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tv   Perevozchik  NTV  July 13, 2024 2:30am-5:16am MSK

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today we remodeled the kitchen hallway, adding air, playful mood and palace chic to the old apartment. when leaving, our heroes said that they wanted thrills, now we’ll check how ready they are for them. hello friends, hello! hello, oops, what
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kind of hero do we have, what happened, darling, tell me, he got some sleep, fell, woke up, a cast, of course, but everyone else is healthy, everything is fine with you, well, yes, the wedding will heal, he’s still planning to go into space before the wedding fly off, you with gifts, yes, we were at the dacha, they found a box of nails, they found boards, moss, hawthorn, dried in the spring, that’s what they call it at the dacha in...
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i, i didn’t expect this at all, i told you, alice through the looking glass, oh well, lewis carol, i told her , mommies, which i seriously didn’t expect, let’s get together somehow, hold me, this is super, look, there are mirrors here, wow, there are mirrors here, he’s so longer, mom, heavier. look what a cool kettle, wow, my god, it even measures, great, but i have no words, this is your storage wall, you can use it here for your parties, for your guests hide everything, yeah, that's all, it's mine, yes , it opens like that, everything too, everything also at the touch of a button, what cool doors, close you, yes , come on, get it, wow, yes, you have to
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get used to this, sorry i had to get rid of the salt it’s wonderful, my god, look how much space there is, the socket, everything is thought out, you can sit down at the table, look at your new designer chandelier, you really have to get used to it, how ordinary it is, how nice, it’s very good, it’s just part of that object of the riddle that i will quickly tell you inside, yes, yes, yes, yeah, wow, so much space, oh my god, i even, well, i saw it, but you need it, you can look, the hose moves, you have filtered water, now it’s great, yes, yes, yes, you can drink water, you can read, i’ll drink coffee and read yuki, come on, you promise, everything, in general, congratulations to you, friends, on the remake, thank you, this is very cool, i have no words, can i write it all down. i really like
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the contrast, to be honest, this is the color, the calmness, this is all, of course, storage, this is super, i hope that i will find everything like this in the near future, there is a lot of space and storage, you wanted to get rid of visual noise, so that there was no visual noise, so that all these glasses, cups, bowls, plates, everything was put away. so it happened, the color is magical, just as it should be, these are just his pictures from the internet, which he selected when we were thinking about the renovation, this is just a clear hit, his calmness, his comfort, this is just perfect, and this is my wall, dark the corridor is just a rabbit hole, we dive down there and find ourselves in this looking glass, i really like it, well, in principle i have a good attitude towards dark colors, in the interior too.
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the chandelier is an unusual solution, but it fits right here, i think it looks just like a fountain. our friends, whom we will be looking forward to very much in the near future, only one by one. everyone at once, please check out our renovation, i’m sure of it , take all the money through the main hall, as through the main hall, according to the instructions, we’re not supposed to,
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no, well, we’re undergoing renovations on the first floor, so through the main hall, for the first time whether?
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thank you, uh, commander, i can be free, yes, of course, and this often happens here, it happens.
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orlova, yes! smolenskaya granovskaya, yes, go quickly to the administration, they have come to see you, lawyer? what am i telling you, clairvoyant, go and find out, wait, granovskaya!
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he was bored, asked to see you, chat, i ’ll get some air outside, come on, tell me how you’re doing, good, good, good, yeah, i haven’t seen you for so long.
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10 million as agreed, by the way 2 kilos of money. accepting bets ended yesterday, i hope you understand that with this money you cannot disappear, screw up, or even die you can’t, because even water will find you, don’t worry. the match will take place in any weather,
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they will find you, even water. yes, yes, it’s fine, that’s it, you won’t get far, come on, come on faster, what the hell is this!
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hello, python, what, you got scared, we’re driving, we look here, you broke a tire, we decided to stop, help, and, well, yes, unexpectedly, i got scared. it happens, by the way, the boss wanted to see you, let's go, we'll take you, and while you're rubbing it with him, we 'll sort out your car, thank you, we'll change the wheel now, i'll come myself, leave the weird spot, let's go, he said, don't forget your briefcase,
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well, everything's fine, thank you, dad, mom wants to see you... talk to her, please, you've lost weight, how are you in general, as usual, what did you want, bear i told you about school, it’s expensive, i’m probably coping. yeah, at least you spend the money usefully, the earnings are good, so thank god there’s enough for everything,
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plus an additional 10 million from cheskovsky’s car, and you’re there, why should i explain to you that i didn’t take this money, so i didn’t i took it, where did you go, and granovsky? prisoner mosquitoes to the lawyer, come in, non-prisoner, arrested, in our country , an arrested person automatically becomes a convicted prisoner, like you, yes, it’s normal, the cell is good, the people are calm, one prosecutor, two operas, an intelligent society,
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yeah, who would have told me when you came to us in mur on a business trip, well... our work, as they say, is from prison and from the scrip, so consider that i’m on a business trip, so be it, the trouble is that the business trip may drag on, i spoke with kaleita crazy, that's it it’s just that the price for your exit is 10 million, those that, as they believe, were stolen by your friend granovsky, they agree to even part of the amount, you must either... do you trust him that much? why such confidence? see? because i took these money. either kamvarov
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or you could have taken the money; it’s stupid to suspect him. he would have bothered the investigator and wouldn’t have bothered now. on the shelf, you need to raise a bear, so i said on the record that i spent money and garlic, it’s clear that convincing is useless, i didn’t take anything, you understand correctly, it’s useless to convince me, in order to get a job here i also need money , a little bit to start with, a few bucks, that’s enough, oh, so you’ll have to share, otherwise you’ll have to wait for... problems, change this indication, it’s a bad thing, you know, lyuba, after you already no problems scare you, you have changed, oh, how i
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like you so much, and granovsky, why weren’t you like that before? i would have thought 300 times before with garlic, granos, i won’t do anything, for the sake of the bear, give me cigarettes, oh well, give me, i... i’ve been hunched over centuries of service day and night, i’ve lost my family, my daughters have grown up some kind of weeds, so i developed an ulcer, my joints were so bad that i wanted to howl at night, i never took a penny, never, and what’s the result? 10 grand pensions, half of which must be given to the state for a stinking kennel and
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a rusty vessel, well, you’re not the only one, but i know i’m not the only one, there are thousands, tens of thousands of us. but i got a chance, a lucky ticket fell to me, yes, i understand that you can retire, become a lawyer like you, but i don’t want to, i can’t work anymore, you know, i ’m tired 15 hours a day during the day and at night i i just want to sit on my boat and watch the sun go down, yes i understand.
