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tv   Stroika  NTV  July 1, 2024 4:00am-4:50am MSK

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again the angry little one, don’t look at each other, she’s pinned around, we can’t escape, and pinned around, we can’t escape, i need to go to the toilet. katya, i made it, but
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you didn’t believe me, i see it’s not at the right time, depending on what the reason is, the little girl has arrived, there’s probably no point anymore, it’s all your fault, this too, you’re doing it to spite me, well, don’t flatter yourself, you think you... can, but i can’t, what a fool you are, while you’re here, while i was building your house here, it was your idea, you cheated on me, traitor, frost, don’t you dare blame me for this, why are you sitting there, your little helen is gone, run after her, i
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’ll see her at work, but she was only running after you, and in vain, you were fired, and this is none of your business, the house is ready, take it, it’s for me it’s not necessary, yes, you wanted it so much, everything here is to your taste, the color is kind of disgusting, i told you everything is necessary. paint it white, help, maxim decided, paint, you know, you chose a poor chandelier, don’t you dare, you know, it’s already feeling better, it ’s become stuffy here, do you remember why? radeytekh windows,
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you need to treat things more simply, i have always been, yes! and i hate you, that's all, yes, you have nothing to add, despite the fact that you tried to tell me a story of hatred here, "i
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heard a story of love, are you sure that you want to go to the end, i'm sure that's a rare case, when i don’t feel like doing my job, in name.” the property of the defendant, as a defendant, she satisfied and recognized the country house, but she wanted it, i don’t need this house, then sell it and give the money to your wife and children,
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excuse me, i don’t need his money, it’s enough that... the court figured it out and took it out the right decision, well, yes, now you have to live with this decision, alone with two children, so i don’t see much reason for joy here, well , as they say, the verdict is final and cannot be appealed. so isv, citizen morozov mv and citizen morozova, morozovo ev, yeah, a claim for compensation for material damage due to violation of the agreement to participate in the filming of a program in
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the family, not without repairs, television, come in. oh, morozovy, hello, hello, i didn’t even expect that i’d be happy when i saw you, well, make yourself at home, i mean you too i saw it very often, though on television, but in real life you are even better, excuse me, have a seat. now such a show will begin, representatives of ssa, explain to the court the essence of your claims, dear court, the principle of our program is to help low-income families, and these people are scammers, being divorced, they
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figured with a married couple to get free repairs, and then sell theirs at a higher price house, i do not agree with the accusation, we did not pretend to be a married couple. we are a family, oh, interesting turn, and citizen morozova, and you confirm what was said, we are not scammers, but not a family either, nothing has changed, that’s it, nothing has changed for us, because of you we left our real family without repairs, and you are swindlers and must answer for this, you know, let’s still be here i will decide who... will be responsible for what, yeah, well, let’s not break tradition, let’s start with you, what did you do after the divorce, yeah, i suffered, i suffered a lot,
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because we are a family, if we weren’t a family, i wouldn’t suffer so much, hello, hello!
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i didn’t know, life, you live, you live, then bam you find out, and what now, okay, mikhailovich, people are adults, let’s figure it out, yes, yes, adults, yes, and now i’m like, how can i be, how am i going to live here, excuse me mikhailovich, what about they didn’t think of you, but just wait, live. if only we would have raised children, but now what, we’re not just people, yes, maybe we should get married again, so that you would be calmer, there’s no need to get a divorce, you should have, much earlier, you were a family member, but now you’re nobody’s, what should we do?
