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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 5, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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the melting degree for us is very hot, there is no escape from the heat, in russian regions thermometers show below 40, how to cope with the july heat, under carbon dioxide our infantry advances and takes enemy positions from the south donetsk direction, report “i take responsibility for this loss, i it’s a pity. the conservatives miserably lost the parliamentary elections in great britain, and the labor leader, kirstarmer, in buckingen palace, has already received a mandate from the king to form a new government. proud to be the first black woman to serve with a black president. the main sponsors of the democratic party are demanding a change of candidate in..."
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presidential elections. the international silk road rally starts today in the mountains of the forested desert in tomsk. and there is a commotion in the european union. viktor orban arrived in moscow on an unplanned visit. hello, you are watching news on ntv, in studio egor kolyvanov so, vladimir putin is holding negotiations in the kremlin with viktor orban in europe. this has already caused a storm of indignation. scholz, stoltenberg and charles michel said that orban is completely.
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the situation in transbaikalia. during the day, the fire engulfed another 100 thousand hectares. the total area exceeds 4000, there are more than a hundred outbreaks. in the north of the region , more than a thousand specialists were involved in extinguishing the highest class of fire danger. aviation is operating in hard-to-reach areas where there is cloudiness, planning to cause artificial rain using special cartridges with silver iodide. in transbaikalia , temperature maximums have been updated for several days now and serious precipitation is not expected until... july, the area of ​​fires in buryat is growing, now there are 25 fires there, and this is 20 thousand in the region as well, intense heat in some places up to +40, well, in moscow the heat is declining, we expect a thunderstorm, the heat will return to capital next week, meanwhile, new temperature records are promised in different regions of the country, up to 40° higher in the rostov region in the kuban, in the stavropol territory in the chechen republic and dagestan, the ministry of emergency situations is calling for as little as possible.
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the weak breeze also burns, the temperature is below 40 and above, especially difficult for tourists, we ourselves are northerners, we came here, as if there was a slight wind here, a little blowing, vacation, but we were dying from the heat, we saved ourselves in the shade to sit, drink cold water, the heat was hot, but how could we not photos in hats, all the jokes, according to forecasts, the extreme temperature will last until tuesday, it will be a little lower in the mountainous regions of chechnya, but how do they escape in other hot weather... in the rostov-on-don region , svyatoslav gordin found out. the hottest day this week in rostov and the region is just today in some places it’s below 40 and even over 40. this is not the first july in rostov with a note from weather forecasters, abnormal heat. there was even a parliamentary initiative to introduce a four-hour siesta in the summer in the south of the country for those who
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work, but for now it’s the old fashioned way to work on buses, if you don’t have a car, in air-conditioned offices. we drink water and also eat ice cream. the fountain season has started in rostov, there will be a few more. fresh in the heat, although swimming in them is prohibited. in rostov-nadon you can swim on several beaches, except one. on the beach of druzhba park, the water does not match standards the park itself has long been closed for renovations. about a tenth of the city, about 150,000 people, lives in this area. road repairs in the city are carried out at night, and outside the city they decided to pour water on the highway to protect the asphalt. the flow of cars south to the sea is growing. and in busy areas, cars sometimes break down precisely because of the failure of cooling systems. the traffic police are now recommending. refuse long trips unless absolutely necessary, do not leave animals and especially children in parked cars, doctors and rescuers constantly remind residents of the region about the rules of behavior in the heat, which, as forecasters promise, is not over yet; the entire next week in rostov and the region is under 40. svyatoslav
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gurdin, maxim smagin, mikhail chernov, sergey skvartsov, fatima dadaeva and oleg kutulov, ntv samara television company -grozny, rostov-nadon. vodka from the northern military district zone, during these days the russian armed forces carried out 23 group strikes with high-precision weapons on enemy airfields, an energy facility that ensures the operation of ukrainian military-industrial complex enterprises. in addition, storage facilities were damaged fuel for military equipment, an assembly shop for attack drones and unmanned boats, as well as storage areas for missile weapons. air defense means. within a week , two mik-29 o-27 aircraft were shot down. five in the dpr, one in the kharkov region.
