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tv   Mentovskie voini-7  NTV  July 10, 2024 8:00pm-11:34pm MSK

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today i noticed a new scratch on the front door. i wanted to tell this brother, but i didn’t. he's kind of rude. just a minute. which brother? well, i do not know. he was the first to rent this apartment from mark izralich. he said it was for his brother and his family. it was only later that they appeared. you know, they have brothers and sisters there. oh, when was the last time you saw this brother? and then... things, god, he could have killed me, he could have killed me, hello, roma, we have a suspect, foreman stranescu said that scherba is really a second cousin stranescu’s brother has been living here for a long time, for some reason the apartment is registered to his wife, but where is the apartment, no? the tv is on, we’re knocking down the door,
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why, let’s call, we’ll see, we’ll knock it out, i said, calmly, police, step left, step right, attempt to escape, jump on the spot, provocation, sit down, answer, well... i don’t i know where he is, he hasn’t been home for a week, where he works, at a construction site, what construction site, i don’t know where else he can live, i don’t know who his friends are, i don’t know, what do you even know, sit down, i'm asking you, what do you even know? you sit here, read books, drink tea, and think that life is good, that no, no, i don’t hear, it didn’t work, louder, it didn’t work, they
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come, they demand money, who? roma, let's go have a smoke, he'll stay for the plows. what are you doing, roma, everything is normal, yes, it’s not normal, not at all normal, we ’ve known each other for so many years, this is the first time i ’ve seen you like this, well, he’s in lembalovo, the house there is almost completed, a whole mansion. there is an address,
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well, yes, if i had a house like this, i would hang out here too, but it’s not his, he’s just building, but what about you?
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money in the right hand, and passports in the left, right hand put in the pocket, and passports for inspection. i came a long time ago, about an hour and a half ago, how are you? no way, a month ago, a drug addict who threw her three-year-old son out of the window. then the pregnant wife of a bandit, blown up in a car, now this, rom, i want to resign, leave here, somewhere far, far away, and not even
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think about it anymore. it won't work out, it will always stay with you. “i tried, i can, if you help me, rum, i want a child, definitely, only with bastards, foreigner,
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let's give, we'll give, what about weapons, preliminary is good, but the official paper also needs , apparently, with a silencer, all arms sellers should also be shaken up, we'll make a strange weapon for... yes, our life in general is strange now, zheka, we'll catch it, let's ask, they gave us directions, it was still at night, that's good, there are questions, there aren't enough people, i'll try to knock people out, more questions, then go ahead, you're fine. “yes, i mean, what do you have, dear? and i have a friend in the migration service, all the moldovan builders in the city are run by lega teraspolsky, remember i remember this guy, lev teraspolsky,
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i remember lev teraspolsky, only before he was in charge of arms supplies from transnistria, well, trading people, apparently it turns out to be more convenient and profitable, he can know a lot. shcherba worked for him as a recruiter, or is he now wondering why they are looking for him, who he killed? good information for a friend, but the friend’s name is not pyotr sergeevich, roman georgievich is a primitive thinker, and as for the girlfriend, leva gave her a car to monaco, he is a prominent man, she is an attentive girl, she rents it out of gratitude, their girl appeared with a size 5 breast, so now it’s a car. she gets trips to monaco, and tanka got her resignation, yes, rejected women are a terrible force, where can we look for this, lev, it’s his birthday today, you can stop by, congratulate, we’ll drop by and even with gifts, again
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recognized as the best by independent experts, credit sbercard , free forever, sign up right now, find some patient, such a patient, some, such a patient, we are supposed to give birth on november 10, this is police day, the boys won’t understand, well, communicating with patients is not your strong point, in apperation everything is simple, you cut, they are silent, but you can start with all yours, you don’t need a scalp, you can guess why i’m here, so i should go, i’m in a hurry to retreat, obstetrician, bot at 20:00 ntv. stars on weekends at 22:10 on ntv. oh great, the supermarket is now cooper? the supermarket is now cooper, super!
8:10 pm
super! the supermarket is now cooper! the supermarket is now cooper! super! sbermarket is now cooper! cooper! what has changed to begin with the name cooper super delivery only to ozone directly now exclusive from
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your money won’t fly away, you’re catching up, there are gigs and minutes left, we return rubles for them every month, you can iota, cashier 25%, travel, dim, but you can’t just say cashback, cashback for everyone with premium. betishche, choose your favorite brands on wildpress, time for profitable shopping with kitforрд, prices are half as low for a coffee maker, wireless fan, shredder and other kitforрд equipment, even more profitable with a vb wallet. stars on weekends at 22:10 on ntv. hi, that's great, are you so happy, yes, i've been up all night again today, like
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i got to the hall, i don’t remember, i didn’t even think about getting out of bed, listen, i don’t understand how you can do this, i started to forget how it happens, maybe i should also buy what’s there, as they say, prostatricun, i remember, yet remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times what you think works, what, i don’t think, i... but what’s there, how to take it, call, everything is simple, they will explain everything to you in detail when ordering, one second, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i drove off, keep it for yourself, try it, then you’ll say thank you again, ok, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what? here to think, call, be sure to order , remember, it’s better to try once than
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to think 100 times, come on, meet the new golden prostatricum, prostatricum gold, prostatricum gold is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market, men order it for themselves, and women for their men, men hurry up, women hurry up to experience prostatricum gold, no one... should be disappointed when ordering by phone on the screen, you guaranteed to be protected from counterfeiting and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men , hurry up, women, hurry up to try prostatricum gold. obstetrician. on weekends at 20:00 on ntv. your favorite show duel stars marina fidunki, and i decided to be beautiful,
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i have the right to this cognac, against dmitry malikov, i apologize in advance for this mess, ah, i still found the key to victory, and alexey chumakov, raspberry, oh, disgusting suit, it even makes me angry , somehow awkward, against it.
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murdered children, it’s a bomb, make me a copy, you’ve already done it, you’re my darling! “bye, and mowing, roma, well, what kind of group, what are you talking about, that they killed a deputy, an oil king, three children, lyosha, three children, the children are bad, i agree, but it wasn’t pedophiles who killed them, we have a group on orders, that’s look, either the mass murder of eight people or more, or
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a high-profile crime based on the identity of the killed, or if the crime is related to pedophilia, nothing fits.” lyosh, can you hear what you are saying now? well, no, i can’t give people, roma, unofficially, other leaders will whine, but officially show this in front of moscow, well , you’re not small yourself, they don’t read the reports, they do, but i held them back, you tell me, find someone a bag that can be quickly closed for this wet thing, we will report the disclosure, we will organize operational support, a group, you will look for your criminals, you will find them, we will release them. “so the court will release him, well, what difference does it make, you took the ear, he’s one year older, one year old less, it’s not for me to teach you, that’s for sure, lyosha, that’s for sure, you know why i haven’t killed you yet, because you’re smarter, no, because i don’t want to deprive jackson of such an opportunity,
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bitch, that’s okay!” you have more covers no, but i, romochka, am patient. as we learned, yesterday afternoon in this house there was a brutal murder of six people, even seasoned operatives were shocked by the cruelty with which the criminal dealt with an entire family, mother, father, seven-year-old twins, a fourteen-year-old daughter . and grandma immigrants from moldova, they came to our city. no, no, nothing happened, eat, and you, i will later, i won’t now, i will later, i will later. you watched tv,
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it’s monstrous, i’m just in shock, we need to get involved immediately, this crime should be under the control of the leadership of the ministry of internal affairs, no one even understands what we have lost.
