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tv   ChP  NTV  June 29, 2024 4:20pm-5:01pm MSK

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will sail from tver to nizhny novgorod, while the temperature in the center will reach thirty, in chernozem a little over 30, while it is cooler in the volga region, the main heat will reach there only at the beginning of next week. still north-west after today's rains, tomorrow there will be fresh air, while in kaliningrad there is already a new surge of heat. the murmansk arkhangelsk region will remain +20-25, good summer indicators according to local standards, and only the extreme northeast is in dank, gloomy autumn weather. in the south everything is southern, almost continuous sun, from bryazovye to the lower one. in the volga 30-35, in sochi and yalta 28. in st. petersburg tomorrow the maximum will be +23. in moscow there is a chance of thunderstorms again at 30, a very warm night up to 22°. and if there are also birthdays in this weather, how nice it is to celebrate in nature. it’s only better to do this in the shade of trees, or even better, under tents, in case it rains, but the main thing is to protect yourself from the sun. the ultraviolet index is now very high. health, love and summer mood to everyone, especially on the birthday. watch the weather on ntv.
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with each appearance on stage, she fancies herself a star more and more. hello. the politician tries to remain confident, speak clearly and withstand significant pauses. this is yulia navalnaya. image, gestures and of course, speech. western curators are doing everything to promote yulia navalnaya to the so-called russian opposition throne. only the applicant herself can’t cope, she often stutters. look around you, you are the people who identify this hope. and he absolutely cannot perform without a piece of paper.
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the worst thing happens to you, the main thing is not give up. she took over the helm on the day of her husband’s death. it still remains a mystery to many how, just a couple of hours after the news of the death of the convicted blogger, his widow julia was already showing off at the munich security conference. it is clear that it was not by chance that she was at the event, and few of the wives of russian criminals are allowed to speak from the podium along with the prime ministers and the president. world, so that we unite together and defeat this for everyone in this room, people everywhere , and i want to urge the entire world community, evil, we defeated the terrifying regime that is now in russia. it is curious that navalnaya herself has repeatedly stated that the work of her terrorist and extremist husband will not continue and she is not going to go into politics. but the west
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had its own plans for the widow, they prepared for her the role of the first lady of the russian non-systemic opposition, huge amounts of money were allocated for promotion, and yulia, of course, agreed to take the baton. i will continue the work of alexei navalny, continue to fight for our country, and i urge you stand next to me, share not only the grief and endless pain that has enveloped us and does not let go. i ask.
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in her finest hour, navalnaya revealed all her dirty plans, in fact declared that she was ready to recruit, agitate and call for illegal actions of russians and, probably , even head the extremist organization fbk, whose activities were banned in russia 3 years ago, then all its members, fearing criminal prosecution, fled together over the hill, from where they immediately continued to openly violate russian laws in in the interests of their overseas patrons, my hatred. accepted everything russian, the russian army, russian people, russian history, the russian idea, everything connected with us, for them it’s like a red trap for a bull, which causes bilge, poison, they are waiting for us to be bombarded with atomic bombs here, when russia will collapse, but the true face of the non-systemic opposition was revealed by a special military operation, from unfounded critics of the russian government, fugitive liberal activists turned into an information weapon of the west and the kiev regime. i dream about
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one, so that these tanks arrive as quickly as possible, so that thanks to these tanks the russian army is completely defeated, so that this leads to a political crisis, pseudo-patriots. every day they spread rumors about the russian army, denigrate their homeland without mincing words, they even use extremist appeals, they transfer money to the accounts of ukrainian militants, buy equipment and weapons for the armed forces of ukraine, in general, they don’t even hide the fact that they work for those who dreams of destroying russia. some of them directly wish death to our fellow citizens, to us, that is, yes, and, of course, i would like for them to be overtaken by punishment, the volume of crimes that they committed, it takes... very long periods. in fact, all the activities of fugitive liberal activists boil down to one thing: the worse russia gets, the better and more satisfying they will feel. rubbing their hands, these opposition figures are looking forward to the defeat of our armed forces in ukraine and the collapse of the country as a whole. actually, for the sake of this , they continue to throw mud at their homeland,
