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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-14  NTV  July 2, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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but i believe you like a fool, i still won’t get away from you, i love you, little bear, we’ll take off now, and what kind of girl is with the handsome man, will they accept anyone there? no, i didn’t recognize it, maybe some girl of easy virtue, listen, you solved your problem, is everything okay?
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seryoga, let’s hit it and let our hockey players win now, so he will win, no, kostyan, of course you’re naive, remember last season. isn't that a patriot? they
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didn’t play well last time, now they’ll definitely win, well, well, let’s bet on the money, yeah easy, mower i bet, how much, mower, why so little? you are sure, three mowers, that they will lose, you decided to take me for a show-off, i bet five, or even six, only now the drowned man will come ashore faster than our champions. they will stand up and say, too, a drowned man for the repose of your prizes, what are you doing? hey, hey, man , what are you, hey, man, man, what are you, hey, what are you, man, hey, are you, standing there, mowed down, listen, butsa, call the skin, come on, call.
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man, hey man, listen, christian, he died, soon, soon, pretty, and doesn't sleep. well, okay, let’s dial, lyudmila, good night, lyudmila, excuse me, goodbye, i’ll call you back, see you later, andrey, there’s a man’s corpse in central park, ah, what else could i hear from you, you understand that you can now ? i changed mine,
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did i cut this guy, i understood you, boy, georgich, i’m sorry that i told you. i woke you up, but quickly brought sad news, now i ’ll text you the address, so tell me, we got ready, fishing, of course, georgivich, what do you have, a fatal stab wound in the liver, but he didn’t die right away, he suffered for another 10 minutes until he bled to death, apparently fell into the water trying to swim, or he was thrown there or... maybe thrown out, but he was able to swim far with such an injury, i ’m actually surprised how he was able to swim at least somehow - then, we’re standing, here this guy crawls out of the bushes, i really thought he was drowned, kostyan, are you a fool or what, before you saw the man, you didn’t hear anything suspicious, there was some kind of sound, do you remember, as if something
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had fallen into the water, maybe this guy was there, but where did you hear these sounds, and there, right there, by the bridge, haven't you heard anything else? no, well, no, well , there were some voices, but we didn’t pay attention, you never know who we have voices here, men’s, women’s, like men’s, how many voices, what, did we count or something, we didn’t they knew that this guy was going to be killed, by the way, he had a black eye, uh-huh, that means the murder was probably preceded by a fight, it could have been, but it’s very strange, because the bruise is about 12 hours old, and he died about 2 hours ago, not personalities, keys from the car and a mobile phone, but i would like to bother with establishing documents, no, i think they drowned in the water, so the mobile phone doesn’t work, it’s probably wet, i hope the sim card is intact, ale georgievich, there was some kind of hubbub there near the bridge, yeah, but go with alexey, look, come on, i
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ran, catch up, car keys, maybe it’s standing at the entrance to the park, let's go, andry, let's take a look, van, take your readings, yeah, come to me, let's go. well, georgivich, if the key fob is not covered in the water, then you and i will be lucky, nothing, well , let’s search by car model, so, oh, lucky, georgivich, taxi, yes, this is
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strange, taxi, okay, now ours i'll call yes, georgievich. yes, now i’ll send an expert to you, i’ll release the witness and i’ll also come to you, yeah, go ahead, sign, please, here, that’s where, yeah, i see, well, what’s there, now, oh, the documents, they didn’t drown, that means, oh , how, so, zhdanovich vladimir nikolaevich, born in seventy-second, oh, married, take it off, yeah, now there ’s a dvr, look, there’s a memory card, there’s no card, well, of course, they’ve already stamped it, it’s strange, it’s unlikely he’d be holding it dvr in the car without a memory card, yes, that means andrey, on a visit to the wife of the murdered man,
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report what happened, if possible, we need to seize his personal computer, well, maybe he transferred recordings from the dvr there, as always, to me... the most difficult thing is to inform relatives about the death. so, what should i do? rit, you go to the taxi office where zhdanovich worked, talk to the management. maybe he had some conflicts with colleagues or clients, you know. got it, i've already flown. come on, reid, wait, i'm with you. well, you can’t come up with a serious story yet. everything doesn’t work out here, that is, it doesn’t mine, you know, it’s already creaking in the teeth from how formal everything is here, like a bad script, these are all real things, you know, real life, artistic life, things are different, but they don’t behave like that
