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tv   Stroika  NTV  June 30, 2024 3:20am-4:06am MSK

3:20 am
i was left without a dog, what were you thinking about when you took it, this is not a toy for you, at work, where to put it, and you ’re not at home, but i already understood why you need to nag me again, but no one nags you, i’m just trying to explain to you for the thousandth time that you just can’t understand, first think 10 times, then say, first think 100 times, then discuss, and then do.
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i don’t want to go anywhere, i’m tired of dragging myself here for every little thing, but it was impossible to discuss this on the phone at all, he said i had to show how tired i was of all this, this foreman is still here, he’s about to start stripping my brains, i need this here, i need it here, he’ll ask for money as always, i’m already shaking from his jokes. “maybe you should go? yeah, so that you can listen all the way to what he said, and you to him, and he to you, and he to himself, come on, come on, you go, i’m a pregnant woman, he understands that you shouldn’t be nervous, but you understand this, let's get married, i'm
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an eagle as always, yes i am... . so, thank you, i’ll wait, who built this house for you, you can find these people, but they were different, but was it something serious? yes, i understand , i understand, that means, right here there is a sewer pipe running underneath us, yes, here there should be a ventilation riser cut into it from... which goes out onto the roof, so
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the smell from the coagulation pipe goes out into the atmosphere through it, and you can do without nature, something serious, this pipe, no, how is it not? correct, but belated, well, that’s not so bad, you don’t even have holes for this pipe here, neither in the foundation nor in ceilings, or in the roofs, why are you looking at me like that, the smell without this boner will be strong or so, you’re at the circus, you were backstage with him, there’s no joy... me, you and me, me and you, i’m healthy
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the day before during the day, the best house, the house of dreams, the sun squints our eyes, everything is going well for us, the tree is blooming, the son is growing, we are building a house, squeal in the dark.
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well, did you really want to sell the house? well then i just didn’t see any other way out. just imagine, you come to see me, and i tell you that you have hypoplasia and need urgent treatment. grab your head and i i will prescribe you a long and expensive treatment, and at the same time i will say that you got off easy, in fact, you would just need to rinse your mouth three times a day with a calcium solution, it costs pennies, but with us it’s like that in everything, you want, for example, if you want to be cured, become a doctor, if you want your car to be repaired, learn to understand japanese engines, if you want to sell your apartment, become a... a realtor, you want to buy, a lawyer, it’s the same with a construction site, if the foreman starts rolling his eyes at you, puffing out his cheeks, talk about how complicated and expensive everything is, but at the same time he doesn’t say anything concrete, you know, you ’re being scammed, that’s how the reinforcement lies here,
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someone will tell you, i’ll get to it, and there’s a steel rod two fingers thick, which is how i’ll take it , well, not a grinder, of course, but what kind of grinder is that, a stove? hollow or monolith, but i don’t know, i was just leaving then, it’s bad if a monolith, a diamond installation is needed, expensive, of course, but first you need to find a pipe, you still need to look for a pipe, okay, but what about the money, yes it's easier here build a new one. “why are we so unlucky? others are building normally, it seems to me that everything bad that can happen at construction sites happens to us, we’ll come up with something, we’ll call the priest to light the house, oh, how tired i am, what now do, i don’t
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know who it is, this is the first time i’ve seen it!” good afternoon, good afternoon, you are the owner of this house, yes, and by any chance are you selling the house? yes, we didn’t even think about it, but just think about it, good money from the ladies, just a second, well, what do you think, i don’t know, but you, i’ll say something now, then i’ll be to blame, let’s decide for ourselves, but why should i decide alone? yes, not one , there are two of you, let's decide, no, let's decide who gets to decide, i'm eagle, throw eagle, sorry, it's just very cold, yes, yes, yes,
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yes, just a second, you want to know my opinion, we have a disaster with the house, we have no money, no time, we have a choice. either continue to pull this leg, or get rid of this house, well, i don’t know, well, if there is no other way out, that’s it, i open it, and we sell it, you see? it was she who wanted to sell it, at first she wanted it, then she changed her mind, just like that all the time, first he says one thing, then another, and because of this i look like a clown in front of people, i felt sorry for the efforts spent, i put my whole soul into it, one might say, i suffered, well, take it, since