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why did this happen, i did the wrong thing, that’s why i’m here, deservedly, yes, deservedly, i wouldn’t rock the boat if those who were stealing millions before my eyes were sitting next to me, but where are they, where, and i’m offended without them sit, so i want to go out, which means i have to give the money, see, but there’s nothing to give, but i bought this little boat, gave it to my daughters, but there’s about a million and a half left in the bank, a million and a half, right? not enough, do you want me to meet with daughters, we’ll sell the ship, right? steal from some bandits, give it to others, if you have money, you can maneuver, well, for example, write a statement that colito extorted a bribe from you, sit down, fedya, sit down,
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perhaps i work as a lawyer only because i didn’t get such a chance , how are you, believe me, fedya, even now in my eyes you are more honest than many i know, m... well, i ’ll talk to my daughters, give the go-ahead, hello, guys, hello, where did you go, and i look, you i never thought that i did, the money is for you more important are the comrades who saved your son, and now you are raising your son alone? and what does my son have to do with it? we now have child protection, the main task for all citizens, have you heard about juvenile justice? you can’t offend children,
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you can’t, you’ll touch my child, god forbid, i’m talking about you, guy, i just need to find five witnesses to your bad attitude towards your son, before you can blink an eye, he’ll go to an orphanage, you don’t appreciate it, friend. think with them, yes, i’m neo-gay, 2/3 is enough for me, don’t deprive the child of his future. i don't understand what it means to get my money back? actually, it was a gift, i
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don’t have any money at all, you can’t prove anything, you didn’t quite understand me correctly, girls, i’m not the owner, that’s what they call it, and i’m not going to prove anything, i’m your father’s lawyer, he got into a damn difficult situation and he urgently needs money, that's him. yes, at least in the fact that your father is in prison, he urgently needs money, especially since he is in prison because of the money that he gave you, he stole it, so to speak, appropriated it, not from the children. selected and not for those in need, but it’s still illegal, so that means, i don’t know anything, there wasn’t any money, tom, don’t tell him anything, he’s
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signing us up, and i don’t know anything either, and i didn’t receive any money, and in general, i didn’t call me again, are you deaf or don’t understand, your father is in prison because of the money he gave you, but you shouldn’t have stolen it , right? hey, don’t want to pay for yourself? colleague, keep an eye on the gold, what am i doing, anyway, some kind of gold? you’re a diamond in the rough, it’s not for you to cut it, don’t roll your lips here, it’s not a month here
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you work, everything is the same, don’t deprive the child of his future, oleg, everything is fine with you, yes, but what about your appearance? detached, but no, everything is fine, where is that diamond arrival of granovsky, where they find men like you, in the krasnozero diocese there is a light, there is no desire to move there, let's go, oleg, otherwise we still have three such points, we need to do everything before , light, and it’s not hard to find people like me, half of russia is like that. apparently i live in the other half.
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yeah, okay, as soon as the fever goes away, i 'll go out right away, uh-huh, thanks, old asshole, what kind of knees again, yeah, if only for the knees, yeah. it’s a pity to give it away, there will be more, much more, if we do everything right, let me take it, no one will suspect, it’s too risky, all ordinary hooligans, and if something happens, you understand, you need a camel or a small
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horse for... it’s just a job and so as not to get involved with us later, but if it weren’t dangerous for you to go to the city, would you come to me? you bastard, but that’s why you love me, i’m not lying to you, rubber band. take your lover, well, two more points, avenue the world and the star boulevard, everything is nearby, i understand, oleg, and you are not cesar for an hour, i mean, well, svetka, unless he just doesn’t
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crawl under you? and you have zero attention, she needs marriage, and i’m not the right option, but you’ll answer for the bird, always at your service, i’m just warning you, dude, give way, it’s 7:00 in the morning in moscow, only a week left until the final match of the russian cup in... football between the moscow sportsman and the astrakhan volzhara, despite the triumphant progress to the final, most experts estimate the likelihood of winning the cup not more than 5%, five one-thousandth jokers, damn goats, understanding, yes,
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he said some attention, why when people get into normal cars, their brains dry out? what are you, old eye brotry, damn it, asshole, where are you going, there will be an opportunity, go to the right, let’s pass the turn, i said go to the right, it’s easy to say, freaks, stinking goblins, i should teach you, but we’re on the route, it’s impossible. damn, well, we 've arrived, are you disabled, you've messed up the rams, what are you doing, oh, get out, what are you, man, you've messed up the rams, do you know how much my bumper is?
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well done, there aren’t any more men left in our country, here’s a beauty, you’ll get hit on the tenth. you're okay, i'm looking at you, it's getting better, maybe i can call an ambulance for help, thank you, now i'm on my own, let's get out of here, i said, okay
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, let's have a happy ending, okay, collection. let's go, wait, because, well... maybe the girls misunderstood you? i didn’t think so, i certainly don’t talk too much about my daughters, but still you want me to talk to them again? no, no, don’t, no, i want you
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to contact kalita, what should i tell him, let him come, tell him that i will find where granovsky is? keeps the money, oleg, for a minute, until tomorrow, guys, come on, and now the card will fall, listen, if i hadn’t come out, then he would have come out, everything would have ended much worse, everyone would have died there, yes, because it’s impossible touching your grandfather, you understand that this is not our business, and if a girl posts a recording on the internet, they will give you, and him, and me a hat, and i don’t really need this cart at all, i haven’t worked for a month yet, i’m sorry, that it happened, yes, we had to act according to instructions, we had to deliver the cargo, period, you’re right, yes, i won’t travel with you anymore, with you,
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until tomorrow. look, these two thoughts began to chase my grandfather, well done, and he’s a great guy, you came out of an armored car, this is a great guy, just a knight, everything we love, and you’re great, for such filming you could have gotten it, oh, i’m in lipetsk seemed to have never been hit, listen, nothing bad would have happened, but... what will you show to your boss? okay, i’ll show you, only you have to understand, hey, of course i understand that it’s not just like that will open the door to your wonderful tv channel for me, maybe he’ll even notice, that’s it, then i
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’ll post it online, maybe this freak will be ashamed, well, i know, let me go, lie down...
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okay, we go to the wall, there’s a prisoner in the dining room.
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you asked, i came, but i didn’t ask, i’m not accustomed to asking, but i agree to what, well, to what, well, what you and my lawyer talked about. okay, what next? listen, i don’t know where koronovsky is hiding these criminal proceeds? yes, the income is pressed by the criminal, i can find out, i’ll try, and you you live well, buckwheat with meat, my dear, give me a sneeze!
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komarov, you’re an opera, why did you decide that i would fall for it, because for you this is the most direct path, koronovsky trusts me, i ’ll tell him that you decided to take him. to them, you give, maybe, if anything, you
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will even survive the season, but nothing, ours are already hurting, so we write and don’t be shy, but... and granovsky, a magnificent, wonderful advertising video for our company, knocks your socks off the plot, the courageous faces of the heroes, reviews of ordinary, caring people, i think that this is a triumph, our finest hour,
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well, yes, i acted loosely, in accordance with the rules, the rules, oleg, you, you are an experienced employee, what rules are you talking about now, yes, i know everything, we were carrying valuable cargo, we had to stay in the car, we just had to wait , while the old man is killed, so that they can calm down from the frost, they will leave, freeing us, yes... we would calmly drive through and thereby save the cargo, if you please, we saved the cargo, but what about our face? okay, why bother, they decided to fire me, it’s not me, the shareholders, this is the time, you can’t expose yourself, they actually said dismiss the entire team, so they will send your benefits. as moral compensation
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for this grandfather, anokhin and voronin have nothing to do with it, i made the decision as a senior, don’t touch them and i’ll leave calmly, otherwise we’ll sue, so, orefyev is god and king here, remember this, okay, listen , and why did you show him an application for my author’s program or this video on the internet, listen, it’s enough that i showed him a couple of your photos. well, i still have some from kazantip, he was very interested, especially the one where you are in bikin. marie, what are you doing? am i an escort girl here, or what? listen, we're all a little bit girls here.
