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tv   Mentovskie voini-7  NTV  July 11, 2024 8:00pm-11:35pm MSK

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let's do it again from the beginning, yes, ksyosh, hi, rom, i wanted to, i can't talk now, we have a murder, let's do it for now, they'll kill him, maybe, damn, where could they take him, we'll figure it out, we'll find out, turn it on, i beg you complete your instructions, wait, can you do this shot? treat, yeah, the shooting took place on the same day, it’s obvious, some kind of advertising, here, some kind of supermarket, we have a lot of them in the city, why, i wanted to see you here and not there, thank you, stupid, by the way, i didn’t ask, don’t be a fool, but i could have called first, but i called, you hung up, and if i had killed them, by the way, would i have disinfected them with something, what
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did i shoot? worse, the bite of a wild woman, the poison is already starting to take effect, i hope, katyukha, you don’t have rabies, otherwise they’ll prescribe 40 injections in my stomach, come on, here you go, peroxide, i don’t drink at all, it’s not my day today, i need to replenish reserve, you shoot, you’re worse than you bite, what is this, this is that recording, a freeze frame. i don’t recognize, but what these people are presenting, yes, we demand that khmileva and her two feathers, i, be handed over to the head of the 128th police department i know where it is, where? vasilyevsky island, 24-hour store, corner of the big one and the eighth -ninth, that’s right, they didn’t take him anywhere, the apartment is in the same entrance, which apartment they didn’t open for you, 17:24, ahead with me,
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they drove, it’s clear why they didn’t break into this girl yulia, they just needed a hut in the same entrance, they prepared everything in advance, but it’s not clear why they didn’t clear it out, this yulia, of course, they wanted her to give evidence, why, so that we would think that the perch was really taken away, but if if it weren’t for katka, we would have thought so, we’d have to forgive her for the bite, yes, there’s something special about her... why would that be? it’s an old story, i’ll tell you later someday. great, great, the boss was just asking where you went, he was working on killing traffic cops, i mean, he was delivering a parcel to his fellow countryman, ha-ha-ha, the boss said to cancel the traffic cops, the partisans are important now, and so that they can comb the forest, very funny, here are the latest ones.
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data from the technical department, if the varichenos have seen tv, then they will try to get in touch with someone, in this case we have the opportunity to either subscribe the telephone number, yes, or clarify your email address, hello, i want to remind you of our agreement, timur, yeah, now is a busy time, everyone is running somewhere, looking for something, i just don’t want you to forget about me in the bustle, agreed . yeah, great, timur, please tell me who lives on marata 6318, one woman born in the nineties, beautiful, i mean, convicted, imprisoned for drug charges, eu. what
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kind of address is that? you find out, they were late, why it wasn’t until the morning, but they didn’t want to wait for the morning, call the group and wait for its arrival. roma, you're okay there. fine, all. i called the local department. now
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the authorities will swoop in, great. marata 63:18, yes, yes, yes, they are there, oh, so, guys, we have new introductory notes, we need to jump up to one address, which one, where the fugitive opera is hiding, we need to hurry up before they get ahead of us, and the group , the group will figure it out without us, let's go, let's go, hello, right? come on in 10 minutes marat 63 188 you have a good hour and a half, maximum
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two. somehow our brothers are not visible from the outside, or maybe they are well camouflaged, maybe, okay, i'll go, wait, and if not you if they see you, they’ll suddenly freak out, if they don’t see you, they’ll freak out even more, yeah.
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my last name is shillov, i came alone to talk. “okay, i’ll leave, but it’s not a fact that the security service or the partisans won’t come here after me,
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oh, you would be so brave with the partisans.” i realized that you guys are going to turn into pigs out of fear, that’s all i came for. and they killed him, why are you suggesting that we surrender to these partisans? no, i suggest you remember and tell me what you probably forgot to tell me.
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what kind of clown is this? maybe wessebek? we need to warn roma. hello, roma. i’m listening to you, gentlemen, well, okay, well, we pushed this little guy so that he confessed everything, pushed him so hard that he
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crawled with difficulty to the point of injury, and why did we have to kiss him or something, he sure robbed this aunt, and didn’t only her, followed by a series. maybe he fit into some more serious topic? did he say something? if i had known then that he was so difficult, i would have shaken my whole soul out of him... he became quiet, if i had known then that he was difficult, i would have shaken my whole soul out, just like that.
8:11 pm
zvarich nosov, open the osb. you're making a big mistake, dog. grod, calm down. stand and hold your hands so that i can see them, traumatic, and for your reference we have real bullets, banana strawberry, in the mood for you, raspberry blueberry and lime mint, choose from... what kind of patient,
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such a patient, some kind of patient, y we are due to give birth on november 10th, it ’s police day, the boys won’t understand, well , communicating with patients is not your thing, in the operating room everything is simple, you cut, they are silent, it’s all yours, you can start, you don’t need everything, you guessed it, why am i polo with you, khati will fire me, obstetrician on saturday at 20:00 on ntv. stars on weekends at 22:10 on ntv. just an asterisk. such bells may indicate bad blood vessels. it is important to strengthen blood vessels. angionrm helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. angionrm. keep your blood vessels normal. about! i came, when, and he drops for all purchases, dad, with a black card for everything, cashback, peak everything,
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baltika 3 is non-alcoholic, try the revived taste. business needs acceleration, open a current account at and transfer money to any bank instantly. vtb we help business. stars on weekends at 22:10 on ntv. hi, great, are you so happy, yes, i spent the whole night again today, i don’t remember how i got to the gym, i thought i wouldn’t get out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i’ve already started to forget how it is it happens, well, what should i buy, what is it called, prostatricon, remember, what else? remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times, what do you think works? what,
8:15 pm
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from the former, that means and where i served before, fate took me to different places, yeah. now, it means it brought us here, we are not who you take us for, we are neneva partisans, yes, but given the current situation, you are the only convenient candidate for the chopping block, but i was told that this is not your method, roman georgievich, not ours, but salvation drowning is the work of the drowning people themselves, and besides, i don’t see any invitation to dialogue. "one person wanted to talk to them, i had to organize a meeting, my guys don’t know, for them it’s just a hack, but why didn’t the person come himself, he’s shy, it’s not his level, oh how, well, i i called my dad, he remembers him, he worked at rup
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in the leadership department, but not for long, he was imprisoned for kidnapping. since then, i don’t see any more brains, you know, who he was developing before he was imprisoned, i think i guessed, okay, today i’m on the horse, tomorrow the horse is on me, bank, i’m ready to cooperate if you don’t formalize anything. i’m not detaining you, but it’s better for you to wait at the css and answer all their questions, because they’ll close us down like ryzhikov, or like okunev.
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you are leaving and i advise you. i passed, well, as you know, good luck to you too, tolya?
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well, the undergrowth brute, i thought he would be smarter, but to be honest, i... convinced, although your undergrowth had no way out. so what do you want? your ward, a gun. was detained and beaten by the police, this situation got publicity, and then he was kidnapped by people in uniform, and after a while he was found
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dead, in a park, hanged, there was a forest there, perhaps you were there too, and after a while our patrolmen died who detained him the first time, if you don’t want to clarify the situation, i understand, you have a role for me you’re trying on a partisan, to the point, so harness yourself, i could, only it’s not me, yes, but they say that this pushko, he was almost like a son to you, that’s right, he was, by the way, it was i who assigned him to the business, and then i found out that he was engaged in robberies, but... why do i need this bastard? no, of course, i gave him money sometimes, a little, mainly because of his mother, i feel sorry for her, and you are compassionate,
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listen to what i tell you, i will stand up for anyone if the person is worth it, but why do i need this freak , charge so much for him people, am i an idiot, why were you looking for apers? talk, talk, but can you be more specific about what? yes, everything about him, oh pushko, just not from these, not from partisan positions, i already told you that he is an empty person, in himself no one is interested, his murder is an attack on me, you know, on my business, but so i decided to find out, maybe these operas are on topic, maybe they know who is targeting my holding? maybe the chinese now want to crush everything under their control, you shouldn’t be so ironic, by the way, any raider takeover starts small, wow, with
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small, so many people put it down, by the way, my business is also not a cat sneezed, okay, let's talk about something else, do you know this surname of the horns? so why, georgievich, did you believe him? yes, only raiders seem to be like this businessman everywhere, someone is scratching nearby, he’s already scratching his turnips, i’m not saying that adamov is right, it’s just that there’s really some strange thing going on around him, okay, the bosses know better, but what’s wrong with this former traffic cop, adamov ’s knows rogov really wanted to meet. but pushko didn’t come to meet him, rogov returned home and found out on tv that they banged pushko, got excited and started dialing adamov. adamov, by the way, once arranged for him to become a goyim, he was once arranged for a long time ago, now he is sitting in some
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safe house, hiding, he doesn’t show his nose on the street, but adamov promised to arrange a meeting with him, so, of course, i may be wrong, but i had to grab this terenty by the trunk and not let go until he fulfilled all his promises, wherever he was going. well, there’s another corpse in the kitchen, if we could read the address, then the partisans could too, so they probably set themselves up. "you will have to meet talk to shilovoy, what if, i think, your old exploits don’t
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bother him much, let’s cut back.” “so we put this machine there, the red one here, so that buyers come right from the entrance and immediately see this machine, or maybe the seller , come, in short, i need a big powerful car, well, preferably white, well, so, so that girls, money is not a problem, we have a big problem, maybe not white, but black, women like black more, there is different coma, great, i have one buyer here
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came up. i think you will be interested, yeah, oh my god, they have a lot of trunks, why cut with a knife so that it doesn’t get boring, i think it’s an underline, more like a business card, i don’t know something. well, they’ll sort it out without us, let’s go and talk in the car, he’s the only one peaceful, it doesn’t matter, we’re working. step
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inside step inside by the time by the time you say you think drop my tears?
