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tv   Stroika  NTV  July 1, 2024 2:30am-3:16am MSK

2:30 am
in principle, it can be done, but it’s useless, it’s not my fault that i gave up or something, complete unconditional surrender, oh, well, i... without hands, you without brains, we need to stick together, how long did you do it? a week, 7 days, and so that it turns out exactly the same? well, no, of course, but i like ours better, i wouldn’t give it up for 350, it was very difficult, hangover’s father is a cruel commander. come on, what? i'm scared, dad. well,
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okay, don't be afraid. well, how else can we find out how many extra fingers you have? let's. oh, listen, yes, the italians would like you for this a piece of wood worth 20 euros was torn off. and no less, well, let’s do the next one, we’ll save another twenty, dad, yes, the maxim factory, it’s done like hell, okay, i myself haven’t brought anything to fruition in my life, but i’ll definitely make you, well, that’s it,
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listen to all this, of course , why should we listen to our parents, they’re poor, if they were smart , if they were rich, of course, get off the podium, but you ’re not afraid for your son at all, why should he be afraid, you’re a dentist, your hand must be strong to hold, come on, come on, listen, you can cook with one hand, come on, no, no, no, go on yourself, on your own, on your own cook. nothing, come on, okay,
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put on a mask then, why, put on your mouth, at least it will cover yours for a minute, i’d rather turn away so as not to see your shame, i don’t believe that we could do this, yes, i didn’t believe it either, i’m four i lost hope once, come on, dad, we’re a team, but oh... i didn’t count my finger five times, sit down, yes, yes, i’m kind of scared, let’s go first, but, well, another thing, oh, oh, both, well, nothing, listen, well, the seam is just a little uneven, but it’s a strong four, thank you, dad, yes oh well, at least your grandson has something to teach now, yes, let's start with... kvareshnik, oh,
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sounds like a toast, i agree, no, no, no, no, let's go make peace with ekaterina, there used to be a store in every city, do it yourself , we haven’t been, no, in vain, we’re with a neighbor, the engine is from muscovites. they collected time, knew how the world around them worked, were not afraid of anything, now everything is more complicated, people are more stupid, yes, well , after all this, as i understand it, you of course forgave him, of course i forgave him, i would even if i wanted to, so i didn’t punish him, but i liked it when you do something with your own hands, some kind of... it’s an incredible
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feeling from yourself, you feel like a wizard, and you are a wizard. you can only conjure up such a number of problems for yourself. so carefully, come on, come on, suffocate, come on, come on, be careful, more and more careful, that's it, here, here , come on, come on, that's it, guys, oh, ugh, oh, great, convey it, wow, oh, they reported, well, wow, yes, handmade, double price, thank you very much, yes, this is to maxim, thank you, i’m temporarily unable to work, by the way, a low bow to you for this too, well, let's have a rest, goodbye, no problem, come on, let's go pay, dad, dad, thank you, okay, no problem, come on
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, come on, work, come on, we have to i should have left him in the house, but i also needed to sleep somewhere. and you won’t be lonely on it, it actually doesn’t fold out, well, remember, we somehow fit on the train, come on, let’s try, well... “it seems okay, i miss you, me too, what is this , nonsense, i’ll fix it tomorrow,
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with these hands, yes, hello boss! wait, wait, you have a new haircut, it suits you, but everything would be really very fun, it wouldn’t be so sad, there won’t be a salary for another 2 weeks, why, we did a great job this quarter, i saw the report, yes, and you saw the exchange rate , and we have all the loans in euros, i haven’t made the payments now, they will become completely unaffordable, and then we need these consumables, materials, for 2 months in advance, otherwise they will also become gold, i understand everything perfectly, i’m all... money spent on construction, you see, on construction, and i’m going to the clinic, now i can’t pay my loans, bills they will arrest and the equipment will be taken away, max, and if i don’t bring a salary, my family will really remain hungry, i really need this money, i already realized that in general you don’t care, you’re quitting anyway, but
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think a little, now i i’ll pay people’s salaries , the clinic will come to close, i’m thinking about my pregnant wife and child, but your colleagues also have pregnant wives and children, do i understand? you don’t care about my problems, well, think about your colleagues, they are your people after all, you know very well how dear i am to you employees, that means then you understand that i’m withholding personal wages for their own good, okay, you can lend me 30 thousand, now i’m thinking about who to intercept? and 10, no,
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i don’t understand, you don’t have anything to live on at all, how did this happen, well, they should have it from the family? at least some savings, absolutely right, your honor, when you’re building a house, you don’t need to pour every last penny into this business, you need to leave at least something for life, no, well, that’s a no brainer, it’s a no brainer, but she no, oh, how smart he suddenly became, oh why didn’t you stop me earlier, i told you a billion times that it’s not necessary, calmly, calmly, as i understand it, your poverty came suddenly, not according to plan, so let’s tell you specifically what happened. we liked one kitchen, very nice, inexpensive, but when we finally decided to buy it and came to pay, it turned out that it had risen in price due to the rise in exchange rates, i suggested waiting a little, firstly, if we waited, it would would have become even more expensive, and
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secondly, i was counting on your salary, uh-huh, uh-huh, well, it’s an everyday thing, i remember, when i was a student, i lived for 3 months according to the system, bread, water and rockin’. it’s okay, he’s alive and well, but what strategy did you choose? laughter through hunger. come on, let’s borrow from someone, we already owe everyone, a bank loan with the current interest rates is unrealistic, just think, 2 weeks, what’s that, remember how you and i lived in our youth, a bottle of kefir, half a loaf, so i refuse paid parking, 500 for 14 days, 357 rub. with kopecks, well, you can also turn off the internet with cable, that’s another thing 2,000, i can refuse school,
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education is free for now, thank god, but i have nothing to refuse, i can’t afford almost anything, yes please, 2 weeks without eclairs, do you think this will be enough for food, i’m sure... imagine, that we are in the semi-finals of the champions league, we have only one step left to be in the final, well , three or four, ole, ole, ole, ole, frosty forward, by the way, let's go watch football, otherwise tomorrow we will be told about it not available, come on.
