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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-13  NTV  July 9, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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what do you guys think, what if stepanych and this guy came to an agreement, i mean, well, it’s a lot of money, you’re going to lose your mind.
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good evening, good evening, police, i'm wet.
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yes, our dangerous criminal escaped, maybe we heard, he robbed the collectors from the plant, they didn’t see anyone suspicious, no, well, i remember that incident, it seems he was a contract soldier, yes, but what’s wrong, you had to deal with such bastards, go ahead, dry off, yes no, thank you. it’s a long way from the road, it’s about a kilometer away, i’m sorry, can you open the gate?
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kuzya, kuzya, kuzya, where did you go, kuzya, kuzya, come here, kuzya, kuzya, kuzya, kuzya, kuzya, kuzya, come here, guzya, what a naughty dog, let's go. volodya, volodya, are you home?
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unhappy drunk, he got drunk again, what are you doing? lord, couldn’t you make it to the bed? get up, well, get up, drunk, bolodenka, but in our normal condition, the help of doctors was not needed, they gave her everything, i understand you, but what time did the call come in? call received at 11:45, fourth floor, fifteenth apartment, employee upstairs, pipes i found my wife, the uncoupling has been set, we are waiting for the doctors, quietly, hello, what’s wrong with you, great, but yesterday i was fixing the faucet in the bathroom, i bent down, shot, today or got up, i would have called, i would have been sitting at home, i would have taken the bunny, andryukh,
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well i’ll still be sitting at home, but how will you work, well, i’m not a loader, why do i need my back, okay, that is, again i’ll do all the dirty work, please, it’s useful. well, he was strangled, most likely with this very towel, about two hours ago, that means about five, so somewhere like that, irina mikhailovna, you you can guess who was in your apartment, who your husband was drinking with, but he never reported to me, he just waited until i had a shift on the weekend, so he waited. what kind of animals are these
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? rendered, there were no injuries on the body, well, he was very drunk, so, apparently, there were three of us sitting there, look, then i’ll see where he worked, the boss bank security service, maybe there are some troubles at work, yes, well, what kind of troubles are there, the work is like that, you know, don’t hit a person who is lying down, he moved papers from place to place, and drank on business trips, that’s all the work, but he could not give you everything tell you, he generally told you about his work, sometimes it’s like that... it’s okay, except that before that he served in the fsb, maybe along this line, something? irina mikhailovna, you looked at all the things in place, nothing was missing, everything seems to be fine, but i’ll look later, not now i can, my son will return from the institute, we
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will see together, he studies with you on sundays, yes, he studies for the whole semester, i already called him and told him about it. did you notice the front door? the lock doesn’t seem to be broken, his wife opened it with her key, that is , matveev at least knew the killer, since he let him in the apartment, that means the drinking buddies are just right, you think drinking buddies, well, why not, when they’re drunk they usually grab a knife or a bottle, i do the same i think i’ve put a pebble in the cordon, let’s restore order, so well wait, give it here, why do you need it, but there is the old fashioned way, you take a brick and heat it up. you put it on your lower back, it helps the first time, igor, this is all heresy and obscurantism, you take an electric iron on your lower back, no, well, i ’ll carefully wrap it in a rag, put it on your back, everything will be fine, nonsense, i’d better call my mom, she’s like that for you it makes a magical, miraculous ointment,
