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tv   Rossiiskaya diplomatiya  NTV  July 6, 2024 7:00am-8:00am MSK

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son of king vladislav. fillaret romanov, who arrived in krakow as part of the russian embassy delegation, was playing for time as best he could. he tried unsuccessfully to convince the young korolevich and his father to convert to orthodoxy, and then completely sabotaged the negotiations. and under plausible pretexts, he refused to sign any agreements. for six months there was a diplomatic struggle for the fate of the russian throne. cunning, falsehood, empty promises, threats, the russians experienced all this. ambassadors: after the next stupid negotiations, all members of the delegation were were arrested, but even from polish captivity filoret romanov managed to manage affairs in moscow. filoret nikitich romanov, aka dova ostrigovaki, fedorich romanov, the father of the first tsar from the romanov dynasty, mikhail fedorovich, he himself could not ascend to the throne, because mikhail fedorovich was 8 years before his accession. took monastic vows, and he quickly
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rose in the spiritual hierarchy in 1619, became the patriarch of all russia, he was an experienced politician, extremely experienced, for him, the worst enemy of russia, certainly the worst, was the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, he was ready with the swedes to negotiate, was ready to pursue a rather complex, constructive policy in the south of russia regarding crimea. for him, the polish-lithuanian commonwealth was clearly associated with the word revenge. he spent an extremely long time in captivity of the poles, and this captivity was humiliating and vile. fillorette nikitich headed the spiritual part of the great embassy that went to segismund ii in 1610. in the camp. he showed intransigence in this embassy, ​​although segismont decided that he had brought russia to its knees and no one could resist him. in result, imagine. situation,
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russian diplomats were taken prisoner under arrest, they spent many years in captivity, about 9 years, felaret nikitich was a prisoner of the poles, naturally, upon returning, he took an extremely high position at his son’s court, some believe that he actually ruled with his son’s hands , but at least he took a leading role in government affairs along with his son, and he...
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he is very lucky. the zemsky sobor of 1613 solved one problem. the restoration of the monarchy and this meant the election of a new king. was chosen mikhail fedorovich. did this council have a diplomatic aspect? that is, were there any nominations of foreign candidates at this council? yes, they did, one of the swedish princes was named and... the zemsky sobor decided not to invite any of the foreigners of other faiths to moscow, to choose from their own, from the orthodox sovereigns, so all diplomatic activity in this regard was very quickly curtailed. as for the way out of the turmoil, it meant not only victory over the grandson.
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just leave me, i feel very bad, i can’t breathe. kingfisher, new season. you they cared so much about seiran that they completely forgot about suna. i ask you to tell us the truth. today at 13:00 on ntv. morning is the best, on weekdays from 6:30 on ntv. the pain can vary. there is only one mechanism for the development of pain. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pintalgin. universal remedies against different types of pain. thanks to its combined composition, pentalgen acts against. pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentalgin. let's do without pain. beauty. well, why? it's so expensive. no, mom, it's not expensive at all. saved on mother. liran refrigerator for 69,990. liran,
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we make comfort accessible. 7 days before the vk festival. buy tickets to the main event of the summer on vk. our new name is tebank. when opening a business, you need to think through everything. i will open such a fitness club here. you'll rock. make everything you dream come true. and tebank business will provide reliable and convenient tools for starting your business. register a business in tebank. and get 6 months of free service. tebank business. idelo. at persil we take stain removal to a new level with dep technology. enzymes persil work on the surface and inside of the fabric, let the memories remain, not stains on things. once i've persisted, i've always persisted.