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and don’t reveal that’s how it is, believe me, i know what i’m talking about, you know, take one of your experienced colleagues as your co-author, it’s better to learn from the classics, don’t be upset. polite to you, what classics? i ’ll tell you everything, just please find this person, otherwise... he’ll probably end up with me now will kill, calm down, no one will kill anyone, who to find, you spoke as if you knew who did it, i don’t know this person, i don’t even know his name, but this is a very, very unpleasant person, well, at least - do you know about him, what happened, he came to us the day before in the morning, rushed at volodya, shouted, demanded that he give something back or return, what he had to return, i didn’t understand, he screamed so much, then he pulled out volodya left the apartment on the street, forced him to open the car, rummaged through everything, but found nothing,
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hit volodya forcefully in the face and left, i saw from the window, but my husband didn’t tell you what kind of person he was and what happened between them, you didn’t know my volodya, you couldn’t get anything out of him with pliers, he came scared, beaten, silent, i cried , begged me to tell him what happened. he just patted me on the shoulder and said that everything was fine, and then this man didn’t appear again, didn’t come, didn’t call, no, my husband left in the evening, said he was on business, but never returned, i realized that he went to meet that person, what a fool i am, i should have locked him up and not let him go anywhere, well... did your husband have a computer? yes, a laptop, it’s in the room, i have to take it with me to the department, maybe
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there’s some evidence there, of course, i’ll bring it now, what do you mean, yesterday zhdanovich asked for a day off, but as a rule in such cases we make concessions , but today he also didn’t show up for work, we called him, his cell phone... was turned off, now it’s clear why, and you haven’t noticed lately, he might have been behaving somehow strangely, maybe he was too nervous or conflicted with someone, you know, one of our clients came to us yesterday morning, he looked like a bandit, he was screaming like crazy, he scared the whole staff, it was just creepy, in such cases the police should be called, but what did he want? can you imagine zhdanovich’s home address and telephone number and what do you think? coordinates? what are you talking about? who would give it to him? did he really take it himself? what
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do you mean by yourself? strength or what? yes, he pushed me out of here, rummaged through the whole table, found a list of phone numbers of our drivers, on the lists we also have the brands and car number of the drivers, you know? so he found out, wrote down the number phone to his cell phone and left. i then called zhdanovich, i wanted to warn him, but he didn’t pick up the phone. tell! when and where did zhdanovich take this client? and i ’ll tell you now for sure, please, so now zhdanovich, so, so, i found it, the day before yesterday evening, zhdanovich was taking him from the jewelry salon, nevsky prospekt, building 26, to house 26 on sofia street, well, now it’s our turn figure it out... greetings,
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vasily, great, look what i brought you, what is it, what, what, the laptop of the murdered zhdanovich, look what’s inside, yes, he it’s password protected, it’s clear that it’s password protected, otherwise i wouldn’t have come to you, work, listen, what’s on your mind, this isn’t a two-minute matter, yes, i understand everything, you’re done with the laptop, here’s your phone, it ’s been in the pond in ... is it possible to restore contacts? is he screwed up? i understand that he’s screwed, come up with something. well , the best i can think of is to print a list of calls through the operator. clear, but these will only be naked phones, you need to call each number to find out the identity of the owner. who will it be study? help, help. cornflower? yes, call me the owner of this number. ritka, take a turn. i'm a woman, and let's be quicker. ok, what's the number? looks like we have a serious lead. early yesterday. in the morning , a strange criminal-looking man burst into the taxi service and asked to give him the coordinates of zhdanovich, and i seem to know what kind of guy he is,
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well, what’s up, denisov viktor markovich, born in seventy-nine, lives at sofiyskaya 26, apartment 16, criminal there is some information on him, now it’s like that, here are two convictions, back in 2000, he rejected the first, the second on three counts at once: kidnapping, extortion, causing grievous bodily harm. don’t talk nonsense, vasya, work, ritka doesn’t like it, i urgently need fame, name, patronymic, i don’t know his patronymic, but yours, name, patronymic and documents, please, oleg ivanovich kryukov. glory, here
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you are, oleg kryukov, all beaten up, he says, he knows you, yes, the guards on duty, yeah, he’s coming now, sit down for now, there’s nowhere to sit down, so, wait. slava, yes, slava, look what they did to me, well i’m not a doctor, but it looks like you’ll live if someone did something, right on the street, they attacked, beat you up, took away your bag with a laptop, and there’s valuable information in there, my contract is on fire, you understand, we have a homicide department, we don’t do robberies, wait, i have