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it will take away the pain as if by hand, the car is where you have it, there at the store, don’t, don’t call mom, wait, come on, stop it, just wait, oh, hello, mommy, here our crimean man has a back pain, please make your magic ointment... well , this is what helped me when my back hurt. so what do we have about the former fsb major? well, we are working on several versions, gennady antonovich, the most obvious is a drunken showdown. did you find those he drank with? what's on the fingerprints? well, they are not in our database, perhaps it is one of his friends. today victor will call all the contacts from matveev’s phone book. so, what else? we do not exclude professional problems, as at the current so. at his last job, matveev was very drunk when he was strangled, he practically did not resist, so a woman could well have done this, you suspect his wife, well, as a version, matveev drank a lot, his wife didn’t like it, they had a tense relationship, it could well she can do it, yeah, krymov thinks so too, by the way, where is krymov? what
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about the back? good morning to you too, borya. no, i'm serious, what hurts? hurts? why? yes, you understand, the furniture was rearranged, the closet was moved, it’s not a closet, you were jinxed, 100%, so what? are you saying that, what kind of jinx is that? listen, haven’t you quarreled with your wife lately, or with your mother-in-law? anything can happen, that’s what i’m talking about, how can they put the evil eye on a person, what can they do to make fun of them? bor, well, be quiet, after all, mother-in-law, i’m not talking about yours specifically, i’m talking in general, just keep in mind, no medicine can help with this, you understand me, battle, listen, i’m already late, sorry, work you have to go, but remember, it’s useless to go to the doctors, oh,
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good afternoon, hello, are you from this entrance, yes, and who are you going to, i’m from the criminal wanted, senior lieutenant rydan, i understand, you’re talking about volodya matveev, let’s go, i ’ll tell you everything. our whole house is talking about this, lord, how scary it has become to live, they’ll get it at home, come on, tell me about the matveevs, you ’ve known for a long time, yes, yes, about 10 years, well, that’s how they just moved here, our apartments are opposite , yegorka went to school then, so i helped him with mathematics, but what can you say about their family, they got along, didn’t fight, no, well, it happened in different ways, in different ways, no, volodya, of course, he was wonderful man, good, economical, well, as he drinks, you know, well, he doesn’t look like himself, so, and when, and even when he started...
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only he is not his own, but adopted. irina said that things didn’t work out right away for them, and when volodya started drinking, things got really bad. you know, here i have the sobolevs on my right, and with them it even gets to the point of stabbing, it’s some kind of horror. dasha spends the night with me, you see, my husband doesn’t do anything, it’s terrible, thank you, thank you very much. thank you very much, goodbye,
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great, hi, is there anything? no, but before i still can’t get through to three of them, so there’s still hope, but where are the rest? andrei interviewed matveev’s neighbors, now he went to the institute where pasana kubitova is studying, then we went together to... what, no, there are no classes on sundays, are you sure, we are interested in the group in which
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egor subbotin is studying, third year, but at least fifth, there are still no classes on sundays, even the front doors are closed, his mother claims that he has been studying on sundays for a whole semester, your yegor subbotin has been walking for a whole semester and the order has already been signed about him deduction, but please print this order. “nothing ever happens here, nothing at all, but what are you doing? we’re carrying out assignments, the boss will tell us to check on someone, we’ll check on new people too, well, nothing special, well, maybe you just don’t know, i’m deputy vladimir ivanovich, i know everything, and then we have strict reporting, well, that’s great, please tell us what matvey has been doing lately, well, look, here...” last year, maria babochkina, the boss’s new secretary, well here a routine screening when applying for a job.