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people and army, while pretending that they absolutely do not care about the consequences, but here they are very wrong. their every post on social networks, interviews or participation in anti-russian events. events under the close attention of russian law enforcement officers, so the bouquet of accusations against these relocants is growing larger every day. those involved in high-profile cases may include both those who are already on the international wanted list and those who have so far managed to avoid criminal liability. midi skirt, hair in a medium high heel bun. yulia navalnaya went to a meeting with the president of france. visit so the so-called new icon of russian protest at the elysee palace was awaited for a long time, but emmanuel macron got there, one might say, last of all. the first person to treat julia to croissants was joe biden, a photo of navalny’s tender embrace with the american
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president was published by the white house, in the states themselves these shots caused, to put it mildly, bewilderment. why biden meets with yulia navalnaya, but ignored the death of us citizen gonzalez in ukraine. lira. why was there not a single palestinian american on his meeting schedule, many of whom gas sector have lost entire branches of their family tree. judging by the video released, yulia navalnaya came to the audience with her daughter daria, however, the media almost immediately dubbed this meeting a double disgrace. firstly, not everyone understood navalnaya, who rushed to the us president for support. many even called this act a betrayal. one of the simple attributes is to invite navalnaya. that means, to biden, if he even understood who he was talking to, they were executing the agenda, working out, working out the agenda, and no one in this story gets anything other than this seven-minute pr. it is not
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surprising that biden did not even remember the name of his guest; in his subsequent statement to the press, the american head called julia yolanda. and what i obviously understood is that... the people's security conference in munich. indeed, before navalny had time to die, yulia navalnaya was immediately on stage, and in a uniquely prepared black dress, with a uniquely prepared speech for the death of her husband, as if they were rehearsing, and how as if they knew that this would happen, that is
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, no one knew, but they knew, this is of course very suspicious. well, of course, many were shocked by the russian woman’s inspired speech, which she delivered with undisguised joy, after all, when she was still a simple housewife. will have a chance to speak at such a significant event, she does not have a working background, a lot of work experience, she does not understand what state regulation is, because she has never worked in it, but she believes that she has the right to make assessments of the legislation of the russian federation, because that she simply bears the surname of her husband, who became famous not without the help of, again , our western counterparts, as for the text of navalnaya’s speech itself, many... experts are of the opinion that it was written by western mentors. indeed, if we look at yulia navalnaya’s speech, the use of the word rage is not typical for russian political speech, it is simply not organic for our language. yulia navalno used this word, because most
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likely speeches are written abroad, foreign speechurai, but in english, on the contrary, rage fits very well into the political lexicon. in addition, navalnaya met with us secretary of state anthony in munich. well, that is, in reality this is treason. high treason - article 275 of the criminal code of the russian federation,
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a term of 12 to 20 years in prison, that’s how much navalny can charge for her publications in western media. this article appeared in the washington post. in it, yulia borisovna again demanded not to recognize the results of the presidential elections in russia. i urge you to finally hear the voice of free russia and take a principled position against him, not recognizing the results of the fraudulent elections. in an interview with the magazine, navalnaya stated that ukraine supposedly should support the russians who oppose the svo, and are in fact ready for any crime. such russians still exist, it’s just hard to expect them to take to the streets, because, as i said, not all people are heroes, they are ready to resort to different types of struggle, it is important to support these people, and i believe that ignoring them - a mistake by the ukrainian government. of course, navalnaya, how a russian citizen commits crimes when she makes such comments.
