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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 2, 2024 4:00pm-4:45pm MSK

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the ministry of defense showed footage of the destruction of aircraft in the special forces at an airfield in the poltava region. air support: how front-line and army aviation participate in the offensive of the southern group of troops, ilya ushenin will talk about it. purchased. immunity. the us supreme court granted donald trump an indulgence allowing him to continue his fight for the presidency. he demolished trees, construction cranes and roofs. it's tough, you can't see anything. there were some casualties. a gust of wind knocked down a poplar. there was a woman here at that moment. about the consequences of fast but a strong hurricane in st. petersburg. nikolay bulkin. mortgage rates are going up again, which explains this decision. first aid,
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why in russia the majority not only do not know how to provide it, but do not even always know what it is, where you can learn it and how volunteers work, whose task is to help the victim without delay, alexey kvashenki found out. hello, you are watching news on ntv, in the studio of egor kalyvanov, well , first we’ll tell you that in moscow today they were discharged from the felatov children’s hospital a girl injured during the ukrainian... sevastopol, valeria had multiple shrapnel wounds, she was brought to the capital on june 24, the day after the attack. doctors removed the fragments, one of which posed a particularly serious threat. the sharp fragment was removed without additional incisions. now the girl feels well. they helped, they did the surgery and nothing hurts anymore. we are going to the rehabilitation center in krylasskoye, where we live. gathered all the sevastopol
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relatives, but we’re all there in different ways hospitals are dependent, as i understand it, on injuries, but we all live there in krylatsky, now we are there, we have to go home on thursday, there are now five injured children left in moscow hospitals, in sevastopol itself all minors were discharged by this day, they continue treatment of 13 adult patients. according to the ministry of defense, the russian military launched a group iskander missile attack on the mir airfield. grod in poltava region. as a result of the attack, seven su-27 fighters of the ukrainian air force were destroyed. according to a number of media reports, there is losses among the flight personnel. by the way, it was mirgorod that was used as a jump-off airfield for aircraft that carried out attacks on crimea and the zaporozhye region. there is also an opinion that this airfield could be used to land american f-16 fighters, which kiev is waiting for from the west. just the day before, the dutch authorities extradited him. a license to export the first f-24s for
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ukraine, supposedly these 24 aircraft are already being prepared for shipment, but the date has not been specified. previously , the dutch ministry of defense promised to deliver f-16s to kiev after the summer. besides seven planes destroyed in mirgorod, russian air defenses shot down in the sky, ukrainian mig-29 and su-27. and on the front line over the past 24 hours, the total losses in the mtr, according to the ministry of defense, exceeded 1,300 people. russian troops are supported by our aviation, airplanes and helicopters operate at ultra-low altitudes, destroying strongholds at ukrainian armed forces , ammunition depots and armored vehicles, report by ilya ushenin. they can see everything from above, they really take advantage of it. attack aircraft pilots are one of the main heroes of a special military operation. on their su-25 attack aircraft, they sometimes they do what seemed impossible in peacetime. flights on...
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for manpads and any air defense and aircraft get damaged, but the ground crew is always ready to help and quickly return the rooks, as the su-25 is called, to service. after all, it’s not for nothing that the pilots themselves call these planes a flying tank. there were such cases that missiles hit them, landed on one engine, fought off on one, it was leaking all over, but he returned home here, still safely, yes, landed safely, that’s it, they fixed it in a timely manner... canceled the engines and that's it
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a day or two and he is again in service in battle, along with the rooks , army aviation and k-52 attack helicopters are sent on a combat mission. mi-28, by the way, is also called a flying tank because of its powerful armor. both helicopters complement each other in battle; together they are a formidable force. the terrible alligator has just set off on a combat mission in the southern donetsk direction, in a group of other army aviation helicopters, he will have to support the actions of the assault units. the appearance of helicopters on the front line, they say, pilots always cause the enemy will panic, especially if we are talking about an alligator. the ukrainian military has such equipment. and never dreamed of it, they returned from a combat mission without any damage, according to the pilots, although the enemy began to fight much worse, since he lost most of his experienced fighters, he is still dangerous, which means that it is certainly not worth the risk, the mood is combative, it’s like we need
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to finish all this as quickly as possible, so we have to work, well , there seems to be no burnout, but the most important thing seems to me, uh, this shouldn’t happen, well... there should always be a feeling fear, it seems to increase, well, an instinct, some kind of self-preservation, it works better, that is, you don’t flirt, you don’t get excited , some kind of courage, well, it’s always like a cool , sober head, that is, there’s no shame in being afraid, yes , well, of course, fear should be present in any person, this is a normal phenomenon, immediately after refueling the replenishment of ammunition, the pilots again went on combat missions, because their support is expected... viktor orban arrived on a visit to kiev for the first time since february of the twenty- second year, until today day he