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pyotr voloshin, head of the department for work with individuals. there was a tip that he was cheating, but everything turned out to be clear. anton grikalev from the legal department met with competitors, was he fired? so, anna shestakova, from the hr department, collaborated with recruitment agencies and lured away specialists from us, the boss fired her. so she had her reasons. not to love matveev, yes, she should still be grateful to him, she now works at an agency, she earns twice as much, that’s for sure, i told you, i know everything, well, anything else, right no? if you want, i can should i make a printout for previous years? yes, please do, your birds are cute, but this is a symbol of the bank. thank you, thank you, mommy. you know, victor, my mother prepares such a medicinal ointment. if you get injured, i recommend it. but i think this will not help krymov. i would recommend acupuncture to him. excellent, proven
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technique. and i have an excellent specialist, she’s pretty. this is not relevant, just as it is not relevant, if it’s cute, you can prick him with needles, yegor never deceived me, i don’t know, maybe deconate got something mixed up, but no, we checked everything, he really didn’t attend classes, lord, well, he fell in love, he probably didn’t attend, irina mikhailovna, why did yegor continue to live with you if he and your husband had tensions relationship, where should he go, rent an apartment, it’s expensive, and it’s not for a young boy to live alone. hello, good evening, egor, good evening, egor, this is about volodya, of course, but i ’ll be at my place, egor, and we, in fact, come to you, to me, to you, egor, we need to know, what were you doing on sunday at 5:00 pm, i was studying, i’m sure you were studying, exactly, in de-canada we were told that there are no classes on sundays, so, egor, didn’t you attend
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classes, mom, leave me alone, i really studied, wait, tell me where you were, egor, tell me where you were, tell me where you were? egor. irina mikhailovna, calm down. please calm down. he must travel with us. are you taking him away? i worked at a supermarket all semester. i was at work. i just didn't want to upset you. do you even understand that are you suspected of murder? i didn't kill anyone. let's go to the department and tell you everything in detail. let's go, let's go. irina mikhailovna, please don’t worry. we'll check everything. and if yegor really worked, i promise you tomorrow, no later than twelve. he will be at home with you, oh, great, sick, great, listen,
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what does it smell like here, but it doesn’t seem to smell like anything, it’s like that... first of all, it’s not rubbish, it’s an ointment that my mother specially i prepared it for you so that your back doesn’t hurt. thank you, of course, but why does she smell like that? because that there are different herbs, very useful, but odorous, my wife will kick me out of the house with such an ointment, yes, it’s normal, it smells, it’s because of the newspaper, probably, good morning everyone, great, great, guys, we have cockroaches infesting us ,
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how tender we are all, and my mother prepared the medicinal ointment for igor, today we spread it all like a hand. with them, yes, i’ll smear myself, i’ll smear myself, and i have news for you, i found matveev’s drinking buddies, well done, victor, well done, these are his classmates and old friends, here are vadim yezhov and dmitry kovalenko, but i didn’t get through to kovalenko, yezhov is ready to give testimony, victor, you're a genius, i'm going, i'm with you, you're going, no, let's go.