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so keep the garage uncoupled there for a long time, everything is normal guerrilla tactics, they killed the fugitive operatives, waited for the authorities to fly in, chose a fatter victim, and why zhitnik, he didn’t have much interaction with the partisans, and he’s not a particularly public person, but maybe they
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were valued in kovalev? yes, leshenka, lucky as always, maybe, maybe, the car was stolen an hour ago in a neighboring yard, the owner of the local department, when everything happened, he wrote a statement, i listened, well, to navalo’s witnesses, but no one really saw anything, they fled in a ford , i see, well, let’s go see how lyosha feels, i personally won’t go, screw him, i’m afraid i won’t be able to restrain myself, look, by the way, kovalev has the same award, do you remember, the boxer was still taking it away from him, listen, there is blood near the car, it looks like kovalev wounded someone, yeah, either the bullet missed him, or he was wearing body armor, repeat again, are you advertising psm, no, i’m just surprised by kovalev’s preparation, listen, kovalev is a bastard, but don’t be a coward, well, lech, how do you feel, will you live, better than now, oh, that’s what i’m worried about, who
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was shot at, you or zhannik ? or maybe both of you, i accidentally ended up with the granary, yeah, he said that a knife is not just handwriting, business card, we were going to discuss it on the way, we discussed it, we didn’t have time, it’s clear, the best deposit in sberbank up to 18% per annum, open it in sberbank online, again recognized as better by independent experts, credit card... free forever, sign up right now, your favorite show , stars, duels, marina fitunki, and i decided to be beautiful, i have the right to do so, cognac, against dmitry malikov, i apologize in advance for this mess, ah, i picked up the key to victory, and alexey chumakov raspberries. disgusting
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same one that was brewed from 100% malt, the same taste that everyone loved a country. baltika - three non-alcoholic, try the revived taste, oh, super, sbermarket is now cooper, supermarket is now cooper, super, super, supermarket is now cooper, supermarket is now cooper, super, zbermarket is now, supermarket is now cooper, and what has changed to begin with. the name cooper , the delivery is super, how do you like it, great, but for a subscription, save up a vtb savings account, open a vtb savings account with a rate of 18%, vtb, together everything will work out, elena
8:35 pm
vasilievna, dmitry, come in, come in, leda vasilievna, i feel great, but i somehow want to invest in health, what do you recommend, there is one company, exactly, promomet, thank you, health, invest in the shares of the promomet company, the car is ready, you can go and have a look, yeah, the documents are ready, yes, and they have installed additional equipment, just in addition, we have installed a satellite security system.
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documents, but what about inspection? damn inspection? so, we are reporting live from the scene of the murder of the head of the usbs zhitnik. as you can see, behind me, this is exactly the place where the crime was committed. i decided to apply retirement report. your leaving won't stop
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the killings. if i can't handle the situation, i have to leave. no one in our country can cope with the situation, but no one is leaving. i can't let the minister down. my leaving won't stop the killing, but it will give him the opportunity to buy time. holy sacrifice will not stop the killing. i need access to the secretaries of the granary, to its latest documents. this is the last ciphergram of the granary. please provide up-to-date information on the possible whereabouts of vasilyev igor pavlovich , born 7 arseny victory at 75 years old birth. there was no answer? no. when it is,
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let me know, ok, ok, thank you, hello, it's me. “svet, you need to find out something about these guys, the dives and vasilyev, look only at st. petersburg, first of all , look at our employees, former and current, in all regions, okay, don’t worry, everything will be fine, take your medicine, which i prescribed for you and quickly get up, okay, hello, so everything will be fine, don’t worry, doctor, thank you for calling, yes, let me talk to your patient in private eye." "i understand, but i can’t leave you
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alone, you say, i’ll stand here, but i won’t listen, okay, hello, marya alekseevna, hello, i’m from the criminal investigation department, i’ll show you a few photographs, maybe you’ll recognize someone “okay, uh-huh, look carefully.” “here, this idiot hit me, i didn’t immediately lose consciousness, uh-huh, that’s why i remembered, and also, look, please wait, here, this is the taxi driver who was taking me, uh his car also broke down, he said, about 10 minutes, but i wasn’t far from home, so i went, yeah, but tell me,
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he said something else, you know, he was somehow driving so sloppily, i also say, they’ll suddenly stop him, and he says, i was a traffic cop myself, but he would never give me his own, and he laughed in a way that was somehow not... . clear, clear, they called, get ready, valentin viktorovich, st. petersburg is waiting for us, the neva partisans, the leader ordered to take special control until all the cops there were shot, at the same time we’ll see how the shilov case is being investigated, take all the materials with you, i’m on the train. i read it, i already took it, i need to speed it up,
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situation, dima, it’s me, tell me, what are dubrovsky’s chances for a new position? roman georgievich, she identified him. and she also said that rogov gave her a ride as a taxi driver, and can you imagine, he told her how he worked in the goyim, excuse me, second line, come on. yes, roman georgievich, this is adamov, i know where rogov is, write the address, i’m writing, dictate, svetlanovsky avenue 59, yeah, the apartment, everything is there, thank you
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very much, please. that i haven’t really found an honest man, no, smart, who is he? adamov, and what does this smart guy say, gave the address rogova, uh, something tells me that now we’re going to go visit, your intuition doesn’t let you down, go ahead! mila said that the victim knew both, apparently the horns were in a taxi, wait, don’t drive so hard, when he found richer clients under some pretext, like the car broke down, he got out of the car and called his accomplice, well, yes, then the victim didn’t want to spend time and
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walked, and on the way the hero of our time pushko was waiting for her, someone like that, meeting with whom promised our victim a lot of pleasant things. things, oh, quiet, i don’t like it when doors are open, yeah, only you, what the hell, come on. it’s still slightly warm, it’s rogov, wow!
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light, listen, look at the number of the machine gun, the stolen killed ppesnik. uh-huh, thanks. he, that is, is the same nevsky partisan. yes, the one who killed the granary. invited you here, maybe he decided not to wait for us, why did he
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want to kill you, but i didn’t think that there were people like that among the traffic cops.
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partisans, why should i believe you? you don't have to believe me, you just have ears to hear. listen, i knew rogov, he is a cunning, arrogant man, but by no means stupid. to avenge the gun. yes, it would never have occurred to him. well, let's say, but for now these are just words. but it’s okay, things will be done soon. it won't be enough for everyone. what are you talking about? remember, i told you that a raider attack is being prepared on me? well. so this is all nonsense, trifles; in our circles there is more interesting gossip. interesting, can i listen? can. removing the head of your headquarters is a done deal, a matter of time, but the goal is not
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his high position, you are intrigued, but can you give more details? unfortunately, i have nothing more for you i can’t add, maybe someday you ’ll tell me something in more detail, then, unless, of course, you disappear. we will someday disappear, the question is what will be remembered about us.
