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tv   Opekun  NTV  July 10, 2024 12:00am-12:51am MSK

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didn't you leave for work? yep, plans have changed. well, why do you need 4,000 dollars? bribe the nurses and sit down! please answer my question, electrician, he wanted 5.0, i already have one, but what can an electrician do?
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he is also responsible for fire safety; he has keys to all premises. i see, do you know that this building is located in the ministry of internal affairs? there are even soldiers there, so what? and he would take this money and give you a kick in the ass. like this? knee. what should i do now? well look. "your grandfather died, kingdom of heaven, therefore, the only suspect in the robbery of the vault is your father, it was he who turned off the alarm, as i understand it, you wanted to tell me this, how do you know everything, clearly, but only your mother can confirm this, in my office on record, this is the story , how can she,
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help, right? help, please, i’m at home from it now, olga olegovna, you make me a vegetable there. this is your only thing, is there anything left in your grandfather's house? left? come on, finish your tea, let's go, where? start the law, i thought and decided that i would go with you, why? because irini is a small village, every person is visible, your appearance there may arouse an unhealthy interest among the natives, but when you arrive, we will immediately turn into invisible, we will immediately turn into the man who brought an elderly aunt to pray.
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from tenderness to yourself? i don’t know, i just sat on a stone and cried. not bad, it was processed early, one might even say competently, my wife tried and pulled out the bullet, but i didn’t understand what this is like, where it’s nearby, quietly, quietly, be patient, i look like a stab, what kind of kebab? shashlik the mutton ran into the skewer, yeah, it happens, i wonder where the name comes from irinina, and
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this is barin, he asked the priest to pray every day for the repose of the soul of some irina, but this almshouse was called irininskaya, and then... in the local quarries they found some - a village with a pottery factory was formed from very rare clay, well, they called it irinina, how do you know all this? and when i came there, i lived with one grandmother, grandma katya, she told me everything, well, yes, all that remains is to add that in the forties the nkvd had its own here he organized the almshouse, by the way, grandma katya said that when they were there...
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olga olegovna, what are you doing? wait for me here. hello, hello, should i wait for trouble now? is anything possible?
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to contact me, call your old mobile phone, i found it here, i have it, olga olegovna, everything is fine with you, and also, it’s good that you transported your mother, now everything will be fine, everything will be fine? someone died here, and an acquaintance, but yeah, let’s go, but what about helin, she comes out in
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a kutuska, and to hell with her, no, no, that’s not possible to say, she is ours, our people don’t act like that, as i’ll tell you, back in secret from me she flew here, immediately ran to myashcherikova, spent 7 days wandering around the pole there in the hope of digging up diamonds herself, a fool, that’s really stupid, just she wanted to deceive us, throw everything away, as a result, she stupidly opened up and lit up, otherwise shelmak would be older, i would never have contacted her, i don’t believe in accidents, you know, there’s too much jackpot at stake, when he called her, she was scared, she immediately started calling me, there was little time, so came up with this stupid one. plan for an exchange, there ’s also an accident, everything has gone topsy-turvy, so now she’ll be locked up with her, i’m sure nikolaeva will try, i feel like this girl in uniform will become a bone in our throat, that’s why we let's go
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to irenino together, my friend, while time is on our side, and why can't this be, why can't it be, it's mine? my mother, we will live here, yes you will, you will, but then, now i’ll think about how we will get in there, why get in, i have the keys, we’ll open it now, it’s impossible, “hello, olga olegovna, nikolai petrovich is worried, yes, nikolai petrovich, what’s wrong with mom, she’s alive, don’t worry, she’s alive, she’s alive, we found her problem, a small tumor near the artery in her neck, she needs to be operated on urgently, it’s necessary.” your consent, can you hear me ? okay, nikolai petrovich, i ’ll come later, for sure. trouble,
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yes, yes, come on, you understand that we are a criminal, quickly collect your money, okay, now, i’ll give you 5 seconds, yes, yes. , yes, that's it, i'm already running, i'm in pain, i'm not going anywhere, yes, of course well, let me go, artelmak, oops, you ’re under arrest, and this is here, i wonder, why are you taking me?