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to make the russians understand, this is shock therapy in the form of shelling of crimea with numerous casualties. ukraine must win; nothing but the ukrainian flag in sevastopol can kill this idea. we must kill this virus. however, the truly terrifying ideas are those that are born among liberal activists who fled to the west. one of them is to divide russians into good and bad. the bad ones are all those who want to live in their country and see it strong and prosperous, and the good ones who want accept a pro-american point of view. and are ready to emigrate abroad, there is an understanding that there is a ripe need
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for political representation of european, russian, good russians who are in exile today. for almost a year and a half, kasparov, together with the fugitive oligarch-criminal khodorkovsky , nurtured this idea, and just recently they gave a huge interview to a political publication on this topic. fugitive extremist foreign agents suggested creating a certain passport. russia, which would allow relaxants to obtain visas and move around the world without paperwork. kasparov and khodorkovsky pursue one goal - to help all those who, like them, hate their homeland and want to fully join the fight against russia. in addition, with the help of new passports, they plan to take control of all russians who find themselves outside the country and thus create a kind of virtual anti-russia. the authors of this idea draw an analogy with the nansen passport, the main document of russian emigrants. issued after the first world war, but if nansin's all stateless refugees received a passport,
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then the passport of a free russia is proposed to be given only to russophobes who signed an anti-russian declaration and swore allegiance to the kiev regime and the collective west. this character consistently demonstrates the lowest aerobatics of meanness against his native country. when i see the burnt column of kadyrov’s guards, sobra, amon, i don’t feel any sadness, i feel terrible.
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in words, a fugitive on the wanted list can be punished by several more articles of the criminal code, in order to hear calls not only for extremist activities, but terrorist ones. strikes. sabotage, sabotage, it’s even worse, it’s even worse, that is, there are brave people who do all this, and it’s awesome, there are people who, no matter what, go to pickets and organize actions of civil disobedience. and it even means that some military warehouses are being blown up, everything, everything is great, well done, honor and praise, absolutely, as if i support it to the maximum, all his statements are clear support for extremists aimed at overthrowing the government, at violating the constitutional order, on public calls for hatred or enmity towards a certain group, race, yes, he calls specifically to fight the russians, yes, he
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calls to destroy us russians, therefore , of course, he must be involved in... statements, as if victory in the olympic games is no less than the wolves, for example, stated that, together with the ukrainian cybermiya , he carried out attacks on a russian television channel. we coordinated with the ukrainian cyber army, jointly staged a large dedos attack, with the help of our it specialists, and that was enough resource to completely shut down this broadcast on two federal channels. yes,
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indeed, for this he can be punished, in addition to what he already has, so he is in russian hands. of every champion of western values ​​who escaped from russia, some have already gone so far as to justify the murder and agitate for an attack on russians. i promise everyone.
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comrade partisans, here is a wish from vladimir milov, if possible, if i can, of course, but maybe someone more serious next time. he behaved no less monstrously and former state duma deputy, foreign agent ilya ponomarev. he sold his homeland a long time ago, finding himself accused in a criminal case of multimillion-dollar theft from the skolkovo foundation, hid first in ukraine, and then moved closer to his overseas curator in the united states. after the start of the svo, panomariov began to blame russia for all mortals. create falsehoods about our armed forces and talk about fictitious atrocities on various american talk shows. and apparently, confident in his own impunity, he even laid out instructions for carrying out terrorist attacks in russia. panovarev has long been on the radar of russian investigators; he is involved in several criminal cases, including high treason in the form of defection to the enemy, participation in
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a terrorist organization and public calls on the internet to carry out activities against. security of russia in this case, the term of imprisonment could be up to life, since in fact everything that he expresses is generally contrary to the policy of our state, contrary to the constitution, contradicts the criminal code, but while these figures consider themselves invulnerable , they show with all their appearance that they are not afraid of criminal prosecution, because they are at a safe distance from russian justice, therefore, day after day, they continue to spew nasty things about our country and rejoice: russia is a fascist state, they are making an attempt on our state symbol, will you use this white and blue red rag to wash the floors in the toilet? it is obvious that milov is trying to curry favor with his masters and with his