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daksya, hello, of course i can, well, tell me what’s new there, sambik is transferring to our department, but the devil knows, hello, welcome back ekaterina mikhailovna, we have materials on our line, but without you all the work here has come to a standstill, ekaterina mikhailovna, maybe i should have told you earlier what was going on, i was on duty the day pushko they brought him, well, the investigator released him and he left, only then they brought him back again, when you were no longer there, why? in general, he wrote assholes on the wall of their office. they noticed when he had already been released, well, they went to guard him near the house, took him, began to stab him again for robbery, and the zvarich was a date,
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this was happening here, why were you silent before, you fool, make a fool and go to the ballistas, his favorite excuse , ok, let’s sum it up: as we walked around, the neighbors didn’t notice at all that rogov was living there. but from morning to night, he chatted on his cell phone on the internet and accessed the internet using the same sim card that he always used, that is, it was not particularly encrypted. if we missed this line, then someone could very easily figure out his secret home. yes, nothing gave away the scout’s face except the parachute and the radio. yes , no rogov is a killer. i studied all his posts on social networks, an ordinary idiot, the only thing missing is a sign, i am a partisan. the expert gave an opinion. rogov was shot with kovalev’s psm, let’s go and have some coffee, and you
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makarov, and not from kovalev's baby, but wait, blood on the asphalt? if the blood doesn’t match rogo’s, then if they messed with ballistics, where is the guarantee that they won’t do the same with medicine? no, no, stop, stop, wait, that is, they are going to rockow, he opens the door for them, or they somehow pick up the keys, force him to change clothes, kill him with a makarov, throw a wet kalash, absolutely not knowing that kovalev has psm, yes, that is... now all that remains is to make bullets in the examination, the question , why is this necessary, if the granary, the last corpse in the series, makes sense, in my opinion, everything is simpler, kovalev decided to become a hero, so he agreed with the examination, that is, it turns out that kovalev also planted a trunk on the hut, i mean kallash, no, you need to keep in mind that between between the murder of rogovo and the murder of zhannik
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, a maximum of 2 hours passed, which means that it was a pre -planned action, therefore... maintaining the heroic appearance of the gvd has nothing to do with it. this means that such a setup is beneficial to someone who can influence the investigation and the examination, otherwise everything will fall apart. it's a pity i didn't finish him off yesterday. wait, don't make a fuss. what is the name of this expert? zykov? zykov? i'll go to the office, my milk has run out. ok. zykov. listen, timur, do you know the name of expert zykov? well, i heard something. more specifically, well, they had signals.
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three business trips to the caucasus, in march 2000 they took part in clearing out a village, massacred the family of an alleged sniper, tortured her where she was hiding, so he cut off her sister’s ears and, well, in general, castrated her father, they found, i know, persho? no, as it turned out later, she had been sitting in the basement all this time, gave evidence, the case was opened a year later, when they had already returned to buryatia, they were given a subscription, they fled before the trial, and are still on the wanted list. what about the sniper? her involvement in bandits was not proven, she received asylum, moved to denmark. yes, this is no longer handwriting, this is a business card. what? don't pay attention, that's the quote. so, look, did
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this granary cross paths with him on business trips in the caucasus? and i already checked, he was collecting initial material to initiate a criminal case and took the girl to buryat for identification. well done, light, five points, then test me another person for... the same thing, just don’t be surprised, while i ’m going to the sauna, don’t look at your eyes, but just don’t urinate, don’t say, hello, hello, hello , pash, can you show him to the room? ladies, please follow me, you always get the most delicious things,
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let's go fishing, you'll splash! they lowered the rod to the herring, where the crucian carp were found, the herring, it turned out okay, let's go to the shore, otherwise instead of the gills the gills will grow and you will pour coke directly into the gills, let's get out, my dear, you gave the conclusion that the bullet in urogov's body is from psm, and this is caliber 545, so yeah, and he has a hole in his skin from at least a letter,
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he falsified the examination, 100 pounds, changed the bullet, but he’s silent, the bastard, although he already has an article drawn on his forehead, well, that means he’s someone he’s more afraid than this article, what are we going
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to do, it’s okay, work and wait, i agreed with gorelova, she ’ll keep him for a couple of days, great, shilov has long-standing disagreements with kavalev, and instead of looking for partisans, he got busy with god knows how. planted drugs on the expert who gave the ballistic report and demanded that he admit some kind of falsification; this is the first time i’ve heard about such methods of shilov. he has a large network of agents, his people set up a setup, and he came and formalized the seizure, and now what? yesterday we declared kovalev a hero, and today shilov is running around shouting to everyone that there was no heroic deed, what kind of face will the gvd have if this comes out, and it will come out, these damn journalists are everywhere, the face of the gvd is not the most attractive anyway, but there’s no point in disfiguring it even more. i don’t understand,
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ilya konstantinovich, general donchenko should be more concerned about the safety of govd’s face than you. donchenko, donchenko. donchenko is getting ready to retire, he doesn’t care. there is an opinion that it’s time to stop shilov. this is already a political question. people like him create a negative image for the entire ministry.
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thank you, so the investigators from zubtsov and gorelov came to me with the materials of the case of nashilov and the expert, zykov, zykov, it’s nice to communicate with a far-sighted person. i hate sitting like this, how can i do this? yes, like this, when you don’t know what to do, and you check the trunk, it calms you down, bring it to eat, i’m bored, i was in the mountains, it’s a thrill, but what’s here, yes. okay, i got it,
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you'll have a blast, the experts are releasing you, you need to meet, let's go, let's go, i have instructions to release zykov, i can about... maximum 2 hours, thank you, katya, i got it, thank you, yes, well, the moment of truth has come , what kind of truth, i don’t understand a damn thing, roma, what’s going on, where did these partisans come from, and who needs this anyway, is it really just to take down donchenko, donchenko is only part of the combination, i think, wow, what is the main goal, a complete redistribution of the market. that is, if all the old
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police officers leave, new ones appear, they bring with them new people, new rules, new money, colossal money, this means that a raider takeover is being prepared, well , it turns out like this, it turns out like this, that is, when not all the old leaders will be overthrown, these partisans will disappear, perhaps along with the topic. who was involved in them, especially if we succeed in this, so now this is our war, guys, okay, come here, fisherman, guys, what are you doing?
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we have something abnormal, they took away the powder from the drill and let us in the fucker. boris ivanovich, we told shillov to be suspended. and donchenko reinstated him in his position, which means he must be punished, especially since shillov himself admits his guilt, detain him and go to court for arrest, i will support, i have already prepared the necessary
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where bad cops squeeze the jam out of bad boys, here i am a bad cop, i don’t understand what you want, i carried out the examination as usual, if you want to drown me with coke drown, this is your business, but now there are half of them, and the other half and i, i don’t care about your course, roma, now he will tell us everything, lisa, hello, from ashilov, no, nothing happened, i just need your help, listen, lisa, i need information to reach this sleepless journalist, they say shilov has gone crazy, he doesn’t believe that rogov partisans captured an expert and is torturing him. lisa, i don’t want to involve you in these matters, but you’re just a better communicator. with journalists than i, in general, information should reach besonov, and
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he must find out the address where the expert is, well, i don’t think he has anyone in your almshouse, either some young lady with whom he sleeps, or a young man to whom he gives his men’s stingy gifts, okay, thank you, come on, i won’t be in debt, yes, today we’ll probably start in the afternoon,
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you know who my dad is, right here. sit - he said, listen, no one knows where you are, so no one can come to your aid, only you can help yourself, well, tell me, who charged you for this false examination, and who charged you, no you’ll say, okay, where’s the soldering iron, let’s skip the topic with the kidnapped expert, now - before the sun, hello, it’s me, that’s how it is, but if
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it’s true, i’ll have to, no, we won’t miss it, well, you know, what are we doing? let's go back. turn the steering wheel, look, be careful. oh, there's an introductory note. from whom? from our friend, a journalist. andrey said where the expert was being kept. yes, well, this is some kind of setup. and we'll play it safe. go.
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calm down, keep your hands on the steering wheel, who are you? we are friends? yours, you help us, so we decided to help you, in what, in what, so that survive, you sent us the expert’s address, let ’s go for a ride, everything will be fine, you’ll receive a bonus from the partisans, and if it’s not normal, then don’t worry, open the trunk. well, what are you up to, roma, yes, i think he’s
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hoping that someone will pull him out, but how? who knows what? here, now i think, with my help he will find out. zheka, what would you do in their place if you knew the exact location? i could make a fool of myself, especially since the wind is suitable; somewhere i’ve already heard a story about the wind.
