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tv   Pyos-3  NTV  July 22, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm MSK

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it will pour out, did he promise you? no, he just got dirty, not because you praised him, but because of a tick, he probably picked it up somewhere on a walk, he had an itch, he tried to relieve it with dirt, you need to check the dog every time after a walk , if he likes to walk in your bushes, every time, and yes, i also have to clean the house, probably every day, but naturally, oh, look, lyosha, unexpectedly, he calls, bye, here... everyone day, yeah, lesh, let him get away, go ahead, what are you yelling, you fool, don’t you see, people are grounded, oh, the keyboard is ringing, oops! cured, grounded,
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and hello, hello, klavochka, klava, i can’t talk to you now, i’m buried at work, i’ll call you back later, people, people, dig it up, people, maximov, you bitch, maxim.
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and you can’t live like that, yeah, four, five. six, six, six, six, six, six, di seventh, survived, dog, come here, where is the seventh trunk, look what i have, where, oh, sausages, where have you gone? wow, what are you doing there, are you stuck
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or something, or are you in the nesting period, but yes you are stuck, oh, what, what are you talking about, you first you’ve lost weight, since you’ve grown fat with us, hello, how...
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will you be reborn into a rabbit, as soon as you lose weight, remind me, they’ll disappear, here, comrade major, tell me, show me, i’m telling you, show you, fellow major, man, 35- 40 years old, probably a businessman. judging by the expensive car, yes , it’s a smart machine, i think we’ll quickly understand from it who, what, how, knife wound, unusual wound, most likely sharpening, robbery, i thought so too at first, but they checked the pockets, like money, phone, everything is in place, and this is his mouse, suddenly a mark. at all,
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i didn’t see something, maybe we’ll see now. yes, the matter promises to be loud, sausage, salami, china, aren’t you feeding him, i’m feeding him too much, or something, of course, he just became a vegetarian, he became a vegetarian a long time ago, yes, a long time ago, somewhere in the morning, or something, i think i 'll go. wow, it’s hot, limonida, you have an air conditioner in your car, i have an air conditioner, and we also have a corpse, i don’t care, i’m talking about women, i’m interested in why
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every moron has an air conditioner in his car, but i... no, i'll tell you why, because that you are a chosen moron, you understand, you haven’t tried to buy water in a store, i know that you can buy water in a store, as always, without money, but no, that’s not the problem, i just want to buy air conditioner, but what happens, even the magnate carries his uneducated cattle in a car with air conditioning, and i am a person with a higher education. oh, it’s over, i drank it all, that’s what i’m thirsty for, well, yeah, uh-huh,
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oh, oh, oh, look, i’m barely getting ready, you’re walking through the door, at home, at home you’ll make jokes, let’s get to work... “lyoshenka , excess weight is not jokes, yes igor, do you hear, i have a figure like an ancient greek god, a balloon, uh-huh, uh-huh, like a balloon, fuck off, i told you, you hear, i don’t need to spit on my bread, victim ilya ilf, 38 years old, the businessman was selling auto parts, that’s interesting, yeah, that’s what happens, that’s what he has then..." who will get it, he doesn’t have anyone, well, all these doors in the warehouse, air conditioners, they cost a lot of money, bell towers again , you know, igor, oddly enough, you asked the right question, as always his idiotic
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formulated, in other words, who benefited from the death of the businessman, and the detectives, use them, thank you, lyosha, yeah, but he, did he have a wife? such a twist has never flown in, lakan, what are you talking about, well, you’re like a little boy, firstly, he could have had a lover, that’s right, lesha, for example, i, yes, a creature, a brute, stole my only rebelbrod, well, don’t so nervous, game, i ’ll return it to you tomorrow, you promise, of course, i ’ll bring the bag straight, okay, gourmets, someone is going to my apartment, let’s go, of course, everyone is coming, let's go. are you for the younger one, yes, yes, who are you going to, i’m going for an examination, but i just want to ask, well, come in, thank you very much,
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i feel bad, of course, that of course, yes, well , now it’s clear, it’s clear why his spare parts are so expensive, it means all the same, the buyer killed him, found out the prices, got upset, well here you go, you also constantly buy spare parts for your trough, that means you are also suspicious, very funny, i’ll tell you this, tell me, any moron can live richly, so you try , live modestly, frugally, who are you talking about now igor, i’m just saying that for now some steal, mercilessly, others
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save money for six months striptease, what a striptease, what a striptease, what does striptease have to do with it, what are you talking about, i say, i’m saving money for an air conditioner for a car, fred’s reservations immediately rushed one after another, uh-huh, attention to screen, to know, it means after all.
