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tv   Mentovskie voini-6  NTV  July 5, 2024 8:00pm-11:51pm MSK

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get acquainted, you understand correctly, i always told my colleagues that this would end badly, i mean, i want to make a statement about several murders, hello, hello, history repeats itself, again me and the good fairy, well, i’m not a fairy, this is not cinderella, and the walls won't turn into pumpkins, let's be serious. do you know roman georgievich that pyatakov could not have been involved in the murder, why? yes, he wouldn’t have time, that evening he was sitting in the monkey barn in the twenty-third department, i pulled him out, then put him to sleep in the office, and only let him go when they took the crooked one, almost immediately after that we were called to the judge, he physically could not have time to get to her, why did he need this, well, suppose he also kept complaining that two whole cans of food were taken away from him. i don’t know who was on duty,
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probably who was on duty, this petya ulybin, it happens, money blurs the eyes, my companions have worked little lately, but have received a lot, to be honest, our entire business rests on me, i run i carry out all business correspondence, implement the tactics and strategy of the company, they just cut their hair. coupons, haircuts, whose initiative was it to remove judge ivantsova, can i have some water, i don’t know, i learned about everything after the fact from chernov, but i think that they agreed on all this with shmilyov, and i wanted to object, but i have a family and they began to threaten me. who threatened you? chernov. thank you.
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and then shmilyov. on tuesday they called me to the club for a meeting. and when i arrived, i found the corpse of chernov and the distraught shmilyov. they had a fight and shmilyov. lord, he forced me to help hide him under the gun. body, but i’ll show you where the place is, why didn’t they come right away? i told you fear, you have a family, then maybe you would understand me, besides, an iron witness is better than a bad accused, well, right? accuses your opera.
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shustrov died from a cerebral hematoma resulting from the beating. i read the report, but there is not a word about the epileptic attack with which he was taken to the hospital. the suspicion of an epileptic attack was not confirmed. i don’t even know what to tell you, perhaps the competence of emergency doctors leaves much to be desired, not i know. shustrov had a fresh abrasion on his hand.
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there are patients waiting for me, that i was frightening him, uh-huh, so he himself started this whole mess with black, he made me go to the hospital with a medical gown, it was his idea, he didn’t always say that this question should be asked by the guy in the hospital close it faster, but i learned from him that the black judge failed. this is all great, bumblebee, only now your words are working against his words. your fingerprints are on the pistol in the club, and in the hospital, they’ll probably recognize you in the emergency room, your version is bursting at the seams, that's all for nothing, the lunar rover thinks that he is the smartest, fuck him, can i have my clothes, thank you, a wonderful thing was given to me by a friend, after that incident with the black man, everyone was talking...
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please, come on, come on , let's go, i removed it, someone removed it before us, it's about who, so about the hospital, i didn't do anything there, when i... walked, that gopnik had already been dead for a minute, there was very interesting news, he was lying on floor, on the floor, not on the bed, well, i ’m not going to lie, roma, can you sit for a while, think about your behavior, read. this is whose explanatory girl black, who still lives in his apartment. black learned about the murder of judges from tv and was very happy. and he decided to cut it down. hello. the dough is on her buddies, there’s more, as he asked if she had some kind of quasi-mod with
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a scary face, so that, if anything, she could pass off to her buddies as a killer. he promised to pay 200 dollars. so, a small lie gives rise to several corpses. what creative people, their energy would have been there long ago. you won’t earn a lot of money for good purposes, that’s what i’m talking about it’s also time to get angry, roma, what’s next? well, what’s next, we’ll formalize the solution to chernov’s murder, well, we’ll start all over again with the judge, motherfucker, hello, i saw that the tv was broken, well, congratulations. so maybe now you can get a job instead of watching it all day? screw you, maybe you broke it on purpose? fool, oles, and oles, can we buy a new one? plasma on credit? i just found out that
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there are discounts on plasma now. listen, you first get a job, how long can you tolerate this, is this drunkenness and idleness? so you think that i'm already at work, kolyan promised to arrange it. what kind of work, you haven’t stayed anywhere for more than a month for 2 years, it’s not disgusting, but it’s not disgusting for you, what do you think, i don’t see, cop litter, i ’ll smear you all over the wall, let me in, let me in, yes, yes, hello, well, everything is great, i’m already home, uh-huh, again it’s the best in the country, credit card sbercard 120 days without interest, free forever, sign up now, you can endlessly look at three things, how
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the fire burns, calm down and don’t interfere with the work of firefighters, like water is flowing, it seems like water to me moved away. that the guy is a smart guy, well, different and deaf, an obstetrician, oh, what’s going on, the old lady was born, tomorrow 20:00 on ntv. stars, tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv.
8:09 pm
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8:11 pm
listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i started to forget how it was it happens, well, what to buy, what is there, as they call it, prostatricum, i remember, remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times what you think works, what, i don’t think so, i know, it’s dark, of course , i am now my wife, you know what... what is there, how to accept it? call, everything is simple, when you order, they will explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it , i’m done, keep it, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too here to think, call , be sure to order, remember, it’s better once try something... once we're done, come on, meet the new golden prostatricum,
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prostatricum gold, prostatricum gold is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market, men order it for themselves, and women for their men, men hurry up, women , hurry up to try prostatricum gold, no one should be disappointed, when ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men they order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to experience prostatric gold. obstetrician. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. jaram music awards 2024.
8:13 pm
wow, i am, of course, confused, but my hands, legs, everything are shaking, i love you madly, premiere, today at 2350 on ntv. well, hello, marit, i need to see you.
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it seems like their vololovtsy was even shown on tv here, well, of course, in order to distract the population from the mayor who took the bribe, we need to show the murderer cops that the guys are sitting with the guys, this time in my opinion to the fullest, especially volovets, with his signature, yes, it’s bad that the autopsy was performed in the hospital, you know how doctors don’t like to admit their mistakes, yes, especially if it’s not a simple mistake, what do you mean, but i don’t know yet, but if you believe shmel, and i believe him... that rupee loaf was lying on the floor at night, and in the morning it ended up on the bed, it’s unlikely that he climbed there himself, well, maybe the doctors were just
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scared that they might have missed something and began to think, how is it easier for them to get out, and what are they afraid of? they have the first death in the hospital, gopnik died, and okay, besides, it’s a graze on the arm, the peel filed a petition, and repeated hiding, but aksyonova refused, and there is no need to petition, but why should aksyonova have shot her elbow? “gorelova can order a second autopsy in her case, but the suspect was examined by her, but it’s true that this is a scandal. well, let’s tell you in more detail, i’m not afraid of scandals. you’ll never know scandals if you’re afraid of the truth, right? well, yes, that’s i don’t care, your career is just beginning, so what, your colleagues won’t understand you, so what, i had this thought just yesterday
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it occurred to me, it’s clear that the doctors are stirring up something, is the question just covering up their mistakes with the diagnosis or something else? it was already too late, i didn’t call, but i printed the decree, but did you come up with it yourself or did someone suggest it? sorry, yes, where are you? i agreed with the court, we can drive up now, now they will show you everything, or everything that is left? and thank you, zheka, hello, listen, have you ever removed corpses from a hospital, but you have to start sometime, go to the prosecutor’s office, take the decision, investigator gorelovo, that’s it, let’s do it for now, it will be enough to take the expert to the hospital,
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well, the personnel need to be somehow intrigued, then there is a greater chance of results, working with you is always intriguing, yes, but the result is unpredictable. pavel ivanovich, i have respected you for a long time, but such issues cannot be resolved over the phone, even as an exception. let your porter call himself, introduce himself, then we will study the problem. in the end, that’s why we are lawyers, to always find a compromise. pal ivanovich, i'll call you back. excuse me, what question are you talking about? good afternoon. chairman of the standing commission on anti-corruption. i'm hearing you. leonid konstantinovich, i recommend shilov, roman georgievich. sit down. head of the
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investigation department. we had to meet. he speaks very highly of you. “i need advice, of course, call, call, we’re here, then we’ll wait for you, but is it true that he was mentioned at the commission? - yes, unfortunately, it’s true, but we can’t do anything, and he
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understands this better than you and me, but he is a system player, and we do not threaten the system, “we are looking for.” murderer, so they will give us the cases, however, everything superfluous will have already been removed from there, or maybe there was nothing superfluous there, i’m just grumbling like an old man, that’s great, you’ll read them here like if you order, i can do it here in your office in front of your eyes. i’ll help somewhere under the stairs in the closet so as not to disturb you, well, why in the closet, they’ll take you to the library, well, over the corpses, you go to yours, i’ll go to mine, today we may not see each other again, so here you go, this one from the apartment,
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this one from the room, linen in the closet, no neighbor you'll hear, i warned her to stay below the grass and water, so consider it a luxury room. thank you, zheka. where are you going? i live in ularisk now. bye. so, is it time for the wedding? yes, the dog knows him. i’m getting a little old, maybe in a couple of years no one will need me at all. come on, you're still great. well, this is the appearance. the pressure jumps, the heart aches, like an old dog whining about the weather. come on, you need to go to... training old man, otherwise look at what kind of mamon he has grown, but he’s all the risk with his white hair, okay, i’ll go, come on! hello, olesya, hello, listen, i don’t know what time i’ll be free today, but i’d really like
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to see you in the evening, okay, kiss me, i don’t understand, it’s great, i haven’t understood anything for 10 years, just do everything, you know, how much easier life has become, you will feel better, the expert is below, the loaf is above, our job is to carry out the command, right? that means you need to sign here, sorry, but you can’t say but, where this paper was written, they don’t like it, but, remember the doctors’ case, you are a very strange employee, what’s your last name, you won’t believe me, ivanov, seriously, ivanov? i won’t believe it, comrades, witnesses, come with me,
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i didn’t mess anything up, susanin, but i don’t think so. but then it was dark, oh, i found him, look after him,
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well, are they idiots, why are they buying him, do they think that he will play, and that i like him, she has a competent father, but... he’s in last season he scored four goals, and gets 1.5 million greenbacks, but what do you think is your money? that's it, you watch tv, rejoice, hear, you will still have something to be happy about, i’m asking you, what to be happy about, like these fat ones millionaires are kicking a ball around the field, listen, you, well, i dare you to get the platinum, did you get it? they're showing you bullshit, and you're glad that i 'm the sheep, you're the sheep, you're the sheep, i even you,
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let's go, let's go, i'm tired of listening to him, wait, what, oh, that's right, that's it. are you lying on the ground? come on, give me your hand, your back will stiffen, do you know how much it will hurt? what? argued about football? do they really understand? exactly. for football, for the major league. and why do you live here, so what, like neighbors,
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what kind of neighbors, i mean, i want to buy an apartment in this house, well, you need to know so that the neighbors were normal, you understand. neighbors, like neighbors, went, and they say they are killing you, some aunt was stabbed to death, and the judge, she needs it, but why do this? i answer that football referees, what are these, one word, but
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what they never found. well, who killed? they’re looking for me, they drag my wife around the cops every day, isn’t it true? well, she saw who killed, so he’s taking her for identification, she has a diamond eye, she’ll see, she won’t make a mistake, do you know why? m, because she... she's messing with the cops, they have damn it, love, love you say, well then for love, for love, and who are you, the best contribution
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in savings up to 18%. on landscaping, and is it true that the main construction project from our past will become the real road to our future? the reversal that has recently occurred to the east would have been impossible without the bam. this will be your central television. tomorrow at 19:00 on ntv. obstetrician. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv.