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gogolev, roman petrovich, yeah, and boris mikhailovich arifin told us that you, alena, witnessed the attack, filmed it and posted it on the internet, so i need to interrogate you and ask you to identify the criminals. and boris mikhailovich himself, where? i don’t know, i only know what he promised ours. authorities that he will find a witness, and as i see, he kept his word, so let’s get started, you have a passport with by itself is present, is not available.
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hello, hello, hello, hello, son, hello, sorry for keeping you waiting, but nothing, everything is fine, the after-school program was created to extend, for some, school, and for others , work, the main thing is that you like it, here you are, bear, i like the extended course, well, i like computer science more, but the advanced course, well, not so much. so i like computer science more, but the after-school program isn’t very good. well, are you ready? let's go to? oh wait, can i hold you back for one minute? yes, of course, bear, wait me in the hallway, okay. you probably know that we have created a group
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b for each class, well, so to speak, a universal school social network on the internet. mishka was saying something. so, for every student. i have my own page, look, for example, your son’s page, misha posted this ad, my dad is the strongest, yeah, well, i should probably feel flattered, yes, but the boy isn’t serious about it, well, if he writes like that, you know, maybe you should pay him a little more attention, well, talk to him, ah... okay, i thought about your words, uh-huh, thank you for such attention, probably a good teacher, wait, wait, you live in a dormitory, well, yes, you see, last year we celebrated the retirement of a primary school teacher, lydia nikolaevna, now
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she is renting out either an apartment or a room, i don’t remember exactly, so i thought, maybe you’re interested, she won’t take much. upbringing is not the same, you are a really good teacher, i will be obliged to you, yes, i was just brought up in an orphanage, mishka has a talent for learning, yeah, okay, sorry, goodbye, hello, yes, that’s voronin, no, mikhailovich said that you covered for annokhin and me, well, in short. thank you, listen, at least i yelled at you, but well, excuse me, here you are a man, of course, you’re calling for this, not really, listen, what did i think, you’re out of work, you’ll take a job, they contacted me here, they pay well, a lot, 100 pieces in
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a couple of days, and as luck would have it, you know, i can’t change, but what is the topic, do you need supplements in krasnodar? take it, people sold an apartment in moscow, how much? 10 million, 10 means 10, you say, hi, marine, what, gold more. “my companion’s people almost grabbed a python, i know one of our people died, i sympathize, but there was no need to keep maradona in the dark.” if i hadn’t listened to you, if you hadn’t listened to me, everything could have ended in dust, did you have any guarantees that your
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partner was out of business, there’s no need to reflect, you asked me to figure out who was ruining your business, i’m working , okay, but let me choose the means, you have everything under control, well, where is the python now, yeah, where’s the money, the python is extinguishing, your girlfriend has the money prepare for dispatch, then they are sent. when the courier you provided solves his family problems, you recruit strange people, you still have to wait until he solves his problems, but they couldn’t find another, he’s optimal. yes, yes, come in, have you looked at the room? well
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, yes, i looked, it fits, more than fits, so, don’t make a storage room out of the room, don’t have guests after 9, no stoves or cooking, everything is only in the kitchen, how old is your son? 7 from to, if there are problems at school, i can study for a fee, come here, like this, yes, you know, he seems to have time for now, but sometimes it wouldn’t hurt to look after him while i’m away, you can probably handle it, well, it depends, but what do you mean by the concept of seeing, i can feed , if the money for...
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doesn’t work out the other way around, so that from moscow to krasnozersk, to lipensk, to chelyabinsk, some kind of
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one-way traffic, but how much is 10 thousand a month, plus utilities, 3 months immediately in advance, well, look after, more 500 rubles per day, well, for groceries. wait a minute, before, the child was left with someone, if in you’re on a business trip, you left his mother somewhere with a friend, but her mother isn’t there. wow, sorry for being sick, yes, nothing, fine, everything, but where is your friend now? no friend either. still have questions? well, sorry.
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you have a week, if the money is not found by this time, no offense, blame yourself, i will call, don’t be stupid, it’s in your interests to always stay in touch, versions like... the battery died or it was noisy, i didn’t hear the call, they won’t screw it up, i hope it’s clear, clear, allow me to do it, i’m doing it.
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great, hi, did you bring it? yes, fresh. i restored your number, mine is also in the book. ah, thank you. have you contacted the ofsb? yes, the head of one of the departments there, my former operator, says that the stabbing is a serious figure, i will cut him.
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“here, you need the car more now, the documents are in the glove compartment, hiv, thank you, oh well, at least i felt like a person, a living person, but good luck to you, see you later, come on!” here for rent to look after, and there for the product, we'll move in in the evening, it's up to you, you gave the money, yes, well, see you in the evening, then, goodbye, goodbye, yes, hello,
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announcement. urgent sale of a pleasure boat, so the year of manufacture, now, now, wait, a second, now, vasilyevich, vasilyevich, vasilyevich, and where, where, it’s fedor stepanovich, and you said this during the evacuation, what evacuation, what happened, ship, where did you burn the lopchik, how they burned it. i don’t know, but the torch was up to the sky, the bandits arrived at night and set it on fire, apparently it really annoyed them, well, don’t be too upset about it, maybe, well, you see, on the salt, be, yes, i talked to
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your lawyer today, he said that you are on freedom? it was difficult to tell, you will take it, uh-huh, why am i the last to know about everything, yes , it was also a surprise for me, besides , i had some problems of a domestic nature, i can help with something, i’m just leaving today, or rather tomorrow, i signed up here take 10 lemons to krasnodar, and then, if anything happens, i’m at your disposal. not for long, no more than two days, but no, thank you, handle it yourself , we’ll call you when you arrive, that’s it, come on, good luck, yes, i’m listening to you carefully, it’s me, i found
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granovsky’s money, i don’t know him myself,” tomorrow he will take the money from the city to krasnodar, i’ll tell you the routes and location later, that’s it, lights out, okay, by the way, i was fired because of this movie of yours, listen, well, excuse me, you have a man’s profession, acting like a man is your responsibility, it’s all about the nuances in the written rules, now i’m unemployed, with a young son in my arms, listen, what’s the doubt about this, you did the right thing, sitting and watching two bulls beat an old man is, at the very least, mean, listen, take your hands off, yes i will her hands, i was carrying jewelry worth millions of rubles, you you can’t even imagine what lengths bandits sometimes go to in order to force collectors to lose their vigilance, you know that in war a group in enemy territory is developed, having met a civilian, they must kill him so as not to give themselves away, this is monstrous, but
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these are the rules, and are we at war or something ? when i'm carrying cargo, yes cattle. yes, be quiet, behave, we’re just talking, shalova moved in, where to go, be fat-hearted, there, come on, freely, you’re a fool, you set the cops on us with your post, at my house in short, it was a complete bust, now you owe us money, for moral damage,
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in principle, you can. how to pay? fuck you scum! oh, guys, why haven’t enough old men switched over to girls? again you, ram, oh what! and... please let me attach the strap, okay
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, then call the police and say that we were driving faster, otherwise i don’t have time, i need to go to work, yes, alik, hi, how are you, great, listen, this is the case, you can insure , i rented an apartment, these hooligans visited my neighbor, i calmed them down, tied them up, but the cops i can’t wait, i have an order, i told you, this will help you out. move out, of course, if you can, well, of course, i’ll check everything, i’ll call you back, come on, good luck with the rice,
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come on in, yeah, yeah, sit down. egor is on vacation, on vacation, granovsky is taking his money out of the city, so don’t go anywhere, we’ll be leaving any minute, well, i understand, and that means egorov is out of luck. well, he’ll have more rest, earn less, that’s it, that’s it, what the hell, it’s an average mouth,
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you know, get out of here, you smart guy, damn it. you're 10 minutes late, i was watching, i'm not watching is there anyone behind you? for me, in my business , 90% of problems come after the customer, the locomotive. to say what problems there may be, this is legal money, but that doesn’t stop it from being money, name the code, why, his father knows, i have to make sure
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that there is really money there, 1812 battle of paradino, love history, no, this is the ticket , in which i failed in the exam at moscow state university, on the zhurpak there are only goats, yeah. by the way, here is an advance payment, travel expenses and a ticket, a ticket, yes, you will go by train, it will be convenient. departure in 2.5 hours from paviletsky station, i can take you, no, don’t, you’re afraid that i’ll bring you problems, i’m just trying to avoid accidents, all the best, listen, but your wife is not...