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rukati kp is crazy to run.
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you need to check what to check there, so three grenades fired, okay, okay, let's go, yeah, that's a bitch, okay, let's go,
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now you understand that they exchanged you, speak up, otherwise i'll shoot you in the head, don't, come on, okay, i'll tell you, okay, we were together in the caucasus in chechnya, these two are boring with the eighth, they are complete scumbags, they liked to kill in one village, in short, it doesn’t matter, they killed people there, then the noise started, so, but they were covered up, they disappeared, someone ... saved, someone covered them, but recently i met nirkov, nyrikov is boring, yes, so what did he say, his call sign, he said that we need to make a conclusion about rogov’s corpse, he said to replace the bullet, and you replaced it, yes, i was afraid, but you saw what they were doing,
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let’s go, you, oh, who came to us? look, this is the hero of the silver screen, where are you from? is there something wrong with your face? well, how did the partisans like it, did they promise a new season? bitches, they stole my car, what are you doing? where did you get the car? don't you know it!
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that the head is on the shoulders, but is it really a head? well done, kids, now on vacation, where will you go, to turkey, there are a lot of russian things going on there, yes, i haven’t been to the sea for 100 years, look, the money has arrived. hello, 250,000 euros, 50,000 bonus with
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that kind of money, all of turkey is yours. bitch, i knew that i couldn’t trust you, if i knew what i believed, it started, maybe we’ll wait until they shoot each other, i think it was a test, so i went. guys, watch the perimeter,
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if you want to do something well, do it yourself, yes. “i always knew that even the best assistants would someday let you down, they reported that you were dead, a raider takeover of the gvd is a great idea, general, but what about the border nearby, drug trafficking, ub, budget money, and what if..."
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"the only thing i can’t understand is how many people you can kill for money, the sergeant girl was pregnant, you had to choose another job, you reflect a lot, but after all, you could become the best, you wanted to say the richest, after all, it’s the same thing for you, kovalev is on the subject, guess for yourself, well, i think not, you’re used to working alone, only the granary, you counted these”? you commanded a combined detachment, where these guys served and you took part in that very purge, apparently you've been in a relationship since then, you
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got rid of them, they worked for you, ajitnik put two to one together and sent the encryption to moscow, who works for you, our cryptographer, or someone in moscow, you know why i told you i won’t offer you money, because i won’t take it. you're welcome, you have nothing but fantasies, you can start writing books, in prison, great idea, shillov. we have an order for your detention, they are waiting for you at all addresses, i understand, come on,
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let’s play billiards, billiards, uh-huh, and you, and i ’m going home, i’m tired, i’ll get some sleep, otherwise maybe there are drafts in the cell, but the linen was not changed. georgievich, go, what’s wrong with them, should we call a group? and remember the old proverb, the matter must rest, let them rest. the best savings deposit up to 18% per annum, open in sberbank online. international festival
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galina ivanovna, shilov, my last name is roman georgievich, i really didn’t expect it. galina ivanovna, i want to tell you two amazing versions, choose which one you like more. first, the general of the ministry of internal affairs decided to carry out
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a raider takeover of the main internal affairs directorate to redistribute cash flows and assets, but died at the hands of the accused, who was involved in a completely different criminal case. of course there is nothing that you are talking about, but from it’s up to you who i tell this place to, you or the journalists, well, i think the journalists will have too many questions about how the general ended up there, what happened to these guys, i
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understand, galina ivanovna, the question is political and requires approval, but you have time, tomorrow at 10 i will come to surrender, i hope by this hour you will accept correctly. decision, roman georgievich, you are an experienced person, yeah, you can’t help but understand that tomorrow the case against you can be terminated, and the day after tomorrow this decision can be canceled, in this case, galina ivanovna, i’m recording our conversation, but i promise you that no one will hear it, if you make the right decision, you know, galina ivanovna, you can trust me, dubrovsky may not be elected, i’ll be there tomorrow at 10, all the best.
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please note in the protocol that i did not resist the arrest. the criminal case against you was terminated on rehabilitative grounds, on behalf of the investigative committee i offer you an official apology for the possible inconvenience caused during the investigative measures,
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sign. “mom is sick, she needs me, i understand, i was offered a place at our law school, great, we won’t be able to live together if you don’t leave the service, and you don’t leave, but we understood each other quite well, that’s why i’m telling you about this, we lived by common interests, work, now you will continue to live by them, and i will hate you
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for disappearing for days, you will painfully come up with topics on which you can talk to me in those moments when. we are together, definitely so, so, definitely, people like you live only for their own kind, i felt very good with you. i don’t want to wait for the moment when you start to quietly hate me, you stopped loving me, no, i just need my life, i can’t live only yours.
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weeks. good morning, head of the internal security department of the main internal affairs directorate of st. petersburg, colonel didov. i'm assigned. just a minute. please pass. i’m very glad, andrei velenovich, that you responded to my invitation, it would be strange for the head of the osb to reject the invitation of the chairman of the anti-corruption commission, yes, we are doing one thing, please, even if you was recently appointed to this post, but the ministry speaks very, very highly of the results of your work. andrey velenovich, there is an opinion that you can be entrusted with work with
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greater responsibility, you know, much greater. i have already spoken with your minister, big changes are coming to the police, but first we still need to restore order in st. petersburg. i think that you are familiar with lieutenant colonel shillov, of course. we supported several criminal cases against shilov, all of them were terminated, pavel ignatievich, i cannot give instructions the investigative committee, and the awl has a cover there, is no longer there, this morning the head of the investigative committee, ponizova, wrote a report on her retirement, the issue of opening a case is being decided. business, can you imagine, her participation in the gaming business has come to light, yeah,
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so you have the green light, andrei velenovich, don’t miss your chance, the number of offices in the minister’s office is limited, i heard you, hello, pasha, where’s zheka, huh? hello, hello, zheka, where the hell are you, and this is not
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zheka, he died. stand against the wall, don’t move, i don’t want to put a hole in your head, legs, and your accomplices are already waiting for you in the cell, how can i deprive you of such a meeting, oops, this is not my gun, yes, especially without evidence you can’t prove anything, it’s the court that will decide whether it’s your gun or not, to change it for you or not, but you have a job even without a trunk, it’s enough to go down a lot. on your knees, hands behind your head, hello, pash, i have a battalion commander, call for an outfit, what can you hear, what not, what? mark, do you know what this is? these are complaints
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from citizen khabarova about the inaction of police officers, who are not taking any measures. on the search for her daughter masha, who disappeared 3 months ago, exactly the same complaint lies on the table in the prosecutor's office, the fsb, and soon it will lie on the table of employees of the presidential administration. dmitry valerievich, i don’t know what to do with this crazy woman, she writes and writes, i personally went to see her and wrote a report for the investigation, she’s just crazy. crazy, mark, as far as i remember, you have a daughter, and the daughter has something to do with it, and given that she is a mother, you understand, mother, did you at least try to find her daughter, dmitry valerievich, her daughter
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a prostitute is passionate, and you know how, today here, tomorrow there, i have such lost... pieces a day, and then she starts writing letters from moscow, from sochi, even if she is a prostitute, this does not give you any , i have no right to give a damn about her fate, you find her, find her, prove that she is alive and well, and then say that her mother is crazy, so i ask you, please find her, okay, i’ll figure it out, dmitry valerievich , i what? what can i say, from the planes, he spoke very impartially to you, said that the issue with he won’t just leave the distribution of land plots, so if i
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were you, i would take action, an airplane, a serious person. “well, firstly, i’m not a small -bellied little thing, and secondly, i think that the head of the administration, being afraid of some bandit who imagines himself a businessman, is not becoming, but as for the world, thank you, mark, i have, thank god, there is security, but i wanted to say that mark, you’re done, sorry, i need to go to the city, what about this?” be kind, figure it out, okay, i beg you, yes, dad, nothing is clear, listen, it’s easier there how to get there, how to get through, everything will be clear, i’ll dial, bye, come on!
