryev, bogdan tarasovich, they were going to run away, but for some reason i don’t see a passport for my daughter here, they wanted to kill, clean up the loose ends, well, actually, you always did that, holy. you know, burdasov, i kept thinking, do you really buy a new awl for every murder, and then i realized. that it is always with you, here they are, 12 cm, burdasov standard, in fifty-three you killed chopik with this sharpening, in sixty- four garayev and last year lukin, particles were found under the handle on this sharpening
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blood, this is the blood of burelom, did you instill in kretov the memories of lukin’s murder? timofey danilovich is completely acquitted and will soon be home. yes, burdasov, you are a good artist, only the artist gets applause at the end. and you have the highest measure, execution. well, also a kind of recognition of talent, only criminal, portes, the terrorist attack of ukraine from the united states on sevastopol, who is the main blame in kiev or washington and how much time is left
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until our nuclear ultimatum. nato is changing the secretary general, the european union, the head of diplomacy, biden. trump is starting a debate about what this could change for us, will the west compromise or increase confrontation? another exchange of prisoners 90 for 90. why doesn’t zelensky exchange everyone for everyone, as we suggested? does he only need national battalions, or is he afraid to let our professional military men go, or maybe he doesn’t want to bring negotiations closer? watch today on ntv. cop wars from monday at 16.45 on ntv, an expert in the treatment of thrush, flucostat. both answers are correct. sense? flucostat are capsules, and flucovac are vaginal suppositories. both the drugs are able to influence the cause of thrush and alleviate its symptoms after a single use. flucostat or flucovac. everyone has their own way of getting rid of thrush. loyalty program with berspasibo,
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burdasov, your complaint has been rejected, a lawyer is waiting for you to file an appeal. we pass, stand,
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we pass forward. stand facing forward.
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don't miss out on monday, roman shilov is not at work, but at a resort resort, they are just shooting down a little heat all around, a sea of ​​​​problems. why do you have three corpses here, they know how to work, the bosses are driving the wave, it’s time to stop, this is already a political question, and colleagues, they are still fruits, i want to make a statement, yeah, you all went to kathmandu, cop wars, well, you’ll stay for dinner , i won’t stay today, why do we need to save the world. from monday at 16:45 on ntv.


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