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i suffered, great martyr, but actually, it ’s a good way, natasha, there’s a coin, now we’ll quickly decide who will get the house? now let's toss a coin that you don't want express justice, then tell us what exactly made you change your mind, just the admiration with which an outsider looked at what we did made me fall in love with our house again, your house is so wonderful, i liked everything so much, quietly rejoice, otherwise the price is already flying, i can’t and don’t want to restrain my feelings, agree, this is the best thing we’ve seen, what are you, the most an ordinary house, don’t be modest, your place is so picturesque, yes, we have been looking for it for a very long time, the house on the site is ideally located, and
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here even the wind rose has been taken into account, really, yes, the layout, it’s immediately clear that the project was designed by a real artist, yes, you really think so, of course, everything here is so thought out, here this fireplace is in the center of the hall, and the kitchen area has a large window, the windows, by the way, are german, and these amazing stained glass windows, yes. i also really like it, probably german too, what a divine view, but i love the casino on the dunes, the wide view through the foggy window, and the thin beam on the crumpled tablecloth, and surrounded by greenish water, when the wine is like a rose in crystal, i love watching like a winged seagull. spouts, spouts, spouts, i want to live here, well, in order to
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live here, i still need to invest so much, oh, oh-oh-oh, yes, just think, just paint the walls, paint the furniture, and that’s not the problem here, you know, the neighbor is a little strange, a normal, normal neighbor, he’s just a former one. there, well, you know, the documents for the land are in order, in order, as much as you want, well, to be honest, we haven’t even thought about it yet, so think about it, katya, you know, there is one more nuance that can help you i don’t like you, no, you’ve become somewhat delirious, maybe you need to sit in the car, wait for us there, i feel fine, no, well, you’ve been on your feet for a long time, you need to sit down already. what a nuance that you are
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should you tell us? but you see, the thing is that not everyone likes it, well, say it already, in general, the house was made entirely according to feng shui, cool, i immediately felt it and... well, let's discuss the details, what are you doing? i just wanted to tell people the truth, there is no need to lie to anyone, they asked to see the house, we showed them, then it’s up to them, that is, hiding the shortcomings is not deception in your opinion, if you want to sell something, then you need to talk about the advantages , i don’t want to sell anything, i don’t understand, you yourself decided, firstly, i i haven’t... decided anything yet, and secondly, i realized that we have a beautiful, cozy
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house and we should live in it, i’ve already made an agreement with people, i’ve already shaken hands, as soon as you shake them , you unclench them, half an hour ago we didn’t know what to do with this problem, suddenly these people appear, give us money, save us from the problem, here you go, that’s the whole difference, for you at home it’s a problem, but for me it’s a dream, katya , your dream is seriously ill, in order to cure it, we need huge... why are you with your suspiciousness and disgust, you won’t even go down there, you you don’t know me well, let’s check, you ’re singing in the underpass now, i’m not selling this house, it’s easy, were you really singing in the underpass, he forced me, what? i tried to dissuade you until the last moment, you could have signed consent
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for sale at any moment, what a hypocrite, but you literally took me by the hand into this stinking passage so that i would be horrified, i signed everything, i decided to take my pregnant wife weakly, with dignity, well done , but honestly, you are good too, you change decisions like a pregnant woman, and this was not the last time, get up, let's go, where, in the transition, to sing that right now, yes, i’m going to work, there’s a transition next to work, with mine, with gorgeous acoustics with a grateful audience, or have you changed your mind, no, i haven’t changed my mind. i’m just not ready today, i still need to get ready, and i’ve already packed everything,
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let’s go, either sing at the transition, or go to the notary to sign your consent to sell the house, i ’m not going anywhere, i’m not feeling well, i’m very pregnant, my head hurts, can you please, good morning, ekaterina vasilievna, all documents are ready. all that remains is to sign, morosov, this is how you understand it, well, i didn’t send my pregnant wife around to drive her around the offices, but i invited taryos over. 15 minutes, and you could ride with us, i ’ll pay, of course, just you, okay, now my colleagues are going to work, in general,
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so that i won’t be ashamed of you, by the way, you can sing on one leg , why, well, to take it away? think about it well, what will change if you go down there now? we won’t sell the house, and we won’t be able to finish building it either, we’ll go on weekends to look at it until it’s finished. will not turn into ruins, if we don’t sell it now, we will never have our own home, one under. and you won’t have to go down into the transition, you said everything, and i won’t give you a synthesizer, nothing, i’ll sing in drops.