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“hello, police, don’t shoot, it’s very funny, your neighbor was killed, you knew them , no, never met, never met, but he won’t bite, no matter how he bites, stand, i’m standing, don’t move, stop, don’t move !" what i hear is coming, coming, here we come up, and he’s hungry, he ’s a dirty little refrigerator, open it, they decided to freeze the neighbor’s money, no, it’s mine, and the prints on the safes are also yours, no, it can’t be, i wiped everything, i just found out that ilya was killed, and... and he has no heirs, no family, no children, i thought that the property was lost, but you
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understand me, of course, but i just have the key to his apartment, he left it, just in case , all that will happen to me is from the refrigerator, not naked, under house arrest, i understand. the author is waiting by the refrigerator, wow, yeah, exactly captain, why are you rummaging around there with your mouth, everything has already been found before you, yeah, i’m used to going to the ring in action, suddenly someone hid something from the safe in the refrigerator for a stash, there are a lot of exciting things here, leshenka, yes this is a saboteur, look, he’s destroying evidence. creature, look, hear, tell your grandmother, well, tell her,
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nadezhda alekseevna, hello, i’m not a saboteur, yeah, moron, again recognized as the best by independent experts, credit sbercard, free forever, apply for it right now, if you want to try, go ahead, such a person can be lured out of the hole, only... the smell of money, and big money, even though he knows how to take risks, he promised to pay for the gun, so he will take the cash register in the morning, cop wars, stupid, we could with you, oh, how many times have i heard this, today at 16:45 on ntv, kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv.
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i bought it for myself, how long will you last, with such a charge for three days, but with such a thread, thank you,
12:15 pm
for the phone too, thank you, only in the salons of the mts ecosystem, buy a redmi 12 smartphone with 50% discount when connecting to communication services or mts premium subscription, etok mts smartphones. tired of looking for a loan that will be approved? compare simplifies this task. take a loan on the website or in the mobile application. compare. and a sale of clothes on ozone. silver sirgi up to 949. seltex trousers up to 149. what did you do 3 days ago? if the question seems. can help with apept, it helps restore memory and attention, for apept, so that the head works, what kind of square is this, let me show you, this is a marking code, an honest sign, your assistant for safe shopping, the cash register checks it and does not allow suspicious goods to pass through, this is an honest sign, kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. hi, great, are you so happy?
12:16 pm
oh, yes, i spent the whole night again today, i don’t remember how i got to the hall, i thought i wouldn’t get out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i started to forget how it happens, well, what to buy, what is it called, prostatrikun, i remember, remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times, what you think works, nothing, i don’t think, i... i know, you’re dark, of course, i now you know your wife, how and what is there, how to take it, call, everything is simple, when you order, they will explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i
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’m on my way, you can keep it for yourself, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what to think, call , be sure to order, remember, it’s better to try once than to think 100 times, meet the new golden prostatricum, prostatricum gold, prostatricum gold - this is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is on the market, men order it for themselves, and women for their men, men hurry up, women hurry up, try prostatricum gold, you shouldn’t be disappointed. by ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to experience prostatricum gold.
12:18 pm
can you guess why i want to call you , you want to call me, but it’s a cavern, and it’s a cavern, they shot leg, sit happy and smile, nikita ponfilov, here's the thing, the old lady gave birth, obstetrician on saturday at 20:00 on ntv. hello, hello, what do you want to sell? an orphan? are you crazy? no, with the police, we want to ask a couple of questions about the murder of your friend elf. yeah, yeah, i see,
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so what, do you suspect me, or what? there is little. no, well, guys, guys, i hear you noticed, but there’s no reason for me to blame ilf, yes, yes, our paths diverged from him a long time ago, why should i kill him at all, and he except for the sake of business, well guys, firstly, if i wanted to get into this business, i would have had it a long time ago, he offered to sell it to me several times, this is firstly, and secondly, and secondly, my business is absolutely lega. uh-huh, so my albie is made of iron, well, it doesn’t happen like that, well, like the fact that you are free is just our flaw, you know, yeah, so i’ll take a look here for now, but i didn’t give permission, and i asked him once, so what guys, stay here, keep quiet, oh
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, yes, come on, come on, come on, come on, what are you doing, oh, you'll cry for such words, let's meet the captain himself stinks, why don’t you know how to park, do you hear me, i ’m a sheep, who bothered you to park in the wrong place, and this, by the way , is a merc, and not some kind of fevrolet, what do we have here, headlight, headlight, uh, bumper, okay, rear window, i still... forgive you, but here ’s the air conditioner, what kind of air conditioner are you paying me, what are you barring me, here you didn’t have any air conditioning at all, but because you fit into me , therefore... it wasn’t, which is unclear, but guys, i understood, okay, now call the real police, i’m calling, i’m calling the police, the ambulance,
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the tax gas service, there ’s enough work for everyone here, your cars are all like that, what kind, what kind, well, thieves, repainted crows with broken license plates, whatever’s in the trunk, that’s us now let's see separately, yes, guys, this is not my story anymore. “ilf and i were partners, then along the way i suggested that he repaint and
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sell these bits of a stolen car, he didn’t want to squirm, why? he was scared, so we divided the business, he i dealt with spare parts, and i dealt with cars. guys, why should i kill him, well, i don’t know, let’s figure out who killed him then? listen, excuse me, it’s up to you to find who solved it, i definitely have nothing to do with it, it means we’ll find ours, but you have nothing on me at all, that i’m sitting here at all, seriously, yes, but there’s a whole range of stolen cars, oh , guys, well... the business is registered with ilf, so ask him, of course, he fooled everyone, well done, the prints there on what we find in the trunk are still yours, so just sit
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here for now, petrov should be released, he says what perepula, leshnik, muddy guy, so what, the business is registered in ilf’s name? what are the complaints against petrov? well, let’s at least have 24 hours, we’ll give him back to the bastard, he ’ll need to make spare parts for the department, well, yes, but no, go and re-educate the dog, and i ’ll prepare the documents to release petrov, let’s go.