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to go look for it myself, why do it myself, next door, write a statement there, you know, signing tomorrow, what kind of statement, they won’t find a damn thing , well, look for it yourself, good luck, no, i won’t leave it like that, hello, alesya, i need your help, look, i will meet you. well, call, calmly, girl, police, criminal search, denis at home, please allow me, yes, that means
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i borrowed you from the solovets for today and tomorrow, but my friend has problems, he has them. the laptop should help, there’s something i don’t really understand, but i don’t need to understand anything, potapinka, the task has been set, it’s clear, carry it out, it’s clear, which means comrade kryukov will bring you up to date with the matter, you will report to me personally on the progress of operational-search activities, what's so expensive about this laptop of yours? there the text of the novel is ready for printing, its final version, it is a 100% bestseller and a contract for huge money, now do you understand what will happen? well, to be honest, not really. “if roman puts it publicly available on the internet, the contract will end, when it turns out that the leak is on our side, then we are threatened with a huge lawsuit from the authors, now you understand why we need to find a laptop urgently, maybe reed can handle it herself, listen, he set the task, work together, that's it, free, let's go, citizen
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of the hooks." well, slav, we need to raise your agents, you have a whole arsenal in this area, well, wait, if it’s not for sale , friend competitors, then you need to think about it which way to go, so wait, where do we start, and in what sense do we, igor sergeevich said that i can help you in your search, i think that igor sergeevich was joking, no, i understand that igor sergeevich never jokes oh yeah, that's true. what plans will we have? first, think. sit and think? no, that's not how things are done. come on, first i'll show you the crime scene. good afternoon. and who are you? where's tom? tom is at home.
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you go through too. be brave, be brave. this is us visiting you, please come in let's talk heart to heart, what kind of disco is this, but not a disco, you can only hear it through headphones, yeah, you opened zhdanovich's laptop, not yet. not yet, but what kind of idleness in the workplace, you completely stunned them, vasily, that i haven’t received a reprimand for a long time, and in fact i’ve never received one, and besides, it’s not me who hacks the laptop, but the program i launched. i’m waiting, but i can speed it up somehow, even if i kick him, he won’t work any faster, you kick yourself, but don’t touch the expensive equipment, oh,
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it’s not that expensive, the laptop is old, the program is outdated, if you want it to work faster, buy a new one, yeah, and i’ll deduct your salary, olegurievich, i don’t earn that much, okay, okay, don’t be poor, you slacker, i’ll pay you for these games, that’s basically it , as soon as everything is ready, come straight to my office, okay, okay, yes, igor, did you take it? well done, you see, come to my office, i’ll come right up. come on, come on, speed up. okay, look at me. i didn’t kill that driver, what are you saying? i can't stand to walk step by step? well, i did. almost everything, no they just kissed him, and cut him with a knife, right in the liver, and then threw him into a rod, what a knife, what a pond, what, you don’t need
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to hang me as a stranger, well, i shot him once in the eye, right there in the yard he left, who i knew that he didn’t steal the ring, what kind of ring it was, and i thought you were in the know, the widow sang, tell me, well then... we need to start everything in order the day before yesterday, my girl toma gave me an ultimatum, get married, she says, or i’m collecting my clothes, dumping it to mom, well, everything was fine, well, grandma knows what’s needed, all the tinsel, limousine, photo bustle, march mendelssohn's march, we already know what it's like not to know, so, so what, i freaked out and rushed to the bar with the guys, we drank some whiskey there. well, okay, they tell me: vityuk, well, get married, come on, woman, your tomka is normal, what else do you need, well, i
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went straight from the bar to the jewelry store, bought her a ring with just such a rhinestone, well, in the sense of a brulik , got into a taxi with this zhdanovich and went home, then vitka was so cheerful, funny, he came, he began to propose to me, he confessed his love. i wanted to give a ring, i started looking in my pockets, but there was no ring, and he decided that zhdanovich robbed him, well, yes, well , who else, well, vitka knocked him out in the car, and zhdanovich just shook him up at home, then, what next, what next, yes, well, vitka, of course, got very angry, i went to this driver, but didn’t cancel my offer, promised... that he would give me a wife and a ring, but that driver said that he didn’t steal anything, that’s all, in general, i ran into this