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it’s noticeable how you’re being treated, you’re barely hobbling, and milena is a great help, listen, captain igor, if you don’t need a phone number , i’ll take it for myself, milena, it’s a very beautiful name, first find out what she does, she’s a very talented woman, i like talented women, if they are cute, i’ll spoil them in no time, no, we are for traditional medicine for proven folk remedies, i will then sign that... it passed on sunday, hello, lovka called this morning, she says mine is at work all day, come on, well, i don’t mind, it’s a day off, yeah, they called dimka, met, dimka, this is dmitry.
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left with kovalenko, how many of you are there? there was no time to go yet, i remember, i looked at my watch, when we got on the bus, you’ll bake a pot, dimka just reached for his wallet, there was no wallet, well, good morning, hello, he got out again and went to vovka, that is, kovalenko returned to matveev, well, yes, well, no, dimka could not kill, he could barely stand on his feet, all the best. listen, let's step aside, otherwise they won't let us talk, yeah, and then you talked with kovalenko, he told you how
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he found the wallet, but i don’t know, i went to bed early on sunday, and in the morning i called him, he didn’t take the corpse, we also can’t get through to him, vadim petrovich, please tell me, do you think there were any reasons for kovalenok to want matveev dead? “we are friends at school, after all, dimka borrowed money from matveev , he wanted to open some business, but what kind of business is it, dimka, that is, kovalenko borrowed money from matveev and did not return it, why should he return it , he’s been out of work for a year, he gets by with odd jobs, but why did matveev give the money, is n’t he a friend?” can you
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resolve our dispute, we just can’t understand what it is at krymov’s, it stinks here, so what are the versions, well, it seems to me that this is a week-old soup, perhaps with a piece of meat or even jam, it seems to me that it’s rotten meat with blueberries, well... pork, for example, this is for krymov’s back, according to the recipe rydanov’s mother, and he will have to eat this, i hope that it will work out, hello, where is igor, let him hobble, i told him to stay at home, why are you doing it again, ah... listen, andryukha, the door -it seems to be open,
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you are the natural sea, well, igor, do we have a corpse? this is kovalenko, judging by his passport, yes, damn it, he shouldn’t have gotten up, guys, in short, work, and i’ll go to the pharmacy and go home, come on, oh, nothing helps at all, you don’t show off to the enemy, why didn’t you go home? , yes, i’m already better, listen, i’m lazy, let the witnesses go, there’s something to eat the expert says, well, he says, he was shot more than a day ago, that is, yesterday afternoon, which means one friend in the evening, and a second one in the morning, do you think these murders are somehow connected? yes, maybe something else? well , it seems that kovalenko was going somewhere, all the documents were collected on the table, passport, military service, pension, come on, i’ll help,
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oh well, what are these young ladies or what? does he have any relatives? the neighbors say only his wife, although she divorced him 5 years ago, but they maintain the relationship, i’ll have to meet with yezhov one more time, let’s go, sit, sit, oh, 2 days, two corpses, not a single version of what you’re doing, well, we’re working, comrade colonel, they suspected kovalenko, who owed matveev a large sum of money, but i know that he himself turned out to be a victim, i know that what happens next, perhaps it’s in the past, comrade colonel, kovalenko and matveev are old friends, they’ve been friends since school, maybe they’re settling scores with them, well, maybe this third classmate, maybe be it, let's check, act. i give you 2 days. broto, we'll beat you. it's a strange day today third murder. we've got a maniac, he's cool.