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remained the only european leader who had not visited ukraine since the beginning of the conflict. the main purpose of the visit is to discuss the possibility of a peaceful settlement. the day before , hungary took over the chairmanship of the council. union, according to viktor orban, published on his account on the internet, the purpose of the hungarian presidency is to contribute to the solution of the tasks facing the european union, therefore my first trip to kiev. well, according to the kremlin, the hungarian prime minister came to ukraine precisely as a representative of the eu, although he has his own special opinion. here it is the responsibilities in the context of brussels interests that will prevail, and not in the context of national interests. in this regard, orban, of course, is well known as a politician who can very firmly defend the interests of his country. orban has repeatedly stated that military support for ukraine does not meet the interests of the european union, and as soon as he arrived in kiev, he wrote today in his, again, account on the internet,
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the hungarian presidency of the eu began, buckle up, let's make europe great again. orban borrowed the slogan from donald trump, with whom he has friendly relations, ex. the president of the united states just now has more chances to try to make his promises come true for the second time. the us supreme court confirmed trump's immunity from criminal prosecution in cases of attempts to influence the results of previous presidential elections. trump's associates called the court's decision historic, but joe biden said that the verdict is a dangerous precedent and undermines the constitution. within the framework of his official powers, means that the most dangerous criminal case for him is about the attempt to change the results of the 2020 presidential election has been delayed for a long time,
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if not forever. trump celebrates victory. “i’m proud to be an american,” the ex-president wrote on social networks. the victory for trump is indeed partial. the supreme court clarified that. not all actions of the us president in office can be considered official, unofficial immunity does not apply, but even with this wording, the case of special prosecutor jack smith about interference in the elections opened against trump hung in the balance, now the lower courts will have to sort it out, which of trump's actions in office are considered official and which are not? when he spoke to his supporters on january 6 before they stormed the convention, was it within the scope of his official duties or not?
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i saw criticism of the haste with which trump was charged, on the basis of immunity we will continue our fight in the courts. trump and his supporters are celebrating, and democrats are horrified by the decision, because now the head of the white house will have virtually a free hand, but addressing the nation, president biden had not of himself, of course, but only of his opponent. today's decision almost certainly means that there is virtually no limit to what the president can do and it is dangerous.
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the gazpromneft company set a sales record, with revenue for last year amounting to 3.5
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trillion rubles. the head of the company, alexander dyukov, informed vladimir putin about this today. he noted that gazprom neft has good results this year. the priority is to ensure the domestic market. and since the russian economy demonstrates high growth rates, it increases consumption of petroleum products. a number of large fields are being developed in the arctic and eastern siberia. another important area - after using these modern technologies, which you would like to draw attention to as the most promising
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areas, during this time we have done a lot of work to achieve import independence and ensure technological independence, then at the moment, if we talk about the shortage of what - equipment, then this is only 200 positions, 1200 positions - this is the work that was done in in recent years, in principle, every... dyukov added that digital technologies are also being introduced, they are used throughout the entire production chain, from geological exploration to product sales, well, in the perm territory , construction of a gas pipeline has begun for residents of the krasno-vishevsky and cherdansky districts, it will run from distribution station salikamsk. residents will be the first to have the opportunity to heat their homes with environmentally friendly fuel. it is important that gas will now reach
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the northern regions of the perm region, where there are truly very harsh conditions, cold in winter, i am confident that by 20030 we will complete 100% gasification. the gazprom company brings networks to the boundaries of the plots, and regional authorities provide subsidies to all categories of citizens for laying communications inside the yard. sberbank raised mortgage rates for the second time in a month, what explains this, we learn from denis tallalaev and business news. egor bank explains all this with the high key rate in russia. starting today, sberbank is increasing rates on
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its own mortgage programs by 1.3% points. now for such loans the rates are savings will start at 19.5%. this applies to mortgages for new buildings, secondary housing, home construction, as well as refinancing programs. of course, this rate increase does not apply to programs with state support. another thing is that the most widespread preferential mortgage on a new building at 8% has been closed since yesterday. sber already raised mortgage rates less than a month ago, on june 5, then the increase was one and a half percentage points; from july 1, mortgage rates were raised by the second largest russian bank, vtb, and now credit. for the purchase of apartments he starts at 19.2%. banks explain their actions by the fact that money is becoming more and more expensive; against the backdrop of a high key rate, the yield on federal loan bonds is growing, which means that the cost of resources for banks is also growing. the next meeting of the board of directors of the central bank is on july 26, and there is a high probability that the key rate
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will rise again after a six-month pause. the russian stock market continues its yesterday's growth, oil on...