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now you can do whatever you want, yes, i’ll open an office, i’ll buy an apartment, i’ll have girls drive, i got married at 23. he doesn’t really see life, you fool, i know people like you, how much of my life i’ve seen, how... tyukhta, i could mobilize you, but now that’s it, you’ll be lost, you’ll be lost, you’ve said everything, you ’ve said everything. it’s just a pity, he seemed like a good guy,
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he sold his house to the gypsies, yes, yes, oh, max, great, arkash, i was passing by, well, good to see you, come on in, now you’re making your own pizza, right? zyuzya, where are the lemons? let me introduce myself, this is olesya, my fiancée, this is maxim, i told you about him, hello, very nice, yes, very nice, can you take off your clothes for a second, for now, i’m here, this is all left in a past life, all these, listen, old man, her
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parents are coming today, come on another time, what about your theory, all the evil is from dads, it’s better to be alone, but it’s all nonsense, you were right, without a family, somehow there is no life, everything is fine with you, everything is fine, okay, zyuzya. good luck, okay, okay, your mental anguish, i understand, i understand, but what did you do? i was faced with more mundane problems, firstly, we never found the strength to tell andryusha that we were divorced and him i had to lie constantly, and secondly, there was a complete lack of money. well, when you were getting divorced, did you not imagine that it would be like this? these are temporary difficulties because we are a family, a family. i understood your line of defense, you know, the most unpleasant thing is that when you find yourself in a difficult situation,
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people immediately appear who want to take advantage of it, moreover, they make a whole business out of it, you knew that it was due tomorrow , everything is always at the last moment you do, i actually wanted to make it with my dad, he often collects these, i understand, but dad is not here now, i explained to you 100 times, he has no time, he is building a house, a stupid house, when everything will be like before, so... where to glue these wheels, you are crazy, mom, you don’t listen to me at all, nikita has a dad i also fought with my mother, and now they don’t live together anymore, i want to go to my dad, i want too, but now it won’t work, but i’ll go myself, you’re not going anywhere, let’s finish it quickly, i’ll go, andrey, the way you talk, well -come back quickly! what should we do with it?
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tell the truth? mom, just don't start. have you called maxim when he sells the houses? i i won't call anyone. well, of course, we are all so proud, i understand. look how much water is, look, light, andryusha’s football prices have gone up. no, i’ll pay for everything this month, but what next? something’s wrong, no, no, everything
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’s fine, it’s just that through my humble window it’s extremely rare to have such expressive eyes, a nose and lips all together so beautiful, looking in, what will you pawn or sell, and what’s more profitable? well, of course it’s more profitable to sell, but the ring cannot be returned. well, to hell with it, let's sell, that's right, go for a walk, then walk, so, so, so, so, so, what do you say? well, what can i say, 10 thousand, i’ll say, what do you mean, it cost 3000, you know, katya, rings with an inscription, that means their price drops threefold, well , think for yourself, which vasya will take a ring for his lucy with the inscription katya plus max, no , well
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, 10 - one jeweler, he can give 20 thousand for this ring. 20? well, that didn't go anywhere. okay, then come to the cafe across the street today, around six o’clock, and i ’ll definitely introduce you to him. are you looking? is this accurate? well, lick it, gevorg said, gevorg will do. yes. the window in the pawnshop should be made bigger in full height, preferably, divorced for a long time, a week, that is , she was already pregnant, yes, no, that he showed up in a week, uh, left me in this position, yes, he didn’t leave me, what the difference is, a real man doesn’t do that, and luring out
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a date with women in distress, that’s what a real man does, but i’m not such a bastard. but i’m not a bastard like him, the mother of my children won’t go to pawn shops, you know, you don’t dare talk about him like that, you don’t know him at all, it’s funny, in such a way i came to the situation with my stomach, i put my wedding ring in a pawnshop and you’re still protecting it, oh, look what an angel you’ve found, you’re sitting there behind your armored window making money from someone else’s misfortune, and my husband, by the way, is a brilliant dentist, ex-husband so... i i don’t understand, georg said, georg did, or gevorg broke down, gevorg changed his mind? gevorg may have screwed up, the maldevork hasn’t changed his mind. if you are thinking of selling anything, please contact me, i’m afraid that your window won’t fit into a two-story house.