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8:33 pm
so, this is how your friend lives, romantically, listen, there is a little. so, is she doing it on purpose? pasha, great,
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wait, i’ll take off my shoes. pasha, i’m sorry, i can’t do this, i understand, everything has its time, we’re just getting started, yes, let’s not rush. okay, uh-huh ok, you were already in a hurry once, please take me home, so, come here, quietly,
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stand, stand, you’re a good man, vasya, but you don’t know how to drink a damn thing, let’s go. it’s okay, you’ll sleep it off now, give me the keys, remember, you need to punish your wife and lover, you’re a man, let’s go, let’s come in.
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yes, love is evil, you will love a cop. he's probably sleeping at home drunk, so let me walk you to... i'll take you to... no, don't, but so what, you yourself said that he might start to let go, let's go, vasya, vasya, vasya, well, yes. well, listen, he's drunk there
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he’s sleeping on the floor, help me move him to the sofa, there, more carefully, it’s hard, pash, help me , please, there’s a basin in the bathroom, right now, but i need something else, no, nothing.
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so little knife, yeah, we wake up. you can talk, eagle, i can, you killed your wife, which wife, yours, with a lover, jealous, yes, with a lover, i’ll kill, bitch, already, when you drink, you lose your memory, what, what, what, there’s a knife in the room, wife in the corridor, he stabbed and you don’t remember, he stabbed, which means he hit him, well, call the investigator while he’s still warm,
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take the keys, i won’t hide anything from you, your employee’s condition is very serious, at the moment we are preparing him for surgery, here are the tests, here is the conclusion, he is conscious, he has not regained consciousness, you will sharpen him, do you hear, you have to save my plow, calm down, please, and one more thing, take your husband away , so it will be , believe me, we are doing everything possible and impossible too, medicine, something is needed, i assure you, there is no need for this, it’s better for everyone, let’s go, let’s go, roma, how did it happen, it looks like a domestic violence, he was escorting the witness home , and the husband is drunk in smoke, got jealous, well, sort of, yes, he unexpectedly attacked the parish. first, well, and then
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his wife, in her heart, died immediately, they took him, yes, he testifies, roma, my son, a special forces soldier, some kind of gopnik, drunk , he couldn’t have killed him, i don’t believe him, he couldn’t set himself up like that, ivanovich, if pashka didn’t expect a blow, then i don’t care that he’s a special forces soldier, fuck you, kolya, kolya, wait, kolya, zheka, let’s go. let's go, but in the hut, if the chick hadn't been pinned down on the veranda, the cops wouldn't have noticed, they would have shot, so, i'm all ears, i was recommended by your company, alexey friedman, yes, you’re just a moron, you couldn’t do everything cleanly. the cop is alive, and damn it, the main thing is that now the woman won’t be able
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to recognize anyone, the woman won’t be able to, ament, ament couldn’t see me, and if he survives, we also need to decide with him that right now, now he’s in surgery , when they transfer to the ward, when this commotion settles down, we are unlikely to be missing. i propose to leave the version of a robbery against a judge and not return to it for now. why? yes, because they slip it to us like hours of loaves, like a can. in place crimes, the loaf would never have bothered with the watch if he knew that it was a piece of money, the nickel would not have handed over the loaf if he knew that he was in the case, which means that the motive lies in ivansova’s affairs, or more precisely in one particular case , roma, just don’t send me to court, firstly i’ll destroy everything there, and secondly
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i won’t understand a damn thing about their bureaucracy, but i ’m not sending you, i need to finish what the pasha didn’t manage to do, with the lunar rover and the shmil, ah... what did we forget, that’s right, the hiding place is in the loaf’s apartment, we’ll just waste time, let the locals go, if you want to do something so that you don’t feel painfully ashamed of the result, do it yourself, and don’t entrust it to the locals, tell me, katya, you still have the keys to baton’s apartment, in our office repeated searches are not held in high esteem, this question, oops , like this, it was impossible to find before, they were completely relaxed, relaxed, but no one has kept evidence at home for 100 years, or maybe they just forgot how to look, oops, i found it,
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well, what is it, not a dead rat, saffron milk caps, what? and it was necessary to prove, nothing more, yeah. don't turn around, i'll piss your feet on your hands wide, don’t turn around, stand still, who are you,
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i’m a realtor, everything is clear, i came for a little gold, for what kind of gold, come on again, who are you, a realtor, valera. so, svetlakov, valery mikhailovich, realtor, real estate agency, you can call there, they will confirm, we’ll call, we’ll call, check it out, well, why did i come here, and you, you’re the police, the police, why don’t you look like that? no, i understood right away, i was just a little scared, but now i’ve become bolder, tell me why you came, buyers should arrive at twelve, right, but i decided earlier come, clean up a little, so what, are you selling apartments, or what, is it my job to sell other people’s apartments? the owner approached us, signed an agreement, when he approached us, it seems, last week, and where is the agreement? the contract is in the office, and i have a power of attorney with me in my diplomat, stand there, look, there is such an office, roma, and it is listed there,
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the key, by the way, the key, look what it is, brand new, never used, take it out, slowly . is there something wrong? what do you think, realtor, valera, listen, you better contact my management, we will contact, we will contact, have you met this owner yourself? no, the boss instructed me, he met with him, it probably means this, we’ll keep this, and now you go home, call your boss, say that you have a headache, a fever. come up with something, got it? what about the clients? don’t say a word to anyone about us, and be glad that you jumped off easily, but what should i do? run away from here! wow, kishkomon, notary gossanova
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lyudmila ruslanovna, and the number, he’s right on this time was still alive and well. look, zhzek, but if you were like an electric shock, each of them will answer for what they did to me, just leave me, i feel very bad.
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or a resale, choose what everyone will like, at domklik everyone will find housing for themselves, summer is not only a time for vacations, but an opportunity to catch luck in the summer editions, country houses, apartments by the sea, cars, travel and an additional draw, a golden keg! you will have a question, but straight to the point, you will be dragging your feet for a long time with customs clearance of rotary engines, some kind, well, express
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service. just don’t do it to me, you see, that you don’t understand when tomorrow, okay, no, i’m still on a business trip, but tomorrow evening i’ll be in the capital, so who’s going to show off here for me, look. hi, homey guy, tomorrow there will be rotors, yeah, but let your lawyer kick customs on his part so that they don’t relax there, i’m in st. petersburg for now, tomorrow i’ll be in moscow, i thought you ’d stay at least until the end of the week, i can’t ,
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and sudureva’s service, you have to keep your finger on the pulse. while there are such opportunities, oh, i understand, you understand, don’t be sad, honey, kitty, don’t be sad, you want to fly to the canary islands, well, what a canary islands, fight, well, i’m in my fifth month, and in general, if i go somewhere now, it’s only with you, again you’re leaving me alone, some other aunt called me, with chernigov, it seems, was interested in the apartment, when she bought it, who sold it, i didn’t understand anything, it’s just testing me, i guess, i hope you didn’t tell her anything, no, if she calls again, don’t answer, you should change phone number, otherwise you never know, you’re my friend,
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well, maybe you still at least think you do you think that i myself want to leave you? well, i don’t know, you think i want it, well, for a couple of days, well, i can’t, i can’t, hello, hello, but the notary is at home, no, here, at work, and on what issue, i would like to issue a power of attorney with the right to sell, well, general, it’s possible to arrange it, perhaps, what will you register for, a vehicle, real estate, transport, a car? motorcycle, plane, excuse me, plane, small, two-seater, i decided to get married, the family will grow, so i want to take something bigger for myself, but i’ll give this to a friend, you’re kidding, no, i can’t joke at all, but what’s wrong with that, an airplane is not a tank, wait a minute, lyudmila ruslanovna, we have
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an unusual client here, okay, understood. the notary will be free in a few minutes, i'll wait. please wait, unusual client, unusual client. is this your boss at a picnic? yes, okay, i understand, please come in. i am those! i forgot my passport, i'm a saga, i'll be back, do you need anything else, no, no, thank you, i don't need anything, if you need it, call me, i will definitely call you.
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q.e.d? light, hello, this is. “listen, get me information on arkady vyacheslavovich pototska , born fifty-third, a year ago or even a little more, he died, we need to find out who is now registered in his apartment, this is urgent, it seems to me that a judge was killed in this case, that’s all, come on, i have a call on the second line, bye, yes, zheka, roma, it’s her, i promise, there ’s a fresh photo, try to put pressure on orekhov
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so that the legs that we insist on working, they threw it onto this sheep, i think, if i..." i warm it properly, it will run, okay, i understand everything, don’t do anything without me, we’ll warm it together, come on. dmitry dmitrievich, this is shillov. listen, dmitry dmitrievich, this business, come on, i understand. thank you, roman georgievich, how are your progress? if you had not interfered with us, you would have been much better. what are you talking about? people would have remained alive. tresp, i ’m not saying that you were in the team, but you probably guessed, guessed and remained silent, hello, hello, oh, mommies,
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agustik. alusik, make me some coffee. well, blyamba, let's drink? come on, sit down, he’s still a sheep, you don’t respect the lads, we were owed a loaf of bread for life, and you decided to drain his hut, what loaf, what hut? hey, cool, she’s pretending to be a fool, it’s because she’s afraid, bacon, make sure she doesn’t move the horse, and the dog is with her, there’s no need to lead the forest nearby, your signature, huh?