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outrageous statements, no matter what influencing, who is melov? newly-minted opposition leader yulia navalnaya may also be considered extremists; before the presidential elections, she encouraged russians to spoil their ballots. you can spoil the ballot, you can write “navalny” on it in large letters, and even if you don’t see the point of voting at all, you can just come and stand at the polling station, and then turn around and go home. navalny shines and another article: the most popular in the camp of liberals. discrediting the russian armed forces, huge amounts of money, who steal every day from all of us in order to pay for the bombing of peaceful cities. experts say the easiest way to spread fakes about the army is... to earn bonuses from western curators, a fairly new article, it has only been working for 2 and a half years, but it is very effective in relation to those individuals who pick up those fakes that
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are not true , they voice them publicly, for this there is both administrative and criminal liability, i think navalnaya will also be brought to justice for her statements criminal liability, for 5 months of public promiscuity, experts say, the former housewife: she said a lot, and if recently her record included only one administrative offense, participation in an unauthorized rally, then in the near future navalnaya may become a defendant in several criminal cases at once business navalnaya is a person who lives on money from the west, but again she is unemployed, she is homeless, in fact, she is a homeless person who was added to the political arena, she has never been a journalist, she has never was a political scientist, she never worked anywhere, well, what kind of assessment can she give to anything ? she’s an ordinary housewife, right after advertising, the hidden life of yulia navalnaya and, as a defender of true european values, she started
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relationships with colleagues at fbk , the fund’s sponsors, and what they themselves say about the affairs heroes of the novel, women of the opposition, slave aura, he is god and the devil rolled into one, how a st. petersburg businessman organized a gorim on a paradise island in the indian ocean, he said that... there is a pride, a lioness, masha, a lioness lera, assistants or concubines who managed to get lost among the tourists? these are the people in this pride who might be ready for anything for the sake of their master, you should come, give him a massage, his dirty feet, if he wants you to lick them and you will lick them, what tools did the guru use to convince, he started screaming, if i resist, he will stab me with scissors, why did he get away with it for so long? who testified against the possessed slave owner? anton found it three times. in the power of pheromone in the author's
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project of andrey kunitsin, a person has the right. tomorrow at 16:20 on ntv. soso pavlyaashvili, million dollar secret. today at 20:20 on ntv. hangover. this is where an affordable, powerful filterum can come to the rescue. mom, guess who started a new job today? many vacancies on avito work. you will find not just a job, but your place. sber is introducing a loan with a 2% cashback so that you have even more opportunities and opportunities without delaying getting everything you have long dreamed of. opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please at first. and get new impressions, a flurry of new impressions, a storm of new impressions, apply for a loan with sber and receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, more profitable with sber prime, lower,
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supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others, and even a category for everything. transfer money free to sber from other banks and receive cashback up to 70% from partners, more profitable with a sberp subscription. soso pavlyaashvili, a million-dollar secret, today at 20:20 on ntv. however, as it now turns out, navalnaya was not an ordinary housewife. details of her personal life surfaced, for many years she portrayed herself as a faithful companion, but as it turned out, the married woman gave hope to other men, maybe it was not in vain that the german information portal made a mistake in the widow’s surname, and the adventures of the future first lady of the opposition while her husband was still alive told former fbk employee and navalnaya's assistant, anna goncha. people in the public sphere and people with whom you interact in reality
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are completely different personalities. yulia, despite the appearance of a strong marriage, had relationships with various men, the first time i witnessed this was in the summer of twenty-one. just then, navalnaya and gonchar moved to live in germany; according to the ex-assistant, she organized meetings and planned vacations for yulia with her gentlemen, one of them for some time was the bulgarian journalist hristo grozen. gonchar said, that last year i also organized holidays for yulia from christ. that's years. he and christa flew to nitsa, stayed alone in the same room, in december for christmas they flew to mont blanc together, now they are having an affair, and julia said that he gets along very well with her children, and before the bulgarian journalist, according to some according to navalnaya, she had an affair with one of the main sponsors of the fbk fund, the odious businessman and agent evgeny chichvarkin, even several photos of them together in jurmala were published online, these are photos of hugs,
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and here the couple is already on the shore. equipment and medicines to kyiv militants. by the end of the month i plan to be in kiev since from the very beginning chichvarkin has been supplying medicine with a truckload of medicine. this medicine is very important and unfortunately very expensive. she's all from germany. he also regularly transfers the money
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he receives to ukrainian neo-nazis. called charity dinners, a place at a table costs 10,000 euros. the ticket is quite expensive, and this is your donation, come, it will be interesting, and let's continue to do a good deed, because the war is not over yet, with he’s crazy, but he has a business in europe, this business of course doesn’t bring him a lot of money, like in russia, in russia he stole there, imported gray telephones, built all sorts of schemes here, became a billionaire.