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summer is coming, in a situation without the internet, and even in a situation of not sleeping at night. download the vk video application and watch it on any device. vk video. and for everyone, one of my friends connected unlimited in a megaphone completely free of charge and now sits on the internet all the time, have time to connect megapower to unlimited before the end of summer, so that the internet does not end, only in a megaphone, dog, your dog is with us, do you want him back, the dog urgently needs reinforcement. he's in a hurry to help legendary detective mukhtar mukhtar mukhtar don't miss the loudest return of the summer. the criminals are already missing you, they are worried that you are not catching them. the return of mukhtar from the very beginning. it's not just
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a dog, it's a weapon. on weekdays at 8:25, at 11:00 dog on ntv. the north-west of russia is captured by the swedes. under their control are novgorod, old russa, ladoga, oreshek, ivangorod, pskov. after a series of failures, the russian army was in decline, the treasury was empty, russia needed a speedy peace. but russian negotiations with... in exchange for the liberation of russian lands. first the swedes offered three possible options: russia cedes four fortresses to the swedes: ivangorod, yam, koporye, nut, pays 150 thousand rubles or three barrels of gold. second option: russia cedes all four fortresses to the entire sumerian volost. the third option, russia pays 2 million rubles or 40. the russians are from kikhven, and the swedes are first
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from noteburg, and then from ladaga. and we concluded two peace agreements: diollinskoe and stolbovskoye. according to these agreements, sweden gave us novgorod, but retained a significant part of the northern territories, northern novgorod region, that is. they lost quite a lot in the north, a whole bunch of cities, but thank god they came out of the war. the polish-lithuanian commonwealth laid claim to more, and we lost smolensk, seversk land, chernigov land. we must remember that chernigov at that time belonged to russia for more than a century. these were even more terrible losses, but the continuation of the war threatened that the country would be completely destroyed and disintegrate. but imagine 20-20. the nobility, which formed the basis of the army, lay in the grave, and how to fight, what to fight with, poverty,
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the troops disintegrate on the way to the border, before reaching the combat zone, a mediator was needed, such a person was the representative of the english moscow company john merick, who had traveled extensively around russia for a long time since the time of boris godunov. john was on friendly terms with all the russian ambassadors in england, and was ready to help the russian state come to terms with. tried to come to an agreement and smooth out the conflict. meric's interest was to ensure
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unhindered trade for british merchants in russia. during november , stubborn diplomatic battles were fought in ladag for the nut and lands north and south of the neva. for nevier and for nevier. russian diplomats shrugged their shoulders. in the surrender of russian fortresses to the enemy, an inexpressive englishman galloped ahead of them. the ambassador with the swedish king was retold at the russian court and in the embassy order. the ambassadorial order itself was gaining strength. every foreigner heading to the english kremlin at the end of the 18th century to introduce himself to chancellor galitsin saw a globe from afar, installed above the roof of the new embassy building. the ambassadorial order, the image of the modern ministry of foreign affairs, was formed under ivan the terrible in february 1549. it was responsible for international relations of the moscow and then the russian kingdom. the head of the department
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kept the state seal. at the beginning of the 16th century, this system was very much destroyed. when minin and pozharsky liberated moscow in the fall of 1612, the capital was in ruins. the embassy order also lost personnel. and the archive of the embassy was very badly damaged order. and, of course, the ciphers went to the enemy, because interventionists and traitors were in charge here in the kremlin, slowly several years after the troubled time, especially when patriarch phillaret returned in 1619, the embassy order began to restore - all its personnel and archives, and secret writing, ciphers . the ambassadorial prikaz became a kind of cultural center of the country. a large group of translators and interpreters worked here. various kinds
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of reports arrived here, ambassadors’ reports, various extracts from historical works were kept, translated works. here they prepared the courant and handwritten abstracts of the foreign press for the tsar and the boyars. it was a vast building, consisting of four huge buildings. it contained several chambers, each of which was intended for special meetings. previously a special diplomatic department. significantly expanded, flyers with international news were distributed there on a regular basis, meetings were held, employees gathered at a large table, the chancellor sat at the end of it, and invited boyars and clerks sat on the sides. except leadership of foreign policy, employees dealt with the affairs of foreign merchants.