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let's get out of here, don't worry, we'll sell this house, take into account all the mistakes, and build an even better one, where to sign. but the deal never took place. why? yes, you ask her. i'm asking. after the notary, i decided to go say goodbye to the house. so what, they hugged you and couldn’t let go, or what?
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something like that.
3:39 am
another house has been built, no, wait, i can’t do this, i’m used to you, i’ll miss you, oh, mikhailovich, can i ask a question, yes, what do you regret most in life, i, i’m from germany, i served as a lieutenant , and one day they sent a girl to our unit, a young, beautiful one...
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then my friends told me, oh well, mikhailov, what are you upset about, find yourself a smart, beautiful girl, i had a lot of these smart beauties, and better yet, jackdaws. on my own, i didn’t meet anyone, take me on the road, there won’t be any money, i didn’t guess, there will be, good morning, mashenya, you look gorgeous, and why are we in such a good mood, you didn’t guess that the house was completed again, on the contrary, i
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’ll sell it, and for very good money, and how you were burning katya, she herself suggested, yes, really, you are now you will buy the share from me, for the third time i didn’t guess, i will open my own clinic, i will start with a couple of offices, and then we’ll see. listen, well, i would warn you against unnecessary movements, we are a small town after all, you can’t be competitors here, you have to be partners here, then we’re all on our own let's remember, now, excuse me, yes katyusha, go down to the passage, where, you know, come on, i'm waiting, hello, kat, is everything okay, max? day and night she whispered, but it’s impossible for the child
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to cross the arc, it’s obvious that she’s an orphan, her age is swinging alone, bravo, bravo, this is my wife, that’s it, thank you, the concert is over, leave. what are you doing here? we agreed, i sang. listen to me, you are a brave, determined woman, i never doubted it, but the deal is already in motion. so stop her. no, katya, the house you ’re stressing over here is unsuitable for living, we we won’t let you go to the wooden toilet on the street. we can still fix everything. i ask you to stop everything. i won't. they have already given me a deposit to stop the deal, i need to return everything in the given amount. then i'll drink here. until you return the house, forward from the song, black raven, why are you
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hovering over my head, you won’t rain prey... black raven, i’m not yours, every time i listen to your next story, it seems to me that this is already the bottom of your relationship, but no, you manage to sink even deeper and even lower, you haven’t listened to the bottom yet, believe me. can you imagine what i had to go through because of her underground tours? and in the morning they woke up all around,
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unexpectedly. in general, i lost that you all gathered here during working hours, but what about the office, they set up here, yes, maxim
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valerievich, we consulted and decided to help your family. how can i help you? isn’t it good for your wife to be stuck in this shithole all day in this situation? in general, we chipped in as a whole team, you as a whole team have gone crazy, so immediately return the money to the people and not meddle in my personal life, excuse us maxim valerievich, it’s like in general i’m out of words. everyone passed, i passed.
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the repertoire did not change either in transition or in bed, give me back the house everything, listen, you have some kind of strange game, who will humiliate whom the most, i played this game at least according to the rules, but he always hit below the belt, thank you, he plays well, so i brought you something hot. well , please, stop organizing this church, to whom and what do you want to prove, to me, to me , you’ve already proven everything, but it won’t change anything, you know? hello, ekaterina vasilievna, hello, dasha, hello, inga sergeevna, hello, what are you
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doing here? ekaterina vasilievna earns money for herself? come on in, guys, put it here, uh-huh, thank you very much for being the hostess, hostess, godmother of the local homeless.