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enemy losses in a week exceeded 13,500 troops. well, in the southern donetsk direction, with the support of artillery , assault drones and tanks. the division of the vostok group of troops is pushing the ukrainian armed forces out of the positions in which they were entrenched several years ago. report by sergei pikulin. his call sign is a shooter, but his colleagues say that he is better suited to the lucky one, the commander of the assault squad. during the last battle, the enemy dropped ammunition on him seven times from drones, then attacked him with fpv drones. the archer was wounded in the leg, but survived. i danced two attacks, they dropped resets on me. i... was dodging there, they exploded behind a tree, well, in the end they got tired of finishing me off, apparently, they just decided to throw it right onto the crown of the tree, an efka, it fell on my head, i thought that was it, it exploded, and then once i felt it rolling, well, it exploded in front of
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the bulletproof vest. this is one of the most experienced detachments of the vostok group from transbaikalia, they work under coal, here in the ssu they dug in for several years, each forest belt, a whole complex with trenches, trenches and dugouts. well, this is what one of the taken oporniks looks like, until recently the ukrainian army was based here, now these are our positions, but for the sake of understanding, there are some kilometers here, a huge number of trenches in length, dug they are, well, almost human-sized, there are a large number of such ceilings that camouflage and save from... also a huge number of so-called fox holes, these are places where the fighters hid when, for example, our artillery began to work, take one opornik is extremely difficult, but ours managed it, after
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our artillery works on the positions of the armed forces of ukraine, the assault groups enter the enemy trenches in infantry fighting vehicles. the enemy changed firing points and changed flanks from left to right, right to left, after which received a serious wound, provided first aid to himself, tamponed, burned himself, after which about 30 minutes later a support group and reinforcements arrived and took the prisoners out, everything ended well, the infantry was provided with the latest equipment, reconnaissance drones, attack drones, thermal imagers and night-time devices...
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today we moved out of downing street, for a short shift change with my wife, the daughter of an indian billionaire, before starmer moved in, larry the cat, who has official registration at 10 downing street . the following inscription appeared on his social network page during the day: who do you think is in charge here now, i’m talking about the change of power from...
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where he at least retained his own seat as a deputy. sunok will not lead the conservative party in opposition. however, it is unclear who will replace him. you will fall among his associates and former ministers. 11 former portfolio holders were left without seats, including the former minister of defense and anti-russia fighter shaps, as well as a lover of history, geography, and economics, lystras. how absolutely tras sunok recently surrendered his powers to king charles today and made a farewell speech at the residence. in downing street, which he must vacate over the weekend for his opponent, his furniture, his wife and children. i
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heard your anger, your disappointment and i take responsibility for this loss. calling all conservative candidates who worked tirelessly but were unsuccessful. i apologize that we were unable to provide you with what you deserved through your efforts. but no, too much honor he is not the only one responsible. sunok has been prime minister for less than two years, and britain has voted as a whole.
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growing stronger throughout the day, once again illuminating a country that, after 14 years , has the opportunity to reclaim its future. meanwhile, the morning of starmer’s victory turned out to be rainy, many experts and just rational people have great fears that the slogan of change invented by the liborists is beginning, this is the same artistic exaggeration as the sunny morning of a new political era. elizaveta gerson, boris khalfin and natalya markevich, ntv television company, london.