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greeks and italians who were serving at the court were often sent abroad. they spoke russian well, knew european customs and were... aware of the political agenda. in addition, the correspondence of the tsar and other state leaders required special protection of information. therefore, the embassy order was also the center of cryptographic activity. ciphers and recommendations for their use were created here. transmitted or sent keys were encrypted and decrypted by documents. russian diplomacy had to be well aware of the characteristics of each country and its interests. specific political goals, and most importantly - to imagine in detail the relationships between states and try to predict the outcome of certain negotiations. the ambassadorial order monitored the economic situation in the world and was interested in foreign science and culture. fillaret
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retained his hatred of the poles for the rest of his life, but borrowed from the poles an innovation in the organization of the army, and most importantly, began en masse call upon military and technical specialists from western europe to russia. by the thirties of the 16th century, internal government affairs were in the best possible state. overseas entrepreneurs willingly came to russia and set up various production facilities and invested their funds in them. foreign specialists who entered the russian service numbered in the thousands. the newcomers formed entire settlements, settlements, with their own infrastructure. an era of economic prosperity has arrived. famine and devastation were far behind. tsar michael and his father, patriarch philvoret, cared about the cultural revival of the country. the printing house and the huge royal library were restored. the russian state acquired ever-
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increasing authority in the world. russia at all times sought to establish strong ties with europe and borrow everything from there in order... useful for the accelerated development of the country. in 1632 , king sigismund ii died in poland, causing russia a lot of trouble; this was the ideal moment for the return of lost territories, including smolensk. fillaret was eager to get even for all the insults, taking advantage of the fact that the new king vladislav had not yet established himself on the throne. this was precisely the same vladislav, who during the time of unrest was called to the russian kingdom, and who was sure that... in the autumn of 1632, russian troops controlled serpeysk, dorogobuzh and the bely fortress. in december, the siege of smolinsk began, but interruptions in the supply of ammunition and food supplies led to the fact that the army under the command of governor mikhail shenin stood at the city walls to no avail until
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the thirty thousand army of king vladislav did not appear. smolensk ended in failure, governor shein capitulated, in moscow he was convicted and executed for treason. the army of king vladislav was heading towards moscow; there were almost no combat-ready forces on its way. the polish monarch went to the russian capital for a second crown, intending to unite russia and poland under his rule. on the way to a great triumph, the king decided to take the fortress captured by the russians in 1632. white. the garrison of belaya was commanded by voevoda fyodor volkonsky. under his leadership there were about thousands of people, but one very important thing is that the entire russian military campaign was very carefully prepared by fillaret. the smolensk war of 1632-34 was his brainchild, which he prepared in all areas. diplomatic, military,
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political, financial. and on the mountain of russia, this is an active political diplomat in 1633. his will was not enough to bring the war to a victorious end, but vector himself, the anti-polish vector of russian politics, remained after his death under his son, and under his grandson alexei mikhailovich. felaret nikitivich put the thought into the minds of russian diplomats: “we must recapture our lands from the poles, we must do this at any cost. fight for it, don’t forget about it, and after his death no one forgot about it. don’t miss central television, first information show about the events and people of the week. time is buzzing again. bam, why, when the union about the highway and its builders collapsed , did we, the envoys of the komsomol organizations, rush to fulfill the most important assignment,
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the parties are ready, as the last of the great construction projects of socialism becomes a new project? century already in new russia, trains are already running here, it is necessary to complete the improvement work there, and is it true that the main construction project from our past will become the real road to our future, the turnaround that has recently taken place on... would be impossible without bam, it will be your central television, today at 19:00 on ntv. morning is the best, on weekdays from 6:30 on ntv. our new name is tebank. when opening a business, you need to think through everything. i will open such a fitness club here. you'll rock. embody everything planned, and tebank business will provide reliable and convenient tools for starting your business.
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a national holiday, we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family, strong relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming , there are even more achievements ahead of us, fall in love with... but stronger at the russia exhibition. boyarin fedor fedorovich, volkonsky, russian military man, governor, diplomat, became famous for his faithful service in the most difficult conditions, performing difficult tasks, including including diplomatic ones. to protect the white fortress, he had 500 fighters and another 500 volunteers, whom he recruited from among the local residents. on march 13, 1634, king vladislav appeared at the walls of the fortress with eight.
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horsemen, hoping that the gates would be opened for him immediately. the russians did open, but not the gates, but fire. then the king went to hole up in the st. michael’s monastery, from where he sent his envoys to the belaya fortress. the nobles offered volkonsky to surrender the fortress without waiting for the royal wrath. in case of disobedience, vladislav promised to execute both the governor and those soldiers who would resist. for example, volkonsky was appointed governor of shein, who capitulated near smolensk. shane is not my example, volkonsky answered calmly, sent the envoys out and ordered the gates of the fortress to be tightly covered with stones. vladislav, having heard about the refusal, gave the order to prepare for the assault. three times the poles launched an attack, gathering the main forces of their army in the fortress. the forces were unequal. 30 thousand people against volkonsky’s thousand fighters. white fortress fiercely fired, including with incendiary shells, but the defenders
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stubbornly held the line. and then something completely unimaginable happened. voivode volkonsky gave the order to make a foray into the polish camp. this risky step by the russians so stunned the royal army that vladislav himself was almost captured. the russians returned to the fortress, taking with them several dozen prisoners and eight enemy banners. as a result , the polish army lifted the siege of white and went back to the west. in june 1634.