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wait, knock, house? hello, transmission, what transmission? hello, the transmission in the family is not without repairs. “i’m very scared, my parents fight all the time because they are building a house, please help me finish it, if they don’t finish it, they will quarrel forever, i’m sending you everything i have, 320 rubles. i know a house is it’s very
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expensive, dad is always at the construction site, and mom is nervous, she shouldn’t be nervous.” because i will soon have a little sister, andrei morozov, 8 years old, i’m telling you, we did all this for the sake of the child, of course, the child himself i couldn’t write such a letter, they came up with a text, dictated it to my son, and then the whole editorial office cried over it, well, it’s not true, andryusha wrote it himself and sent it, didn’t even tell us anything, the more i listen, the more confused i get, it’s either some kind of... cunning cynical scam, or some incredible coincidence of circumstances? and if they find out, do you even think? no one will know, the main thing for them is to make a good program, we will have furnishings, furniture, we will sell the house for much more, you only care about your house, but i care about our son, who he sends out letters to broadcasters, and so does me,
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can you imagine if we refuse, why did you even tell him, well, you were stupid, what now, now? we’ll pretend to be a family idea, but if they do find out, they’ll sue us, you yourself said that i’m a master of lies, let my talent work for the benefit of the family at least once, just for andryusha’s sake, i’ve already taken off the ring, in the last month, your fingers have been swelling, and why is this bothering you? no, are you filming something? put it on, well, if it fits. hello, this is a family program not without renovation, and we came today to visit maxim and katya. they ’ve been trying to finish building their house for 8 months now, and we decided to help them, hello, we’ve finally arrived,
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wait, it’s not you who came to us, but we who came to you, you understand, and you’re glad to see us, i can’t at the same time paint and play, i ’m a dentist, i’m not an actor, maxim, i ask you for one phrase and in general, somehow more emotions, why are you standing like at a wailing wall, this is your home, do you love it? well, let 's say hello again, you've finally arrived, well thank god, that’s how your loving wife went, uh-huh, take a glass, a glass, drink, maxim, drink greedily, you’re sweating, tired, good, katya, more tenderness in the eyes, but he paints for you, and now we’re kissing, well guys , come on, two loving spouses are kissing passionately, well, well done, stop, it’s filmed, it’s so
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cold, what are you doing, i have a reserve, i, for example, don’t want another take, that’s right, me too. i don’t want to, well, that’s it, well, we already understand your taste preferences, will there be any specific wishes? yes, i would like this one hang shelves on the wall, but it’s clear, well, i would put my cds and photographs there, well , why do we need this dust collector, it’s better to put a cabinet, tell me, how are you going to look at the photos in the cabinet, i’ll open it? i’ll look, i’ll close it, there won’t be any shelves, so, stop, katya, i, of course, understand that you
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command everything here, and maxim only executes, wait, i don’t execute anything here, okay, okay, okay, but we have a country traditional values, where the husband is the head of the family, and the wife is his silent assistant, okay, okay, let's try again, so, let's get ready, oh, baby, let's start, here we would like to hang shelves for family photos. oh, great idea, honey. so, in general, that’s all for today, now we are setting everything up here, and tomorrow we will rent your relatives in your apartment. well done! take another application plan, did you know about filming in an apartment? no, i have never watched this program to the end. yes, an unpleasant surprise,
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on the contrary, i would like to express my deep gratitude to you, thanks to your program, i was again under the same roof with my family. please, look, what cynicism? no, really, we were so carried away by our game that we didn’t notice how we became... one again, and, although our pride prevented us from admitting it, it was completely impossible to hide it, because we are family, family, we are already everything i know that the sofa was moved a little early, tell me, you took off the ring a long time ago, i don’t want to talk about it, i know your five fingers like the back of my hand, nothing is swollen, you can at least put it on for delivery, no, that’s for you disgusting or something, it's in
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pawnshop, you know that i donated blood then to buy it, because i didn’t have enough money, that’s why i was so pale when... i did it, very funny, son, what happened? dad, why are you sleeping on the floor? well, daddy’s back just hurts, so he needs to sleep on something hard, yeah, mom, can i come with you? can dad come to bed with us? well, you ask, can he? dad, lie down with us, please, does it hurt a lot? you can’t even imagine how, maybe then it’s still on the floor? no, no, i let go now. and...
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6 am on the army wave, mikhalych, mikhalych, your help is needed. “mikhailovich, are you offended? first you kick me out of the house, and then you run out for help, you decide, forgive me, please, well, you know how i feel about you, mikhailovich, i’m ready for you, anything, yes, just anything, you can do anything specifically to me, if anything, specifically, uh, uh, “no need, you need
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to be prepared first, you want us to remain your neighbors, this house has become a logical continuation happy family life for my beloved daughter and maxim, i so happy, you are sure that everything will work out, it ’s already 10.