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the walt disney heiress, whose company is the democrats' largest donor, openly threatened to cut off funding if biden does not leave the race. to replace european ones, belarusian wines will now begin to come to russia, and their names are painfully reminiscent of the products of western brands. further business news and denis talalaev, denis, why would this be? egor, perhaps these are the results of systematic work, because in belarus, as you know. shrimps are found there, bananas are grown, and now they have learned to export wine with european names. in russia, supplies of wines from belarus are beginning, with names very similar to european brands. the kommersant newspaper learned that russian distributors had received permission to import such products from the minsk grape wine factory. so, for example,
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in the list of belarusian wines there is a wine gleros pumante extradry, and a wine with the same. the name is also given by some italian winery, or, for example, the wine tras amigos, the original, as is clear, is produced in spain. experts have three options about where such wines come from in belarus; the owner of the brand agency , stanislav kaufman, points out that belarus was not famous for its winemaking, and therefore can simply re-export wine from europe. but the head of the center for developing the national alcohol policy, pavel shapkin, suggests that the minsk plant is simply copying foreign brands. and finally, an intermediate option is proposed by the executive director of a wine trading company ford alexander lepilin. according to him, we can talk about secondary winemaking. this is when wine material arrives at the plant in tanks, and then the plant processes and bottles it. the government wants to reduce the maximum size of an it mortgage by half, rbc writes about this, citing a source close
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to the ministry of digital development. he adds that now 40% of it mortgages are issued in moscow, and this is a quote. wrong, according to him, the maximum size of a pit-mortgage loan could be reduced from the current 18 million rubles. up to 9 million deputy minister finance ivan chebeskov confirmed that reducing the maximum amount for it mortgages is being discussed, but the options, according to him, are different. this program started working in july two in july twenty-two and should end at the end of this year, it is for employees of russian it companies that are accredited in the register of the ministry of digital development, the rate is 5%. the maximum loan size of 18 million can be used by residents of cities with a population of more than a million people, in other cities a maximum of 9 million. in june , several banks have already suspended issuing it mortgages, because the limits on the program have expired, among such banks are sberbank, vtb and the house of the russian federation. earlier, deputy prime minister dmitry grigorenko instructed to study the issue of extending the program; the vedomosti newspaper cited sources and wrote that
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moscow and st. petersburg could be excluded from it. one of the largest delivery services. cargo in russia sdek changed ownership; company co-founder leonid goldord sold his share. sdeka communications director, misha bergen , said that the buyer was the manager company modern real estate funds, we are talking about a share of approximately 55%. the amount of the transaction is not disclosed, but the director of communications at sdek notes that the transaction took place on mutually beneficial terms. according to misha bergern, the new shareholder is actively communicating with leonid galdort in order to maintain continuity by paying attention. special attention to cybersecurity, as noted by the newspaper vedomosti, which has now bought more than half of sdek, the company modern real estate funds , until the spring of twenty-two, belonged to sberbank, but the documents now indicate that the bank does not own the asset; back in november last year, vedomosti wrote that leonid galdord wants to sell his stake in sdek, quote: in connection with immigration to israel. egor,
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everything about the economy. yes, thank you, denis. for ntv viewers in the capital, the next episode awaits. today in moscow, and we will continue broadcasting for other regions of central russia. at the branch of the military hospital named after vishnevsky , the participants in the special operation were presented with state awards, regular military ranks and housing documents with assignments to new duty stations. and for those who during the time treatment in the hospital, he completed a training course in additional vocational education, and the relevant documents were issued. from my side. we undertake to provide you with the necessary medical care and rehabilitation so that you can restore your health. for those who need it, we will be provided with modern , highly functional prostheses that will maximize the lost functionality and you can truly return to an active
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social life. a rehabilitation and educational center for deputy minister of defense anna tseveleva inspected the military personnel, the infrastructure being created on the territory and the progress of construction of new specialized facilities. surgeons in kazan performed a unique operation; they restored the facial nerve of a wounded svo participant. the difficulty was that the fighter got to specialists in tatarstan only 8 months after being wounded. report by alexandra tankikh. fanil calls his beloved wife. his children and grandchildren are waiting for him at home. they miss you and support you. during the assault , fonil was wounded. the fragments were crushed jaw and skull. the doctors saved me. an operation was performed in st. petersburg, but the left side of his face remained paralyzed. the man couldn't.
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the international silk road rally starts today in tomsk. this year rali celebrates its fifteenth anniversary, and its route will pass through several climatic zones. participants of the race will see forests, mountains, steppes, sands and dunes. the crews will travel through the territories of the tomsk, kemerovo and novosibirsk regions, the altazh territory and the altai republic. participants will have to overcome more than 5.00 km of route, every day they will need adapt to different climatic conditions and terrain features, change car suspension and engine settings. it takes 10 days to cover the distance. the finish will take place on july 15 in the capital of mongolia,
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ulaanbaatar. this year pilots from 23 countries will take part in the competition. a large-scale event in the tver region, today they conducted acceptance tests of the largest bypass facility in tver, the bridge across the volga on the m11 highway. its length. 700 m, and the flight height above the water is 17 m, this makes it possible to skip large cruise ships along the river. the reliability of the complex engineering structure was tested using twenty-five-ton trucks that moved at different speeds. after the span was installed , the concrete was accepted, the bridge workers began insulating, spray insulation was applied, then the bottom layer of asphalt concrete was laid, we have it.