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and how the advanced power accelerated into the reign of the grandson of the patriarch, the son of mikhail romanov, alexei the quiet. quiet's nickname was kindly ironic. under him, russia experienced considerable upheavals, but expanded to the pacific ocean in the east and to the dnieper and neman in the west, created its own strong army, industry, and developed science. many reforms that are often attributed to peter. the first, in fact, were carried out even before his birth, by talented statesmen and diplomatic figures; it was not enough to simply shave the boyars’ beards and dress them in european suit, teach latin and mathematics, it was also necessary to establish diplomatic relations with major european powers, and this task fell to pyotr ivanovich potemkin, a very active government official. from 1667
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it was possible to calm down, although with some difficulty. he was convinced that karl did not take off his hat due to his youth and inexperience. the reception continued. according to spanish traditions, the message from the king to the russian tsar should have been delivered to the russian embassy, ​​but potemkin then became indignant and demanded that the letter be given to him personally presented by the king himself. the spaniards had to go against their traditions and arrange an audience especially for potemkin, at
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which charles ii handed over. a letter in his hands. despite such assertiveness, the bearded russian diplomat was popular in spain. his portrait was even painted by the famous spanish artist, quan carendi. in general, potemkin loved to pose for european artists; in addition to the one mentioned, another portrait of him is known, painted during his visit to england by the court painter gottfried kneller. however, potemkin himself also blissfully spoke about the spaniards. potemkin's next destination was france. there, long before he got to paris, he again showed his stern character. the local official demanded.
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rules for everyone, including the removal of hats. in all disputes about the ambassadorial ceremony, it was about the comparative status of the powers. potemkin successfully negotiated with the emperor of the holy roman empire, the german nation, the dutch, and the poles. but the most curious incident happened to potemkin during his last diplomatic visit to denmark, where he set off in 1682. peter ivanovich arrived at the royal palace, but he was informed that the danish king kristjan i was seriously ill, had not gotten out of bed for many years, and therefore could not receive him. potemkin was indignant and insisted that
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another bed be placed next to the royal bed, on which he, potemkin, would lie down and talk with the king in this state. his request was eventually granted. lying on their beds, christian and potemkin concluded. an important union, it was called russian reshelie, head of the embassy order, chancellor, close boyar, voivode, he was one of the brightest and most talented figures among the nobility of his time, the name of this man is afanasy ardennashchokin. in 1642, he was sent to the russian-swedish border to resolve controversial issues. ardin noshchekin surprised his superiors with his deep dive into the essence of the problem. he studied the scribe's books, interviewed the surrounding residents and convinced the swedes to return the bone meadows they had captured. one of the leading diplomats
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of russia in the 17th century was afanasy lavrentievich order nashchekin, from the small estate of the pskov nobility from the lower category of nobles, so called policemen. boyarsky, he rose to the rank of boyars and to the leadership of the spaser order. why? in fact, he was the hands of alexei mikhailovich and he pursued a policy that was to some extent useful for russia, since he was a great specialist in diplomatic issues, but to some extent harmful. this figure is very controversial, superbly educated, knew many languages, was unusually active, was loyal to the king, but who was he? the capital's aristocracy is a stinking dog, a nobody, a baked cockroach, and the king exalts him elevates, thus he had to be in the will of the king and carry out his orders, but
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sometimes he himself could influence the king. here is the order of nashchekin during the period of struggle with the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, he was quite a useful person, but his project was to conclude an alliance of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth against sweden and conquer russian lands in the north. just imagine the situation, the first years of the fight against the polish-lithuanian commonwealth end mainly with russian victories, a colossal number of territories have been recaptured. we are standing in kiev, in vilna, a significant part modern belarus, modern ukraine, all this is in the hands of russia. to a large extent, with the presentation of the order on the cheek , the war with sweden begins. the war, well, not very successful, not so much unsuccessful, the valeessar truce is concluded and a number of cities, including derbt, kukonos, are concluded according to it. some others ended up as part of russia, but the forces went to this front, in the south in the war with the polish-lithuanian commonwealth the situation worsened, that is , in this case diplomacy prevented the war, and after a while what we got
