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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 22, 2024 1:00pm-1:25pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] left the race, who, after biden’s refusal to run, will compete with trump in the elections? the supply channel was closed, fsb officers stopped attempts to deliver explosives from europe to russia. large-scale plans for the development of the region, the prime minister is on a working trip to the far east. plus 72%. over the year, russians began to take out more and more car loans. what are the reasons? we'll tell you in business news. about the main thing, by this minute in the ilyarovtsev studio, hello. in st. petersburg, fsb officers uncovered a supply channel for explosives and detonators into the territory of our country. combatants came from italy and
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germany. explosives installed. spare parts for bombs were transported through several post offices in st. petersburg. the attackers hid them in the cavities of car parts. at the beginning of june, my shipping company received two packages from europe. over the course of two months, parcels were sent to storage in my warehouse. it turned out that the person who was supposed to receive it was wanted ; these boxes contained spare parts, shock absorbers, in which they were packaged. explosive substance. in april 2023 , fsb officers uncovered a similar scheme for the supply of explosives in the republic of crimea. those who were preparing the terrorist attack were detained. it was established that their activities were supervised by the head of the office of the president of ukraine. the kremlin was not very surprised by joe biden's decision to abandon the fight for the white house. dmitry peskov stated this, emphasizing that moscow has learned not to be surprised by anything at all in topics that
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concern the united states. biden's exit from the race was expected. many, after the disastrous debate with donald trump, even his closest allies began to push him towards this decision. this has not happened in us history for decades; lyndon johnson made a similar decision 56 years ago. he took this step amid mass protests over the vietnam war. then, in 1968, johnson spent 40 minutes explaining to his fellow citizens why he decided not to seek a second term. biden is still silent and no one knows exactly where he is the other day. the white house announced that the president is under... coronavirus: the administration reassured citizens, american leader the vaccine has mild symptoms, but the head of state does not appear in public. there is neither video nor even photos of him signing documents that are important to him. many people are now wondering what exactly made him quit the race, because even the day before he was convinced that he would defeat trump again. then, as the new situation develops, the forces are carefully observed by our us correspondent,
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alexey veselovsky. rematch biden trump. canceled, joe biden’s statement about withdrawing from the race for the presidency was posted on social networks, followed by a clarifying post: president remains in the white house until the end of the term and will support the nomination of vice president kamela haris as the democratic candidate. i have decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all my energies on fulfilling the duties of the president for the remainder of my term. my first decision as a candidate in 2020 was to choose kamula hari as my vp. it was the best decision i made. today i want to offer all my help and support to kamila to become the party's nominee this year. democrats. it's time unite to defeat trump. let's do this, joe biden wrote. the news, although expected to some extent, still came unexpectedly. just the day before, biden himself and his campaign staff continued to insist that the us president would not withdraw from the race. moreover,
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a rally was planned for this week in texas. with biden's participation, his headquarters insisted that the rally will take place and the campaign continues, the democrats' pressure on the president is just the opinion of a small group of people, they only say that the decision to withdraw from the fight biden accepted when he finally realized that all options to continue the race had been exhausted, as the party elite and the donors who financed the election campaign turned away from him, now those who persuaded biden to withdraw from the election welcome his decision, joe biden not only... the president was an excellent leader in congress, he is also a truly amazing person, his decision, of course, was not easy, but he again put the country, the party, and our future first. joe, today showed you a true patriot and american,” wrote senate democratic leader chuck schumer. biden received similar words of support from the clintons and barack obama, the former speaker of the house of representatives. donald trump also
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responded, but, of course, in his own way. the deceiver joe biden cannot run for president, he is definitely not fit for this position, he never was fit, he achieved the presidency only through lies, fakes, and he didn’t even leave. his basement, everyone around him, including his doctor and journalists, knew that he was incapable hold the post of president. republicans are demanding that biden not only refuse a second term, but also resign from leaving the white house altogether. if joe biden is not able to run for president, then he is not able to serve as president, he must resign immediately, there will be a long wait until november 5th. this was written by house speaker mike johnson. the white house. however, he hastened to cool the republicans’ ardor before the end of the term. biden intends to finalize what’s next for the democrats, as the new cover of time magazine well illustrates. the previous one was headlined with just one word panic, and now kamela harris comes on stage, saying that there is hope that the chaos with the elections