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commissioning. as part of the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of bama , a new railway station was opened at the lena station in the city of uskut, this city, a kind of gate the baikal-amur mainline, the starting point of a grandiose all-union construction project. the new station building was erected in almost one year, everything is modern and convenient, a passenger screening area, a comfortable waiting room, a children's playground, a cafe, and the first one to arrive at the updated station was a festive one. a relay train, its passengers were veterans, the first builders of the highway. artists and journalists, they also took part in the opening ceremony of the station. the leadership of the rsd also joined the celebration from moscow. modern generation railway workers considered it their duty to give the bamov veterans and city residents a new station. we did everything to make it beautiful and cozy.
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the feeling is that the whole country is looking at bam, what if we can’t cope, well, well , we managed, we managed, the train with the veteran highway builders will continue to move to the city of tynda, the main festive events will take place there on july 8, we now have a short pause and then watch , with the onset of heat in russia, the number of accidents on reservoirs has increased, call mom
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russia. well, that means we ’ll give you to the police now, why? because you are the only one here . rescuers and juvenile affairs inspectors go out on joint raids, why the warning to swim is prohibited does not apply to either children or their parents, the weather forecast after the advertisement talks about this. your business needs acceleration, urgently, use instant business transfers from vdb and the money will immediately go to any bank. open a current account at and your business will gain momentum. vtb, we help business. airplane plus. a large sofa for a large new apartment, they helped me buy it, and sold the old one at a profit and helped reduce the mortgage rate. we solve
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cashback up to 70% from partners, it’s more profitable with a subscription with berprime. big sale on clothes at ozone. markel jeans for 1.119. ravento pliers. for 1.599 sportmaster, prices are half, but world and sports brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. start your business journey with sber support. sber-business will open an account, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register. and all this is free. we open the way to business. sberbusiness. morning is the best. on weekdays from 6:30 on ntv. we will continue on air again: banks are warning about the intensification of fraudulent calls on behalf of the pension fund. attackers report the need to adjust
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pension calculations due to a data error, to do this they offer to come to the office of the pension fund, having previously made an appointment for a specific date and time. the registration is supposedly made using an electronic queue for public services, after that. the potential victim receives an sms to confirm access to the portals and the scammers ask to name the numbers from the message. if a person reports them, the attackers gain access to his personal account and issue loans. experts warn that if you receive such a call, you should under no circumstances get involved in the conversation, much less provide any information. with the onset of heat in russia, the number of accidents on reservoirs has increased. the ministry of emergency situations announced a sharp increase in the deaths of children. rescuers and juvenile affairs inspectors are conducting joint raids, but vacationers are also asked to be vigilant. often tragedies occur on the most icy beaches. alexander konevich will continue. a joint crew of rescuers from the
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juvenile affairs committee goes on another raid on motor boats along the coastline of the selenga river. the reason is sad statistics, according to which, exactly half of all those who have recently drowned in buryatia are children. where do you live ? we’ll hand you over, why, because you’re the only one here, and you read, yes, that it’s not allowed on the river, children drown, because of what they drown, because of the fact that it... goes far there too deep and doesn’t know how to wallow, but you come close, but don’t go far, we don’t go far, that’s where your boat is, that’s where it stands, that’s where the end is, that’s just where, according to one of the teenagers, his mother knows that he i went to the river with other children, although during
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the call interesting details are revealed, god forbid, something abnormal happens here, as a rule, it is here with a fatal outcome, well, they stand there, grinning that they let us go, my parents know, my then... he's lathering, well, yours, yours proved that mom knows that i'm on the river, i knew, he me warned, went to the river, but mom, i’m not stepping into the river, he told me, mom, i’m not stepping into the river, so we sailed, we’re out of strength, what are we going to do, call for help, call for help, but it may not even be enough strength, it takes our breath away, we can’t scream, no one can hear us, look how much noise, preventive raids are now taking place in all regions, but not... always and not everywhere it is possible to prevent a tragedy, often teenagers, competing with each other, swim too far away to go back they don’t stay on the shore or dive, unaware of how deep it is in this place and what may be at the bottom of the reservoir. this is