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egor everything about the economy? yes, thank you, denis talolaev with business news. about how to nuclear and energy technologies, as well as the chemical
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industry, will develop in the coming years, the government said today at a strategic session chaired by mikhail mishustin. the cabinet of ministers is working on it. new national projects in these areas. their goal is, first of all, to ensure the technological sovereignty of our country. in particular, it is planned to bring the nuclear industry to a qualitatively new level by creating a so-called two-component nuclear energy system with a closed fuel cycle. this, when spent nuclear fuel is reused. there are no analogues in the world yet. in addition, the construction of high and low power power units will be supported. the other part of this national project is directed. for the development of those energy sectors that are not directly related to nuclear power. here it is planned to support solar and wind generation, technologies and the production of electricity storage systems. taken together, these measures should stimulate qualitative changes in green energy, one that operates on renewable sources. our
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efforts here are intended to give impetus to many related industries and the solution of issues important to people, starting with urban ones. transport, where everyone is now introducing electric cars that do not pollute the air in cities, until new jobs appear in the high-tech segments of our industry. another national project, new materials and chemistry, within this direction it is planned to create one and a half hundred new production facilities and dozens of new technological chains by 2030. ntv stolitsa viewers are waiting for the episode today in moscow, and we let's continue broadcasting for others. regions of central russia. north korea has successfully tested a new tactical ballistic missile capable of carrying an ultra-large warhead. as reported by the dprk central news agency. as part of the testing of the hwasong-11 rocket, it was launched to a maximum distance of 500 km
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and a minimum distance of 90 km to confirm flight stability. new missile, north korea claims. carry a warhead weighing 4.5 tons, south korea expressed doubts about the success of the tests. in yakutia due to forest fires, a federal emergency regime has been introduced. now in the republic forests are burning on an area of ​​over 350 hectares. more than a hundred outbreaks have been recorded. this was reported at the regional operational headquarters. 1,500 people, as well as equipment, a fire train and aviation, were involved in the fire extinguishing effort. at three. in populated areas there is high smoke, and this is footage from the nyurba region of yakutia, there was hail, ice floes the size of chicken eggs, damaged vegetable gardens, cars, roofs of houses. now local authorities are counting the damage, and residents damaged areas are replaced with broken windows. the day before, a hurricane hit st. petersburg, killing three people.
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the wind toppled trees, tore off metal roofing, toppled fences and even toppled a construction crane. the consequences of the damage were assessed by nikolai bulkin. neither the trees nor even the steel tower crane could withstand its onslaught. the huge structure collapsed before the eyes of eyewitnesses. the construction company assured. at the time of the emergency, the crown workers completed the work and carried out all the necessary measures, provided by safety instructions in case of bad weather. according to our data, thanks to this there were no casualties in the incident. but a falling crane destroyed nearby garages. the tower cabin ended up right inside one of the garages. the garage is completely destroyed and what is remarkable is that it is part of this huge steel structure. i got straight to the metal receiving site. the prosecutor's office is investigating whether the crane was properly secured, and garage owners are now waiting for heavy equipment to begin clearing the rubble
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to assess the damage. eight damaged in total garages, one way or another, in these three, which are located on this side, about cars, exact certainty, cars, cars, are not here, the most difficult thing to determine is there, because they are so broken that you can’t look in and look , there are many more fallen trees. hundreds, unfortunately, this is how the hurricane also claimed several human lives. the tragedy occurred in this st. petersburg courtyard: a strong gust of wind knocked down poplar. there was a woman here at that moment. she was taking out the trash. the heavy barrel fell and hit the head. a thirty-six-year-old resident of st. petersburg died on the spot. she left behind three children. psychologists are now helping the family. the second victim was an eleven-year-old boy. he was taken to the hospital in serious condition, but he could not be saved. and one more person. died in the leningrad region, there are also injured, two women are now in serious condition in the gachina hospital, they were at a public transport stop when a fallen tree fell on them. the patients
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are now in the intensive care unit, they in serious condition, but stable. we now hope for the improvement of the patients’ condition, well, i repeat that they are in quite serious condition, because the tree directly nailed them yesterday. gusts of wind tore roofs off houses in the historical center and carried away baby strollers. fortunately, without children in the new buildings, the hurricane interfered with the restoration of the facades, carrying away scaffolding and raising real sand and dust storms. we are at the epicenter. on highways, drivers, fearing for their lives and in order to avoid accidents, slowed down. it's tough, you can't see anything. on st. petersburg and regional streets , some trees fell on cars. as a result , dozens were broken. cars. at this time, employees of the ministry of emergency situations and public utilities are removing fallen structures and restoring power lines. the hurricane appeared after a hot day and was short-lived, but the consequences were already