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will end, but vice president harris, whom many democrats, including biden, are tipping as the party’s candidate, does not suit everyone, kamela harres represents the party of war, it is a hawk in relation to ukraine, it is a hawk in relation to china, in general , the democratic party has always been a party of peace, i think it cannot do anything about our constant budget deficit, it is a product of our corporate control democracy, she has one of the worst civil rights records of any government employee. she is not very popular with voters, and her ratings are as low as biden’s, not without reason that obama, whose voices in the dim party are listened to, have not yet begun to support her. wrote this: we will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead, but i have every confidence that our party's leaders can orchestrate a process that will produce an incredible candidate. but for most of the dem party haris, even if not like that
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incredible, but reliable option. the vice president, her name is rumored to be, looking for and promoting someone else 4 months before the election could backfire on the democrats. besides, even if she doesn’t have enough stars in the sky, but compared to... every day joe will be fine, we have a very outspoken living president, because joe biden is running for re-election faster than anyone else alive. the republican national committee called haris' possible future presidency
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a disaster for the country. kamela haris has already submitted documents to the election commission for registration as a candidate for the us presidency, but from the party, it must be approved by the democratic convention, either virtually, this could happen in early august, or about... the party convention in chicago, it will be held from august 19 to 21. alexey veselovsky, aviaabramov and maxim zaichenko, ntv, usa. mikhail mishustin arrived in khabarovsk, the prime minister watched the construction of the international terminal of the airport and held a meeting with the acting head of the region dmitry demeshin, during which he promised support for the renovation of social facilities. well, mishustin made his first stop during his working trip in magadan, where he arrived the day before. and held several meetings this morning, more details nakhit babaev: how magadan is changing is best seen in the example of nagaev bay. previously, this place was called nothing more than a cemetery for old ships. since 2021
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, more than twenty ships have been salvaged from the water area, and the remaining three are promised to be delivered this year. mikhail mishustin liked the new type of spears. look how beautiful it is, and in front of the port there is an ambitious one. task, he must become a driver of regional economic development. putting things in order is the first step towards developing, including the seaport, but a lot more needs to be done here, promises were made, we gave everything, as we promised, to you as regional property, allocated the appropriate funds, and compensated the region. now we expect from you not just a well-developed project, but a scheduled movement towards the creation of a seaport here based on the dates. modernization of the fishing
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port will also benefit other enterprises. this plant is an example of teamwork regional authorities of private business, a successful example, mikhail said today, the prime minister toured the production site
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and got acquainted with the product. master plan for the development of the city, we expect to create walking areas, distribute playgrounds for various sports, create places for city events and, accordingly, build them into a beautiful, well-maintained infrastructure, which will be a center of activity for everyone. an important part of the masterplan is the renovation of the airport; today mikhail mishustin was shown the one built from scratch international terminal. the total budget of the project is 5 billion rubles. this includes both public funds and money from private investors. in march 2025, we plan to serve the first
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passengers on international flights, so we, together with the media, remembered march of twenty-five. after completion of construction, khabarovsk plans to become russia's main hub in the far east. after all, it’s a stone ’s throw from here to china, which is attractive for business, and to southeast asia, so beloved by all tourists. about plans for the development of the region it was discussed at a bilateral meeting. arrange the yards. khabarovsk territory is the third largest region of the country, and despite
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the distance, there should be no outskirts here. nahid babaev, cheretniy and pavel baidalov, ntv, magadan region, khabarovsk region. business publications around the world are watching how markets react to the news that joe biden has withdrawn from the race for the us presidency. next on the air is business news with us marina piminova. marin, what is the situation there? calm, but changes are coming markets is worth waiting for in the future. after the announcement that joe biden was withdrawing from the presidential race, the first thought of all economists should have been: what ’s on the stock exchanges? but, apparently, this decision was so expected that the exchanges reacted, one might say, in no way. the decision was announced over the weekend, the main trading session in the us has not yet opened, but even now experts do not see or expect any violent reaction, after all, there are consequences, so
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the prospect of victory is now growing on... its basis is the position of trump’s economic policy , and they are known from the previous presidency, a softer tax policy, reduced regulation, rising government bond yields and growth in bank shares, as well as healthcare and energy companies, at the same time, increasing inflation, and therefore the publication draws the main principle of trump’s trade as follows: buy us high yield bonds and avoid anything inflation sensitive. and one more thing: experts are unanimous that if trump wins, markets will become more unpredictable. slightly, but still reacted to american political events, oil, it added about half a dollar, but now it has gone negative. if the american stock market reacted calmly and calmly to joe biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race, then what can we say about the russian one? domestic sites. they are more concerned about dividend news, payments from the largest companies, this keeps