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hello, hello, please, please, a pen, hello, money and a ticket he has, well , he’s smart, listen, let’s not go to moscow, okay, let him leave quietly, so that there won’t be any problems with me, and not dusty,
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call me, i went, but i kiss him tenderly, better with money, well, everything’s fine , let's go, okay, come on, come on, come on, come on, great, okay, okay. anyway, when will your neighbor return from a business trip? didn't he tell you? two days, let him call me right away, my colleague, as his friend, i ask you to check, without his testimony, you understand? yes, of course, of course, i ’ll bring him myself as soon as he appears, well, listen, these won’t be released by accident, after today’s attack on you, i think not, although anything can happen here, well, if anything happens,
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you i have my phone number, please, that’s it, brother, come on, thank you very much, thank you, i ’ll accompany you, well, i’ll go too, excuse me invasion, just oleg - asked for help, and you ’ve known him for a long time, who oleg, what are you talking about, of course, we are fellow countrymen, don’t worry, he’s a very good and honest guy, that’s it, but i think that today he’s... proved, okay, i'll get going, excuse me, yes, mishan, hi, uncle fedya, you're already leaving, yes, we also need to help your dad so that he doesn't go to prison again, like your mom, well, well, you see, mishan, sometimes life is not easy, yes, come on. so, maybe you’ll still stay and
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tell me who i’ve hosted? yes, this is his story, he wants to tell it himself, all the best, come on, mishya, yes, yes, hi, i was at your house, everything is fine, just need to talk, what time is the train, is the train at 14:30? yeah, okay, i'll get to the station now, no need, why? because i’m not going on this, let him, we’ll be home tomorrow, come on, let’s go, citizen, where are you going, he’s seeing him off, he’ll soon leave the carriage.
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yes, hello, mara, let's go! her car, yeah, i got it, right, it’s her, mara, come on, come on, don’t let me down, yeah, most importantly, smile, girls love it, well , good luck, son, let’s go there, don’t talk, sit,
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thanks for the advice, dad. hello hello! what do you want, you, my love lives on the top floor, that he's digging around like that, christmas trees, let's go already,
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have a nice day, sir! ivam, girl, wait, i can’t let you go so easily without saying that you are beautiful, and this is for you. thank you, please, good afternoon, the closest one to krasnodar, the closest cut to krasnodar, in 1 hour 40 minutes, that suits you, yes, suits you, yes,
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mara, get up, in short, that’s it. okay, handsome, i wasn’t mistaken about you, let’s go.
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i'm asking you for the last time, who's taking the grandma in krasnodar, have you boys confused me with someone? i was a boy when you were not yet born, am i playing with toys here with you, but i don’t know, some people like to tie it up, corduroy, drag it into the bedroom, now let’s see how brave you are, let’s start, you’ve shit yourself, no, go,
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come on, otherwise i’ll kill you myself, you visukha, but i ’m thinking about how an evening with... by the way, take an elastic band, lover, i’m just for the purity of relationships, sulfur, are you a fool or something, put on your pants, here, look, beauty, it means we love cats.
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everything is fine, the passenger is waiting for the bus, the cargo is him, well, great, we’ll take him all the way to krasnodar and so that there are no accidents, understand? well, what? isn't he there? well, okay, what are you doing, are you sure? i'm only sure if he's wearing an invisibility cap. i answer you, the compartment is empty. wait, maybe he entered through another carriage? maybe, maybe he was late. maybe we just can’t be in all the cars at the same time, especially if it would be. not a carriage, we combed it lengthwise from side to side, we had to stay on the train
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for at least one stage, it wouldn’t take long to catch up with the train, maybe it’s better for your girl to call him and find out, where is he, in the end she hired him, you 're blown away, blown away, okay, he'll call, okay, let's go, hey, koshara, somewhere, yeah, so, hello, darling, my pusha, is it you, or something, pusha something, fluff, fluff. turn it on, what are you doing,
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what’s our pussy called, usha, freak, stinky, let her go, we’ll fry the top of your head tomorrow, let her in, please. who brings money to krasnodar? the security guard, surname granovsky, boarded the krasnodar train from the paveletsky station. vika, why the hell don’t you take your mobile phone? your carrier didn't board train, if you say too much, your pussy will boil in the microwave, okay?
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this is my friend, he had to check the courier that everything was going according to plan, everything did not go according to plan, call the courier, the phone is in the bag in the room.
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yes, oleg, this is vika. where are you? i'm on my way, vika. on the way on the road to krasnodar. everything goes according to plan. why didn't you go by train? there was no agreement about the delivery method, right? this means that i have the right to independently choose transport routes. i will contact you as soon as i arrive at the place, now, sorry, i can’t talk, he’s on bus station, let's go, let's go, what to do with her, nothing with her, take the pipe and tie it tightly, the client left. yes, we’re moving forward, yeah, and you’re cool! “i would
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have met you in a different setting, i’m sorry, honey, but this is compensation for moral damage, come on, don’t be boring!” yes, good afternoon, please tell me, the intercity flight moscow-krasnodar, where does it stop along the way? stupino, where else? yelets, thank you very much, goodbye. “it’s me,
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he’s on the moscow-krasnodar bus, the money will be given to him in stupino, who doesn’t know, after you can take the stupina, i’ll give the go-ahead, that’s it, good, gushchin, it’s me. we're leaving, yes, take the car from the seized ones, simpler, uh-huh,
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vika, vika - where, who did it, who is it, vika, finished, yes, i don’t know, i don’t know, fans, fans, i don’t understand, vika, don’t be stupid , open the door, the courier may be calling, i found time to wash my face, after 15 seconds the answering machine will turn on, the incoming output will be recorded. vika, vika, your mother, pick up the phone, the courier will leave, call me urgently, i ’m waiting, damn you, who is it, who did you send me to, who did you tell about the courier,
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fuck you, who did you give me up to, you creature, huh... stupino, i understand, thank you, in short, the first stop is at the krasnodar bus vstupin, we’ll catch up as the road goes, if we don’t get stuck at the exit from the city, then we’ll catch up, the next one when. .. yelets, 400 km, i wouldn’t want to, i ’ll have to, we’ll get to krasnodar, let’s go, listen, i have a serious question, but would you really fry a cat in the microwave, that is, you would pepper it, salt it and eat it later, yes , well, of course, i'm a flayer, handsome, there
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she is running, fry her, let's go, let's go time no. vika, don’t even think about it, i’ll die now, vika, my girl, damn, damn, damn,
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don’t you want to put the bag on top? don't want. stop 15 minutes.