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so how did this battle of the titans end? as always, maxim couldn’t cope on his own and decided to set law enforcement agencies on me. the police, your own wife? you yourself gently pushed me towards this, if only i had gotten myself involved with this vile, bald accomplice.
3:49 am
can you play what, where, when? excuse me, what, where, when? well, this, please don’t touch the instrument, don’t, i just hear, expert, pay attention to the screen, now you can’t leave the studio, i’ll take out the black box, and now a question. who will be in this box, do you think, answer options and tata, hi, hi, thank you, ilya, no, well, internet star, oh, sorry, didn’t notice, internet stars. things are not going
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well, yes, yes, but can you play something more fun, oh, excuse me, playfully, ladies and gentlemen, don’t pass by, only today is the first last concert of the famous russian pianist, laureate of the competition, golden beans, participant in the international... competition tresden arcana, girl, thank you, please donate for the recording of a new album, man, girl, please help for eurovision, we will definitely thank you live , thank you, good luck to you, good health, just like that, ignore, the richer you are, the happier you are.
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i was about to call you, hello, max, thank you, ilya! do you have a new assistant? be careful, he already deceived my wife once. katya, okay, i'm off, i still need yuli from around the cabin take away. bye, max. thank you again, bye. sorry to interrupt you, there's a woman in the crosswalk. could you remove it? well, from the transition, i mean. is she bothering you? well , she actually sings thieves’ songs, and there are parents with their children, turn on the tv, it’s the same thing, well, to be honest, she’s my wife, the wife figure it out for herself, you know what ’s the matter, she imagines that she’s a famous singer
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and that she we need viewers, but this is not for us, you need this at 03, no, she is not sick, she is doing this to spite me, she just has to give birth soon, you you could just kick her out of there, and i... and i’ll pay you a thousand rubles each, so, come on, we’re going to leave, well, we’re sitting, why, what did i do, violation of public order, vagrancy, illegal business , in total, 15 days of arrest and a 5 thousand fine for each, on what basis is this, and now i ’ll film everything on camera, so well, let’s load it, who is
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spielberg to me, so remove your hands, what are you doing, and this is resistance to execution, another 15 days. oh, it's started, help me, what are you wait, i’m about to give birth, so, call an ambulance, which ambulance, take it yourself, you are required by law, take off your jacket, lay it here, uh, we didn’t sign up for two grand to deliver a baby, let’s call this one, do you think the ashkarik is still there? , who, my husband, girl, is everything okay? yes, yes, i'm feeling better now. now i'll leave, i won't be here anymore. hello, hello, this is for you, where is andrey?
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mom. i can’t do it anymore, i beg you, i, i beg you, stop, the most precious thing i have is you, i swear to you, if i i could, i would return everything back, but it’s impossible, i don’t know what else to do to make you believe me, you’re right, i myself don’t understand why i’m so stubborn, how much longer can we get on each other’s nerves, but i’m it’s all my fault, there was no need to put so much pressure on you, no, no, no, it’s all my fault , stop, every time... i make the same mistake, katesh, what are you doing? i'm leaving, what did i do wrong again? handed his
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pregnant wife over to the police, to the police, what nonsense? i almost gave birth there, what are you talking about? 2,000, you priced me cheaply a child, katya, listen to me, please, touch me, freak, yes, you understand, finally, i’m over 30, and i’m lonely, i went to a psychologist, but can i not answer this question? no, no, no, i’m still interested, but what do you think about this? i called a prostitute, what did you do? i felt bad,
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i was depressed, i thought it would get better, but it got even worse, where? you see, i love her, but she went to her mother, why? because you women are all fools and you don’t understand what you want, but you understand, why did you call me? you i have no one to talk to, i have problems with my riser, well, it’s a riser, it’s not a problem, i’m not in that sense, they built my house in it , they forgot the ventilation riser, i need to sell the house, but mine has run into nothing, so why sell it right away, and that too, don’t you understand, i just want everything, give it to you, it’s such a hemorrhoid, you need this diamond drilling, what if the foundation cracks? do you know how much it costs half a million minimum, what
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half a million, 2 days of work 30,000 rubles with materials 2 days of work 30,000 i can’t, i i’m looking at a generalist, look, here’s your house, here’s your house, here’s your riser, you take it to... the outside, insulate everything with a box, i had the same thing, when i built my parents’ house, it was the same thing, so free.