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no shit, we’ve already seen that i have a drunken corpse, a drunken corpse, dead-on, the killer’s handwriting is the same, there are no documents, that’s just me. igor, what an idiot, look, there’s only one salad here, like half of my police officer is worth it, i
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’ll cool the air with something later, lettuce, i don’t know what you’ll use to cool the air with later, but for the sake of decency i could at least look at the crime scene, yes, but there’s no point in looking at it, even a moron can understand everything, ordinary gangsters showdowns are marking the territory, they’ve already been completely explored, you know? in your opinion, i should recognize every gangster in the city of vletso, in principle, yes, but this is so special, i just recently moved into it, i was still indignant that he damaged your car, be careful, igor, that's right, he's a bastard, i recognized him, that's right, that brute broke my car, well, i immediately told him then, people like that don't live long, that is , you have a motive, of course, what does it have to do with me being a moron or something,
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revenge, what kind of revenge, look, the first one had exactly the same badge, it turns out we have a series, wow, oh you, this is evidence, come here, come here, yes, trust me, trust me, i ’ll take it myself, well come here, you bastard, give it back kebab, oh, that’s it, you’re a bastard, such a kebab. ruined it, he slobbered all over it, how can i eat this after you, my mouth is watering, so who will pay for the barbecue, who ate it, here it is, here i am, i didn’t eat it, i’ll go, let’s go, then we’ll talk, hello, len, you have petrov’s dossier on your table, can you send me his wife’s address, but how? the dog is like a dog, okay, i can’t get him used to vegetables.
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listen, how did you accustom leonidov to them, with threats or affection? yeah, you know that in the future, come here, go ahead, get drunk, the best deposit in savings bank is up to 18% per annum, open it in savings bank online. the karkhans destroyed the life of my daughter, firit. now you will know too the taste of grief. i just want it to be over for them and for us. the father of my child is firit. it's clear? if the child's father is firit, i will disappear. siran, don't get involved in this. i got into this a long time ago. what's the matter? let me go, i say. what are you doing? yes, i will bury you,
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creature! was there anything between you? no, it wasn’t, don’t lie, we’re going to do a test, kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv, the best morning, on weekdays from 6:30 on ntv. x5 club presents. oh, misha, have you forgotten here? and i didn’t forget anything here, i didn’t forget to show the x5 club card at the intersection or five, and your chance to win. i didn’t forget the prizes either, use the x5 club card, get even more benefits with every purchase. thank you sber loyalty program, updated, pay with any sber card and get twice as many bonuses as before. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others. and even a category for everything. transfer money for free to sberbank from other banks and
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up to 30% in categories is guaranteed. if you don't have a card, order a free alpha debit card. not just profitable, alpha profitable, ugh, what a stench in the corridors, the sewer broke through, no, the nest was rotten, uh, do you know when ilf and petrov died? ilf in 1937, petrov in 42, wrong, in an accident 3 years ago, the laboratory checked their passports, both were fake. the booty is very high quality, i ’ll work in the corridor, i can’t, come on, come on, come on, it smells even stronger there, who is the best at making fake passports, yes, who doesn’t know that, lesh, rabinovich, well
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, i’ll do it i’m not proud, but... i won’t, that’s true , yes, it’s my job, i love honest people, well , take a pen, a piece of paper, send a message, swear, i think, a couple of years with a bone for sure, i ask you, just don’t scare me, that wasn’t in my thoughts, young man, i ’m not afraid of anything in this life anymore, it would be good for your dog to go on a diet, but you can’t force him to eat anything other than meat, not even deception , it’s not good to deceive, and this is what i’m told by a person who has been falsifying documents all his life, i’m a person of the old school, and i
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never ask unnecessary questions, apparently that’s why i’ve lived so long, apparently, maybe you’ll still remember how the real thing is. robbery, this is the month, or a message to someone, oh, look what a tasty treat you have i bought it, this is what he told her, and this is what
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’s starting again, back and forth, we communicated normally, that it’s starting again, and varyuga? that’s it, it’s hard to climb the stairs, you ’re not pregnant, honestly, how do you know, you hear, let me be your dog, if you also feed me, i’ll be happy