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call now to you. where is he, i don’t know, everyone is looking for him, maybe you’re lying, or you’re telling the truth, but now we ’ll check it out, what should we do with you motherfucker,
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huh? i don’t even want to undress, just cut it into shreds, they called from smolny, the vice-governor wants to hold a round table, word and deed, well, figures of science, education, culture, you are invited, okay, i will be there, then they called from channel 5, they are going to do a story about the gymnasium, i need to meet them... that week on tuesday, that’s all, well, the classical painting foundation’s board of trustees invites you, pass on your name! i’ll definitely be there, but i’d better call myself, thank you, yes, hello, hello, i can’t hear you, boris
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semyonovich, konashkin’s parents are here, so i don’t understand, they don’t have excise stamps, well so take everything to hell to the warehouse, to our base in kronshtat. let them run, and take all the office equipment out of the office too, of course, they will move faster, just a second, yes, alexey ivanovich, i’ll call you from the state duma, i’ll call you back, urgently invite me, hello, welcome, dubrovsky, pavel ignatich, chairman of the commission. it’s very nice, alexey ivanovich, please, thank you, i apologize, nothing,
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i thought i was passing through st. petersburg, such events happened here, the moldovan consul called me and was interested in the results of the investigation. the suspect has been identified, a search is underway, i personally gave the order to create a special group, which is headed by our best employee. commendable, but the best employee, who are you talking about? well, of course, roman georgievich shilov, head of the homicide department. true, his reputation is ambiguous. well, it’s okay, many people have a bad reputation now. the main thing is that this does not interfere with the common cause. you won’t introduce me to him, no, don’t get distracted, just introduce me on the phone. i want to talk. with him eye to eye, like you say? marinochka, please connect me with shilov, okay, i’m listening, roman georgievich,
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pavel ignatich, chairman of the state duma commission, will come to you now, please answer all his questions, and lyosha, you need to tell the truth or answer in such a way that he is satisfied , excuse me, i’m telling you, the rehearsal is ambiguous, okay,
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high patrons, you don’t have to be afraid of anything, let’s go, you shouldn’t do that, i’m also not made with a finger, the recoil will torture you.
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alexey ivanovich, told me about some suspect, is this real or just an excuse for the inspectors, we’ll catch it, we’ll ask, the case has caused a great stir at the top, you’re afraid of orcs, but in general, you’ll believe me if i say that i’m most concerned about the killers of children who are still at large, we’ll wait and see, there’s already progress, okay. “call, all resources will be at your service, thank you, i will try not to disturb you often, but in vain, are you fixated on
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your immediate work and can’t see?” around, everything is changing, not so quickly, of course, but what a country it is, it’s difficult when fools build roads, and so on in everything, or maybe just prohibit them from doing this, prohibit it, it is possible, it is possible to prohibit it, but it’s hard to find builders, you, for example, refused to take orekhov’s place, and kovalev came, and everyone was tired of the mess, take my word for it, by the way, from above, it’s more noticeable than from yours cabinet, i know what kind of relationship you had with my predecessor, of course, i don’t hope to take the place of general gerasimov in your heart, but i really hope that we will work together, i hope, happily, all the best, hello, please, hello, is this from the state duma? yes. i got him
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i saw it on tv. lucky you. forensics called. from the identifiable traces of hands seized from stranescu's apartment. two belong to the dead, one to an unknown person, two more. to a certain ivanishin. ivanishin boris, born in the eightieth year. we are convicted of a series of robberies and robberies. released in march of this year. nickname burbun. and this is his accomplice, anna bystrova, chased by a thunderstorm, released in december last year, both came from moldova, came to us in the mid -nineties, where the prints were found, in the nursery, on the back of the bed, so it’s with you
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everything is clear, the next office, exactly opposite, pasha is there, he ’ll cut you a piece of work, uh-huh, good, uh-huh, subbotin, department thirty, eighth orch, right, and department thirty-one is what we have now, the antique department for searching for steam locomotives , and that our locomotives are often stolen now, this is my name, steam locomotives, the ninth department, and excuse me, i’m used to it, so guys, very carefully check ivanishin at the address where he lived before boarding, probably no one is there anymore now he doesn’t remember and doesn’t even know, but his prints were found at the murder scene, okay, okay, go ahead. she really doesn’t
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know anything, call again, huh?
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he doesn't love you. or maybe call a couple of homeless people, give you to them, take a picture of you on your mobile phone and send it to him, and what do you think, should i rush in or not, i think not, okay, i’ll give you another half an hour, hello, roman goodsay is with you, sports commentator okka, if you still... netherlands england today at 22:00 only in okka. from the new season, the champions league and europa league are only vokka. international.
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okoro, a grain of aromatic spices, and simmer the juices in the oven. let me show you how i prepare them, boil them, cut them, start in the summer and you’re done, mish, you came up with a great idea, these are all our creations, old-fashioned stuff. truly delicious, delicious calendar returns to delicious spot, we give 100% cashback every friday when paying with alfabank cards. okay, got it, head back to base. in the apartment where bourbon is registered empty, we also have a naked one. so, shcherba, and... the telephone, the killers took them with them,
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but they didn’t seize a single thing in the apartment; they were afraid that they would be identified through the tubes, or vice versa, they wanted to identify someone through the tubes, but not through the tubes children, according to neighbors. and even the twins had pipes, some strange family of migrant workers, yes, you’re on your birthday let's go, my friend sends it from... from the left, happy birthday to you, by the way, excuse me , the tables are set, the guests are assembled, hello, just a warning, uninvited guests are still guests, but what do i owe, i need mihai, you know him, yeah, i know a lot of people, i can’t remember them all, damn, i really need him. directed, i don’t understand, leva, we are not from
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drug control or even from the migration service, we are engaged in solving murders, it’s better not to mess with us, okay? but it’s all the same to me, that you and they, you can’t make a mare out of a wolf, a gypsy proverb, but with us they say he kills people, he rests in the zone, he who helps freaks is generally a star, leva, do you want me to tell you your immediate plans? for the future, now i’ll call you he, they come here and put their guests face down on the floor, together with the prosecutor and the head of the department of internal affairs, they too can get lost in ksiva or their phone breaks, and then we lock them up for 3 days in a stinking cell, yours respect will rise after this, who will come to your holiday next time and left. "hello, duty officer, my last name, with the squad,
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please connect me, is he so angry, and his character is so, yes, yes, yes, i’m waiting, i’m waiting, yesterday a family was cut out of gender, hurry up, please, there are three children there, but for some reason he doesn’t like it, but he knew them , no, then why is he so worried, if you were there, you wouldn’t ask, okay? i’ll give you the address, duty officer, curfew by amson, just not because i was scared, yes, just from terraspol to vender, a few steps, and we all come from there, mihai, at a construction site in gadchin, he asked me for the barrel a week ago, i didn’t give it, he said that he had he has problems, but he’s sorting them out himself, he’s sorted them out, damn it, address, lenina 7, go ahead!
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good evening, good. and lapulya, take someone with you, i don’t know, katya, for example, i won’t be alone with a friend, okay, that’s it, see you soon, son is on his way, hi, dad, hi, kirikh, how are you, what’s up inflated, i don’t want to learn this english, i need to know the language, i don’t want to, there is such a word, it’s necessary, without a language now you can’t go anywhere, otherwise you’ll be a janitor or a loader, but you don’t know, not a janitor, “this is how you look at it , sorry, yes, alexey ivanovich,
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duty officer at the gvd kopilnikov, there is a corpse on the stairs of our house with no external signs of violent death, and that i should come and kiss him now, listen, you are calling me for such nonsense, and in his pocket there are business cards from the governor to our minister, as if something it didn’t work out, damn it, okay, it’s clear, kira, tell your mom that i went on a call, yes, kira, please learn english, and you will wander through life, as you understand, yes, come on. as far as i understand, it's somewhere here, if he was looking for the trunk, he could have found it, born, not get in, don’t forget about it yourself, fellow countryman, there’s someone from the leadership here, shoot him.