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the indices in the positive, and players are also waiting for friday’s decision of the central bank on the key rate. the ruble is slightly more expensive on the interbank foreign exchange market, the dollar is 87.53, the euro is 95.41. ukraine has reached a preliminary agreement with by some private creditors to restructure more than $20 billion in debt. according to bloomberg, the bondholder committee. reported that ukraine could default as early as august if the authorities fail
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to agree with creditors on debt restructuring; in total, ukraine’s external debt amounts to $108 billion. russians took out car loans for almost 218 billion rubles, which is a plus of 72% for the year. this is data from a national rating agency, they write about it. at the same time, if compared with may of this year, then the figure fell by 5%. experts note: the issuance of loans for cars grew, despite the fact that conditions were becoming tougher; analysts attribute the decline compared to may to the fact that state subsidies for car loans ceased in june. analysts indicate average rates. for loans for new cars in june they remained at the level of 16-17% per annum, while they were maintained at 20-22%. lado remains the most popular brand among havail foreigners. if you look specifically at the models, then according to autostat, in june the most popular among used cars
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lada 21.07 became a seven in common parlance, and this has been happening for the fifth month in a row. the model has not been produced for a long time. ilya, that’s all for me. thank you, marina pimenova, for your economic review. a state of emergency has been introduced in two districts of buryatia due to the collapse of a bridge on a section of the federal highway a333. about twenty settlements were cut off from the mainland. according to the republican authorities, about 200 tourists who were heading to the nilova pustyn resort were stuck on the way. temporary accommodation centers were opened for them. emergency workers services carried out restoration work throughout the night. car traffic has now started to cross the bridge. cars in reverse mode, law enforcement officials are working at the scene. the district prosecutor's office has organized an inspection in connection with the partial demolition of the bridge over the bolshoi zangensan river at 140 km of the flotuk monde federal highway. during supervisory activities , compliance with federal legislation will be assessed, and if there are grounds
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, prosecutorial response measures will be taken. traffic restoration is underway under the control of the district prosecutor's office. now. the problem area is strengthened with rocky soil; it is transported by special equipment from two nearby quarries. according to preliminary data , the cause of the incident is the erosion of the roadbed due to heavy rains. and in yakutia , a tense situation with natural fires remains, where almost 680 hectares of forest are burning. now all rescue forces have been sent to two settlements, where the fire has come close to residential buildings. the fire is burning around 1,700 people. a helicopter from the ministry of emergency situations flew to one of the settlements, which should evacuate local residents. getting ready for transportation. all citizens with limited mobility, pregnant women, women, children, and the elderly. meanwhile, the ministry of emergency situations aviation has already dropped more than 200 tons of water at the outbreak. in total, according to the ministry of emergency situations, 78 forest fires are burning in yakutia. so far, rescuers have managed to contain the fire. now the words of my colleague, valery gavrilovsky, host of the emergency program.
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lera, what will happen today? ilya, today’s episode features a wild story that happened in a house in the east of moscow. there, one young man blocked the door to the apartment, and then i realized the woman and her bedridden mother. they were unable to escape and were burned alive. investigators have opened a criminal case under the article of murder; there is already information that a relative, the son and grandson of the victims, was involved in the crime. but the version being considered is that he did not act alone; in addition, there is a motive, allegedly the mother herself brought her son to such a state. we'll tell you all the details in a couple of minutes ilya. dalera, thank you, this is not only in the program, an emergency after a minor one. that's all for now, go to, see you, only in alfabank, spin the reel in
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on the website on ntv, the program is an emergency in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya, we are live on air, hello. the man who started a fire in a house in eastern moscow has been detained. a fifty-six-year-old woman and her elderly bedridden mother died in the fire. chances to get out of a blocked apartment. there was no, now investigators are finding out the causes and motives of the terrible crime, according to some information, this was the work of their son and grandson, respectively, but it is possible that several people took part in the arson, our correspondent tamara simonova learned all the details at the scene of the events. at the scene of the fire, emercom employees were replaced by police officers after two bodies were found in the ashes, now the operatives have to reconstruct the whole picture of what happened last night, minute by minute, for sure. it is known that the apartment on the ninth floor was set on fire deliberately. at that moment, there were two women in it, a pensioner and her daughter; according to preliminary data, they woke up from
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the smell of smoke, tried to run out, but could not because the exit was blocked. the main suspect so far is nikolai grigoriev; he is the son of one of the victims, and the grandson of the other. at the time of the fire he was in entrance, in an insane state, whether it was alcohol or drugs remains to be seen. the firefighters were called by the neighbors, apparently the women trapped in the fire could not find their phones, when the rescuers arrived, the room had already burned out completely, friends of the family say that everything had been bad in this apartment for a long time, the pensioner was practically a bedridden patient in need of care, her daughter once worked at school, but then got a job in a taxi, most likely this was due to the oddities that appeared in her behavior, neighbors believe that the woman had a mental disorder, in her


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