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tv   Akusher  NTV  July 20, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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baby, stop lying, i would be so tired of those who are faithful to your lies, faithful unrequitedly, i will stay here, but i will remain the one who is your target, not a puppet.
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this is for you, for me, please eat, you ’re probably hungry, thank you, that’s it, i ran, well, how bad is she, marina, she should be squirming, it’s good that i called yesterday, yes, oh, tell me, it would have happened now two corpses in the garage, i heard you were wounded, lord, they were wounded, you say, well, it hurts, it will heal before the wedding, excuse me, excuse me, i am vedeneev, vedeneev’s husband, lord, yes, everything has grown together, how
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she, do you want you to put the ring on her again, the ring, i’ll go, okay, come on, i ’d better take you there, right, take it, forgive me, tribute, you’re here again, forgive me, what did you forget here? “i just wanted to propose to tatyana, do you think she’ll like this ring, not bad, the carpet can’t have made a mistake on you,
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and why the hell with a spoon, now you’ll see, here, oh, pedal, that’s what i understand, light it, well, nothing , in general, there’s a fire, hey, are you crazy?
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why did you put it out quickly? well, now we’re trying to attack. street. come on for the second time, i ’ll call the police now, you idiots, you see, i was still a student back then, the ambulance was driving, the month of january, tupac was sweeping, we were driving an old smelly car, it seemed colder in it than with ... outside here, and our woman is already giving birth with all her might, right with all her might, and the head has even come out, that’s all, and we just don’t understand that she won’t give birth here soon, we need to go to the hospital,
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so you see, mom there is a mother, she took out a knitted hat from her things, and put it on her daughter’s head so that she wouldn’t have her ears... i was freezing, yeah, and i drove all the way to the hospital with a pink ball between my legs, well, someone is born wearing a shirt, and her daughter is wearing a hat with a pompom, thanks for the coffee, of course, but what do you think about dinner together? let's say, tomorrow, betrothed, i suggest we wait, oh, well, we work together somehow, then we are still gossiping with sorokin,
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gossiping, oh, my duty has already started, here with you. i’m chatting, but think about the dinner together, i still won’t give up, after the cap i can’t do anything scary, until tomorrow gleb, uh-huh, so what, and it’s already making me sick to my stomach, oh, i’m angry again, they’re back again, hide in... my, let’s go, come out, just stand there, okay, now stop and take a walk with us, come on go to the kitchen, nadyuzh, what are you
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doing, nothing, well, nothing, i see, everything is fine, that those on the stairs were pestering you, see, please stop, tyson, tyson, tyson, well done, good dog, yes, on, on, on, that's it, now you'll get something tasty, good dog, come on, come on, come on, go, dearest,
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hello to mom. well, how are we bored here? doctor, it seems to me that my baby has colic, but let’s figure it out, so i’m the first, please, you still have to lie here, and i’m being discharged in the morning, it’s logical, and what do you have, doctor, i want to try a new breast pump, but i don’t know which one setting the mode, something like this is difficult, the system doesn’t seem to be tricky, well, it’s not tricky, doctor, it’s actually a vacuum, yes, yes, i also set everything to maximum, sucked in a hamster, not in the figurative sense here and not hams, i’ll be back now, now i’ll be back to your colic too,
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hello. where is the fire? yes, where, where are our houses, everything is burning under me, you can hear me, that means, a gas mask on the mezzanine, you’ll find it, i’ll be right there, ah-ah-ah-ah-ah, what kind of duty am i on, kiril, magpies , wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, no, please, no, urgently, urgently, please don’t move me. fire or what? help me out, no, no, no, kavelin, this is not possible,
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please, well, it’s a fire, it’s a thrill, what kind of fire is it? kirillevich, of course, abramova is still on duty with us, but can he call someone else to replace him? you'll figure it out yourself. koverin actually said that he would be back soon, but what if no if? will answer for everything in full, yes, but if it happens that, and these are no longer my problems, he actually had to submit a statement to me in writing, again they did everything in their own way, good evening, and my dear, met kaverin,
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ran like to a fire, exchanged a few words, it turned out there was really a fire? yes, yes, we said, uh-huh, well, you’ve already found replacements, well, i’m doing this, uh-huh, kirill, maybe you ’ll go instead of gleb for now, you’re subordinate to the mountain, i have a very important meeting, well then i’ll probably have to . remember, so to speak, youth, yes , no, no, well, well, what are you saying, i’ll be on duty, just change my suit, yeah, doctor, comrade manager, you understand that this is not the right regime, i’m dying, oh, damn it, sorry , i didn’t do it on purpose, i’m sorry, kirill yuryevich, i croaked about the suit, well, you sort it out here, happy duty, thank you, so, go to... your place, i’ll come to you, so i ’ll bleed there until you come, he said something incomprehensible, go ahead, give me a little something, kirill
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yuryevich, i called about a replacement, but what’s not needed anymore, i’ll stay, give me a wet napkin me, lord, let's go, of course, yes, yes, kirill, why are we late? okay, just not for long, then i have questions about the budget, didn’t i order there, do you understand the equipment?