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zhdanovich, he’s of course confused, he does n’t say anything stole, well, how did the story with the ring end, well, i decided that i took the ring drove him, spent the money, gave him 2 days, either collect the money, or return the ring, left him, and in the morning... they call from the jewelry store, well , they have my phone number there, i regularly buy something there, a ring they, it turns out, i’m a fool myself, i missed the box with the ring in my pocket, and in the morning the cleaning lady was cleaning up the ring and found it, yes, it’s a touching story, but this denisov’s story doesn’t provide you with an alebe, zhdanovich was killed before the ring was found and i... so i think , you did it, yes i did, yes, last night with tomka at home was, i try to spend the night at home, she will confirm, yes, by the way, that night vitya was with
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me, this is 100%, he has nowhere else to go, he doesn’t hang out with me at all, he likes to go to the bar sometimes, drink beer, i, of course, i’m letting him go, please, but he’s also letting him go out with the girls, dear girl, i have the impression that you’re shielding your loved one, no, no, no, i ’m telling you the truth, yes, you know, my vitya is very good , he wouldn’t hurt a fly, well, he, well, he, well, he just can’t kill someone, he can’t he... uh-huh, well, maybe he’s very kind, but this god’s dandelion has more than one death to his name, including serious bodily
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injuries, well, who doesn’t? yes, the man stumbled once, twice, maybe even a third, fourth, maybe even a fourth, but now he’s with me, you know, he’s become a man, he’s settled down, uncle, policeman, please, i know , i beg you, do not take him away from me. i ’ll be lost, i won’t be able to, please, please, hello, andrey, can you for a minute, hello, yes, of course, only with your hands, it’s not good to touch anyone, you, you, you won’t take him away from me, really, we won’t, hello, hello, and you won’t take him away from me, really, kolisa denisov, yes went into denial, melik all sorts of nonsense, no, he can’t be released, and tamara confirmed it with alebi. well
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, yes, she says that he was with her, but you see what kind of lady she is, she will say anything to get her lover off, so, we’ll close it for 48 hours for now, we’ll look for evidence and prick, prick, prick, i agree, i agree , agree, yes, we need to look for other versions, i understand you, andrey, well, somehow be more careful with your hands, i understand everything, but what is this, what are you, georgich, have you gone crazy, provoked it, go. our clients are tough and arrogant, unlike the current punks, so you need to be creative in looking for them, accepted at the carnival at the carnival, we invite you to the rampart. it seems
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that they are going to kill us, well, that’s nice, the prosecutor’s office is not stopping cases against the cops, but what about the law, the cop wars, today at 16:45 on ntv. oh, crack, thank you, maybe you’ll get better, but what am i hearing or what? i barely i’m holding back the pressure from my superiors, what do you have? do you want ice cream? no, what do we have, using your method, we interviewed 34 people at the crime scene, cafe workers across the street, bank security guards, everything within a radius of 300 m. so , are there any signs? no, no one saw anything, no one knows anything, but we have everything covered, you can check it out.
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are you kidding me? “we did everything you wanted, now we are waiting for what else your rich detective experience will tell you, everything is gone, what will i say to the authorities, a serious lawsuit awaits me, comrade, stop mocking him, well true, the man has a big problem, and you, citizen of the hooks, don’t interfere with our work and get on our nerves, stop getting on our nerves, we’ll find your laptop, you promise, yeah, that is, that is, thank you, well, that’s another matter, comrade major, i i’m thinking, maybe we should return to our previous idea, to your agency? wait, if the thief needs information from the computer, he will probably turn it on, it’s logical, let’s go to vasya, come with us, yes, oleg georgievich, it’s ready, come on, come in, so
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here we go. i checked zhdanovich's laptop and it has something interesting, so what? well done, vasya, good job, yes, well, we seem to have agreed that it’s not you who is working, but the program, so let’s report, the traffic police video recorder of ozhdanovich, on it, a jeep hits a woman and flees the scene, so, ah there are license plates, not only oleg georgievich’s license plates, but the driver’s face lit up, when he hit her, he rushed towards her, and then... he got into the car and quickly drove away, well, apparently he got scared, he urgently needs to punch out the license plates and print out the driver’s photo, well photo me i’ll do it for you, and i thought of punching the numbers myself, well done, thank you, so, this jeep belongs to vadim egorov, by the way, it has been listed as stolen for two days, and vadim egorov is the son of a major official, by the way, an application was submitted to the neighboring door, to the inter-district theft department, photo, i need a photo urgently, vasya, i got it, here’s a printout, yeah. igor, come to
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me, i urgently need to go to the theft department to talk about one statement. it seems like some friend of yours worked there, great, that’s it, i’m waiting, please come in, sit down, vasya, correct me if i’m wrong, look, a person’s laptop was stolen in order to get important information, but i’ll tell you right away, if a professional worked, he spins up the laptop, takes out the hard drive and you’ll never track it, looks like this is not our case, look, suppose war turns on the laptop to get information. skype or social networks are automatically launched on it, we can track it, we can track where it accessed the internet from, but for this we need a login from skype, in general, a citizen kryukov, it’s time to trust the professionals, now i’ll just take the printout to oleg georgievich and immediately come to you, let