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we’ll bury, we’ll bury, well, you’ll bury it, then you won’t dig it up, we’ll wait, listen, sign us up for the day after tomorrow, we’ll be back, ruslanovna was busy, yes get out,
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alyo, it’s me, listen, we have such extortion here, abuse of power, we’re about eight years old now. first time, or what? if we had a line like in america, i would already have five life sentences, so guys, yeah, the main thing is that they don’t miss it now, the third to the fifth, i see the object, it’s starting to move, i understand, we’re waiting for you.
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there is a fifth similar object here, accepted our actions, check the second exit. galya, well, hello, hello, galya, this is just complete chaos. calm down, sis, we will sort out all the problems.
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okay, guys, finish the resuscitation quickly. kolya, how are you, doctor? well, you know what, even better than i expected, but thank god, but wait. we have a problem, we need blood plasma, yeah, but the chief of medicine said, well, nochmed said, when everything is better, of course , today, now, you know, at the same time, it would be nice to have some albumin, yeah, doctor, you said everything, hello, vladik , really everything is fine, i need your help, i need medicine, everything is great, he’s a strong guy, everything will be ok, ok, thank you, really, really. i
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’m telling the truth, but i made an agreement, only for tomorrow, not earlier, oh well, we ’ll somehow hold out until tomorrow, of course, now they’ll transfer him to intensive care, they won’t let you in there, so go home, okay, thank you, doctor, all the best, thank you, goodbye, well, let's go, morning in the evening udren, i was so confused, they said that this one, lord, what's his name? that he owes them for life, they will now pin this debt on me, who is their debtor, loaf, how did they find out about the apartment, i’m i warned that there was no need to rush, god, i should have waited with the other one, it’s okay, i’ll deal with it, if these clowns appear again, i’ll give them this phone number of mine. yeah,
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attention, the communication objects are starting to move, the connection has a black ford 334 olga klavdiya khariton, i understand you, take the object at the intersection, and we will make the connection, good, it turned out well, the creature, calmly, zheka, only she can be recognized as a creature... court, the main thing is that she is not recognized, conditionally, well done, how did you guess that they were sisters, and what’s there to guess, alone ruslanovna, the other ruslanovna, both ruslanovnas are nearby, yes, both studied at the faculty of law, graduated in 1997, can you imagine, if they bombed like that from the very beginning, how many people were killed, i wonder who you are in their older gang, i think bobkova. it's a shame it won't crack. well,
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shall we announce ourselves to the notary? we promised to manifest ourselves today, before the wound, they are not yet ripe. roman georgievich, you asked to collect pototsky. potocki is the man after whose death ivantsova was suing for the sale of his apartment. arkady vyacheslavovich has no criminal record, but has been repeatedly charged with drunkenness. on february 23, he was brought from the street with a closed craniocerebral injury, celebrated a holiday, and 3 days later he died in the hospital, and on may 5 , a certain yulia pavlovna golikova, born in the ninetieth year, registered in his former apartment. look for a man, as the french would say. i can go? yes, marina trafimenko, remember, she submitted a report about the transfer to our department, can you imagine? she's a good woman, but if she took care of her personal life, we should. it didn’t
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stop me, i want to talk to her, there is some thoughts, who is this? i don't know, look. hello, hello, golikova, yulia pavlovna, what? nothing, a girl came to look at you and saw something more. hello, who are you anyway? i don’t want to lie, but it’s too early to tell the truth. goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. i
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didn’t understand what kind of crap this is, so i need to call, call, where is my phone number, yes, i ’ll call from moscow, in an official manner, this is the russian football cup foundation, and its symbolic team, the heroic goalkeeper of the baltic, eugene latechild, the army brazilian moises barbosa, and the leader of the spartak defense srdzhan babic, are those who made this season a bright, memorable first-class one. there's sand in the room, there's sand in my pants, there's sand on my teeth, but the beach is rocky, so summer...
9:08 pm
she'll be mine in no time. just a complete merchant, stars, tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv. obstetrician, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. our new name is t-bank. when opening a business, you need to think through everything. i will open such a fitness club here. you'll rock. convenient tools to start your business. register your business in tebank and get 6 months of free service. tebank is a business and the job is done. magnet,
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the obstetrician tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. connect your subscription with berp for more categories. to choose from: access to vokko films and tv series and music in sound, and also cashback up to 70% in the megamarket. in sberbank it is more profitable with prime. start your business journey with sber support. sber-business will open an account, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register. and all this is free. we open the way to business. sberbusiness. stars. tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv. you can look at it endlessly three things: how the fire burns, it makes a difference, keep it calm and don’t interfere with the work of the firefighters, how the water flows, oh, it seems to me that the water has broken, and how nikita panfilov delivers the child, urgently,
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i need your help during the birth, that i didn’t even drink coffee, what a gallant man, where are you taking me? in the bed, i’ll shoot you, i’ll kill you, if you shoot, you’ll deliver the baby yourself, this is not a maternity hospital, this is a madhouse, they told me that the guy is a crazy guy, well, different, obstetrician, business, the old lady was born, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, well , hello, marina, i’m coming to you for a long time,
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i sympathize with pavel arnautov, he’s an energetic young man, he needs my help, he needs it, but in another way, this is the data on one of our employees, i need her bank accounts and the movement of funds through them, i take revenge that you... evaluate my opportunities, bank secrecy, after all, it ’s a secret for you, i can’t guarantee it, but i’ll try, in the end, as you once noted, it’s still unknown which of us owes whom more, i may also need your help, of course, come on, deer .
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yeah, let's talk, friend, remember the past, i they said you work part-time as a security guard in a store, and you also... part-time loader daimych got drunk, so the girls asked, some trouble-free, but anything is better than selling drugs, right, tell me, friend, about what kind of nickel jars cans, like a smile, don’t torment me, i ’m tearing your mouth right now, i really don’t remember, holy shit, how patient i am today, okay, let’s start again, the guards brought the gopniks who were drinking on the football field, there was a pitak, right? so, well, yes, we put them in the monkey house,
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started processing them, volovets called and asked for this nickel, well, we gave him a warning instead of a fine, when the volovets came for him, they let him go, well, that’s all, and an hour later they killed the judge, but no, not everything, but what else? i don’t know, come on, close your eyes, close your eyes, don’t be afraid, i won’t beat you, that’s it, and now try to remember what happened between the detention of the gobniks, yeah, the murder of the judge every minute, nothing, nothing happened, everything is like usually, bobkova came, she was then responsible from the management and confronted us about the fact that our duty room was a mess, like her she loves it, we then left the gopnik’s things in a box, well, there are all sorts of bottles, junk, she says that you don’t have a duty room, but...
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eyes, marin, before i start my terrada, i want you to know, any decision you make will not affect the transfer to my department. yeah, that's good, i already agree, what should i do? thank you, thank you. my speech will be tedious and long, but i must listen to the end.
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in general, there lived a certain arkady vyacheslavovich pototsky, a former boatsman of the merchant fleet, generally a good person, but a drinker, then one day the ambulance picks him up from the sidewalk with a closed head injury. the hospital probably could have saved him, but he turns out to be the sole owner of a three-room privatized apartment. surely this played a role. quietly dying in the hospital, his apartment is being sold under a power of attorney, which was drawn up a month ago, naturally, no one would have paid attention to this if pototsky had not had a sister in chernigov, with whom he was visiting on the day of signing the false power of attorney, yeah, naturally, the sister submits an application to the twenty-third police station and there they carefully talk with the notary, naturally confirming that the transaction is legal, on this basis the sister is refused to initiate
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a criminal case. potocki was previously not needed by anyone except blacks. but the sister does not calm down and files a lawsuit about the illegality of the transaction, the case goes to the judge, who does not limit herself to a conversation with the notary with a certificate from the local district police officer that pototsky allegedly drank all his brains and could sign anything, uh-huh, well, that’s it i understand this. and what role is assigned to me the main thing is marina's role as a victim?
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hello galina ruslanna, hello, i'm tamara pritulyak, sister of arkady pototsky. i was told that you are leading the case of the murder of judge ivantsova, the case is being handled by the investigative committee, we are only providing operational support, what’s the matter? but the thing is that i filed a lawsuit to invalidate the purchase and sale agreement of my brother’s apartment, i’m from chernigov myself, i live there, i just arrived, the judge told me to provide a certificate from the police, the whole point is that ...
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got into a fight with someone, and you know, in court i they didn’t listen without advance notice, they told me to contact you, so i’m calling. tamar, i have an operational event now, about six o’clock, we can just see each other. i will be not far from the station, but you don’t go anywhere, wait for me. do you have a mobile phone? yes, yes, yes, of course. yes, i'm writing it down. 8922 714 0835. okay, i'll call you. let's meet, there's a trusted cafe there, we won't exchange money there, it's very good that you called, see you, yes, yes, yes, thank you very much, goodbye, yeah, damn!