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according to the voleisar peace agreement, it had to be given, because the swedes threatened, we will go to war with russia, give us these lands, and russia was too exhausted by the war with the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, which means that this is... the pro-polish desire of the order of nashchekin, he was the founder of a policy that contradicted nikitich’s policy, his legacy, it is in ... russia, but still it must be said that in 1667, despite the fact that the war did not end as brilliantly as we would like, the nashchekin order did a lot for in order for the andrusov peace agreement to be concluded, according to this agreement, russia took back, recaptured from poland smolensk, seversk land, chernigov land, the left bank part of little russia and... in addition, it left its troops on the territory of
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kiev and kanev, that is, in in general, she annexed a huge territory, as a specialist diplomat, the nashchekin order played a significant role in this, as for sweden, that is , everything had to be returned, that is, the nashchekin order, a star of the first magnitude in the firmament of russian diplomacy of the 16th century, but a man ambiguous, an analogue of russian diplomacy, in some places he has merits before russia..., but in other places he generally blundered, you can endlessly look at three things: how a fire burns, how we remain calm and do not interfere with the work of firefighters, how water flows, oh, it seems to me that the water has broken, and like nikita panfilov, delivering the child, urgently, i need your help during childbirth, you won’t beat the coffee, what a gallant man, where are you taking me, to the bed, i’ll shoot,
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kill, you’ll shoot yourself and you’ll give birth accept, this is not a maternity hospital, this is a madhouse, they told me that kaveren is a smart guy, different and deaf, an obstetrician, oh, what's going on, the magpie gave birth, today is 20:00 on ntv. beard new season today at 13:00 on ntv. the pain can vary. there is only one mechanism for the development of pain. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pintalgin. a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pintalgin will do without pain. 7 days before the vk festival. buy tickets to the main events of the summer at our new name is
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and yes, shauma shampoo. 90% ingredients of natural origin. for healthy , beautiful hair. take care of your family with shauma. shaoma. care from the roots to the very ends, what did you do 3 days ago, if the question seems difficult, it can help with apect, it helps restore memory and attention, with optect so that the head works, in any situation, watch the video, in the situation summer is coming, situations without the internet, download the vk app and watch videos on any device, each of us holds something dear to us, honor. memory, present and future, dear, sincere, and not like a worn-out phrase from a sticker, we do not throw words to the wind and do not abandon our own, join yours. ardino
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nashchekin was transferred to the southern borders of moldova to find out whether an anti-russian alliance was being prepared by turkey and... in october 1642, afanasy lavrentich with three assistants arrived in the city of iasi, where he created an agent network. from the capital of moldova he i found out what they argued about at the polish-lithuanian sejm, what they whispered to the vizier of the sultans of constantinople. after six months of observation, he advised sending an embassy to the sultan in moscow and gave detailed instructions to ivan miloslavsky, who headed it, about achieving peace. as a result, the plan of the anti-russian union was thwarted. moscow secured its southern borders from crimean raids and was able to concentrate efforts to confront poland. ardino nashchekin is appointed governor of druya, a town not far from the swedish possessions in the baltic states. new the governor launched a vigorous activity, primarily diplomatic. after the negotiations he started, the swedish troops
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left the vicinity of druya, which they had been in charge of for several years, and the residents of riga began to think about the advantages of russian citizenship. ardin nashchekin conducted diplomatic correspondence with the courland government, with foreign ambassadors in warsaw, and hosted the austrian ambassador. in the end, he managed to gain the trust of duke jacob of courland, and on september 9, 1656, courland signed a treaty of friendship and alliance with moscow. in 1656, war with sweden began. ordin nashchekin understood how russia needed access to the baltic sea and ports on the coast. he persuaded the tsar to declare peace with poland, to unite with it against the common northern enemy, the swedes. swedish diplomats wrote with alarm to stockholm about the plans of the russian reshel, as they called it. the moment turned out to be good. a coalition was formed against sweden from the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, the german empire, denmark and
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brandenburg. ordin nashchekin convinced tsar alexei mikhailovich to join this union. the emperor instructed him to begin secret negotiations. on december 1658, in the village of velie sari, near narva, a long-awaited truce was concluded between sweden and russia, ending the two-year russian-swedish war that began in 1656. the tsar appreciated the foresight of ordin nashchekin and granted him the ranks of near boyar and butler, and placed the ambassadorial office under his command. order. in the summer of 1667, afanasy lavrentievich. received the title royal great seals of state great ambassadorial affairs of the guardian, that is, speaking in european style, chancellor. ardin nashchokin became the de facto head of government, the second person in the moscow state. he used the power given to him skillfully, clearly organizing the work of the embassy order.