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don’t shoot, tell him that, where is he? on your feet! i shot at the legs, jumped off, bitch, i really shot at the legs, i hit the legs, it was just unlucky, time
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will tell who we are. well, first a fracture of the cervical vertebrae, the rest after the autopsy. a fall from one’s own height is possible, well, in principle, why did he fall, his head was spinning, he slipped, you never know, he worked as a gymnasium director, they say there was no one to come to him to get through, people even came from other cities, and a couple of years ago he was given a teacher of the year, with whom he lived, his son, and his wife died. hello, hello, dad, dad, quiet, quiet, quiet, calm, okay, i'm off, i'll hurry up the group, he, he was killed, why are you silent, he was killed, right? the trunk is not the same, we can only
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hope that he threw the other trunk into the river, aren’t there enough trunks for one foreman, his woman is calling him, well, answer me, what now, hello, is your woman with us? “let’s better meet, otherwise i ’ll send you to your relatives, do you hear me, dude, this can’t be, it just can’t be, i’ll go ask the neighbors, maybe
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they saw something, i understand perfectly well.” i sympathize with you very much, but in order for us to understand what exactly happened, yes, what happened, they killed him, why do you think so, if only because he has never climbed the stairs, he has a bad leg, and what happened to his leg, an old injury, he hasn’t told me for a long time, well, i’m adopted, they took care of me and my mother ... . reception, you have to find the one who did this, you really have to find him, he's all
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about the kids, you know, everyone loved him. someone on the top floor dropped it right into the elevator door, the elevator, therefore, didn’t work, then a man from the top floor went to the store, put the ball away, the elevator moved, but apparently this was after the murder, a beautiful coincidence, yeah, even more so i haven’t seen any tennis courts in our area, but this is some kind of brand, the name of a tennis center, maybe. pashka was upset, it’s okay, he’ll survive, that’s enough for there are corpses today, but what corpses are planned? this is me speaking so figuratively, roma, you said it yourself, emotions ruin opera, remember, i said, i remember,
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only then i didn’t see how children were being killed, you summoned the given forces, they’re already on their way, okay, well, don’t be afraid, soon everything will end, at least it will end somehow, hello, young man, hello, the position is good, where are the others, i sent them cars to check, suddenly they left an observer there... now i understand why the wanted bandits are not often caught, like no one , but not tinted
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it’s especially noticeable, there’s an open window in their house, the second floor is above the canopy, let’s try, what should we try, we have to do everything, let’s go, the hoodies under the window, the rest are with me, are they the ones we were supposed to find?
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stay here, just don’t shoot, guys, i’m still young, i want to live, he left. damn, stand, roma, roma, you fool, stand.
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and now it’s up to you to decide, lie down, well, where are you going, so i’m on the stairs, i’m a paratrooper, i ’m afraid of heights, let me help, so what, i’m gone! why are you smiling, why are you smiling, well, that’s it, we’re taking you to the department, well, you’ll be deaf and dumb imagine, yes, a hostage-taking, an attack by a police officer, there’s already enough for five, but if we prove murder, then i’m afraid that you will rot into... from old age and illness,
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you jumped from the second floor, damn, there are only informers all around , i’m just an investigator, it was a very small floor, really not very high, listen, question him longer, please, what if he’s silent? i don’t know, i need to gain an hour and a half, the locomotive has a closed craniocerebral injury, they didn’t let me interrogate him, and to hell with him, they won’t expose your back, you have become angrier, it doesn’t make you happy, it upsets me, me too, you’re in the mood for something other than raspberry blueberry
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and lime mint. one boy was asked to audition for the role of a show host, but they forgot to pay for a taxi. arseniy popov improvised, my mother told me that you are funny, he improvised, i like to improvise to music, if you want, i will teach you to improvise, i want to, and i improvised further, i came here to moscow to sit you down. and you are sitting comfortably, now only a miracle will save him, at first you are a small actor of this size, and then you will become like gary kharlam, it seems to me that this is the child hulk, i look at this cocktail and you know, my thirst has already stopped tormenting me, now i somehow feel worse, maybe it’s poisonous, i thought you
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my grandmother’s, maybe i can discuss this topic with him, no, he uses these techniques knows better than you and me, so it’s better to sit and wait, okay, what do you say, the customer is always right? “so, these are her connections before imprisonment, we need to go through them, listen, she served so much time, who needs her anyway, we need her, even if there is even the slightest chance that she will contact one of them, we need him use it, i understand, go ahead, it’s night outside, maybe we’ll wait until the morning, where should we go?” in civilian life you won’t be going anywhere, but here you have a job, to carry out, but in my opinion
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he’s right, you’re already starting to say how our generals, like no one chased you with a nasty broom for a minute, if you don’t like it, go away, jeez, at least don’t start, but in my opinion you’re starting, roma, what kind of bloody revenge are you planning? i also love children, what’s the point of running around in circles? let's push ourselves, who's better off, there's bourbon, let's work it off quietly, i'm ready, let's go, no, now i'll order you a conveyor car, i can ask the person on duty for the conveyor myself, ksyukh, wait, i'll give you a lift, i'm out of cigarettes anyway. then don’t be jealous,
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thank you, zhenya, please contact me, this is my childhood dream of being a taxi driver, driving around, talking to people, beauty, what’s happening to him? overflowing with death. i read somewhere that each opera is allotted a certain number of corpses, the fifth, the hundredth, the thousandth can be considered fatal, on which he either burns, breaks, or moves on. he will pass. keep an eye on him. okay, of course,
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damn, i heard you're going out tomorrow, listen, if you're a net. i’ll strangle you later, if you ’re a normal guy, call my woman, fuck you, i have to put myself in harm’s way because of you, and if you call me a gray one again, i ’ll gouge out your eye with my finger, you’re angry, okay, that means you’re a normal guy, listen, help , damn me, you better filter the market next time. another thing, let's talk, listen, tell her that i'm sewing a moldovan family for me to clean up, remember the number, come on, congratulations, on what, on
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disclosure, with what disclosure, didn’t you get enough sleep, the stranescu family, and one is in prison, the other was shot during arrest, in the ministry, he is boiling water. they’re peeing, you can cook the native ones, there are still a lot of uncertainties, but everything is clear, shcherba is identified by a neighbor, the bourbon left his fingers in the house, what’s unclear here, he had to use a scoop, he brought relatives to the house, an ordinary raid, anyway... you say, but there were people why kill? and what could have happened in this hut that could have put so many people there? where is the gun? listen, all this is already lyrics, but which the investigation will find out, let's quickly sort everything out before things cool down, you for services to the fatherland, the apers for maintaining order, and i can get sentences for personal courage, special message, special report, well, you know everything, you need to sign, accomplice, phone you need to put it on wiretapping, or better yet , peel it off.
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but it’s better to peel, i don’t promise a miracle, but i’ll try to use all technical capabilities, dictate the number, how much time do we have? no more than two hours, uh-huh, i decided that they opened it up, yes, a fracture of the cervical vertebrae, a very typical injury for a fall from the stairs, of course, but could it have formed in some other way? trauma, you
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mean, was the trauma the result of a violent act? namely, i haven’t met operatives for a long time who were not satisfied with the conclusion about the non-violent nature of death, times are changing, we are now paid extra for every murder in production, it’s a piece of work, some are ready to kill someone just to make money, your sense of legality is funny, well so this injury, of course, could be... the result blow, but then it had to be a very skillful blow, i would say, even professional, yes, from bottom to top, exactly at the intersection of the back of the head and neck, most likely with the edge of the palm, softly, quickly without traces.
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yes, i understand, what time is it, zheka, for some reason my watch is 12, 5 hours have already passed, and he... is still fiddling around, promised to finish it in two, forgot where he works, yes, it was not easy , but we seem to have managed it, write the address of your beauty, ready, dictate.
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there is someone in the house, the windows look out onto the street, pash, stay in the entrance, if she runs, go behind her, but don't touch her. we’ll take it on the street, well
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, maybe it’s better to follow her, better than a bird in the hand, we’ll take it, come on, yes, igor, the windows of the house, onto the street, close it, okay, come on. look, just don’t get too carried away, hello, anya, hello, boris asked me to tell you that they are hanging on him. gostrel maldovan, so that you clean everything urgently, call me back, either it’s a dummy, or she understood everything, well, thank you, fritz, uh-huh,
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hello, handsome, get out, come on, little hands, the bubble broke, i didn’t even have time to finish drinking, in next time take something in a tin can
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yes, oops. it looks like our day, roma today, i saw a neighbor with full buckets, yours, well, what can you say, beautiful, quiet, quiet, calm, check it out, please sign. sign, it’s a simple formality, so what? i will simply invite witnesses and ask you
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to sign the same thing again, only in their presence. indeed, how is this possible, anechka. yes, she remains silent, she didn’t even say her name, well, what do you have there, as i understand it, these are the phone numbers of the dead. there are photographs, the last one was taken the day before the murder, a pistol, telephones, a complete set, well, great, get everything inspected and bring it, okay, i understand.