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yes, i have two news, lyova, one good, the other bad, pototsky’s sister from chernigov showed up, but i managed to intercept her, i understood what to do, firstly, clean everything you need, everything is always clean with me , secondly, warn all your people not to poke their noses out of the hole, that’s it, for now. but now i know for sure who will win the oscar for best actress, and if it turned out that they were already dating, then we would use plan b, uh, and what is plan b? and the devil knows, they would have come up with something, that means you speak in a trusted cafe, i wonder what it means, quickly, yes, pyotr sergeevich,
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hello, vladik, well, well, finally, thank you very much, i’ll be there in 40 minutes, yes, thank you, thank you, see you, got the medicine, everything you need, where are you going to work, i myself, without a car, nothing, i can get there by taxi. well, what are you worried about, i’m fine, tell me where to go. i knew that you could do anything, but i didn’t know it would be so soon. nowadays, it is enough to have access to the necessary files, and then what, press a button, printout went. this is how, around our time, there lives a modest, acting head of
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the criminal investigation department. a house in sweden was bought last year, it is now in france. then bank accounts, listen, she’s already been a millionaire for a long time and still hasn’t quit her job, she wants to become a billionaire, well, that’s unlikely, the contingent of women is not the same, well, perhaps? he starts to knock down someone bigger, he doesn’t, i hope in the next world this will be partially credited to me, i’ll come to an agreement, i hope. good evening, it’s been kinder, you’re coming with me,
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yeah, and you're going to the hospital to correct your mistakes, i understand, hello, tamara, i'm ready to meet you, yes, right opposite the station there is a mahan cafe, come! there, as soon as i recognize you, okay, yes, i understand, that’s it, please, uh-huh, thank you, trust me. tamara, yes, yes, hello, i, i'm galina ruslanovna, hello, where are the certificates?
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and, certificates, certificates here, here, tamarochka, we have reason to believe that your brother was killed, yeah, so you need to come to us to record everything. oh yes, of course, are you alone? yes, i am alone. okay, well, let's go then. yes, of course, we’ll go, tamar, in the wrong direction, i left the car at the back door, and damn, i forgot the car keys on the table, wait a second, uh-huh.
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damn, we never thought that they would start right here, dead guy, well done, everything is fine, i need to think better, am i going to die?
9:27 pm
from the great construction projects of socialism is becoming a new project of the century already in new russia, trains are already running here, it is necessary to complete the improvement work there, and is it true that the main construction project from our past will become the real road to our future? the reversal that has recently occurred to the east, would have been impossible without the bam. this will be your central television channel, tomorrow at 19:00 on ntv. stars tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv. the delicious calendar returns to tasty points. we give 100% cashback every
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brought medicine for pavel arnautov. very good, i'll tell the doctor on duty. little sister, which ward are you in? in the eleventh, at the end of the corridor. yes, i'm listening. what? me? fine, i'll come now. yes, yes, valya, i’ll be right there. man, they will transfer you to surgery, then come and i will definitely give the medicines to the doctor on duty.
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is pashka alive? what's going on here? well, what are you doing here? i’ll ask you now what’s going on here. he bothered me, he bothered me. what? yes, what do you have here in the hospital, are there only murderers, or are they working? well, why did they kill the judge? i have no idea, ask those who killed. we will definitely ask this, but for now let me guess. you sold potocki's apartment mistress of a moscow region prosecutor, right? and when ivantsova started digging, they became nervous, because the prosecutor would ask you so much that it wouldn’t
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seem like much. justice, after all, is long, only for ordinary people, until the court makes a decision, until the lawyers appeal, until it comes into legal force, if it does, of course, in general, potocki’s sister could have waited a long time. and you can’t wait for anything, and the prosecutor won’t get sick with him, he’ll cover everything in your garden, i don’t understand what you’re talking about, but you understand everything, galya, you’re a smart guy, bella, and you know, the longer the chain, the weaker than an animal, okay, i’m keeping quiet about you, but your sister, notary, doctors, realtors, someone will split, everything will flow, let’s go. you, imagine, galya, when all your real estate comes to light, uh, confiscates everything, to hell, everything that was acquired by back-breaking labor, when you get out, you’ll go to
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meet old age not face-to-face, but with dignity, with the convenience of the yard, yeah, yeah you put me in jail first, we’ll put me in jail, galya, of course, the judge won’t forgive you, we’ll see where you’ll meet your old age. hero, i wonder how many more people bobkova and her company have reached, but judging by her bank account, there are dozens, i never thought that we have so many lonely gopniks who have privatized apartments, and only in one area, its neighboring jurisdiction did not extend, there are enough neighboring grandmothers with their notaries and orderlies. “a country of great opportunities, yes, it’s only a pity that there are not many like ivantsov, yes, roman georgievich, there is a histology report, so there, in baton’s body, traces of strafantine were found, and what kind of rubbish is this, well, for his cardiac patients
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they prescribe totertsibration, which in higher doses causes sudden cardiac arrest, and so, the expert is sure that the loaf died precisely from the injection of strafantine, not at all from a hematoma, which, by the way, he did not have." pashki seems to have wanted to give the same injection, yes , the nurse also had strafantine in the syringe, in principle, the mechanism is clear, it remains to find out some details. roman georgievich, this nurse kalchenko and dr. avilov should remain suitable for further interrogations, you can’t even imagine what evgeniy has . egorovich ability to work with people. evgei and i will go to valovets, and you call ivantsov, he is waiting. formations have gone, zheka,
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dezhari, all this has already happened, morning, one of our people is leaving the prison, good deja vil, let it be repeated more often, mind you, we all managed to spend time in prison, how can you explain? the need to study the enemy environment, yes, well, i finally picked up the phone, got through to you, hello, hello, yes, i was really busy myself, as they say, not a minute of free time, of course, we then contacted the chief of the local police, followed by this the bouquet turned out to be half of the criminal code, can you imagine, okay, you’re joking, what’s so good about them calling special forces from moscow, your voice is tired, you’re working, something like that, that’s all, right? everything is fine, yes normal, in principle, no news, routine, oh well, i won’t distract you, i’ll call you again in the evening, i miss you, sber loyalty program, thank you,
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updated, pay with any card from bera , get twice as many bonuses as before, every month choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%, supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, and others, and even category for everything, transfer money for free to sber from other banks and receive cashback up to 70% from partners, we’ll collect more profitably with a subscription obstetrician tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. i will miss you, even with the diamond. this is vulgar, why are you doing this,
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did i promise you anything, did i say anything, words are not needed for promises, why are you complicating everything so much, but why, because this is my life, and it cannot be simplified, it won’t end like this, don’t think, i’ll give you time to think, i hope that today i won’t have time to go to st. petersburg... rest, hello zhenya, hello, this is almazov, there is urgent work,
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listen, remember. you are welcome, gentlemen, come in. yes, a familiar face, a nice apartment. apparently the murdered woman was well packaged, so she
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’s a tv star, then it would be better if she worked as a milkmaid, then you and i wouldn’t be stuck here roma, you prefer to work in the barn, i prefer the day off promised to me yesterday, but it looks like there will be problems with it, intuition doesn’t let you down, my friend, by the evening, i think all the tv channels will be watching our every step, but i can’t be shown on the screens there are children, well, here’s rum, but what is she holding? the tefi champions cup is an oscar type award, only ours, russian, what is the difference? there is a difference: he earns, ours receives. well, what's there? the medic says they shot at point-blank range. what do we have to do on our way around? nobody heard anything. country of the deaf. are there any fingerprints? none suitable for identification. and armless. exactly. personal items. nothing was found, no purse, no mobile phone, the lock
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was intact, the lock was intact, so maybe the killer brought the key with him? oh, who are you? police lieutenant bryantsev, homicide department, krasnogardeysky district, and i’m inspector jackson, state police, although we haven’t been taken out of the state yet, please report to the constable, who was the first to discover the body? the housekeeper, she has the key, well, according to your conclusion, she certainly killed, but no, it’s unlikely, i talked to her, it doesn’t seem like it. the psychological training of police detectives is simply amazing, can you teach them through connections? come on, why are you attached to the guy? i 'm attached, i'm not attached, i'm just expressing my admiration, that's right, and you express concern about the quality of the bypass, please, exploitation of veterans, i’m in the spring forest, you ’ll forgive our friend, his day off was cancelled, yeah, so the housekeeper says, well, nothing special, well, she says that...
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yes, i would pay a lot for it to turn out to be a banal household chore . okay, let's go have a look. what, valya? is it okay, can i just look at my husband? look after him, give him a towel, a robe. aren't you tired of doing this for a quarter? centuries in a row, and
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you’re not tired, again, we agreed, i, i just wanted to s... ask how you rested, nothing, cleared your head, there, i’m probably so bored right now, i just needed solitude, i took a walk, read, that’s good, hermit, you’re mine!
9:45 pm
good afternoon, please tell me where you are filming the program root of evil, please, in the seventh pavilion, entrance from the corridor, now straight left to right, yeah, thank you, please.
9:46 pm
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9:47 pm
they said that the guy is dashing, yeah, well, he’s different and deaf, an obstetrician, oh, what’s going on, the old lady gave birth, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, stars, tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv, i love kazan, this is st. petersburg, i know, but with mts travel i will receive 25% cashback from this trip, i will spend it on kazan, oh, hurry up there. to dream about kaliningrad, book a hotel on mts travel and get 20% cashback, with mts premium 25. enjoy your rolls at a tasty spot. caesar roll with tender chicken in crispy breading with tomato and cheese. try the caesar roll and other rolls only at a tasty point. i wanted to open a deposit at 18%. it turns out that you can under
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check out the clips. a real reason to meet. superbox with clips of hello kitty and her friends. hurry up to buy and win a trip. not miss central television - the first information show about events and people. time is buzzing again, bam, why when the union collapsed about the highway and its builders hastened to forget, we, the envoys of the komsomol organizations , are ready to carry out the most important assignment, the parties are ready, as the last of the great construction projects of socialism becomes the new project of the century already in new russia, trains are already running here, here it is necessary to complete the improvement work there, and is it true that the main construction site from our past will become the present? road to our future, u-turn?
9:52 pm
what? quiet filming, lyosha. oh good. thank you. we begin. don't let anyone in. yes. hello. please tell me who i could talk to about polyanskaya. vika, can you do it urgently? here they came to you, hello, hello, and what about the show going on, we’re filming the last episode,
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there are extras left, then what’s a show without a showman, nothing, it’s clear, but where can we talk calmly, lesh, take off the applause without me, let’s go. have you known polyanskaya for a long time? three years, worked for its past programs, and the root of evil, we were not created together, well, let's talk about this in more detail. haven't you seen the show? i watch something like this every day at work. and you’re not tired, you don’t want to stop. suicide is a sin, and you’re great, you never wanted to try yourself in a box, we’ll all
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try it there someday, we won’t rush, so what’s the root of gold, a talk show, only an unusual format, they invited three famous people, appointed them prosecutor, lawyer and judge, roller... judged some phenomenon of our life, for example, smoking, jury tv viewers. club tell the program, take it from the archive, look, yeah, how did you feel about polyanskaya? we were friends, yeah, she was very talented, creative, but
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she didn’t push those with whom she worked, she was valued and respected. everything, everything, snegur, excuse me, alevtina snegur, also appreciated and respected polyanskaya, but it started before polyanskaya’s arrival, it seems that the show on the channel was hosted by alektina snegur, and the show was called the grain of truth, well, the program had a high rating, popularity, but after polyanskaya’s arrival. there are also letters, yeah, go, what?