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nikolai petrovich, forgive me, but nothing, nothing, the question is right, nina borisovna, you
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think again, well, after all, it’s an operation, it’s not a sheep who sneezed, i’ve already decided everything, or there won’t be an operation at all, just like your mother , fine. according to elementary logic, your father should now be very far away, but he’s running around the house like a ghost, i can’t believe that he came to see off his loved one on his last journey daddy, by the way, uvarova takes care of everything, you can find out from her the day of your grandfather’s funeral, no. no, i’m not interested, he’s a bad person, how can i look for them, and father, he
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’s looking for a hiding place, you scared him off, but he’ll come back, a hiding place, and what a hiding place, grandpa, as much as you can, there’s a lot hidden there, probably things from the storage room , you knew about this and were silent, do you know where he is, no, mom probably knows, mom, olga olegovna, are you very worried about your mom? very! i must finish this matter, georgy
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ivanovich, both matters, both the general’s role and the storage facility is connected by the defendants, you understand, georgy ivanovich, i’m actually sitting here, i see and don’t yell at the authorities, i took the fashion, you know, excuse me, i called home today. kino, his mother is crying, he is crying, your words are in god’s ears, everything will be fine. i don’t have people, nikolaev, i don’t, and if i had, you, my dear,
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would not be hanging out with the special forces, but would be doing your immediate duties in your office. what should i do with the english woman’s money? buy some ice cream after all, how did you spend it, no way? no way, let the matter end let the english policemen have a headache, as you say, that’s it, go and keep me informed, about lovrukhin too, i beg you, be careful. the game is close, who do you bet on, register in the betting league app and get a profit, they killed from the doorstep, one shot for each, they didn’t even have time to twitch, and a professional worked,
12:17 am
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trouble, join a good deed on the website helpvbede.rf. well, how are you, it’s tolerable that our friend went overboard, otherwise he has the calculations on their board, eagle, uh-huh, he hung correctly, tell zakharovich, let him multiply. will distribute to search, turn the city upside down, but find, you hear, i hear, i hear, just don’t be nervous, okay, they will find, don’t touch, graze, uh-huh, what, nastenka, well
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, he misses you, keep yours. i feel sorry for him, sanya, you don’t feel sorry for him, i feel sorry for sasha, he’s still in intensive care, yes, a file, give me some, please, give me a file,
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listen, mother, in the end, give it up it’s not a woman’s thing, take it off, give us the shoulder straps and let it all burn with a blue flame, hello, olga olegovna, well, here’s the situation, we’ve already performed an operation on your mother. what already? well, what is there to delay? i really wanted you to be present, but i still wouldn’t be able to drive up, is that what’s going on here? yes, your mother said that you will probably be busy, we, of course, cleaned everything we could, but so what, i’m afraid i have nothing to please you with, we sent the material for histology, but i can already see that it’s not a good thing. filthy. the thing is that in our clinic we won’t be able to carry out all the procedures, so we’ll have to look for a specialized clinic,
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otherwise, what, wait, hello, hello, hello, what’s wrong with mom, it’s a nightmare in general, does mom have oncology in my opinion? lord, we need to transfer her to some kind of hospital, a specialized one, and take tests, well , we could go to our clinic, well, you know how expensive these drugs are, it’s better to go to a state hospital, there’s a free quota, yes, thank you, i i can handle it, bye, it turned out to be such stupidity, i didn’t hear it enough the end of our conversation, and well, i tried to talk to her, i won’t go with you, it will be better, yes, thank you, nikolai petrovich.