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they do nothing useful either for europe, or for russia, or for ukraine, that is, this is a person who runs like crazy to different officials, to different offices in europe, and says: introduce sanctions, impose sanctions and transfer money to this account , this is my card.
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there is not a single criminal case against yulia navalnaya yet, this is only it’s a matter of time, says alexander ionov. in the ministry of internal affairs, based on some statements, the widows of the extremist blogger have already begun an investigation, but experts over the hill are sure that yulia is unlikely to be able to stay afloat for long. i think that navalnaya will be merged, as for her status today and the fact that she does not have a criminal conviction, i think it is a matter of time, and the competent authorities will evaluate her words, conduct an examination, draw appropriate conclusions, and announce it , and then the process will begin. today is a difficult time and we shouldn't allow extremely radical sentiments. will he suffer in the final part of the program? punishments by the sulfur cardinals in bc, how the russophobe maria pevchikh continues to make money from russians by denigrating their homeland, why with yulia navalnaya they are now not accomplices, but rivals. 1989, volgograd region,
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everything was quiet and peaceful, the only exception was the millionaire state farm dynamo. an elderly woman was brutally killed. the woman was paralyzed after a stroke, that is, absolutely helpless. who? hand raised to kill the disabled person, why the detectives suspected a village fisherman, the fish in these parts was rich, in the soviet years even sterlet and asyotor were found. what role did moscow radio play in the case? in the ussr, radio was traditional. a solid presenter with well-placed voices, and what does this have to do with the anti-alcohol company. no, you can drink, but it’s better not to. the investigation was conducted with leonid konevsky. today at 17:00 on ntv. cop wars from monday at 16:45 on ntv. on the one hand, this is an ozone bank card with which you can pay for anything and
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the events and people of the week. why do modern children and teenagers need mustaches, paws and a tail? you can see how it turned out. why do they stand on all fours, imitate animals, demand food from a dog bowl, and prefer the cat litter box to a normal toilet? there are so many of us, i'm shocked. what is quadrobing? a new hobby that will quickly pass or a dangerous mental disorder that needs to be treated. it's all chicken, i ate it. and where is katya anyway? world, is it really evolution itself that turns man back, does the future await us all in the animal world? this will be your central television, today at 19:00 on ntv. the closest ally of the late extremist blogger, ardent russophobe maria pevchikh at fbk, will certainly have to answer for everything done and said against russia; she headed the investigation department, she is also called the curator of scandalous western customers. foundation revelations. for the last 15 years, maria has been living in
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london, she has a british passport, and according to some sources she is a recruited mi6 employee. maria pevchikh is quite a dark horse, and there is information that she is an agent of british intelligence and is certainly included in various offices of high-ranking officials in the west. therefore, sooner or later, for the fact that she makes such calls for the overthrow of the government, and for terrorist acts. she will also have to respond to any attacks on russians. in russia , singers face 20 years in prison; she is accused of three counts: fakes about armed forces, organizing the activities of the extremist vandalism community, the singers have already announced an international search. but being a british citizen, the fugitive oppositionist feels unpunished and continues her dirty mission of denigrating russia and its citizens. on her social networks, pevchikh regularly reports to her friends.
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included in the official list of trusted persons, inevitable sanctions against anyone who does the same, i will send to the usa and uk. well, what singing squealer is not for us news, we saw all these investigations, she and navalnaya could be sent somewhere to a labor camp, for about 20 years, they finally. finds out what it is, a normal job, but for now yara irusaphobe earns as best she can, for example, with this cry of collecting help with the standard wording in support of political prisoners, we summed up such a small micro-result of the marathon in support of political prisoners, we counted that during the marathon and the next 24 hours we collected as much as 29 million rubles. the catch is really good, but life abroad requires a lot a lot of money, so pevchikh immediately asks for supporters.


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