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allow your honor, be a fool, here is the conclusion of a ballistic examination, a moldovan family was killed from this gun, well, you can congratulate everyone, depending on what, roman georgivich jokes like that, the murder was solved in the shortest possible time, the evil was punished, the reputation of the department is at its best,
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you yourself you know, anything can happen, but there was no conflict there, they killed from the threshold with one shot for each, they didn’t even have time to twitch, but a professional worked, you love to overcome difficulties, especially when our bosses like to create these difficulties, thank you, please contact me, don’t pay attention, such a person definitely needs to show character, perhaps, perhaps, but there is a reason in his words, please. happily, bye, come on, but i don’t understand why everyone is not at home, the working day seems to be over, and the case is solved, something is not... you can see the joy on the face, and i appointed the manager on duty, i don’t care the instructions are not supposed to be happy, there are
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some doubts, what difference does it make, roma, maybe stop fooling around, we are all in the same harness, i don’t want to feel like an idiot, let’s talk about this tomorrow, but i need to collect a lot of things in my head, the district police officer called, ryzhikov, uh-huh, he finished going through the apartments, our... witness, i’ll jump up, talk, jump up, talk, and then go home to rest, okay, okay, you should sleep, as soon as you leave now, i’ll immediately start sleeping.
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i was on my way to my mother to take some medicine, i took the elevator down and it was standing there. have you seen him before? no, never, such a person doesn’t live here, that’s right, we know all of our people, i’m from the elevator, he’s in the elevator went up, what is your age and height? i have already drawn up a verbal portrait, but the main thing is a sign, what sign? you know, it seemed to me that one of his eyes can’t see, how is that? well, he came out of the elevator, stood aside to let me through, and looked away to the side, as if he didn’t want to meet his eyes, the eye that was closer to me, he remained looking straight as if i wasn’t alive. and which eye, right, left, now right, definitely
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right, then it immediately seemed suspicious to me, but i was in such a hurry for my mother, thank you, thank you, again recognized as the best by independent experts, credit card, free forever, apply right now, it’s all pelin’s fault, she slipped the photos, you knew it, that’s why...
9:16 pm
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eltocide is an assistant in the fight against vsd. why go to a big clothing sale? head to ozone for new dresses, colorful shorts, comfortable sneakers, basic t-shirts and much more. a big clothing sale on ozone is a profitable event this summer. buy desired in installments. stars on weekends at 22:10 on ntv.
9:20 pm
yes, shillov, do you want to solve the murder? which? fresh. i will kill this idiot with my own hands. what idiot? your operator. i fired him, but he still continues to crap. leaked our information. okay, let’s take a look and we’ll figure it out later, okay? yes ok. fine. shillov. the incident asks
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for the person responsible from the management to come, so what happened, the theft from a new museum, a museum of private collections, it looks like a painting was stolen, that i will go to the theft or something, and we called this antique boss, we are looking for him, he is not at home, they dialed my wife’s cell phone access, but she doesn’t know, ah, it’s getting weirder, it’s getting weirder, okay, i’m on my way, 8:20, great, guys. this is some kind of nonsense, this couldn’t happen. this looks like a line from a schoolgirl who accidentally got pregnant. well, let's do it again. this means there was a power outage. did the emergency system work? right here. and the security acted according to instructions. and the criminals acted according to a pre- drawn plan. eat. there is a recording. well , that's great. do you like to watch movies? u
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the expert must have a laptop.
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everything ingenious is just borya, let’s jump back and mumble. well, borya, i congratulate you, as they say, on a headache, yes, i drove, i showed off my face, i have nothing else to do here, but pay attention, if it’s a greyhound, it outwitted the signaling, why didn’t the cameras notice, and what is actually visible, no car numbers, no names, so two abstract men and a car brand grew up, i don’t know, somehow demonstratively, no, yes, there is prose. prose, i wouldn’t be surprised if they left a business card, the museum workers there decided on a picture that disappeared, well , some kind of konitskiy, or something, kandinsky, yes, star, i
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’m calling the boss, okay, fighting, good luck, and i drove off, as they say, i’m glad that the main business of the main office is not in my specialty, for now everyone, right? georgievich, ems duty officer, bother me, excuse me, i have a second line, roman bystrova, who was detained, tried to commit suicide, i’ll be right there. can you imagine, georgievich, she wanted to gnaw out her own vein, yeah, with her teeth, i’ve never
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seen anything like that before, there’s always problems with these wretched people, why with the wretched ones, she’s mute, why don’t you knew, or what? you can, yes, here you go. write, that's it. “chief, i heard it in the duty room, it’s really kandinsky, no, i came up with an idea so that i
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have a reason to raise the whole department at night, what is it, that’s what it is, repeat the requests, wow, you know why she’s silent, it’s mental when pogroms began, they did something wrong, and you decided to take revenge first.” caught, we didn’t touch them, but where did you get the phone and gun? but i heard one authoritative person was taken at a meeting with you, with a planted gun, yeah, if you want, we’ll call him right now, details we find out, he has been free for a long time, myself. i’ve never seen anything good from the cops, you yourself have done a lot of good in your life, and if i am like this, then god needs me,
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i was thinking about the same thing, okay, it seems to me that i have nothing to lose, just don’t touch anka anymore, do you think it was me who gnawed out her vein? we were sitting there, so i decided to intimidate him, but where did you get the gun from? i’m telling you, i don’t know, they planted it, who, when? i was sure that you
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would close the case, yes, trust in the police is growing by leaps and bounds, you are under the seat car, when was the last time you looked at it, and do you look there often? okay, tell me in detail minute by minute, all day during the murder. not quite. bye.
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who are you visiting?
9:30 pm
hello, who are you visiting? move away from the window,
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move away from the window, then i won’t shoot, don’t, i have children.
9:32 pm
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9:37 pm
the corpse is wearing blue jeans, cotton jeans, a striped sweater, black sneakers . okay, let's move on, the second corpse lies in the middle of the office, face down, legs towards the exit, a man, 30-35 years old, dark hair, short-cropped, the corpse was wearing a light gray shirt, dark blue cotton jeans and black boots. so i managed to write everything down, well done, i remember her, i photographed her yesterday for the miss police competition, i also wanted to invite her somewhere.
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from moscow they demanded a report on the theft of paintings, and they couldn’t get through to the antique dealers, but i personally went and found out, yes, everyone was killed, the entire department was in full force, so we’re definitely sorting it out, i always believed that all departments should be in one building, this is scattered, and what now, the second mass shooting in 3 days. that you became a boss? roma, this is not moldova, the ministry is on the nose, it demands instant success, it demands versions, what versions are there, but...
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hit the cards in your hands, you love such things here, i like to lie on the warm sand and watch the sea, you’re lying, hero, your sand is here, your sandbox is here, otherwise you wouldn’t have returned, yes, comrade general, that’s exactly how we work, there are versions, the person in charge is shilov, but i had to take over the command today, that’s lucky. well what, really the whole department? no, not all of them, the fish in
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klimov’s office remained alive. can you still joke? i can, pash, i can joke, i can tell jokes, i can, because if i hadn’t done this, i would have been in a mental hospital long ago, however, like you, it’s also true, he has ideas, he has them, and kovalev, he believes that the antique dealers, along with the dealers, stole the painting, and then didn’t want to share the money and... and you know, the worst thing is that this is very similar to the truth, oh well, i still understand when one rat can occupy a department, well, half the department, well, for the whole department to get screwed, it’s fun to walk around the open spaces and steal paintings together, it’s better in unison, but the antique dealers knew how to bypass the alarm, they knew how to take this kandinsky abroad, perhaps they even knew these black collectors who are interested in these stolen paintings
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, they’ll forget about them, there’s no need to write reports every day, okay, in general, i’m on a call, work, you understand, no, work, they think you’re allowed, not me, there’s a team all around, okay, let’s go see what there, moscow coffee shop on the waist, taste, pleasure, love, recommend, i'm okay, green gel horsepower, my legs always
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dance, why go to the big clothing sale on amazon, for new dresses, bright shorts, comfortable sneakers, basic t-shirts and much more , a big sale of clothes on ozone is a profitable event this summer, buy what you want in installments, obstetrician on weekends at 20:00 on ntv. “i never understood this, nothing interesting, maybe it’s football, you’ve just never seen a good game, the girl has a good forehand, only the shoulder lifts up a little, do you understand this garbage, dad forced us to study, dad, who is our dad, a wizard of course, a wizard, listen, let’s go and talk to the coach, let’s go, what are these holes?”