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to stay, i can bark, come on, aw, no, well , somehow more confident after all, well, well , at least a couple of times, oh, well, once again, oh, go ahead, add it. no, sorry, igor, the tonality is a little off, wait, come on, start up, ugh, no i would like to disrupt your intellectual conversation, but what about someone? you're violating, i forgot to ask you, animal, we're actually investigating a double murder, and what 's new with us, the real name of these ilf and petrov, uh-huh, one has the last name, so, the second, one has the last name of the gazars, and the second socks, so there were three of them, or what? yes, there was a third named sutuner, real name ashot, last name ignatiev, i know this dude, aunt zhora. introduced me, listen, and i’ll think about
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your transfer to dogs, you’re growing up, well we quickly figured out something, he is now the owner of the strip club empire, that who is ashotik, ashotik, ashotik, empire, so why are we sitting, flying, maksimov, i’ll go with you, well, you understand, yes, but for the purposes of contraception, contraception, just igor, you don’t need to fill up on gas, then you can safely eat on your own, i just wanted to save, you ’ll save every day, you asshole, look, he’s trying harder for you on the nest for me.
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you have such a pleasant perfume with notes of gasoline, yes, i’m such a perfumer, come on girl, diesel fuel, yeah, i won’t bother you, here, it will cost, at a discount , friends, of course, you’ve gone crazy, or something, just wait.
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what do you want from me?
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do you recognize these two? first time i see it, like this? i don’t know anything, my honest business, so to speak, has taken the path of correction. well, tell me, then , honest pimp, who is taking revenge on you like this for what? i have no idea. i just got out of prison, i didn’t see these two anymore, no crime, seriously, we have a decent establishment, that’s what i understand, well done, but what is this, obviously starch, yes, yeah, for pies, huh shotik, why do you have elvira, i’ll look at the menu now, come on. elvira ahead,
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elvira, follow me, bitch, what, we were refueling with you, and so that we have time? gasoline, make sure, maybe it’s diesel fuel after all, you understand, well, screw it, diesel fuel will be bad for a mercedes, no, that’s bad, buy yourself a new engine, is that bad, that’s good, but for the fact that you missed the criminal, this is already in front of a loud defendant, like a trifle, you, don’t, i’ll return everything,
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you can’t live like that, that on foot, bitch, nest, everything was drained from the tank, everything is often, why is it solarium, i don’t know, wash, drink, poison sheets, what’s in his head, i don’t know where the body is, no, it’s... a horse crawling, dead, well that’s the point, it’s not dead, survived, got stabbed, he lost a lot of blood, look, there’s a rat again, well, he’ll survive, he’ll testify, that’s if he survives, his blood type is rare, what, the third negative, that
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it’s rare, mine is always like that, yours is not for people approaches, and well, that’s right, robinovich, that i said that this is a message, well, all that remains is to unravel this whole message, well, what’s there to unravel, honestly, on the badges, what is depicted is a rat, well, a rat, which means, well , ratting, it remains to find out who these three stole, who is taking revenge, brilliant, eat, eat,
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lose weight, otherwise soon their paws will not reach the ground , let's go ahead, do you think ashot will survive? why did they give him a blood transfusion? i didn’t do it, there were terrible flies, the person i was told didn’t come to the table, i just donated a double dose of blood, why are you doing this, igor? have pity on the people, what do people have to do with it, i wanted to give a fuck about your people, double dose, double money, i’ll be gone later the third one i’ll go hand over, weapons of mass destruction, and you thought, yes, len, hi, lenka, they just called from the hospital, this pimp has come to his senses, so, we can
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interrogate him, yes, oddly enough, this is thanks to the blood of gnezdilov, thank you, lenka, you are my hero, do you understand? in general, i think that it makes sense to reward me with a personal discounter, a loan with cashback from spera is even more opportunities, an amount of up to 30 million rubles. apply in 5 minutes in the application and receive monthly cashback with sber thank you bonuses. welcome to the new entertainment show for the whole family, wonderful! we are bloggers, i star in films and tv series, we even created a clothing collection with one designer, how many times can you do classic push-ups 2,000 times, stop it, our show is a place where every kid can show their skills and talents to the whole country , how long have you been drumming, i’ve been drumming for an hour, just wait,
12:46 pm