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you won’t believe it from glossy magazines, wow, there ’s so little there, i should take a package, huh? and then why wear diapers, or what? why should we put up with unnecessary problems? did you bring tranquilizers? aesculapius said that it was the last time, he always says that. well, let's go to the cave? i’m the first, you keep an eye, if anything happens, of course, i’m at... the belt, you’re cruel, after all, she died, and i didn’t sign up for the tolstoyans, and i’m not going to forgive anyone such a talent, such a scale, especially below, no one didn’t regret, why, why didn’t you regret, why forgive, well, since you
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here, that means in the know, since we are here, we want to be in the know, we hope that you will help us with this, damn, i quit, treat me to a cigarette, well, i wouldn’t want to take it, it’s a sin on my soul, don’t be afraid, don’t take it, i smoke cold, a friend taught me how to smoke it. it’s easier this way, there’s nothing special to tell in general, i had a program, they closed me down, and polyanskaya was put on the air, a clever girl, mediocre, but tenacious, she didn’t have her own ideas, but she stole others’ ones with sincere conviction in her exceptional talent, in her choice
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of means to eliminate competitors i was shy. and fell under these means at every opportunity, and these means have names, the surname almazov tells you something, that same almazov, the same one that is not the one, goodbye, all the best, goodbye, goodbye, who this is almazov, diamondov, director of the xx century holding. a couple of years ago his head of security was killed, jackson was involved in this. hello, zhek, listen, tell me, do you have any diamond garters left? yeah, get busy, the case has been solved, the case has been solved, it turned out to be domestic work, brother ordered brother for his father's apartment. and there were versions, yes, snegura could not
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order polenskaya, because because of her, the quarry cracked, don’t forget that. and the tape. we are ready, call us.
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are we ready when we start? i have known alya snegor for a long time, about 20 years, since the time when the chaika restaurant was a foreign exchange restaurant. she was already in charge of crime reporting. she was then responsible for the service and was a specialist.
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would have called a psychiatrist, snegor came to me, asked me to talk to almazov, so that he could select another program from his protégé, no, roman georgievich, this is not her, not her style, besides, there is no point, she still didn’t receive the packages, she would rather have sharpened the knife herself and corrected the portrait of her competitor, you haven’t talked to diamond, no, not yet, and what? does he have a habit of killing his lovers in the bathroom? no, i haven’t heard about this, but the fact that his wife is used to not standing on ceremony with her husband’s mistresses, they are talking about this, i think that her guards could
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tell you a lot, right, what about him? and he tells me, thank you, you don’t really understand, dad is good in business understands, but the groom is not very good. well, the englishman has problems, do you understand what problems? girls, women, the female gender, he’s not interested, oh well, absolutely, completely,
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just imagine, dad asks what and how, he ’s his business partner, but i have nothing to say, that’s it, listen, we’ve agreed, let him find someone else for you, no, thank you, now i’ll figure it out myself, there’s crime news on the air, another high-profile murder has shocked our city, a famous tv presenter has been murdered, why should others cross the road, so what?
10:04 pm
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be with you for a long time. serious relationships with turkish tv series begin with evie. most a large catalog of turkish tv series in the easy subscription for 99 rubles per month. yes. do you think it will work? alexey gennadievich, i am a lawyer. it will work, it won't work, it's not my dictionary. i will say this: the muscovites’ position is weak, their claims to this facility are in no way justified, so you have every chance of getting the plant. oh, yuri, legal validity is not the most important thing in court, and we cannot lose. i understand, but i don’t live in america either, i covered myself on that side too. that is, getting involved in a battle for the plant. tell me, when have i... let you down, no, you are the best,
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so do what i tell you, yes, alexey gennadvich, kvam burov, and let him come in. hello, they called, listen, who chooses your clothes, and the best suit for my work is a burnt adidas, why is it burnt, the blood doesn’t need to be tested, you can throw it away right away, sorry, my humor is stupid, it’s okay, i’m already used to it, so that’s how we we get into a fight with muscovites. for the plant in bachaevsk, you will contact yuri, help him with information, but keep your head up, behind the muscovites there may be people of gurgen, stabbing, shooting planned, depending on the circumstances, yes,
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alexey gennadievich, they came to you from the police, well, firstly, not from the police, but from the police and secondly, what do they need, my last name is shilov, the chief... come in, thank you, well, criminal law is not my specialty, i’ll go, if anything, call me, i have a specialist in my company, nothing, in these matters, i’m an expert myself, have connections. hello, you can go, so, as best i can, i’ll sit down, the conversation will not last for 5 minutes, you prefer to stand, so,
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when you last met in polyanskaya, this is now the police’s tactics straight away, i didn’t want to waste money on nothing. “i’m afraid you’ve already spent them all, if you mean the tv presenter, then i haven’t seen her since the recording of the program in which i took part, it was about a year ago, but you’re right, the program, it seems, was never released broadcast, with the role of a lawyer entrusted to me, i did a bad job, but maybe this is just not your role, we didn’t meet again, about 6 months ago, by chance, in the emirates, in a hotel, we leaned over in the corridor, here are the tv people”? they say, they say something about everyone, i don’t care, you have something else, no, that you, thank you, you were extremely frank, i hope nothing will disturb your sleep, you are not interested in why i came, well, you
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yourself explained everything, gossip. yes, alexey gennadievich, urgently find my wife. fine. if the police were renamed the police, then the makarov pistol should have been renamed the colt. what, the working day is already over? “i can say what i want, maybe this is the fruit of my nightly reasoning, a small fruit, zhenya, and the nights are short, roma, listen, do you remember this burov from the varkutinskaya gang, remember, the battle guard,
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of course, he was a cool guy, but confused, probably already buried somewhere, but no, he’s alive, i met him today in almazov’s office, the secretary kindly introduced him, meet him, says boris stepanovich. head of the economic security service, what are you, economic security, yes, well, bori could only count to three, then he shot, knock-knock-knock, you can, yes, come in, what do you want, i found something, yes, i have a friend works for a travel agency and wants to offer a hot ticket, i have long dreamed of relaxing somewhere on canaries, but i don’t have money, you’ll cross the border at night, well, almazov and polyanskaya were resting. yeah, he arrived on the second, on the third, they lived in rooms on different floors, it’s called conspiracy, but she interrupted her vacation, returned from the tenth, he stayed all 2 weeks and arrived only yesterday, which
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roughly corresponds to the time of her death, well , that’s it, what’s conditional, where polyanskaya was for a week, why doesn’t the housekeeper know about her return, where did her things go, okay, a cell phone, but... why did the killer take her purse? question: your friend didn’t find out, they had vacationed together somewhere else before, she found out three times during the year, to the maldives. in cyprus in mexico, well, for some reason i’m not surprised, yes, i’m somehow too, okay, morning and evening are wiser, that the time has come to get in touch with siberia, yeah, say hi to ksyukha, okay, marinka, let’s go, no we’ll interfere with the communication session,
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yes, i’m on my way, i broke my nail, i had to fiddle around, yes, yes, why did they use so much toilet paper, are you eating or something, there’s twice as much liquid soap, you’re probably drinking, semyonich, are you right? i misled you, in '93, for such things, you know what he would have done to you, in short, semyonich, you will start ratting. i won’t bother you, dear, what kind of people are you, go simyonich, go dear, it’s great, you live beautifully, come in, sit down, i registered a long time ago, but i’ve been here for five years, wow, it looks like the caretaker is here, here’s some cognac, with a kick.
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only he, a fool, forgot to put it in, then he put in 13 teeth for such money, it’s his own fault, yes, there was a time, now, like a huckster, i sign papers, well, cognac, vodka, cognac, this one, just damn, we rummaged through everything a little bit. why are you up? damn, what else is this?
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about the polyana delyuga? well, what else? this is not the boss, he doesn’t care, most likely his woman, what kind of woman? wife, yes, she really could. the woman is jealous of passion, gennadvich grazes day and night, as soon as some nipple appears next to him, he diamonds her right there, right there with him, with one secretary she did such crap that i was stunned, what, she took her to the forest, seriously, to the best traditions, oh well, yeah, i paid the guards, and they got into the car hand in hand, and so they began to inject, you sleep with the boss, the most important thing was that everything was filmed, now... well, like for a diamond dealer, for reporting purposes everything is with a license, in our time we didn’t take women into the forest, i understand,
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to screw up some huckster, woman, woman - this is chaos, and the secretary, of course, confirmed everything, it’s clear, pepper, they pinned her down tightly, she soon quit, and these security guards are still working, one drove hell, the second gennadievich turned right away, he is now guarding some kind of construction site, what’s his name , denis kolachov, yeah. and this secretary has a phone, or some address, what’s their name, and olga smirnova. put on your mask. come on, what are you in the cut, put it on, why risk it, okay, let's
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go up and insure it, let's take it, come on, hold it, hold it? i'm holding it. beauty, it’s me, everything’s fine,
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in an hour, i understand. spelinal as your own, offer the region the following: if they enter into an agreement with us for the supply of equipment for dental offices, then we will build them two x-ray rooms at the purchase price. yes, well, approach the question somehow creatively, what does semyonov like in healthcare?