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there are also people who like to walk with dogs, dogs , you know, love to play with a ball, if you have no more questions for me, i have the next lesson now, better excuse me, yes, yes, you helped us a lot, and the girl, by the way, has a good shot , nothing, uh-huh, just the shoulder lifts up a little, left, thank you, please, all the best, all the best, what are you talking about, well, what did i say wrong, colleague, you’ve already been keeping company with me, then
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keep your mouth shut, please, when i talk to people, this is not a criminal contingent for you, here you talk to people it’s necessary, that’s how i talked, i told him a barb, you... cut me off, continued the conversation, and he already trusts you, a genius of psychology, well , yes, i just didn’t have a rich dad to pay for tennis, so i read books , i was preparing for college, so why didn’t you go to college, there was no rich dad, ah well done, well done, come on, give it to me, come on , come on, well, well, love, ah, well done, there are dog bite marks on the sword, go ahead. he's somewhere here, he's somewhere here, he lives somewhere here and walks with a dog, redhead, do you have a dog, no, no dog, but i have a suit, sports, great, go ahead, let's go, okay ,
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thank you. the forensic doctor called, particles of oil paint were found in the subungual contents, it could be that all children draw, oil paints, no watercolors, no gua, strangely, nothing was found in their apartment easel, no brushes, no palette. maybe it has something to do with her father, he seemed to work with the settings, i don’t think the settings paint the walls with oil paint, maybe she went to some kind of art club, she needed to paint at home, there was no money, yeah, for the club there was money for such a phone,
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the phone could be a gift, all the best for children, in principle, quite useless... a thing for a girl from a family of migrant workers, children sometimes make shilov happy, he can interrogate the wife of the damage again, she will remember something, but they interrogated already, as much as possible, there’s no point, rum, they’re stressing me out, they want me to bring charges against bourbon and his girlfriend, what are you going to do? i don’t know, weapons, phones, you found all this in the car, or someone wanted us to find it, rom, well, it’s impossible to question everything all the time, but i thought this was part of our profession, i thought
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you already did this you'll never do it. yes, and maybe crazy, but those who did it weren’t crazy, they weren’t drunk, they weren’t stoned, they were just professionals, even for the most complete the bastard needs a very strong motivation to kill three children, and shcherba’s meager debt, not of this category, is worth... some large amount, i’m almost sure of this, with the matter, do as you want, well, where is your master , we can’t stand here until nightfall, we have a service, by the way, now, now.
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so what's going on here? so, they say that there is a problem with the documents, are they new? yes, go, dear anatoly petrovich, are there problems with your house? in such a sense that my people have just been stopped. yes, a whole bus, now just now. yes, who, who, what kind of sergeants? belkov, that’s right, understood that we exist, so this is for you, so that we remain friends.
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that means, go faster, from each of these from the first month an additional 3. i understand, i understand. i told you everything that i knew, i
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practically betrayed mikhail to you, what else do you need, that’s it, i told you everything, they killed mikhail themselves, and now you don’t know what to do, yes, don’t blackmail me, i have a lot of friends , many friends. "this is very good, i also have a lot of friends, each of them knows that now i, i’m drinking beer with them, so i can’t tell you what you’re about to hear, but i’ll tell you that you’re a scavenger. you sell your fellow countrymen into slavery, take their last penny, so you scavenger could not pass by the country family, you knew that they had a large
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apartment in st. petersburg, six people, and this is a lot, considering that the grandmother and children did not work, i had enough money for food for an expensive phone for my daughter, so if you don’t tell me now, you’re a scavenger, you’re a countrywoman, i’ll give you such a life as a bastard, that you don’t think it’s enough, do you believe, do you believe? yes, no, i won’t be on merit, just tell kovalev like that, because i ’m working, a magpie on duty, a corpse out of the water, okay, just first make sure that this is a corpse in our unit, and then bother me, yes, of course, me they reported that he had arrived.
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they called me and said that if i don’t forget about the country girl, i’ll be next, and that there was a rumor that the girl, the illegitimate daughter of one of the moldovans, the eighth moldovan fleet went to russian neutral waters, which... was in charge, i don’t remember, with the opera there was a surname so funny, locomotives or something, banana
9:53 pm
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9:57 pm
well, what do they have from the water, where? oh, not in your area, don’t worry, it seems to me that your reasoning is too simple: a professional killer blocks the elevator door with a ball that he found while playing with a dog, it’s not serious, but why complicate it, what is he risking, firstly, if it scans for an accident, then no one will be interested in this ball at all; secondly, how to connect
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the breakdown of the elevator with the murder of a person? "i have to go, i have an important meeting, and you go with the agents, like that, that's it, bye, bye, yes, i and i don’t remember the last time i saw something like this, on a business trip, there were bearded men, the whole department was slaughtered, but it was war, and here we have peace, as long as
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i work, this is all i think about.” so what do we have? two shooters, two guns, stolen the painting is a possible connection between the killers and the department. where do we start with the painting? if it was stolen, then there is already a buyer for it, if we establish him, we can go from him, but i just think that he is not particularly advertising himself. but nevertheless, i don’t think that he was completely unknown in the antique department. decided to become a psychic to ask them? i now understand why roma ordered me to think, and not you, why the antique department doesn’t exist for 2 days, well , i also had bosses before, and i know some of them well, well, let’s go, well, well!
10:00 pm
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akhmetal in the emirates, akamura in tokyo, our little yaroslavtsev in new york, will you pour me a drink or not? i remember them all, they’re
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where i have, they left him here, he’ll still come back here. klimov was not a bitch, i dragged him, he was a normal guy, he wouldn’t have gotten into fornicator, not a creature, don’t drink too much, semyonich, semyonich. previously, he started with me in the same area, then went to the antique department, rising to the rank of boss. by the way, the drozdov case, remember? i heard it was developed. and
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the boss has already started drinking; in their department they have delegations, presentations, and some kind of exhibitions. no one noticed as a person. he’s gone off the rails, well now, except in a lab with a security guard, he won’t get a job anywhere, and even then not for long, and he hasn’t tried to fix himself, but he’s tried a lot of things, the problem is that he himself he doesn’t want to quit, but nothing can stop it, okay, you remembered exactly what he said, of course you remembered, but it only seemed to me that the command to think was given to you, didn’t you? think about remembering, don’t confuse me, my memory was lost even after the second concussion, so it’s up to you to write the information about the conversation, but first without external signs
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of significant death, although of course i don’t like his neck, it looks like a vertebra is over-aligned, well, maybe it’s a poshmer. i've been there more than once, judging by the tattoos, nikolai works well with his feet, so, oh, what a beautiful throw, so, ruslan, below, your ledges. now there’s only oleg yazykov left,
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now in america, working as a stuntman, it’s called life, it’s called a madhouse, but it’s great, and you swam. it's called a one-way swim, yo! look at me and don’t deceive yourself, these are not years, these are money. you might think you're a beggar. hmm, no, not a beggar, but the desire to earn money does not prevent me from keeping in shape. well, your position requires a black belt, you need the belt to hold up your pants. you have to think for yourself, you
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i was a bore, i still am, i’m a coach, bore is part of my profession, whatever you want, i didn’t just come, i need help, hello, meet junior police lieutenant sorokina, and this is a martial arts master, sergei sergeevich gvozdev, master, and what kind of train do you have? black doesn’t get blacker, but i don’t remember anything, that i’m a computer or something, you’re lying, guy, even the shittiest opera remembers the information, sit, i said, on which you realized yourself, and you not only realized yourself on this information, you rose on it , 10 g of heroin, yes, for all your i haven’t seen a service for such drugs, tell me, who sent you the information on which you closed the people of leva teraspolsky, i don’t know, say the creature, but i don’t know, the answer is not true, i don’t like it
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when they lie to me, you just don’t like me, because i suffered because of an operation carried out incorrectly by your department, why do you now want to pin a case on me, i want to pin you down, i understand, answer, you creature, why you don’t love me, because you and people like you, destroyed all our dreams and turned them into nothing, because our enemies they planted offices like you, and now we are sorting it all out, you understand, answer, and gave nuts, the head of the kem called and said that people who were wanted were possibly hiding in such and such a car, he gave the number, i was on duty, the rest was it’s a matter of technology, so ask orekhov, i even have a certificate with the call number, but i tried for reporting, i need everything for the procedures.