2:42 am
hello. excuse me, please, but could you invite a seller? i'm listening to you, what
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did you want? and i want 300 grams of that cheese, but wait a second, you just held the fish, and now you take the cheese, do you think this is normal, you didn’t wash your hands, so i don’t understand, will you? seafood, i don’t mean evolution, it doesn’t matter, i didn’t see you here before . sorry for bothering you, can you go back to saw what month? eighth, yes, i’m talking about the packaging, but you can’t see it, there’s a price tag stuck on it, but
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put it back, they put it that way on purpose, and take what’s lying deeper on the shelf here, it's fresh there, but come here from 8 to 12, they sell everything at a discount at this time, thank you very much, please.
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remove the car, why? this is our place. where is it written here? senya, talk to me, young man, why do you think this place was free? and how do i know, because i post here, everyone is aware. actually, this is a municipal territory. residents park here, this is it. do you have full insurance? are you threatening me like that now? no, why? i ’m warning you, do you know how many such smart people there were here? ok, where do i get it? put? i don’t know, not here, if you don’t leave now, you won’t leave here at all, understand? come on, jack, come on, come on, why
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are you up? without a heart, only he tied up. you just can’t imagine what
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’s going on there, the carts are broken down, the floors are dirty, the sellers are unkempt, and they’re also rude, you’ll have a blast. 2 weeks in total, i’m just annoyed by this attitude towards people, why are we humanly only overpriced, the main thing is that at least someone would be indignant, but what do you think, they have some kind of choice, choice there is always, you have to fight for your rights, well , today i already fought for a parking space near the entrance, they almost tore me to pieces, some couple in an suv, this guy is so unpleasant, i think his name is semyon, and the eldakovs, yes they 're always fighting with someone, there 's half a car at our house... other people's yards, so they're all squabbling, yeah, and where did you put it, yes, it's not far, katyusha, let's go to sleep, yeah, you know, what was i thinking, but only one day has passed, and so many impressions, this is just the beginning.
2:48 am
guys, guys, your car is mine, take it away car, the garbage needs to be removed, if you put it here, the phone is food, otherwise your legs hurt,
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you kick the wheels. this is what you just printed, shame on you, look, here i am too, every day i got up at 6:00 in the morning, by the end of the week i turned into a zombie, more than anything in the world i wanted
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to sleep, the most terrible test for me was a red traffic light, which lasts longer than 20 seconds, that's it. a person can die after four days without sleep, well, i almost killed a patient. open your mouth, just a second,
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maxim valerievich, are you okay? yes, yes, yes, everything is fine, you are not afraid, it won’t hurt. “you can even take a nap, this is not a doctor, this is a butcher, just look at him, he’s either drunk or high, i’m fine, kirill, well, this is a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding, you know, the next time you come to the bank, and my operator will transfer all your money into royalties, where?” "in ganallu, i will also say, batting my eyes, sorry, lyusha, misunderstandings, okay, let's do this, tomorrow the cheek will heal, you will come
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to me, and we will do everything in the best possible way, for bill of the clinic, i will personally be present, and maxim valerievich promises to improve, yes maxim valerievich, no, i won’t go to him anymore, but look at him, he seems to have fallen asleep again, we have a lot of qualified specialists in the clinic, okay. to compensate for moral damage, i ’ll take you somewhere, go to cows, you ’re kidding me, it’s a joke, a joke, a joke, well, you understand, we’ll fix the test now, but give me my salary first.