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by the way, maybe you can tell us and the tv viewers some funny story about maxim, what he was like in childhood, and we, we lived in the village then, we have a horse there was, suvorov, such an experienced horseman, right, and he once carried the terega right with maxim’s mother, the kingdom of heaven, mother, that’s what you suffered, the main thing was suffered, yet they were scared, that’s what to do, what to do? suddenly maxim comes out, and he is so small, so curly, in a shirt, so white, he has a frill, well, an angel, vladimir the lich in general, and he drove his hand like that, just like that, he said, stop, horse, the horse stopped in such horror, as if rooted to the spot, straight, and maxim came up. so, according to the fashion, he
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was devoured by herself, she went straight along the path, she went like this, she went, just miracles, i wanted to tell you again, and once max and i were riding on a ferris wheel and the head of the cabin at the top stopped, and max kept saying to me: dad , dad, i say i want it big, but i’m shot, what should i do, but he was smart. thank you very much for an amazing story, i think that’s all for today, thank you everyone, about the wheel, then you’ll tell me more about the story, resourceful angel, in big cities, since the number of trips to work will be reduced, let ’s play crocodiles,
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well, okay, one word, bear, military .
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military man in the wall stalin. michaelch! well, that's it, that's it, it's too late for today, well , can i make one more wish, please,
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okay, the last one, that's it. i see, trio, quartet, canopy, you, family, right. this is what i think: if filming had lasted for two weeks, you would definitely have fixed it relationship. what 2 weeks? everything had to be decided on the last day of filming. i wanted to suggest to katya not to sell the house and live
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together. yes. well, did you offer? did not have time. well, i hope we guessed your wishes, it’s just incredible, fantastic, you know, we just want to move here right now, cool, to be honest, this is the house of our dreams. wait, excuse me, man, who are you? once again, hello everyone, i’m talking about selling a house, oh, by the way, this picture with these birches is rare, man, you’ve got it all wrong, we’re not selling anything, we don’t have it here
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you're selling, this is katya, you're maxim, that's right, he's a great guy, little one, and i recognized you too, by the way, you're even better in life, what a mouth, look, we're filming, you can't see, but... i'm sorry , it’s just that your ex-wife asked for help with the sale of the house, ex, what kind of house sale, what is he talking about, georg, well, you misunderstood me, we are not selling anything, please excuse me for disturbing you, you are in the way, leave, stop making a fool out of me, your wife, your ex, came to me with a ring, by the way, i’m paying 20,000 for this ring i gave the ruble, she said gevorg, you are a professional, we have problems with our husband, we got divorced, help. and at home, well, i won’t leave a pregnant woman in trouble, of course, that means you’re divorced, what have you done, i have nothing to do with it,
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listen, i came to buy a house, whether you’re selling it or not, that’s it, wrap up, i won’t leave it like that , people like you need to be punished, absolutely fair remark, little one, am i a fan of your show? can you take a selfie, andryush, dad and i still love you very much, well, it happens, you’re a liar, everything was for real, mom and i almost we made peace, it’s all an illusion, we can’t return the past, that’s it, let’s go upstairs, let’s go wash up. listen, natural disasters should be called by your names, i don’t know, hurricane katrina, the maxim landslide, call
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me whatever you want, but i decided to fight for my family to the end, well, i hope, without casualties, well, how can i say, there was a little bloodshed. katya, maxim, maxim, i returned the ring. vienna is not visible. work with your fist, tanechka, in this country,
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blood is really bad, why did you get the idea, well, you ’re taking a donor from third-degree dystrophy, i’m kidding, i’m kidding, don’t worry so much, you can’t do it now, please tell me, can i take it again, read the stand, everything is written there, you can create 450 ml once a month, well, what’s unclear here, hold on, it’s very necessary, well should i go to jail because of you, or something, there are so many of you here, excuse me, tell me, you’re done, no, you’ve already been there, been there, and it doesn’t hurt too much, well, thank god, otherwise the sight of blood makes me sick. although you know, anything can happen, here
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one person here has a bad catheter, they attached it, he he flew out, and the needle remained in the vienna, the nurse comes back, the floor is covered in blood, the walls, the ceiling, everything is covered in blood, and the donor, most importantly, lies in the middle, himself covered in blood, for the first time, or something, yes, yes, in general i never came here, but we got an order from work... they sent it in order, i don’t even need this money, i need a certificate that i passed it, come on, wait, you are my happiness on the verge of tears, my whole heart is at your feet and my happiness is on the verge, my whole heart is yours...