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so ksenia vladimirovna, and konstantin pavlovich. "i have read your report, in which you consider the filing of charges ivanishin and bystrova premature. so, all this is complete nonsense, ksenia vladimirovna. the investigator must think with his head, and not in one place. you were a good investigator, but your personal life left its mark on your work. in short, i prepared conclusions for the next certification and i think the commission will agree with me that. an investigator who follows the lead of
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the operational services is unlikely to be suitable for his position. transfer the case to prokopov, ksenia vladimirovna. ksenia ivanovna. only during the championship. only winline gives freebet every day. to everyone, both new players and those who have been around for a long time. with us, get freebet every day, only from winline, winline makes the difference, your favorite show, stars, duels, marina fitunki, and i decided to be beautiful, i have the right to this cognac, against dmitry malikov, i apologize in advance for this batch, but alexey chumakov still found the key to victory. berry,
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many, i, for example, then we will go to write a confession, i guarantee a good camera, i will find out the upbringing, peter also did not lose his presence of mind, i will tell you about five people, but this is not there will be an exhaustive list, a lot of new fighters have appeared lately, we have a sign that is quite specific, a person has one glass eye, it’s really specific. “but offhand he doesn’t say anything, i ’ll think about how to contact you, and can i
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work out with a trainer, you can’t do this, you need to live with this or not bother yourself, so i’ll call you, yes, please, it was a pleasure meet me too"? how’s life, how’s your health, how’s your speed, well, i’m happy
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for you, listen, i met you here by chance man, very similar to your ex’s student, black, but i heard he died, that ’s right, well, that means he misspoke, you ’ll go to the festival, and the usa promised to send a good team. yes, anton ivanovich, i can drive up, okay, in the park, i understand, well, that means we’ve agreed, just as soon as dima calls, i’ll bring it to him so that he can contact you. and if dmitry dmitrievich, and if he says that he can’t call back, then i’ll find out everything myself. well done,
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right. trying. how are you, zhenya? fine. the day after tomorrow he is going with his grandparents to crimea. listen, do you also discuss matters with your investigator in bed? or do you have something else to talk about? thank you, lisa. you always help me a lot. during the time that we lived with you, you never screamed at me. i just don’t understand, is it you who are so self-possessed, or am i simply unworthy of emotions? if only i understood this myself. here you go, a fracture of the cervical vertebrae, the same picture as the one i
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opened up recently, remember, i must admit, i’m surprised, two uncharacteristic cases in a row, yeah, with with his hands, what, posthumous amputation, there are definitely no mushroom cops, i would assume that his hands were deliberately chopped off, and with a very blunt ax, but the chopping was done by a person who understands this matter, of course. nothing more interesting, if i were you i would pay attention to the tattoos, although of course you know this without me, thank you, doctor, please contact me. teacher, hello, i disturbed you, but no, of course, something happened, do you remember nail from the federation, he was just interested in you, he trained the cathedral at one time, if he you i asked, most likely the security forces are interested in you, you haven’t gotten into anything lately, but no, it seems like nothing
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serious, listen, igor, you asked not to advertise your presence. i was silent, but if the reputation of our school is associated with crime, don’t worry, teacher, the reputation of the school will remain on wasat, if a person commits a new crime, the statute of limitations for each crime is calculated independently. “i thought you’d been home for a long time, who’s going to look after you, this kovalev came and threatened that you won’t answer his calls, but tomorrow you won’t go to meetings with muscovites, you’ll go to work in the national economy, but i told him that
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i’ll erect a monument to him, then nothing will keep me here either, it’s clear what you have”? there are potential buyers to our paintings, but they are far outside our big homeland. listen, maybe i’ll go on a business trip to monaco or tokyo, you’ll go like that. yes, yes, i called now, where to pick you up? what instructions? listen to none. indications that this is happening to him? reached the handle.
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come on, don’t be afraid, we’ll sit, have a drink, listen to music, and if you don’t want to, no one will touch you, but hey, hey, hey, take your hands off. and who are you to command here? for example, husband, husband, yes, okay, then volek, let’s go, let the man come without rags at least once, otherwise he rarely succeeds with such a pacifier, right? would you like to apologize? what? well, look, guys, you asked for it, although, to be honest,
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this is what i need now. oops, that's all, forgive me, please, i didn't mean to distract you, but they just didn’t lag behind, you had to call right away. “i called you, you hung up, i’m sorry, i don’t like to distract you, but you’re just working all the time, i understand that i’m not as important as work, but i’ll wait for you, though i’ll be fired now
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and i’ll wait you at home all the time." “ now i won’t be able to see you at work, i’ll wait for you, i’m ready to live when it’s convenient for you, why are you saying that, it’s even good that they’ll fire me, wait, no one will fire you, i promise you.” you hear, you hear, uh-huh, you just don’t leave now please.
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kovalev has already arrived, at the 11 meeting with muscovites, do you hear what i’m saying, no, we have someone in interpol? ilya shustrov seems to be working there, at sasykulov’s revhat, take the phone, they are communicating, yes, okay, i’ll go find out about kandinsky lovers. malaya, great, hi, jackson, hi, what are you doing,
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you were sleeping, that’s all you want to know, a corpse surfaced in the fountain yesterday, the injury is similar to reshetov’s, apparently he has a criminal record, look at the tattoos. what can i say, i never saw my father, i met him in prison when he came of age six previous convictions, we are convicted of theft and murder, he committed one of the murders in the zone, by the verdict of a thieves’ meeting, he killed an informer, the cops will never bring you to your knees, ira, i’m going to cut up an asset. was never married, but 20 years ago had a son, died of drugs in 1975, in a sheshlyk on five corners, had
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a conflict with caucasian thieves and knocked out kakhetbelsky’s left eye with a skewer, stole documents in 1980, one german ambassador had an almost international scandal, and he was also friends with the director who sometimes filmed him in episodes, wait... you that it was all determined by tattoos, of course, by tattoos, this is vasya, a pickpocket, my first ward, he lived on my former land when i first joined the police, as i now remember the address of the decembrists 35, that this address is nothing to you he says there is an antique department in this house, vasya’s apartment is just above it. the championship
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was killed here. georgich, look, there’s something else interesting here, so, we need a specialist, you know what it is, a recording device for the radio. wait, so you want to say that someone was bugged from here, it looks like i even know who, whom the neighbors from below, well, there’s a bug, a spider, a roma, look, here’s another one, we don’t know how many there are, there
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are still some stuck here, where? deduced, let's go, there is blood and particles of bone material on the ax, i ate away the samples, yeah, a lot of prints, there are traces of gloves, i think these are more and more traces of the owner of the apartment, thank you, so why are you sitting, go to the base, deal with it, drive away. so, the most interesting thing will be here, the most interesting thing you will have there, if there is wiretapping of conversations, go ahead, what is the connection between the pickpocket, the director a prestigious gymnasium and... in an antique,
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there is no need to steal, they would live honestly, they would die of old age, well, that’s understandable, it’s clear that the pickpocket’s apartment was the best place. surveillance, parking a car in the yard is too noticeable, it ’s too difficult to penetrate into other rooms, the archive, the veterans’ fund, which means the old pickpocket was simply unlucky to have settled here, but wait, what if he came up with everything, and his accomplices decided that they could get by without him,
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between the theft and the execution, i don’t know, they found something, since they gathered the entire department, even subbotin, who was assigned to us, flew in, yes, the guys were prepared, they took kandinsky, killed so many people, roma, but do you think they will come back for the laptop, there is a chance, if they wanted to listen to what we would say at the crime scene , then they listened and realized that we don’t know a damn thing, this means that the equipment can be folded, perhaps there will be guests tonight,
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everything is so and not so, for me kovalev is right, the bitch, the antique dealer. were together with thieves, they didn’t share something, that’s why he needed her, but he stole it somewhere, there are no former thieves, and even i can see the price is 3 kopecks.