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i understand, i don’t understand why i have to park next to a garbage dump, and you’re opposite the entrance, let’s quickly go to the store i need to, listen, fuck off in a good way, i’m exactly the same asshole as you, you’re no longer a tenant, i ’m not going anywhere.
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order, wait, wait, how will you put things in order, how will you put things in order, explain to me. here it’s not clear who is putting up the cars, we need to gather people, find out where whose car is, so i need to collect it, yes, well, well, go ahead, collect it, i’ll definitely come to your meeting, so, you managed to gather at least someone, oh, how it was possible, as a result , not only he, but also me, was left without parking, but now the whole house knows me, what am i said?
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if everything is organized correctly, there will be enough space for everyone, but how to do this? do i have to stand knocked down and drive away all the strangers? there is no
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need to drive anyone away, that means me. i proposed for a long time to put up a barrier, of course, everyone agrees with this proposal, yes, yes, but it’s probably very difficult, no, no, no, it’s not difficult to put up barriers, i found out, i take all of myself, the main thing is that everyone chipped in for the installation, then it won’t be so expensive, that’s right, everyone agrees, they agree, no problem, yes, but how much will it cost, which means 5,000 each i'm happy with the car, of course, anything is possible. great, we saved on parking, listen, mandela, i mean nelson, you better tell us about your uprising in the store, oh, as i understand it, the morozovs’ revolutionary cell fought on several fronts, because i also have principles. where did your principles go when you called me in
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tears and asked me to pick you up? from the supermarket, well, they know that at this time there are the most people, well, as luck would have it, they imprisoned the slowest one, now we won’t have time to get through the discounts, yeah, so let’s let's ask that another cash register be opened, that's right, that's how long we can stand here, no, they mock us as they want, look behind my cart, come on. oh, lord, tell me, is it possible to open a second cash register? no, only the director decides this. call the director. well, as soon as i leave, i have a whole line over there. then give me the complaint book. well , really, girl, i ’ve been standing behind this bottle for half an hour. well, you want there to
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be no queues? yes, i want beer. “well, i’m not doing it for myself, i’m trying for everyone, that’s it, get out girl, what a complaint, hello, well, look how many people you have in your store, and only one cash register is working, listen, the girl is pregnant, please serve her, and so am i, no, no, you don’t understand, i ask that you always open a second cash register , when there are a lot of buyers in the hall, girl, dear, i’m coming to meet you, i keep the prices low so that you save,
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take her out, well, well, you have no right, like this you have no right, you interfere with our work, be rude, be rude , i’m rude, yes, i have a whole line of witnesses, that’s it, you know, what, you’re saving money on the wrong things, with such an attitude towards people, people will soon stop coming to you, people will stop coming to me soon, no one will ever stop coming to me, friends, the discount on... is extended for another 30 minutes, thank you, next, good afternoon, can i help you, no, thank you, respect.
3:00 am
well, your wife, mine, oh, i would let her go, but the citizen does not have enough funds to
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pay for it. in general, according to the instructions, i have to call the police, draw up a report, everything is clear, how many thousands i owe you. 465 rubles 20 kopecks, this is with cakes, yeah, on the table, of course i i understand, our prices are high, we are focused on the premium buyer, there is a store nearby, it’s cheaper there, thank you. “ can we go? yes, i’m not keeping you, let’s go,
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i don’t know what came over me, i was just so nervous after this scandal, a third of a penny, you shouldn’t worry, calm down, there’s nothing wrong...” “nothing scary, but the fact that your wife is a thief, oh, god, how embarrassing, i didn’t even want these damned clerks in principle, it wasn’t you, it was she who wanted it, i have a salary soon, there’s just a little bit left wait, everything will get better, let's go to bed, yes, you go, i'll be right there!"
3:03 am
yes, natasha, remember, i told you about the famous case of the kinguru woman, well, she had this fake belly where she hid stolen food. she went to prison ? i gave her a year, conditionally. my husband is a drunk, plus a discount for creativity. okay, we digressed from the topic. in the end, you got your salary and returned to your old life. " having not endured for a couple of days, my caring husband left the family without any money at all, i was faced with with insurmountable circumstances, on the left is the two below, here is a defective filling, well,
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supragingival dental deposits, you can rinse the steering wheel, you will need therapeutic and surgical sanitation, as well as rational prosthetics. well, professional hygiene, and how much will it cost? and this will be calculated for you at the reception, well, at least, well, about 20-25 thousand, i’m afraid that it’s a little expensive, but without the reception we can come to an agreement with you personally, i don’t practice this, and i fire others as the leader for this, you can contact another clinic, goodbye, sorry, you were recommended to me. this is if you change your mind, i won’t change your mind, goodbye, goodbye, yes,
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oh my! maxim, good evening, hello, well , look how beautiful it is, it’s all thanks to your initiative, not mine, ours, tell me you’re sorry, which apartment, apartment twenty-one, you’re at the controls, i’ve already received mine, i need to check, it’s finishing off from here, that’s the thing which.