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yes, of course, max, hello, you're great for coming, come to us, class, mom, come to us, friends, friends, friends, friends, this is maxim, this is the very person thanks to whom we will live in the brightest , the most comfortable house, with a clean aura, yes, yes, come on, come on, everyone, everyone, everyone greeted maxim, oh, oh, here, come here, come here, close your eyes, close your eyes, what is she saying, just like that , now breathe deeply into yourself, just be more careful, you must feel now, you must feel the picture in front of which you are standing, what do you feel, i feel bad , i am dying, be silent, stop what you say, your thoughts are all, they all materialize, negativity should remain outside the threshold of my house, open your eyes, open, look, look, only positive light in my works as in my life there is no place
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violence of death, i can’t even swat a fly i can, i catch them and release them, yes, yes, because any death, it destroys positive energy, now i’m sick, you’re from budun, oh, let’s go, i’ll fly you, my angel, little bird, mine, well, i need to talk with smax , go, if anything happens, we are in the office, come on, come on, come on, where are you going, should we go there? i don’t understand her guests, they’re all drug addicts, slackers, sit down, sit down, imagine, i have to hide from her, oh, she’s a vegan, she doesn’t eat anything dead, only grass. like a rabbit, darlings, i adore her, but
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she has her own quirks, well done, quirks, she forbids me to watch tv, she says it’s all negative, yeah, when she’s at home, i watch without sound, you know, i came to you on business, no, first the medicine, yeah. well, for your health, just give me back the house, please, it’s impossible, well, understand, it’s unfit for life, but what ’s wrong with it? there is no ventilation system there,
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what nonsense, i thought you were serious, take a pipe, put it outside, insulate it, well done, i know, well, my family is just collapsing, my dinners are just quirks, you see, i haven’t needed this house for 100 years, but she’s raving about it now, i, i... i know that in six months she’ll get tired of it, but convincing her to give it up now is simply unrealistic. “if you manage to convince her to refuse, i will be only happy, and if she gets through, if i dissuade her, you
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will give me money, give me money for the ventilation riser, where is the question. for the ventilation riser, well, now look again, if everything is fine , then i will solemnly present you with the keys to the house, finally i will start designing, so, here are the living rooms, just don’t pay attention please note, the other day there was a small incident, tramps broke in at night...
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the dog and her for what? there is an opinion that it all started because of her, some wanted to eat her, others wouldn’t let her, off we go, this is some kind of tinny, this, this is anil, this shouldn’t happen, oh-oh-oh, be careful, you stepped on my head, well, yura apparently rolled away, we are leaving, my feet are no longer here... yes, by the way, my foot was here somewhere too, handsome,
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handsome. mmm, the mortgage crisis in america is just, just, just baby talk compared to this, yeah, it means that you returned the house, and you forgave him, well , how can i say it, in your language, she gave me a suspended life sentence, and he, in your language, gave me a new prison sentence. tell me, do you recognize this man? no, what exactly is the matter? we are having an investigative event, come and look carefully, maybe he appeared here when you were working here, but no, this is
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the first time i’ve seen him, that’s it, i’m free. the light goes out in the wet windows, only we haven’t been there for a long time, we don’t know what then, as if bound by the rain, in this ghostly castle from there are only two rains, you... and me, you and me, compensation for the police, wait, wait, it happens every time...


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