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you'll treat me, unexpectedly, to bon appetit, judging by your sudden appearance, you 're about to spoil it for me, well, yes, that's for sure, they'll rob you soon, oleg, and the cops, villains in uniform. you’ll find out, okay, well, from there, that it was i who pointed them at you, oleg,
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it’s clear, well, in general, that’s all, but everyone thinks that...
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for some reason i was sure that our conversation wouldn’t end so easily . maybe when you are as much as me, and you will live on a nonschin’s salary, you will understand me, although i don’t wish this for you, because this money did not bring me happiness. and then, oleg, when your son was in danger, i helped you. okay, i'll help you, only after that i don't know you.
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wow, what the hell was there, don’t touch anything with your hands, or do you want the cops to find your prints, look for your mobile phone, what kind of mobile phone are you, you need to get out of here? faster! well, who could it be, do you think? do i look like a psychic? or maybe that's all your colleague got into trouble, but what about the customer spending money on ega’s bosom, right? search, find him now. no, no, she doesn’t look like granovsky. most likely she screwed up, she was slammed by her ex, like grandmas. damn, there’s no mobile phone anywhere, most likely they took it with them.
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stand, uh, where, where, stand, we’re approaching, i see, but what next, we’ll wait for komarov’s go-ahead, and do you trust him? i trust those who have no choice. this is a guarantee of their honesty, listen, stop somewhere near a store, my throat is dry, okay, where should i stand, i said, stand, i won’t pass by ten lyams, but forget it, we didn’t put you into the secret police with such difficulty so that you would exchange money like that, you have five times more money than the army, i know, we’ll cut off the normal course, listen, crow, more money, more risk,
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otherwise... it’s a trifling matter, the loot is dark, there’s only one camel, without a trunk, a dream of a week, the issue with collectors has not been canceled, i continue to work in the company, let’s say, just how to look for this camel now, but if he didn’t go to krasnodar by train, which means he went somehow differently, according to the database of purchased tickets we need to break through, vili, well, that meth of yours, who brought up the topic for us earlier, can break through a person’s database of purchased tickets? where will he go, but what will he get up to? and how will we understand which one he is? calm down, we have his mobile phone, we’ll figure it out now. yes,
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yes, yes, the overlay came out? well, what are you waiting for, call some police, i’m killing a man, well, they’re killing us, well
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, lord, everything’s fine, i’ll explain, here are the documents, but first, this young man, accept, he’s a brosinsky passenger, he said quietly, yes , yes, this one is the first one he started, he hit him first, yes, he was completely frozen by the cop, they used to sneak around in the dark corners.
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now we’re almost inviting you into your office, and what are they afraid of, it’s their time, they’re upstairs, but, in short, he got on the bus, now the stop is coming, the main thing is that you’re not as empty as a train, but not , no, he bought this ticket himself, he has nothing to strive for, we’ll take advantage of this, let’s go, let’s go? i myself am not in favor of the bus, the car is there, i was passing by, so no problem, go, my comrade, you understand that you you'll have to come with us, yes, of course, i understand.
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yes, yes, it’s me, we seem to have some minor problems here with the fans, but so far everything is fine, the grandmas are moving on, i have connections, i don’t understand what kind of fans, how did you define them, it looks like a spartan, but i myself he drowned his horses for 6 years until... he got married, well, apparently something happened, but the guy fought back, good fellow, well, for every gold, there is an acid, it will appear again, let me know, i’ll lie down with the locals, yeah,
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an information letter for about hooliganism at sports facilities, just a week ago it was, let him prevent it, yeah, come on, connections. let me help you, i can handle it, well, yes, you can handle it, if you bring in some kind of infection, the napkin is greasy, if you want it to spread all over your face, i don’t want to, but i think
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it won’t spoil my heavenly beauty, okay, don’t be funny, your face is normal, well, maybe everything... in krasnodar, if i were you, i would go and take a picture of your nose, i’ll go in krasnodar if
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i get there, thank you. he calls me for advice, and where are you now, where you need to be, well, the hooligan is stupid, you have
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all these bors in moscow, but in different ways, listen, commander, maybe i can persuade him one on one, to apologize, and to hell with it, it will be easier for everyone, now we’ll break through the base and... put him in his place, but i’ll just smell it, i’ve
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got this in the store for 30 grand i saw, put it in its place, where did the girl get so much money, because god didn’t hurt her appearance, the girl usually doesn’t buy such bottles for herself, by personality, she has something, shudrova, victoria viktorovna, what she needs, she worked in an oil company, employee of the health insurance department. according to neighbors, she lived alone, but the men visited often, and different ones, and there are a lot of fingerprints, we need to get through the database, so we sit, let’s go, the guys will handle it for now, we ’ll have time to come back, right, is it him? the numbers look similar, what are we doing, let’s wait for
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the businessman, i hope we don’t have to, go ahead, leave, where are we going? listen, man, i'm sorry, it somehow happened by accident, the boy and i got caught up in this on the platform, and you turned up, in short, in short, sit down, you'll be scamming girls in the club, or suckers in the cell, if of course it works out, huh i don’t need to drive this blizzard, who pointed it out, tell me and we’re running wild, so
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there is one, the imprint from the surface of the microwave oven belongs to mikhail alekseevich kordanov, nickname is coach, like coach, the extremism department listed him as one of the leaders of football hooligans , for whom he drowns, who he drowns, who he roots for, and for the spartans, damn, what too? you’ve been playing them since you were 7 years old, i got it from my grandfather, damn it, i wanted to go to the cup, but they didn’t let me leave my job, it’s because of such monstrosities in my attitude towards my favorite team, and so what print it out, of course, quickly, this is milinevich, yes, guys, urgently, an old-timer for today's battle, coach uh kardanov, last name
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, what kind of money are you talking about, commander, are you confused about something, i apologized, what else is drinking robbery oh, this is a hooligan at least, well, i understand there was an article, but i’m not a sucker, there won’t be any robbery without a statement. you won’t write a statement, otherwise you would have written it a long time ago and wouldn’t have let your boy go, well, returning him is not a problem, oh well, but i don’t think so, that’s why, yes, because you you don’t want to show off your money, it’s not easy to explain 10 lyams in black cash, but i won’t keep silent about where they are going and for whom, you got something mixed up, the money is clean and we have nothing to hide, but if it were clean, you would have transferred it sent, and you know what, let 's send your courier back, let him go... ride, and i'll tell you everything, about the judge,
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about the bets, about the final, what are you talking about, what final, what judge, that's it, finished, give me another minute, i'm done, i said. listen, brother, well, i apologized, as we agreed, he’s in short, some kind of mound suffered, the team came to urgently transfer you to the stupino vvd, why? they're coming for you from mura, looking for you for murder.