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“please, thank you, tomochka, glad to see you, hello, i wasn’t expecting you, sit down, tea, coffee, no, no, thank you, hoo, but how’s dad, okay, okay, everything’s fine, listen, lazy, alisa called, no, not yet, but we agreed to go to the salon, i promised her a massage therapist, she called me, said that she left and disappeared, the phone has been silent for 2 hours, well, maybe it’s changed? i'll see you in an hour for lunch, thank you,
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your wife called and said she'd come by , please, laziness. now think about alliska, and not about your wife, something happened to her, i i feel like she would call me, well , don’t worry, she’s not going anywhere, she’ll be found, don’t twitch, oh, i’m sorry, oh, well, here ’s the lost soul, what did i say, yes, goat, your little goat is already in the slaughterhouse, we tied her legs, sharpened the knife, do you want to hear how she will drive in, what do you want, don’t touch her, i’ll pay, everything will be fine, just tell me how much, how much, and you decide it yourself, set the amount, and we ’ll see, how much do you value your girl, it won’t be enough, you’ll find her in the river, wait, we’ll call, that is, as they didn’t call the amount,
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understand. it’s unpleasant for you to remember this, but we can really put pressure on these non-humans, all you need to do is write a statement, i won’t write anything, and there was nothing, where did you get all this from, yes, i understand, you understand, what do you even understand, have you ever been kidnapped, stuffed into a trunk or tied naked to a tree, go away, i won’t say anything, because there was nothing, it’s all fiction. “we can put them in jail, or we may not put them in jail, so put them in jail, but can i take you for a minute, excuse me, i have clients, a girl, please tell me, another time, i’ll come in, well, that means she doesn’t want to remember, well, i understand her , well, where is this bodyguard-kidnapper, former diamondovsky,
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working like a pro?” construction worker moved from a reputable construction company scam, how is that? well, people invest money and wonder whether they will build something for them or not? yeah, so what, many people guess? well, in 2 months the house will be rented out, but they only have a foundation pit, the other day the shareholders staged a rally, and it all ended in a fight with security. well, maybe we can go? let's support the protesters. roma, can i take this little thing with me?
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but i mean, you’re kolochev, well, kolachev, and what, it’s good that i took a baton today, well, whoever has a cut in the eyebrow, come, uh-huh, calmly, yeah, yeah, so, well, well, this one is most likely
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looks like a concussion. lomnos, you will have to be hospitalized, uh-huh, there is no way to provide help on the spot, dear, and you will take responsibility for him, why was it even necessary to beat people like that, but the deceived shareholders piled it on them, in the sense that these handsome men they broke up the rally in the very place where the house should have stood a long time ago, and we were told what we were doing, and by the way, no one allowed the rally, uh, young, healthy men, uh, they could have a job find yourself a normal one, doctor, on normal work, you need to work, but it’s better to wave your fists, right, but you know what, what, a concussion is very easily simulated, and a broken nose is also a big question, you have no other victims, not yet, so,
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well, i don’t i know, doctor, do at least something with them, maybe smear them all with green paint or something, excuse me, yes, no problem, but i repeat to you again that i don’t know anything, the girl will know you, you’ll go to prison, i understand, i don’t understand, what kind of girl, what kind of prison, i need a doctor, if only i was on time didn’t drag your friend away, you needed everyday life, let’s try again in an amicable way, in an amicable way, uh-huh, okay, write it down, i don’t know anything, i’ll break your neck myself now for prevention, jackson has arrived. why are you
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just doing this now? but because our department did not know about your trouble before. what department? well, a special department for the protection of all the weak, offended and disadvantaged. i ’ve never heard of this, this is a secret department, the secret police, please, let’s do this, i ’ll open the door a crack, you look through the crack, there ’s a man there, i just need to find out, was he among these bastards or not, if you want to write a statement, write, no, then just tell us whether he was among them or not, ready, yes, come on.
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take him out into the forest like this or hire a killer? of course, it’s different, it takes a long time there, it’s quick here. no, i think it’s diamonds, did she bother him or blackmail him with something? let's open it up and find out. maria,
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don’t shine in the car, stay for now, we’re not cops, now... we’ve become cops, the weather is crazy, yes, it’s good, i’m listening to you, criminal investigation, open the door, i don’t have private conversations with the police, especially at home, but from every rule has exceptions, no, no exceptions, summon us with a summons, they also say about us that we are an uncultured people, if you don’t leave right now, i’m calling the prosecutor, alyosha, who came to us? go away! alexey gennadivich, why did you decide that we came to talk to you? alyosha, who are these people? hello! hello! these gentlemen from the police came to ask a couple of questions. then don't keep them in the pool hall. i'll have
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the coffee brewed. we came to ask your wife a couple of questions. in connection with what? due to the murder of tatyana polyanskaya and your kidnapping. former secretary olga smirnova, please come here, we need to talk, but unfortunately, i do not conduct private conversations with relatives of suspects, if necessary, we will summon you, i ask you, please, i will tell you why polyanskaya was killed, okay, zheka, you’ll stay here, i’ll stay,
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“if you behave correctly, your friend won’t do anything wrong, then everything will end well, you know, your main task is not to create problems for us, if you cope with it, you’ll stay alive, you know, you’ll drink, yeah.” then listen, i’ll take out the gag now and give you water, if you scream, i’ll break your finger, for starters, clear, clear,
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you can still, that’s enough, there’s no one to take you to the toilet more than once a day, so if anything happens, you’ll be on your own, by the way, you will also eat once a day, now tomorrow, well, nothing, i think it will be useful for your figure, so lie quietly and meditate, open your mouth! can i breathe hard without a gag, please, no problem, be patient, breathe through your nose, not in the depths, you won’t die, here’s the coffee, this is for you, this is for your colleague, grand mercy, madam, what? perfect the hostess, she brews the coffee herself, she brings it herself,
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she also tortures her competitor herself, but i don’t understand, it’s because you’re tense, brother, hold it, you’re in a row, my friend, you’re tense, your boss, your secretary, you took out together with deniska kolachev , no, not me, vitya komlev, he is now protecting the boss’s deputy, but this is all for the kolachos... his boss turned, so he sang to the hostess about the secretary, he knew that she was nervous, nervous is bad, nerves need to be treated, well, thanks for the information, weapons, son, we need to take care of them, there were no cartridges there anyway, take yours, start your journey into business with support. from ber in sberbusiness they will open an account, help with accounting, legal
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issues and connect an online cash register, all this is free, we open the way to business, sberbank business, we had a difficult and difficult life, roman georgievich, in the nineties there were attempts on my life several times, our son, he now lives in the usa, they tried to kidnap him, valya started drinking, then problems with drugs began, unfortunately... he caught it too late, well, the problem was stopped, but changes in the psyche also began in behavior, even to the point of suicide attempts, which they took , i saw the scars on her hands, yes, but jealousy is from the same opera, yes, the story of the secretary was the peak, by the way, one of my bodyguards warmed up the money there, and i fired him, he wanted to take money from her and take revenge on me, kolochev, yes, a tough, limited type, but by the way, i later tried to come to an agreement with the girl. to compensate for the damage, but she didn’t even listen, but sometimes moral damage
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is irreparable, still, let’s go back to polyanskaya, yeah, who killed her, i indirectly, of course, i didn’t pay the ransom, and she was killed, let’s go. we met in the winter at her show, i was among the invited participants, tanya was always unexpected, unusual, or something, in all respects, i understand you, you don’t have to believe me, but it wasn’t a simple affair for me, we immediately became very close, but we still broke up, well, early or late everything comes to an end when it comes, recently. we flew to a resort near the warm sea, i thought
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it would be easier to explain there, but what did you want to explain? listen, what does it matter when it kills a person, everything matters, okay, the old charm has passed, problems have begun, let’s say, tanya wanted legalization of relations, i didn’t promise her anything, and besides, i couldn’t leave my wife, but she insisted, well, let’s say, she didn’t accept. returned to st. petersburg, when did she return? about a week ago, the next day they called me and said that tanya had been kidnapped and that i had to pay if i wanted to see her again, and you didn’t pay, naturally, i didn’t pay, i thought it was her prank, a staging, besides the demands are kind of stupid, and what kind of demands they were, they didn’t tell me the amount, they said that i had to decide for myself, how much is tatyana worth to me, yes, it sounds really unusual, i agree, but she was a creative person, theater, practical jokes - it
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was in her style, do you think she did it for money, why are you trying to save the relationship, i’m starting to worry , to worry, to please her and so on, i can’t forgive myself, but this is the simplest thing, you’ll soon forgive yourself, but you still have to give evidence if you leave my wife alone, it’s up to me, what the girl says, it will be so, yes, by the way, and if you believed it, what amount would you pay? what about you, if your loved one was stolen from you? 9, the best contribution to collect up to 18% per annum, only
10:47 pm
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10:48 pm
, you will receive the company, this is not a family home, this is a madhouse, they told me that the caver is a smart guy, niko is deaf. obstetrician. oh, things to do. the old lady gave birth. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. stars. tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv. still thinking about the perfect home? it's time to go to domklik to find housing to suit every taste. with a mortgage for the construction of a house, new building or resale. choose. something that everyone will like. at domklik, everyone will find housing for themselves. try more this summer. free delivery artful point in yandex food. everyone wants to win millions, but not all the work is in the right place. stoloto instant lottery, every second ticket wins. hurry up to buy in stoloto branded stores. on avito khvatamba. discounts for people from people until
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10:52 pm
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don't touch the pickles, you have a liver. that's enough, you've already had one drink, you have a heart, how many times have i said that you need to turn off your phone when we have lunch, but this maybe the ministry of health has something to do with the supply. yes, just a second, yes, of course, i agree, i will pay,
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yes, but still name the amount, okay, well, i ’ll collect as much as i have, tomorrow, as you say, okay, rag, the money is packed in plastic, placed in a gray metal case. no beacons or tags, we'll check, be ready by 15 o'clock, that's it for now, turn it off, be ready by 15 o'clock, that's all for now, some coffee, what's up? where will he go?