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severe. the bad weather came with a thunderstorm. here the skyscraper tower, lakhta center, is spectacularly struck by lightning. the lightning rod worked, but it was possible to divert the trouble from the city entirely impossible. nikolay bulkin, victor khudi, pavel zelenkov, ntv, st. petersburg, leningrad region. a large-scale program to teach first aid skills has been launched in russian regions. the teachers were specialists from the ministry of health, disaster medicine centers, and volunteers. meanwhile, according to the russian red cross, 70% of victims of injuries die from untimely or incorrect first aid, another statistic explains the situation, has the necessary knowledge, at the moment no more than 10% russians, but at the courses he promises everyone.
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qualified personnel are not always provided in only 4% of all accidents, despite the fact that the chances of rescue when provided increase by about two, the ambulance has a standard of 20 minutes, a volunteer rescuer may be nearby, thereby the start of first aid will begin earlier and will be more effective. let’s immediately define the terminology: first aid does not require medical education, not medical, just first aid, that is, we are not doctors. probably one of the most advanced training organizations. it is the first aid in russia that the rescuer is nearby, they have branches, and their own application on the phone, patrols, their own uniform, now i will apply the cold to you, we are not quick, we are rescuers, we provide
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first aid. we'll meet you and see you off quickly. sometimes their mission looks prosaic, even boring, to take part in a holiday where failure in traditional entertainment can not only hurt pride, but also dignity. there was one unpleasant story, a man hit his groin on a log, but walked away on his own help, refused. most of the challenges also end in a trivial way, a person without signs of intelligent life, most often simply. “young man, we wake up, but in this state a person can freeze in the winter, get heat stroke in the summer, even as the saying goes, drown in a puddle, but in one case out of many , after the call, a race against time begins, we can ask our victim how do you like me very..." i now
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remember what was explained to me earlier; in fact, i had already taken courses in first aid help, but the fact is that it was a one-time event, and in a good way such things should be done, well, at least every year, but the center of the summit, as can be understood from the name, was initially aimed at tourists, that is, those who regularly wander to a place where you can’t get an ambulance, and life is literally in the hands of friends, he’s breathing, no, then let’s go on his side, but over time, the situation was corrected by life itself, people come who are going to go to the north military district zone, and it is vital for them to be able to provide proper assistance first aid, including including yourself. the fact that people have become more interested in this topic is noted by the center for disaster medicine. people are increasingly willing to take courses to improve their skills to help people on the scene of an emergency. the state meets halfway, grants are allocated,
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equipment is purchased, and adjustments are made. last year , the president of the russian federation signed amendments to the federal law on the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens of the russian federation , and from september 1 of this year , new compositions of first aid kits, styling, kits, and for the first time , a first aid procedure appears in our country. at the same time, we must understand that you and i are given the opportunity to learn lifeguard skills more than once. and if you look, we have 100%.
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provide first aid with your hands, the instructor controls the practice, corrects mistakes, answers questions, corrects some shortcomings that the student makes, and for practice you need equipment, no matter what kind of training center it is, paid or free, he needs equipment, for example, on me such overlays so as not to shock beginners: bleeding is a rag, a fracture is a bone, but there are naturalistic models with fake blood and terrible-looking injuries, and we also need dummies for training. we have in production in several versions a cat full of full-length half-length mannequins, which meets all the requirements for providing assistance, which means ventilation, the art of ventilating the lungs, direct massage to the heart, we produce more than 15 of each model every day, and these used to be seamless
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dummies, now... this is a high-tech product, it itself helps to monitor the condition of an imaginary patient, and can also evaluate the work of a rescuer because of incorrect actions, scold, a fracture has occurred, incorrect position, incorrect position of hands, incorrect position of hands during cardiac massage. so, there is equipment, there are grants, there are even organizations, not everywhere, but better than nothing, the main thing is missing, so that as many people as possible, ordinary people, not enthusiasts or volunteers, although...