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i wish you good health, major, i wish you good health, lieutenant colonel moore, we need to slow down the bus, we have a wanted man there, moore, so this is what we have here, not moscow, but it’s still russia, so let’s hurry up. what can i say, well, you know, don’t drive like that, we’ll kill ourselves, we’ll catch up with the hell out of it, the question is who, i mean, if the owners of the money dumped the girl for
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leaking information to us, then 100 pounds, either they ’ll warn the camel, or they’ll send help, and if not, let's merge, now, i need to get the brakes out, i won't miss the topic for anything, it's weird, listen, no more weird than taking an armored car from our office, i'm not suggesting that we kill anyone, we'll put him under the bus, he's not an idiot because of he removes ten lemons from others, but what the hell are you sharing, the disabled person at home. what dace? gaim. it’s strange how much i travel, intercity buses have never
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stopped. so calm, citizens, the bus will soon continue its journey. will you leave some food for us?
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thank you, major, please contact us, detectives!
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there’s another bus, i see, i see, oops, look, your leg, it jumped off, what are we going to do, we’ve identified it, get the shafts. listen, we won’t kill anyone, understand? yes, i understand, i understand, the lock code, say, 1812,
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but you said that you don’t know anything. only this is not my money, but the customer’s money, i took it to krasnodar, they sold the apartment, they decided to send the money in cash by bus. by an unknown person, instead of simply and safely sending it to them through the bank, strangely enough, it’s my business to conduct, and not think about what, why, how much is 10 million, what an amazing coincidence, 10 million, who is your customer, one girl, call her, i can’t call. “it’s not available, just tell me, it’s not funny to you, i just
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asked you to share it, and now i have to give everything. well, look at the load on you.
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those vest won’t fit, yours won’t fit, look, look, bouquet, bouquet, bouquet, i'm the eighth, how can you hear me, 162 km, attack by a moore employee, armed attack by a moore employee, help needed, urgently, accepted, so, i don’t understand, what kind of circus is this, diplomat here, no one will get hurt, are you crazy, clown, i'm lieutenant colonel mura, money is here, money is here, i said, special operations are being carried out, the area is detached, i give them 5 minutes to get away from here, lieutenant colonel, no need, no need , they will shoot, i walked away from
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the car, i walked away from the car, i said, keep your hands in sight, check the money, but there is, but we’re all leaving,
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stand, well, stand, stand, and stand for me, okay, it’s cold. “great,
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the girl in your number, let’s say, went on a spree, yes, you’ll know a lot, you’ll soon grow old, that’s it, sometimes it’s best not to know, you know, as maya says, maya says, if you’re messing around with someone somewhere in the country, then just don’t let me know about it, otherwise he says i’ll kill you, can you imagine, and you found out who the last one was?” “call, uh-huh, on the back, he’s messing around with this, that’s it, i don’t have time, let’s get out of here already, oh, thank you, the bureau for combating unfaithful spouses is always at your service, come on, granovsky, oleg ivanovich, the device and vannitsa is turned off or is out of range actions, by your leg.
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that is, you were bringing money for the house, and the respected guys from mur tried to take it away from you, and then they were attacked by unknown people in masks, good series, why doesn’t the owner of the money answer the phone, how do i know, it seems to me that it was stolen, why did you decide that, i already said, before that i was attacked in.. entered the bus station, one of the attackers had her phone, he was detained there, can you even hear the nonsense you are talking about, i often talk nonsense, look at the bullets, i didn’t shoot at the moore employees, of course, your accomplices did. who
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fled, why, by the way, when they were detained you had a pistol in your hands under... i took it when they killed him, i shot back, sorry, well, yes, a hero, but i hit someone, but what difference does it make to you, you’ll find them, you’ll recognize them, greyhounds, yeah, and we also like to joke . on, on, on, intersperse him, your bin is like a dead man's, he's in pain, hush, what are you yelling about, we need to tear up the hospital, he's
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dead, are you fussing? we have money, isn’t that what you wanted, i didn’t hire the cops, you won’t even make it here, okay, what are we going to do with vili, let him die, what a bulge he has from the bug, let's at least leave it on the road,
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someone will take it there. “we’ll do otherwise, finish him off, there’s no crow, i won’t, i won’t finish off the crow, i won’t finish him off, i won’t, i won’t, let’s go puppy!”
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well, why are you sad? you should take the handcuffs off me, let's see who gets sad faster, with what joy, you're a bandit, i'm a police officer, a lot of honor, if only you knew what honor is, pasha, good, good, pasha, good, good, but you got it yourself, so don’t be offended, come on! in order, you were detained by the murovites, apparently they have something against you there was something, but they didn’t know that you were with counterfeiters who decided to beat you off, i think you have no right to answer.