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well, they called via an electronic communication system, but it was not possible to determine the location of the computer from which the call was made. in the trace of australia is lost. professionals, that means paying, i think that this is the safest thing for the girl, and for you too, if you don’t want the eyes, tolya, tell me, how much do they pay in such cases, well, as they said, depending on how they love, yes , okay, call evidokimov, let him prepare it tomorrow. okay, but no, i’ll call myself, you ’ll come by tomorrow and pick it up in the morning, and then, then we’ll
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wait, oh, everything is somehow cloudy, although i have an idea, what a smart one, if i were them i wouldn’t wait until you give them the money, and i would you took them yourself. “i wonder how this is, tolya? brazenly and simply on the way from the bank, but how will they know which bank i will withdraw money from? just like they found out about your relationship with alice, from their man, and he’s somewhere nearby. okay, check everything thoroughly, tolya. of course, yes, you’re boring, we went and didn’t arrest anyone.” you didn’t hit anyone in the face, you didn’t even break anything, at least you did something, i actually sat in the car the whole time, nothing, but i went for a drive, look at the nature,
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i don’t like it that way, can you? go on foot, what are you doing? so formidable, your honor? why is he offended? no, he has time to get in touch, you mean? yes, he’s worried, ksyukha has been hanging out in his brigade somewhere in siberia for more than two months, uh-huh, a shop, lariska told me to buy vegetable oil, let’s go, i won’t waste time. hello, you can talk, yes, hello, it's me, hello, you're okay, yes, yes, it's me, i'm worried, something, age, apparently, age, yes, i'm worried, i'm fine
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, don’t worry, but you, no, i’m fine too. listen, and i i'm busy now, i'll call you later, okay, okay, if everything is fine with you, everything is fine with us, let's call you in the evening, bye, give me the walkie-talkie.
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third yakubyshka, how is he on our tail? i'm third, everything is clear. fifth, yakubyshka. now at the arch we will leave the street. be careful. little egg, i'm fifth, everything is clear. let's go to the office, looks like i made a mistake. well, that's it, a wave started, yesterday upstairs we received a letter about a cultural figure, yeah, which says that the last representatives of russia's cultural heritage are dying, and the police are inactive, in general, full set, as you understand, today
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the tv people are going to their sabbath. please, what kind of culture, such figures and talk shows are the root of evil, in my opinion, the best reflection of this very culture, be ironic, don’t be ironic, but if you saw who signed it, i don’t care who signed it, i don’t care, yo 20 years ago, they killed a political figure, and so at the coffin there was one artist, director, popular, i liked him then, by the way, he said that prosecutors, detectives, all of them should be ashamed for eating their bread in vain, you know, just now no one asks these cultural figures for this entire culture, that’s right, as if they had nothing to do with it, so don’t bother me with letters from these figures, but i don’t , i have the murder of polyanskaya, this is the murder of a simple woman, not
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cultural figures, just like... women masha from the grocery store or homeless women glasha and the danger of a murderer from the status of a victim does not matter to me that you are protesting here, here is rum, you know, with us everything is simple, if you don’t like it, go away, pushed the monologue as if it were straight on the stage, and we are already on the stage, or rather in the arena. just dim, i’m not going anywhere, firstly, i don’t know how to do anything else, and secondly, i don’t want to, okay, there’s something new in the case, everything fits on diamondov, but i don’t believe in it, facts, it looks like there weren’t any more, you checked, but there probably were, but who will declare, a mistress, an ideal
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object for kidnapping, the chances that someone will make an official move? it’s negligible, tolya, there’s a laminating machine in the footage. take it, why are you suffering? do you want the whole company to know that we are wrapping money in film? and so someone leaked? what did you leak? about you and alice. do you think it's one of ours? either from ours, or from her environment. this is her friend. who? tamara, or what? what do you mean, she introduced us. she has money to burn. she is the daughter of a greek. the same one? yes, yes, the same one. who is waiting out the storm in london, you understand, he is not holding her in a black body, i agree, yes, yes,
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dear, i remember, at 17:00 on sunday, i remember everything, forgive me, i have the chinese on the other line, okay, dear, call me back, do you think that’s enough? it doesn't matter what i think it doesn’t matter what we think, what matters is how they think, yes, you have everything ready, yes, everything is ready, then leave, where, where should you go, while you circle around the city, you will receive instructions on the way, what should you expect? maybe it was worth involving my former colleagues, some colleagues, well, from the police, and from what police, what are you talking about, and if they are noticed, then
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the fox will be killed, no, i can’t risk it, no, that’s it, let’s go, petrovich , this is what i wanted to tell you, larisa, it’s all later, there’s no time now, sorry. we've been waiting for this for 3 years, great football event, the game is close, who will you bet on, register in the betting league app and get a free bet, there is sand in your room, sand in your pants, sand on your teeth, but the beach is stone. summer on ntv what kind of channel are you here even malikov started fighting and there will be a star aza you are our star what kind of star would you like me aza the funniest stars sit
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sit autographs then i thought that we have a kirkorov star in the most stellar show in the country you can’t drown in a sewing bag which? belets are hiding in the closet, i can sing someone else’s song, it will immediately will be mine. yes, just a complete merchant. stars. tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv. obstetrician. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. the main feature of modern youth is flexibility. yes, uncle dim. you haven't forgotten about the casting i arranged for you, have you? in no case. if i brush my teeth while already dressed, it means i forgot about the casting, i’m late, and if i’m late, it means i take a scooter, and if i took a scooter, it means i transferred unused communication minutes to this trip,
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your favorite taste. rostix - chicken like nowhere else. one of my friends connected unlimited in a megaphone completely free of charge. and now that's it spends time on the internet. hurry up to connect unlimited megapowers before the end of summer so that the internet doesn’t run out. only in a megaphone. our new name is tebank. when opening a business, you need to think through everything. i will open such a fitness club here. you'll rock. implement everything you have planned, and tebank business will provide reliable and convenient tools for starting your business. register a business in tebank and receive 6 months of free service. tebank is a business and the job is done. well, hello, marina, i’ll be with you for a long time. serious relationship with turkish tv series. start on ivi,
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the largest catalog of turkish tv series in the easyzi subscription for 99 rubles per month, on horseback, rushing towards the wind, an unfulfilled dream of spring, lada vestan boldly forward. marinka drove to the doctors, jackson drove to the ballistas, it seems to me that the crime scene will tell us more than her public relations, the corpse and the bullet won’t lie, that’s for sure, okay, and i drove off, i’ll keep you posted, come on, rom, i almost forgot. zhenya’s
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birthday is coming soon, yes i remember, well, i mean, that the gifts didn’t match, but she asked for a bike, well, we bought a bike, okay, i’ve had enough of a hang glider, bye, bye, right? you have 30 seconds to release your people, then leave the city, i want to hear alice's voice, do you want to hear her scream in pain? no, then do as you say and move towards the scandinavia highway, they will call you, i understand.
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“dima, that’s it, go back to the office and wait for me, i’ll explain everything later, do as i said, so, what is this, and what? “well, here you go, i’m stuck, now we’ll see, it’s possible, just like that.” without waiting for one operation, you start another, the computer can’t do that, it doesn’t understand anything, it falls into a stupor, an interesting movie, well, i can do it, but he can’t, but if i fell into a stupor every time when the input changes, we would have accumulated corpses here, the heights of pyotr pavlovka." here is your
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polyanskaya, i haven’t printed it out yet, so blind gunshot backs, i took out a bullet, it was already with the ballists, they shot at close range, so death occurred in no more than 8-9 hours before discovery, where is it, here on the right ankle there is an abrasion of no more than 3 cm, in places where there is abrasion on the skin there are flecks of tree resin, perhaps this is the only interesting detail, everything else is within the limits of... an ordinary firearm, yeah, tree resin, yes, yeah, and how is it explain? i don’t know, dear, it’s your job to explain, mine is to cut, and well... yes, yes, well, thank you very much, thank you again, goodbye, goodbye, yes, here’s another, yes, her stomach is empty , intestines too, she was fasting, for at least 3 days, maybe more, however, now everyone is obsessed with these diets, maybe this
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and it doesn’t matter, it matters, anna ivanna, it’s very important. yes, that means, after 5 km you will turn onto tarasovka, drive forward to the first bridge , stop, stand in the middle of the bridge so that you can be seen, i understand, okay, you have 10 minutes, if you are not there by time, then everything is cancelled, got it, i will, i will. okay, got it!
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good afternoon, i’ll drive to the clearing here, i don’t know, i’m not a local, i’m broken down, no, i’m just waiting for a friend, maybe i’ll give him a lift, no, thanks, what do you want? yes, who was it? i don’t know, he stopped, he just asked for directions. is it true? please, i’m alone, i brought money, i ask you, throw the case into the water, and throw alice with
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her, everything will be fine. yes, but i, leave it, or you'll get it packaged in cans. go out onto the highway and wait, they will call you, and alice, give alice back, yes, hey! petrovich, your wife called and asked to tell her that you are invited to the romantsovs this evening, you need to be home at 6:00, what should i tell her? tell her to go to hell, that's what! yeah,
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well, the story was brilliant. falls with the time of death, it turns out, polyanskaya they shot her the next day after he refused to pay the ransom, well, yes, then her empty stomach is a consequence of being in captivity, and she simply wasn’t fed, but what about the chemistry? there’s no chemistry yet, so what? no, it’s just stupid not to feed the victim, this can only be done in one case, in which? well, either she’s under the influence of drugs or tranquilizers, what else? yeah, there’s also a graze on the ankles in the wound, tree tar, well, in principle, it could have injured the leg of the tree, or she was tied up with tarred ship ropes, why, we need to look for a ship, which one
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ship, in the sense that i don’t know for sure, but in my opinion the navy once used tarred ropes, i need to clarify, but also, by the way, an option, yeah, well, well, the bullet, the ballists have it, well, there you go went, he can find a common language with the ball players, uh-huh, oh, nevermind, who is kulibin, from the forest or from kirovsk, he invented it himself, assembled it himself, decided to sell it himself, now he’ll go to prison himself, but he could lay claim to the invention , for a patent, will qualify for 5 years of general treatment? what about our bullet? hmm, your bullet is rare, right? antikkuriat, fired from a japanese-made nambu pistol. moreover, the bullet is original from the same time, samurai, look, sashka, don’t tell anyone, otherwise
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the yakuza will force us to develop, and sushi makes me swell, just two beers, i’ll be like him, i agree, sashok, what about the gelzate bullet, have a conscience, zhek, i’m a policeman, what a conscience, well, whatever, but come on in the evening, thank you brother, i knew that you wouldn’t refuse, three beers, that’s a plague, damn it, where? choice! fans want more! betting league app! top line and high odds! choose from a variety of sporting events. go green and get freebet 2222 from the betting league! don't miss central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. time is buzzing again, bam! why, when the union about the highway and its builders collapsed, they hastened to forget. we are messengers of komsomol organizations.