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we don’t interfere with the work of the firefighters, look, gleb has arrived, yeah, right, now marinka, and then right away we, get ready, nadyukha, where, ah, doctor, that’s there, and with the ambulance, come on, come in, yes, hello, dots, wife , what, what?
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no, no, i can’t do this, nadya, why are you quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, it seems that contractions have started, that the water has broken, sit down, sit down, sit down, sit down, sit down. cool mask new masks for igor krutoy’s anniversary, it’s hard to believe it, but what can you do, 70 and 70. special edition of the mask show. old friends congratulate the maestro. we were without your music, music
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will continue to affect us for thousands of years. and we will absolutely see. next sunday evening we will celebrate igor krutoy’s anniversary together. mask at 20:00 on ntv. kingfisher - new season. tomorrow at 13:00 on ntv. oh, cashback has arrived. kohl, but does it fall for all purchases? dad, with the black card you get cashback for everything. peak everything. real money. get
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only with the smell of money, and big money, even though he knows how to take risks, he promised to pay for the trunk, so he will take the cash register in the morning, cop wars, fool, we could they with you oh, how much? i heard this on monday at 16:45 on ntv, come on, come on, come on, come on, everything is fine, exactly, thank god, i was so scared, it’s good that you come, let’s go back now, just in case. where are you going? i’m nowhere, i’m here, no, no, no, i’m here, i’m here, here, what, completely, what, did i cheat
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the authorities to answer me? yes, kirill, come on faster, wait, wait, just one second. “kaveren, what are you doing, who is this, everything is fine, glebka believed, saiko, there’s
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a client coming up to you, so you immediately with him don’t throw her down the stairs, where, listen, i don’t know, she’s giving birth, i don’t know what to do, we need to get her down somehow, she ’s afraid of heights, maybe she’ll have a panic attack, we’ll figure it out”? that’s it, that’s it, little by little we can load, i understand, that’s it, now everything will be fine, we’ll let everything go, well, i set the milk suction to
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maximum, now there’s blood, it’s not blood, you’ll also say, why have you been drinking this stuff for a long time, why is this stuff so healthy, there’s raspberries in it? , strawberries, currants, well, yes, it’s all chemicals, so it turned the milk pink, no i know, i drank it throughout my pregnancy, it’s okay, what’s the matter, yes, yes, you want to continue singing, yes, but i don’t want to feed the child pink milk, i have a son and not a daughter, in that case i can prescribe it for you a number of herbal infusions and you will feed your child blue milk, right? yes, and so it’s possible, yes, i drank and will drink,
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nadya, i’m going already, back, so, wait, while here, wait, this is my wife, everything is fine, yes, yes, so, that means, so, if you’re going to me. to the station, you'll spend the night at my place, i've been checked, give me your bag, oh, yes, yes, yes, wait, gleb, and you will come, yes, of course, a little later, but don’t let me in, you put the dog in first, yes, what does it do, thank you, please, come on, well, a short
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childbirth is not much stress , then you’ve swallowed a ton of toilet gas, you think we’ll have time to finish it off, who knows that he just told me today about the birth in the ambulance, how he scribbled, honestly, what the weather is like, look, it’s sunny, and the sky is so clear, beauty, oh, and warmth, but that’s it, let’s slow down, honestly we won’t get there, but brake, how can that be? it’s possible, like you, now, now, everything is fine, now everything will pass, that the pressure is back, well , you know how nervous i’ll be, how many times can i tell you, but i’d finally go to the doctors, come on, come on, come on, well done, that’s it so, like lies, what doctors? these
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doctors, yes, they healed my sore throat to death, now my head is gone, come on, come on, come on, a little more, yes, what’s wrong, maybe we’ll call the police, but not the police, worse than a doctor, only the police, let’s go , let's go, let's get out of here quickly, don't eat your head, well done, here, here things, wow, you won’t believe it, your daughter has so much hair on her head, she’ll need a hat today, what kind of hat, even a pink one with a pompom, half the job is already done, we’ll rest until the next contraction, which means not yet we got there, but i left them later, and they went to the ambulance, well, sorry, there’s no information yet, what’s going on here anyway, it’s some kind of mess, man, wait.