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jackson, what the hell, what's going on? oh, roma, it’s not my fault, i was walking peacefully, suddenly one day, as if the light had been turned off, and i woke up already on a stretcher, the boy who called the ambulance thought that i was dead, yes, such an outcome was quite possible, doctor, what's wrong with him? metal fatigue, especially when we are not talking about metal, but about a living organism, there are three gunshot wounds in the medical history, one from shrapnel, there are also wounds for living things, well, yes, even as a child, in the winter i wore a wet t-shirt on the balcony i went out so as not to go to school, well, i think that the issue here is the contusions, their consequences
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for the brain, and what next, we’ll do a full examination, we’ll put him in for a couple of days, we’ll wait for the pictures, i won’t stay in the hospital, we have one today a holiday, well , whatever you like, but so that the holiday does not turn into a wake, i categorically prohibit alcohol. “so i haven’t changed my mind, but why am i scared? no, i just want to leave, i have a family, a family, well , a family is serious. to be honest, anton, i ’m very attached to you, but a choice is a choice, in
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and if anyone has taken out a loan in your name? keep your credit history under control. your credit history may be better than you think. compare, on your side. one of my friends connected unlimited in a megaphone completely free of charge. and now he spends all his time on the internet. hurry up to connect megapowers to unlimited before the end of summer, so that the internet does not ended, there will be jago only in the megaphone, traveling with alpha. banks: choose where to fly in the alfa travel service and receive a superkick for air tickets. and this alpha friday , july 12, we are giving 30% cashback on flights to st. petersburg. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. zheka, this is a wake-up call. and they must be listened to. come on, why
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listen to these cannavals? they would like your ear buttock. sew and plant grated rice to see how long you can last, i generally think that failed maniacs go to become doctors, jeez, these maniacs to me you saved your life twice, oh, wait, don’t rush, give me a break, i know, i’m a chamomile, hello, yes, here’s ron, can you promise me if i ever get up as a vegetable?
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olya, i’m leaving, let maxim bring the car, don’t let him look for anton, i let him go, where are you going, please wait, it’s imprudent to let a bodyguard go, short-sighted, if i’m not mistaken. mr. samoletov, gentlemen, today in the kremlin, it’s really me, i came to tell you that this is my land, and i won’t give it to some dude from moscow, like your kotlerov, to which you are draining an entire district, i, first of all, kotlerov is not mine, and i am not leaking anything to him, it’s just that his projects turned out to be much
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more interesting for the state than yours, that’s all, i think... that before looking for a conspiracy of officials, it’s better hire a more creative team, that's all, i have such a team, very creative, they took one guy who talked a lot, took him to the forest, rolled him into concrete up to his neck, he lived for another 2 days. i'm scared, for 7 years at customs they scared me enough, if i came here, it would be just as good do my job, i will do it just as well here, not for anyone, catch the difference, it seems to me that you want to seem
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much worse than you really are. in any case, i was glad to meet you, now, excuse me, i have to go, there are two types of people in life, smart and reasonable, and so the latter survive more often, you think, i don’t know why you’re so whiny, about your dad i don’t know, but dad died. and there will be no one to protect you if you are outrageous. dmitry valerievich, are you all right? yes, yes, yes, everything is fine let maxim bring the car. fine.
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it’s me, there’s no need to talk to you, for our selfless, roma, friend, for the years that i put up with you, dear, wait, tell me honestly, when i first walked into your office, you... imagine i couldn’t, how lucky you are, my dear, when i first saw you, i immediately wanted to quit the police, there was no way, i wouldn’t have quit, daughter, what else do we need? good good, that’s it, well, it’s not white, it’s for health, so roma wouldn’t quit, but what’s keeping you here, you have money, honestly earned, you have an education, odd, i’m a baller, connections, god grant everyone the circle
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of such acquaintances that you have here, thank you, daughter, thank you, you just enjoy this work, just like me, it’s not all about fighting with crime, it’s not a high purpose to help people, point-wise, too. help people, but we don’t go there, why? we just like what we do, and we understand that there is nothing like this anywhere else, we are adrenaline junkies, roma, that’s why we are here, and if we are adrenaline junkies, why are we on the wrong side, there too there is enough adrenaline, but you can also raise money, i’ll answer this question for you, we are honest adrenaline junkies, oh, two mohits!
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so everything is fine, let’s make it a little shorter, okay, come to you, dmitry valerievich, sash, come on, smoke for 10 minutes, come on, come on, come on, come on, congratulations, it’s begun. well, what happened? i just had a plane, he hinted, he hinted, he threatened, he guessed that i support your
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project, so what? and then, they are not joking, we must stop. mitya, we can’t stop, there will be dungeons. and to you, to your department, from the ministry of defense, i have already signed up investors, yura , don’t you understand or what, yura, we are talking about my life, you understand, about my life, you have to stop, you can stop, yura , and you, you can do it, everything, quietly, calm down, you and i are in the same boat. that's right, let's sit down, that means we'll drown together, that's it, calm down, yura, yura, i, i'm afraid they, they will kill me, they won't
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kill me, you're a government official, you reported to the police about the visit of samoletov, uh, no, it's necessary, it's necessary, it's a death threat government official. you need to call, and the sooner the better, and i’ll make sure they fuss, yes, okay, i’ll call, just yura, i’m tired, i want to rest, i want you to rest, rest, and what you need, they’ll bring it to you, but first you have to call the police, i will call, today, today, i promise, today, call, what are you guys doing anyway, men are cutting down forest in the taiga,
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and roma and i are just bounty hunters, what are you doing, in general, we are engaged in staffing large companies with specialists, recently evgeniy recruited a large oil company, yes, we celebrate, wow! which one? this kandahar? yeah, well, i heard about her, but maybe it’s time to write up, and you’re probably married, somehow constrained. it’s just that i’m already at that age when it’s hard for me to get along with girls, excuse me, but dear, good evening, roman georgievich.
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okay, i understand, duty officer, sorokino from uboynoye. roma, are we coming to you or is this? wait, wait, wait, come to you, or i'll call the hotel. okay, come to me. be a friend, pay for the table, i didn’t expect such a banquet, i’ll give you all the money. roma, i have today is my birthday. it’s good if you think about it with your own head for 5 minutes. i agree, but what is it? let's go tell you something. i’m home,
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hello, hello, will you eat, i’m dying of hunger, little guy is at home, i went to the pool with a friend, it’s so late, there’s less people there.
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well, let's go, are you going to sit with your friend? hey!
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well, what took so long, quietly, where did you get the glofilin, this boar couldn’t calm down for an hour, yes, mine immediately passed out, just lay down, and he doesn’t have much in his wallet, mine has a full wallet and a swiss watch, right ? .. leave grandma’s silver, it’s not good, girls, let’s kiss you goodbye, nastya, legs, where, maybe sit on the path, and we’ll have a drink on the way out, come in, call again.
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disabled, so where did she go? in the pool, call, you don’t need to throw your bags where they are, what did we pour into you then, distilled water, i keep it until the cigars, boys, boys, don’t kill, don’t kill, please, i have a daughter, sit down, this is my where, now, now, zhenya
10:11 pm
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22:10 on ntv. so, six objects, two former military units, one sanatorium of the ministry of defense, three training grounds. yes, of course, i’ll be with you in an hour, see you. olga ivanovna, yes, i’m listening to you, i
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’m kugi now, i understand, let maxim drive the car, okay, guardian angel is in the reception area, yes, he’s sitting, waiting, let him come in, yeah, okay, we ’ll go to kugi now, okay, anton , two more. and you are free, after airplane threats to me we need another security, let's go, you saw how zidane holds the ball, he just strokes it with his foot, you know, sometimes it seems to me that his leg was shaped like a sword, when he and manchester played, shut up already. it's time,
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bring it on!
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anton, anton, anton, how can it be, do me a favor, already from... “connect, lord, i can’t believe it,
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he was just alive, lord, he, here, lord, my god, young guy, 30 years old, dmitry valerievich, we have very little time to talk calmly, in an hour our generals, prosecutors will arrive here, journalists, your management, everyone will be involved. to understand your piece of the pie in case of disclosure, in case of, wait, what might not be revealed? well, according to statistics, it reveals 67.