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50, listen, there was a misunderstanding in the house. excuse me, please give me the ring. you do you think i was offended or something, but gevorg has no time to be offended. the internal political situation in your family has changed, the market immediately reacted, what are the complaints against me, 50. well, no, i have that many. be human. and you be a man, go earn money, but if you can’t earn money, go.
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well, he’s alive, it seems, then the control one, are you completely crazy, did you decide to rob me, did you want to go to prison? give me the ring,
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strange people, one comes, pretends to be a divorcee in order to sell the ring at a higher price, the second comes with a gun to take it away, tell me, you have a big family, i should wait for someone else, i can’t live without her, give me the ring, or call the police, listen, you’re great, a real man. for the sake of the family, life and freedom, respect, hold on! i don’t need money, i need to talk to katya, she’s not there, nothing, i’ll wait, she doesn’t want to see you, did she say so, or did you decide so?
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andrey, andrey, open up, you need to eat. came home from school, locked himself in, doesn’t talk to anyone, doesn’t eat anything, andryusha, it’s dad, open up, didn’t even go to training, do you want to go to the cinema or play a video game, andrey. just an eight year old child, why does he have to suffer so much, everyone suffers, the divorce was
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a big mistake, we need this... and move on together, that sometimes to take a few steps forward, you need to take a step back, please, yes i will agree, you, andrey, are our daughter, that’s all that makes sense to me, you are my family, you are my beloved woman. marry me, subpoena, court, that's the whole story, yeah, it's the truth, you have something
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to add, no, everything is obvious, let them compensate i have losses, defendant, do you want to say something? your honor, before you announce your decision, i want to get an answer to my question, what question, will you marry me, your honor, well, this is a farce, they just want to avoid responsibility, well wait, you're crazy, so i protest , they want to deceive you, well, wait, please , well, morozov, well, well, well, well, well, katya, i can’t live without you, morozov, last time,
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uh, uh, morozov, of course, excuse me , but you are still in court, and not in the legislative office, don’t you want to listen to my decision? so you you withdraw the claim, well, wait, please, you withdraw the claim, and you are celebrating a wedding in a new house that you are renting, so what? what? no, what do you want to compensate for losses? what do you think, is money more important or transfer? well, believe me, believe me, this will be the best program in history. i will also be filming, well, this is not for me, this is, but well, moreover, in the name of the russian federation i invite everyone to the wedding. good evening, the long-awaited ending to this amazing story has finally arrived. our transmission is not easy
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renovates houses, we reunite families. and here are our heroes, maxim. and katerina, what kind of heroes we are, that’s a real hero, andrey, andryusha, andryusha, where are you, there, there, over there, over there, andrey, come here, well, andrey, i ’m tasting, well, will we ever let's remove this program, shall we? marya, let's sit down at the table, then we'll continue, okay, i'll drink to your health, guys, excuse me, please, i... have a small toast, i want to drink to everyone present, usually in life people first
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get to know each other, and then begin to get to know each other friend friend, but in the case of you, everything is exactly the opposite, i see you all for the first time in my life, but i already know you very well and even, i even love you a little, well... young, young, i’ll say this, given to me power, i sentence them to lifelong happiness, hurray, boy, why do you like to play, what, the air in the city is not the same, not the same, we have good environment, silence, again
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you will be closer to the children, agree, apartment we'll sell yours, yes, come on, come on, come on, let's go, commanders, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, why are you sitting there as if at a wake? me i’m having fun, that i’m sincerely happy, having fun, oh well, no need, i’m done, that means i’m done, quietly, i’m ready, i ask everyone to go outside, and the newlyweds can take their seats in the viplozh, hurray, i want, fireworks, fireworks, fireworks ,
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after all, we managed to do it, but i had no doubt, oh, okay, marin, listen, maybe i should start building a house too, otherwise it’s getting boring, you start, and we’ll finish, oh, oh, it seems , it started, oh, we have to go to the hospital, we won’t make it in time!


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