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alexey levgovich, this is maxim valerievich, dentist, i agree, everything is ready, for the money, as agreed, yes, 10 thousand, just a second. here we have the largest chair
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in the clinic, because the head works here. hello, good evening, well, alexey lvovich, yes, alexey lvovich, that’s all for today, i’m waiting for you tomorrow, just try to be early, goodbye, all the best, goodbye. but, yes, yes, max, it’s been a long time since our clinic became a 24-hour clinic, by the way, what kind of nightly gift is it now, stop it, this is an old friend, he just works from morning to night, so old that you don’t even remember his name the name is correct, it's from surprise, i didn’t know that you conduct night excursions here, max, actually i don’t take money for these night excursions, it ’s not for myself, i wanted to pay it to the cashier in the morning, maybe you drew up an agreement? that you filled out the order, and
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got a patient’s card, show me, well, max, i ’ve known you for 15 years, when you lie, you always smile like a moron, by the way, you’ve been working for a long time, your colleagues aren’t afraid, they’ll find out, but you’re not afraid that julia finds out about your excursions, well, i don’t care whether she finds out or not, that’s if i i’ll fire you under the article, they won’t hire you to work in any clinic anymore, you’ll work as a taxi driver or... work as a security guard, in general, this month, i’m depriving you of your salary, understand? and so, and i personally will put this in the cash register, tomorrow, let's go and look for another chair, well , judging by the fact that you are both healthy, and some of you even look good, you... have already coped with the financial crisis, i didn’t
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wait , while granovsky fired me, i went to work, yeah, as a security guard, no, well, what kind of security guard am i, the driver’s sober, and these are the ones who take drunk people home in their own cars, well, yes, yes, interesting work, you can’t even imagine how much, and my favorite, what, when is your birthday? february 3rd,
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what are you talking about, according to the may calendar, you are a blue spectral monkey, and i am a red galactic hand, we are perfect for each other, we have arrived. i think i spent all my cash in restik, let’s get to the atm, in some ancient cultures the most beautiful woman of the tribe was sacrificed to the priest of the fire chariot, i’m ready to become your victim.
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sorry, i really need money, and you you know that in the ancient may culture, the priest of the fire chariot got the most beautiful woman of the tribe. you know that, priest, your tribe has nothing to eat. and the money is on the table. yes. thank you. tomorrow i'll go to the food temple. i just had to go buy food for money, a function that a normal woman could handle, i believe that if everything is fine with you, you need to help those who are ill, everything was very bad in this store, but you put things in order , catherine brings light
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and goodness to all humanity, this time i had to connect high technologies. good afternoon, my name is ekaterina morozova, now i ’ll show you what chaos is going on in the third-of-a-kopeck store at lenin street, building 2. well, please look at the quality of the vegetables here, it’s a pity that the camera doesn’t capture the smell. i recommend wearing shoe covers, or even better galoshes, oh, here is the local peace officer , introduce yourself, please, put away the camera, wait, according to the legislation of the russian federation, i have the right to videotape in any public place, you they haven’t introduced themselves, please tell me who is in your dairy department, i’ll come over now,
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in order to save money in this store, one saleswoman serves several departments at the same time, tell me, and you’ve been working like this for a long time, now it’s clear. but why does the cheese bought in this store smell like fish? so what 's going on here? oh, here is the store director, please introduce yourself, hello, my name is vooruzhan zhorzhikovich, for your attention, a wide range, but low prices, welcome to our store, and tell me why you have such a dirty mess in your hall, where is the cleaning lady? i want to draw your attention to the fact that our store... was awarded a diploma for the most popular store in the area, but why don’t you think about the people at all in your popular store? i don’t think so, i was just sitting in my office and thinking about how to improve the quality of service, so to speak, modernize the organization of work to achieve maximum effect? keep in
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mind, if nothing changes in the near future, i will post this entry on the internet and write to rospotrebnadzor. i give you 2 days, three, blackmail for good, this is some kind of know-how, now the store is absolutely clean , deafening politeness, it’s the only place i buy groceries, yeah, well, i’ve waited for my salary, or i’m still laughing through my hunger, i’ve waited. but before that there were still a lot of fascinating scenes that i would have cut out of my life.
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you, i need a transaction of my body into the house, let's go, listen, i've definitely seen you somewhere, you haven't hit me before, why are you driving so slowly, there are 300 horses under the hood, well, let's push it, otherwise you see like a horse-drawn strip wipe the glass, why is he so wrapped up? i have a cold, i have a cold, i have a cold, don’t go to the doctors , they can kill you, i know that i had a case, i went to treat a tooth, it’s a good clinic, the owner, or a client in my bank, it doesn’t matter, i was treated by the head doctor, the best dentist in the city, a butcher.


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