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we are carrying out work, an inspection is underway on site, do you have materials to hand over, a lawyer? no, we weren’t interested, we’ll definitely do everything, yes, well, chief mura is coming here with representatives of the investigative committee of the moscow region, you still have a chance, come on, well, there’s no trial, you have a lawyer, yes, contact him a lawyer, that's right, and
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warn all the guys to sit in their offices, in an hour there will be a sea here bosses, yes, who, yes, i know granovsky, but what’s wrong with him? yes, you know, i, i need time to get there, dictate the address, thank you, hello, it’s me, i missed your car, i need it. also you and your lawyer team, where can i pick you up? ok, come on, just quickly, uh, i don’t understand, hi guys,
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did you call the lawyer, don’t call, he’ll help, but who are you? who are you? and we are the ones who will help, uh-huh, well, as much as you can repeat, but she didn’t kill any shundra, she’s everywhere in her apartment. your prints, at the bottom of the entrance on the camera, yours a happy face, and most importantly, the time of death coincides completely, well, i was with her, such a pretty girl, weak in the front, what questions for me, the four of us had fun, yes, this does not prove that i... he killed her, your fingers on the tape that was used to bind shundrava prove, i’m offering you a deal, you
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hand over your accomplices to me and write a report for manslaughter, you wanted to get the money, well... shundravy’s unknown acquaintance called and said that she sold an apartment to her relative, money she had to get it, everything fits, an unknown acquaintance, yes, he didn’t introduce himself, an anonymous call, but the information he gave is absolutely truthful,
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hello, here you are, granovsky, here i come, where is he now, at the police station, information he detained 2 hours ago for an unknown reason, either he robbed someone or him. comrade colonel, decide to start, start, start, what are you doing, take off the handcuffs. what is it? i need
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to take this matter to the duty room, i don’t dare detain you, nikolai romanovich, let’s go, beat you, yes, comrade, put on a facial massage, got a little carried away, the rules don’t change, they could... your organization is also not very diverse, what ’s going on, and oleg, come on, here’s the head of the department of the gubb ministry of internal affairs, police colonel kudvin, dmitry vasilyevich, well, hello, i’m i thought it would be better if a person you trust was present during our conversation, right? we
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need your help, what? yes, do what you need to do, deliver the money you were carrying to its destination. i’m a little dumbfounded, today i was hit on the head, i’m slow to think, explain? let me explain, money, a bribe for a contract football match, teams, of course, they don’t know, everything is decided for them, the girl who hired you is a fake, our department is trying. keep track of who the organizer of this scam is, for this you need the money to reach the recipient, maybe you don’t know, but the money hasn’t arrived, it’s just not there, no, you’re not in the know, in diplomacy beacon, find money and bandits, not a problem, the problem is that you alone must collect the money and deliver it to its destination, otherwise the whole plan will collapse, these guys easily killed two employees police. as far as i know, it is now
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believed that you did this, you understand, so let’s cooperate, you are the organizers of match-fixing, and we give you our fair name and the fee for the work, so to speak, double, how do you like this kind of deal, and deal, yes , there will be weapons for all of us, for the organizers of the match, whose team i represent today for the residents of our hospitable city to host such a significant event. an event like the cup final,
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a special, i would even say historical event, and we, as the host we will do everything possible and impossible, possible, stop, stop, no, and you will cut it out, yes, yes, so that nothing distracts the participants in the game from the upcoming match, thank you, mikhail valerievich, please, we will meet at the football match. sasha, it’s been removed, yes, thank you, who do you think will win tomorrow, you found someone to ask, forecasts are a thankless task, but as a football official, it’s generally contraindicated for me to do this, you know what sports people are like, if you say too much, then there will be talk, the strongest, that’s my answer, and who will you root for, for beautiful football and objective refereeing,
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excuse me, a lot of things to do, okay, thank you, everything, thank you, thank you, yeah, you want to close the chat, no, withdraw all the money that is there, and you know, if you leave at least a ruble to the account , then we can continue to erase with you, okay, we’ll leave a thousand, okay, but can we hurry up, hello, everything is valid.
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and you understand that i can’t go to the referee on the day of the game with the dough diplomat. do you understand how many intermediaries and guarantors are involved here, and tomorrow the judge flies to moscow for instructions, that’s it, that’s it, yes, the train has left, damn it, for moscow, and what are we fussing about then, let’s decide everything here, what should we do, and when you’re there, i can be there tomorrow, you’re bending me over, you know, i’d like to shine in moscow, you know what, i also didn’t want to do a lot of things, you’ll fly in, call.
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unknown number, maybe a client? yes, these may be the ones we need. i hope we understand this, i hope too. yes, hello, i am the brother of vikia, the girl who instructed you to take the money. the fact is that she urgently went on a business trip. and some there will be no communication for a while, so she asked to contact you to find out if everything is okay? well, not quite in order, yesterday there was an attempt to intercept the cargo, fortunately everything worked out, the police got in the way, so the problem was solved, police? did they ask questions about
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money? well, of course they did, especially since i couldn’t get through to your sister to confirm the source of the money, and what did you say? i gave my fee, so we agreed, i will reimburse everything when you can go to krasnodar, well, if i take the next bus, i think by morning, but no, it’s too late, go back to moscow, we’ll decide everything here. listen, i don’t even really know who you are, maybe you’re a brother, maybe you’re not a brother, my client is victoria viktorovna, and i’ll give the money either to her or to the addressee, her
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father will be in moscow tomorrow, that’s the whole point, that is, her father is not yours, that is, you are no longer a brother, hello, cousin, he is my uncle. so, let my uncle call me from the phone that they gave me for communication, i’ll give him the money, or one way or another, okay, he ’ll call you tomorrow, but for now you come back, sanya, try, are you an actor? yes, i can sometimes, dmitry vasilyevich, yes, come on, what again, come on, come on, come on, yes, yes, okay, i’ll wait for the call, who, i ordered the pizza,
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they’ll bring it now, what? viktor leonidovich, vika’s father, wants to meet in moscow tomorrow to pick her up. money artist or what? well , they worked quickly, what was needed, yes, all that was left was to find the money, but that’s just not a problem, sanya, now, now, ready, entered lyubertsy. he did, they were wearing masks, damn it,
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okay, we’ll figure it out, yes, i’ll be right there. the special forces have arrived, go sit in the car for now, they shouldn’t see you with us, who knows? do you have an apartment number? no, on the balcony, on the second floor, it’s not difficult to count, but what about my boss? and what happened to him? i don’t know, but he went to meet you, did he tell you that himself? no, i just thought, where would he go like that? you were wrong, we didn’t meet today, yes, yes, yes, yes. maybe so, go
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to the point, this is not the point, colonel, we actually had agreements, yes, i agree, agree, agree, but the circumstances have changed, deaths... two employees police, the case has received a great public outcry, i can’t turn a blind eye to it, but i will be able to hold back the information until the money is transferred to the intermediary, what’s next, what’s next, well, the case will still have to be set in motion, it won’t be possible to let it go on the brakes, you understand, what is this... damage to our business, i want to remind you that we only agreed on identifying a person in
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the football system, this corrupt corrupt official, and there was no talk about protecting your business, our interests temporarily coincided, well , excuse me, i have to go detention, zhek, i would s i would be happy to continue our cooperation, well, maybe, maybe another time. goodbye, the adjustment was taken from your master’s shoulder, okay, the best thing, he took it off teplikov after training, she even smelled it, look, egorka signed it, it’s tearing everything away from his heart, well , he closed it on a robbery case, just wait, let's go, goodbye, thank you bro, i'm a third -generation fan, my kids were rooting for the spartans, my father was rooting for him, thank you, listen, how did you
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do, what about the coach, where is he, where is he? yeah, well, they took him from moscow, no i understand, why moscow, and what is it, there is such crap in moscow, an apartment, and next to it are the fingers of your coach, what kind of murder, what? what are you saying, this is murder, this, this is nonsense, this is a setup, really, he didn’t kill anyone, i ’m answering you, i know, this, this is a setup, he even when, he even when he fights, he doesn’t use a mantle, he he’s just honest, how do they know, he was jealous, he freaked out, they’ll figure it out, he wasn’t jealous of anyone, that’s it, bye, come on, thank you, come on, in short, someone framed the coach, they’re making a mess of him, they killed that woman who
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sent money, turned out to be after us, but what is it, who i don’t know, who, maybe, as an option, the one who asked to send it to the grandmother, in short, this is the address of the courier, he’s not far here, the entry, the criminal has lit up , i’m at the sergeant’s, in short, to be a part, but why do we need an address if we take the money, master. he’ll find us the money himself, and then we’ll ask him for everything, i understand who installed the coach who failed this woman, let’s go!
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who else knows about the story with the money, only this courier granovsky and... chance, yes, it’s me, well, where are you? like where, in lyubertsy at the address, special forces have arrived, wait for me, i’ll be there soon.