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11:23 pm
skip, it's me, everything's okay. well, handsome, your time has come, quiet,
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quiet, quiet, quiet. yes, everything is fine, it looks like you really love the girl, drive towards the city and before reaching 5 km, you will turn onto the road to the quarry, drive another kilometer and stop at three pillars, and then, and then you’ll forget everything like a bad dream, otherwise it might happen again.
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it’s me, what are you, what is it, what are you, calm down, and i’m here, calm down, well, they said not to take off the bandage until you arrive, it was so strange, i’m with you, with you, i’m with you , that's it, that's it, calm down.
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i must disappoint you, roman georgievich, but i have not heard anything like what you just told. i agree, kidnappings still happen, but still, we don’t have caucasians in the nineties, and there are fewer fools now, why are there more fools? can you remember at least one kidnapping that would have ended successfully, that is, with...
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that you will help me, if you can, you can, all i need is to find out whether any of the rich people had their mistresses kidnapped, if so, then i just need to talk to them, as it is fashionable to say now, i guarantee confidentiality , let's try, did you at least remember someone, what, they were wearing masks? i didn’t even understand how many of them there were, okay, it’s good that ends well, that ’s yours, he promises to marry, well, you see, for this it was already worth going through everything, but no, you what, i have no time for that right now, i almost went crazy with fear, that’s it, that’s it, friend,
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calm down, it’s all over, thank you very much, i know that you were the first to come to lena, what are you, come on, i love you, little fool, aliska, you need to shake yourself up, let's go to the gym today. so, now i have a meeting, about 50 o’clock i’ll be free, at 5:00, we agreed, let’s go, otherwise when i ’m left alone, i remember everything again. tomochka, please just take care of yourself, i ’m very worried about you, i mean, pay for me no one.
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which means there is no technical possibility, we are at that technical service to find technical possibilities, there are three murders involved. well, that means, go on a day off and do everything and i don’t care how it was before, it will be like this now. you can, roman georgievich, you always know me, it’s bad form not to know you, you flatter me, although when the main ears of the city say so, you don’t know how to regard, as respect, what problems, but i came to meet you, i found out that the head of the office has changed. and where predecessor? i’m currently on a travel ban notice, but i think it won’t be for long. you are cruel, and your colleagues? and don’t confuse your sheep with
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the state ones. logical. have a seat. yes, no, i won't be long. this is a printout from the phone of a certain mr. almazov. he received calls from the kidnappers, so to speak. relatives, phones are naturally left-handed, sim cards are registered to non-existent persons, question: is it possible to find out whether calls were made from these sim cards to other subscribers? mm, it’s not an easy task, it’s hopeless, hopeless to do nothing, leave, as always urgently, well, when was it different with us? let's try, good luck, yeah, understand.
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are there any educational games, yes, please, here... yeah, here are some other options, but it’s somehow too primitive, no, but how old is the child, almost four, well, just what you need, you think , excuse me, yeah, yes, firsov, i’m not tearing it off, is there really something, last name is treshkin, name is leonid petrovich, take it. take, no,
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hi, be quiet! yes, i understand, alice, well, i ask you, stop crying, calm down, tell me, where, where did this happen, near the fitness club, i 'm afraid they will come back for me, listen to me, do n't be afraid, don't go anywhere, be there, go to this fitness center, yes, don't worry, i beg you, i'm coming for you now anatoly will come, yes, my darling, everything will be fine, believe me, he is already leaving, kiss him. that tamara , alice’s friend, was kidnapped, right in front of her eyes, dashing guys, you know where alisa’s fitness is, yes, go pick her up, take her here,
11:33 pm
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wow, of course i’m confused, but my hands, legs, everything are shaking, i love you madly. premiere today at 23:50 on ntv. obstetrician. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. all! everyone wants to win millions. but not everything is tinder in the right place. rub in the right places. play the instant lottery stoloto. every second ticket wins. hurry up to buy in
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i have better news. well, the pistol that was used to shoot polyanskaya was fired 8 years ago; it was used to kill a certain olga vikkulova. 23 years old, capercaillie, but no, they took him to kill, they didn’t find the trunk, but the most interesting thing is, you know that the fact that vikulova was first kidnapped and they also demanded a ransom, she was a mistress director of the market, but they were killed when the ransom was not paid, yes, that means that 8 years ago a woman was shot with a pistol for whom a ransom was demanded, now the pistol is also shooting, a woman was kidnapped for ransom, conclusions, well, someone...
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phone, what and diamondov, a businessman, a big one, is engaged in sales of equipment, there is a huge probability that his mistress was also kidnapped, maybe he is one of the kidnappers, but no, it’s too simple, they won’t get into trouble, in general, you need to shake him, otherwise i i'm afraid he just won't talk, call yes. well, you bitch fuck, did you jump? i don’t understand, what didn’t you understand, animal, you thought your rotten thing was going to kill you, you thought it was dressed with fake money, you decided to fool us, and we’ll bury your girl, you’re so fake,
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what are you talking about, don’t fool me, these were the most normal money, hear, and stop scaring me, don’t, and don’t threaten my girlfriend, hear, why did you steal her friend, you think that’s it... you ’ll get away with it, right? listen, i’ll gather all the businessmen, we’ll chip in to catch you and castrate you, you’ll regret it, yes, yes, handsome, you are a jerk, of course, why did you have to put your feet on the table, this is part of the image, your treshkin is a rude person, rudely stated that the money is real and promised to deprive me of the most expensive thing, a trunk or what? well, roughly, what else did he say? well, he also said that there was some other kidnapping of some girl, like this evening, i still didn’t understand,
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it seems yuri, you really surprised them, they didn’t expect us to know about their machinations with the general meeting of shareholders and so on , i think guys. where is she, i understand everything, how much do you want, what?
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alexey gennadievich, lunch is cancelled, my girlfriend has just been kidnapped. the main thing is that they didn’t say how much they needed,
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they said they wanted to see how much i love tamara, it all looks like a prank, but the voice, it’s not a prank, how do you know, experience tatyana, polyanskaya, yeah, damn, what to do, how much to give them , if you need money, i will give it. “thank you, i would call her father in london, but we don’t know each other, but i can connect you with kostya segidei, we’ve known each other for about 15 years, tamara didn’t tell him, i’m officially married, you didn’t tell, yes, but we haven’t been together for a long time together, but to officially separate, somehow everyone can’t get around to it, and so you’ll call him, yes, yes, of course, but for now, i’ll reset
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my account, my bank account, yes, hello, kostya, hello, yes, yes, yes, i found out, uh, no, thank you, i’m fine, but you’re not very good, which means not very good. only during the championship, only vinline gives a free bet in the amount of 250,000. off, let's play big. time for matchtv news, especially for ntv. in the studio, alexey kochitkov. and in the next 5 minutes we will discuss the most exciting events from the world of sports. we will also study the most interesting odds from the bookmaker winline. lionel messi has made a move. to his next trophy, or rather,
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his teammates from the argentine national team helped him take this step, because he almost failed in the quarterfinals of the america's cup against ecuador. there is an explanation for this: already in the usa, messi received an injury, due to which he had to miss the meeting with peru. the captain entered the playoff match, but played without much brilliance, however, it was messi who served in the lead, after which alesandro martinez scored. in in the second half, ecuador took the advantage in added time, kevin rodriguez. still equalized the score. according to the regulations, the teams immediately went to take the penalty, and messi hit the crossbar with his first shot. the save was saved by goalkeeper eviliana martinez, who took the next two shots, and leo’s teammates, who never missed again. 4:2 on penalties, argentina in the semi-finals. you could bet that the main time of the match would end in a draw with odds of four. the remaining three quarters of the final match will take place in weekend, and... there would be interest in the uruguay-brazil match. the uruguayans show
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the brightest and most complete football at the tournament, and the pentacompiones will have to play without venicius. but brazil is still brazil, so the bookmaker gives the advantage, albeit a purely symbolic one, to it before the game. the international children's games of asia are gradually approaching the finals. the climbing tournament ended today in yakutsk. at the doksun sports complex, young athletes competed in the discipline. puzzle wall maria silkina from the siberian federal district, her fellow countryman roman prusakov excelled among young men. according to the winners, rock climbing helps them with their studies, and bouldering develops concentration and creativity. as a child, i was quite a very active child, i climbed up all the time; my family and i lived outside the city at that time.
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put the ball in the far corner. after the break , musaev appeared on the field within a couple of minutes and helped gaich upset the club where his career began. the second goal was immediately followed by the third. deveev, after serving from the corner of the field, pushed through the defense and slammed the ball under the crossbar. and the decoration of the match was the exit army legend thirty-nine-year-old milish krasic, who finished football 6 years ago. the coach gave him only a couple of minutes, but krasic managed to score an assist on... but now we are preparing
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for the new season and the season will begin soon, but it is always nice to win with a big shot when so many fans came and supported until the end. at euro 2024 , all semi-finalists will be known on saturday evening; england will play against switzerland in dusseldorf. the strained victory over slovakia in extra time did not add more whists to the english. that's it for the team just as unfortunate. criticized, but at the same time they admit that even with such anti-football, she is capable of reaching the final. switzerland is more attractive for a neutral fan. well , specialist bookmakers admit that victory for boring, but great england is a more likely option. you can bet on three lions reaching the semi-finals with odds of 1.6. the quarter-final stage will be completed
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by the national teams of the netherlands and turkey. the orange's quotes went down after a beautiful victory over romania. that the turks, weakened by disqualifications of key players will create a sensation again, the bookmaker doesn’t believe it. the odds for a turkish victory in regulation time are close to six, and for a draw almost 4 and a half. in the midst of the euro 2024 playoffs, ivinline's game is big. as part of the freebet promotion, every day the bookmaker begins to distribute even larger freebet denominations up to 250,000. go to the vinline app and pick up yours right now. vinline's daily freebet makes the difference. this was match tv news specifically for ntv. see you. only during the championship. only vinline gives a free bet of 250,000. in playoffs, we play big.


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