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permanent representatives were sent to many european courts, such as warsaw. the new head of the foreign ministry did not forget about the east. they were sent by embassy to khiva, bukhara and india. ardin nashchokin protected russian trade with protectionist duties, creating a new charter. he cared about the development of domestic industry and believed useful to adopt western experience. in the boyar duma, many were dissatisfied with the rapid rise of the provincial nobleman. the tsar's boundless trust in kordin nashchokin was skillfully undermined by constant intrigue. directness and decisiveness have always been characteristic of prince yakov fedorovich dolgorukov; he remained in history as one
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of the most loyal people to peter the great, and at the same time he was distinguished by his integrity and integrity. it was yakov fedorovich who made the statement to the tsar, truly the best servant. he followed this principle all his life. prince yakov fedorovich dolgorokov was one of the most prominent, and i would even say, legendary figures. of his time, especially the peter i era, although by the beginning of the independent reign of peter i, he was already 57 years old, but he began his activities under princess sophia alekseevna, in general he belonged to the most noble family in russia, to the rurikovich family, from which they came kings, the previous dynasty, which ruled before the romanovs, and under princess sofya alekseevna. dolgorukov carried out a diplomatic mission, he was an ambassador, for example, in france and
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spain, and he was also involved in military activities, in general this was his main , so to speak, role during all reigns, he was one of the main commanders during the azov campaign, golitsin, and under peter he... was placed at the head of the military order, and what ’s interesting is that his rank was boyar, and his position was senator, so in this way he seemed to combine the old and the new. the political situation was aggravated. france had just concluded a new treaty of peace, friendship and trade with the ottoman empire. russian the delegation gathered on a visit to paris. after listening to the report of his minister of foreign affairs on the purpose of the russians’ arrival, king louis xv. convey to prince dolgorukov that he knows the judge of the case, and he considers further negotiations unnecessary. the meeting will not take place, but
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the russian ambassador will be given a letter of response. but yakov dolgorukov announced that he, as the royal ambassador, would accept the letter only from the hands of the king himself, for all sovereigns give the letter of response to the ambassadors personally. the insolence of prince dolgorukov caused the arrogant louis extreme irritation. he threatened the ambassadors with dishonor. and ordered them to be escorted to the state border. dolgorukov responded to this by saying that even under pain of death, he would not accept the letter at the embassy yard. he also refused to accept royal gifts. the royal wrath is terrible because of our fault, the ambassador insisted. and without guilt it’s not scary at all. the french were forced to yield. louis did not want to enter into the alliance proposed to him, promising, however, not to interfere with the fight of the russians with the turks and saying goodbye. audience presented the ambassadors with a certificate personally. next the path lay to spain. in spain , dolgorukov gained enormous popularity.