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hello, hello, you, hello! what haven't you taken yet? would you even hear what you're doing here? get in the car! listen, i remembered something! the voice of one of the raiders seemed familiar to me, i think i know
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who it is? how interesting, get in the car for now! and damn, i knew it, the special forces are called goboloms, go, get a car, i know, len, well, i know that... you have to go to these events, but your aunt is stuck in mozhaisk, the trains are not running, there are some cancellations , well, how can you imagine where i ’m going to take the boy, lena, you’re crazy, he’s still small, okay, go ahead, relax there without me, if you get bored, come, i’ve got a bottle of sauvignon, shrimp soup, mashed potatoes, that’s it, come on ,
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hey, starving moscow, go eat. i haven’t seen you for a long time, raven, there were things to do, things to do, there was a lot of work, let’s go and talk. “i need two smart fighters, a changer for the trap and a clean barrel, fighters, but what about your pioneers, well, consider them on vacation, here the topic has arisen, well, well, i won’t offend, here two
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boys from the north should come.” i'll take a look at them, yeah, if they’re smart, i’ll adjust them, okay, what kind of barrel is needed, a ratchet, no, smaller, preferably with a jammer, yeah, the camel needs to be removed, which i signed on the last topic, maybe substitute it, give me his address, otherwise i have just a phone, somewhere around mayday, oh, look, the trains are working, so let’s
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eat everything, i’ll come and check, i. oleg, are you at home? no, not at home. then we'll wait here. damn, the ship is tight again. don't be trendy, come on, go. bandages, first aid kit, run, get the bandages, listen, what? we will do what we need to do it’s stronger here to finish off the artery, which is what the special forces teaches you, and you stop freaking out
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, let’s talk about the whole question with oleg, by the way, who is he, young man, you understand russian, i’m explaining to you, i’m a neighbor, i a tenant, and he is a tenant, my relative... i’ll take him myself, listen, we need to take him to the hospital urgently, there’s one nearby, and anyway , why did we leave the place, we could
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wait for an ambulance, take him to the bunker, blindly, i agreed, it’s scary going to the bunker, one of the main ones has arrived, there are a lot of cops on the road, the second office is everywhere, for the first time i see the cops being afraid of their own people. oh, how i don’t like talkative people. well, get your son, drag him into the car,
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we will need him later. komarov, major of the ministry of internal affairs, really, here’s the address, you’ll drive up to him, just make sure you don’t jump off quickly, make sure you don’t screw it up, come here, sit down, they called me about the boss, if something happens to me too, no one will believe it. accident, don't be afraid, nothing will happen to you, go to work, accept condolences, drink vodka and
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be sad, we will contact you, you are with us now you’re like the chief, you’ll probably become an acting one, yes, just take a taxi. “sorry, we’re not on our way today, listen, well, he won’t take the corpse, what can i do, aunt alena, i want to sleep, hello, who are you, hello, we’re daddy’s friends”? since the war or were you in prison together? yes, dad we have a well-deserved one, mish, come on, go to bed, yes, don’t
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leave your room, wow, it seems we ’ll have a romantic evening for four, this is my friend, she came to entertain me, she’s not going anywhere from here will leave because she knows that i’m here alone with the teddy bear, open it, sorry, we went a little too far, on the bittern, if my head is shaking, so who are you, really, and who did you take me for? special forces of the ministry of internal affairs, this version was, well, almost correctly, special forces, but not the ministry of internal affairs. what exactly do you need from me, so that
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you deliver the money to the addressee, the operation is not finished yet, good evening, and i would like to see oleg, yes, get in line, i mean, everyone needs oleg, come on, wait , i know you, you and oleg worked as a collector, there was a case, well, since it’s not there, i then i’ll come back another time, no need for another time, bro. come in, there’s a conversation, let’s rub it, let’s talk, it’s not a question, you’ll crush me, now, excuse me, something like that, you know that i don’t have money, and don’t need it, we just need
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a person who will come for it, and he may know you by sight and will not appear if you are not at the place of transfer, and what will you then do with this person, and what is it that bothers you so much, and what you will do with me then simply depends on this. yeah, okay, no, i think, you live, you think it’s fair you serve, once you stumbled your whole life downhill, but someone steals and nothing.
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because you're honest fedya, i'm honest, yes, i'm a thief, i have money in my pocket, if you were a thief, you wouldn't worry now, but you're screwing yourself, you're putting pressure on yourself, because you're an ordinary honest idiot who did nonsense, anyone can be deceived, you can’t, let’s be honest, don’t worry, yes, according to the traffic police, the truck was abandoned by criminals at the scene of the accident within an hour of the accident.
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something i don’t like coincidences, something happened, now, wait, i don’t know yet, but something definitely happened, vitya, barbecue, now we’ll eat the coals, so what do we have? is it ready?
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guess what happened, call the police, until he says that they did nothing to the police with oleg, well, tell me, you have no choice, you’ll have to cooperate. why would it be, but you love your son, why tell the boys, okay, only then i’ll kill you, about later, then we’ll talk, yeah, good
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night. that's it, i think i've invested, go into the room, the investigators have a couple of questions for you, then so, you ended up in the apartment with sergei vukolov because you came to see your friend elena selezneva, so, yeah. yes or no? yes it is. yes. elena igorevna, marat sergeevich does not have any documents with him. you can confirm his identity, he is indeed your friend. yes
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indeed. hello, i have a passenger there, he told me to take him here, but to be honest, he is very bad, in my opinion he is wounded, here are his documents, i didn’t promise money, well, what should i do, kind soul, i took him, didn't understand, damn, uh, what is it, what do i need, hello,
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i have a passenger there, he told me to take him here, to be honest, he is very bad, i think he is wounded, here are his documents, let's go, come on, and where is it in the trunk? i understand that it’s strange, but he himself asked, to say, like, hide from the bandits, here i am a kind soul, the storekeeper promised me money, yeah, what kind of weapon is there, no, exactly, the guy who was brought in today, where is he, we’re silent, the next one will be for you, well, the first floor, the former chief's office, at the end of the corridor. well done, now turn your back, slowly, and you lie down bye, damn it!
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so, i’m tired of what’s next, i’ll take my boyfriend and leave, this is impossible. you’re a professional, you have to understand, there’s a lot of knowledge, a lot of sorrow, so what are we going to do, cowboy, what we have to do?
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fedele, did they shoot here, come on, come on, go away, disappear, you weren’t here, come on! hurry up, what are you doing, let's go, i say, damn, you have a phone, let me call you, go away, come on, go away, come on, you understand that they will blame everything on you. "hello, hello, dad, stop calling me,
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i remembered that you have children, i won’t return you have money, i also grabbed it, kuba is far, kuba is far, kuba is nearby, kuba is nearby, we say this, we say this, hello, how are you, how is the bear? lydia nikolaevna, and mishka is sleeping, lydia nikolaevna is with
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her sister in mashaisk, and bandits also came to you, shot, two people were wounded, they tried to kill me, otherwise it was a great day. well, they also want to talk to you over there, calmly, calmly, i just want to talk, right?
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you know who i am, you got into my affairs, i don’t forgive this, but you’re lucky, we have you have a common problem, solve it, and you and i are committed, understand? but i don’t advise you to run away from me, finish it.
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like this one, great, you're oleg. oleg, i’m vika’s brother, this is her father, we came for money, my fee, you promised to reimburse expenses, code 1812, i don’t understand.


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