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some kind of inadequate, who is he anyway, but gleb’s neighbor, i’m taking my wife from the fire, gleb’s neighbor, uh-huh, some kind of crazy person, i wonder, oh, i don’t understand, the head is gone, the shoulders are not there, it seems like i did everything correctly, yes everything is correct , we have distances, what a distance, oh my god, stas, go, stas, let's go, hello, kirill, we're taking a woman in labor, prepare the vibration, anesthesiologist, not an anatologist, everyone is in full combat readiness, and yes , kiryushenka, in accordance with the protocol, a second surgeon will be needed, come on, kiryushenka, come on, he’s still giving me orders, what’s with his team? she’s
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busy, so she has an emergency caesarean section, so why should i call a replacement? yes, and prepare everything for dystocia. ok, kirillo yuryevich, yes, kiril. anton antonovich, the thing here is what delay? yes, the delay should be with our surrogate mothers, not with you. i won’t wait any longer, i have a wife and son right at home, what a carpet, what a fire, haven’t you fired him yet, what kind of a partner are you, you’re a rag, you’re still playing big games with big guys, that's it, solve your problems yourself, anton, don't you dare talk to me like that,
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kirivi. okay, yes, cancel the substitution, i 'm staying, okay. and i apologize, you are verina’s neighbor, yes, the fact is that your wife went into rapid labor in the ambulance, the baby’s head came out, but then quite serious complications arose, dystocia, but what is this? this is when the child’s shoulders rest against the mother’s womb, that is, he... it’s like he’s in a hole, he can’t get out, you know? yes, why? well, these are questions, but does this happen to him often, often? well , yes, lord, why did i even bother with him? i knew that it was impossible to deal with neighbors, well
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, i apologize, i need cooperation, we do everything ipisi, pout, pout and one more time, no, there is no movement of the head, we go into the mac roberts maneuver, we push, pressure, no, does not exceed. screw buds technique, another 5 minutes due to the child’s health, i can’t vouch for it, i heard everything, now everything will happen, now, no, no,
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no, don’t want to, diagnose an acute distance, act according to the protocol. well, victor, i have good news for you, everything is fine with your wife and daughter, we managed to cope with the situation. despite all the problems that arose, were there any other problems? well, koverin will tell you this, as the main surgeon, and this is what i wanted to talk to you about, let us sit down, this is
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a show of stars, duels, denis dorokhov, let go! let me go against philip kirkorov, so i’m actually a singer, and i do taxi for the soul, while there are no concerts, deceitful nature bent me and deprived me of beauty and growth, i’m ugly and distorted, and before the deadline i sent into the living world, that’s how i i see luntik, this is a housing problem, yeah, a million-dollar secret... all my ex-women began with the letter a. amin, where are you going? i don't want to start. why is the project so cruel? because today someone will leave.