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connect me with the head of the main internal affairs directorate, personally, yes, greetings, comrade general, district commander, lieutenant general kalyuzhny, if you please. an hour for a personal meeting, it’s very important, my daughter has disappeared, what’s that collage 7.62, all the main gels are still in the cabin, one jumped out, uh-huh, army markings,
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guys, i called for something on the car, a black honda accord. and the numbers are the most inconspicuous, and that this businessman, a servant of the people, knows nothing, didn’t run around anyone, grabbed money and ran away, well, something like that, oh, our holiness has come, i’ll go, come on, the city prosecutor is here, and everyone is already here, the devil will rush to moscow that i’m later, i arrived later than him, exits. there is, we’re working, okay, i won’t drag out my life, but keep in mind moscow is already on the ears, because of dad, yes, dad, dad has already done his job, in 7 years my son has risen to one of the heads of sheremetyev’s customs, and the capital is quiet resort area of ​​the region, they won’t send someone just like that, yeah, here half the land in the region belonged to the ministry of defense, even along the bay, a million dollars, in general, according to
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rumors, having correctly distributed the land, the province will fall into kugi cities, so... to us cops it’s never anything but problems i didn’t bring it, that’s it, come on, act, stop, come back, stop!
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“lyokha, contact the base, we seem to have found this car from which they shot, let them send a group, planes, valery pavlovich, he used to have a nickname, plane, and you guessed it, well, three shell shocks, whoever you want, intelligence will wake up, well, yes, listen, what kind of problems does this plane have with the administration, the land there is golden, there’s a bay, a forest, there’s less than a million bucks there, you can’t buy a barn for yourself”? according to the governor, he removed the plane from practically purchasing land for development, hired new ones investors, old developers got out of court, yes, it’s nonsense, he took the wallet from one thief and gave it to another, maybe it’s nonsense, but you still have to check, especially since the governor has already written a statement to the police , the planes, the star is now to the local cops, they will pin down the criminal inaction and shoot
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on the palace square, these cops, zheka - it’s us, oh well, come on, please ask. what i wanted to tell you, roma, maybe we were in vain in giving up the girls, maybe we should have recruited them and let them go, or at least my, well, red bear, remember, we ate colofilino? well, yes, they didn’t save him, he died, well, yes, come on, she was shell-shocked,
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hell, you still dream of getting into the major league, what was it called? the last team, diesel driver from urengue, if i hadn’t broken down, i would now be racing for barcelona, ​​all losers start with the words, if only i could play the champions league, of course it could, but i play in it, yes, okay, hans, what did he say, what did he say? now he’s coming, the province is alive, a bodyguard has been killed, what a nuisance, and the numbers, well, i think what they were, they hung them up, you think
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it’s a linden, no, i think that someone got into his car, shot at the head of the administration, then abandoned it and went home watch tv, suddenly miracles happen, oh well, they threw the gun, professionals, if only they were professionals. berniev would have been dead, well, the champions also struck, the owner of the car, niki varenik nikolai semenovich, lives in zelenogorsk, leafy street, we were convicted twice, but why, but the license plates are registered in yellow, this little mask, no, a black honda, and you say miracles, yes, roma, son, hello, oh, mom, hello, but somehow the number is unfamiliar, i'm a pastor. we're arriving tomorrow evening from frankfurt, you'll meet us, on a regular vacation, well, you can say that, so what happened, my father's contract wasn't renewed,
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burgers at a delicious point, new curry sauce in exciting maneuvers, the most tender chicken for chicken prem and chickenhit carry, try it at a delicious point, who are yours, yours, open, well, great assassins. who are the police, go to hell, are you completely crazy, where did you send us, now i ’m going to make a mother out of you, that’s not me, and i didn’t want to, i didn’t want to send you, i thought the cabin boy was joking, but what are you doing,
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you’ll heat some tea, bake some buns, uh-huh, who is the cabin boy? tolik the sailor, my neighbor, we drank with him yesterday, for a long time, i don’t remember, i passed out, guys, i have a hundred in the refrigerator over there, you can pour me a hundred, but you can’t rush to the restaurant for a hodgepodge, it would be nice, but now i don’t eat in the morning, why do you care? well, holy simplicity, but like everyone else, there’s robbery, robbery, why like everyone else, but how? i look like a man who steals from a factory nuts, it doesn’t look like it, it doesn’t look like it, but where is your car? yes, it’s standing under the window, you can’t give me a hundred, a hundred for me, well, be people, where are you talking about your car? there’s my car under the window,
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but it’s not there. that they stole or found, found, but in your case this is not the best option, well, well, come on, look, oh, an airplane and dumplings are power, an airplane, well, you're good for my old one, you're good, give me a hundred, well guys, come on, luda has never given me any trouble. discipline was always in order , my upbringing, college, home, no clubs wandered around, an adequate girlfriend, didn’t give any free rein to her boyfriends, so there was more than serious cause for alarm, and how long has she been gone, days, i immediately wanted to go to the police, to the police, my wife talked me out of it, she’s a fool, she says it’s a young thing, young, and how old is she? years, 20, 20, but it's
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time for love. maybe the guy was stuck somewhere, now he’s afraid to call his strict father, in general, i’ve already encountered this, i think you’ve encountered something else, i won’t hide it, it happened, but so far i don’t see anything wrong, in general i need phones, this to my wife, this phone number, address, she's waiting for you, yeah, and this is my personal phone number, call me at any time, i'll do what i can, your general said you're the best, don't let me down, i ask you as an officer, find me a daughter, we'll try, you i wish i didn’t drink so much, it doesn’t affect my work, well, yes, that’s also true, there’s nothing to argue with, they did a brilliant job, but they made you shit yourself, i think
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now it will be like silk, now yours have earned it. that you don't trust people? i trust people, you don’t. well, you’re still some kind of evil loop, i’m letting you earn money? if someone like you didn’t let me earn money when i was 15, i might now have a family and children, but you only dream about a family, right? children, family, work, diapers covered in poop and a vacation in a dung village, talking about what cannot be, an empty market and none of your business, what i wanted and what. then there’s seriousness itself, here’s a black lancer, it will be parked at gas stations tomorrow morning, documents are in the glove compartment, passports with visas and tickets from helsinki are there,
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you’ll rest for two weeks, i’ll contact you later, be there. come on, i hate people like that majors, they are ready to ride in the area on someone else’s hump, okay, what are you, hans is normal, he gives us topics and will give us more, he’s with the plane, and the plane has a lot of enemies, yes, let’s call back, it didn’t interfere, as much as possible.. how can i please, from the capital? yes, how is the situation there? nothing new, alexey vanovich, nothing new, the capital, as always, thirsts for
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blood? yes, the usual story, sharks need to be fed, but that there is some specific blood that interests it, there is, the ministry believes that we... are getting rid of it quite harshly and not quickly enough remnants of the past, we are instructed to work, regardless of any merits, it seems to me that you will be happy to help me, the green light has been given, yes shilov, great, shilov, don’t call me by name if... you found out, not very well yet i found out, once on a business trip , they ate one cube of broth for four people, and drank, and drank from a cut cucumber, oh yes, i heard your last name in our corridors, you have an osb on your tail with a specific order, don’t ask from whom, but you got a green one light, what
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happened, read the news from life investigative committee, good luck, thank you for... finally, getting rid of that annoying pimple, for which so many people got smashed, is more than a pleasure. what about andrey velinovich? what is our administrative resource? is not limited? i’ll tell the tracker to do hand washes to check for shooting, on the hair, traces of...
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about some bandits, well, maybe i read the newspapers, maybe i watched tv, pioneer truth, everything is somehow simple, so maybe for your benefit, i think he didn’t shoot, but gave him the car, so why not?