how many pieces of advice do you give out per day, 500, and you and i have a unique opportunity to see this miracle with our own eyes, we have summoned this incomprehensible creature with our experiments, these are aliens, as katya lel is probably jealous of us now, let's go, look at the intensity of passions, open your heart to a miracle, i heard that you are looking for a miracle, a miracle with arseny popov, of course, the program is a little dirty. new show coming soon to ntv. kingfisher - new season. today at 14:00 on ntv. big sale of clothes on ozone. t-shirts mark farmel up to 449, blouses cabds up to 579, which i’m watching is called a dream, if you want i
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1.599. the sberspasibo loyalty program has been updated. pay with any izber card and get twice as many bonuses as before. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others. and even a category for everything. transfer money to sberbank from other banks for free and receive cashback of up to 70% from partners. more profitable with a subscription with berlime. don't you want to tell me anything? want. if you promise me protection. i’ll tell you everything, i’ve already taken care of the security, so don’t be shy, when
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the three of us were sitting in the zone, we met the undertaker, that’s his nickname, he was sitting behind murder, he knew that we would be leaving soon , he said that he was ready to tell where he hid the money, we could take it and start a business with this money. but the profit, the profit to share with him 50/50, naturally, we agreed, and that we even shared, at first yes, and then, when the business took off, the toad began to put pressure, to give him so much, they began to squeeze a little, and then petrov suggested not at all pay, he said it was cheaper to order. they will kill him right in prison, there is no risk, no one will think about us, and we agreed, so what?
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happened? the undertaker not only survived the assassination attempt, he managed to find out from the killer who hired him and began to take revenge. that's it, now to our sheep. the fisherman killed everyone he wanted, so it’s unlikely that your help will come to us, we need it. what do you have in mind? well, let's say you survived. we’ll fish with live bait, no, never, under no circumstances, but what is it , you’re afraid, of course, you don’t know the undertaker, okay, in any case, you have security, let’s talk, who are you talking to?
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we won't catch the undertaker without bait, he 'll go to the bottom, maybe even forever, come on let's say that i'm looking forward to this petrov, petrov, for example, is alive, who will be the bait, me of course, why not me, but lena will kill you, but i don't feel sorry for you, let's go, it's fine, it looks like,
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only petrov didn't have a dog, he can hide it somewhere, listen, there are so many dogs running around the construction site that they pay everyone’s attention, well, just in case, go hide, there’s a huge sandwich at lyosha’s, oh, well done! they just called from the hospital there was an attack on noshota, everyone is going to the hospital, we are going to the hospital, the undertaker is there, well, something like that it’s strange, that’s all that ’s left without security, just imagine. who are you, i thought, you are petrov,
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and i am vasechkin, what are you doing, already vasechkin, i’ll have to kill you, not mine, back off, back.
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just in time i came to you, now i’m like first blood, then... “this place is the fool of the victims of a genetic experiment, he lives here, it’s funny, both, hurray,
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oh, it won’t start, for the air conditioner, that’s all now. you’re running out, well where are you,
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bitch, bitch , that's it. at least give me a sausage as a reward, but isn’t broccoli a reward or what? no, broccoli is... lena’s favorite dish for me, don’t you know, okay, today we will have dumplings, but only today, look where,
12:59 pm
applause, hemorrhoids, where, i’m bleeding buckets for you. spilled, that's why we decided to chip in to buy you, finally an air conditioner, cheap, everything as you wanted, that is, i have mestrades, there is, of course, here, and there is an air conditioner, there is, well, oh, where's the scoundrel, here it is, yeah, and where is it all now? what kind of car does he burn? it’s already the same let his car burn, or better yet burn himself with rubble.
1:00 pm
left the race, who, after biden’s refusal to run, will compete with trump in the elections? the supply channel was closed, fsb officers stopped attempts to deliver explosives from europe to russia. large-scale plans for the development of the region; the prime minister is on a working trip to the far east. + 72% over the year, residents began to take out more and more car loans; we’ll tell you the reasons in business news. about the main thing, by this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev, hello. in
1:01 pm
st. petersburg, fsb officers uncovered a channel supply explosion.


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