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what we are going to do? what kind of wild person are you? we’ll come, we’ll run into you, we’ll punch you in the face, then kharya, then rylo, then bupin we’ll tie everyone up. rum, they've started. everything that happens next has nothing to do with our work, so i’m no longer your commander and i can’t give you orders. that's what we're holding on to. cop wars. today at 16:45 on ntv. your favorite show is the duel star marina fedunki, and i decided to be beautiful, i have the right to do so, cognac, against dmitry malikov, i apologize in advance for this mess, oh, i picked it up after all, the key to victory, and alexey chumakov, raspberry, disgusting suit, he
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even gets angry, somehow awkwardly against me. azamat musagaliev. i know how to beat them. i ’ll just take it that when the jury announces the scores, i won’t announce them all. in order to defeat this azamat, you need to think about how to earn money. stars. saturday to sunday at 22:10 on ntv. so, i finally wrote it down. hello. they want to kill me too. i’ll be the third, vadim petrovich, vadim petrovich, don’t panic, don’t panic, explain clearly what happened, and we’re in everything we’ll figure it out if you help us, yes, i’ll help, i’ll do whatever you say, first tell me where you were, the day before yesterday at 11 o’clock in the afternoon, on monday, on monday, at work, what did we hand over, there was such a mess here, i i didn’t even go out for lunch, okay, okay, we ’ll check all this later, do you have any options for who could want your friends to die, there are 15 options, how many? 15,
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first of all, at the prom we got into a fight with one guy, wait, so we’ll do this: a senior lieutenant is at your disposal bunny, he will write down all your options, and you will list them in detail, okay? come on, how are you going to finish calling? well, at this evening we first met one girl, we’ve been dating for 5 years, yeah. but they supported the relationship, well, if you call it a relationship that dima called once a week, then yes, they supported it, a strange relationship, but no, not for dima, he really loved to talk, brag, told me about everything, hoped that i would return , funny, when was the last time you talked to him, the day before yesterday, yeah,
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that is... the day of his death? yes, who would have thought? dima then called me in the morning. even then it seemed to me that he was under the influence. he said that they were offering him a good job and promising him a lot of money. yeah, what kind of work? don't know. he said they appreciated me. who? dima didn't speak, but i did. i asked, he also told me, i knew that they would regret that they didn’t agree the first time, tell me where he was going to get a job the first time, he didn’t tell you, don’t get me wrong, i don’t want it’s bad to talk about him, but dima was a pathological lier, it seems to me that no one called him and he didn’t get a job anywhere, i
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don’t even remember him being normal at least once. got a job, okay, thank you very much, thank you, but no problem, in october 2002, he never returned to the city, for permanent residence, well, well, well, guys, it still haunts me, someone invited kovalenko for an interview for the second time, does he have any of his relatives here? unless the wife is lying, of course, well, you never know, we think, no one, kovalenko is a typical loser, alcoholic, hasn’t worked for a year, but let’s say, the first time they could invite him to a decent company for an interview, the second time it’s unlikely, who needs him at all, and his wife knows where he got a job, his wife, as he says, doesn’t know, yezhov doesn’t either aware, not on the trip, thank you, thank you, you helped us a lot, that’s it, the last one, mikhail volodin, left for permanent residence in
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israel 10 years ago. there’s no one else on the list, yes, well, okay, come on, it would be very funny if the killer turned out to be a boy they were in fourth grade they teased him with glasses, so it’s ours.