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yeah, i'm a bitch, give up, you creature, otherwise i'll throw a grenade, why are you silent, i'm coming to
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you. well, it seems, everything is ready, but don’t pretend, there should be a second brain on the trees below, pasha, stay here, stay with me, why didn’t you leave, just don’t talk. computer, damn,
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what's down there? yeah, nothing good, what's wrong with you? well, that's all i found. so. well, let's say this is a key to the entrance, it may be from an antique, it looks like a key to an apartment, figures, it's possible. his apartment, but this is possible from the attic, if only we knew where his apartment is, maybe we’ll dig something up in the car, but it’s unlikely, you saw the level of training, listen, but there’s only one contact here, either an accomplice, or an employer, well, an employer it won’t light up like that, hello, pavel ignatievich, shilov again, dictate the number, yeah. i see, i understand, i’ll try to do it as
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quickly as possible, yes, if you have any questions about your shooting, then tell me, i’ll sort it out, yeah, you’re breathing incorrectly, it’s the first time you’ve decided take care of yourself, guess what. i decided to improve my health, what is your name? georgy, you can just gosha, and i’m nadezhda gennadievna, come on gosha, i’ll teach you, let’s run, just be careful, be careful, this is not a sport, this is health, there are two races, choice, one, two, three, nadezhda gennadievna, thank you, but i guess i’ll finish for today, you’re all such young people, my son-in-law your age doesn’t want to be himself either. thank you, hello, sportsman, hello,
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let me report, the object you were looking for was not noticed, you can return to your stronghold, but something happened, me today they’ll fire you, if they haven’t already, so what next, next, next, let’s call the group, maybe they’ll have time to roll their fingers off in a hot way. yes, we ’ll catch our fingers, so maybe milka can be returned, it’s better not to touch her today, it’s not her day. valentin zherebkin, klichkalashak, a native of mineral waters, was part of the pitertsy organized crime group, ours? no, the group was based there. during the reading of the verdict, he took the hostages directly into the hands. it is clear why he committed suicide. the vice-governor of the region and
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also the leader of a rival group nicknamed the fuhrer. fuhrer? hmm, well what other driving force should a vice-governor have? allow me, roman georgievich? certainly. light, ask kislovodsk for a copy of the verdict, you need to work on their connections. yes. last time it was completely different. i was leaving, you came. here is the address of the apartment where the phone you are interested in is located. so, zheka, just a moment’s readiness, yes, we are like pioneers, but how did we do it? i supervise the fsb too, and they don’t listen to my requests. hmm, by the way, kovalev is complaining about you to moscow, he says don’t come to the meeting, don’t report, but there is such a sin, well, that’s okay, over the past 20 years we have been admonishing that it’s scary to let children out into the street, it’s time to get down to business, i’m starting to believe that our future is not so gloomy, well, it depends on us. where was it? right in the yard? well, when you
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ran into the front door, maybe you saw someone? it means local, although no, most likely he came to visit someone, what did you take? well, this is the abc, in what area did you start before your headquarters? in no way? what happens immediately after college in the slaughterhouse? thieves or what? thieves whether? something like that, probably, dad is a general, marshal, are we talking about dad or about a thief? oh well, don’t let your claws out, i just asked, thieves are people too, i served in the army, the general’s son served with me, he’s a good guy, we passed, well, why local, let’s go, i’ll tell you on the way, otherwise he’ll throw off the beech somebody was driven on a long-distance route, and it’s a lost cause.
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i just need to go home and change, come on! oops, look, what we were looking for is now. we look, but only without the owner, loshakov’s accomplice left, cut through something, and he left us a phone number as a gift, maybe he forgot, or realized that the phone was illuminated, or maybe they called each other like spies every
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half hour and a missed call, a signal of failure, there was only one number in the address book, the number... of this phone, well, that’s it, roma , or maybe there was no counterfeit, maybe the little horse cut everything down alone, especially since the keys fit, i doubt it, why give him the phone? is it possible to talk with both hands? no, there was a fake hinny, there was, but he never lived in this house, you need to think, how did the phone end up here, well look,
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it looks like the same ones who worked in the department, listen, i’m sure that...
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high-profile murders, both raised. great, of course, yes. yes. the moldovan family was killed by a carer with a mute girl. and the thirty-first department was killed by a terrorist named loshak. wonderful. rum, don't look for a black cat in a room where there isn't one. in a dark room, yes, kovalev. and here every piece of evidence is highlighted to us, that... we need to finalize the department, the overall picture is clear, how quickly you abandon your original version, and life brought adjustments, but the position also forces you to be flexible, correct, interesting, you’ve already been taken out of the country, no, returned to the museum, apologized , said: sorry, we were fooling around, sorry,
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i need to talk, be healthy, yes, come on in an hour, what do you need, hello, oh, something happened, and this is grineva from the corner room , sorry i’m in he spat on her, he’s lying, she’s a fellow policeman, she started it first, calm down, we need yakovlev pyotr romanovich, he’s at home, petka, and he’s in a mental hospital, he’s drunk himself to death, it’s been 3 weeks since someone came to see him today, yes, it seems not, i’m alone all day, of course, let's go, thank you, but what do i do?
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i can’t convey it, well, i’m an experienced old man, you know, this is what i’m afraid of, the feeling, that’s what
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it means. hello, hello, hello, everything is fine with us, we need andrei, andrei sologub, he’s at home, yes, he’s always at home, he’s just... come out, he almost never leaves, i don’t let him out, he’s been with nini for a month now , me and friends, i’m chasing him, so, wait a minute, what clinic did he come from, for the treatment of drug addiction, and who are you to him? wife, it’s clear, you say that, chase his friends away, what’s going on? and today someone was
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around 11-12, around 12 yeah. “lenya was a scarecrow, a scarecrow, a scarecrow is a surname, write it down, he used to live here, across the street, now he seems to have moved, their apartment has been resettled, a drug addict, the address, you know where he moved, roman georgievich, yes, i’m still needed, of course, light, we always need you, uh-huh." “it’s my brother’s birthday today, well, since it’s his birthday, then go fix it, it’s his birthday, yeah, and when you get back tomorrow, first thing, go to the docks and take the phone, all the ones that were seized from stranescu’s apartment, first of all, analyze all the phones they called most often, and the numbers they were called to, okay, eh then we didn’t even have anyone to talk about them with, only they sprayed, although this should have been done right away, so immediately after
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that the antique department was shot, well , things started to happen”? yes, i went, under mysterious circumstances, returning from an evening jog, an honored trainer was killed russia in martial arts, anton ivanovich petrov. the cause of death is being clarified and the investigation is being conducted by the central district prosecutor's office. kirill khobotov, special for creda tv. hello, hello, lyudmila, this is a nail, yes, hello, could you come to me, i have information on your question, of course, let's go to the center, no, i don't want to meet in public, write the address, hello,
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boss ... it looks like you didn’t heed my advice, you heeded, chamomile, he heeded, he heeded, dry as a forest, well , that’s the paradox, you drank so much, you’re shaking on a whole sessern, and the fumes all over the office, i’m getting a bit old, chamomile, what’s in it in interpol, kandinsky sailed to japan, and also to monaco in dubai, there was information that every kandinsky fan there was offered to buy our stolen one. a masterpiece, wait, but they didn’t sell three paintings, they explained to me that in such cases the seller usually replaces the advance, gives the buyer the painting for examination, and if everything is fine, then they complete the deal, oh, why did i drink, yeah, that is, the buyer can be scammed at the time of examination, but it’s easy, only then walk around all your life and look around,
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and then it won’t be for long, in these circles of random people there is practically... no, listen, nokandinsky, he doesn’t offer every day, that’s right, that’s what he said, now, that’s what is it possible to make a fake seller, good evening, sergey sergeevich. anton said that you are the most talented of his students, so it was, you told someone about me, unfortunately, this is exactly the answer i was counting on, so bruce lee climbed in, the elevator still doesn’t work, he’s like a climber,
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tanechka, hello, i’m already back from the store, and i’m just getting ready. and i walked for 2 hours, trampled all my feet, listen, gordeev the seventeenth rented out the apartment, they don’t make noise next to you, no, it seems quiet. and the tall one with the glass eye, not one of them, has now risen up, with the glass eye, no, such a scary one, saw!