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’s be great, well, you understand everything, but here’s everything as asked, oleg georgievich, yeah, thank you, vasily, free, so, well, show me it's yours. you can't even imagine how interesting it is. the carjackers identified the guy in the photo you gave me. and who is it? vadim egorov himself. so the car seems to have been stolen? that's the thing, it seems. in their department there is a statement from vadim egorov, who
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came to them with his father 3 days ago, i wrote and signed everything. and he said that the car was stolen from the club where he was relaxing that day. yes, an ugly picture is emerging. that is, it turns out that the application is fake and formalized. retroactively in order to excuse vadim from the accident. yes, and the motive is clear if zhdanovich really had a video recording of yegorov’s crimes. well, in general, you need to take it and hand it over to the traffic police, at least for a fatal collision. i'll do it. i'll go personally. andrey is with me. fine. wait, that's not all. here is a printout of calls from a mobile phone zhdanovich. there were several calls between him and vadim egorov. the period between the accident and... murder, that is, the taxi driver could blackmail vadim with a recording of an accident with his participation, well, when they met in the park at night to get money, vadim killed zhdanovich. in general, we need evidence, take this vadim and stab him. fine. what about denisov? okay, 48
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hours haven't expired yet, so let him sit. moreover, you could be jailed for 15 days for unwillingness to cooperate with the investigation. let me go. yes, work. well, in this cafes connected to the internet from our laptop. hello, hello, are you working? no, we have an event in the evening. we are from the police, we would like to talk to someone from the administration. i'll call you now. yes, as vasya said, if the villain understood computers, we would never have found him. professional hackers, ordinary people. they do n’t beat you up on the street, hello, hello, tell me, did you work today as usual, yes, until 3 o’clock, but tell me, do you have a cctv camera in the hall, do you have one, we would like to see the recording, it’s not within my competence, the administrator will
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only be there in an hour, but is it possible to hurry up, this is important, i can only offer you coffee now, suggest, maybe tomorrow, but not tomorrow, signing after lunch, the laptop must be found before that time, and if not overnight... he will have time to put everything on the internet, please, vyacheslav, well , let's wait an hour, thank you, gentlemen, please , settle down, yeah, will you drink something, thank you, no, but i'll drink, stanislav andreevich, we know about road accident, what kind of road accident? let's skip the part where you will make a joke, okay? i would ask you, do not forget who you came to see. citizen egorov, none of your connections will help your son evade responsibility. he killed a woman and is suspected of killing another person. don't complicate your life, our work. where is your son vadim? i don't understand
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what you're talking about. okay, then let's watch a movie. so, how much does your home video cost? let's pretend that i didn't hear this out of respect for the position you occupy, i repeat, where is your son vadim, my son at the dacha, he feels bad, he is on a drip there, if necessary, we will call him an ambulance, the address of the dacha is korelovo, pesochnaya street, building 10, wait, vadim did not kill zhdanovich, zhdanovich called. threatened, he demanded money,
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blackmailed him, he promised to take this video to the police, i personally met with dzhdanovich, i gave him one and a half million, and we hushed up the matter, we agreed that this material would remain with him, okay, we'll go now to the department and you will give written testimony there, okay, igor, go for detention, my address is now i’ll send you an sms, take yordanov with you, that’s it, i rushed, georgivich, come on, well, that’s all, here’s the video you asked for, it’s him, i’m telling you, he’s, well, he’s familiar to you, of course, he’s familiar , this is gena sementsova. he is an old competitor, he works for another publishing house, they also wanted
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to get the rights to the book, but we offered the author more favorable conditions, what a bastard, but thank you very much, no problem, thank you, well, what’s our next step, go to bed, yeah , because the working day is over, but what, just like that, your seed is not going anywhere from us, we’ll get some sleep tomorrow morning, we’ll take him, but he won’t run out of the country with your laptop. well, does it look similar? i think so. hello, who haven't you seen? good afternoon, who is this? this is a fake of zhdanovich. egorov claims that both came for money. well, how will life be? they took him drunk in the trash at the dacha, sent him to the hospital, pumped him out, then took him to our department.