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it turns out i didn’t remember everyone last time. so, guys, it’s time for me, come on, happily, bye, bye, here, i’m listening to you, here, here, here, i remembered, i couldn’t even work, i wrote everything in detail there, and even sketched some of them, sketched them, and for some numbers i remembered phones to make it easier for you, vadim petrovich, thank you very much, you are helping us a lot in this matter, and also andrey vasilyevich, remember, you asked me whether dima kovalenko got a job or not, i remembered, he did, vova wanted him to join my bank, dima, the education is suitable and the salary there is stable, and how it all ended, i don’t know the details,
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but it seems dima didn’t like it there, now i really thank you very much, but i can’t have security, let’s think, we have strict records are kept of all applicants for any positions in the bank, otherwise... so the department for servicing individuals is the head and here is his resolution? can we take this piece of paper with us? no way. how about talking to this voloshin? no, unfortunately no, we have it does not work any more. is this by any chance not the same voloshin who was suspected of fraud? i don't have such data. well, you never know what kind of voloshins there are, maybe
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there is someone else? no, he is the first, the only one, but in our bank there can be no talk of any fraud. everything with us is reliable and flawless. happy for you. thank you. ok, got it. tell. could kovalenko schedule a second interview, for example, on monday they could call him from the bank, no, no, we never interview anyone again, this is a company rule, ok, thank you, all the best, goodbye, well, now where to the security service, it’s further down the corridor, we need to check this hairy guy, it seems to me that after all he doesn’t trust a beautiful woman, no, you’re doing the right thing, igor, nothing i understand, are there any problems? here are the materials on the latest cases, here is shestakova, here is babochkina, here is krikalev, but voloshin is not there? do you remember what exactly
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was missing? well, matveev was directly involved with voloshin. well, there should be some photographs left, maybe payment slips, copies. what was voloshin accused of? what he i forged signatures and cashed out fake payments. seriously, have you lost such important documents? we never lose anything, i haven’t figured it out properly here yet, and what a fraud voloshin is, all this was at the instigation of ryshkovsky, ryshkovsky, well , yes, andrei valentinovich, our first deputy. and what exactly happened there? yes, they had a dispute over personal issues, well, matveev told me in great confidence that voloshin started an affair with ryshkovsky’s wife, well, he caught them and decided to get even. okay,
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ryshkovsky, where can i find him? on the fourth floor. igor, you’ll be surprised, i know this ryshkovsky, quite shady, how do you know him? a year ago he was with us, the main witness in the case of the murder of a prostitute in a brothel, we caught him right on the spot. there was also a version that this brothel belongs to him, unfortunately, nothing could be proven, which means that he has a gun, a gun, let's talk, yes, yes, you are free, yuli, hello, andrei valentin, hello. “i hope i don’t need to introduce myself, but no, this is the captain of the crimea, please come in, sit down, i see you have the office is new, well, yes, what do we owe, we would like to talk about one of your employees, a few months ago you had trouble, so to speak, one of your employees was suspected of fraud, yeah, wait, what kind of fraud, what you mean, now everyone cheats, everyone to whom?" "
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tell us right away about pyotr voloshin, but what can i say, he worked for us for quite a long time, worked well in principle, but then they began to suspect him of fraud, we arranged check the moment he tried to cash a fake payment, yeah, but he got caught, one might say,
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hello, pyotr sergeevich voloshin? yes, we are from the criminal investigation department. what can i do? we are talking about the murder of vladimir matveev. excuse me, who is this? don’t you know, this is the head of the security service of the bank from which you were fired 3 months ago. can i help you? we are interested in the reason for your dismissal. does this have anything to do with the murder? it has a lot to do with murder. i received a better offer. yes, and we have information that management suspected you of fraud. i just don't have that information. so matveev was just involved in your case. what about this? well, you know, unfortunately or fortunately, i don’t really want to remember this. i spent half my life on this bank, i was burned out at work. when problems with calculations surfaced, they immediately
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blamed me. i immediately wrote a letter of resignation. so what happened next? further? they realized their mistake and asked, of course, to stay, but with such specialists, you know, i’m not on my way. pyotr sergeevich, is the name of dmitry kovalenko familiar to you? kovalenko? no, what, is this also someone from the security service? this is matveev’s friend, he came to get a job in your department. yes, he was killed on the second day after matveev. well, i'm sorry. but the point is that you need to contact hr. they are the ones conducting the interview. are you talking to the hr department? and in the personnel department they told us that it was you who spoke with kovalenko. i'm the head of the department. why on earth should i interview a regular employee. yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. fine. last question, pyotr sergeevich. where were you on sunday at 5:00 pm monday at 11:00 am, sorry, i don’t
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understand, do you suspect me of something, yes, just a formality, well, on sunday afternoon i was at the exhibition, banking technologies of the future, on monday at about 11 i went tickets buy money for football, then i stopped at the pharmacy to buy medicine for my father, i see you also have problems with your back? here, take the recipe, maybe it will help, there are still questions, not yet, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, all the best, yes, captain igor, with kovalenka, he was the one who screwed up rudely, well, yes, let's go, you what, are you crazy? sorry, good evening,
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victor, hello, what's wrong with voloshin, is there anything? football tickets are indeed already being sold, but you won’t know exactly when voloshin bought them, and the banking technology exhibition was also this weekend, i was well prepared, do you think it’s him, i think yes, matveev helped voloshinn get out of a fraud situation, and then voloshin killed matveev, why? what is the point? and that’s another question, maybe he was afraid that he would tell everything here. well, yes, when i left matveev’s i met kovalenko, i remembered him and set the next day.