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local aristocrats were pleased to hear how, in response to the threats of louis 14, dolgorukov calmly declared that he was not afraid of anger without guilt. the engraved portrait of dolgorukov and members of his embassy enriched spanish and even some french booksellers. in november 1701
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, he put him in positions that, as they would now probably say, required high resistance to corruption, for example, at the beginning of the northern war, and yakov fedorovich was in charge all the reserves of the russian army, and after returning from swedish captivity, yakov fedorovich dolgorukov headed the main commissariat, that is, he became the commissioner for grain and cash supplies, in general for all supplies of the russian army. then he was president of the revision board, it was an institution that controlled the finances
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of the entire state. history: there was a shortage of bread in st. petersburg. peter approved the senate’s decision to additionally seize grain from the surrounding peasants. dolgorukov, who was supposed to carry out the decree, did not did. the king became enraged at such disobedience and demanded that the nobleman be taken to the carpet. understanding what this could threaten him with, prince dolgorukov decided to use a trick. he paused, and he found the most plausible excuse for not eating. the prince defended mass, and even this. the christians are already being charged too many duties; immediately, as a way out of the situation, dolgorukov suggested borrowing bread from the personal granaries of the courtiers, first of all alexander menshikov, and personally from prince dolgorukov too. calmed down a bit at that time, peter, having listened to the senators,
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agreed with the proposal. tsarevna sofia alekseevna put galitsin at the head of the embassy order, this is the ministry of foreign affairs of the 16th century. in this post, he pursued a very successful foreign policy. for example, through his efforts such important treaties for russia were concluded as eternal peace with poland and the nerchinsk treaty with china. galitsin’s participation in the crimean campaigns is known; he actually organized them. these campaigns were not very successful, but... nevertheless, they fulfilled their role, this role was the fact that the crimean khanate was diverted from the war, which was required for russia’s allies in the holy league, due to the fact that prince vasily vasilyevich belonged to the party hostile to peter i, princess sophia, there is an opinion that he was an opponent of reforms, but this far from it, in fact galitsin was
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perhaps even greater. european and reformer than peter ii. in addition to the europeanization of russia, galitsin planned the abolition of serfdom in the 17th century. galitsin took his first successful steps in nivediplomacy while still serving under the sovereign courtyard of tsar fyodor alekseevich, when he was sent by him to putievol for negotiations with the poles. thanks to brilliantly conducted negotiations and subtle diplomatic skills, the earth. right-bank ukraine, which previously either belonged to the polish-lithuanian commonwealth or became part of orthodox russia, finally came completely into the possession of the russian state, and peacefully. also, galitsin forced the cossacks in chigirin, the capital of the right-bank little russia, to hand over to the russians the traitor hetman peter doroshenko, who had gone over to the side of the turk. did a lot
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galitsin and for conclusion. was about demarcation on the southern borders of russia, four big beasts fought for territory, russia - the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, the crimean khanate and the turkish empire in the seventies of the 16th century there was a colossal war for tigirin, involving an incredible amount of military forces. tigirin was virtually destroyed, but as a result of fatigue and exhaustion of funds, all
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players came to the understanding that... the matter needs to be resolved peacefully, that someone cannot definitely win in this region, in fact, russia - confirmed its possession in ukraine, turkey, crimea, in fact, the polish-lithuanian commonwealth renounced any claims to these places, and most importantly, crimea and the turks agreed with russia that between its possessions and theirs there would be a kind of buffer zone, a neutral zone into which they could roam and the tatars and the location of cossack villages, this is a very... complex diplomatic move, creating a kind of strip of unexpected lands between the powers, and this move played its role. russia had several years of peace. in 1683, galitsin brilliantly managed to extend the kardite agreement with sweden. a peace treaty that had been in force since 1661 . in 1686 he also signed a perpetual peace treaty with the polish-lithuanian commonwealth. eternal peace
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168. the point is that russia , for significant money, retains kiev, as well as a number of cities and villages next to it, that is, kiev has become part of russia, along with it a whole bunch of towns and villages. this is a very important moment in the history of russia. in 1686 he made russia a member of the holy league of christian states against turkey.
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russia started anti-turkish wars, this is the case when russia acts inside huge european coalition, it consciously agrees to this alliance, believing that here on...
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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the studio. in the special operation zone, su-25 attack aircraft eliminated a ukrainian stronghold. the target was in the area of ​​responsibility of the vostok group. the pilots received coordinates from aerial reconnaissance and fired unguided missiles at a given square. the destruction of the enemy position was confirmed by the objective control service. and the calculation of the anti-aircraft complex strela-10 of the west group destroyed the reconnaissance drones fury and valkyrie. the soldiers in their area of ​​responsibility covered the advance of russian troops deep into the enemy’s defenses.


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