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and see further in our issue. for the first time in 2 years ago in moscow the winners of the national film award nika were named, who received the statuette: winged goddess. and, of course, we’ll find out what weather awaits us tomorrow, about all this after the commercial. you know what i love most when you look at me. lights up with this special light, come, fall in love, be surprised, be inspired, your moscow,
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we're back on the air, let's continue. for the first time since 2021 the nika film award was presented in moscow. the winners were chosen from films shot over the past 2 years, so the competition was higher than usual. but even. in such harsh conditions, a favorite was found in terms of the number of nominations and the number of statues received in the end. edmund zhalbunov about the winners. winners of the thirty-seventh film award. for 13 awards, but
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the organizers saved the most prestigious nominations for the final part of the ceremony; first of all, the statuette of the winged ancient greek goddess of victory was awarded for the best non-fiction film, which was documentary film balabanov bell tower requiem directed by lyubov arkus. the best animated film was named the story of two children during the siege - the nutcracker, the piano and irina evteeva's wreath of the balloons. and in the nomination for the discovery of the year, the choice of academicians fell on makar khlebnikov for his supporting role in the film bullfinch, especially young artists and authors. those who speak on behalf of the new generation were noted in her welcoming speech by andrei konchulovsky: well, i’ll allow myself, like biden on a piece of paper, it is very important that we are now we pay special attention to ensuring that young, new talents who come to cinema learn something? in the nomination for best actress, two nika and two yuli, yuli peresilt, were awarded.
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for the film nuremberg, the best script
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authored by andrei smirnov in the film for you and me, the best work of the artist in the film heart of parma, the best costumes were in the fantasy film by pike order, and the best editing, as well as the best cinematography and director's work, according to the jury , were in the film righteous, which was expected to become the undisputed leader, thirty-seventh in nika's account in terms of the number of statuettes won. edmund dzhelbanov, natalya kmaikina, daniil koratun, anton peredelsky and pavel kolesnik, ntv television company, moscow. millions of dead chelims washed ashore in the suburbs of vladivostok. a local resident who was walking along brazhnikov bay saw a terrible picture this morning. literally the entire coast was strewn with these dead chelims and shrimps. in the evening there was not enough, everything was strewn with chelims. local ecologists have not yet commented on the situation, but here. users of social networks suggest that
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the water in the bay was poisoned by something, well, irina polyakova is with us, we will find out the weather forecast. irina, new day, new temperature records? yes, it’s again extremely hot, stuffy, uncomfortable, to put it mildly, for another 2 days everything will only get hot, but there is coolness, it’s already nearby in the northwest. yesterday's storm in st. petersburg showed how it can attack precisely because of the enormous temperature contrast between hot air and new cool air. atmospheric processes are so bloodthirstyly aggravated, those are no longer lucky territories where the cold front passes during the day in the second half of the day, because then before the front everything has time to become as hot as possible. what is preventing the quick, life-saving refreshment of everyone else? from north to south, there’s an anticyclone, it’s holding its own, moreover, it continues to pump up the heat at 35-36, in the very center it’s almost 10° above the average for early july, we’re just waiting for something more digestible weekend, but at the cost of stormy weather. in the meantime, strong mountain rains and coolness in the pskov, novgorod
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regions, tomorrow in the east, leningrad, vologda, in arkhangelsk from the central ones it touches smolensk and tverskaya. in the south , the maximum heat in the ozovo region, on the don, on the lower volga is up to 38. thunderstorms in the south of the black sea coast of the caucasus, in the mountains with hail. in st. petersburg tomorrow, thundershowers are also possible again with gusty winds, but the maximum air temperature is only + 20-22. it's 33:35 in moscow, the sun is blazing, but the atmosphere is narrower. feel the echoes of the st. petersburg coolness, so there is a chance of thunderstorm rain during the day, but small, so for now you need to freshen up on your own, ice cream and air conditioners will help us forecast for... from to this hour, thank you for being with us and irina polyakova, well, these are the main news , see you tomorrow, remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, but this is
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