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why was there any need to detain him? well, he was the last one to see zhdanovich alive, moreover, he told about his accomplice, it was necessary draw up an identikit, take testimony, well, in fact, what i’m telling you, you know everything, no, i know, but you don’t know and don’t understand that it’s somehow awkward to sit in your chair without friends, they called igor serge, yes, wish you good health, comrade general? hello, oleg georgievich,
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please tell me why we have three suspects detained in one case, why in one case? they were all detained for various reasons; only denisov was detained on suspicion of murdering zhdanovich. yes. egorov jr. was detained for a fatal hit-and-run, and egorov sr. is creating a composite sketch of podelnik zhdanovich. okay, but do you understand me? igor, work, find the killer. and then apologize to egorov for the inconvenience caused, otherwise i’m tired of shuffling around because of you, that’s where you’re sitting with me, look, please, do you know this man? he, he looks familiar.
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hello, traffic police department? hello, lieutenant colonel solovets, inter-district homicide department, i am interested in one of your employees, captain valery suslov. where can i find it? and he is on duty today, at what post? i see, thank you, goodbye, andryukh, go to the traffic police post on the southern highway and take the wort, good luck, well, well, well.
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we didn’t interfere, but why didn’t we knock, if we’re celebrating? what is it? who is this? are you following me? not us, but a surveillance camera, and we are very interested in you as the organizer of the robbery, of this laptop, by the way. and who are you? we are from the police. what a robbery, what nonsense, this is my personal home laptop. listen, i didn't sleep all night today. come on, and let's make it a bit shorter, zherta wrote up a description of the laptop, you're traveling with us to the department and give us a purely heartfelt recognition. what will happen to me for this?
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they definitely won’t give life sentences. but it’s a pity, what’s the matter, captain suslov, your documents, departure towards you, yes, it seems he didn’t go anywhere, he was handed over from the post, but he didn’t leave, i seem to, he, it seems it seems. and the insurance is here , you know, we’ll see, maybe we won’t do anything, we’ll see, we’ll see, well, wait, let’s get him, the car,
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we go out like a must, hands, hands, got out of the car, quickly, don’t bother me, i didn’t kill i’m not zhdanovich, yes, but why are you talking?
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arranged? i thought you were from the css, but what did you think, you’ll run away and they won’t get you? i don’t know, you definitely have nothing against me. yes, you think egorov, the son you blackmailed with shdanovich, won’t recognize you? okay, okay, you’ll prove the fact of blackmail and extortion, but not murder, but why don’t we prove it, we’ll prove everything, captain krymov just came from a search in your apartment, we found 1.5 million rubles from you there, oops, just the amount that you extorted from egorov, so what, i don’t deny blackmail, it’s of course wonderful, only for lyosha took traces of blood from one of the packs. samples for examination, is now checking, but it’s clear to the naked eye that you tried to wash away these traces, i’m looking for the results, uh-huh, just like that, wort, greed, apparently ruined you, i couldn’t throw off the bloody bills, yes, well, we’ll wait results or tell, uh, so guys, let's come to an agreement, i'll give you the full deal,
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and you give me a confession, it's too late to negotiate, we 'll put you in jail one way or another, okay, suslov, tell me, anything is better for you, clever, clever, clever , you me they took it, well, you already know everything perfectly well, zhdanovich became an accidental witness with the participation of egorov, he was sitting in a taxi between calls, then egorov hit this woman in his car, the dvr recorded everything, and that’s why he decided to collect the money from this killer women, and he asked you to identify the owner of this car, i did.
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i did what i did, it’s a pity, and it’s also a pity that you got chased. here, sir, is a plot worthy of your pen, for your literary piggy bank, the greed of a fraer, or even better, bloody bills, a story with money really interesting, maybe i’ll use it if i write at all. oh, i don’t like all this, what don’t you like? when our colleagues in uniform are involved in crimes, recently there are
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more and more such cases. yes, where are the times when the uniform evoked respect, and not fear and the desire to give to everyone. yes. this story about the money of the official’s son was purely made up. nobody will believe it. shoot me, i can't take it anymore. thank you for your help in finding a laptop, and i’m in a hurry, but i personally came to thank you. you're welcome? yes, i have a lot good news. for you, your detective story is being published next quarter, this is really good news, so to speak, congratulations to the aspiring writer and noting this case is easy for you, thank you, wait, they’ll print it first, i’ll publish it.
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5:40 am
owners, hey owners, is anyone home?


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