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stars. today denis dorokhov and the regions and philip kerkorov and the wrestlers will meet face to face. today at 22:10 on ntv. kingfisher - new season. tomorrow at 13:00 on ntv. little sofia is only 4 years old. the girl has been seriously ill since birth. diagnoses of spinobifida and fourth degree scoliosis led to a terrible deformation of the back, bending of the lung and displacement of all internal organs. sofia's spine is literally folded in half. due to a serious illness, the baby cannot walk and has difficulty breathing. at night the girl cries in pain. moscow specialists can help and cure sonya’s back. doctors are ready to perform an operation to install a metal structure and straighten the girl’s spine, but the cost of treatment is more than 2.5 million rubles. i dream of being a doctor
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explain everything to your father, but why explain, tell it like it is, i saved your daughter’s health and life, so, well, don’t be like that, this is my neighbor , i’ve had problems with him for a long time, nadka, his wife, is just a golden person, and this, like now problems with anger management, is a very fashionable excuse for boors. so yes and yes, and you need to raise your daughter like
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a boy, well, yes, if someone offends you with a word, then two back, he hits you in the face, it’s very important here that i had someone to follow as an example, but i myself am like that, especially in my youth, a year ago i was going with my wife, well, some gopniks came running, but i put all three of them to shame, but now they bypass my wife, because i respect the man. in our time it is impossible to do otherwise, especially in our area, yes, yes, oh, neighbor, and kirill already told me everything, yes, not everything, but i thought so, did you give birth with girls, everything is fine with yours , of course, it didn’t happen without a small incident; during the operation the newborn’s collarbone had to be broken, you that he broke my daughter’s arm, chairs? there was no other way for her to survive, you did it
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on purpose, yes, you decided to take revenge on me, lord stulov, well, you’re not a chair, i’m not ashamed myself, i’ll flog you, i’ll destroy you, okay, you’ll break me my face, but if you break my key, your daughter will heal faster, tell me, so i think, well, man, man, not a man. so the words, oh, you 're an asshole, you're sick, you, what are you doing, and oh, you doctors saved your child's life, what are you doing with your hands? heads, ti, i'm sorry, i don't know how it worked out. god will forgive. i ’ll go to the police right now and write a statement. you see the camera, that’s it, you can’t get away with it. yes, go away.
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well, what is it, stu, well, nerves. she got punched in the face, well, honestly, it’s not the first time, but that’s the point, it’s not the first time, well, remember, there was a fight with gopnik, no, well, i told you, yes, so one of them was unsuccessful fell, i’m on condition now, the slightest complaint is all, i’ll leave the girl with someone, he’s busy, old lady, busy, listen, maybe this one of yours won’t write a statement, sorokin, this one will be, lord, what are you?
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but it’s too late, i’ve already typed out a statement, your invaluable experience of communicating with the police was not useful, well, tell me, you need it, well, that’s it, no, let’s go, you’re the one in charge, you saved our pregnant women from a fire, leave patients while on duty - there’s an article in the hospital and it doesn’t matter if there’s a fire, a flood, a plague, this shouldn’t happen, period, wait, i asked you, remember, i asked you humanly, and i humanly helped you, replaced you, i knew what would it cost me, well, yes, let’s say, but what about my neighbors, well
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let the police sort it out, and why did you decide to lock him up? and you thought about his wife, and you thought about his child, your neighbor is thinking about it, but he knew it would be useful, so he specially twisted this statement for you into a tube. first, you will leave victor alone, then you will receive, i agree, only about your
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voluntary dismissal, you will say it yourself, i agree. well done, you knew that you wouldn’t leave your neighbors in trouble, yes, listen, i thought from there, look, you came to us when berdiya broke his arm , you are leaving after a broken arm, and between the first the second break is small, the wheel is samsara, but what about the wheel? why are you being clever? well, if he didn’t submit an application, he’d roll like a sausage and walk with a stroller. thank you from the bottom of my heart, but you should say thank you to your wife, i did this for her, not for you. gleb, if
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i can do something, here you can, keep your mouth shut more often, and don’t let go of your hands, it will be for you. happily, it’s time for me to work, there in the orbit of the iris of the eye the whole universe is spinning, and you, and i, and god, probably look at me from the heart. you already know how, but i will learn.
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in touch. oh, gleb, in short, i wanted to thank you again
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, well, at the same time, apologize that i insulted your wife, a small question for you, maybe, but you yourself were honored with an apology, linadka suggested, no, well, of course, then accepted, it’s important, well, it’s not a board. everyone is in their place, i’m first, but nothing.