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a reservoir in the vicinity of balashikha near moscow, you can relax here, but swimming is prohibited, but this does not stop either adults or children. we are absolutely here. it is no coincidence that a tragedy occurred the other day: a minor child, a sixteen-year-old boy, drowned while swimming without parental supervision. investigation into the death of a five-year-old child in the voronezh river, the father, together with his
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two young children, 8 and 5 years old, was on the beach, during the game he was distracted by his eldest son and did not notice his younger son nearby, after which search activities were organized, where, together with the vacationers, the child’s body was discovered in the water. not only locals, but also residents of the regional center come to the beach in the village of ramon. in the evening, when a five-year-old boy drowned, it was very crowded on the shore in the water, but... they didn’t catch the child, well, it’s possible that someone hit him there, he swam under the bridge there, he suffocated like that, there was a tragedy in krasnoyarsk managed to escape, thanks to doctors who happened to be on the beach; they were vacationing here with their children and came to the rescue in time. my son said that my mother was asking for a doctor, and i literally ran from the chaise longue, and saw a woman in a yellow swimsuit, she was carrying a child in her arms, the parents, so there was no one nearby, then at the end i came running. friend with things, respectively, after several circles, that
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is, we pumped, breathed, pumped, breathed, changed, because it’s quite difficult, 30 compressions, two breaths, 30 compressions and then he showed, began to show signs of life, according to krasnoyarsk rescuers, a diving team goes out every day to search for missing people, people drown not in the yenisei, where there is a fast current and cold water, in small ponds for swimming unsuitable, where... russian academy of sciences marks 300 years in st. petersburg , a visiting presidium was held in a historical building on the university embankment, the academy arose under peter i, the tasks prescribed in the imperial decree are still relevant.
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efforts to ensure that in the coming years we built their own independent economy, their own economic sovereignty, so that the country would have it and become again a great, great russia. the branch of the russian academy of sciences in st. petersburg includes 73 academicians and 110 corresponding members, and under its management there are 35 scientific organizations. tourists who are now in sicily are sharing beautiful shots. volcano ethno. threw a column of ash and smoke to a height of 4 km, and streams
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of red-hot lava flowed down the slopes. although etna activity is currently moderate, italian authorities have raised the alert level from green to yellow. this is explained by the fact that the eruption is accompanied by tremors and the situation can change dramatically. well, let's find out the weather forecast. irina polikova is with us. irina, there were warnings about thunderstorms and strong winds. yes, storm warnings are in force and very complex. dangerous weather today, these are changes in atmospheric processes that will allow a break from the heat, not for long, and the price is high, stormy weather, a cold atmospheric front has already passed through its bad weather in the novgorod smolensk region, bryansk, tver, kaluga, moscow are covered, moreover, as we move east, all processes only intensify, because the front encounters increasingly hot air on its path, so it is not the weather, fury, showers, thunderstorms, hail, squally winds, i think it is the wind that is most dangerous at first. the temperature will be disrupted precisely because of the bad weather, and the main decrease will be when
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the air flow behind the front turns from the south to the north-west, in the very center, this is around midnight, this is the result of the temperature update, no more ten-degree temperature anomalies, at first generally normal, then again an excess, but not as monstrous as it was, and the cold front will go further to the east, today the vologda region is still suffering greatly, in the second half of saturday it will reach the volgovyad region and there will be the next maximum aggravation of bad weather, well, in the south everything is heating up, the absolute leaders of the rostov and astrakhan regions are kalmyks, 40-42. small ones in st. petersburg tomorrow. rains, strong winds and +18:20, in moscow the bad weather will worsen in the evening, end at night and cool the capital, tomorrow maximum +21:23, but then everything will heat up again. weather forecast from irina polyakova, well, these are the main news for this hour: thank you for being with us and see you! our new name is t-bank. about! cashback
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