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so little one, but it seems to me that i understand who stole the painting, the whole story with the antique, and even how the country girl is involved here, dim, yes, hello, nuts, it’s hard to hear, dim, come on, dim, that’s what you care about i called about this, remember, you gave instructions about two moldovans in a car with heroin, who worked at lev terrasfolsky,
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yeah, who gave you instructions? wait, he called himself, or something, hello, damn, the connection was interrupted, he didn’t have time to answer you, well , we still didn’t have enough gvozdev, now they’ll whine from the federation, some kind of olympic committee, and you advise them to get political instructors, so that’s educational we worked with athletes, but they are just fine, half are bandits, half are normal people, fuck you, shillov, let's go, went into the attics next door, tell me. it was a one-eyed man, or rather one of his eyes was glass, is this the one who killed the director of the gymnasium, reshetov, with a glass eye? wait, maybe i’m off topic right now, but
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the neighbors of the house where our self-destructed mule lived said that a tall, thin man with a glass eye came to him, and why were you silent, but i’m only from there, you yourself are don’t go on rounds, whoever goes, it means that everything is in the department, the materials have been sorted. antique dealer and murder moldovan family in one heap, forward! yes, georgich, i’ve done everything, i just need to hurry, the man really needs money. okay, where when. jack,
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jack, zheka, there is some chicken. i’m not going to school today, i have measles, mumps, smallpox and a windmill, i’m telling you all the loafers too, okay, wake everyone up, i’ll be there soon, i understand, i’ll be there soon too. pasha, hello, hello, pasha, please come with me to one place, just very urgently, okay, and tea, i ’ll give you cocoa and sandwiches later, cocoa with
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sports commentator okhka. if you still don’t know where to watch all the euro 2024 play-of games with whom, then of course, watch them with us, only from ofka. euro 2024 semi-final, netherlands - england. today at 22:00 only vokko. from the new season, champions league and europa league, only in okka. zhenya, zhenya, wait, wait, wait, zhenya, zhenya, zhenya, shilov, where, yes, ah, what do you need? we need lenya. so he’s gone, he went where,
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who knows, to a store, probably yesterday he stole a computer somewhere, so he probably took it to sell to buy his own crap, but he looks like an ordinary drug addict, thin and long there, this is a t-shirt with a hood, let's go, where is the computer, what computer that you stole yesterday, you bastard, sold to one huckster, where is it, and just now? yes, there he is look, if you lied, i’ll kill you! so what are you doing here? we're late for the bus. did i
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say to look, i said not to twitch, but if this idiot had gone on a rampage and destroyed the computer, what then? in such cases, it’s better to act quietly and with money, and this scarecrow, arcot the raven, let him, let him walk, yes, yes, he’ll get caught hundreds of times more, this drug thieves, and the owners of the computer, it’s better to let him think that he’s lost, although you’re still well done, it’s not me, it’s ryzhikov, by the way, how is he? "stable, bad, i called, you're sleeping again, i'll just be a second, the main thing is that it works, well,
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some kind of password, damn it, oh, well, kindergarten, give it here, roman georgievich, can i talk to you for a minute? yeah, yeah, it’s not like it’s in his liver for him to talk, you just need to know where his liver is. i looked through all the photos and came across this one. in addition, i checked all the connections of the director of the gymnasium, reshstogo. he communicated quite closely with elona stranescu and her father. by the way, there is an article on the internet that talks about rashtov as a person who actively promoted gifted children from poor families. well, it ruined him opened? yeah, we unlocked the laptop, let's go. where is this photo from? from the phone of a murdered
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moldovan woman. i already called my man at the museum. she registered as a student, drawing copies only in the nearby scandinavian hall. the permit pass was always issued to the princes in the evening, of course, it ’s more convenient, they knew that anyone who had made copies recently would come under suspicion, what will we do, we’ll take the prince’s place in the morning, then we’ll publish information about the copies, we’ll wait where will shoot, i think that the princes will not last long, only the killers no word yet, otherwise they will get all the glory, i have half a sentence until major. you think small, this thing smells like a state reward. what copies are they talking about? these are from the phone of the murdered girl. i don’t understand, is this photoshop or what? almost 20 people were killed because of this photoshop. let's go. where? to the museum.
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the story below is simple, but very sad. the moldovan family brings a very talented girl artist to russia. it starts. copies of a world famous painting, after the girl completes the task, she becomes unnecessary, just like her whole family, because i saw copies, as did the director of the gymnasium, who could know about it, absolutely right, when the killers get involved, who will connect
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the murder of seven migrant workers with the disappearance of a famous painting, of course no one, just in case they start bugging the antique department, which... if the guy was taken away, i can look at the contents of your safe, by what right, what are you allowing yourself, pain? wasn't it painful for little children? open the safe, open the safe, it
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’s not my fault. of course, who can trust two mercenaries to carry out the real canvas, they can play your game, the imitation of the theft was needed to create a stir and an international scandal, so you replaced it with the real thing. the canvas is a copy, and they demonstratively took it out,
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tell me, how many more people can you kill for money, it’s not me, name the number, creature, not me, it’s not me, it’s all him, he, he blackmailed me, who is he talking about says, roma, yes, pavel ignatovich, again shilov and... again with a request, i listen to you carefully, we need the second phone of the girl ilona stranescu, there is evidence of communication on it, the murder of the moldovan family with the theft of a painting. how is this, what nonsense? this is not nonsense, pavel ignatovich, this is a photograph, she showed it to the girls in the yard, boasting that she had gotten a new job. what kind of work, what could they offer her, to help her father and mother. pavel ignatovich is not yet ready to voice his guesses, but there are photographs on the first phone that we found. deleted, but on her second phone the photo may have remained, but we don’t know where he is,
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write down the number, yes, now 8 308, dictate, 131.1204, roman geogevich, i’m going on vacation today, but i’ll try to help you, please try, i'm with you. i’ll stay, no, yes, kill me, please, if i don’t have time to do this,
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there were no more phones in the apartment, not a single one, i checked, well, that means i checked badly, before we gave her a smartphone, she was using one - with a pipe, and in general, the devil knows what she photographed there, no one thought about it at all, in short, her old pipe is somewhere in the apartment, find it, i don’t know, maybe it fell somewhere, there wasn’t enough to now something came up about the copy, the day after tomorrow the first tranche will arrive, i understand everything,
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a suspicious car, so much noise because of some moldovans, as if you would n’t kill our children. i understand, if because of ours, but you don’t understand anything, you fool, for you ours are strangers.
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11:28 pm
help me, alice, i don’t dream about dead children at night, leave the gun. you know what i want to do with you, but i’m afraid it will be too easy for you, so do it, what to bastard? it’s too easy, they’ll give you a life sentence,
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you’ll spend two years in a cell, maybe 30 years, i’ll visit you every year to watch you gradually go crazy, right pavel? ignore? shilov from the police, let him come in, okay, this is elona’s old phone, supposedly elona’s old phone, because she didn’t have another phone, she had the only smartphone that you gave her, i gave it to her, well, maybe not you personally, you yourself probably never saw her at all, manipulated her through that's right... so what's next? it is difficult to produce a real painting and sell it, but to produce three copies and offer them to collectors, this is possible. the main thing is to take an advance, or rather three advances, this
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is a lot of money. the main thing is to keep the fact of the staging a secret until you receive the advance. do you have a good imagination? shilov, rich. such talent would also have a bank account. why did you come? in your eyes. look, i got it, i got it, shila, and you’re great, you’ve always waited for your real chance, you didn’t waste your time, listen, it’s a pleasure to work with you, what do you want, a red cop and a gray cardinal, moldovan could have just been sent home, to whom if they had told, who would have believed it, there was no need to kill them, there was no need to kill toppers,
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antique dealers, director rashtov, 20 people in a week, almost 20 people, costs, this just statistics, you want to retire, well i mean for real. pension or want to become a deputy minister? i want to watch tv. so, as we learned, a kandinsky painting, which was considered stolen, was found in the safe of one of the museum’s senior employees. according to law enforcement agencies, the criminals' plan was to simulate the theft of a famous painting, worth tens of millions of dollars, and at the same time sell copies to several underground collectors in the west. certainly, any examination would have immediately revealed that these were fakes, but by that time the criminals were planning to receive advances from collectors and hide, leaving illegal
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intermediaries responsible for everything, through whom preliminary negotiations were conducted. alexey ivanovich, you have the floor: thanks to the coordinated actions of the criminal investigation officers, the public domain has not left the country. thank you, alexey ivanovich, i was with you, my god, what a fool! you're a fool, well, explain why, you won't understand who you fit in with, for moldovan, for an idiot teacher, you could have everything, you know, everything, and now, lord, where do such cretins come from, and you can’t do anything for me, just clean my shoes, if i allow it, here i am with you, like that the scandal will not be noticed
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, several thousand people have already watched us, can you imagine what will happen by the morning, and a day later, even if you issue a special decree prohibiting watching this recording, it will no longer help you, you will be removed from your position, and god... you should go abroad, because akamura will meet you there with with a samurai sword, arabs with daggers, well , our yaroslavl residents with new york bandits, so... stay at home and think that the one-eyed man in prison will be able to tell and that i will dig up, and i will dig up dubrovsky, i will, you’re finished, shilov, what you will do, you will call the president, pashka, i’m sorry,
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then i’m ready to be a sinner with my return.


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