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hello, can you, hello, how are you, how are you, i know everything, why are you doing this, no one has done anything yet... wait, ol, you don’t need to say anything, these are all just words, they don’t mean anything, i i changed my mind a lot during these hours, a person is mortal - it’s inevitable, but somehow you try not to think about it when there’s still time ahead, that’s when there’s no time left at all, mom, when there’s no time at all remains, you begin to understand that much of what you considered important in essence has no meaning, mom, i’m going
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to translate. specialized hospital, i realized, i’m not going anywhere from here, and if i go, it’s only home, mom, you don’t understand me, olya, father would understand, but he’s gone, you know that you go, you’ll come tomorrow or when you can, i need to rest, go, please .
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ivan, why did you call me, they guessed, i felt, let’s say, how you do it, it doesn’t matter, i have problems with my mother. calm down and don't transfer her to another hospital, they’ll start treating something that doesn’t exist, then it’ll really be bad, but she’s not, no, why are you going to rinino, you’re scaring me, where do you get the information from, and what are you afraid of, i’m starting slowly, but in vain, maybe i’m on the same team with you, i keep forgetting about this, in my head, probably
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something after the accident will help you? one man, an old man, when you meet him, don't look him in the eye, you hear what an old man, that you scare me, he will come when the need arises, it will arise, and we let's get one step closer to sitnikov, hello, the old man will help you. “ i received all the money in full, i have no claims, here is the signature, it’s yours, keep in mind ms. mischelyakova, i’m brown, well, too, miss brown, this is a provocation, you have no right, please don’t interfere, comrade lawyer, so here’s keep in mind madam."
12:30 am
brown, if it were up to me, i would lock you up for three years, for what? i just don’t like blondes, i’ll file a complaint against you, my trustee, your trustee tried to take historical values ​​out of russia, smuggling, and this still needs to be proven, but you want me to start doing this? no, i don’t want any trouble, i just want to go home, i would like to. i wish you a good journey, countess, i can’t help but submit, but where is the choice, fans want more, betting league app, top line and high odds, choose from a variety of sporting events, go green and get free bet 2222 from betting leagues.
12:31 am
the child in the womb is pilin karkhan, there will be no karkhan-markhan, watch your tongue, this person... is very dangerous, be careful, you hope that i will break up with seiran, but what does sairan have to do with it, i could just talk about the child, this child is not my pelin either, but kazen bey thinks that we are something- then we are planning behind his back, someone is playing with us, they will not be able to separate us, cyran, who are you, how are you connected with pelin, kingfisher, new season, tomorrow at 14:00! on ntv. cop wars, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. flucostat or flucovac? flucostat are capsules, and flucovac are vaginal suppositories. both drugs are able to influence the causes of thrush
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traditions, a country that never ceases to amaze. build your own russia on the unknown russia tv channel. keep it warm only. so in this country you need to be able to enjoy the simplest things, as long as they exist at all, oh, now, dear aunt, i understand why the nobles don’t like you so much, oh, okay, not a grouch, irina is 40 km away, so if let's hurry up, we'll be there in half an hour, yes, sit down, great, nikolaeva! “great,
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lavrukhin, how are you in general, i mean, in general, oh, and you’re in the same place, it smells, you smell, it’s just, what the hell, what kind of disgusting is this, anti-policeman, what about volokordin, lavrushka is no longer helping, listen, i’m not teaching a scientist, i promised ivanovich, by the way, i swore, it was an accident, a pure accident, yesterday i saw from afar, however, my marinochka, beautiful, well-groomed, friends with her general, of course , then this is a reason, i will leave, ol, i will leave. where to retire,
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and what about the length of service, my grandfather left the house in the village, i’ll sell the apartment, i’ll go to improve agriculture, why, live, avoiding random encounters, drink in peace, well, it’s like a map, well, okay, what’s there sashka alive, alive, come on, in detail, in principle, lavrukhin, i don’t need you, you can go home, sit quietly there , just turn off your phone, when i go back, i’ll come to you and we’ll come up with some kind of report for ivanovich with my comments, something like that, not at all like that, you know, i decided, this is my last thing, to leave the cloud in my career.