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who are you? hello, i called you. well, what do you need? you don’t know me, pyotr sergeevich, dima kovalenko showed you to me. “i’ve already told you on the phone more than once, i don’t know any dima kovalenko, then i don’t understand your insinuations at all, i ’ll explain everything to you now, on sunday vovka matveev and dima and i were drinking, dima and i left, and then returned, because dimka forgot his wallet at vovka’s, and i was waiting for him at the entrance not far away, and he
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went inside, and i see you came out, what? you’re talking nonsense, what are you talking nonsense, on monday dimka called me and said: “pyotr sergeevich is calling me to his work, it’s not for nothing that i crossed paths with him yesterday, i was happy, poor fellow, why are you calling him, but you know what i forgot how you were, maybe you should see a doctor.” they were good men, my friends, well, i’m sorry, believe me, i’m sincerely sorry, that’s a different conversation, i like it, you can’t get the guys back, but i need to live, you understand
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me, well, you’re a smart man, you took so much from the bank, but matveev still chatted, he was like your tongue will drink without bones, bel, how much, what, how much money do you want, i 100, thousand, euros, well, okay. you will get 100,000 euros, but i don’t have that amount of money with me, you need to come see me, but no, i won’t go, i ’ll wait here, wait, wait, wait, yes, i ’ll wait here, get in the car, no, i’m here i’ll wait,
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i got into the car, i said, no, no, i ’ll wait, where did you go? let's put it down. stand, stand, stand! i'm fine, but where is voloshin? yes, don't worry, they are doing it. what a city, eh, and he’s also decently dressed? you are now will you put him in jail? depending on what he told you. he attacked me. well, this doesn’t prove his guilt yet. but this is what it is. stand, i said, oh, lie down, don’t twitch, alive, voloshin, read out your rights to you, fuck
5:36 am
you, comrade captain, here you are as a senior rank. well, how could you allow this to happen, i’m fishing with live bait, andrei, what’s wrong with you, to organize a fight in a park where there are a lot of people, to risk the life of this hedgehog, so you better tell me what you are going to bring against this voloshin, an attack on yezhov, so he himself accuses him of robbery, or did you think it would be better to arrest him, and then he himself confesses, but we know for sure that this is voloshin, knowing, comrade lieutenant, is not enough, you still have to... prove it, so that you yourself are not in the dock it turns out that he filed a lawsuit against you, he killed two people, attacked... he tried to kidnap him and in general he had a weapon, he opened fire, why should i run after him in the park, there are a lot of people there, andrey , don’t yell, no, really,
5:37 am
georgievich, andryukha acted according to instructions, there were no options right there, voloshin would have left and gone to warmer climes, and vadim yezhov himself guessed everything and decided to act, so he himself, he’s some kind of accountant, a super agent, it turns out he came to see us the day before, consulted, we explained to him that according to the law we would not do anything. pour some water, that’s it, but the rest is all our guesses, just tell me honestly, it was so, absolutely true, and we are not responsible for the actions of the hedgehog, well , if so, then it’s not scary, but at least you should have thought to give him a voice recorder, otherwise what we have yezhov’s word against voloshin’s word, and comrade lieutenant colonel yezhov just thought of taking the tape recorder with him, again on his personal initiative, well, okay? you will get 1000 euros, well, well, that's a completely different matter,
5:38 am
congratulations, you're in luck, friends, what have you, he confessed, he actually made transactions with false payments at the bank, when matveev was assigned to check him, he bribed matveev and he destroyed all the evidence against him, by the way, a week later... voloshin realized that if he didn’t take it urgently measures, then kovalenko will sober up, learn about matveev’s murder and identify voloshin himself, well, well done, they reacted quickly, great, but still there is some kind of dark story with this. voice recorder, our own security service is already interested in abuse of authority, gennady
5:39 am
antonovich, the fact is that the voice recorder is the personal initiative of comrade yezhov, a citizen, so to speak, with an active life position, and we just happened to be nearby, completely by accident, there’s a christmas tree market, and we were looking for a tree for the bunny, well, how’s your back? passed yes, gennady antonovich, thank you, colonel, guys, work, there is, yes, happy new year, guys, i’ll have a bigger tree, but mine will be fluffy, and my house is artificial, lifeless, it’s a pity, my mother loves it , when the house smells like pine, and mine like to dress up, that’s something, so captain igor, come on, tell us your secret, what other secret, how you cured your back, is it really your mother’s mother...
5:40 am
you’re the main thing, now igor, take care of your back, move the furniture more carefully, oh, i didn’t understand what kind of furniture, you said, you were repairing the plumbing, i bent down and shot her, well, i raised my wife, my wife, there are still questions, but what couldn’t have been said before, well then igor, you have great respect, a real man’s act, man, i lifted my wife, i shot her in the back, so i’m offering 150 for the occasion, i don’t mind 300, 300 each, listen, will they let us into the cafe with our christmas trees? of course they will let you in, hello new year!


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