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i'm on planes, what next? well, where is the dumpling? at the dacha, what the hell dacha? at the deposition. it’s clear that the boilers work quickly. well, how much? what, how much? one-two. just don’t make a sheep out of me. i ’m asking how much, how many kotlers
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are paying you, i’m paying double right now, we all know that varennik didn’t kill anyone, i don’t fucking need your governor, today is your day, you’re banking, so bank, how much, how much, i i ask, don’t yell at us, even the generals don’t yell at us, but you better collect your loot. put your brabus in, yeah go with god, make a mistake, it’s dangerous for life, tell kotlerova to me, be sure, listen, i didn’t understand something, who is kotlyarov, how do i know, well, he seems to be trendy, then... i know, he was scared,
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what does it smell like? as a child, stepan luda was ill, and as she grew up, she almost put her in jail, and the strict education only made it worse, i gave her as much as i could, supported her in every possible way, otherwise she couldn’t even go to the cinema with her friends, and you all you know her friends, yes you know, there aren’t many of them, one from school, the other one is still from the institute, stepan called, i wrote here, here’s the list, phone number, yeah, yeah, here’s one boy, sasha, he’s been looking after her lately, yeah, what are these addresses, this, this is the gym , she went here for fitness, this is a swimming pool, this is a beauty salon, and this is... a nightclub, yeah, yes, your husband said that
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she goes to clubs neni, you know, it seems to me that he doesn’t need to know this, because i already ruined my youth in the garrisons, but i wanted everything to be fine for her, you know, like in a fairy tale, for a young girl it’s very harmful not to go to the ball, styopa, he’s on the road often, and it’s probably all my fault, but no, no, what are you, you just behaved appropriately, then screw it tighter. nuts, the faster the thread breaks, but since you knew your daughter better, say she didn’t take drugs, which you, of course not, drank wine, of course, but in moderation, but here we had a strict agreement, she knew, that she could give me a lift, that means she went to a friend’s house and didn’t come back, and which of her friends had it, here, here, this is lidochka with... sokolo, she since school with her. have you
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talked to her? certainly. they sat, then called a taxi, and lyuda went home. or to the boy, alexander, dembovsky. did they call him? his phone is turned off. so maybe it's for the best. if i'm not together, then here's my phone. if any information appears. "
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they were the source of information for shilov, but this is a normal situation for operational work, you can look at it from a different angle, the head of the homicide department, on the orders of representatives of the criminals of large businessmen, fabricates for a lot of money cases against their competitors. it’s beautiful, but it’s difficult to prove, but where does the evidence come from, as i said, administrative resources are unlimited. the main thing is that everything is reported correctly, and only a deaf blind person doesn’t know about the level of corruption in our bodies, the statement of those imprisoned by shillov, a question of technology, we need something fresh,
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well, we won’t have to wait long for the offended, i ’m telling you, shillov knows how work, so, what next? so what is next? started making fun of us, yurka shouted, get down, machine gun, yurka - who is this? yurka is the driver, and he shouted, i he bent down, matenko too, but he only walked over the wheels, well, he put a few bullets into the hood. well, that’s understandable, no one will just take on a police detail, for which i thank them very much, of course, yes, instead of a letter of gratitude you sent them a burst of machine gun fire in response, that’s it. there was a thank you line, so to speak, returning the favor, only during the championship, only vinline gives freebet daily to all new players and those who have been with us for a long time. receive freebet every day, only from
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invite the owner of the cafe to her own cafe, sorry, you know, originality is my strong point, well then the next move logically would be to propose to me, well, but i’m afraid this won’t be very original, because i think every second person proposes to you man, every first. my parents are coming, i wanted to love them from a distance, i wanted to keep this feeling longer, i understand, i myself have
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a good apartment, only a studio for two is a bit cramped, your information is outdated, i’m completely alone, well, you’re lucky, only today i wanted to go there to find out how it was? but there is one detail, what? i have a second set of keys. well, they will hide valuables away. oh yeah, one more thing, put a couple of bottles of beer in the freezer. dad loves ice. well, tell kiryukha not to talk too much there. look, what can i do, huh? they are in the city for only 2 days, but i cannot offer them to stay in a roadside motel. that's it, come on, i'm going. i'm going. i say, we'll talk later, i have another line, come on, yes, listen, i can't talk now, i'm busy, that's good, come on
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in an hour at the old place, okay, andrei verenovich, well, i told you, you won’t have to wait, that’s it, thank you, happy, the expert says that no traces of shooting were found on the dumpling’s hands, the clothes haven’t been examined yet, it’s so clear , that he didn’t shoot, it’s clear, but the authorities want it to be him, that’s understandable, but what do you think, i think so too, but he didn’t shoot, but he gave the car, so why expose himself like that, and what did he do? it’s a substitute, sit for 2 days before... but look how many advantages there are, you don’t have to steal a car, risk that you will be cut down while driving it, it’s a small town, yes, but why
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didn’t he report the theft earlier, well, before the shooting, and if he had to herd this governor for several days, he wouldn’t do it, but the one reported for the theft of a car, yes, somehow brazenly, the governor lit up, he has a share with kotlerov, they are tired of dividing the land, i struck, they have been working together since the moscow region. kotlyarov was an investigator then, and the governor’s dad, the deputy minister of justice, can you imagine what kind of cases they can handle, and now they’ve set the cops on me, i’m interested last name is shilov, i hit him, his guys are working for me, they want to pin yesterday’s crime on me, but why do i need all this, i don’t work for orders, i would blame kotlerov. why the hell do i smell this? shillov is a serious figure, you know, although
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there are no untouchables, you will get 10% of the turnover. and this is practically 2000, 30% and 5 hundred at once, well , if you need to think, okay, good, i’ve already thought about it, here’s the account number, transfer the money, and i’ll solve your problems, and i need specifics, i’ll give you specifics. my guys they work with kotlyarov every day, but for now here’s one trump card for you, guberniev, drugs, and kotlerov keeps him on a dose, well, hello, great, what happened, i told you that
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they are planning on the autodrome, and in the baltic region for... now let me introduce roman georgievich shillov. i heard a lot of you, roman georgievich. first we fill up, then we pay. shall i go and see what's there?
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don't worry, we will do everything possible, comrade general, i really, i really hope so, comrade general, thank you very much, wait, listen, this, this is an unfamiliar number, answer, hello, you’re glad you’re alive, this is in vain. it’s only because we want it that way, you’ll continue to fool around with cutlerov, you’ll go after your telkum, it’s them, think about it, well,
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you, you? shillov, where the hell are you, well, where you sent me, i’m working on a girl, but what happened? jackson sr., i mean ivanov, okay, now, excuse me, another hysteria from the authorities. hello, zhek, where are you? yes, i can smell the beer in my voice. listen, donchenko, dial, i'll be there soon. yes there is some kind of kipich next one. let's. so what do you say is his nickname? zidane? he is a former football player, he came from somewhere in the south. he recently worked for airplanes. this is all we have been able to find out so far. i
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was afraid that an assassination attempt was being prepared on me, but it turned out that everything was different. but you're good. the security service works, if it worked well, nothing would have happened at all, i’m actually a former investigator of the prosecutor’s office, it was a long time ago, but i know how to select people, but why does he want to eliminate guberniev by plane, to be honest, he’s my man, i pay him, this business, you understand, roman georgievich , what country do you live in, but i’m not paying him for letting me steal budget money, but for the fact that...
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i understand, i’m writing how we’ll go now, we would like an expert, i understand. what? they threatened gubernev and called from a payphone. and dad wants us to go there and identify the caller by the smell on the receiver. well, shall we send milka? late. she went to the guard's wife.
11:03 pm
oh, oh, who are you? i need your balcony, but where? there, of course, to support, support things!
11:04 pm
i know one, shillov, the head of the slaughterhouse, we we worked together with him, take a couple more photos, otherwise i’m out of the game, it’s noisy here. and this thing is tender, do you trust him? i trust roma with money, the death of the governor, he loses such
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a huge amount, i do too, well , you won’t believe how you met him, he bought cars from me for his holding, that’s how we met, and chalk. “contact jackson, i’ll be there soon, come on, that’s it, good luck, bye, roma, be careful, the plane is one of those who are used to erasing questions rather than solving them.” the game is close, who will you bet on, register in the betting league app get it, cool,
11:06 pm
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11:11 pm
he went through the war, but he laid down his life for these servants of the people; in war, who do they lay down for, the working peasants, or what? in war, you die for the one who fights next to you. well, you’re our last from the kulap, you’re laughing in vain, the potolanates are the best diagnostician, but here you don’t have your work, metrolon poisoning, very it looks like suicide, i found out about the death of my husband and decided to end my life, but judging by the photographs, they had great love, really, i wanted to be loved like that, but i wouldn’t want that, it’s because you’re an unromantic person. you can, you also want to try, for
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your health, but you’ll need a bucket, no, i, if anything happens, make the odds, i’ll be like an officer, a pistol to the temple, but no, through the fatal alcoholization of the body, geez, nice, roma pulled up there, let’s go and whisper , the phone smelled well, excellent. imprint, let's go, let's go, yes, the one who was in a hurry to call today is unlucky, but the bosses will be delighted, right? comrade deputy minister, of course, that’s right, they found two prints, we’re already checking, definitely, there are, you definitely don’t need security, can you hear me,
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are you sure that you don’t need security, security, no, i don’t need security, it’s theirs it will only make you angry. “they need me, they need me for now, until there is a decision on the land, they won’t touch me, how much time do we have, 2 days, then i give all the remaining land to kotlerov’s holding, they me they’ll kill, well, how, how, how can i explain to these idiots”? then the guarantees of cutler’s business project, well, much better and more transparent than all the others, well, this is a sign of the times, no one believes in the transparency and honesty of decisions, everyone is looking for a conspiracy, a conspiracy, and you? and this is my
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profession, hold on, all the best. it’s me, no, no, no, they’re all gone, i’m alone, you know, i need some medicine again? don’t you understand? it’s like a ball in my head! okay, wait, yeah, i’ll contact you, yeah, well, uh!