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it pulls you up, it smells bad, well, no, you cut it, crucian carp, dry up, and your chatter is killing flies, better look at the road, don’t miss the cop, there he goes, where will he go, where is he going, 100 verses have already been waved away, and you’re there too? here is a church, here is a pond, and behind it is a hospital, and
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what kind of street is this? and it’s so short, all sorts of security guards live there, cooks, medical staff, and the electrician, yes, this is his house, yes, andrey, i’m listening, listen, i was just at your mom’s, i just called her, she told me that you transported her to this strange hospital. listen, ol, andrey, listen to me, my personal life is my personal life, my problems are my problems, and my mother is my mother, please don’t interfere, do you hear? no, of course you decide for yourself, i just wanted to offer you to transfer nina borisovna to a normal clinic, in israel, i will bear all the expenses myself, no, i can’t say more, that’s all. who is this, no one,
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what are you saying, there’s an electrician, um, he lives alone, yes, alone, how old is he, old, about 35 years old, hello, let’s meet. our simona vasilyevich, hello, so straight to the point, 5.
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we haven’t left the house yet, well, the older ladies are taking a break from the road, and you also know that i said that there are a lot of people there now, some healer showed up, i’m spoiling removes alcohol is cured there, so people are flocking from all over the region, well, there are a lot of people, that ’s also good, at least those two idiots won’t be seen to go with zakharovich, you don’t worry, as long as everything goes as it should, yes, that’s for now, what are you talking about now? surely they won’t leave without stones? of course, this will be a signal to zakharovich that the stones have been found. and then he will meet them on a small path in the forest. well, yes, he will kill, take the stones, and bring them to us. how are you doing this? how do you like the other arrangement? zakharych
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places two of his guys next to the mascherikovs. takes the stones, the bird disappears, he is free, and here they are looking for him, he will throw me, you understand what you are saying in general, well, i just assumed, yes, he and i, he and i are in the yard at school together, in afghanistan, just don’t get started , yes, you were friends, but you had nothing to share, shut up immediately, you hear, my dear, take my word for it that male friendship ends where either a woman or big money begins. and what do you suggest? i was in the archives, this is from a criminal case five years ago, the main suspect, i tried to pretend to be crazy and wait out the hard times in verinino, troubles in
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the psychiatric hospital, for us it’s not important now, what’s important for us is that there are two guards, the external one is... the internal troops, the guys are relatives, yeah, they change once a day at 9 :00 in the morning, armed with clubs, stakknives, the internal security is much more serious, there are such trained dogs, and why are you taking weapons with you, dear, are we going to fight , or what? well, you're prepared, so what's in your bag, an atomic bomb? camouflage, by the way, this establishment contains criminals with mental disabilities. maniacs are different, you never know? alina, hmm, what’s your mother’s name? alla nikolaevna teplova, i am also teplova. what about electricians? sergei ostapenko. where did he come from? he is some kind of distant
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relative of baba katya. which woman is katya? well, i lived with her, she said that he was very greedy. and you went straight to him, uh-huh, okay, we’ll figure it out, oh, oh, why are we leaving so early, it’s a long drive, you’re lying on the sofa, and why are we already going to bed, or what? and i took the coloring, eating it at night, it’s harmful, let’s go, calm down night, good night, i suggest sending the vorene to folk. no, the hoki has been tearing up the roof lately, it will suddenly get out of control, let’s hope it won’t, but in the end, it’s just you and me, it will be insurance, i really want to be wrong, everything will be fine, zakharovich will bring it to us, but if
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not, the folk will eliminate him and bring him a stone. stas, i have a lot of money at stake, and such a chance comes once in a lifetime, but in the end, we are not doing this for ourselves, for the child. do as you see fit. we still have a long way to go, 30-40 minutes, you get some sleep,
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if you want, i don’t want, olga olegovna, why are you so sad, you’re always thinking about something, yes, but my mother... says she needs to be transferred to another hospital, the other one says there’s no need, who ’s talking? who, who? no one, find you in the price, what, such a patient, some, such a patient, we are supposed to give birth on november 10, this is the day in...
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