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i’m sorry, panin, why am i not even surprised, why am i asking you, now i’ll give you an idiot, what kind of swearing, but there’s no fight, now there will be, then i’ll come in, yeah, how many times have i asked him to bring me things for discharge, i prepared everything, said which shelf it was on, did you? that’s okay honey, he told me that he forgot, well, forgive me, well, if you want, i ’m driving home right now, that means, i won’t stay here for an extra second, you understand that, yes, it’s right, but what do you you can’t go straight to this outfit with dragons, it’s almost like hakizuri, why, well, the outfit of a japanese geisha, kimano, geisha, yeah, well, yes, i won’t even go to the garbage chute in this then, but can i suggest it to my mother? mom, have you even seen yourself so that i can do this? offer, we don’t need to wash someone else’s, wash it, then return it, no, well then, let
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’s take it from the nannies from the selection, you don’t have to wash it, don’t return it, yes, yes, that’s right, doctor, and can you hear yourself, bye yes, yeah, i mother, and some kind of nanny, honestly it’s better, he should go home, although, what, no, now you’ll understand everything, what, what? stop, what are you doing, nothing yet, who can your husband give away his jeans and shirt, okay, well, take off your clothes, honey, we’re not alone here, quickly, and then the orderlies will give away some of their pants, that’s not necessary. no, thank you, yeah, yeah, but the issue is resolved, yes, yes, everything is fine, yes, it’s painful, does anyone else
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have problems, no, no, that’s it, have a nice day, honey, can you at least give me your robe, so go and listen to me next time, i feel ashamed every day that i have a son like you, it would be better if you died and not your brother, i beg you, thank me, how dare you come here, traitor, traitor, i will personally tear off the legs of those who did this, let's show that the sirter returned from abroad and sent me a message, you have with him there was something, there was intimacy, just once, pilin, you are a real fool, suddenly a child from the serter, kingfisher, new season, tomorrow at 13:00 on ntv, stars, today at 22.
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monday at 16.45 on ntv. man, hang in there. yes, everything is fine, now just to the parking lot when i get there, the windows in the car are tinted. the main thing is that the traffic police officer does not stop you. on the contrary, it is immediately clear that there is nothing to take from you. it is truth too. okay, doctor, i'll go.
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definitely, in general for us in this situation i see continuous advantages, yes, yes, well, whose words, while you and i are working together, let’s not meet glyn. “that’s it, there are no more barriers, let’s meet with all our might, carpet, you quit because of me, well, that’s why i’m inviting you today for my signature scrambled eggs with tomatoes, it sounds tempting, now, excuse me, yes, yes, i’ve mastered it.”
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bye for me, okay, bye, bye, damn it, you know, but according to the law, you have to work for another 2 weeks, well, in general, we’ll see, right? bright talents, star names, a lot of unforgettable impressions.
8:59 pm
yesterday evening there was a fire in the entrance of a residential apartment building, the residents were evacuated in time. however, firefighters and doctors had to participate in saving a pregnant woman, can i turn it off, well, well, wait, well, there’s this, well, now the fun begins, but here you are, by the way ran away, didn’t give an interview, and i had to take the rap for you, aren’t you interested in what i told you, why is it very interesting, well, it just makes sense, if i ’m leaving anyway, i’m leaving... yes, i’ve already given my application to tsarukin, like that , let me ask you what exactly you don’t like about us,
9:00 pm
you like everything, well, almost everything, well, what’s the matter, but they lured us away, so who needs it, well... “well, i’m leaving and leaving, you can leave it without explanation , well, if you want no explanation, let’s do it without explanation, yeah, although, to be honest, i’m trusted, you disappointed me, okay, finish the work properly, say goodbye, is it?"
9:01 pm
and you know, i’m not at all surprised that my employee found himself in the epicenter of a fire. similar things lead to similar things, our doctors are literally burning at work. "i hope that kaverin will not burn out, will continue to illuminate our patients with his kindness and responsiveness, forgive the excessive pathos at the end. oh! yes, anton antonovich, sorokin came to see you there, let him come in, yeah.
9:02 pm
well, well, i fired the carpet, finally, such things are going on, well done, man, man! well,
9:03 pm
sorry for doubting. well, kirill yuryevich, let’s keep working, otherwise the kingfisher, new season, tomorrow at 13:00 on ntv. that's her. for purchases of 600 rubles or more in the receipt, you receive two gifts from a scratch card.
9:04 pm
hello gleb, why are you on duty so early, only in a couple of hours, you couldn’t find anything to do at home, so you came, wow, i knew you were on a diet, look, envy, admire, from the dining room, right now i made it myself, it looks appetizing, can i just have one, with herbs, yeah, yeah, did i add a little too much salt? maybe fell in love,
9:05 pm
you know better, okay, eat, don’t get dirty, i’m off, gleb, why did you come , you missed me, what, hello, masha, why didn’t you take so long to pick up the corpse, but that’s exactly what you felt? i somehow feel uneasy, okay, i understand, you have pain, that’s what, with your leg, i won’t drag you around the city, i’ll decide differently, wait.


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