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so far we have only one suspect, the plane, who muddied everything in order to eliminate the governors, who lobbied for kotlerov’s interests, or wanted to scare him. and he succeeded in the latter, the province shook the cocoon leaf all night, there are some facts against this version, but everything is still clear, but who shot, it doesn’t bother you that yesterday he was still threatening, and today he took action, and from his car comrade, it doesn’t bother me, no, everything is designed for this, that we will begin to doubt, arrogance is the second happiness, if there is the first happiness, more versions, bodyguard's wife, suicide, of course, i have two questions. first, why didn't she go to work? oh, how strange, they only killed her husband. her husband was killed at 10 minutes past eleven, she had to go to work by nine, it still takes time for the information to reach her. and by the way, we never found out who informed her about her death. second question. and the second question is this:
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the medicine with which she poisoned herself was purchased this morning at 8:05. what happens? she bought it, came home and sat there waiting for her husband to be killed? yes, still third question. this is the light, when i climbed into the apartment, there was a light on, but during the day it was not needed, and they could not report the death of her husband only during the day, that is, you want to say that she was killed, and before the murder of her husband, yes, i want to say that we need to figure it out, okay, we'll figure it out tomorrow, guys, you're here, and you're with me tomorrow, i 'll need your help, but today maybe for a beer, no, today i'm going home, i need to put things in order in the apartment, my parents are coming, i said in the tenth grade , which is what needed to be proven, print all this out for me, uh-huh, hello, i have
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tomorrow there will be interesting photos for you, and another person involved, aidar shemangaliev. do you know this one? well, of course i know, our old friend shilov. but you know, maybe it even makes things easier. okay, okay, go ahead, send everything tomorrow. yeah, bye. oh, my god, why are you calling me, huh? i'm busy, i'm at work. but you can tell my parents this, they don’t watch tv, they don’t know where i work. all. i say, that’s it, come on, i’ll be late, there’s trouble, everything ’s just right, our shilov.
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hello, my dear, listen, isn’t there anyone who could clean up my parents’ apartment, i i’ll pay, well, if you pay, i can come myself, shilov, but i’ll take it dearly, in kind, wow, i’m afraid that you’ll ruin me, on the contrary, well, so... let’s go, i can’t believe it worked out, yeah, like in fairy tale, not a single cable wrote a statement, well , the choice of objects was correct, everyone was married, no one wanted the police, uh-huh, as soon as we messed with the cops, relaxed, citizen, narskaya, narskaya, let's go, my, lucky, bye, see you tomorrow . “marry me shilov, i will be
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a good wife for you, obedient, faithful, you will always be lucky, even in small things, yes, pasha, hello, rum, hello, i’m not distracting, no, i’m not distracting, at my parents’ apartment, i’m putting things in order, uh-huh, what’s up, tell me, as usual, so what? they killed, they killed, but not for a long time and not here, an expert just called me, donchenko gave them a boost, so they work like they were stung. listen, georgivich, there was a newspaper tray near the payphone, from where guberna was calling him with threats, and so, the saleswoman says that one of the callers then came up to her, looked at the magazines, the expert worked out these fingers, and what, did it really shoot halfway? how is it, well so, fingers lit up in podolsk at the scene of the crime.
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oh, i’m already standing, go to sleep, my parents are coming in the evening, you close the door, behind... croy, shillov, i thought, i’ll smell you for the first time,
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i’m no longer with me, bye, i’ll call, yes, fairy tales are never long. well, actually, we can already go to the base, we’ll stay for another half an hour, the plan also needs to be carried out, but you’re already tired of your plan, but what can you do, today is schumacher’s day, let’s quickly accept the right to stop. driver deonexia stop immediately 160f, hi right to stop.
11:22 pm
come on, reap, come on! went into the forest, you need to call the locals, but you can call, but it’s no use, they won’t
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raise a company of soldiers, they won’t let the helicopter in, he hijacked it, then he pulled it off, but it’s unlikely that the hijackers are too burgundy. maybe gerucha was transported on it? well, look in the trunk? well, what plan did they make? i saw such a plan in the coffin. yes, roman georgievich, duty officer oseev, you asked to report on all female corpses, write it down, i write it down,
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the documents are with her, of course. that the investigator decided to examine it in the morgue, you can come in where they took you, clear, clear, just a second, comrade general, shilov, no, i haven’t found your daughter, but i’ll ask you to come to the interview, there ’s some news there, but don’t, i’ll find out now, okay. hello, pinkertons, great, rockefeller, if it were rockefeller, i’d be sitting in this shit with you.
11:25 pm
uh-huh, great. i've wiped everything well, am i my own enemy or what? no one is his own enemy, but many fell asleep due to laziness. okay, everything's fine. well, they drowned, or what? it's about 20 minutes from here. let's stomp, i'll stomp along my route. how is that? slowly. i didn’t understand, that’s not how we agreed. so i'm not talking about anything at all agreed, except for getting the job done, whatever happens. come on, fans, your bets are in the game.
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11:30 pm
the supermarket is now cooper, and what has changed for the beginning, the name, cooper, delivery is super, you have a photo. you can't do it yourself to determine, firstly, this is part of formal actions, and secondly, the face of the murdered girl, in general, is difficult to compare with a photograph, general, in afghanistan my armored personnel carrier was blown up in a colony, all that was left of the mechanic was the head and arm, i got a crick and pulled it out of the hatch, then in the caucasus... now i’m afraid, maybe my wife will recognize it, let’s go!
11:31 pm
no, this is not a human being, it’s a pity, now we’re worrying about it, establishing it, it’s clearly a crime, cranial, sphyxia from strangulation with a noose, what’s your name, beauty, marusya. her name is marusya, not her, not lyuda, poor thing
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girl, who does this to her, some kind of maniac, we’ll figure it out, i don’t just ask if i’m turned on, who does this to girls, my daughter, you know, here... in a simple everyday fight, people disfigure each other like that, something the maniacs never dreamed of, no, it’s not from a fight, this girl was tortured, believe me, i know, listen, sniper, only for me it’s without ketchup and mayonnaise, but i remember. listen, yurka, that yesterday, the shooter in the administration,
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sit still, hands! he showed his hands so that i could see. urgently go to the department where we took colofilinchit? need information addresses, passwords, appearances. come on, come on, i'll explain later. what? i didn’t even think, roman georgievich, that you pick up women in restaurants. but we don’t strangle, kill or torture. well, not a fact. i'm silent, i'm silent, i'm silent, i'm silent. a friend of the missing lyuda, lydia sokolova, works here. they were together the night of the disappearance. go with her,
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talk in your own way. according to the girl, maybe you’ll find out something, and i’ll go look for a friend of this people, like his sasha, a student, yeah, roman georgievich, and this girl today, she might be somehow connected with our missing one, maybe this series, yes, anything can happen, zheka is currently working on this series, of course. wow, this is a bad thing for us, i'm on my way, hello, roma, hello, roma, can you hear me, damn, the connection is stupid, roma, i took the addresses of our prima donnas, but now i'm returning to the area, they took a shooter in the province. it’s so good
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that it couldn’t be better, well, then let’s have a shooter’s nightmare, the rest will wait, they’ll give you, they’ll catch up and they’ll give you more, they’ll give you the order of sutulov and a romantic trip through the open-cuts of ikibastuz, well, in general, as usual, we sat and chatted, then went out into the street, car they caught it and drove off, and lyudova’s parents were told that they had called a taxi, what’s the difference, a big difference, because if you had called a taxi, we would have found out. we found out the car number, where she took luda, well, yes, we called a taxi, but it was busy, and we decided to catch it, it’s clear, why did you leave in different cars, do you live in a different area, yes, i got an apartment from my aunt you got the purchase price, but what about the lyudka?


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